The Mariner Vol. 14 Issue 10 A Newsletter for Our Lady of the Rosary Council 9039 Shallotte, NC Council Officers for 2013-2014 Grand Knight Chaplain Financial Secretary Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Warden Recorder Treasurer Advocate Inside Guard Outside Guard Lecturer 1 Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 3 Year Trustee Richard Rismiller Fr. Bruno Swiatocha Richard Connolly Paul Murnane Jack Pegoni Joe Bonanno John Hall Paul Lombardi Bill Anstock Ron Dubas Robert Curts OPEN John Grant Tony Imondi PGK Edwin Manz October 2014 Grand Knight’s Message Brothers all, We continue to receive thank-you notes from the many organizations to which we made donations in May. Your help in raising those funds continues to be greatly appreciated. Two of our largest fund raisers for this Council Year are now on the books. The MNF Books and the Dinner for Breast Cancer. We are well on our way to being able to again help so many of the less fortunate members of this community. Two very important events are quickly approaching. The rst is the Italian Festival on Saturday October 11th. As previously announced it is the responsibility of the Knights to operate the beverage concessions stand and to direct the car parking. In addition Council 9039 is operating a 50/50 drawing to benet the parish building fund. All these functions need your help. Our website has a sign up link or you can click Program Directors Membership George Manglesdorf on this Church John Yencik PGK Ask your spouse or a friend to join you – this is a great way Community Fran Radley to demonstrate to everyone that the Knights are here to help. Council William Anstock And you then can enjoy the wonderful food and play bocce ball Culture of Life Edwin Manz PGK (sign-up in the church gathering space). Family Charles “Tex” Irek The second very important event is the Membership Blitz on Youth Charles Van Buren the weekend on November 8th and 9th. This is an extraordinary Publicity/Mariner Ray Gromadski PGK opportunity for all of us to extend the tremendous benets Webmaster Chuck Fitzgerald we have as members of this Catholic men’s group to all the LAMB Tom Gaven other Catholic men of this parish. Give others the chance to Insurance Agent Marty Yakimovich be part of the world’s largest most successful fraternal orga(910)686-1627 ofce nization in the world! SK George Manglesdorf (575-3960 needs help in passing out information at each exit to prospective candidates for Knighthood as they leave the services. It will only take a few extra minutes and requires We Need Your Help no real physical exertion – we can all do it! A First Degree will be scheduled as soon as possible following this weekend. Italian Festival October 11 In case you missed it – Council Christmas Dinner – December District Soccer Challange Oct. 18 6th at the Parson’s Table starting with cocktails at 6:30 followed VA Hospital BINGO Oct 29 at 7:00 with dinner. Save the date – it is always a great time for fellowship. Grand Knight’s Message continued Pg 3 The Mariner October 2014 Page 1 Council 9039 Programs Our Lady of the Rosary Council is a very active council. Sometimes it is difcult to keep track of all we have going on. Each month we publish information on what occurred the previous month as well as the events coming up during the current month. More information about each Program can be accessed on the website by clicking on the title of each Program at the top of the home page. Generally we follow the NC State Council and the Supreme Council in our structure. We have six Programs for grouping our various activities: Church – John Yencik, (910) 575-8175 Community – Fran Radley, (910) 575-2427, Council – SK Bill Anstock, 575-7680, Family – Chuck “Tex” Irek, (910) 754-2239, Youth – Chuck Van Buren, 287-1785, Culture of Life – SK Ed Manz PGK, 579-1233, If you have an interest in any activity or Program, please contact the Program Director for additional information. Culture of Life The Obama administration has announced that it is continuing its’ ght against the Little Sisters of The Poor. Not only that, but many pro-abortion groups are starting suits against some states which have passed regulations in favor of prolife. We must support Right to Life because we have been making gains in many state legislatures, including our own state of North Carolina. It is our moral obligation as Christians, and particularly as Knights of Columbus, to be sure and vote for candidates who are pro life. If we do so, with our prayers to Our Lady of The Rosary we will eventually be victorious in our endeavor to repeal the abortion laws. Please attend our Rosary group on First Friday, October 3rd in the church library at 8:10 AM SK Ed Manz PGK, Culture of Life Director 579-1233, The 40 Days for Life Campaign commenced on September 24th. Prayer warriors will gather daily to pray outside abortion clinics across the United States and around the world. The nearest event is in Jacksonville NC at the Crist Clinic for Women, 250 Memorial Drive. To participate in the peaceful prayer vigil at the clinic you need to rst register at . You will then receive daily campaign updates and prayer devotional emails to encourage and unite us all in prayer - being in one accord. Once registered you can then sign up for the vigil, allowing you to schedule yourself on the vigil calendar. You can view the schedule and see where help is needed. Once registered for a vigil, you will receive specic vigil site information from the Jacksonville coordinator.My wife and I drove up on Friday and spent an hour at the vigil and then spoke with the coordinator concerning her program. She is in desperate need of prayer warriors to ll out the vigil calendar. If your travel plans take you anywhere close to Jacksonville, I encourage you to consider spending an hour in prayer outside the clinic. If you can’t make the trip to Jacksonville, I encourage you to register for the campaign in order to receive the daily updates from campaigns and the daily prayer devotional emails. Vivat Jesus, Joe Volpe Culture of Life Director Sacred Heart Council The Mariner October 2014 Page 2 Youth Programs The District Soccer Challenge will be held at St. Brendan’s Church Sat. Oct. 18 from 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. Our Council has 8 contestants qualied to attend. The Council Annual K of C Free Throw is scheduled for Sat. Nov. 15. We have the Gym at Shallotte Middle school for Sat. Nov. 15, from 12:45 Pm to 3:00 PM. Sister Rosanne is holding another Safe Environment Class on working with youths. The date is Sat. Oct. 25 from 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. Contact me.for more info and applications. Chuck Van Buren Council Youth Director (910) 287-1785 Help Needed in the Kitchen Our Council and our Assembly depend on the money we take in from the dinners we serve to benet our selected charities. Last year the Assembly raised $4673 from the Lenten Fish dinners and the bread sale for Loaves and Fishes. The Council raised $2000 for breast cancer awareness and Room at the Inn. These are important events for our council, our assembly and our charities. We are in need of people to bake bread and desserts, cook and clean up. Without additional help we most certainly will not be able to continue. We are asking that you join one of the teams and put in a few hours at every other dinner or whenever you are available. Many hands make the work light. The next event is the Fourth Degree Dinner for M.O.R.P Wounded Warrior Christmas Leave Program to aid in transporting disabled service men and women home for the Christmas Holidays. If you have questions or would like to discuss any position contact Chef Jerry Siegmund at 843-399-8065 or L.A.M.B. Drive In September, LAMB collected $360 from Lowes in OIB, and $897 from our last Wal-Mart weekend for 2014. We also collected checks totaling $550 from Bob Hack, GK Richard Rismiller, and David and Margaret Rosenfeld. Thanks to All who volunteered! Tom Gaven L.A.M.B. Director Grand Knights Message (continued from Pg. 1) For anyone who missed the opportunity to take the Child Safe Environment training in August, Sister Roseanne is holding another class on Saturday October 25th 9:30 to noon. Remember you must have this class before being able to participate in any child activities in this parish. Contact Sister Roseanne (754-8544) or Chuck Van Buren (287-1785 to register and get the form to be completed prior to the class. Vivat Jesus! G.K Richard Rismiller. The Mariner October 2014 Page 3 ìRed Cross Blood Drive The Knights of Columbus, Council 9039 will be sponsoring a Blood Drive for the American Red Cross on Tuesday, October 28th from 10am to 2:30pm in Brendan Hall at St. Brendan Roman Catholic Church. To schedule an appointment visit <> and search by sponsor code: KofC#9039 or call 254-GIVE (254-4483).” Thank you for your continued support. Larry Bates Blood Drive Chairman Meet Joe Arace Joseph Arace (Joe) is a 74-year-old retired journalist who moved to the Sunset Beach/Calabash area in 2002 and rejoined the Our Lady of the Rosary Council 9039 Knights of Columbus in July 2014. He was originally a member of the Coral Gables (Fla.) council. Joe enjoys sports, and has participated in KofC leagues while residing in Florida. Joe spent more than 45 years in newspapers in Florida and the last 19-plus working in the sports department at USA TODAY in various roles. Originally from New Jersey, having been born in Newark and graduated Boonton High School. Joe attended the University of Miami in Coral Gables. Joe has two daughters and three grandchildren. When you see Joe around the parish, don’t forget to say hello and welcome him to the council Pieces in the Puzzle Brothers, As we go through life, most of us set various goals for ourselves. Goals can be daily, monthly or yearly. The goals might be work related though many of us key in more on our personal goals; nancial, physical or health goals. Some complicated, some as simple as losing a few pounds. One very important goal should be planning for your nancial future starting now and well into your retirement years. If you are working, then contributing to your company’s 401K or pension might be part of your planning, as it should be. Disability, Life and Long Term Care Insurance are also part of the big picture. These insurance products can be added to t into your plan as pieces in a puzzle. A Tax deferred Annuity can also be a very valuable tool. Many brother Knights are concerned about out living their savings in retirement. An Annuity can provide a life time income for you and your wife. As your Knights of Columbus Field agent, I can help you formulate or tweak your plan with our outstanding, highly rated Insurance products. Call me today and we can structure a sound plan for you and your family. Marty Yakimovich Field Agent (910)686-1627 ofce The Mariner October 2014 Page 4 District Deputy Message During the weekend of October 11-12, 2014, councils should participate in the Order wide Church Drive. You can choose another During the weekend of October 11-12, 2014, councils should par- weekend if that is not available. ticipate in the Order wide Church Your council should begin preparing for the drive by meeting with Drive. You can choose another your pastor to ask permission to weekend if that is not available. Your council should begin prepar- conduct a membership drive at all ing for the drive by meeting with Masses that weekend. For a successful drive the council should, your pastor to ask permission to conduct a membership drive at all submit a bulletin announcement for the drive during the two weeks Masses that weekend. For a sucleading up to the Church drive • cessful drive the council should, submit a bulletin announcement for During the weekend of the drive, post teams of brother Knights at the the drive during the two weeks entries to the Church to hand out leading up to the Church drive • During the weekend of the drive, informational yers on their counpost teams of brother Knights at the cil and Prospect Cards (#921A) entries to the Church to hand out • Arrange for the pastor, grand informational yers on their coun- knight or membership director to make a brief announcement prior cil and Prospect Cards (#921A) to or after Mass After Mass, • Arrange for the pastor, grand knight or membership director to collect completed Prospect Cards make a brief announcement prior and answer any questions prospective members may have. The counto or after Mass After Mass, collect completed Prospect Cards cil should host a brief meeting to and answer any questions prospec- explain what the Knights do as a tive members may have. The coun- local council as well as an intercil should host a brief meeting to national Catholic fraternity. Invite explain what the Knights do as a everyone who completed the Prospect Cards as well as anyone who local council as well as an international Catholic fraternity. Invite may be interested in learning more everyone who completed the Pros- about what we do. pect Cards as well as anyone who may be interested in learning more Following the Charitable Service Week and the Order wide Church about what we do. Drive, councils should participate Brothers, Brothers, The Mariner October 2014 in the Order wide First Degree Week being held October 13-19, 2014. This is the perfect opportunity to welcome those prospective members into the council that participated in the service week or asked for information during the Church drive. Councils should begin planning for a busy October. During the week of September 29 through October 5, 2014, councils should participate in the Order wide Charitable Service Week in honor of Pope Francis and St. Francis of Assisi. Suggested programs for that week include: • Conducting a Coats for Kids program. Councils should order coats now for distribution during the service week in October by using the Coats for Kids Order Form (#5029) available on Additional information on the program is available on the Knights of Columbus website, • Conducting a Food for Families program. Councils should begin announcing in their parishes and communities that the collection dates will be during the service week in October. Once the program is complete, councils should report their participation in the program using the Food for Families Reimbursement Program Refund and Plaque Application (#10057) available on Page 5 Faithful Navigatorís Message The V.A. Hospital in Fayetteville has construction near the gazebo where the picnic lunches are prepared and served so we will not be able to do that at this time. Instead I have made arrangements to go to play BINGO on Wednesday October 29th, we will be leaving the church parking lot at 11:00 AM and should return about 5:00 PM. Please contact me if you are interested in going up to help those men and woman who have served our country. On November 8th we will be holding our Veteran’s Day dinner to raise money for the Military Order of the Purple Heart Wounded Warrior Program which provides transportation for disabled Marines from Camp Lejeune to go home for the holidays. As we did last year, I would also like to show our support for those who are at the VA Hospital in Fayetteville with a collection of the supplies needed by the residents there. The items requested by the VA Hospital are: a) b) c) d) Women’s sports bras – all sizes Men’s short sleeve T-shirts– all sizes Men’s sweatpants – Small/Medium/Large/XL Men’s underwear – Medium/Large/XL/2XL/ 3XL/4XL/5XL e) Nail care kits & orange sticks f) Disposable razor blades (Double & Triple Bladed) g) Shaving cream h) Men’s deodorant (Any brand) i) Body washes (Any brand) j) Large Cans of Coffee – Decaffeinated k) Hot Chocolate – In single-serving packets l) Sugar – In single-serving packets m) Coffee Creamer – 20 oz or smaller containers n) Sweet & Low or Equal or Splenda – in singleserving packets o) Books hard covered and paperback. p) If you would like to make a donation make checks out to VAVS (Veterans Administration Volunteer Services) There are also homeless veterans living in the woods of Brunswick County. To service these men, many of whom are suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) Brunswick County Street Reach, Inc is looking for used tents and sleeping bags. If you are planning on attending the dinner on November 8th bring them with you or contact me to make arrangements to receive your donations. Ray Gromadski PGK, PFN, DD Assembly VA Coordinator Pray for our Men and Women in Uniform Coke Rewards Major Christopher Gromadski USMC Lance Corporal Devin Head USMC Lieutenant Col John l Rafferty U.S. Army Lieutenant Col Robert Bass U.S. Army Major Benjamin Tipton, U.S. Army PFC Shawn Ornberg U.S. Army, Deployed Private Robert Manz, U.S. Army Ryan Chapman, USMC To date this year I have redeemed 1575 points in 2014. This amounts to a $23.63 donation to the USO. Please continue to collect Coke product bottle caps and the end aps from Coke can cases. Proceeds go the support the USO in their efforts to serve our servicemen and women. The Mariner October 2014 Page 6 I recently received this e-mail from S.K. Gene Viviano and thought I would pass it along as an example of how we can make the community aware of the Knights of Columbus and show our support for patriotism. “I’d like to share an amazing little but important story that happened to me this week. While I was having a business lunch at Provisions in Southport I noticed their American ag ying outside the restaurant was pretty torn up, so I approached the owner and asked him replace the ag (after I showed him my 4th degree K of C card). He acknowledged that the ag needed to be replaced (again), and his co-owner had just arrived that moment to the restaurant from Wal-Mart where he purchased another new ag. The picture you see attached was taken while I was there after his buddy gave him the new ag ! Now, is that an amazing story or what ?!” Gene Viviano Important Links Council Website: North Carolina State Website: Tar Heel Knight State Newsletter July 2014: Golden Plume the Newsletter of the North Carolina Fourth Degree District current and past issues: You can nd the latest issue of the Tar Heel Knight as well as back issues on the state website: Knights of Columbus Supreme Website: St. Brendan the Navigator website: St. Brendan Bulletin can be found on the home page of the website. The Mariner October 2014 Page 7 Good and Welfare Pray for the following members, families and friends Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest Comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen Ginny Pearson John Konen Mary Angula Christopher Young Bev Pegoni Richard Korn Bob Borstock Chad Peters Ralph Kuhnel Cindi Burton Ruth Peters Christine Laputka Joe Cejka Russ Polizzotti Benedict Lee Al Ciardi Elwin Reed Joseph Leslie Linda Clarkin Keep ALL of our departed brothJerry Schrub Carole Letts Jessica Hull-Dambaugh ers and their loved ones in your Joseph Schebel Sara Lovell LaVerda Dambaugh prayers. Marie Shea Richard Lombardo Jason Delpezzo Al Montbellier Jerry Siegmund Will Marmura Carole Dinnhaupt Ronald Graziano Bob Simms Nancy Massaro Mike Dobosh Bill Hotop Stan Slawinski Joseph Massey Ed Manz Tom Dorsa Walter Kobos Michael Sullivan Eugene Mayhall Kate Doyle Robert Stander Fr. Bruno Swiatocha Tanya Medlin Scott Ebreo Helen Taylor Betsy Melanson Tom Faloute May their souls and the souls of Daniel Victoria Thomas Menino Bill Fassbender all the faithful departed rest in Barbara Viviano Peggy Murnane peace. Bob Hack Elizabeth Walsh Ken O’Leary GK Ed Hahn John Walsh Ken Olson Jim Jasman Flo O’Shea Renato Johnson October Celebrations Knight’ s Birthdays Joseph Butler Robert Curts Thomas Davin Mike Dobash William Fulmer Robert Gelinas John Hodgkiss Randy Johnson Pete Laboy James O’Shea Bill Potter David Rosenfeld Stanley Slawinski Donald Slover Gloria Poventud Joan Scheidle Robert Smith Elizabeth Smurro William Steele Janice Stiehle Eugene Viviano Anne Sullivan Sue Tugya Wives Birthdays Joyce Weigand Betty Zegan Linda Baxter Diane Carcich Mary Couvillon Anniversaries Karen Dolan Richard & Margaret Banchansky Madeline Dubas Robert & Elsa Borstock Maria Gaven Richard & Patricia Cerrato Lorraine Hiester Richard & Mary Connolly Tammy Humphreys William & Joann Connor Florence O’Shea Thomas & Frances DiLieto Eileen O’Sullivan Robert & Linda Gelinas Thomas & Noreen Gilmartin Martin & Wanda Green Robert & Ann McGahran Thomas & Rosemary O’Reilly Edmund & Ruth Peters John & Ann Powers William & Catherine Shanley Bob & Lois Smith Robert & Sue Tugya Eugene & Barbara Viviano George & Ruth Woodard I there are any additions or deletions to the names on this page please send the corrections to: The Mariner October 2014 Page 8 Calendar October 2014 3 11 13 18 20 27 28 29 First Friday Rosary for the Unborn Adoration Benediction St. Brendan Italian Festival Third Degree Exemplication Council Meeting District Soccer Challange Assembly Meeting Council Ofcers Meeting Blood Drive Assembly Visit to VA Hospital November 2014 1 2 8-9 10 15 17 24 27 All Saints Day 7 First Friday Rosary for the Unborn Adoration Benediction Membership Drive Assembly Veteran’s Day Dinner Council Meeting Fourth Degree Exemplication Council Basket Ball Freethrow First Degree Assembly Meeting Ofcers Meeting Happy Thanksgiving 8:10 AM after 9:00 Mass 10:00 AM in Library In Church In Church 11:30 7:00 PM 10:30 AM-Noon 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM 11:00 AM Council1074 Wilmington McGivney Room St. Brendan Soccer Field McGivney Room Brendan Hall Brendan Hall Fayetteville, NC 8:10 AM after 9:00 Mass 10:00 AM at all masses 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 12:00PM 12:45 PM - 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00PM 7:00 PM in Library In Church In Church In Church Brendan Hall McGivney Room Durham, NC Shallotte Middle School McGivney Room McGivney Room Brendan Hall. Celebrity Cruise Celebrity Eclipse 14 day Exotic Southern Caribbean Round Trip Miami, FL February 1, 2015 Early booking ratesInside$1746.35 to $1846.35 Ocean View-$1946.35 -$2016.35 Balcony-$2111.35 – 2211.35 All cabins receive $100.00 On ship Board Credit. $900.00 Deposit, per cabin. Fully refundable until Final Payment For more information call Sharon and Paul Lombardi, Island Cruise and Travel 910-754-3925. Sharon and Paul Lombardi (910-754-3825) The Mariner October 2014 Page 9
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