January 201 - kofc

The Mariner
Vol. 15 Issue 01
A Newsletter for Our Lady of the Rosary Council 9039 Shallotte, NC
Council Ofcers for 2014-2015
Grand Knight
Financial Secretary
Deputy Grand Knight
Inside Guard
Outside Guard
1 Year Trustee
2 Year Trustee
3 Year Trustee
Program Directors
Culture of Life
Insurance Agent
Richard Rismiller
Fr. Bruno Swiatocha
Richard Connolly
Paul Murnane
Jack Pegoni
Joe Bonanno
John Hall
Paul Lombardi
Bill Anstock
Ron Dubas
Robert Curts
John Grant
Tony Imondi
PGK Edwin Manz
George Manglesdorf
John Yencik PGK
Fran Radley
William Anstock
Edwin Manz PGK
Charles “Tex” Irek
Charles Van Buren
Ray Gromadski PGK
Chuck Fitzgerald
Tom Gaven
Marty Yakimovich
(910)686-1627 office
We Need Your Help
January 17th NC Right to Life
Rally contact GK Rich Rismiller
The Mariner January 2015
January 2015
Grand Knight’s Message
Brothers all:
May each of and your families have a Blessed and Healthy New
The deadline for the submission of the Annual Survey of Fraternal Volunteer Hours is fast approaching – January 22nd. But
why wait? My thanks go to the Brothers who have completed
the form and sent it to me. To those who have yet to do so,
please get this information to me as soon as possible. Be sure
to include any and all hours or visits you have made for any
volunteer work you have done this year – do not limit it to only
KofC activities. Already the totals are impressive but can be
much better with your efforts included. (Please note that the top
of the form asks for “NUMBER OF” while the rest of the form
asks for “HOURS”.) I look forward to sharing with you the
results – it is humbling to be in a Council of men so dedicated
to helping others. See below for copy of a form and instructions
on submission.
On Sunday January 11th at 8:00 am the Mass will be offered
for the intentions of Council 9039. We will try to have reserved
seating in the front so we can share together in the sacrifice of
the Eucharist and demonstrate to our fellow parishioners that
we are a vital part of St. Brendan’s. Following the Mass we
have made arrangements to go to Sunny Side Up restaurant in
Calabash (formerly Haley’s Steak House). They offer a wide
menu selection; and a breakfast buffet ($10.33 including tax and
We invite everyone who can possibly join us to make the trip to
Raleigh on January 17th to attend the NC Right To Life Rally
and march. We will carpool from St. Brendan’s. Give me a call
or note if you are planning to attend so that we leave no one
behind - 910-200-2924 rhrismiller@msn.com.
Vivat Jesus!
Richard Rismiller
Grand Knight
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Council 9039 Programs
Our Lady of the Rosary Council is a very active council. Sometimes it is difficult to keep track of all we
have going on. Each month we publish information on what occurred the previous month as well as the events
coming up during the current month. More information about each Program can be accessed on the website by
clicking on the title of each Program at the top of the home page.
Generally we follow the NC State Council and the Supreme Council in our structure. We have six Programs
for grouping our various activities:
Church – John Yencik, (910) 575-8175 squammis@atmc.net
Community – Fran Radley, (910) 575-2427, fxrads@atmc.net
Council – SK Bill Anstock, 575-7680, barnaclebill@atmc.net
Family – Chuck “Tex” Irek,(910) 754-2239, chuckirek@yahoo.com
Youth – Chuck Van Buren, 287-1785, cvanburen@atmc.net
Culture of Life – SK Ed Manz PGK, 579-1233, lionel@atmc.net
If you have an interest in any activity or Program, please contact the Program Director for additional information.
Community Program
On Wednesday December 3rd members of our
council visited Autumn Care Nursing Home to
serve good cheer, ice cream and cake to
the residents of the facility. Joining the
Knights was “Yesterday’s Memories” a
coral group from St. Brendan’s, who entertained the residents with traditional Christmas Carols. Knights Fran Radley, Mike
Dolan, Jim Yeager, Joe Magri, Richard Rismiller, Dennis Shea, Ed and Betty Manz,
Ray “Santa” Gromadski and “Mrs. Claus” Jackie
The Mariner January 2015
On Wednesday December 10th, Knights Fran Radley,
John Hall, Mike Dolan ; Jim Yeager, John Hall,
Joe Magri, Richard Rismiller, Dennis
Shea, Ray “Santa” Gromadski and “Mrs.
Claus” Jackie Gromadski went to Shallotte
Assisted Living to serve cake and ice
cream to the residents there.
Fran Radley
Council Director
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Family Program
2014 Christmas Party
2014 Shallotte Christmas Parade
Artcle on Page 5
The Mariner January 2015
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Submitted by: _______________________________________________
Number of visits to:
_________ Sick – caring for the sick/nursing homes/hospitals.
_________ Bereaved – visits of condolence.
_________ Number of blood donors – members serving as blood donors.
_________ Habitat for Humanity Projects – number of projects involved in during year
Estimated hours of community volunteer service:
_________ Church Activities – volunteer service in all Church related activities.
_________ Community Activities – volunteer service in all community related activities.
_________ Youth Activities – volunteer service in all youth related activities.
_________ Habitat for Humanity – volunteer services to these projects
_________ Culture of Life Activities – volunteer service in all activities that support pro-life
_________ VAVS
_________ Food For Families – Meals on Wheels; food pantry; etc.
_________ Special Olympics
_________ Miscellaneous Activities – volunteer service in any areas not outlined above.
Estimated hours of fraternal service:
_________ Sick/disabled members and their families – household chores, transportation, tutoring, counselling, etc.
You can print this form, fill it in and put it into the KofC mail slot in the mail slots at the foot of the steps in the
Gathering Space at church, or bring it to the meeting on January 12th, or mail it to PO Box 6146, Shallotte NC
28470. Your help in collecting this data is greatly appreciated.
Building the Domestic Church - TheFamily Truely Alive!
On prime-time sitcoms, we continually see a sickening barrage of bumbling dads who seem to be unable to get anything
accomplished without correction from their conniving wives and the ‘sage advice’ of condescending kids. In the real world
we read of parents being sued by one of their kids for some trivial reason or a court ruling that a teen’s parents are
absolutely not to be so much as notified that she is seeking an abortion. And what have become the fruits of such attitudes?
Soaring rates of divorce, ever more single parent households and the increasing need for grandparents to raise kids because
of absentee parents. Indeed, this seems to be the destruction of the institution of the family itself!
Almost instinctively we know that destroying the family will mean the decreased spiritual influence of the Church and
the crippling of society as we know it. As Knights we hold that our families are our first and primary responsibility and
so this apparent trend hits a raw nerve deep inside us. This is the reason Supreme has initiated this program along with
its compliment, Fathers for Good. These two initiatives are intended to help us to not just preserve the family but to
ADVANCE it and in so doing advance the Church and our own Faith. Through them we can draw ideas and actions that
will enable us to be the fathers God intended us to be guiding the families God lovingly gives us. In the program, each
month has a theme.month I will list some practical suggestions.
January – God is the Lord of mercy; we want promote forgiveness to overcome those small offenses toward each other so
our family can grow. Go to confession together as a family. Make it special by following up with a special treat or event.
Have a “Renewal Dinner” with your spouse (with no children around) in which you can candidly discuss and resolve those
small things which can get in the way of your relationship.
The Mariner January 2015
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District Deputy Message
We are coming up on mid-year for the current fraternal year. The North Carolina State Council mid year
meeting will be held on Saturday January 24th in Greenville, NC. Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights
and Financial Secretaries are invited to attend. The District Deputies have already been informed that
there will be announcements regarding the youth protection program that will affect GKs, and youth
directors and possibly all of the council officers. More information, the meeting agenda and Registration can be found
on the State website (http://kofcnc.org/14-15%20Files/midyear%20meetings.htm). I will be planning a district mid-year
meeting in early February. I am open to your suggestions as to the best time to hold it, on a weeknight, as I did the meeting
in July, or on a Saturday morning. Please let me know your preference.
The mid-year is also the time when several Supreme Forms are due from your councils. The Survey of Fraternal Activity
(Form 1728) is due on January 31st. On January 30th the Partnership profile Report with Special Olympics (Form 4583),
Free Throw Championship Participation Form (FT-1) and Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest Participation Form
(4001) are due if your council has participated in any of these programs. Please send your completed forms to Supreme
with copies to State Deputy Jack Murray and to me. It is also time to prepare for your Semiannual Council Audit which is
due on February. Please remember these are due dates please don’t wait until the last minute to submit them.
January is “right to life month” with many marches within the state and in Washington, D.C. to protest Roe vs. Wade. It
is important to show where we stand on abortion, but in my mind it is more important to convince the mother to be that
the right decision is to give her child life and to support those mothers who have chosen to keep their babies. I think that
we should look into a way we can get more women to receive an ultra sound. It is well known that when a woman sees
the life within her it is less likely that she will abort that life. We should also support those organizations such as MiraVia
that help unwed mothers to care for their babies.
Upcoming 1st Degree
Wilmington Council 1074 10:00 AM Contact Bob Macaluso macaluso_bob@yahoo.com
Upcoming 2nd Degree
Wilmington Council 1074 1:00 PM Contact Bob Macaluso macaluso_bob@yahoo.com
Upcoming Third Degrees
Fayetteville Council 9847 Letter contact Joe Gelin
NC District 25
2014 Shallotte Christmas Parade
Thank you for a great turnout and great work. Another successful reminder of keeping Christ in Christmas
was carried out with true Christian spirit. Thanks to Paul Lombardi; Tony Imondi; Richard Rismiller; John
P Hall; Jim Yeager; Jack Pegoni; Ginny & John; Dennis Shea; Chuck Van Buren for their help assembling
and dissembling the float. Ginny Grant and Jackie Gromadski for carrying the banner. Bill and Nancy for
driving and supplying Tom Gaven, Jack Pegoni, John Grant, Chuck Van Buren, Al Ciardi and John Hall with
the Tootsie Rolls. Color Guard consisting of Sir Knights Jack Dambaugh, Joe Troiano, Richard Rismiller and
George Manglesdorf were outstanding. Thanks Ray for photography and getting us back to our cars.
Thanks again
Vivat Jesus
Fran Radley
The Mariner January 2015
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Pray for our Men and Women in Uniform
Major Christopher Gromadski USMC
Lance Corporal Devin Head USMC
Lieutenant Col John l Rafferty U.S. Army
Lieutenant Col Robert Bass U.S. Army
Major Benjamin Tipton, U.S. Army
PFC Shawn Ornberg U.S. Army, Deployed
Private Robert Manz, U.S. Army
Ryan Chapman, USMC
Coke Rewards
To date this year I have redeemed 2800
points in 2014. This amounts to a $42.00
donation to the USO. Please continue to
collect Coke product bottle caps and the
end flaps from Coke can cases. Proceeds go
the support the USO in their efforts to serve
our servicemen and women.
I would like to thank Jack Pegoni for
helping to collect and redeem Coke
Rewards points and J.C. Peloquin for his
continued support.
The Mariner January 2015
Visit from St. Nick
On November 8th the Our Lady of La Salette 4th degree
Assembly held its annual Veterans Day dinner for the benefit
of the Military Order of the Purple Hearts Wounded Warrior
Christmas Leave Program.
At the dinner we also collected five boxes of clothing, toiletries, and refreshment items for the residents of the VA Hospital in Fayetteville. At the dinner we collected: 352 Razors,
16 bottles body wash,17 bottles Shampoo, 30 cans Shaving
gel/cream, 14 bars Bar Soap, 3 bottles Hand Sanitizer, 10 pair
nail clippers, 46 sticks deoderant, 20 Tooth brushes, 26 tubes
Tooth Paste, , 2 pair Sweat Pants, 38 t-shirts, 22 pair briefs,
10 pair boxers, 2 Sports bras, 32 pair socks, 132 pkgs Swiss
Miss hot chocolate, 2-2 Lb cans of coffee and large boxes of
Sugar, Splenda, and Stevia sweateners as well as 5 bottles of
coffee creamer.
On December 22 members of the Assembly including “Santa”
and Mrs. Claus (S.K. Ray Gromadski and Lady Jackie),
Brother Harold “the 6 ft., 250 lb black elf” and Santa’s Helper
S.K. Paul Murnane visited to entertain the residents by sponsoring BINGO and serving refreshments.
In the past year the Our Lady of La Salette Assembly 3115 has
made 3 visits to the VA Hospital-providing 30 hours of service
(not including travel time) and $300+ for the cost of BINGO
prizes and refreshments for the residents of the hospital.
S.K. Raymond Gromadski PGK,PFN, DD
Worthy Admiral
VAVS Coordinator
Page 6
Field Agent Report
Brother Knights,
Help Secure Your Future — With Long Term Care Planning Now
Achieving financial security and living life the way you want, that’s what independence is all about. But
achieving independence requires sound financial planning, including taking into account how the future need for
long term care can impact your assets, your quality of life, and your family’s well-being.
For more than 132 years, the Knights of Columbus, your trusted and highly rated fraternal organization has been
serving local communities around the world. The Knights of Columbus Long Term Care insurance program can
help you cope with the cost of long-term custodial care – while maintaining your dignity and choice of care
options. The Knights of Columbus can serve as a valuable resource for long term care planning, providing
answers to questions you might have and affordable coverage options tailored to your needs.
What is your plan for Long Term Care?
Long term care (LTCi) insurance can play an important role in the overall financial planning process, providing
a variety of important benefits:
It can be one of the most realistic means in this market for covering the costs associated with long term care and
helping you protect your retirement assets for their intended purpose.
It can help to reduce the worry of care that often falls on the spouse or other family members.
It may enable you to manage where you receive your care, via a nursing home, assisted living facility, adult day
care center, or at home — where most people prefer to reside.
The cost of coverage is based on your age when you apply. It may be less expensive than you might think. So the
younger you are when you apply, the lower your premiums.
Many of us can expect to live a long life. In fact, the life expectancy of people has never been longer than
today! While we can expect to live longer lives, the quality of that life can be another matter. You’ve worked
hard to create the kind of lifestyle you enjoy. By thinking ahead now about how you would want to manage your
future long term care needs — and putting a proper plan in place today — you can feel confident that you’ve
taken the necessary steps to secure your future.
To learn more how the Knights of Columbus could fit your personal needs and help secure your financial
future, please contact me today.
Marty Yakimovich
Field Agent (910)686-1627 office
Important Links
Council Website: http://kofc-shallotte.org/
North Carolina State Website: http://kofcnc.org/
Tar Heel Knight State Newsletter July 2014: http://kofcnc.org/COMMUNICATIONS/THK/2014/THK_201407.pdf
Golden Plume the Newsletter of the North Carolina Fourth Degree District current and past issues:
You can find the latest issue of the Tar Heel Knight as well as back issues on the state website: http://kofcnc.org/
Knights of Columbus Supreme Website: http://www.kofc.org/en/
St. Brendan the Navigator website: http://www.saintbrendan-shallotte.org/
St. Brendan Bulletin can be found on the home page of the website.
The Mariner January 2015
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Pray for the following members, families and friends
Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest Comforter
of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to
accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and
humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your
will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen
Mary Angula
Bob Borstock
Cindi Burton
Joe Cejka
Linda Clarkin
LaVerda Dambaugh
Jason Delpezzo
Carole Dinnhaupt
Mike Dobosh
Tom Dorsa
Kate Doyle
Thomas Duffy
Scott Ebreo
Tom Faloute
Bob Hack
Ed Hahn
Jim Jasman
Renato Johnson
John Konen
Richard Korn
Ralph Kuhnel
Christine Laputka
Benedict Lee
Joseph Leslie
Carole Letts
Sara Lovell
Richard Lombardo
Nancy Massaro
Ed Manz
Eugene Mayhall
Tanya Medlin
Betsy Melanson
Thomas Merino
Ken O’Leary GK
Ken Olson
Flo O’Shea
Ginny Pearson
Bev Pegoni
Chad Peters
Ruth Peters
Wives Birthdays
Knight’s Birtdays
William Conway
Thomas Di Lieto
Thomas Etowski
John Grant
Robert Hopkins
Adam Humphreys
John Konen
Joseph Magri
William Metkiff
Robert O’Sullivan
Thomas Page
James Pugliese
Gaudencio Real
Edward Shae
Vito Smurro
Joseph Triano
William Tulloch
Russ Polizzotti
Elwin Reed
Jerry Schrub
Joseph Schebel
Marie Shea
Jerry Siegmund
Bob Simms
Stan Slawinski
Michael Sullivan
Fr. Bruno Swiatocha
Helen Taylor
Daniel Victoria
Elizabeth Walsh
John Walsh
Christopher Young
Cui Wen Zeng
Margarret Banchansky
Sharon Butler
Frances Dolcimascolo
Kathleen Donaldson
Marie Dwornick
Dolores Farrell
Marie Harrison
Marlene Korn
Marcia Laboy
Grace Mahony
Grace Mangelsdorf
Janet Polizzotti
Liselotte Schreck
Nancy Sneska
Keep ALL of our departed brothers and their loved ones in your
Dennis Shea
Will Marmura
Ryan Michael Beckett
(youngest son of SK Tom
Beckett, State Media Chairman)
Donald Kirby
Harry Grose
James V. Mulholland
May their souls and the souls of
all the faithful departed rest in
Thomas & Debbie Chase
Charles & Mary Fitzgerald
Richard & Marlene Korn
Joseph & Virginia Mack
Stanley & Suzanne Slawinski
The Mariner January 2015
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January 2015
Feast of Mary the Mother of God
First Friday
Rosary for the Unborn
1st and 2nd Degree
Mass for Council 9039
Council Meeting
Right to Life March
Assembly Meeting
March for Life
Council Officer’s Meeting
Right to Life March
February 2015
First Friday
Rosary for the Unborn
Council Meeting
Assembly Meeting
Ash Wednesday
District BB FreeThrow Competition
Council Officer’s Meeting
8:10 AM
after 9:00 Mass
10:00 AM
10:00am and 1:00PM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM following Mass
7:00 PM
1:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:10 AM
after 9:00 Mass
10:00 AM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
in Library
In Church
In Church
Wilmington Council 1074
In Church
Sunny Side Up Rest. Calabash
McGivney Room
Raleigh, NC
McGivney Room
Washington, DC
Brendan Hall
Jacksonville, NC
in Library
In Church
In Church
McGivney Room
McGivney Room
Wilmington Council 1094
Brendan Hall
Sharon and Paul Lombardi
New Cruises
Broadway and Beaches, 15 Nights, Nov. 1, 2015, Celebrity Eclipse, Deposit $900.00. Itinerary-Southamp-
ton, England, 6 days at sea, Boston, MA., N. Y., N.Y.(overnight), 1 day at sea, Kings Wharf, Bermuda
(overnight), 1 day at sea, Port Canaveral, FL, and Miami, FL. Price-$1895.83(Balcony).
Thanksgiving Cruise-Nov. 22, 2015, RCCL Freedom of the Sea, 7 Night Western Caribbean. Itinerary-Port
Canaveral,1 day at sea, Labadee, Haiti, Falmouth, Jamaica, George Town, Grand Caymen, Cozumel, Mexico, 1
day at sea, Port Canaveral, FL. Prices Start at 901.65 a person. Promo limited time offer.
Panama Canal-Celebrity Innity-April 26,2016
15 nights-Ports include Cartegena, Columbia; Colon, Panama, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala, Puerto Vallarta and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and San Diego, CA. Prices start at $1765.97 pp.
Alaska 11 day land and cruise package.- Celebrity Millennium. August 22, 2016-Land includes Fairbanks
with overnight, domed train to Denali with overnight, and transport of Seward to board ship for 8 PM
sailing. Hubbard glacier, Juneau, Skagway, Icy Strait Point, Ketchican, Inside Passage, and Vancouver for
disembarkation. Prices start at $2098.20 pp.
The Mariner January 2015
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