APRIL 2015 Fr.SolanusCaseyCouncil Knights Line My Brother Knights, Vivat Jesus! We have been doing very well with our Lenten Friday Fish Fry's. They started on Feb. 20th and will run thru April 3rd (Good Friday). If you have not been there, why don't you stop by. Clergy Night was a great success thanks to the efforts of Russ and Paula Kreinbring. Job well done Russ and Paula. When you read this the yearly M.I. Drive will have taken place, all the information will be in the May Knightline. Coming up on April 25th the Council is participating with Holy Innocents for a bus trip to Firekeepers Casino in Battle Creek. Check flyers in the Clubroom. On Sunday, April 26th, Fr. Solanus Casey will be hosting a Major Degree in the Council Hall. If you have not been to a Degree work in a while, please think about attending. We will be voting on the outlay of money for the Delegate who will be attending the State Convention. Please attend if you can. From my family to yours, I hope all of you have a Very Blessed Easter Season. Fraternally, John W Kelleher, Grand Knight Sick List, Remember them in your prayers Marcella Weiss, Sheila Vandamme, Glen Hardy, Harry Gorney, Bernadette Miele, Angelo Miele, Phillip Cracchiolo, Richard Edwards Sr., Charles Elert, Robert Gileghem, Diana Hobart, Santino Lupo, Michael Petty, Tim Krucker Rosary Chain When a brother Knight passes away, it is a comfort to the family when the Brother Knights honor him in praying the Rosary. Our Rosary Chain assures that every Knight is remembered. We need more members to join. Contact Lenny Bartold 586-773-1527 APRIL BIRTHDAYS DOMINIC AQUISTO VINCENT BELLOMO DAVID BORDERS GEORGE BRETZ JR ARTHUR BLEZENSKI THOMAS BOYD JR NINO BASTONE APRIL CALENDAR Wed, Apr 1 Officers Mtg, 7:30 pm D of I Mtg, 7:30 pm Mon, Apr 6 Bldg Board, 7:00 pm Wed, Apr 8 Membership Mtg, 8:00 pm Tue, Apr 14 News articles due Wed, Apr 22 4th Degree Mtg, 8:00 pm Sun, Apr 26 Major Degree, 9:30 am ANTHONY CAMPO DAVID CIESZKOWSKI BRO ROBERT CARAVELLA WILLIAM CUCINELLO PGK COUNCIL FIRST DEGREE DATES Sunday April 26 PART OF MAJOR DEGREE. Registration 9:30AM Start 10AM FRANK DELUCA PAUL DI GIOVANNI UPCOMING EVENTS CHARLES ELERT ROCCO GAROFALO LEONARD HAISENLEDER April 11 Quartermania Event Council Hall 4:00 pm JOSEPH JULIAN JOHN LUCAS MICHAEL LIVERNOIS April 25 Firekeepers Casino Bus Trip (Sign-up & Details in Clubroom FRANK MANCINA RICHARD MOELLER PAUL MCGUIRE April 26 Major Degree Council Hall 9:30 am DALE MCDERMOTT JR ANGELO MIELE JR MICHAEL NOVAK JOHN PAS PRAYER ROBERT ROUSSIN (Eucharist) FRANCIS RAYL God in His omnipotence could not give more, in His wisdom. He knew not how to give more in his riches He had not more to give, than the Eucharist. DONALD STIFFLER JR NEIL VENERI DONALD VANDAMME St. Augustine BARRY WITKOWSKI Lenny Bartold Church Director FRANK WEST DEAN WATSON LEONARD WILCZYNSKI THIS IS MY BODY (37th in a Series) In the Philippines in 1992, a sixteen year old boy reported that a Host turned into flesh and bleed in his mouth after his receiving Holy Communion. In January 1994, again in the Philippines, two college students reported witnessing a “throbbing or pulsating Host”, as they adored the Blessed Sacrament in Eucharistic Adoration at a youth Cenacle. HOLY FAMILY CIRCLE #981 DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA No Article this month Sandra Mihalic, Regent Right to Life Update: Michigan’s Safe Haven law featured in recent cable access channel story After three recent cases of newborn children being abandoned in Michigan, HOMTV intern and Central Michigan student Erica Francis produced the below video to help educate the public on Michigan’s Safe Haven law. The video includes an interview with Right to Life of Michigan’s Genevieve Marnon. Michigan's Safe Haven Law went into effect January of 2001 and has since saved the lives of some 120 babies, including 12 in 2014. Under the state law, you can leave your baby with a staff member at any hospital, fire station, police station or any emergency service provider that's on duty as long as your baby is not more than 72-hours-old. Scenes from the 2015 March for Life: The annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., features hundreds of thousands of prolifers of all ages making their voices be heard. (www.rtl.org) View a video and photos of the crowd and be inspired by the strength of the prolife message in our nation's capital! J. Smith, Pro-Life Council Chairman. Page 3 April 2015 REVISED COUNCIL BY-LAWS Copies of the Revised Council By-Laws are now available to all members in good standing. Contact F.S. Bob Tasiemski to get your copy. Peter C. Wilhelm,PGK,FDD Council Advocate RESOLUTIONS Resolution: To allocate the sum of $750.00 to defray the expenses of the Delegate to the State Convention. Resolution: to allocate the sum of $750.00 to defray the expenses of the Council Chaplain to the State Convention. To be voted on at the General Membership meeting, April 8th, 2015. BROTHER KNIGHTS AS YOU KNOW, OUR COUNCIL WILL HOST A MAJOR DEGREE ON SUNDAY, APRIL 26. Our Grand Knight and Financial Secretary are asking for your help. CLERGY NIGHT What a very special evening with good conversation and food. Thank you to all who attended. We honored 15 Clergy and Religious who included Most Reverend Bishop Francis Reiss. They are always so pleased and honored to be invited to this special evening for them. We also had attend 2 state officers and their wives. Special thanks to Brother Knight Walter Skupny for his donation again of the printing of the admission tickets, DeCarlo’s Banquet Center and staff for a great meal, Bill Cucinello, PGK, for taking care of our thirst and FDD/PGK/PFN Peter Wilhelm for acting as our Master of Ceremonies. And thanks to Scott Solak, Tom and Trudy Podeszwik who helped Paula and I set up for the evening. QUARTERMANIA EVENT (Sponsored by Fr Solanus 4th Degree & St Joan of Arc Council) Saturday, April 11, 2015 Fr. Solanus Casey K of C Hall Doors open 4:00 pm/Bidding starts at 5:00 pm Advance tickets – 4 paddles f/$5 – at the door 3 paddles f/$5 Contact Paula Kreinbring for tickets at 586-756-7186 ATTENTION BROTHER KNIGHTS Fr. Solanus Casey Counsel 3797 Our Council’s Sponsor Church St. Margaret of Scotland is collecting Deposit Cans and Bottles for the Youth Group. They are collected to help with the cost of their Annual Mission Trip to provide services in various cities. This year they are traveling to Benton Harbor Mi. to help with low income home renovations. There will be a collection area in the club room or please bring your empties to the Membership Meeting. Any questions, see Paul Desjardins, Trustee Thank You & Vivat Jesus Blood Drive May 28th 2015 1:00pm - 7:00pm Early Appointment Sign up Contact 586 294-8173 Signups will also be available inside the club house and the April General membership meeting A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU A very special Thank you goes out to Dale McDermott Jr for taking such great care of snow plowing our parking lot this past winter. Thank you Brother Knight Dale. CLUB ROOM HOURS Closed – Monday & Tuesday Wed-Thu – 4:00 PM to close Friday – 3:00 PM to close Sat & Sun – NOON to close Assembly 0521 Fourth Degree FR. SOLANUS CASEY ASSEMBLY #0521 Vivat Jesus! Assembly 0521 Friar Rev. Ronald De Hondt Navigator Thomas Podeszwik PGK Admiral John Kelleher PFN Captain Alarie Jefferson, Sr. Comptroller Russell Kreinbring, PFN, PGK Purser Matthew Cebulski, PGK Pilot Aldo Cardosi, PGK Sir Knights, I had the pleasure of serving as Color Corps Honor Guard at the 4th Degree District #1 Exemplification on March 7th. Thank You to my Brother Sir Knights who also responded in Color from the Assembly. Fantastic turnout, over 90 new Sir Knights installed. Now, not so fantastic, NO new Sir Knights from our Assembly for the last three Exemplifications. Gentlemen, I feel that I have been Preaching To The Choir this Fraternal Year. We must start recruiting new members. Our ranks are shrinking. Enough said. SK Russ Kreinbring is asking for workers to assist at the upcoming Texas-Hold-Em in May. Please contact him if you are able to help. I do not want to see the same Knights working double shifts all four nights. We will also have a Texas-Hold-Em coming up in July. These events have become our major source of revenue allowing us to maintain our Chalice Fund and charitable donations. April Birthday Wishes go out to the following Sir Knights: D. Aquisto, W. Cucinello, F. Deluca, E. Dubyk, D. Garber, M. Hakim, A. Miele Jr., T. Neil and D. VanDamme Sr. PFN. There are no Wedding Anniversary Wishes for the month of April. Scribe Gerald Wilczynski, PFN PGK Remember to keep our Brother Sir Knights who are sick or in distress in our prayers. . Inner Sentinel Michael S. Weiss, Sr. Until next month I remain your Outer Sentinel Roy Anzell Trustee-3 yr Thomas Neil Trustee-2 yr Ronald Surma Trustee-1 yr Fred Payne Faithful Navigator - TOM F r . S o l a n u s C a se y C o u n c i l 1 6 8 3 1 E 1 2 Mi l e , RosevilleMichigan 48066 586-771-9670 Officers Council 3797 Chaplain District Deputy Grand Knight Immediate Past Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Financial Secretary Recording Secretary Warden Treasurer Trustee 3rd Year Trustee 2nd Year Trustee 1st Year Advocate Inside Guard Outside Guard Rev Ronald De Hondt Larry Pitruzzello John Kelleher PFN Peter C. Wilhelm, FDD PGK PFN Gerald Wilczynski PGK PFN Michael Weiss, Jr Robert Tasiemski Tom H. Doherty Thomas Mudry Kristopher Jones Paul Desjardins George Wingert PFN James Shanahan Peter Wilhelm PGK PFN FDD Dominic Aquisto Jim Wietecha Building Corp President Sam Locaino Hall and Canteen Manger Scott Solak Insurance Agent Insurance General Agent, Don Wesley, 888-393-7539 Email: don.wesley@kofc.org Membership Director Russell Kreinbring PGK PFN Program Director Vito Faraci PGK PFN Sick Call Chairman Michael Weiss 586-443-3476 Rosary Chairmen Michael Weiss Jr 586-443-3476 Bob Tasiemski 586-777-7343 Pro-life Chairman John F Smith Catholic Activities Chairman Lenny Bartold Vocations Chairman Joseph Gomez PGK PFN Editor Paula Kreinbring pkreinbring7519@gmail.com See and Support all our Newsletter Sponsors www.frsolanuscasey.com/
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