PRAECO PRAECO CHARITY UNITY FRATERNITY PATRIOTISM Knights of Columbus Officers 2013-2014 Chaplain Father Scott Shaffer ( 732-349-0018) Spiritual Advisor Deacon Frank J. McKenna (732-286-7722) Grand Knight Mark Taylor (732-245-9445) Deputy Grand Knight John Budenas (732-341-7076) Recorder John Fernandez, PGK (917-797-2358) Warden Ron Juba (732-929-9325) Financial Secretary John Langan, Jr. PGK (732-270-2985) Treasurer Mike Russo (732-270-0609) Advocate Glenn Frantz (732-899-7368) Chancellor Kevin Delmonico (732-286-7933) Inside Guard R.J Smith (732-773-4654) Inside Guard Joe Kennedy (732-573-0780) Outside Guard #1 R.J. Smith (732-773-4654) Outside Guard # 2 Robert Madore (732-237-0812) Guard Emeritus Glenn Sawyer (732-557-5088) Three Year Trustee James Erbe (732-278-4658) Two Year Trustee Kenneth Marrone, PGK (732-929-9811) One Year Trustee Joe Dobridge (PGK) (732-929-4456) Lecturer Nick Crosta (732-797-1555) Praeco Editor Dick Rieger, PGK (732-779-9203) Benefits Field Agent Jim Castrovilly (732-606-1616) Booking Agent Ed & Patty Mount (732-929-4969) Bar Manager Jeff Adamkiewicz (607-713-8470) House Maintenance Bob Austin (732-929-8790) Council Photographer Jeff Kupiec (732-736-0858) COUNCIL 4969 NOVEMBER 2014 IGHT’ GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE K MESSAGE November 2014 Grand Knights Message We are coming into the month of November and the start of the Holiday Season. We as Brother Knights have a lot to do with our families during this time but we still fine the time to participate in programs in our council. The Super 50/50 Raffle is in full swing so get your tickets and get some for your friends. This is one of our fund raisers that always does well. GK Dick Rieger is getting the food drive off the ground. He had the 1st kickoff meeting to start laying out pieces. We are going to increase our deliveries to 200 Families this year, so he is going to all of us to step up by donating, packing the boxes and delivering them. I am asking my brothers to start by every time you come to the Council to bring and donate non-perishables. I would expect that the Brother Knights who attend the meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month will be a big supporters in donating. On October 12th Deputy Grand Knight John Budenas, Chairman of the God Special People Program had the Breakfast at the Knights. It was well attend and I would like to thank all the people that volunteered. John has provided the leadership and the momentum for this very important program. On November 1st We have the Annual Halloween Party for Adults Hosted by Brother Darren Fullerton and Kim Spill. Get your tickets at the bar because this event is coming up. Darren and Kim do an outstanding job with the decorations and putting this whole thing together. This is a party not to miss, so I will see you all there. The New Security and Swipe Card System are installed and online. If you would like a swipe card and are a member of this council, they are available at the bar for a $5 card charge. I would like to thank the Ladies Auxiliary President Melissa Delmonico and the Ladies for their generous donation for the front entrance way project. Without your assist this would not have been completed is speedy manner. I would like to see you all at the next meeting and have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving. GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 Knights of Columbus Newsletter 2 CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE My Brother Knights, Autumn greetings to you all. Just yesterday, while walking back to the rectory and scuffling through the fallen leaves, I remembered one of my seminary professors and his great love for this time of year. Monsignor Mulligan had a quirky sense of humor. You see, he had some type of stenosis in his neck which caused him to be unable to lift his head. So, with a knowing laugh he joked that this time of the year was great because nature brought the leaves down to the ground so that he wouldn’t have to look up!?! Who knows? It worked for him. But Autumn and, especially this month of November, are the time when we think of end times and all those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. Starting with All Saints and All Souls Day, the whole month of November is a time for us to say thank you to God for our lives and blessings, as well as the lives of those we loved. A man named Robert Flatt wrote, Thanksgiving like contentment is a learned attribute. The person who hasn't learned to be content will not be thankful, for he lives with the delusion he deserves more or something better. As Knights and as Catholic men, we are called to walk in the light and love of our Savior Jesus Christ, always being mindful of and grateful for our many blessings. I know that sometimes our lives get so busy and things seem to fly at us fast, but it is then that we are called to acquire the ‘attitude of gratitude.’ This season, I pray for all of you that you live with grateful hearts this wonderful life and faith that God gives us. Peace and God’s blessings to you all. Father Scott PART OF THE MANY VOLUNTEERS AT THE GOD’S SPECIAL PEOPLE BREAKFAST Knights of Columbus Newsletter LADIES AUXILIARY 2014—2015 Officers President – Melissa Delmonico Vice President – Samantha O’Brien Treasurer – Pati Mount Membership Secretary – Karla Austin Recorder – Patti Rodriguez 3 yr. Trustee – Dodie Burger 2 yr. Trustee – Toni Ann 1 yr. Trustee – Rosie McGeehan Parliamentarian – Tracy Dobridge WANT TO HELP Joe Zieniewicz, our Wake Chairman, could use some help in calling members whenever there is a Wake for a departed member. It won’t take much time and would be a great help to Joe. Please contact him at 732-240-3258 or JOZIEN@COMCAST.NET 3 LADIES AUXILIARY —————————————————————————Ladies Our regular monthly meeting will be held Wednesday, November 12 at 730. As always, new members are welcome and encouraged to join. The holidays are quickly approaching, and it really is the most wonderful time of the year! We are hoping to have the Christmas family sign ups at our next meeting. I’m excited for our small but mighty group to bring Christmas joy to those in need again this year. Additionally, the Knights annual Christmas Basket program will be getting underway shortly. If you get the opportunity, please consider donating canned goods. They can be brought to the meeting or directly to the club. God Bless, Melissa SWIPE CARD SYSTEM ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE The Council’s annual blood drive will be held on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 28 FROM 9 AM TO 2 PM PLEASE CALL 732-929-9811 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO SAVE A LIFE As you may know from our meetings and the PRAECO, a swipe or key card system for entry into our Council Home was approved, purchased, and installed. This was done to protect our bartenders and brother Knights when there is very limited attendance during the day and late evening. We have had a few situations where non members have just walked into the building, some of which were very questionable as to character. In this connection, a key card or swipe card is being offered to those who would like one. Cards will cost $5.00 each. I will be handling this effort. NOTE: the purchase of a key card is not mandatory. A brother can gain access via his membership card to be presented when the bartender buzzes him in and requests same, You can simply drop off your full name and $5.00 at the bar. I will activate cards at night and will leave them at the bar for PICK UP. No cards will be mailed as a precaution to loss and possible misuse. You can mail in your request and payment, but must still physically pick up the card. James M. Erbe, PGK & Columbus Club President Knights of Columbus Newsletter 4 SIMON’S KITCHEN Our Squires and Council members have been volunteering at Simon’s Kitchen at Our Lade Of Perpetual Health in Seaside Heights on a regular basis. This is what we are about...more help is always needed. Lets demonstrate the first Principal of our Order CHARITY CONTACT JOHN FERNANDEZ, PGK (917-797-2358) Hugging The perfect cure for whatever ails you No moving parts No batteries to wear out No periodic checkups Low energy consumption High energy yield Inflation-proof No monthly payments No insurance payments Thief proof Non-Taxable Non-polluting And of course fully insured Hugging is healthy It relieves tension Combats depression Reduces stress Improves blood circulation It’s invigorating It’s rejuvenating It’ elevates self—esteem It has no pleasant side effects It is nothing less than a miracle drug (9/2014 IF AT ALL POSSIBLE PLEASE HELP THE CHRISTMAS FOOD PROGRAM NON-PERISHABLE FOODS OR A DONATION Knights of Columbus Newsletter 5 GRAND KNIGHTS MESSAGE CONTINUED Reminder that the Memorial mass will be held on November 19 th at 7:30 pm. This is a very important night in this council. I expect that all Bothers do everything they can to attend the Mass. Knight of the Month: Brothers Jim Erbe and Kevin Delmonico I have selected Brothers Jim Erbe and Kevin Delmonico. These two gentlemen are always there when someone needs volunteers. They also step up and take charge of projects that need to be done at the council. The latest one is the front entrance way. They did a great job painting. Without them to take charge of this project it would not been done. It is an honor to be a Brother Knight with you. Family of the Month: None . Vivat Jesus Grand Knight Mark A. Taylor FR SCOTT SHAFFER, OUR CHAPLAIN, GIVES THE BLESSING AT THE GOD’S SPECIAL BREAKFAST Knights of Columbus Newsletter 6 Praeco PrimoHoagies Italian Specialty Sandwiches ITS NOT JUST A HOAGIE IT’S A PRIMO 255 Rt 37 East Tel 732-240-4100 Fax 732-240-4130 (6/2014) PLEASE PRAY FOR Edward J. Donoug James Flaherty Tony Calvetie Tony Pojnar Mary Dockery(dec) Jim McCann Bernard Barrett Harry Baratier Ashley Jameison The Cronin Family Irland Conahan Agnes Malecki John Holmes Monsignor Charles P. Cassidy Harry Varacchi PGK(dec) The Cozzolino Family Jeff Werth Bob Cauda, PGK Jack Preston Ed Cummings Frenchy Jocques Michael Rasmussen Rosemary Kempf (dec) Lewkowicz Family Louis & Grace Rutundo Bill Choltco Brendan Bianchi All of our Military Charley Egan Sadie Novitsky Adele Walsh Tom Lanno Albert Heid Becky Fullerton Chris Philips Bob Deegan Jonathan Kus Mike Rasmussen Denise Huges Bob Fontaine(dec) James Vincent Hickey Tom Deuel Phil Rizzo Adele Zieniewicz Augie Blacco Jeff Worth Rocco Nicoletta Robertta Vargo Ed Jameison Victor Brown Sy Shoop Bill Claus Albert Borris Michael Wajoiehowski Maureen Lewkowicz Mary Jane Vecchione Michael Chiurazzi Jo Eckert Sophia Viens Terry Vasarkovy Betty Finnerty Santo P. Cultrana, PGK(dec) Jack Vasarkovy,PGK (dec) James Flaherty Jennie Pojnar Greg Wagner Colin Wagner Linda O’Donnell Dave Robertson Eric Vecchione(dec) Therese & Keith Farmer Angela Henike Donald Snith Michaelle Flammia Jerry Barrett John Ragas Bill & Dolores Huwyler Barry Havens Rose Ragas Carmen Dorrise Renato D. Molas (dec) Marie Ierzolino Colin Wagner Patricia Jarocki(dec) John Shaffer(dec) Rich Jarocki Joseph Salvatore 1LT Sean Screen Douglas Sheerer, Sr Michelle Flammia George Wilson Gary Eberle Brian Langan Douglas Sheerer, Jr Shelli Wagner Glenn Frantz Rick Clary,PGK (dec) Rick Clary PGK(dec) Monsignor Hatcher Michele Dragona Veronica Adamkiewicz Augi Bacco John Langan, Jr. Eugne (RED) Nemechek, PGK (dec) Tom Hawthorne Mollie Carney Bernard Brown Victor Falsetti Tony Calvetti Glenn Saywer Steve Kempf Tim Ryan Greg Wagner Florence Walter Mary Bucco Bud Cooper, PGK John McBrinn Rosemary McClave Dave Schick Thersa Torre(dec) Patrick Mackin(dec) Sal Cuccia Mike Minervini Cosma Brown Marianne White Glenn Frantz,PGK Pat Rohan Carol Phoebus Anthony Riccardi John Berish Tony DeSent Tim GeoghegaA Marion Habermann Robin Bushide Thelma PridgenNick Mullaney Riehie Jarocki If you would like to add anyone to our PRAY FOR LIST, please contact Dick Rieger @ 732-779-9203 (ERIEGER599@GMAIL.COM) or at any meeting. Please make sure you leave the proper spelling of their name and if they are living or deceased Knights of Columbus Newsletter JOIN THE PRAECO PATRONS Only $15.00 per Year Mail info and check to Council Home att: Praeco Editor George Murphy - 12/2014 Dick Rieger – 12/2014 Arlene & Bob Williamson 5/2015 Dominick & Joan Piromalli—11/2015 Joe & Tracy Dobridge—11/2015 Glenn & Maryann Frantz– 11/2014 Henry & Nancy DeBianchi - 2/2015 Robert & Jane Oberschmidt-10/2015 Mike & Winifred Russo—1/2015 Joe & Lee Torre—6/2015 Frank and Marie Kearny—10/14 Rich and Millie Smith—12/2014 Rich Jarocki—2/2015 Ed Korab, PGK—2/2015 Barbara& Bill Bagdi — 2/2015 Joe & Ann McElwee —2/2015 Dominick & Joan Piromalli-2/2015 George & Ethel Kakascik—2/2016 John & Marge Budenas — 3/2015 Veronica DiChiara — 3/2015 Allen & Delores Mullens—8/2015 Tony and Evelyn DeSent—9/2015 Frank & Marie Kearney, jr 11/2015 Harold Coyle—11/2015 Charles & Eunice Essig– 11/2015 Allen & Delores Mullen– 11/2015 7 COLUMBUS CLUB TRUSTEES PRESIDENT / CEO JIM ERBE, 732-278-4658 VICE PRESIDENT / COO KEVIN DELMONICO 732-286-7933 GRAND KNIGHT MARK TAYLOR 732-245-9445 TREASURER MIKE RUSSO 732-270-0609 2 YEAR TRUSTEES (2014-2016) MIKE COFFEY 732-270-4574 ED MOUNT,JR 732-929-3852 JOE DOBRIDGE 732-929-4456 2 YEAR TRUSTEES (2013—2015) DICK RIEGER ,PGK 732-779-9203 BOB PHILLIPS 732-269-8160 TIM LABRECQUE 732-270-8149 JOHN BUDENAS 732-341-7076 A significant number of members have let their Praeco Boosters lapse. Please reconsider signing up again to assist us in defraying the cost of the monthly Praeco. FATHER McGIVNEY OUR FOUNDER PRAY FOR US ——————————————— THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THE PRAECO AND HELPING US COVER THE COSTS MARY, QUEEN OF THE KNIGHTS, PRAY FOR US Knights of Columbus Newsletter AD SPACE AVAILABLE Ads - Single: $ 100.00 Double: $ 175.00 Ads and Patrons run for 12 months Mail info and check to the Council Home att: Praeco Editor HALL RENTAL AND CATERING INFORMATION PLEASE CALL BANQUET MANAGER 732-929-4969 8 FOOD CARDS Council 4969 is Initiating a program to sell gift cards for the purchase of groceries at Shoprite and Stop and Shop.We will be able to secure these cards at a 5 % discount and sell them at full face value. The council will make a profit on every sale and it will cost you nothing more that if you paid by cash, check or credit card at the supermarket. All the profits will go to fund our Christmas Food Program. John Fernandez, PGK @ 917-797-2358 is coordinating this project. INPUT FOR THE PRAECO Anyone submitting info to be published in the Praeco can make the Editor’s life a lot easier by please following these guidelines: SUBMIT ALL ITEMS VIA E-MAIL AND IN WORD FORMAT AS AN ATTACHMENT USE UPPER AND LOWER CASE (NOT ALL CAPS) SEND THEM TO ERIEGER599@GMAIL.COM BY THE 20 TH OF THE MONTH Thanking you in advance for your cooperation. ANNUAL MEMORIAL MASS On Wednesday November 19, 2014 at 7:30 PM, the Council will hold its annual Memorial Mass. The Memorial Mass is in honor of those brother 4969 Knights who have passed on in the past 12 month period. This is a very important Council function, and all brother Knights are expected to attend. Family members are also invited to attend. Please take note that the mass will start at 7:30 PM. If you have any questions please contact Brother Ed Woram at (732) 505-2093. God’s Special People You should be aware that the following business owners have agreed to maintain collection containers at their locations, and I would encourage you to stop by and thank them for what they have been doing in support of the God’s Special People. Crystal Diner Four Season’s Diner Toms River Diner Wallach’s Farm Market Mulberry Street Italian Deli Blue Fountain Restaurant Primo Hoagies Luigi’s Pizza John Budenas, Chairman ARE YOU READY FOR ADVENT? Knights of Columbus Newsletter Maryann Frantz, MSW, LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Individual , Family and Group Counseling In-home Counseling for Elders & Caregivers Dementia Strategies and Care Planning Group Presentations Office 732-903-7012 Fax 732-903-7135 (7/2014) 9 QUINN-HOPPING FUNERAL HOME 26 MULE ROAD TOMS RIVER, N.J. 8753 732-240-7527 MICHAEL T. SUTTON, PGK MANAGER ANNUAL CHRISTMAS FOOD BASKET PROGRAM Our annual Christmas Food Basket Program is now underway. Our goal is to deliver 200 baskets, up from the 193 we delivered last year. The need continues very grave due to: the continued effects of Superstorm Sandy; the cutback in the Federal Government funding of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), a government assistance program to help low-income households pay for food; and, the continued negative economic impact on our citizens.In order to be able to deliver as contemplated, donations are sorely needed. Cash donations are the greatest help because they allow us to buy in bulk and create uniform packages based on family size. Donations can be made payable to K of C 4969 and addressed to the council at 113 Tennyson Avenue, Toms River, NJ 08753 or dropped off in the Financial Secretary’s box in the office at the council home. Please put "Christmas" or "Food" or "CFBP" in the memo field of your check. If a cash donation is made at the Council, please put any of the words on the envelope and drop in the Financial Secretary’s box in the office. NOTE: Any funds received after the delivery will be held and used next year. NON-PERISHABLES can now be dropped off at the Council. We will advise at a later date when food perishables can be dropped off at the Council. VERY IMPORTANT. If any brother (including himself) knows of a family or families in need, please simply e-mail me at ERIEGER599@GMAIL.COM and include the following information: Family Name - Address - Telephone # - Number of persons in family The size of the basket varies by the size of the family. Delivery will be on Saturday, December 20, 2014. We will assemble the boxes on the 18th and pack on the 19th. Help will be needed in this very important Charity Event conducted by our Council and Charity is the first principle of our Order. Thank you. Dick Rieger,, PGK Committee Chairman Knights of Columbus Newsletter 10 Mule Road Chiropractic 25 Mule Road Suite B-6 Toms River, NJ 08755 732 341-3535 Superior Since 1983 24 Emergency Service (5/14) (5/14) Design & Remodeling Inc. Custom Homes Theatres Finished Basements All Additions Custom Kitchens Wine Cellars Custom Bathrooms Windows Roofing Siding Michael Van Berkel 3 rd Generation Builder Toll Free @ 1-866-582-5397 Bus: 732-255-2706 Cell:732-581-2967 Fax: 732-255-3226 ARROW REFRIGERATION SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION SERVICE CONTRACTS FREE ESTIMATES AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION HEATING RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL SHEET METAL FABRICATION & DESIGN NJ#13VH02884500 JOHN S. CUSAMANO, JR. TOMS RIVER, NJ EPA#019500298 SUPER 50/50 RAFFEL WINNERS TOTAL AS OF 10/27/2014 IS THINGS I LEARNED FROM A FRIEND I learned HONESTY because you never told a lie. I learned HOPE because you didn’t give up on me. I learned GRACE when you let me shine. I learned HUMOILITY because I saw you serving me. I learned JOY when you embraced my company. I learned PATIENCE because you waited on me. I learned KINDNESS because you went out of your way, I learned about LOVE because of a friend like you. $ 1,220.00 PLEASE RETURN YOUR CHANCES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. AS MEMBERS OF THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WHEN AT THE COUNCIL HOME REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE AND WHERE YOU ARE Knights of Columbus Newsletter 11 FROM THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY As of 10/16/2014, the date this notice was prepared for the November PRAECO, 71 Brothers have not paid their 2014 dues, 28 of which have not paid 2013 dues, as well, and are in process for suspension from the Knights. For those who have not paid your dues, please do so as soon as possible. To check as to whether or not you paid, look for your 2014 Membership Card. If you do not have one, you probably did not pay your 2014 dues. You can e-mail me or call to verify. Never before has it been more important for Catholics to be heard in this country. Your membership is a voice carried by our Order and really does have an impact. For all who have not yet paid, please make your dues check payable to KofC 4969 and send to: Knights of Columbus 4969; c/o John J Langan, Jr. F.S.; 904 Eaglehurst Road, Toms River, NJ 087537921. If you have a reason for non-payment, do not hesitate to call me (732-270-2985) or e-mail me (JJLANGAN@HOTMAIL.COM). To our Honorary Life members, we have limited contact with you. Do we have your current address and telephone number? Very few of you have given us an e-mail address and we would like you to consider doing so. Please send to me at my mail or e-mail address both noted above. Thank you, and Vivat Jesus, John J Langan, Jr., PGK & FS Breakfast at the Knights Report On Sunday, October 12, over one hundred guests enjoyed a delicious catered breakfast at the Council, and a profit of $720 was made to benefit the God’s Special People program. The sale of 105 tickets brought in $945; 50/50 profits were $205; and $120 in donations were also received. As for expenses, the catering cost was $550 and all supplies (milk, orange juice, coffee, plates, cups, napkins, knives/forks/spoons, etc.) were donated. There was plenty of help from Brother Knights and family members, for which I am most grateful. Many thanks for a job well done! John Budenas, Chairman God’s Special People Program St. Joseph Council # 4969 Knights of Columbus 113 Tennyson Avenue Toms River, N.J. 08753 NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID TOMS RIVER, N.J. PERMIT NO. 52 CALENDAR November Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Saturday 1 4 5 10 12 12 19 24 29 Halloween Party @ 7 pm Columbus Club Mtg @ 7:30 pm Business Mtg @ 8 pm Chapter Mtg @ 8 pm Ladies Auxiliary Mtg @ 7:30 pm 4 th degree officers Mtg @ 8 pm Memorial Mass @ 7:30 pm Officers Mtg @7:30 pm Blood Drive 9 am to 2 pm December Tuesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Wenesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday 2 3 8 10 10 17 18 19 20 29 Columbus Club Mtg @ 7:30 pm Business Mtg @ 8 pm Chapter Mtg @ 8 pm Ladies aux Mtg @ 7:30 pm 4 th degree Officers Mtg @ 8 pm Council Christmas Party @ 7:30 pm Box build for Food Program @ 7 pm Box Filling for ChristmasFood @ 7:pm Food delivery @ 7:30 am Officers Mtg @ 7:30 pm KNIGHTS OF THE MONTH JIM ERBE KEVIN DELMONICO
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