MIDWEEK MESSENGER - Hapeville First United Methodist Church

Hapeville First United Methodist Church
Those beyond our congregation and families
USPS 234-720
— Address Service Requested —
Homebound Members
Nursing Homes Residents
Our Military
Hapeville First United Methodist Church
3510 Atlanta Avenue
Hapeville, GA 30354
Neal Kellogg
Betty Morgan
Rick Settle
June and Steve Spradlin
Imogene Valero
Mildred Ward
Church Office: 404-762-9677 Fax: 404-762-9647
e-mail: office@hapevilleumc.com
church website: www.hapevilleumc.com/
Find us on Facebook Twitter: @revpaige
April Jenkins Mother
Parents of Pam Prouty
Daily Devotion: http://revpaige-onepastorsmusings.blogspot.com
Tommy Carraway
Janet Foster
Ellen Freedman
Marlin and Miriam Gilbert
Beverly Hallman
Linda Jenkins -
Published Bi-Weekly Except Week of July 4 & Christmas
Niece of Ellen Free
Family of Carol Pelky
Paige Pritchard
Jim and Ellie Prouty -
Church Staff & Worship Enhancers
Natalie Baulos -
The Rev. Paige Pritchard
Church Administrator
Mr. Randy Hudson
Organist/Minister of Music (Traditional Service) Mr. Thomas Sheets
Pianist/Music Director (Jazz Service)
Mr. Randy Hudson
Nursery Attendant
Ms. Rhonda Cloud
Usher Chair
Mr. Jim Richards
Door Keeper (Month of December)
Mr. Lew Valero
Sound/Video Production
Mr. Brandon Hallman
The C.B.S. Class
Breakfast Table (Month of December)
Please let us know who within our congregation or your families
need our prayers. Due to space limitations, others can only be
added for two weeks at a time. Thank you.
Harley Bobo (Friend of Ruth Wynn)
Charlie Bryden (Community neighbor)
Floyd Dingers (Friend of Shirley Seabolt)
Tim Gaston (Community neighbor)
Your charitable contributions of food and clothing are always appreciated especially around Christmas time. Please
bring whatever you can to help the needy this season.
We have bins for Family Life Ministries and our local
Exchange Club. Thank you and God bless.
Onward and Upward
Christmas Cantata - Sanctuary 12/21/14 11am
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
No Wednesday Night Dinner after Christmas
Postage Paid at
Atlanta, GA 30304
If you find that you have strings of burned out
Christmas tree lights, please bring them to the
church. Steve Lamb will recycle them and
donate the proceeds to our church ministry.
DECEMBER 16, 2014
What a joyous Advent season it has been at
Hapeville FUMC! As I went to public events in
Hapeville, like City Council many people told me
that this year’s Community Thanksgiving Service was the “best ever” and that my message
was the most appropriate for the occasion they
had heard. I simply wrote a sermon in which we
could think about all the folk around Hapeville,
both paid and volunteer who work to make this
such a great community.
One of those folks is our own Johnny Stephens
to whom the Exchange Club awarded the “Book
of Golden Deeds” award last Monday night.
Helen Kellogg who has been attending our services was chosen to be Woman of the Year!
How proud we are of both of them.
Our Jingle Jangle Community Carol Sing was
also another “best ever” event. People are
amazed that we have such an incredibly talented music staff in the persons of our Jeans and
Jazz trio. Our guest singer and good friend Toni
Byrd was also amazing. Still many loved the
rag-tag group of “Jingle Jangles” version of the
12 Days of Christmas. This Sunday at 11:00 we
will feature the musical talents of Thomas
Sheets and the Chancel Choir with guest soloist
April Thomas. Let’s have a good turn-out!
In Christ, Paige
Jingle Jangle Carol Sing 12/7/14
Celebrate His Name!
Proclaim His Birth!
Presented by The
Chancel Choir
Duet by Randy Littlepage
and Noreen Conort
Narration by
Dr. Tommy Carraway
Sunday, Dec. 21, 11 AM
Featuring April Thomas, Soprano
This will be the final Midweek Messenger
of the year and we want to wish everyone
a Merry Christmas and Happy New year.