Friday 21st November 2014

Friday 21st November 2014
Year 3 Get Weaving!
Last Friday Year 3 chopped some colourful vegetables to make dyes.
We used spinach, red cabbage and onion skins. We dyed some wool just like
people did in the Iron Age and this week we started to use the wool to do
some weaving. It was great fun and we loved the colours that we made.
We'll show you the results of our weaving soon.
Nursery and Reception Christmas Events
Hot off the press, we can now confirm some dates for exciting events taking
place in our Foundation Stage.
Letters will also be coming home nearer the time with more details.
Tuesday 9th December
Wednesday 17th December
Carols and Cocoa 5.30pm—6.30pm
Christmas Party all morning at school
Please see our website for copies of all letters sent home and an updated calendar of events.
Children In Need
Once again our children did us all proud by taking part in this special day
by dressing as Super Heroes or in spots. The day started by a face painting
production line with members of the PTA and volunteer parents
all getting involved, it was brilliant!
The children were all very excited but still behaved beautifully throughout
the day which was finished by a feast of cakes which were kindly donated
by parents. The school managed to raise an amazing £404.46.
Dear Parents,
Application for a place at Primary School
Applications are now open and parents with children born between 1st September 2010
and 31st August 2011 are able to apply online at If you have any queries, please see
Mrs Land in the school office.
Scarlet Fever
A case of Scarlet Fever has been reported to the school this week. Symptoms of scarlet
fever usually develop two to five days after infection, although children will be contagious
before showing signs of the illness. Please refer to the website link:
Conditions/Scarlet-fever/Pages/Introduction.aspx, for more information
Hand Washing
Could parents please have a chat with your children about the importance of hand
washing, particularly after going to the toilet as there is currently a lot of sickness and
diarrhoea going around. We always encourage this at school but often a little reminder
from home seems to help. Thank you.
Lantern Procession and Light Switch On
There has been a great response from you about taking part in this exciting annual event
and letters went home today with details about the evening. It looks like it’s going to be
very well attended and we’re hoping that you all have a super evening.
Thank You
A big thank you to Ali Evans, Zander and Noah’s dad from AJ Tree Services and his team
for doing a fantastic job at clearing all the slippery leaves from the playground this week.
It looks much better and the children can now enjoy safe play.
The Addams Family
The award winning Willowtree Theatre Company will be performing this comedy musical
in the New Hall from Monday 1st to Saturday 6th December. Tickets are available from
Twyford Photography and cost £8.50 per adult and £6.50 for under 16’s. For further
information, please email
Raffle for Christmas Hamper
The PTA have given out raffle tickets in bookbags for children to sell. If you would like
more tickets, please pop into the office, where more will be available.
A reminder that with the season of coughs, colds and splutters upon us, you may be giving
your child Calpol or cough medicine at home, however at school, we are only allowed to
administer prescribed medicine with a signed consent form. Please see Kate Southcott in
the office for information and guidance on our policy.
AWOL Teddies!
There appears to be several of Mr Green’s reward teddies missing at the moment and
we’d really appreciate it if you could have a look at home to see if any are hiding. Washed
and dried teddies on return would be even better, thank you.
Big Switch On Evening
Our neighbours at 22 Bonville Crescent, Tiverton will be having their big switch on
evening in aid of Devon Air Ambulance Trust on Saturday 29th November from 7pm.
There will be lots going on, including a BBQ, a grand prize draw and handmade gifts
available to purchase. Also, you will be able to visit Mrs Christmas in her grotto!
Autumn Adventures in Nursery
This term, Nursery have been discovering the changes that take place
during Autumn and have had lots of fun
exploring our surroundings to look at the
different colours and textures that this season
brings. We have been doing some weaving to
create a bark effect and have had a great time in
the playground, collecting leaves which we have
added to our lovely display.
Lost Wellies
Brooke in Reception has lost her new wellington boots. They are lilac with Disney
“Sophia The First” on them. They haven’t got her name in them. Please could you check
your child’s bag. Thank you.
Stars of the Week
The stars of the week are:
Year 6:
Lucy Phillips and Kyle Southcott
Year 5:
Ryan Webb and Grace Vitzthum
Year 4:
Hamish Hutchison and Ruby Stevens
Year 3:
Oliver Northam and Jessica Draper
Year 2:
Amber Duthie and Oscar Musgrove
Year 1:
Alayna Mee-Hannaford and Taylor Tyldesley-Holley
Jezimae Partridge and Izzy Marshman
Harrison Birch, Imogen Ledger and Talia Gardner
If you have any concerns at all about anything to do with school please do come in to
discuss it with us as most problems can be solved easily and quickly if we work
Simon Green
Helen Edwards
Deputy Head
This newsletter can also be viewed on our website:
Child Protection– if you have any concerns about any child, then please contact Simon
Green or Helen Edwards. Further contact details are on our website or notice board.