4130 NEWS October 2014 Knights of Columbus Council 4130 10806 Granger Road, Garfield Hts., OH 44125 Financial Secretary Grand Knight Robert Piechowski 330-722-3972 Ben Welich 216-410-2150 Council 4130 Activities planned for the coming weeks are: Oct 1 OFFICERS’ MEETING 7:30PM Oct 6 MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL 7PM Oct 7 ISABELLA BOARD MEETING Oct 8 BUSINESS MEETING 7:30PM Oct 10 CHAPTER MEETING 7:30PM Oct 12 COLUMBUS DAY DINNER 3PM BOB CERMAK—KNIGHT OF THE YEAR MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL Oct 13 Oct 15 Oct 17 4130 TRUSTEE/ISABELLA BUSINESS MEETINGS FOURTH DEGREE MEETING Oct 20 PINOCHLE TOURNAMENT SIGN IN 5:30PM Oct 25 PORK CHOP DINNER 7PM Oct 27 MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL Oct 28 FIRST/SECOND DEGREE 6:30PM Oct 29 WIENER SCHNITZEL DINNER 4 - 7PM Oct 31 HALLOWEEN T Council Office 216-662-2277 Insurance Agent Joe Madigan 440-941-7075 Help Feed the Hungry Pork Chop Dinner Saturday October 25 St Benedict School (St. Monica Church) 13623 Rockside Rd Garfield Hts., Ohio Doors open at 6pm. Dinner at 7pm Cost of the dinner is $10. Raffle tickets available at 6 for $5. $200 top prize. Side Boards Raffle Baskets Proceeds to Support our Christmas Food Baskets Sponsored by Garfield Knights of Columbus • Maple Hts. Catholic Club St. Monica Holy Name Society • Maple Knights of Columbus Contact Will Sklanday (216-544-6785) or Don Zamiska (440-241-4783) for tickets or more information Chaplain’s Corner he weather can change very quickly in October. One day might be 85 degrees and humid, and the next day a pretty nasty storm usually escorts in that first cold front of Fall, followed by 50 degree temperatures and a soaking, all-day rain; no more really warm weather until next June. Yet, there will still be those almost perfect days in October when the skies are crystal clear blue, the temperatures are in the low 70’s, and the wind is mild out of the south. Those are the kind of days that are almost heavenly, almost perfect in every way. I love those kind of “bluebird” days, and I hope the days in heaven are similar. Come to think of it, I hope a lot of things about heaven. First of all, I hope I eventually make it into heaven. Thanks to Jesus, I think I will. I hope to see my mom and dad and baby sister Ann in heaven, along with my wife Nancy and all of my grandparents, relatives and friends. And even though I hope to make it to heaven before my kids and grandkids, I hope to see all of them someday in heaven also. I hope to see my dogs Chip, Snoopy, Brandy, Mandy, Coco, Sandy, Chelsea, Jojo, and Iris in heaven, and my cats Lucky, Samantha, and Cali too. I hope that we are all together to enjoy those 70 degree bluebird days of October. Sounds like a lot to hope for? Not really, because, as it is in the end, just as it was in the beginning, God controls it all, and God loved me enough to open heaven for me through His Son Jesus, and God knows what makes me happy. What do you hope for? God loves you too, and He wants you to be happy for all eternity. Just believe in Him with all your heart and soul, and live your life as the loving person He wants you to be, that He expects you to be. Then, put your hope in Him, and you too will enjoy your own bluebird days in heaven. Deacon Bill Fredrick FIRST & SECOND DEGREES On Tuesday October 28 at 7:00 pm a First and Second Degree will be held at our Council. Candidate call is at 6:30pm. If you know of any one that has made their 1st degree and now would like to make their 2nd degree, this a great time for them to do it. Please contact DGK John Hlavaty at 216-587-1624 for further information. C HI LI CO O K -O F F 20 14 The Council’s 11th Annual Chili cookoff will be held on Sunday November 23rd, during the BROWNS – FALCONS football game – to be viewed on the big screen. The doors will be open at NOON. Entries must be in before the kickoff which is at 1:00 p.m. Bring a prospective member. Last year, there were more than 20 entries. The winner gets their name on the Chili Cook-Off Winner Plaque. Costs will be $5 per person (Free with Chili Entry). All proceeds will go to help the Council’s Christmas Food Basket Program. Come and enjoy good friends, good chili and a football game. Well, 2 out of 3 isn’t bad. C a r e Pa c k ag e s For Our Troops Our Council is partnering with the Emerald Credit Union to collect items to send to our military. A collection box is located in our council hall. We’re looking for travel size items, toiletries. etc. Check out website operationstarsandstripes.org for additional items in need by our military. Bob Cermak Knight of the Year The Cleveland Chapter of the Knights of Columbus has named our very own Bob Cermak as the Knight of the Year. The award presentation will be made at the annual Columbus Day dinner on October 12. The dinner will be held at the SherwinGilmore Party Center 5947 Mayfield Road, Mayfield Heights, Ohio. Doors open at 3 with dinner at 4. Reservations by October 1. Please contact GK BenWelich (216-410-21500 or DGK John Hlavaty (216-587-1624) for more information. GROUNDED IN FAITH, HOPE, LOVE AND RESPECT FOR THOSE WE SERVE, THE WEST SIDE CATHOLIC CENTER ASSISTS ALL WHO COME IN NEED OF FOOD, CLOTHING, SHELTER, ADVOCACY AND A PATH TO SELF-SUFFICIENCY. Blanket Collection During November and December we’re collecting blankets to be donated to the West Side Catholic Center. Please bring your donation of a new or gently used blanket to the hall. Other items in need are Clean bed linens, towels, washcloths, sleeping bags. These may unused or unwanted items to us. But for others, these are survival items. Thank you for your generosity. For more information, please contact DGK John Hlavaty @ 216 -587-1624. Christmas Food Baskets Collection has started for our Christmas food basket program. Please drop off canned goods at the hall. Also cash donations are accepted. Co-Chairman PGK Larry Arthur and Andy Savol. ATTENDANCE PRIZE MISS ED September’s attendance prize was $220. Fr. Norm was not in attendance. October’s prize will be $240. You need to attend to win. COLLECTING CELL PHONES & CHA RGERS Cellphones for Soldiers. We have collected over 1,700 Cellphones for recycle. Thanks to all who have helped our cause to help our troops both at home and abroad. All old cell phones IPods and MP3 players are needed. Each one provides free phone time for our troops. For more information contact John Hlavaty @ 216-587-1624. MEMBERSHIP DUES If you don’t have the white card, with the 2014 date, you have not paid you dues. > > > > > PLEASE PAY < < < < < WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER S Adults $9 / kids under 12 $7 Serving 4 - 7 RESERVATIONS REQUIRED 216-662-2277 See our website at kofc4130.org for the complete menu October 29 --- Wiener Schnitzel Dinner will consist of wiener schnitzel, home fry style potatoes, roll & butter. Dinner by MAPLE HTS. CATERING The Isabella Guild will also be selling fresh bakery ALL DINNERS INCLUDE COFFEE TEA, WATER, AND M O N DAY NIGHT F O OT B A L L October 6 Seattle Seahawks vs Washington Redskins O c t o b e r 13 NON CARBONATED BEVERAGES San Francisco 49ers vs St. Louis Rams Can Pop available for .50 O c t o b e r 27 KNIGHT OF THE MON TH September’s Knight of the Month was Steve Fedorko. Steve was selected for all he does in running the hall and involvement in our council. !!!!! Congratulations to Steve !!!!! SICK & VIGIL Please pray for PGK Larry Arthur, PGK Kevin Ineman’s mother, Doug Romain, Tom Obojski, Tom Obojski’s mother, Joe Hrovat’s sister-in-law, Dan Hurley’s wife, Don Lafleur’s wife, our military personnel and any Brother Knight or their families that are sick or in distress. Washington Redskins vs Dallas Cowboys The games throughout the season will be shown on the big screen except for the third Monday of the month. 100 Club Tickets are $20 There will be a total of 5 prizes. 1st Prize $500 2nd Prize $250 3rd Prize $125 4th Prize $75 5th Prize $50 Only 100 tickets will be sold. Drawing on December 12, 2014 Knights of Columbus Council 4130 T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Polo Shirts Orders are currently being taken for K of C Council 4130 t-shirts and sweatshirts and polo shirts. Show off your pride in our council. 50/50 Cotton Short Sleeve Tee S-XL $15 XXL $17 XXXL $19 9oz Crew Neck Sweatshirt S-XL $25 XXL $27 XXXL $29 50/50 Cotton Long Sleeve Tee Call for Prices 9oz Full Zip Hoodie Call for Prices 50/50 Cotton Polo Shirt 9oz Pullover Hoodie S-XL $25 Call for Prices XXL $27 XXXL $29 Make checks payable to KofC Council 4130. Contact PGK Kevin Ineman at 216 408-7412 for more information. Contact PGK Ralph D’Amico (216-475-3756) or Contact FS Bob Piechowski 330-722-3972 for more information or tickets. Upcoming Events Memorial Mass - November 16 Chili Cook-Off - November 23 December - Breakfast with Santa December - Special Pop Free Throw December - Christmas Food Baskets January - 4130 Annual Meeting January - Free Throw Championship See future newsletters for details OCTOBER 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 3 9 10 SATURDAY 4 Officers Meeting 7:30PM 5 6 7 8 Isabella Board Meeting 12 13 Bob Cermak 14 16 17 4130 Trustee/Isabella Business Meeting 20 21 22 11 Chapter Meeting 8:00PM 15 Knight of the Year 3pm Sherwin Gilmore 19 Business Meeting 7:30PM 18 Fourth Degree Meeting 23 24 PINOCHLE TOURNAMENT 5:30PM SIGN-IN 26 27 25 Feed The Hungry —- • —Pork Chop Dinner 7pm 28 29 30 31 Isabella Guild News The Days Are Getting Shorter….. Their last dinner for the year will be on Wednesday, October 29. There Seems To Be A Chill In The Morning Air…… Its not to early to mark March 21, for our Salad Luncheon. More information will follow. The Month of October will arrive with many events for us. Our Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 7, at 7:00 PM and our General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 15, at 7:30 PM in the K of C Annex Hall. Ms. Nancy Heineke, Youth Director for the Cluster Parishes will give us a short talk on what is happening in her Program in working with the Youth of the Parishes. We will take our “final Bus Trip” for the year on Tuesday, October 21, and we will be traveling to Presque Isle. We will leave the K of C parking lot at 9:00 am, and leave the Casino to return home at 4:00. Come and join us on our last bus trip, A “Thank You’ is extended to all who baked for the Knights Dinners. Good Food and Good Friends, with Good Bakery, was enjoyed by all. Just a note -- We will have our Pot Luck and Blind Auction on Wednesday, November 19, our Christmas Party will be at Michaels Grille in the Holiday Inn on Rockside Road on Wednesday, December 17. See how fast the year is going, Enjoy It…… A SPECIAL THOUGHT FOR YOUR DAY…… The Most Beautiful Things Cannot Be Seen or Touched, They Must be Felt With The Heart….. Bernie Cermak, Recording Secretary FOOTBALL FRENZY TICKETS Football Frenzy tickets are still available. Help raise money for our council. It’s very simple - tickets are $10 each and are good for the last 10 weeks of the season. If your 4 teams have the highest score - you win $400. Eight other prizes are awarded weekly. All returns must be in no later then October 15, 2014. Please help the Grand Knight have some extra money for the council. For tickets contact: GK Ben Welich 216-410-2150 PGK Leroy Golembiewski 216-544-3039 COUNCIL 4130 ON THE W EB http://www.kofc4130.org/ ContactDinner theMenu, Current Event Flyer’s. Find current and past newsletters, Wednesday Night Contact the Council EMAIL Addresses NEWSLETTER@KOFC4130.ORG HALLMANAGER@KOFC4130.ORG
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