December 21, 2014 - First Baptist Church

Order of Service
December 21, 2014
Welcome and Announcements
Kid’s song - FBC kids
Worship through Song
Let Everything That Has Breath
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Advent Reading
The Rosty Family
Angels We Have Heard on High
The First Noel
The Hallelujah Chorus – FBC Family
Prayer and Offering
10:50 AM service: Toddler Time and
Children’s Church dismiss during the
offering. (See box below right.)
Message from God’s Word
Pastor John Craft
Nursery – is offered during both services
for children ages 6 months – 2 years old.
Nursery is in Room 117.
Greeters 12/21
Carl & June Bender
Kayleen & Laina Chavez
John & Peggy Engels
Donna Miller
Laura Ratcliff
Greeters 12/28
Jim Lyon
Karol Hodges
Lekan & Beckie Ajayi
Ray & Jere Frady
Jim & Penny Pudge
Please Pray For:
Greenhouse Chapel Ministry
Laura Thuleson-Vanuatu
Ryan Clevenger-US Air Force
Matthew Wigglesworth-Michigan State Univ.
Hearing devices are available from the
sound booth (at the back of the sanctuary).
Classes offered during the
9:30 AM service:
Adults’ Classes
 Peter to Pilgrims: Living the Faith in a
Hostile World
Room 135
Led by: Denis Meanor
 Life Principles: Guidelines for Christian
Room: Library
Led by: John Tollakson
Junior & Senior High Class
 Hebrews
Youth Room
Led by: Pastor Shane Rosty
Week At A Glance: December 21-27
6:00 PM – Senior High Youth Group (Youth Room)
No Women’s study
The office closes at noon
4:30 PM – Christmas Eve Service
6:00 PM – Christmas Eve Service
The church office is closed
No Women’s Bible study
No card Making Class this week
Children’s Classes
6 months - 2 years old – Room 117
2 - 3 years old – Room 118
4 - 5 years old – Room 120
K - 1st grade – Room 134
2nd - 3rd grade – Room 136
4th - 5th grade – Room 137
Classes offered during the
10:50 AM service:
Adults’ Class
 Amen… Now What?
Room 135
Led by: Larry Menschel
Children’s Classes
 6 months - 2 years old – Room 117
 Toddler Time – is offered for children
ages 2 - 3 years old. They dismiss
during the offering to Room 118.
 Children’s Church – is offered for
children ages 4 years old - 1st grade.
Children’s Church dismisses during
the offering to the Room 120.
 Treasure Seekers – (for 2nd - 5th grade)
No worksheets are available today.
Coloring sheets are available by the
Plan on joining us Wednesday, December 24th for one of our Christmas
Eve candle light services at either 4:30 or 6:00 PM. We will have singing,
stories, a devotional, and an opportunity to celebrate Christmas together.
Think about who you would like to bring! If you attend FBC regularly,
please consider coming to the 2nd service to make room for guests.
Kids: Treasure Seekers store is open TODAY after 2 service in the
hallway by the Nursery!
There will be NO Children’s Church or Treasure Seekers next week.
They will resume January 4.
All women are invited to “Peak Experiences Life Map-Using Your Gifts for the
Kingdom”, facilitated by Anita Schamber. This event will be held January 10 at
the Presbyterian Church from 8:30AM-2:30PM. The cost is $35 which includes
materials and lunch. Reservations can be made by contacting Kathy Beagle
( or Anita (
Please have any financial gifts for 2014 submitted to the office by noon
December 31 for year end.
The Constitution Review Committee has made the latest edition of the
Proposed Constitution available around the outside of the sanctuary.
Please take one to review; meeting dates & times forthcoming.
Every Sunday, there is a casual “no host” lunch at
a local restaurant. This is an informal time for
fellowship and getting to know one another better.
We hope you’ll join us after the 10:50 AM service
(around noon) at the following locations.
12/21 Blackstone Grill
1/04 Los Agaves
General Income
General Expenses
General Financial Standing
12/28 Powder River Pizza
1/11 Taco John’s
November 2014
Forward In Faith Income (incl. coffee)
Forward In Faith Monthly Expenses
FIF Additional Principal Payments
FIF Financial Standing
YTD Nov. 2014
FIF income from Higher Grounds Coffee Cart on 12/14/14: $122.90
Church Attendance on 12/14/2014
Sunday School –126
Worship Services – 450
Growth Groups
(Small Group Bible Studies)
Contact the church office for meeting locations and more information.
Keep checking this page for new studies (indicated by ).
Brad & Patti Kremensek
Mondays from 6:30-8 PM
Kremensek’s house
Children of the Day: 1 & 2 Thessalonians,
by Beth Moore
(a community-wide non-denominational study for
Tuesdays at 10 AM or 7 PM
Cornerstone Church: 4351 Big Horn Avenue
Note: childcare is offered during 10 AM session
A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place,
by Beth Moore
(a study for women)
Carolyn Ley
Tuesdays at 7 PM
Conference Room
Joshua: Strength & Faith for Your Life
Larry & Ann Menschel
Mondays at 7 PM
Menschel’s house
Intercessory Prayer
Denis Meanor
Wednesdays from 6-7:30 PM
Conference Room
Note: simultaneous children’s programs & junior
high youth group!
Jesus & Family, Jesus & Work, Jesus & Personal
Gary Kopsa
Wednesdays from 6-7:30 PM
Prayer Room
Old Testament Ethics in a New Testament Era: Why
Falk Alicke
Wednesdays from 6-7:30 PM
Room 135
Note: simultaneous children’s programs & junior
high youth group!
Gospel of John (Precept Upon Precept)
Lori Thomas
Thursdays at 9 AM
Youth Room
When God? by Andy Stanley
Glenn & Carol Bredin with Mike & Libby Morris
Thursdays at 6:30 PM
Morris’ house
Characteristics of Biblical Manhood
(a study for men)
Derek Schreinert
Thursdays at 6:30 PM
Derek’s house
How Close Are We?: Compelling Evidence for the
Soon Return of Christ, by Dave Hunt
(a study for women)
Peggy Engels
Fridays at 9 AM
FBC Room 137
Manuscript Study of the Gospel of John
Tony & Heidi Sawyer
Fridays at 6 PM
Sawyer’s house
Note: childcare is provided
Simple. Christmas.
What Child Is This?
Simple. Christmas.
What Child Is This?