Issue 15 Friday, 19 December 2014 Dear All, It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of our first term already. The Year 7s have se led in really well and I am really pleased with their a)tude to learning. The Sixth Formers have also se led well into their new environment and I wish them luck in their forthcoming Trial Exams. This said, the students will know from my assemblies this week that there is no such thing as good luck when it comes to being successful in your exams. Success in exams is simply about hard work and being confident with yourself i.e. a posi ve mindset. This mindset is something we have been working on with the students this year. Dates for your Diary 05 Jan School Resumes at 8.40 am 05 Jan Y12/Y13 Trial Exams Week 15 Jan Y11 Futures Day & Parents’ Evening On Tuesday night, I had the pleasure of a ending the Christmas Music Concert. This event just keeps ge)ng be er and be er. Some of the students performing were amazing and they wouldn’t have looked out of place on the X-Factor Show. It was nice to see some boys singing too and it was good to hear the School Choir. I would like to thank all the student performers, all the parents who came to support, and Miss Lewis (Head of Music) for all her hard work and effort. 20 Jan Ski Trip Information Evening 6.00 pm 22 Jan Y10 Parents’ Evening 6.30 pm Y12/13 ‘Frantic Assembly’ Theatre Trip 26 Jan Ski Session at Gosling On Thursday, we had the pleasure of our local MP, Charles Walker, visi ng the school. Charles is a big supporter of Sheredes School and we talked about the rapid progress the school has been making. His visit though was to officially open the new Sixth Form Centre. He was highly impressed with how we have adapted the old space but, more importantly, he was interested in the new learning zones we have created (e-learning zone; group learning zone; social learning zone and silent learning zone). 28 Jan Ski Session at Gosling 29 Jan Y8 Parents’ Evening 6.30 pm 30 Jan Ski Session at Gosling Y12 Dragons’ Den Quiz Night School Timetable Week commencing Monday, 05 January 2015 WEEK 2 Charles Walker officially opening the New Sixth Form Centre, with Headteacher Ced de la Croix Key Dates Coming Up Monday, 5 January Y12 & Y13 Trial Exams commence Thursday, 15 January Y11 Parents’ Evening 4.30-7.30 pm Thursday, 22 January Year 10 Parents’ Evening 4.30-7.30 pm SPORTING FIXTURES A the me of wri ng, we are busy preparing for our Awards Evening 2014. This will be taking place tonight (Thursday, 18 December). These are the school’s pres gious Annual Awards and they go to students who have shown excellent a)tudes to learning over the past five years, excellent contribu on to the school over the past few years and to those students who have achieved excellent exam grades. It is always a superb evening as we get to welcome back ex students who have just completed their first term at University. Our guest speaker for this year’s Annual Awards Evening is Ian Pearman. Ian is an ex student who, a=er leaving Sheredes Sixth Form, went on to study Social and Poli cal Sciences at Clare College, Cambridge University. He is now CEO of the largest adver sing agency in Europe (AMV BBDO). We will bring more news on this evening and the names of all the Award winners at the start of next term. Former Sheredes Student Ian Pearman CEO of AMVBBDO All that remains for me to say is: “Have a fantas c Christmas break and see you in 2015!”. “No act of kindness, no ma*er how small, is ever wasted.” (Aesop) 12 Jan Y10 Girls’ Football v John Warner (tbc) 13 Jan Y10 Girls’ Football v Freman College (tbc) 14 Jan Y10 Football v Simon Balle 2.15 ko 15 Jan Y7/Y8 Sportshall Athletics 19 Jan Y8 Girls’ Football v St Mary’s (H) 20 Jan Y7 Netball v Presdales (H) (tbc) Y10 Boys’ 6-a-side v Turnford 4pm 21 Jan Y7-13 Indoor Athletics Championships 1.15pm For news on spor ng fixtures, events, etc., follow Physical Educa on on Twi er: @sheredesPE For news about Performing Arts, Twi er: @sheredesparts follow us on For news and interes ng facts, Word of the Day, vocabulary, literacy and much more, follow English on Twi er: @SheredesEnglish Ced de la Croix Headteacher Sheredes School, Hoddesdon, Herts, EN11 8JY. Editor: Sharon Philpo Tel: 01992 410 800 Fax: 01992 410 801 email: @sheredes STUDENT RECEPTION OPENING HOURS: Monday—Thursday 08.20 am—3.15pm : Friday 08.20 am—3.10 pm Lost Property We have a large amount of lost property, some of which was le= behind in student lockers last summer. This has all been tagged with the owners’ names, so if your child is missing any equipment or clothing, please would you arrange for this to be collected from Student Recep on, by Friday, 16 January. Any property unclaimed a=er that date will be disposed of. Please encourage your son or daughter to take care of their property. It is important that all items are marked with the owner’s name, as this makes it much easier for items to be returned. Sheryl Brackenbury Student Recep on Mrs Manwaring at WesLields Primary School contacted the Photography Department and offered AS Level Photography students a challenge; to take photos of the primary students mee ng Santa Claus at their Christmas Fete. Our fantas c photographers, with Santa and Diane Ashmore, Headteacher of WesLield Primary School Remi Secker, Emma Draper, Fleur Burgess, Isabel Manwaring and Oliver Dixon Jefford set up their tripods and readied their cameras to record the special mee ngs. They proved the old adage that one should 'never work with children or animals' wrong and produced an excellent set of photos for the young students’ parents. Our five not only displayed their skills as portrai sts but also kept the li le ones entertained and enjoyed the fete with Santa Claus. Well done! Antony Passarelli Head of Photography 2 Congratulations to Year 10 student, Carlo Ciaravella, who has graduated from the Junior Chef Course at Hertford Regional College. Written by: Lauren Vale Samantha Jarman Billy Brown James Mannion Aaron Willis-Stewart Well done, Carlo! Global news; Crazy Christmas Facts: Why does Santa have three gardens? So he can 'ho ho ho'! Happy Christmas in different languages: Kreesmasko shubhkaamnaa- ( Feliz Navidad (Spanish) मसको शुभकामना) (Nepali) UK news; Cheeky, chubby, king-to-be Christmas pictures released. Carlo receiving his Cer ficate at the Gradua on Ceremony School news; On Friday, 19 December we have half a day! MERRY CHRISTMAS. Alison Kirby Head of Technology @sheredesparts A massive congratula ons to everybody who took part in the fantas c Christmas Concert 2014! The hall was full of supporters who cheered and applauded every brilliant performance! The students worked so hard throughout the term and all their hard work has certainly paid off. I am so proud of everyone who took part; they represented the school so well and professionally. Dates for Dance Events: 6 January Dance fes val rehearsal - 3-5pm 31 January 11am-2pm ( pending) 5February 3-5pm Tech Rehearsal Pictures in the next issue of Spotlight! ( all costumes needed) Madeleine Lewis Head of Music Sixth Form drama student, Jack Eveleigh, has cut his long hair. Jack has donated it to a charity that uses human hair to make wigs for young people who have lost their own hair. Such a lovely gesture! 8 February Dance Fes@val rehearsal 1.30 pm 9 February 3-5pm Dress ( all costumes needed) 10 February 7pm performance 11 February 7pm performance 12 March Dance Fes val, St Albans 8am-10pm The drama students have been working so hard to prepare for their performances of DNA which they performed four mes on Thursday and did an excellent job. Well done! Bethany Mason Head of Drama Nicola Haynes Head of Dance 3 House Captains - Now officially unveiled Recently, In Sixth Form assembly, the House Captains were officially unveiled. In attendance were Headteacher Mr de la Croix and Mr Hansard Head of Sixth Form. Each house captain was presented with their letters of acceptance outlining their roles, responsibilities and duties for this prestigious role. The House Captains for this academic year are: Troy Cook and Sydney Dawson of Austen, Furkan Carli and Andrew Pryor of Curie, Megan Taylor and Abi Clowes of Da Vinci, Oliver Dickson Jefford and Will Flynn of Owens and Joseph Parmenter and Yasmin Tippett of Pankhurst. The roles and responsibilities of our house captains will be: · Work in close co-operation with the other House Captain · Maintain their house noticeboard · Organise events and competitions for their house · Organise participants for house competitions · Work with the member of staff (the House Leader) allocated to their house · Collect and record house points on a weekly basis · Keep a record of house points and ensure this data is passed on to their House Leader 4 DESIGN YOUR HOUSE SHIELD COMPETITION Mrs Tatum has had a fantastic response to the ‘Design your House Shield’ competition. Students were asked to come up with a design for their house based on the story and history of the ‘person’ behind it. As you can see from some of the images here, the quality of the designs has been of a very high standard. PE ‘all day’ event - Friday December 5th The PE department commenced their first ‘all day’ challenge with the final day being on Friday of last week. These challenges consisted of a number of circuit routines in the Gym and in the Fitness room. The images below show Curie and Pankhurst Houses clearly getting into the spirit of things aiming for top house points. COMPETITIONS COMING SOON…. January PE – Football comp House with the best results from the Y11 trial February MUSIC – Composition comp GEOGRAPHY – Inter-house comp (more detail to come) March ENGLISH – Debating comp House with the highest attendance sweep April House with the most number of ATL 1s sweep ICT/COMPUTING – Programming a game design comp May MUSIC – X-Factor comp PHOTOGRAPHY – Broxbourne schools compe- June House with the highest attendance sweep July PE - Sports day FOOD TECH – MasterChef competition House with the most money raised during charity week sweep DANCE - TBC Mark Hamilton Sheredes Houses Co-ordinator Director of Enterprise Faculty 5
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