Charity Unity Fraternity Patriotism 1942 2015 NEW HYDE PARK, N.Y. Published Monthly by NEW HYDE PARK COUNCIL NO. 2852 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS VOLUME 71, NO. 12 JUNE 2015 Visit for the Latest Information and Council Events Grand Knight's Message by Thomas J. Liddy, GK Dear Brothers: First, I want to say thank you to everyone who contributed to the successes of our Council over the past two Columbian years. Thank you to my brother Knights, my sister Columbiettes, family members and friends that have contributed in many, many ways to moving this Council forward. A lot has been accomplished, yet there is still much to be done. A new course has been set and it will be up to the officers and members in the years to come to build upon this solid foundation by bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the fore. I would be remiss if I did not say a special Thank you to my Brother, Joe Wendling, Jr., DGK who at the last minute stepped in to serve as the Council’s Deputy Grand Knight. Because of his interests, skills and determination he was able to jump into the position and not skip a beat. He will make an excellent Grand Knight and will serve our Council with distinction. Accomplishments are not the result of one individual but the result of a team effort and I want to thank my trustees Brothers Henry Hurtle, PGK, Mike Monroe, PGK, and Harry O’Connor, PGK for their guidance and counsel. Our membership has shown solid growth with a number of new members assuming leadership roles within the Council as well as becoming officers. We made recruiting new members a priority and the driving force behind this effort was Bro. Dan Garcia. Thank you, Dan. Raising money for the sake of raising money has no purpose. We raise funds for two purposes, (1) to sustain our charitable efforts and (2) to underwrite the various programs such as the Special Olympics basketball program, led by Bros. Joe Abberton and Kevin Oster which, by the way, is celebrating its tenth anniversary. As this Columbian year comes to a close we are ending on a very solid financial footing. Thank you to the many contributors who gave leadership to our efforts: Bros. Jim Bush, Rich Critelli, Brian Ennis, Henry Hurtle, Ed Long, Ben Massa, Tom McGowan, Rosario Migliori, Mike Monroe, Artie Mikowski, Bill O’Neill, and Frank Smith. Congratulations to our newly elected officers. Please join me in wishing them well in the coming Columbian year. I know that they will be able to count on us for support. A special thank you to Continued on Page 4 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NEW HYDE PARK COUNCIL 1000 Marcus Ave. New Hyde Park, New York 11040 Knights of Columbus Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Flushing, NY PERMIT No. 1466 PAGE 2 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Published Monthly By NEW HYDE PARK COUNCIL NO. 2852 1000 Marcus Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (516)352-2852 Council Mtgs: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays - 8:00 P.M. Editor: Harry O'Connor Printing Deadline: 10th of the month Advertising: 352-2852 Council Chaplain: Rev. Kevin McBrien Assoc. Chaplain: Deacon Lachlan Cameron OFFICERS FOR 2014-2015 Grand Knight ........................... Thomas J. Liddy Deputy Grand Knight . Joseph F. Wendling, Jr. Chancellor …………............. John A. Quinonez Warden ……….…….....…… Joseph P. Abberton Inside Guard …….......…..........…… Kevin Oster Inside Guard ……..........…… Aloysius Arukattil Outside Guard …………..….......… Ed Falowski Outside Guard …………......… Desmond Gomes Treasurer ……………………. Brian Ennis, PGK Advocate ……..…......….…. Howard Ammerman Recorder ……………................…….. Karl Wick Financial Secretary ………...……. Frank Smith Lecturer ................................. Ben Massa, PGK Three Year Trustee ......... Harry O'Connor, PGK Two Year Trustee ........... Michael Monroe, PGK One Year Trustee …........ Henry C. Hurtle, PGK SERVICE PROGRAMS Program Director ................. Joseph F. Wendling, Jr. Membership Director ……....................... Dan Garcia Retention Chairman …..........………… Fred A. Meyers Vocations Chairman ................. Deacon Matthew Oellinger Council Director......……….................. Michael Horan Technology Director.......................... Brian Ennis, PGK Youth Director........................................... James Bush PARISH ROUNTABLE COMMITTEES Holy Spirit Church .............................. Frank Lappin Michael Monroe, PGK Notre Dame Church ................................ Dan Garcia Our Lady of the Snows Parish .............. Michael Wrenn Ben Massa, PGK DELEGATES TO THE NASSAU CHAPTER AND THE CONVENTION Thomas J. Liddy, GK • Brian Ennis, PGK Fourth Degree Chairmen GK Thomas Liddy, PFN FN Brian Ennis, PGK Council Ceremonial Chairman Frank Lappin 17th Council District DD Thomas Chojnacki Warden Robert Guida, PGK Warden Tom Kelly, PGK Warden Mike Raso, PGK Warden Charlie Vigliotti, PGK Council K of C Insurance Representative Dan Garcia 516-358-1817 COLUMBUS CLUB OF NEW HYDE PARK, INC. Monthly Meeting • 3rd Tuesday - 8:00 P.M. DIRECTORS President .............................. Thomas McGowan, PGK Vice President ......................... Henry C. Hurtle, PGK Treasurer ........................................... Anthony Tallini Financial Secretary ................ Harry O'Connor, PGK Recorder ....................................... Joseph Renta, PGK Michael J. Monroe, PGK • Patrick Crosson, Jr., PGK Kevin Houst • Brian Ennis, PGK JUNE 2015 Columbiettes News By Margie Restivo, President Dear Sisters and Brothers, Our May meeting is over and we are preparing for June. It was decided by the nominating committee to present the current officers for re-election. The election will be held at the June meeting. I recently attended the NYS Columbiette State Convention at the Villa Roma. Dee Wych will be our new NYS Columbiette President beginning July 1, 2015. Nassau’s own Jeanne Mucci was elected to the position of Past President. We wish Dee much success and a big thank you to Jeanne for a most productive and successful term as president! On May 18th at The Nassau Chapter meeting, nominations were made for next year’s officers’ positions; the vote will take place at the June 15th meeting which will be held at Holy Innocents. The baby shower for Birthright took place just prior to our Chapter meeting. As usual it was successful. My personal thanks go to my sisters of NHP whose donations helped to make this baby shower so successful. Dan Garcia reports that the Knights are having a membership drive on June 14th at Holy Spirit Church. Dan has invited us to join in at the 9:30 AM Mass and the membership drive as well. Several pews have been reserved for the NHP Columbiettes and Knights. Breakfast will follow the celebration of the Mass at the council. The cost is $5.00 per person and $10.00 per family. Let us all attend and support this effort. Thank you, Dan. Once again, our sister Phyllis baked some wonderful deserts to add some sweetness to our business meetings. We all look forward to Phyllis’ culinary creations and fellowship. Thank you! Looking forward to our next meeting on June 9th at 7:30 PM. With warm wishes and prayers. K of C Seniors Charity Corner by Ed Palkot, President Dear Brothers and Sisters: As our club takes a summer break I would like to bring you up to date on the variety of functions held this year. In January, Joseph Vespe spoke about matters relating to hearing loss. In March, we filled a bus going to the Hunterdon Playhouse to see Abie’s Irish Rose, and during the same month we celebrated both St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Days. A number of members also attended a play at Westbury Manor. In April we attended the Testimonial Dinner at Verdi’s for outgoing president, Joan Fiorenti. In May we heard District Judge David Goodsell discuss the duties of juries. Last month I was privileged to be honored at North Hempstead’s Annual Senior Recognition Luncheon. On May 20th we held our Annual Memorial Mass for deceased members of the club at the council. And this month we have scheduled an anniversary luncheon for members married 55 years or more. The funds we raise through dances, events, raffles and Bingo enable our council to be an important part of the community. Last month the Charity Committee met and approved the following donations: $200 sponsor for the Holy Spirit Church Family Festival…$200 golf hole sponsor for Our Lady of the Snows Church Golf Outing…$500 to Katie’s Run…$100 to Our Lady of the Shrine…$500 sponsor for the Tour de Cure American Diabetes Cycling…$250 to the Stephen Frosch Memorial 4K Run. JUNE 2015 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Fraternal Corner "Let us pray for our sick and deceased." Please pray for those who are ill: Brothers: Larry Centola, Al Airone, Richard Atkinson (GK of Port Washington Council) Family Members: Roy Matthews (Brother-in-law of Bro. Jim Percival), Jim Schmaeling (Son of Bea and deceased PGK Artie Schmaeling), John Brennan (Father-in-law of Bro. Kevin Oster), Ninabeth Palces (Daughter of Bro. Jude) Please pray for those who have passed away: Brothers: John W. Lydon, Michael Franzese, William Fenelon, PGK, Eugene Zito, Charles Drago, Sr., Anthony Lodato Please notify George Pellechia, PGK at 516.248.7741 or email of sickness or death of any of our members. Saint John XXIII Assembly by SK Thomas Liddy, PFN I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Bro. John Thomas, the newest Color Corpsman from New Hyde Park. The next Exemplification of the Fourth Degree will be held on Sunday, Oct. 11th, at the Melville Marriott. This last degree is the Patriotic Degree of our Order. Any third degree member in good standing is eligible to take the degree. Please see either Bro. Brian Ennis or myself for further information. PAGE 3 Supreme News Charter Presentation Marks Renewal of Early Council A reactivated Knights of Columbus council, whose foundation dates to 1896, received a charter and a new name in a ceremony at the historic New York City church where the council will serve. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson presented the charter April 11 to the newly renamed Archbishop John J. Hughes Council 163 at the end of Mass in the Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in lower Manhattan. Completed in 1815 as the third Catholic Church in New York, the old cathedral is marking its 200th anniversary with a major renovation that will be completed in November. It was designated a basilica in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. Receiving the charter from the supreme knight was Grand Knight Ernest Mingione. Also taking part in the ceremony were Supreme Director Arthur Harris of New York; State Deputy Carmine Musumeci; Charles Daeschler, state reactivation chairman; District Deputy James Hamilton, other state council officials and members of Council 163. The Mass for the Vigil of Divine Mercy Sunday was offered by Supreme Chaplain William E. Lori of Baltimore. The pastor, Msgr. Donald Sakano, was among the concelebrants and delivered the homily. In addition to the council charter, Supreme Knight Anderson delivered a check for $100,000 to Msgr. Sakano for construction of a memorial to Archbishop Hughes in the cathedral’s front courtyard and the establishment of the planned Archbishop John Hughes Center for Faith Formation and Community Service. Msgr. Sakano praised the work of Council 163, saying, “We are very proud of what we do and what we will do here.” He said that the council’s new name reflects a renewed identity and mission for Knights at the old cathedral, which is located in a bustling neighborhood on the outskirts of Little Italy and Chinatown. Archbishop Hughes, the fourth bishop and first archbishop of New York, was a vocal defender of the Catholic faith and an ardent protector of his poor immigrant flock against attacks from 19th century anti-Catholic movements. Before his death in 1864, he began construction of the new St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Avenue, where his remains are entombed in the crypt beneath the high altar with other New York archbishops. In remarks at the charter presentation, Supreme Knight Anderson invoked the spirit of Archbishop Hughes, urging Catholics to face the challenges of today with strength and confidence. He recalled that when Pope Benedict visited the new St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Avenue during his 2008 apostolic voyage to the United States, he spoke of the fervent missionary spirit that built the Church in America. The pope mentioned specifically “the remarkable accomplishment of that exemplary American priest, the Venerable Michael McGivney, whose vision and zeal led to the establishment of the Knights of Columbus.” Father McGivney had a simple answer to the challenges of his day, the supreme knight noted: “Live the principles of charity, unity and fraternity in ways people can see overcome self-centeredness, greed and cynicism.” These same principles guide Knights today as they serve their church and communities, the supreme knight added. “Pope Francis calls us to do this today with even greater determination, to be, in his words, ‘neighbors who care for each other.’ This is truly the Knights of Columbus way of life,” he said. “As we prepare to welcome our pope to the United States later this year, let us strive for a record of accomplishment of which we can all be proud.” Please keep all our soldiers and their families in your prayers. PAGE 4 Please Patronize Our Advertisers JUNE 2015 Grand Knight's Message To Our Readers… Continued from page 1 Bro. John Thomas for jumping in and accepting the position of Deputy Grand Knight. As you can see this seems to be somewhat of a recurring theme. Hopefully in future years, the line of succession will return to a more stable model. Recently the Council honored Bros. Joe Wendling, Jr. as Knight of the Year and Ed Long as the Community Service Award recipient. Earlier, Margie Restivo, Columbiette President, was recognized as the Lady of Distinction recipient. Congratulations to all. A thank you to all my brothers and sisters who help at Bingo, the Street Fair, Easter Egg Hunt, Special Olympics, Dances and Socials, the Children’s Christmas Party (chaired by Joe Renta, PGK), the Street Fair, the Annual Golf Outing, Keep Christ in Christmas lawn sign and magnet sales, Poster and Essay contests (chaired by Bro. John Quinonez), the members of the degree team, blood drives, Car Show, Christmas Sing Along, parties and dances, Children’s Charity, Eagle Courts of Honor, Memorial Day Parade, Gladiator Dinner, Nassau Veterans Recognition, Seminarians (chaired by Deacon Matthew Oellinger), the Council’s Annual Memorial Mass, Annual Tree Lighting and fraternal responsibilities (chaired by George Pellechia, PGK, FDD). I am sure I left one or two out, my apologies. Thank you to the women who brought the Columbiettes back to life. In the coming years, the Knights and Columbiettes will complement and support each other in many ways, strengthening both organizations. As my tenure comes to end, I want to thank my wife for all her help and support. Never once did she tell me you need to do this instead of attending to a K of C event or responsibility. Her only constant question was, “Which costume are you wearing tonight?” Also, thank you to my Mom for her constant encouragement. A special thank you to our chaplains, Fr. McBrien and Deacon Cameron, for their guidance and keeping us centered in faith. Finally, I want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to whom I owe everything. Recruit a new member. Brothers and Sisters, thanks for all you do! ...with summer fast approaching, we once again take a hiatus from our Clarion workload to enjoy some of Mother Nature’s better outdoor weather. The pressroom will shut down and there will be one Clarion issue for the summer months; July/August issue will come out in August. As we end this Columbian Year we can proudly say we did our best in putting out a top notch bulletin. Although we placed second in the New York State Council Bulletin Contest I can honestly say we did our best. I thank Roy of Herald Graphics and Lucy of Mr. Printer for their efforts and talent in producing our newsletter. I thank the behind-the-scenes guys who help tab, label and sort the Clarion for mailing. They are Brothers: Fred Zoeller, Emil Natale, Frank Smith, Victor Cunneen, Nick Cambria, Joe Abberton, Kevin Oster, Vito DeVito, Domenic Pagano, and PGK’s Pat Crosson, Tom McGowan, and Ben Massa. As always I thank our advertisers for their support of the Clarion. Many of them have been with us for years. The revenue from their subscriptions helps to defray some of the cost associated with the publication of this newsletter. And as we try to get our costs down I need those Brothers who have an email address to please contact Bro. Kevin McHugh at Give him your name and email address so you can receive your Clarion online. Columnists please have your articles in by July 10. Enjoy the beginning of the summer. –The Editor JUNE 2015 Please Patronize Our Advertisers PAGE 5 Novena Prayer for Life Election of Officers for Columbian Year 2015-2016 Eternal Father, Source of life,Open our hearts to see and desirethe beauty of your plan for life and love.Fill us with your Holy Spirit so thatour love will be generous and self-givingand we may be blessed with joy.Grant us great trust in your mercy.Forgive us for not receiving your gift of lifeand heal us from the effects of the culture of death.Instill in us and in all people a senseof the sacredness of every human life.Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable,especially women who are pregnantand their unborn children,the sick and the elderly. Strengthen us in the hopethat with you nothing is impossible.We ask this in the name of Jesus,who by his Cross makesall things new. Amen.Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of Life, Pray for us. At last month’s meeting I read off the names of the Brother Knights and their positions recommended by the nominating committee. I then opened the nomination process for members to come off the floor. There were no nominations. Grand Knight ....................... Joseph F. Wendling, Jr. Deputy Grand Knight ............................... John Thomas Chancellor ...................................... John A. Quinonez Warden ........................................ Joseph P. Abberton Inside Guard .............................................. Kevin Oster Inside Guard ..................................... Aloysius Arukattil Outside Guard .................................. Edward Falowski Outside Guard .............................. Desmond Gomes Treasurer ......................................... Brian Ennis, PGK Advocate ..................................... Howard Ammerman Recorder .................................... Lecturer ............................................ Ben Massa, PGK Three Year Trustee ................. Thomas J. Liddy, PGK Two Year Trustee .................... Harry O'Connor, PGK One Year Trustee .................... Michael Monroe, PGK The nomination process has been closed and the above listed officers will formally be elected at this month’s meeting. Fraternally, Henry C. Hurtle, Jr., PGK Chairman James J. Walker – General Manager 2000 Hillside Ave. • New Hyde Park 11040 • 516-352-3434 224-39 Jamaica Ave. • Queens Village 11428 • 718-465-3210 PAGE 6 Please Patronize Our Advertisers The Katie McBride Foundation Presents 5 Annual Katie’s Run th 5K Run/2 Mile Walk To benefit the Ronald McDonald House of L.I. JUNE 2015 New Hyde Park Council Knightwear Not feeling like your old self… …maybe it’s time to order a new jacket or sweatshirt! Council Jackets Three Colors To Choose: Red, Forest Green, or Navy Med, Large, XL, XXL $50.00 -$55.00 Sunday, June 28, 2015 • 9:00 AM Participants are invited to a Free Pasta & Beer Party on Friday evening, June 26th from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM to pick up race packets. It will be held at the New Hyde Park Elks, located at 901 Lakeville Road. Come by and get some free pasta and beer, and pick up your dry-fit shirt and bib number. Both the 5K Run, and the 2 Mile Fun Run/Walk, will start in the vicinity of the New Hyde Park Funeral Home, but will end at the corner of Wilton Street and Albert Street, alongside Memorial Park. Memorial Park is the site of the Post Run Festivities which include a free barbeque for all the participants, a Kids Fun Run, and other planned fun activities for the entire family. Although the start and finish are a few blocks apart, we’ll be providing complimentary shuttle transportation for those that don’t want to make the short walk. Register at Donations by Non-Participants can be made online or at the New Hyde Park Funeral Home on the race day or anytime. Sharing the Good News Family Addition: On Friday, May 15th Bro. Sean O’Connor, and his wife, Erika, became parents for the first time. Erika gave birth to their daughter, Alaina Rose, at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan. She weighed 6 lbs, 8 oz and measured 20 inches. To say the least, MaryAnne and Harry O’Connor, PGK, are very happy grandparents! This brings the number of grandchildren to two. Their other grandchild, Madalynn, turned One; you know, the Big One, on May 26th. Her parents are Bro. Chris O’Connor, and his wife, Victoria. Although we are in the month of June, Madalynn is still celebrating her First Birthday with parties! Recognition: On Tuesday, May 12th the Town of North Hempstead honored more than three dozen seniors at the 43 rd Annual Senior Recognition Luncheon at the Clubhouse at Harbor Links in Port Washington. The event honored 38 seniors for their exceptional service to the community and to various groups throughout the Town of North Hempstead during a ceremony attended by elected officials, and family and friends of the honorees. The honorees included long time Brother Knights: Emil Natale representing the Leisure Club and Ed Palkot representing the K of C Seniors. Congratulations Brothers! Golf Shirts Many Colors To Choose: Black, White, Yellow, Red, Maroon, Forest Green, Royal Blue, Navy Med, Large, XL………. $25.00 XXL ………. $28.00 Jackets and Golf Shirts Embroidered with Member's Name & Council Logo I have started taking orders. When we reach the required minimum, I will place the order with the sportswear company. Payment due upon delivery. Thank You! Fraternally, Harry O’Connor, PGK 516-328-1826 Please Patronize Our Advertisers!!! JUNE 2015 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Ahoy, Matey’s Annual NHP K of C Family Fishing Trip ••• Saturday, July 25th 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM ••• Charter Boat: Fantasy III Port of Departure 540 Guy Lombardo Ave. Freeport PLEASE JOIN THE N.H.P. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FOR OUR th 13 Annual Gillespie – Liddy Memorial Golf Outing Clearview Golf Course Bayside, NY Friday, June 12, 2015 Registration Time: 12 Noon Shotgun Start: 1:30 PM ••• The trip includes: fishing poles, bait, tackle, and two experienced mates. Enjoy a relaxing afternoon on the water with friends and family. Remember this is a family-friendly activity. 18 Holes of Golf Includes: Shared Golf Cart Hamburger or Hot Dog with Beer/Soda Prior to Tee Off Food and Beverages On the Turn *Bring your own grog and munchies Afterwards at $40 per person includes the customary $5 gratuity for the mates ••• Make your reservations soon… limited to 40 Anglers! PAGE 7 New Hyde Park Council Hot Buffet Dinner and Open Bar Door and Raffle Prize Drawings Only $140 Per Golfer Singles and Doubles Will Be Paired For Reservations Please Call: Contact Bro. John Quinonez at KIDD Collision • 516-742-5961 Tom McGowan, PGK at ••• In the council office a box is set up so you can drop off or mail your money along with the names of those who will be going fishing. Hole /Dinner Sponsorships are Available 516-352-9004 Please See Mike Monroe, PGK Please Make Checks Payable to: NHP Knights of Columbus PAGE 8 Please Patronize Our Advertisers JUNE 2015 NEW HYDE PARK COUNCIL No. 2852 JUNE 2015 S M 1 516-352-2852 T W T 4 3 2 8 K OF C MEETING 8:00 PM K OF C OFFICERS MEETING 8:00 PM 14 15 11 10 9 COLUMBIETTES MEETING 8:00 PM 18 16 17 COLUMBUS CLUB MEETING 8:00 PM (NO MEETINGS JULY AND AUGUST) K OF C SENIORS 11:00 AM (NO MEETINGS JULY AND AUGUST) 22 23 24 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY AND SUMMER! 28 B I NG O 7:00PM CAPT. NESBITT B I NG O 7:00PM CAPT. McCANN FLAG DAY 21 S 5 6 12 13 7:00PM CAPT. BARBOLLA K OF C SENIORS 11:00 AM 7 B I NG O F 25 B I NG O K OF C GOLF OUTING CLEARVIEW GC 19 20 NASSAU CHAPTER MEETING 8:00 PM FR. DALY COUNCIL MANHASSET 26 27 7:00PM CAPT. DRAGO 29 30 JULY CALENDAR July 2: BINGO Capt. Barbolla July 4: Independence Day July 9: BINGO Capt. Nesbitt July 13: K of C Officers Meet July 14: K of C Meeting KATIE'S 5K RUN 9:00 AM July 15: Columbiettes Meeting July 16: BINGO Capt. McCann July 23: BINGO Capt. Drago July 30: BINGO Capt. Barbolla CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR K OF C VOLUNTEERS! Charity, Unity & Fraternity Reach for Star Council Roy J. Mezzapelle Business & Social Printing Featuring Products by Carlson Craft 20% OFF ALL PRINTING 516-286-7923 DGK Joseph Wendling – Knight of the Year Ed Long – Community Person Award JUNE 2015 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Jack O'Sullivan Martin Crerand Residential Commercial Joe Stelmokas John Quinonez Brother Knight Established 1986 Tel: 516-354-0002 Fax: 516-488-9569 718-284-3600 3 Hoffman Road New Hyde Park, NY 11040 • SHOW-QUALITY WORKMANSHIP • HONEST WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES • CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED • We Make Bodies Beautiful • 290 BROADWAY, GARDEN CITY PARK, NY 11040 516-742-5961 • FAX 516-742-5968 PAGE 9 ' Ace-Decor PAINTING - DECORATING WALLCOVERING - SHEETROCK TAPING - POWERWASHING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR 929-800-1174 ANTHONY NEW HYDE PARK, NY LUCY IS NOW WITH RAY - BLOCK STATIONERY CO., INC 516-428-2010 "COMPLETE LINE OF OFFSET PRINTING" 3 Plainfield Ave. Floral Park, NY 11001 (Corner of Jericho Turnpike) Tax Services Accounting Business Logistics WE DELIVER K of C Brother Joseph Scarpa, CPA PC 516-785-1937 ALL OCCASIONS BALLOONS PARTY CAKES Bro. Joseph R. Smolenski Jr. Bro. Jason Latka Bro. Michael P. McBride (516) 328-1497 JAN PAGE 10 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Office Hours By Appointment HEALTH THROUGH CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Nicholas M. Virgilio NEW HYDE PARK PODIATRYBROTHER KNIGHT GINO SCARTOZZI, D.P.M. BOARD CERTIFIED, DABPOPPM, FACFAOM Direct: (516) 354-7857 Office: (516) 437-0333 teleflora 1640 HILLSIDE AVENUE NEW HYDE PARK, N.Y. 11040 (516) 354-9037 CityLine (718) 343-5525 FLORIST 2 ABERDEEN ROAD NEW HYDE PARK, NY 11040 TELEPHONE: (516) 326-7936 516-354-3651 PETER M. CAPUTO, BROKER ERA Caputo Realty CITY LINE OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT (Council Brother) 2035 Hillside Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 JUNE 2015 Flowers For All Occasions Please Patronize Our Advertisers A delicious new RTD tea with a ROAR of goodness! A Song For Ireland Dom Pagano Owner, Dandy Lion Tea LLC MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS 40 Fulton Ave., Garden City Park, NY 11040 Senior Relocation Appraisals Real Estate Management phone 718-441-4422 cell 347-242-1678 fax 718-846-0020 (516) 248-9214 516-326-7979 THOMAS BARBARO, D.P.M. Board Certified Podiatrist • NEW PATIENTS WELCOMED • 800 B Jericho Tpke. • New Hyde Park, NY FUNTIME MUSIC & VIDEO JOHN AMBROSINO NADINE AMBROSINO D.J. (516) 354-2258 Tel: 516-437-5199 Tel: 631-543-1184 Fax:631-543-2312 HEATING SPECIALISTS FUEL OIL - OIL BURNERS Complete Entertainment Company Music & Video For All Occasions 70 WINDSOR AVENUE MINEOLA, NY 11501 Baron & Goodsell Attorneys at Law 516-328-3254 Thursday Nights!!! Be There!!! 718-470-0808 LIC# 1008 516-437-5343 Licensed Plumbers LIC# 2060 Tri-County Instant Plumbing & Heating, L.L.C. Wills, Trusts and Estates Elder Law Real Estate Dominick's Italian & American Delicatessen Produce • Deli • Grocery • Dairy Superior Catering ••••• Patricia A. Goodsell, Esq. 516-746-2116 608 Jericho Turnpike New Hyde Park, NY 11040 "All Cooking Prepared In Our Own Kitchen" 401 Herricks Rd., New Hyde Park, NY 11040 FRANK J. MUSELLA Brother JOHN J. MUSELLA Please Patronize Our Advertisers!!! Rick Bremer Park Funeral Chapels Generations of Dignified Personal Service 2175 Jericho Turnpike Garden City Park, NY 11040 (516) 747-4300 Levittown, N.Y. 11756 516.735.3914 Bremco Licensed • Insured Home Improvements, Inc. • • • • • • • • extensions dormers decks vinyl siding wood siding bathrooms kitchens basements • • • • windows doors skylights gutters & leaders • sheetrock & spackle • paneling & trim
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