April 2015 Navigator's Plot We renewed our obligations at our meeting on 18 March 2015. The ceremony was presided over by our Worthy Master, Tom Trudeau, assisted by the District Marshal David Todd, Sr., and ADM Loui Stevens. Thanks to the District team and all of our assembly officers who took part. April brings us to the culmination of Lent, Easter Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday and a new beginning for us all. Let us not let our guard down -- the devil abounds. May God continue to bless your family and you. Dates to remember in April: 4/10 Prospective Sir Knight orientation Fredericksburg Council Home at 1930 4/15 Assembly meeting -- nominating committee report 4/18 Fourth Degree Exemplification in Virginia Beach 4/18 HAC static display at Fredericksburg Country Club for Battlefield Council 25th anniversary 4/19 Honor Guard for Battlefield Council Corporate Communion at St. Patrick Sincere congratulations to Battlefield Council in celebration of your 25th anniversary. Bravo Zulu on all your many accomplishments and the support that you have provided our Assembly. Fraternally, Frank Sir Knight of the Month for February SK Fabian O. Egejuru is a relatively new member to the Patriotic Degree. He serves his country proudly in the U. S. Army. Although fully employed and with a young family, Fabian still finds the time to attend assembly meetings and special functions. With his family he recently attended the Rappahannock Assembly Corporate Communion and breakfast. He is a sterling example for newer/younger members to follow. Fourth Degree Exemplification Set The Spring Exemplification will be held on Saturday, April 18th in Virginia Beach. If you know of a Third Degree Knight who is interested in becoming a Fourth Degree member, please contact Faithful Navigator Frank Connors or Faithful Comptroller Rich LaRoche. Color Corps Commander SK Rosario Chechile, PGK, FDD, PFN that are in harms way defending our freedom and beliefs; for those brave souls who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and their families. In closing, I would like to offer my best wishes to all of you As members of the 4th Degree one of the most important and your families for a Blessed and Happy Easter. functions we can perform is to honor a Brother Knight who has been called to Fraternally, his eternal reward, by being present at Rosario Chechile his wake and funeral Mass. Without exception, honors by the Honor Guard shall be offered to deceased Sir Knights Sir Knights All, Sitting at home this morning, before heading off to work, of the 4th Degree currently in good standing on all counts. An Honor Guard have time to reflect on dedicated Sir Knight and Brother Dr. team in intervals may also be offered to James John. I joined the Knights in December 2008; sitting in the the immediate family members of a Sir chamber was an elderly distinguished gentleman. He was Knight in good standing and Third Dequite, and as I would find out, Doctor Jim would be there for gree members in good standing and to their immediate family every meeting. He never said a lot, but when he spoke, he almembers provided a request is made. ways had solid advice and recommendations to the Council Since our last newsletter, we have had the honor of being Leadership. requested to provide a dignified presence to the following The last three years have been tough for this Catholic GenWake of SK Matt Storm’s wife, Lisa, on March 8 at Cove- tleman. His health has been slowly deteriorating and he was not able to attend Council Functions. nant Funeral Home. I, for a while, made several visits to spend time and check First Holy Communion and Confirmation Mass at in on the Good Doctor; I am sorry to say, the past year or so I Dahlgren (Sacred Heart) Chapel, on March 15, offered by had not made the visits I had been making for all that time, for Bishop Timothy P. Broglio. whatever the reason, it was not enough. I have no excuses; work will always be there, our Brothers will not. Wake on March 29 and performance of the Chalice CereWe have many Brothers that are not able to get out and mony at Nash and Slaw Funeral Home and funeral Mass on about, and would enjoy a visit, a call, or just a few minutes of March 30, at St. Anthony of Padua for SK Dr. James John. our time. To all Sir Knights that participated in these events Thank Take a minute of your time and thank our Brothers for You! Also know your presence made a difference and was truly paving the way for us. appreciated. Loaner regalia are available by contacting me I, for one, will take a turn around and thank My Brothers (rchechile@ymail.com) and providing me with your hat size. I and set aside time for them. ask every Sir Knight for your thoughtful consideration for future Thank You. requests for Color Corps/Honor Guard participation. Fraternally, Rusty Hopp I also ask that you remember to pray for the brave men and women away from family and friends serving in our military 2014-2015 Assembly Officers Navigator Friar Captain Admiral Pilot Comptroller Purser Scribe Inner Sentinal Outer Sentinal Outer Sentinal 1 Yr Trustee 2 Yr Trustee Francis S. Connors, PGK, FDD FSConnors@aol.com (540) 786-3177 Rev. Peter J. Reynierse preynierse@comcast.mnet (240) 994-0500 Andrew P. Taylor, PGK andy_taylor_jr@comcast.net (540) 786-6445 William J. Phillips, PGK, PFN billphillips2@verizon.net (540) 972-3649 Richard W. Hopp, PGK richard.w.hopp@gmail.com (540) 775-6434 Richard LaRoche, PGK, PFN, FDD stone48@verizon.net (703) 963-7726 Robert E. Jankovits, PGK, PFN bjankovits@msn.com (540) 752-1642 John M. Troillett, PGK jtroillett1@cox.net (540) 371-6549 John P. LoBuglio JPbe1@yahoo.com (540) 644-9999 John R. Wilkes, PGK tuthechef@gmail.com (540) 850-2075 Gary P. Jourdian gary_jourdain@msn.com (540) 775-5825 Mark W. Sewell, PGK, PFN sewellmd@va.metrocast.net (540) 775-0992 William J. McCarthy, PGK, PFN, yankeecolonel@msn.com (540) 786-6203 FDD, PSD 3 Yr Trustee Loui J. Stevens, PGK, FDD, PFN, ADM hawklrs@verizon.net (540) 371-6576 Cmdr Color Corps Rosario Chechile, PGK, FDD, PFN rchechile@ymailcom Cmdr - HAC David R. Case, PGK dave4542@hotmail.com (540) 972-6807 The NAVLOG is published bi-monthly by RAPPAHANNOCK ASSEMBLY #1613. Views expressed in the newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of the Assembly or the Knights of Columbus. Editor: SK Neil Buttimer, PGK, (540) 972-0083 or nbuttimer@comcast.net. Honor America Corps David Case, SK, Commander Greetings Honor America Corps members. Our schedule is beginning to have events added so remain alert for upcoming requests for participants. I urge all to commit to joining in with our events to spread the honor of our Country’s flag. March Events We went one for two in March activities. Our attempt to support Brother Jeff Kilpatrick at the St Patrick’s Day parade at the Blue and Gray Brewery resulted in cancellation at 0900 because of the threat of rain. Thanks to the 11 of you who volunteered to march. We could always use more We carried 14 flags at the Opening Ceremony of the State Special Olympics basketball tournament on Friday, March 20, at Brooke Point High School in Stafford. As usual, we received a resounding welcome and appreciative applause on the recessional. Thank you to those who supported this event: David Chichester, Frank Connors, Marcel Dionne, Randy Hyde, Joe Kratochvil, Terry Lehman, Bill Phillips, Gary Rolla, Rick Reschick, Tony Spehar, Jim Tetor, Bruce Winning, Bob Wheatley, and Carl Wohletz. April Events April has no events on the schedule. Future Schedule Here is a list of events we have on the schedule for the next few months. Date 25 May (expected) Event Memorial Day Location Fallen Heroes Monument, Fredericksburg 27 May (expected) Ride2Recovery Departure Hospitality House, Fredericksburg 28 May (firm) Ride2Recovery Arrival and Barbeque St. Bede Church, Williamsburg 20 June (firm) Veterans Memorial Baseball Game The Diamond, Richmond 4 July (firm) Independence Day Festival Parade Lake of the Woods 4 July (expected) Independence Day Parade Culpeper I hope you can fit these into your schedules. Details to follow as the events get nearer. Please talk them up in your Councils. Grand Knights, I ask for your help in promoting your members to join us. Fraternally, Dave Case dave4542@hotmail.com April Birthdays FRATERNAL YEAR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 04/10/15, (Tentative) New Sir Knight Orientation, Fredericksburg Council Home, 7:00pm, Officers 04/15/15, Assembly Meeting, Fredericksburg Council Home, 7:30pm 04/18/15, Mid-year Exemplification, Ascension Parish, Virginia Beach, Noon 04/18/15 HAC Static Display, Battlefield Council 25th Anniversary Celebration 05/06/15, Assembly Budget Meeting, TBD. 05/17/15, Memorial Mass for Military Services, Basilica Washington DC, TBD, Color Guard 05/20/15, Assembly Meeting/Elections, Fredericksburg Council Home, 7:30pm, 05/25/15, Memorial Day, Fallen Heroes Memorial Fredericksburg, TBD, HAC 05/27/15, Ride to Recovery, Fredericksburg, 8:00am, HAC 05/28/15, Ride to Recovery, Williamsburg, 5:00pm, HAC 06/06/15, Graduation, St. Michael Archangel H.S. Spotsylvania, TBD, Color Guard 06/13/15, 4th Degree Navigators' Org. Meeting, TBD, 9:00am, FN, FNE, FC 06/14/15, Flag Day, TBD, HAC 06/17/15, Assembly Meeting, Fredericksburg Council Home, 7:30pm 06/18/15, Corpus Christi Procession, St. Patrick Church Chancellorsville, 7:30pm, Color Guard 06/19/15, Assembly trip to Cobb Island, via Big Dipper, 4:00pm, reservations required The NAVLOG RAPPAHANNOCK ASSEMBLY #1613 POST OFFICE BOX 7905 FREDERICKSBURG, VA 22404 1 1 1 2 2 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 13 16 20 21 25 26 26 28 John S Angelotta Sr Thomas F Mc Clutchy Richard L Lyon Carmine M Di Spirito Robert L Marlett Donald V Carlson David R Case William R Robertson Timothy E Smith Rodolfo A Catahan Jr Jeffery T Hooghouse Jorge L Delgado Daniel W Kobasa John C Belrose John E Hogan Harvey P Yarus Joseph T Mc Euen Paul L Lysher Daniel J Mulhern Gordon J Folse David J Laboissiere Dan K Breen William J Callahan Robert J Fahy Richard M Wenneson Francis E Boardway Jr Kenneth Malley Sr
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