e Volume 41 Issue 10 June 2015 The Broadcast Father Jeremiah J. Reilly Council # 6561 Knights of Columbus Of The Merrick’s “ T H E B I G G E S T L I T T L E C O U N C I L O N L O N G I S L A N D ” G r a n d “The Best And Most Beautiful Things In The World Cannot Be Seen, Nor Touched…. But Are Felt In The Heart.” Helen Keller K n i g h t s M e s s a g e Brothers & Sisters, As we start the last month of this Columbian Year, we experience the business and tasks of being a Brother Knight of Reilly Council. First we celebrate the milestone of the Council’s Forty First Anniversary on June 5th, with a great evening planned for this wonderful occasion. Plan to be there, don’t miss out. (See page 4, this issue.) Then, catch your breath because of another fun evening, the very next week, June 13th at the East Meadow Bowl. Brothers, Neil, Skip and PGK, Bruno have worked very hard planning for this evening. It is fun and has become an excellent fund raiser for our Council. (See Page 4, this issue) Aside from our regular meetings, the last event is our Communion Breakfast on June 14th after the 8:00AM Mass at Sacred Heart Church. Bowling the night before will not be an acceptable excuse for lateness at the Mass or the Communion Breakfast the very next morning. The Mothers Day Carnation Sale was a whopping success. Not only did we bring in an excellent amount of money for Birthright, we had a real nice turn out of Brothers to sell carnations. This alone greatly added to the satisfaction of taking part in the task. As always, Memorial Day was a great day for our visibility in our community. Many thanks for those who were able to march on this important day. I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : GK Message. Many thanks again to all of you who have taken part in our Council events and hopefully all will continue to stay involved. Get involved if you have not, you will not believe how rewarding it can be. 1 Chaplain’s Message. Communion Breakfast. 2 Council Website 2 Since this is the last Broadcast issue for this Columbian Year, I wish to thank all my Brother Knights. (Next Issue Will Be In September). We have had a very successful year with our fund raisers and Council activities in general. As your Grand Knight, I receive many thanks and congratulations for being the “so called” leader of Reilly Council. No successes are achieved without the hard work of our Officers, Committee Chairmen and the Brothers of the “Biggest Little Council On Long Island”. Thank you for making me look good as your Grand Knight and may we continue to all look good together. Election of Officers. 4th Degree News. Council Calendar. 3 Ladies Aux News. Charitable Distribution Vote. 3 3rd Bowling Event. Stock Market Sweeps. 4 .41st Anniversary Dinner. 4 Please continue to pray for those experiencing adversity in their lives. Pray for those who put themselves between harm and the free lives we live Vivat Jesus, Jimmy James Muller, GK e Volume 41 Issue 10 “The Broadcast” Published Monthly , Sept-June Temporary Editor: Andy Marincsak , PGK 516-623-4561 E-Mail: amarincsak@verizon.net Council Web Site: www.reillycouncil.org Webmaster: Randy Shannon Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursdays 8:00PM COUNCIL OFFICERS Chaplain: Deacon Paul Bedell 516-679-9629 Grand Knight: James Muller 516-679-5639 Deputy G.K.: Salvatore Buceti 516-385-3540 Chancellor: Walter Shorak, PGK 516-781-4961 Warden: Eugene Caruso 516-486-8401 Financial Sect’y: John Didden, PGK 516-785-6855 Treasurer: Keith Eriksen 516-623-9530 Page 2 CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE Dear Brothers and Sisters; Welcome to Summer and all this great season has to offer. Refresh rejoice - recharge - refocus. We are in Ordinary Time in our Church calendar, but our times certainly not ordinary. June is a time of transition. The school year comes to a close and we celebrate commencement, an end to this level of education and a beginning of the next phase of life. As our children take on more adult responsibility, family adjustments need to be made. All change causes stress, even as we rejoice each others success. It is even more important to stay close to the Lord in prayer, scripture reading and sacraments. Significant life-changing decisions are very often made over the summer. As we enjoy the many benefits of summer, may we be guided be the loving presence and gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly patience, fortitude and trust in the Lord. We also continue our focus on “Building the Domestic Church - The Family Fully Alive”. The theme for this month is sharing our faith with other families. Our religion is often in the public press and must be of importance in order to capture so much attention. It is up to us to present the best examples that we can. Sharing our faith with neighbors is an effective way to enhance a positive picture of Catholic life. We should be thankful to the Lord for who we are. There are many complex issues that the world and our society, in particular, face each day. Our role in this process is to be as positive a force as we can be. Let us do what we can - one step at a time one day at a time. May we bloom where we find ourselves. Let us put our best foot forward and do what we can to improve life around us. May you have a faith - filled joyous summer. May the Lord watch over you and your family during your activities and travels. May you rest in the Lord and let His love guide you in your decisions. Happy Summer. Recorder: Edward Ronan Love and Peace 516-378-7019 Deacon Paul Advocate: Jerry Catalano, PGK 516-379-9151 4th Degree Chairman: Joe Kiefer 516-868-8504 Guards Joe Kiefer, Anthony West, Louis Celano 1st Yr. Trustee: Richard Marino, PGK 2nd Yr. Trustee: Bruno Reale, PGK 3rd Yr. Trustee: Andrew Marincsak, PGK District Deputy: Richard Brazenor, PGK 516-546-1643 K of C Insurance: Anthony R. Braccio 1-347-219-5158 LADIES AUXILIARY COMMUNION BREAKFAST June 14th, 2015 Father Reilly Council 41st Annual Communion Breakfast Immediately After The 8:00AM Mass At Sacred Heart Church. Sacred Heart School Cafeteria $7.00PP (Immediate Family Maximum $28.00) PAYABLE AT THE DOOR Guest Speaker Brother Timothy Driscoll, SM Subject: Their Mission In The Solomon Islands Awards Council Awards By Grand Knight, James Muller Charity Traditional Annual Charitable Distributions R.S.V.P. Please (No Later Than June 9th) To: Ed Ronan @ 516-378-7019 Meets On 2nd Tuesday Of Month President: Janet Castine 516-781-1665 Secretary: Barbara Massaro 516-826-6577 Treasurer: Ann Kelly 516-379-3725 Visit Reilly Council’s Web Site For Advance Activities Information. See All Broadcast’s, Past & Present In Full Color. www.reillycouncil.org Volume 40 Issue 10 Page 3 e 4th Degree News 2015-2016 Slate For Election Of Officers Voting At The Business Meeting June 11th, 2015 Chaplain: * No Vote Bedell Grand Knight: Deputy Grand Knight: Chancellor: Warden: Financial Secretary: * No Vote Treasurer: Guards: (3) Padre Pio Assembly # 2718 Reported By: S.K. Joe Kiefer 516-868-8504 Daecon Paul James Muller, GK Sal Bucceti Walter Shorak, PGK Eugene Caruso John Didden, PGK Keith Eriksen Joe Keifer Louis Celano Anthony West Recorder: Ed Ronan Advocate: Jerry Catalano, PGK 1st Year Trustee: Richard Marino, PGK 2nd Year Trustee: Bruno Reale, PGK 3rd Year Trustee: Andrew Marincsak, PGK NYS Convention Delegates: (2) GK Elect, James Muller DGK Elect, Sal Buceti Alternates To NY S Convention: (2) Walter Shorak, PGK TBA Nassau Division Delegates: (2) Grand Knight Elect Deputy GK Elect The Nominating Committee Has Interviewed The Above Slate And Presents It To The Council Membership For A Vote At The June 11th, 2015 Business Meeting Chairman: Richard Marino, PGK Future Meetings June 24th 8:00PM @ Memorare Council No Summer Meetings 4th Degree Memorial Mass, June 22nd, 7:30PM @ St. William The Abbot Church, Seaford Repass @ Memorare Council Upcoming Events Golf Outing, August 17th, 2015 Shot Gun Start 1st Tee Off @ 8:00AM Willow Creek Golf Club $84.00 Includes Dinner After @ Memorare Council Octoberfest, Sunday, Sept 13th 2:00 7:00PM $35.00PP Includes Entertainment, German Food, Beer, Wine, Soda & Desert 4th Degree Exemplification, Sunday October 11th, 2015 Marriot Hotel, Melville Call Joe For Details Father Jeremiah J. Reilly Council Calendar of Events Anyone Wishing To Run For Any Of The Above Positions, May Do So From The Floor, Prior To The Meeting, After Being Nominated By Another Paid Up Member. June - July– August At The June 11th, 2015 Business Meeting. VOTE ON CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTIONS @ The Business Meeting June 11th, 2015 1. Sacred Heart Outreach 2. Cure’ of Ars’ Outreach 3. N.Y.P.D Anchor Club $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 4. Ladies Auxiliary 5. Haiti Mission (Sharon Eriksen) 6. Jamaica Mission (Sharon Eriksen) 7. Alpha (Skip Luberto) 8. AHRC (Janet McGuire) 9. Sacred Heart Building Fund 10. Fr. D’Angelo (Retirement Gift) 11. Fr. Charles Mangano (25th Anniversary) 12. Fr. Joseph Nixon (30th Anniversary) 13. Fr. Augustine Cure’ of Ars (Going Away Gift) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 500.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 250.00 100.00 June 5th, 2015 June 11th, 2015 June 14th, 2015 June 25th, 2015 July 9th, 2015 July 23rd, 2015 August 13th, 2015 August 27th, 2015 41st Anniversary Dinner Business Meeting Elections S/H Communion Breakfast Social Meeting @ Yacht Club Business Meeting, @ S/H Social Meeting @ Yacht Club Business Meeting @ S/H Social Meeting @ Yacht Club NOTE: June, July August & September Social Meetings Will Be Held At The Sunrise Yacht Club Mark YOUR Calendar’s For These Important Council Events. LADIES AUXILIARY NEWS Dear Ladies, Please make your reservations for the Knight’s Communion Breakfast on June 14th, after the 8:00AM Mass at Sacred Heart. Call Ed Ronan @ 516-378-7019. By June 9th. Pay at the door. $7.00PP. MEETING DATES June 15th, Dinner Out Pray for all members, their families and our Service Men and Women. God Bless You All. Janet e Volume 41 Issue 10 Father Jeremiah J. Reilly Council # 6561 41st Anniversary Dinner Celebration Friday, June 5th 2015 Plattduetsche Park Restaurant, Franklin Square Check Your Mail, You Were Mailed A Formal Invitation Please Return Your Intent ASAP A Return Envelope Was Included Additional Information: Chairman: PGK, Rich Marino 781 -4026 STOCKMARKET SWEEPSTAKES A Very Easy Way To Support Your Council And Win Some Money At The Same Time. PGK, Jerry Catalano Is Again Chairing The Stock Market Sweepstakes Fund Raiser. You Have Already Received Your Tickets In The Mail With Instructions On How It Works. Look Around On Your Dresser Or In Your Sock Drawer For Your Tickets. If You Have Already Returned Your Tickets, Thank You, Maybe You Could Sell A Few More !!! Call Jerry @ 516-379-9151 For Additional Tickets Father Reilly Council 3rd Annual Bowling Event Saturday, June 13th, 2015 East Meadow Bowl 7-10PM, Adults: $30.00 (17 & Up) Children: (13-16) $25.00 Great Prizes, Raffle, 50/50 Cash Bar Available Includes, Heros, Soft Drinks,Salads, Sweets, Coffee. Tea, 2-3 Games & Shoes With More Brothers Attending A Greater Success Is Anticipated Must Be Reserved and Paid By June 1st, 2015 Make Checks Payable To: Fr. Reilly Council # 6561 KofC For Additional Information & Reservations, Contact: Neil Franzese @ 516-841-8075 or neilftax@gmail.com Skip Luberto @ 516-250-4343 or skip@qualitysaw.com Bruno Reale, PGK @ 516-223-7190 or brunobowl@aol.com Page 4
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