St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ St. Paul 1 January 2015 A Community of Christ, Helping, Reaching out, Inviting, and Serving Together. Church address: 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Katie Lowe Lancaster, Pastor Mailing address: 103 E. Cedar St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Paula Hartman, Admin. Assistant Website: (319)462-4841 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 2 “But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” Luke 1:30-33 NIV, page 1591 Mary immediately replies, “Who will this be…” and the Angel answers, “…no word from God will ever fail…” Keep on reading, “…I am the Lord’s servant, Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Luke 1:34-38 NIV Mary is so young, most likely thirteen or fourteen and yet she is wise beyond her years. She first gives me to listen and then she welcomes the privilege to witness God’s will is now her own. What do you hear God speaking into your heart – meaning – when you think about all kinds of experiences have you had recently or even in the past – have you had a chance to lean in and listen to what God is sharing – nudging – poin ng you towards or revealing to you? Maybe this encouragement has happened through worship, prayer, friendships or opportuni es to serve. I am hearing the message, give thanks to Lord our God and King! “The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the Lord. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the Lord and sang: “He is good; his love endures forever.” 2 Chronicles 5:13 I’m hearing give thanks for the privilege of worshipping, the privilege of living in a world that offers so many expressions of faithfulness, prayer and devo on to God. I hear give thanks that each week here at St. Paul we are welcome to gather together to sing shouts of joys as well as cry tears of heartache with our brothers and sisters when we gather and worship together. Each week at St. Paul we offer four different expressions of worship. The invita on to you and to your family is to come, simply come – give thanks as well as rest and witness God’s message of compassion, God’s grace. Come and behold the One, Jesus Christ who has come to not condemn the world but save the world through him. John 3:17 As we are closing out 2014 and launching 2015 I want to give thanks to all of the many hearts and hands that are engaged in ministry. Collec vely our work is a witness to God’s Work, Our Hands, the ELCA vision for us all. I personally want to thank my husband John and our family for their con nued support and involvement in God’s ministry. To my friend Paula Hartman, without her holding down the fort – I would be lost. To Lisa for her gi; of hospitality and caring for our facili es each week. To Nancy for her gi; of crunching numbers. To our church council president, Darel Secrist and to the members of the council; Nancy, Kris , Ralph, Jan, Nicole, Denny and Mary. To our musicians and leaders – Barb, Nancy and Laura for their commitment to inspire. To our many small group leaders who are engaged in rela onship building from three year olds to our eldest members. To our variety of Care Teams – our Grounds and Ministry Team – our Chris an Educa on Team – to the Work Teams and the list goes on and on and on… Thank you, each of you for every act of compassion, kindness and thoughAulness. For challenging conversa ons as well as laughter. God bless you, your family and all of us in the upcoming year. May God con nue to inspire each of us to meet the challenge to be bold in the proclama on, that we believe…a child will be born, and his name will be Jesus. He will be great and his kingdom will never end. Peace, ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH 201 N. FORD ST. ANAMOSA, IA 52205 (319) 462-4841 PASTOR KATIE’S EMAIL: St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ New Member Please welcome new member Catherine Vavricek to our St. Paul church family. Catherine is the wife of Kyle Vavricek. V{Ü|áàÅtá Xäx fxÜä|vxá Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Traditional Worship 3:00 p.m. & 4:30 p.m. With Sympathy Sympathy is expressed to the family and friends of John Parham, Sr; John passed away on November 21st. A Celebra on of Life service was held on November 24th at St. Paul. Memorials Thank you to all who gave memorials in memory of Mary Goldsmith and John Parham, Sr. Pray for Our Military Please pray for our men and women currently serving in the military: • • • • Alec Embree Jeremy Fall Allen Gilbert Kalib Seeley Please call the church office if you would like to be added or deleted from this list. Women’s Circles Mary Circle will meet on Tuesday, January 13 at 7pm at the church. Hostess will be Jane Ortgies and Jan Koppenhaver will lead the Bible Study. Sarah Circle will meet on Wednesday, January 14 at 1:30pm at Woodland Park. Hostesses will be Judy Hahn & Arlene Mohring and Mary Lou Schipper will lead the Bible Study. Traditional Worship w/ Holy Communion and Adult Choir 6:00 p.m. m You Are Invited to the Installation Services and Reception for Pastor Katie January 18th The members of the Call Committee invite you to share with us the joy of welcoming Pastor Katie Lowe Lancaster as Pastor of St. Paul. Please join us on Sunday, January 18th as Pastor Katie is installed as the Pastor of St. Paul by Pastor Paul Ostrem, Assistant to the Bishop. Installation will take place at both the 8:00 and 10:30 services. A reception will be held in Pastor Katie’s honor from 9:00am until 10:15am, on January 18th. There will be light refreshments served as we celebrate together. Please join us as we celebrate the next chapter in “Our Story” together. l 3 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 4 THE STORY CHAPTER SCHEDULE Date: Chapter: Bible Reading: Gospel Reading: 1/4/15 1/11/15 1/18/15 1/25/15 14– A Kingdom Torn in Two 15– God’s Messengers 16- The Beginning of the End 17– The Kingdoms’ Fall 1 Kings 12:1-11 1 Kings 17:8-16 Isaiah 53:6-11 Jeremiah 21:8-14 Luke 2:25-35 Luke 9:18-20 John 1:29-34 Matthew 23:37 Family Experience-FX January 11 and January 14 Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits (January- March) Start off the New Year with an exci ng MORNING or EVENING of fun, fellowship and worship. All children, students and their friends as well as families are invited! If you haven’t been able to come to Sunday School or WD4– now is the me to jump in. There will be ac vi es, snacks and great opportuni es to experience together God’s Story and our story! We will be once again collec ng personal care items for Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits. Individual items or complete kits may be donated, please put your dona ons in the kit box in the church kitchen. Sunday School Preschool through 4th grade (KFC students) and their families will arrive at 9:15am and go directly to the CE Building. Everyone will stay for worship as the children will be singing a song they will learn that morning. One light or medium-weight bath-size towel (approximately 52”x27”) dark color. WD4 Kindergarten– 4th Grade (KFC), Club 56, Club 78 and High School students, friends and their families will arrive at 6:30pm and go directly to the church sanctuary. One sturdy comb, remove packaging. WD4 The Adult Small Group that typically meets in the Fellowship Hall will s ll meet in an alterna ve loca on to be announced. Don’t miss this great opportunity to celebrate the gi; of the New Year! FORKS & FRIENDS COMMUNITY MEALS 4th Thursday of the month 5-7pm at the Anamosa United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall Here are the items needed to complete 1 kit: Two bath-size bars of soap (4 or 5 oz.) any brand, in original wrapping. One adult size toothbrush in original packaging. One metal nail clippers, remove packaging. Do not add any items or leave out any items listed. Use all new items. Wrap all items in the towel and e securely with ribbon or yarn. No plas c bags. CLOTHES CLOSET IN NEED The Clothes Closet at the Anamosa United Methodist Church is in need of children’s clothes of all sizes for families in need. If you have any used children’s clothes in good condi on that you would like to donate they can be dropped of at the Anamosa United Methodist Church Monday- Friday, 9:00-2:00. Thank you! St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 5 Generous Giving Thank You So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gi s, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gi is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves -Romans 12:5-10 (NIV) Thank you for the gi;s of prayers, hugs, treats and an assortment of other gi;s that were shared with Pastor Ka e and Paula. We are so thankful for the thoughAulness. This is just a sample of recent generous gi;s shared by members at St. Paul. If you have been a generous giver and your name is not listed, please know, as a community we could never glorify and proclaim the Good News without your faithful stewardship. Your brothers and sisters in Christ thank you! • • • • • • • • • • Dale Jensen for removing the mural in the Pastor’s office. Merlyn Wilken for the leaf clean up at the parsonage. Bob Goodyear & Merlyn Wilken for replacing the door closer in Club 56 in the CE Building. Julie & Mike Fall for coordina ng the 2014 Giving Tree and to all who shared a gi;. To our many musicians who have shared the gi; of music throughout the Advent Season. Nancy Stout, Barb Kleis and Virginia Danielson and their amazing team for hos ng the Advent Celebra on Worship and Dinner, and to our High School youth and adult leaders who served dinner to our guests. To Friend-to-Friend who shared a Christmas gi; and visited our home bound members. To our Children’s Ministry Team, and children, Sunday and WD4 for ringing the bell for the Red KeQle outside of Walmart on December 10. Deb & Don Hardersen and their dedicated team of workers for the St. Paul Café at the 2014 Tree Walk! The weekend offering counters, Communion bread bakers, and all who help with worship. Can you think of someone you would like to acknowledge? Contact the church office and we will add them to our Generous Giving list next month. Pastor Ka e and Paula Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed for various pain ng projects around the church and CE Building. Please contact the Grounds & Maintenance Team Leader, Jim Albrecht, at 462-3149 if you would be willing to help. Stewardship 2014 and 2015 Thank you to everyone for the financial support in 2014 of the ministries at St. Paul as well as gi;s for the ELCA, Southeastern Iowa Synod, our local community, the on-going support of the Annex property and a variety of other chari es that our collec ve resources support. We are invited to joyfully share what God has provided to each of us in 2015. Although the church fiscal calendar is July 1 to June 30, we are aware that most personal fiscal calendars run from January 1 to December 31. As you are looking forward, please take me to consider in your monthly budget how you can share God’s treasure with financial support for ministries here at St. Paul. There is one box per household of Offering Envelopes ready for your pick up at the church. As a response to the Congrega onal Survey in 2014, we are puSng together a new team to work on stewardship at St. Paul including me, talents and resources. If you would like to join this new team, please contact Nancy Lyon Douglas at 462-3453. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ December Church Council Report December 8, 2014 The mee ng began with the approval of the agenda, last month’s minutes and the Financial Coordinators report. Communica ons/Requests/Responses received during the month included dona on requests from ELCA World Hunger, Jones Regional Medical Center, and EWALU, a Chaplaincy request from LCO, Missionary Support from the ELCA and a Christmas card from Grandview University. This month’s membership roster changes include a mo on to remove from roster, John Parham, Sr. and a mo on to add to roster, Catherine Vavricek. All mo ons were approved. Council was presented with verbal reports from the Children’s Ministries, Time and Talents, Grounds and Maintenance, and Staffing Resources and Development teams. A Council Ac on Item, iden fied from the Grounds and Maintenance team report, is for Council to con nue to discuss the need of a Property Consultant. This request was added to the December New Business agenda. In discussions regarding Old Business, it was men oned that Pastor Ka e’s Installa on will be January 18 during the 8:00 and 10:30 services. Darel Secrist will meet with the Call CommiQee leaders to request that they plan a recep on for this event. Nancy Lyon Douglas also reported that the status of the ongoing financial work and submission of financial reports con nues to make progress. In discussion regarding New Business, the Church Office will be closed on December 24, 25, 26 and 31 and on January 1 and 2. Worship schedule for Christmas Eve is 3pm, 4:30pm and 6pm (Adult Choir and Holy Communion). Council also discussed if Affirma on Gi;s should be given to Jenny Lundstrom, for her volunteer work on the church website and to Lisa Bierman, Paula Hartman and Pastor Ka e for all they do all year long. A mo on to approve Affirma on Gi;s for Jenny Lundstrom, Lisa Bierman, Paula Hartman and Pastor Ka e, with the provision that Jenny Lundstrom receive another Affirma on Gi; a;er comple ng a total revamp of the church website, was made. This mo on was approved. The final New Business discussion was concerning the need for a Property Consultant to do a feasibility study on all of the Church property. The report from this study will provide guidance to the Grounds and Maintenance team on how to proceed with their growing list of items. It was decided that Darel Secrist will begin looking for a Property Consultant and will report on his finding at the next Council mee ng. The mee ng was adjourned with a closing prayer. The next mee ng is scheduled for January 12 at 6:30pm in the CE Building. RespecAully submiQed, Kris Fortune, Council Secretary Do you have a topic or request for Church Council to discuss? Each month on the first Monday of the month the Church Council Agenda will be created for the Council Mee,ng the following Monday. You are welcome to contact the church office and request an item be on the agenda. Deadline will always be the 1st Monday! If you have ques,ons please contact Kris, Fortune, Church Council Secretary for more informa,on. Thank you! 6 Balances of St. Paul Bank Accounts As of 11/30/2014 General Fund Checking Account Beginning Balance $18,442.59 Ending Balance $18,022.19 Budget Reserve Savings Account Beginning Balance $12,114.38 Ending Balance $12,114.38 Land Purchase Checking Account Beginning Balance $4,587.92 Ending Balance $5,031.46 Land Purchase Savings Account Beginning Balance $11,933.18 Ending Balance $10,034.20 Luther League Checking Account Beginning Balance $5,340.76 Ending Balance $5,388.01 Luther League Savings Account Beginning Balance $876.56 Ending Balance $876.56 Insurance Restora on Savings Account Beginning Balance $11,249.04 Ending Balance $11,249.96 Mortgage Account Beginning Property Purchase Amount $258,250.00 Mortgage Balance $124,958.56 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 7 Important Contributions Notice To assure the deduc bility of your church contribu ons, please do not file your 2014 income tax return un l you have received a wriQen acknowledgement of your contribu ons from the church. Some of your contribu ons may not be tax deduc ble if you file your tax return before receiving a wriQen acknowledgment of your contribu ons from the church. Year End Contributions Please remember the following when making your last contribu on of the year: 1) Checks wriQen in December 2014 and deposited in the church offering in January 2015 is a 2015 contribu on. 2) Checks wriQen and deposited in the church offering in January 2015 and “backdated” to December 2014 is a 2015 contribu on. 3) Checks wriQen in December 2014 and deposited in the mail and postmarked in December 2014, but not received by the church un l January 2015 is a 2014 contribu on. 4) Checks wriQen December 2014 and deposited in the mail December 2014 but not postmarked un l January 2015 and not received by the church un l January 2015 is a 2015 contribu on. We would prefer all contribu(ons for 2014 be at the church by noon on December 30th so that we can make a final deposit on that day. If you have any ques ons, please call the office at 462-4841. Give The Gift Of Grain To Benefit St. Paul Crop producers who want to show support for St. Paul have another op on besides wri ng a check or dona ng cash. They can give the gi; of grain. Giving grain is a viable op on for dona ng to St. Paul. Self employed farmers who donate grain to St. Paul not only benefit St. Paul but also reduce their self-employment tax and increase their income tax savings. Giving grain can save farmers as much as 49% of their dona on amount. For example, a grain dona on worth $1000 could save farmers an extra $490 because they gave grain in place of cash. For specific instruc ons on how to donate grain to support St. Paul please contact the church office at 462-4841. Always check with your co-op on their procedures when gi;ing grain. Simply Giving Electronic Giving This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported St. Paul Lutheran Church this past year with their me, talent and financial contribu ons and look forward to support from all of our members in the year ahead. If you need a convenient way to make regular offerings or if you plan to make an addi onal gi; before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving op ons. As the pace of life speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contribu ons. Contact the church office for more informa on Offering Envelopes Your 2015 Offering Envelopes are ready to be picked up in the church basement. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) National Mentoring Month January is Na onal Mentoring Month, a me to celebrate mentors and the posi ve effect they can have on young lives. LSI is blessed to have great volunteer mentors from the community who are inves ng their me in the children and youth at our Beloit and Bremwood campuses. Thank you to these dedicated individuals! If you are interested in becoming a mentor, visit Or, find a mentoring program in your local area. All it takes is your me, friendship and sharing yourself and your interests to make a difference as a youth mentor! LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organiza on of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Learn more at and “Now I feel like I’ll get a lot out of my life.” Chelsea was 15 years old the first me she ran away from home. “I had some troubles where I was living, and I didn’t think it was good for me to live there,” she said. She slept on a rela ve’s friend’s couch for two months, ran away again and wound up in court. “They took me to a psychiatric ward because I told them I wanted to commit suicide,” she said quietly. “Then I went to shelter for two months, and then I came to Bremwood.” LSI’s Bremwood Residen al Treatment Center in Waverly serves youth ages 12 – 18. Many, though not all, of the youth there have experienced trauma from past abuse or neglect. During her me at Bremwood, Chelsea learned new skills to cope with challenges and beQer ways to iden fy and communicate her emo ons. One of Chelsea’s most meaningful Bremwood experiences was her friendship with her mentor. “She came once a week, and we got ice cream or would go for walks,” she said. “We went hiking, and we would cook together. I just needed me with someone who wasn’t so involved in my treatment so I could talk to her and see what she thought.” Chelsea also started to work on coping with family challenges. LSI’s family-focused approach to care encourages families to be involved as much as possible and works with teens who do not have consistent family involvement to find other solu ons for permanency and stability in their lives. “I first thought this was a waste of my me,” Chelsea said. “I didn’t want to be here or do what they wanted me to do. When my family came into my treatment and started being involved, I felt beQer.” Chelsea recently graduated from Bremwood and is living with family members. Her dream is to graduate high school, aQend college and then enter the medical field and eventually become a sonogram technician. “When I first got here, I didn’t see myself gradua ng or even turning 18,” she said. “I never thought I’d get anywhere in life, but now I feel like I’ll get a lot out of my life. I want to go to college and know that I have a stable home.” 8 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ COMMUNION BREAD JANUARY DUTIES SCHEDULE 6:00 SERVICE DATE/SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN COMMUNION ASSISTANTS POWER POINT Jan. 3– 6:00 Bob/Betty Hora Barb Kleis Bob/Betty Hora Eunice Conley Myra Powell Jan. 10– 6:00 Dennis Hora Beth Hora Ken/Pam Humpal Beth Hora Beth Hora Jan. 17– 6:00 Jerry & Verlyn Stolte Karen Stange Jerry & Verlyn Stolte Karen Stange Myra Powell Jan. 24– 6:00 Mike Fall Barb Kleis Dee Ihlenfeldt Beth Hora Julie Fall Jan. 31- 6:00 Jim Conley Darla Algoe Darla Algoe Eunice Conley Lisa Hamilton JANUARY DUTIES SCHEDULE 8:00 SERVICE DATE/SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN COMMUNION ASSISTANTS Jan. 4– 8:00 Don/Debbie Hardersen Don or Debbie Hardersen Don/Dorothy Harmon Cheri Francik Don Harmon Jan. 11– 8:00 Don/Debbie Hardersen Jane Ortgies Paul/Verna Lewison Dave/Jane Ortgies Jan. 18– 8:00 John Lancaster/ Jay Willems Scott Francik Denny/Debbie Oltmann Denny/Debbie Oltmann Jan. 25– 8:00 Lance/Michele Toenjes Jay Willems Jan Allaire Karen Biere Carol Stiffler Michelle Toenjes JANUARY: Donna Jones JANUARY ALTAR FLOWERS Jan. 4: Don & Debbie Hardersen Jan. 11: Ralph & Sandra Andresen Jan. 18: Char Manuel Jan. 25: Still Available– Call Office JANUARY DUTIES SCHEDULE 10:30 SERVICE DATE/SERVICE USHERS READERS COMMUNION PREP/CLEAN COMMUNION ASSISTANTS POWER POINT VIDEO Jan. 4– 10:30 Serge & Paula Sisler Paula Sisler Serge & Paula Sisler Kirsten Lancaster Kyle Folken Jan. 11– 10:30 DJ/Donna Condry Nancy Lyon Douglas DJ/Donna Condry Paula Sisler/ Darel Secrist Nancy Lyon Douglas/ Fred Austin Jake Harmon Sebastian Goldsmith Darin Sander Family Ralph Andresen Ralph/Sandra Andresen Ralph/Sandra Andresen Jenna Wilson Cole Sander Ruthie Mosser Dan/Lynn Rickels Dan/Lynn Rickels Kylee Secrist Olivia Christianson Jan. 18-10:30 Jan. 25-10:30 CJ Sullivan Family 9 St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 10 ST.ST. PAUL PAUL JANUARY JULY CALENDAR CALENDAR THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 New Year’s Day Office Closed MONDAY, JANUARY 12 6:30pm Church Council Mtg. (CE Bldg) TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 7:00pm Mary Circle (Church) 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 Office CLosed SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 9-10:00am Ray of Hope (Church Basement) 9-3pm ARC (CE Building) 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 8:00am Tradi,onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac,ce 9:25am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Praise Worship Service MONDAY, JANUARY 5 6:30pm GMT Mee,ng (Church Basement) TUESDAY, JANUARY 6 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 6:45am Good Guys (McOFos) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds &Goodies) 6:30-8:00pm WD4 7:30pm Worship SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 8:00am Tradi,onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac,ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service 4:00pm G.S. Daisy Troop (CE Bldg) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 6:45am Good Guys (McOFos) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 1:30pm Sarah Circle (Woodland Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds & Goodies) 6:30-8pm WD4 7:30pm Worship SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 8:00am Tradi,onal Worship Service Pastor Ka,e Installa,on 9:00am Recep,on in honor of Pastor Ka,e 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Praise Worship Service Pastor Ka,e Installa,on TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21 6:45am Good Guys (McOFos) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W.Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds &Goodies) 6:30-8:00pm WD4 7:30pm Worship SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 8:00am Tradi,onal Worship Service 9:00am Coffee Hour 9:15am Sunday School 9:25am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Praise Band Prac,ce 10:30am Praise Worship Service 4:00pm GS Daisy Troop (CE Bldg) TUESDAY, JANUARY 27 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28 6:45am Good Guys (McOFos) 8:00am Lutheran Men in Mission (W. Park) 2:00pm Ecumenical Bible Study (Grounds & Goodies) 6:30-8pm WD4 7:30pm Worship THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 9:00pm Mail NewsleFer (Verna) SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 5:00pm “Saturday Night Live” Bible Study 6:00pm Contemporary Worship Service THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 10am Friend to Friend 5-7pm Forks & Friends (Methodist Church) FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 4:00pm NewsleFer Ar,cles Due January Work Group Chairs: Mike & Nancy Bickford Mark & Rhonda Bickford Pete & Ruth Bungum Wilma Cox Betty Hunter Ruth Kray Laura Ortgies Doug & Marcy Pate Nels & Jen Petersen Brady & Barrie Reynolds Kent & Lori Reynolds Dixie Rickels Kristi Rickels Pastor & Mary Lou Schipper Marilou Vernon Harry & Janice Weber A few du,es include: Taking care of the family care room; (wipe off crib & liFle table, pick up and straighten room) over-see kitchen (*Launder towels on counter, check & clean refrigerators & stoves when needed) keep supplies stocked (paper towels, dish soap in kitchen, kleenex for the bathroom, plas,c wrap & baggies etc.). *It is very important that Work Groups select someone to check on the kitchen. St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ 11 Please take note of the ELCA Good Gi;s Advent display in the church entry beginning next weekend. If you need a gi; for someone who “has everything” or for someone you want to honor, the Good Gi;s catalog has the perfect item. Your gi; will carry God’s love to others and will bring a smile to the face of your special friend or loved one. The Story– As a Gift Idea! Copies of “The Story” are available if you would like to pick up a copy to share with a family member or friend. The book makes a great Christmas gi; and opportunity for you to invite and encourage someone in their own faith story. You may pick up a copy at any of the worship services. Ray of Hope Grief Get-Together When: First Saturday of each month 9:00AM– 10:00AM Where: St. Paul Church Basement We will be embarking on a journey through grief entitled, “Beyond a Broken Heart” which will include a short video, a different topic each session followed by group discussion and concerns. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Call Karen at 462-2949 for further information. St. Paul Cookbooks– As a Gift Idea! Looking for a great Christmas gi;? FAITH ALIVE COOKBOOKS are s ll available for $15. If you would like to purchase any, please see Dolores Albrecht, Wilma Anderson, Nancy Hart, or Barb Kleis a;er worship. HAPPY NEW YEAR! St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church 103 East Cedar Street Anamosa, IA 52205 12 Return Service Requested WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday: 6pm Contemporary Worship Sunday: 8am Traditional Worship 9am Fellowship 9:15am Sunday School 9:30am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Contemporary Worship JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Chris Wilson Larry Dougherty Debbie Hardersen Greg Heims Dallin Holub OQo Wilson Landon Barnes Deb Oltmann Jeff Wilken Jolene Keeney Bob Klinkkammer Dixie Rickels Steve Smith Darvin Hardersen Bob Prull Laura Secrist 01 02 02 02 03 03 04 04 04 05 06 07 07 08 08 08 Terry French Daylor Miller Kris Rickels Shirley Schoon Kayla Wilken Helen Ehlts Pam Goodyear Dale Barnes Jason Miller Kyle Weber Nancy Hart Doris Jeanne Herren Beth Thomas Sean HolleQ Donna Martensen Joan Andreesen 09 09 09 09 10 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 18 19 19 20 Eian Countryman Gabe Countryman Michele Lubben Kristy Robertson Brenda Carpenter Paige Folken Nancy Bickford Pastor Schipper Jay Willems Sara Bauer Albert Mar n Kent Reynolds Andrea Ricklefs Jim Danielson Dorathy Gray 20 20 20 20 21 24 25 25 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 If your birthday was omiFed from this calendar, it is because we do not have the date in our records. If you would like your birthday listed on our newsleFer calendar, please call Paula at 462-4841 or email her at and she would be happy to include it.
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