St. Vital Roman Catholic Church Parishes of Holy Spirit & St. Lucia, Maidstone & St. Jean Baptiste de la Salle, Delmas 11-18th Street East Parish Office: 306- 937-7340 Box 58 Battleford, Sk S0M 0E0 Fax Number: 306- 937-3235 Our Bishop: His Excellency, Bishop Albert Thevenot, M. Afr. Parish Priest: Fr. Greg Elder Pastoral Council Chairman: Mr. Dave McQuaid Parish Secretary: Mary Scherman Email address: Web Site: OFFICE HOURS CONFESSION Monday: OFFICE IS CLOSED Before Mass Tuesday - Friday 9:30 a.m.-Noon & 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. St Vital Parish Council President – Fr. Greg Elder Chairman – Dave McQuaid Vice Chairman – Nic Fransoo Chris Bajak Shannon Bailey Marilyn O’Driscoll Keith Anderson Shelby Bailey Don Buglas Ann Crozier Chris Odishaw Marie Graw St. Vital Finance Council President – Fr. Greg Elder Chairman – Wilbert Basler Trish Johnson Wayne Bidyk Treasurer – Ron Sack Jennifer Gentes Marie Graw HAPPY THANKSGIVING SUNDAY, October 12th, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Baptismal Preparation: 1st Sunday of the Month @ 1:00 p.m. Baptism: Baptisms occur monthly, please see Fr. Greg for details. Marriages require six months notice in most cases. Please make an appointment with Fr. Greg to discuss arrangements.. New Parishioners / Change of Address Please complete this form and place it in the collection basket; Name:________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________ PostalCode;_____________Phone;_________________ I/We wish to have Church Offertory Envelopes Yes______ No________ Auto Debit: Yes_____No___ Email Address:_________________________________ Date:____________________________ CWL President: Marilyn O’Driscoll 937-3998 Next Meeting: Nov 13th , 2014 Mass 6:30 p.m.. Meeting at 7:00P.M. nd Meeting date is the 2 Thursday of the month C.W.L. BUZZ. The C.W.L. have many beautiful religious articles for sale. Several of the items make great gifts for Baptisms, Confirmation, First Communion, Anniversaries or weddings. Please take time to browse the two display cases in entrance or stop at the Parish Office during Office hours. . Grand Knight: Tom Sieben 446-2408 Meeting date is the 1st Tuesday of the month Next Meeting: Tuesday, Nov.4th, 2014 Mass 6:30 p.m. Meeting 7:00 p.m. K of C NOTE Next Brunch Sunday Nov 2nd, 2014 50th anniversary celebration on Saturday, November 8, 2014. Tickets available at Parish Office $25.00 each. Sausage for Sale at Parish Office Lord in Your loving mercy please send the Holy Spirit with the Gift of Healing upon these servants who are in need of strength : Stephen Horacki & Family, Nate Staryki, Sawyer Kai, Lori Boczulak, Joyce Beaubien, , Bonnie Butler, Des Power, Rene Gagne, Frank Ironstand, Wilbert Basler, Mike O’Driscoll , Terri Rowley and all the sick in the parish. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen DSSV Young Adults &Youth Group We are pleased to announce that the Youth Group will again be starting. Our first gathering will be a Pizza Party at 5:30p.m. on October 17th here at St. Vital parish. All are welcome! Immediately following the pizza party, we will have a guest entertainer from Saskatoon who will perform a concert for the entire parish. ST. VITAL FALL SUPPER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH, – 5:00 – 7:00 P.M. ALEC DILLABOUGH CENTRE, BATTLEFORD ADULTS: $12 children (6-12 yrs) $6 5 years and under free PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH IN LIEU OF THANKSGIVING MONDAY Last Week’s Collection Regular: $2,955.50 Auto Debit: $2,585.00 (September) Auto debit is for entire month -Congratulations to Mr. Kelvin Colliar, Superintendent of School Operations, for being named the Saskatchewan Band Association’s Outstanding Administrator for 2014. This award is given annually to an administrator who has made an outstanding contribution to music education in Saskatchewan. Well deserved, Mr. Colliar! -Light of Christ Schools would like to give thanks for our priests. We are so blessed to have them in our schools, getting to know our students and our staff members. They bring a very special contribution to each school community and for that we are grateful. --Just a reminder to everyone that students will not have school on Monday, October 13th, as we pause to give thanks for the many good things in our lives, especially the right to be educated in a Faith filled community, like our Catholic schools. - CHECK IT OUT!! NEW TITLES Contraception: Cracking the Myths . In this new revised edition of Professor Janet Smith’s Pray, Educate, Serve expose on the effects of the pill on modern groundbreaking society, she presents a God-centered view of sexuality that can bring married couples a joy that they could have never imagined. Backed by statistics and armed with decades of research, Prof. Smith shows the crippling effect of the contraceptive culture on our relationship with God, our romantic relationships and marriages, the culture at large and our physical and mental health. Parishioner comments: A must have! It should be required listening material for those who are called to educate and lead in this Millennium…Imee Any man who wants to protect the lady he loves should investigate the facts presented in this talk….Kelly CWL FALL WORKSHOP ST. VITAL PARISH CENTRE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2014 Please register before Oct. 20th by contacting Rita Kuntz @ 306-937-2338 All parishioners are welcome to attend Mass at 11:30 a.m. PRO-LIFE:. Pray that leaders and members of the Church may fulfill with joy their calling to proclaim, celebrate, and serve the Gospel of Life New Knights of Columbus Brunch Choices If you have not been to a Knights of Columbus Brunch yet this year, The Knights 1S are pleased to offer some new menu choices. We have whipped cream and various toppings for our pancakes, and will often offer fresh fruit salad. We as the Knights of Columbus count very much on your support. Month We strive to offer the very best for you, and respectfully ask you for your continued support. OUR FLOORING PROJECT A HUGE ‘THANK YOU” to all who volunteered to help move pews. The response was incredible. Please don’t be offended if you are not called. What is important is that you stepped up, took ownership of your parish, and offered! Once again, THANK YOU . FIRST HOLY COMMUNION, RECONCILIATION AND CONFIRMATION If you have children or grandchildren, or are aware of any children who do not attend Catholic Schools, but would like to be prepared to receive the above Sacrament, please call the Parish Office to let us know! Rug Installation As explained during last weekend’s Mass, we are proceeding with the installation of our new rug. We will also be doing some painting as well. We ask for your patience over the next little while as installation proceeds. We will be missing some pews, pews in different places, and quite a mess until it is all completed. Rest assured though, that everything will return to its right place and no permanent placement changes are being made. Please remember that October is Rosary Month .To pray the Rosary is to hand over our burdens to the merciful hearts of Christ and His mother. ALL PARISHIONERS ARE INVITED TO ENJOY AN EVENING OF MUSIC WITH KATHLEEN WOLFE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 7 P.M. ST. VITAL PARISH CENTRE SILVER COLLECTION A WORKSHOP on Book of Revelations will take place at Notre Dame church in St. Bernadette Hall on Sat. Oct. 18th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Morning presentation will be Fr.Enwerem on Claiming God’s Promises and the afternoon session will be presented by Gisele Bauche on Praying the Psalm. Lunch will be provided with a silver Collection. NOTRE DAME ANNUAL FALL SUPPER WILL TAKE PLACE ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH FROM 4:30 P.M. – 7:00P.M. AT THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL, NORTH BATTLEFORD. BISHOPS ANNUAL APPEAL To love God with all our being and our neighbours as ourselves is as central to our faith as it has even been. It is Jesus’ way of reminding us that how we live our faith is important. Each of us, as the people of God, and in gratitude for all that we have received, have a role to play in the nourishment of God’s kingdom here on earth by sharing our gifts, and the joy that comes from true Christianity . MASS INTENTION Tuesday, October ….NO MASS… OFFICE CLOSED IN LIEU OF THANKSGIVING MONDAY Wednesday, October 15TH(at St. Vital School).9:30 a.m +Stan Wasilewski: Mel & Jean Kozlowski Thursday, October 16TH ………………… 9:00 a.m +Vi Charbonneau: Don & Joanne Stirton Friday, October 17TH……...…………. 9:00 a.m. Val & Keith Andersen: Linda & Andy Fehr Friday, October 17TH BDCC......... 10:00 a.m. +Vi Charbonneau: Don & Joanne Stirton Saturday, October 18th …….………… 5:00 p.m. Diane, Zane & Adam Schlosser: L & S Glowa 7:00 p.m. – Maidstone Coffee in the Parish th Sunday, October 19 ………… 9:00 a.m.- Delmas Centre After Wednesday 10:30 a.m - St. Vital : Morning Mass. 14th Ministries for Mass Saturday October 11th Sunday October 12th Saturday October 18th Sunday October 19th Satruday October 25th Sunday October 26th Power Point Prep. Amy Français Amy Français Amy Français Amy Français Amy Français Power Pt. Operator Marie Graw Amy Français Cole Sapriken Marie Graw Cole Sapriken Marie Graw Cole Sapriken = Hospitality Sunday & Ushers Wayne & Pro Populo May 6 10:15a.m. May 6 Vawn 8:30 Dianea.m. Bidyk May 6 Delmas 7 p.m. Shirley Glowa Wilbert Basler Margaret Kite Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus Joan Harrison Commentator Intercessions Ray Poulin Verdeen Studney Fran Wheler Knights of Columbus Shirley Glowa CWL Lectors B. Beaubien ??????????? L. Beckman L. Fehr Kim Paisley C. Vany Knights of Colulmbus T. Sieben P. Poulin CWL R&M Smart Stynsky Family L&S Glowa Knight of Colulmbus A. Ziegler R.Vetter CWL K. Rutten (B) ?????????? L. Glowa B. Mercer(B) G. Krywicki B.Bauche D. Bauche A. Nelson D. Sieben (B) R. Poulin K. Rutten Knights of Columbus B. Graw (B) L. Glowa D.Sieben Catholic Womens League Sunday Sunday Rosary--9Half Hour before Mass Children’s Lit 9 Gift Bearers 9 Eucharistic Ministers Shut ins M.Tarnowsky A. Ziegler M. Kite R. Kedl Catholic Womens League CWL D. Elias D. Simon
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