R E R E V O C S I D The Volume 114, Issue 4 January-February 2015 Fr. M. F. Monahan Council Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays—8PM 600 Knights Rd., Hollywood, FL 33021 http://www.kofc4851.org 954-981-5406 RENTALS CALL: 954-981-5406 Published bi-monthly. For up-to-date listing of all activities see the Web Site: WWW.KOFC4851.ORG ONE NEW MEMBER PER COUNCIL PER MONTH In Memory of Past Worthy Chaplain Fr. Dan Doyle, SM Father Dan Doyle, SM: Born March 24, 1937, made first vows as a Marianist Sept. 8, 1955, final vows Aug. 15, 1960, and was ordained a priest July 4, 1967. He died Oct. 29, 2014 Fr. Dan served the Chaminade - Madonna High School and Nativity Parish for 47 years. He arrived at the all-boys Chami- nade High School (which later merged with the all-girls Madonna Academy) just after his ordination in 1967. For over four decades he served the Marianist-owned school as teacher, president, chaplain, campus minister, member of the board of trustees and Chaplain to Knights of Columbus Council 4851, Fr. M.F. Monahan. Always notated for his message “Evangelize the World,” Fr. Dan wrote and preached that this was our mission as baptized Catholics. Fr. Dan started the first prayer meeting in this area and is well known in the Charismatic Prayer movement. To members of Fr. Monahan Knights of Columbus Council he was best know for his monthly meditations that appeared in “The Discoverer” the Council's newsletter. On Page 5 is one of his many monthly meditations. God Bless you Fr. Dan and all the souls of all the faithful departed. Amen. CORPORATE COMMUNION 2014-15 January 18, 2015—Nativity 9:30 Mass; April 2015—Annumciation 11 Mass. Final date will be released when cleared by the pastors. Following Mass we will go to Hillcrest Country Club for Brunch and enjoy each others presence. 1 Council #4851 HOME ASSOCIATION Meets: 1st Wednesday 9PM 1 YR. Billy Farquharson (Pres) Bob Connors (Tres) Joe Cardamon Josh Willette 2 YRS. Albert Serrano Ralph Collins Jerry Oldziej Jim Shuster, Jr. 3 YR. John Kronenwetter Bob Magic Frank Neumann Allen Putnam (Secretary) Bob Bacic, At-Large Vol. 114, Issue 4 January-February 2015 OFFICERS 2014-15 STATE DEPUTY Paul Koppie 727-785-2684 pmkoppie@verizon.net DISTRICT DEPUTY 72 F. Albert Stowe (Sharon) 954-348-7744 stowealbert513@gmail.com DISTRICT WARDEN Peter Siano ponias@aol.com 954-565-9320 Chancellor Josh Willette 518-726-0774 Joshwillette@hotmail.com Warden Luis Zarate 772-332-4792 Luis.zarate@joseluiz.com Financial Secretary Jose Suvillaga (Sara) 954-274-3427 josesuvi@aol.com Recorder Eduardo Suazo 305-431-3296 COUNCIL ed_suazo@hotmail.com Chaplain Fr. George Packuvettihara Nativity Parish Grand Knight Bob Bacic 954-816-3157 bacic4851@att.net Treasurer Steve Cernobyl 954-983-1382 Advocate Bob Magic (Dorothy) 954-983-1327 Lecturer F. Albert Stowe, PGK Inside Guard Horace Summers 305-336-7756 hhhasummers@yahoo.com Deputy Grand Knight Albert Serrano (Melissa) 954-709-8182 serranoalberto77@yahoo.com Outside Guard Jimmy Capppaletti Trustees 1st Yr– Joe Cardamon (Terri) 2nd Yr - David Osterberger 3rd Yr - Jim Shuster, Jr. Membership Director Admission Chair F. Albert Stowe (Sharon) 954-348-7744 stowealbert513@gmail.com Retention Director Jim Schmand (Mary) 954-989-0985 Health & Welfare David J. Osterberger 954-322-8083 Insurance Representative Armando Mastrapa 305-968-0856 Armando.mastrapa@ kofc.org Brothers, please begin to fill out the Fraternal Survey for 2014. Bring to a meeting or mail to Financial Secretary Jose Suvillaga by Mid-January. The Council report must be in by January 31. Thank You and Happy New Year. CUT HERE 2014 ANNUAL SURVEY OF FRATERNAL ACTIVITY INDIVIDUAL MEMBER WORKSHEET Last year, the Knights of Columbus donated more than $170.2 million to charitable and benevolent causes and 70.5 million hours of volunteer community service to aid the less fortunate. To help prepare our Fraternal Survey for the Supreme Council office, please complete the information requested below and return it at our next meeting (Dec. 14). This information will assist us in determining the total number of hours of community service volunteered by our members during 2014. 1. Number of visits you made during 2014 to: Sick - caring for the sick/nursing homes/ hospitals .......................... Bereaved - visits of condolence ............................................. 2.Number of times you served as a blood donor during 2012 ............................................ . 3. Estimated hours of community volunteer service during 2012: Church Activities - service in all Church related activities ..................................... . Community Activities - service in all community related activities ......................... . Youth Activities - service in all youth related activities .......................................... . Habitat for Humanity - service in all related projects ............................................ . Miscellaneous Activities - service in areas not outlined above: 4. Number of hours of fraternal service during 2012: Sick /disabled members and their families - household chores, transportation, tutoring, counseling, etc…. 2 Council #4851 Vol. 114, Issue 4 January-February 2015 CALL (954) 966-2211 CHIROPRACTIC FAMILY HEALTH CENTER 5745 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, FL FAMILY HEALTH CARE www.legaultchiro.com Neck/Back Pain Arm/Leg Pain Headaches/Sinus Accidents-Auto/Sport/Work Members of Nativity Parish Most Insurances Accepted Health Thru Chiropractic BROTHERS: IF YOU ARE CELEBRATING YOUR 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY DURING FEBRUARY, MARCH OR APRIL PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO THAT I CAN ADVISE THE SUPREME KNIGHT SO YOU WILL BE RECOGNIZED. I NEED THE DATE OF YOUR MARRIAGE, YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE’S NAME 4 –5 WEEKS BEOFORE YOUR ANNIVERSARY. Thank you — Jose Suvillaga, FS St. Jude Novena. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles , pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. My prayers have been answered. RC; GF, JK Moore Engraving Charlie Moore 954-342-9477 www.mooreengraving.com Page 3 3 Visit the On-Line Store ANNUAL FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Doors open at 4:30PM ADULTS $10 HELP NEEDED!!!! The BUSY SEASON is upon us. CONTACT: Billy Farquharson 786-367-8216 Or just show up - Thank You Council #4851 Vol. 114, Issue 4 January-February 2015 BOOSTERS 2014-2015 Rick Albert Ronnie Alvert, PPS, SS Grace Alfano Joseph Alfano (In Memory Of) Bob Bacic Russ Bellia, PGK (In Memory Of) Jenny Bellia Anne Betzing Steve Betzing Agnes Cagney, Pres. Columbiettes Patrick Cagney (In Memory Of) Frank Calabro (In Memory Of) Rev. Daniel Doyle, SM (In Memory Of) Jimmy Dunn (In Memory Of) Roberto Duque John Ermine, PGK Margaret Ermine (In Memory Of) George Fraser ‘15 Camille Fraser (In Memory Of) ‘15 Ted Ferschke Joe Fuoco (In Memory Of) Sally Hamway (In Memory Of) Jack Kronenwetter Gerald Legault Marcel Legault, PGK Jack Lesco Robert Magic, PGK, PFS Dorothy Magic Gerald Marcoux, PGK Michael Mazzucca Bill McDermott Joan McDermott Joseph McDermott (In Memory Of) Maureen McDermott Michaael McDermott Richard Micheletti Ann Micheletti Charles Moore, PGK Steven Morrison Jimmy Capppaletti Joe Cardamon, PGK Terry Cardamon John Caspanello, PGK Steve Cernobyl Ernest Chomor ‘15 Sheila Chomor ‘15 William Clark Dina Clark Mariann Clarkson William Clarkson Roberto Dogue Ralph Collins. PGK Barbara Collins June Connors Robert Connors BOOSTERS Frank Neumann Jerry Oldziej David J. Osterberger, PGK,FDD Mary Osterberger Allen Putnam, PGK Kathy Putnam Margaret Reissig ‘15 Rev. Robert Richardson, Chaplain Richard Roether, PGK ‘15 Jim Schmand, PGK Mary Schmand, PP Columbiettes Mary Sepcich Nick Sepcich Alberto Serrano, DGK Carol L. Sharp ’15 James Shuster, Sr.PGK (In Memory Of) James Shuster, Jr., PGK Rocky Stanco ‘15 Paul Stockelman F. Albert Stowe, PGK, DD72 Sharon Stowe Ed Suazo, PGK Horace Summers Jose Suvillaga, FS Daniel Welker, PGK Beverly Welker Joshua Willette Remember our SICK in your PRAYERS To add your name to the list of boosters please contact Bob Magic (954) 983-1327 for the coming year. To place you name on the list it is still only $5. There is room!!! Thank You Sal Oliveri PRAY for our DECEASED BROTHERS Raymond P. Cadieux 1/14 Marc Paradis 2/14 Frank Calabro, 8/14 Dennis Keane 8/14 Fr. Dan Doyle, SM, Past Chaplain, 10/14 GOD IS NOT INTERESTED ONLY IN YOUR MORAL WELL-BEING. HE IS INTERESTED IN YOU AS A WHOLE PERSON: BODY, 4MIND, HEART AND SOUL. 4th Degree Corner Joe Palese Raimondo Basini Bill Hapst Richard Bauer Simone Hebert Carmen Diaz Charles Innocenti Nelson Gardner Benny Robinson Sr. Melissa Hester,IHM Regina Oldziej Jerry Oldziej Dotty Magic William Clark Terri Cardamon Betty Jean Meo Lynn Goff Shuster Dick Wetmore Michael McDermott Colleen Reilly Margaret McDermott Dan Welker Robert Johansen Mary Sepcich Billy Wolin William Frangesh Marilyn Willette Michael Willette Bill McDermott Joan McDermott Virginia Koehler Next 4th degree meeting will be at Council 3080; 3999 W. Dixie Hwy between Oakland Park and Commercial. Food served at 6PM meeting starts at 7 PM on February 3, followed by March 3. All are welcome who are 4th degree knights. MultiAssembly Blessing of the Swords will take place on Feb 7 at Schott Center in Pembroke Pines, Flamingo If you are sick and wish to have your name on Rd. Vivat Jesus the list please notify: Dave Osterberger 954-322-8038 Council #4851 Vol. 114, Issue 4 January-February 2015 DEAR BROHER KNIGHTS, Each of us is called to a mission or vocation. Vocations are usually focused on the priesthood and religious life. Those chosen are set apart, clearly given the task of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. Those of you called to be lay persons often forget, or may even be unaware, that you also are given the mission of spreading the good news. We are called to live our vocations as Christians and our every word and action should reflect our commitment. We are a worshiping people, a praying people, a moral people and a compassionate people. Our actions should speak louder than our words, indicating it is Christ we follow. In Christ, Rev. Daniel F. Doyle, S.M., Past Worthy Chaplain Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for January Peace-- That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. Consecrated Life. --That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. Encourage children to pray with the Pope! Prayer of the Month Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as sisters, brothers, religious priests, consecrated virgins, and hermits, as well as members of Secular Institutes. Renew their knowledge and love of you, and send your Holy Spirit to help them respond generously and courageously to your will. . ---from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops RUN FOR LIFE The 26th Annual Florida State Knights of Columbus Run for Life begins on February 14. There are now three runs: East Coast starts in Homestead, the West Coast Run starts in Marco Island and the Panhandle Run starts in Pensacola. All three runs terminate in St. Augustine on Sunday Feb 22. All donations are welcome. Mail to: West Coast Run for Life, 14580 Sterling Oaks Dr., Naples, FL 34110. If you can not donate, Please Pray for the success of the Run-For-Life. Vivat Jesus. 4th Degree Exemplification Calling all Third Degree Knights. The exemplification for the Florida District, Fourth Degree will be held Saturday January 31, 2015, at the Miami Cursillo Retreat Center, 16250 SW 112 Ave, Miami, FL 33157. Candidates’ registration begins at 10:00AM with the exemplification beginning at 11:30AM. For more information on the requirements to becoming a 4th degree member please contact: Albert Stowe (954) 348-7744 or David Osterberger (954) 322-8038 and we will be assist you in completing your full Knighthood in the Knights of Columbus. Vivat Jesus. VALENTINE’S DAY DANCE Feb 14 6:30PM Contact: Alberto Serrano: 954-709-8182; Bob Bacic: 954-816-3157; Albert Stowe : 954-348-7744 For more information. A Knights Prayer on the Eve of Battle God of power and mercy, maker and love of peace, to know you is to live, and to serve you is to reign. Through the intersession of St. Michael, the archangel, be our protection in battle against all evil. Help me [us] to overcome war and violence and to establish your law of love and justice. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen Vivat 5 Jesus Council #4851 Vol. 114, Issue 4 January-February 2015 FUTURE EVENTS 2014-15 Columbiettes Column Sister Columbiettes, Welcome to the New Year 2015! I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas and also a Happy New Year. Our Christmas party was well attended and everyone enjoyed themselves. The gifts donated for the Children’s Party were very much appreciated. Thank you for your generosity. Birthday Greetings go out to all of our January and February celebrants! January 12, 7pm, will be the first meeting of 2015. This meeting will be “The Baby Shower” for Respect Life. Please remember to bring your donations for our babies. Reminder to all: Dues of $15 for the 2015 year should be turned into Johanna. January 17—Family Picnic John Lloyd Park 11AM February 14—Valentine’s Dance 6:30PM March 14—St. Patrick’s Day Parade 9:30 AM March 28—Easter Egg Hunt 10-12Noon April 18—Columbiettes Anniversary Ball May 10—Mother’s Day Brunch 8-12Noon May 22-25 Fr. Bob’s Retreat @ Our Lady of Florida May 25—Memorial Day Picnic 12—5 February 9, 7pm, will be our regular meeting. The family of Fr. Dan Doyle was very thankful to all of the Columbiettes who attended his service and helped at the reception afterward. Lois Forshay, a member of our Council, passed away on December 9, 2014. A mass card was given to the family on behalf of the Columbiettes. Let us celebrate everyday of life as a gift and share the love and blessings bestowed on us by our Lord, Jesus Christ. January 18, 9:30am, will be a Corporate Mass at Nativity. The mass will be followed by a brunch at Hillcrest Country Best Regard, Club. Agnes Cagney President, Columbiettes Council 4851 (954) 961-6681 February 7, 7pm, will be a Chapter meeting at the Knights Hall. Scholarship Announcement Every year the Fr. M.F. Monahan Columbiettes award scholarships to deserving recipients at our Annual Anniversary Ball, being held this year on April 18th 2015. . The student MUST be related to a Knight or Columbiette, graduating from a South Florida High School, submit an essay stating their personal and academic goals and aspirations, and also report their grade point average. All essays are to be sent to: Barbara Wensel -Scholarship Chairperson – 1520 N 25th Avenue, Hollywood, Fl. 33020. Deadline for the essay is March 18, 2015 If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at: 954-929-0057 On behalf of the Scholarship Committee I wish all the candidates “Good Luck”. May Our Blessed Mother, St. Theresa and St. Joan of Arc enable the Columbiettes to grow and prosper. God Bless, Barbara Wensel ,Chairperson FAMILY PICNIC DAY AT JOHN U. LLOYD PARK January 17 at 11AM Look for the K of C signs to the picnic area. 6 Contact Albert Serrano 954-709-8182 or Albert Stowe 954-348-7744 Council #4851 Columbiettes Meeting 7PM Vol. 114, Issue 4 January-February 2015 Family Picnic Day at John Lloyd Park 11AM Corporate Communion at Nativity 9:30 Mass Columbiettes Meeting 7PM 7 Valentine’s Dance Knights of Columbus 4851 ATTENTION Jose Suvillaga 4105 Johnson St Hollywood, FL 33021 Address Service Requested Important Dated Material 8 The DISCOVERER January-February 2015 Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID So. Florida, FL Permit No. 208
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