1 December 2014 The Messenger The Messenger December 2014 Volume 14 Issue 11 Keene Unitarian Universalist Church, 69 Washington Street , Keene, NH 03431 http://www.kuuc.org/ office@kuuc.org 603-352 -1719 ______________________________________________________ CONTENTS 1 Worship Calendar 2 Rev. Michael’s December Hymn of the Month: Moment #112 “Do You Hear?” 3 Special news about Office Administrator December 7: “Redemption Song” with guest minister, 4 President’s Corner Rev. Jeanne Nieuwejaar 5 Religious Education The word redemption may have an archaic ring to it, but it is, in fact, a principle that News is central to our liberal religious faith. Our affirmation of the worth and dignity of 7 Music Notes every individual is hollow unless we also affirm our commitment to help reclaim the 8 Greens Sale value of individual lives that have become lost or broken. This is the work of 9 Events, etc. redemption. In this service we will look in particular at the challenge of reclaiming 10 Month of the value of the lives of those who are serving time in prison, reflecting through the Sundays lens of our faith on this very troubling issue. We will celebrate our Joys & Concerns Follow up today and the choir will sing. Rev. Nieuwejaar will also lead a workshop after coffee 11 Fund-raising hour (see article below). 12 KUUC Outdoors DECEMBER WORSHIP CALENDAR 13 What’s Cooking? 14 Rev. Michael’s Office Hours Please join us: 10:00 a.m. Worship Services and Coffee Hour following the service. Childcare is available for children ages 5 and under. Children’s RE and/or Worship activities are offered every Sunday. Greening of the Sanctuary: Anyone interested in greening of the sanctuary please stay immediately after the service on December 7th to contribute to making our sanctuary beautiful. December 14: “Prepare Yourself” Although there are some things in life that come naturally to us, most require a high degree of groundwork to help us get body, mind and spirit coordinated, focused and strong. This is just as true of the various works of faith formation as it is any other aspect of life. Today we look at the importance of preparation necessary for creating authentic religious ceremonies and ritual, building spiritual practice and for living day-to-day. The service will feature a Time for All Ages based in our theme and a New Member Recognition Ceremony. 2 December 2014 The Messenger December 21: “On This Short Day” Unitarian Universalism draws its strength from several sources known as “the Living Tradition.” In this way we are unique, acknowledging the simple truth that the diversity of our people, the complexity of our needs and the depth of our collective curiosity requires us to embrace multiple sources of truth. Today we celebrate the Winter Solstice and the earth-based traditions that reveal to us our connection to the interconnected web of life, the sacredness of nature and the world of wonder. The adults will share their Joys & Concerns within the service while the children meet in the Undercroft for their own chapel. December 24: “Light Shines in the Darkness” It will be another joyful and beautiful Christmas Eve at KUUC. The choir will share their ministry with us and once again young and old will participate in “The No Rehearsal Christmas Pageant.” Rev. Michael’s message will uphold the dual nature of our church as both a beacon and haven for people in this community. See page 6 for opportunities to assist with the Christmas Eve service. December 28: Lay-Led, Theme To Be Announced REV. MICHAEL’S MOMENT It is better to travel well than to arrive. ---Buddha Good People: The holiday season is upon us, we hear it over and over, in the insipid patter of the radio jingles, through the pasted on smiles of newscasters on TV. With this season comes a lot of work that we are trying to squeeze in between our ordinary work: light stringing, gift shopping, card writing, house cleaning and present wrapping. Some of us make lists to remind us of the lists we have already made. The holiday season can be both exhausting and crazy making, it’s true, a kaleidoscopic perpetual motion machine of sights and sounds and songs and busyness. Then, before you know it, Rite Aid is installing its’ Valentines display and the only reminder of Christmas is the ornament hook you don’t notice had hidden itself in the carpet until an emergency room doctor is trying to fish it out of your foot! 3 December 2014 The Messenger It can be very hard to counterbalance the many stressors in our lives no matter the season; but at no time are we more vulnerable to the weariness, strain and sadness that can drain our days. I think I am going to paper my house with a thousand golden sticky notes reminding me to set aside more time for service, exercise, spiritual practice and play rather than restricting access to the benefits of those gifts I can give myself. No “to-do” list is complete that doesn’t prioritize happiness. Otherwise we will only end up ignoring our real needs, the wellsprings of our joy and no visions of sugarplums will inhabit our dreams, whether we are naughty or nice. My hope this year is not to have the holiday season set upon me, like I am being ambushed but to rise and embrace them in the fullness of my presence. All I have to do is remember that I am quite good enough all year round and that I have all I that need to build the life I want. I only wish my life had come with directions in English. Does anyone among you speak Cantonese? With Heart and in Hope, Rev. Michael GREAT JOY & GOOD NEWS It’s official, we have a new Office Administrator! Susan MacNeil, who many of us have gotten to know over the years in her capacity as Executive Director of AIDS Services of the Monadnock Region, has joyfully accepted the vacant OA position and is looking forward to getting started. Susan begins her tenure at KUUC on Monday, December 8th. Susan’s hours will be Monday-Friday, 9 A.M. - 1 P.M, except on weeks that the Board of Trustees meet. Susan brings a wealth of administrative and technological experience to this work, including having managed the office of another UU church several years ago. Susan has an extensive background in resource management, budgeting, publicity, donor development and meeting deadlines while keeping long-term goals in mind. Susan’s experience working with vulnerable people in difficult circumstances meshes with the special circumstances of congregational life and a mission-based church setting. She is excited to take on this new role with this church, an institution she has long admired and a community of people she has always enjoyed working alongside. 4 December 2014 The Messenger PRESIDENT’S CORNER When you read this we will have moved beyond Thanksgiving and into the active Christmas Season. I don’t know about anyone else, but this is that time of year when there are so many conflicting issues for me. On the one hand, I am so very grateful for so many gifts that come my way in life. On the other hand, in the past, I would get so distressed about the frenzy of the season, I would get caught up in that and forget the purpose of it all. When I was a child, I focused on what I was going to get for gifts. As I grew, the dilemma of what to give added to my stress level. Today, I am making a choice not to get caught up in the craziness of consumerism. I am making a choice to let go of the anxiety and stress and focus on the deeper meaning of the rituals. As I was raised Protestant Christian, I know the celebration is to honor the birth of Jesus. The gifts we give are a carry-over from the tradition began by the Magi who brought precious gifts to the babe, believed to be the future savior of the Jewish people. When I give a gift today, I try to remember the holiness of the offering of the Magi, but I do not always succeed. I am, however, reminded on a weekly basis of the deep love that is the root of generosity that I see all around me. It is not holiday gifts I speak of, but rather the everyday generosity of others. Like those who silently pick up, clean up and tidy the sanctuary after the service every Sunday. Like those who supply our office with items needed to do the work or those who selflessly purchase kitchen needs or who build items to make life easier for others- such as the wheels on the bulletin board in the Undercroft or the railing on the steps in the Sanctuary. Our Keene UU’s are a generous people and there is not enough room to thank each one of you here, but I do want to thank all of you. I would also like you to do one more thing for us, however. Whether you are shouldering the cost as an offering or just fronting the cost of something, I would ask that you submit a receipt or a statement of some sort to the office. What? Why? We have begun to look at our finances and we are endeavoring to begin the process of determining next year’s budget. In the next two months, every committee should identify its ongoing, yearly costs, and go through a process of identifying all of its possible funding needs, and then submit its budget requests. It is important that we plan ahead and know that any and all needs are submitted and discussed prior to Annual Meeting. This will help us create a realistic projection for coffee and sugar/sugar substitute, for instance, or sticky notes for the office, or any other of a number of things that folks tend to just “pick up”. It is not that we don’t appreciate these kinds of offerings, we do! We just cannot depend on those offerings as we look to the future, so we need to understand the real numbers of what it takes to operate our church. We need to know what we are purchasing and how much it costs. We want to be responsible in our stewardship of your pledges, your endowments and your “bequests”. In the coming weeks we will be engaging in a more formal audit of our finances. We will strive to be communicative and transparent with you. The Board is, after all, stewards of your generous gifts and we want to be fiscally responsible. If there is anyone who is gifted with fiscal understanding - in other words, knowledge of financial issues - we encourage you to join us in this endeavor as we look at reinvigorating our Finance Committee. 5 December 2014 The Messenger Remember, gift-giving and gift-receiving both form the foundation of stewardship. I don’t know if it really is better to give than receive, but I do know that in giving we experience the joy of receiving as well…. May this holiday season bring you the deepest of joys. In peace and abundance, Leslie Erdoben-Evans, President, Board of Trustees RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Guest at Your Table is an annual fundraising and education program that supports the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s human rights work. This month we will be conducting our annual collection for the UU Service Committee's Guest at Your Table program. All funds will support the UUSC's global human rights work. Look for information about this year's representative guests on the RE bulletin board. KUUC will accept donations on behalf of the UUSC through January 11, 2015. The RE Committee is hosting our annual Winter Crafts Party on Sunday, December 21, starting at 11:30 AM in the Undercroft, right after Coffee Hour. All are welcome to join us in making creative decorations to adorn your homes! – Jill M. Hall, Acting Director of Religious Education jillmariehall@gmail.com 508-821-8935 Coming of Age News You may have noticed youth participating in activities such as assisting with worship service and outside clean-up. We are looking for ways to get the coming of age youth and their mentors more involved and woven into the fabric of KUUC and its programming. If you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact Carin Torp at 357-7645 or carintorp@yahoo.com or Scott Ansevin-Allen at 358-3701 or aansevin@yahoo.com . You may also approach them directly if you like. Also, the youth are working on their credos, so if you are so inclined to engage them in conversation about your beliefs and their beliefs, anything that makes you excited about being a member of KUUC and what they have been doing in our coming of age time together. The youth are Lauren and Pierce Emineth, Moira Anderson, Chloe York, Jonah Hall, Peter Walter, Jack Streeter, Owen Lowry, Liza Parshall and Jaime Therrien. Their mentors are Susan Lowry, Jim Peale, Barbara Bryce, Michelle Thevenin, Mark Meess, Rev. Michael, Murray McClellan, Scott Ansevin-Allen, Carin Torp and Tom Haynes respectively. Thank you for supporting our youth! 6 December 2014 The Messenger RE Calendar for December December 7: 10AM: Children begin in the sanctuary and are sung out to classes. 4:30-6:30PM: Youth Group meeting in the Parish Hall and Alliance Room. All Coming of Age students and junior high/senior high youth are encouraged to attend. (You don't have to be doing CoA to come and have a good time with your people.) We will have snacks and games this time. December 14: 10AM: Children begin in the sanctuary and are sung out to classes. Grade 4-5 class (Explorers) will be going on their second Field Trip to Goose Pond. The children will be observing and experiencing changes in the land and water through the shifting seasons. (Drivers and chaperones needed, please contact Jill if available: jillmariehall@gmail.com.) Field trip will leave after the children are sung out and return by 11:30. 11:45AM< RE Committee meeting in the classroom December 21: 10AM: Children begin in the Undercroft for Children's Chapel, then go to classes. Please bring warm outerwear to Children's Chapel. We'll be going outdoors for a Winter Spiral walk. 11:30AM: Holiday Crafts Party in the Undercroft 4:30-6:30PM: Coming of Age group meets in the Parish Hall. December 28: 10AM: No RE classes; children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary for the service. Nursery care available for under-5 years old. CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Poinsettias: If you are interested in purchasing a poinsettia to be displayed on Christmas Eve, please contact Talu Robertson at 352-7006 or talurobertson@gmail.com. You can let her know if you have a special remembrance for it as well. Talu will collect your money and make sure the poinsettia is in the church for the Christmas Eve service and then you may take it home afterwards. Pageant: Anyone interested in being part of the preparations for the No Rehearsal Christmas Pageant, please contact Carin Torp, 357-7645 or carintorp@yahoo.com or Jill Hall 352-1719 ext. 2 or jillmariehall@gmail.com. We can use help creating/preparing more costumes and props as well as organizing the same. We will also need a stage manager and stage hands and costumers during the Christmas Eve service. 7 December 2014 The Messenger MUSIC NOTES Happy December! One announcement first! There is still time to join the choir for rehearsals this winter to prepare for the Christmas Eve service. Anyone of any age or ability is invited to rehearse and sing a wonderful selection of choral music with the other members of the choir. This short-term commitment would end after the Christmas Eve service, but we won't turn anyone away come January! Rehearsals are every Thursday in December, and from 7:30 - 9:00pm, and before the service on December 24th. This December will be filled with wonderful music from all sides. On December 7th, the choir has the opportunity to prepare for the service with our Guest Minister, Jeanne Nieuwejaar. They will be singing one piece within her theme of “Redemption Song,” and leading the congregation in the musical interlude. The Interlude will be a call-and-response style song where the choir will sing one line, and then everyone in the congregation will sing that same line together. On December 21st, the choir will be singing a beautiful solstice celebration song called “The Promise of Light” featuring a complex piano accompaniment which sounds like icy snow. Although this is the darkest time of year, the choir’s hopeful song will sooth the heart and lift your spirits. Christmas Eve will be filled with wonderful music! In addition to the service’s Multigenerational Christmas Pageant, we will sing several choral arrangements. Most notably the choir will sing an arrangement by John Rutter of “Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind” whose text is borrowed from Shakespeare’s “As You Like It.” Although it is set in a contemplative minor key, the mysterious ending allows the opportunity for some listeners to experience further contemplative and thoughtful emotions, while others may feel hopeful and even joyful as the song closes. Listen closely for Vladimir’s musical snow falling in the accompaniment throughout the whole song. See you in church! Esther Rhoades Esther.rh.rhoades@gmail.com 603-499-3505 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 December 2014 The Messenger 2014 GREENS SALE The KUUC Annual Holiday/Christmas Greens Sale is Friday, Dec. 5, 2014, 5:00-8:00 p.m. & Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014, 9:00-1:00 p.m. This should be a fun holiday event to support KUUC’s operating budget. We’ll also have wreaths and other greens for sale, berry bowls, a soup luncheon, a book nook and maybe even a few holiday carols…. Saturday will also be the day when the quilt raffle comes to a dramatic close (drum roll, please!). Please donate as you are able (baked goods, craft items or books), purchase quilt raffle tickets, or volunteer to staff a table. And bring your friends, family and neighbors! Greens Sale Donations Still Needed: - Gently used books for the Book Nook - Baked goods and cookies for the Baked Goods Table - Handmade crafts for the Craft Table - Pine cones any size for wreath decorating Get involved in the Greens Sale: Baked goods or crafts can be dropped off after 4 pm on Friday the 5th (or Saturday morning, if Friday afternoon is not possible). Please contact Mark Meess (1nhmoose@gmail.com) with questions about baked goods or Eleanor Smart (ejsmart@ne.rr.com) with questions about handcrafted items. Check your shelves for gently used books, CDs, tapes, videos, etc. that you no longer need. Thanks to your donations, each December the BOOK NOOK tables are filled with fantastic buys during the Greens Sale. Please leave all items in the undercroft area opposite the furnace room door. If you need help getting things to the church, please contact Nancy Brigham as soon as possible so arrangements can be made to pick them up. Work Sessions: (no experience required) Berry Bowls (contact Darcy Doyle 355-8220) Sunday, November 30, 2014, 11:30 a.m., Berry Bowl covering in the KUUC kitchen Wreath decorating, kissing balls & swags (contact Carol McIntyre-Peale, pealefamily@gmail.com, 357-7875) Monday, December 1, 2014, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. KUUC Parish Hall Wednesday, December 3, 2014, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. KUUC Parish Hall Book Nook (contact Nancy Brigham, 357-2626) Sorting books - Wed., December 3, 2014 and Thurs., December 4, 2014 9 December 2014 The Messenger EVENTS, ACTIVITIES, UPDATES & OTHER NEWS “Calling for Prison Reform”: A Workshop and Discussion with the Rev. Jeanne Nieuwejaar December 7, 2014: 11:30 A.M. - 12:45 P.M. (Sanctuary) This extended discussion time will be an opportunity to delve more deeply into some of the political, social and economic complexities surrounding the challenge of prison reform. More and more voices are currently being raised in alarm at how broken our prison system is. Through this workshop we will draw on our shared wisdom to guide us toward constructive action. SLICE OF FELLOWSHIP Our festive December Slice of Fellowship will be held in the parish hall on Friday, December 12 at 5:30 pm. By popular demand we will celebrate the season with hearty hors d’oeuvres, wine and non-alcoholic beverages. Contact Betty Forrest (357-1534) or Anne Piper (352-0005) if you have questions or would like more information. DECEMBER LUNCH BUNCH Our Senior Lunch Bunch will meet on Wednesday, December 17 at noon in the Parish Hall. Hosts for this month are Betty and Mike Forrest. If you have questions, please call Betty at 603-357-1534 or send a message to mandbforrest@myfairpoint.net. If school is cancelled due to weather issues, there will be no lunch bunch that day. Note: Current callers for lunch bunch are: Martha Bauman (for Betty Robinson) Nancy Brigham (for Susan Segal) TIME FOR KUUC DIRECTORY UPDATES! It has been a while since we have printed an updated KUUC Members & Friends Directory. We have begun the process and need your help. There will be a printed directory in the Parish Hall with our status of addresses as of November 2014. Please check for your name in the directory. If all information is correct, initial the entry If there are corrections to be made, enter those into the printed directory If your name is not in the directory, add it to the sheet that is with the current copy If you will not be in church to check the list, please email your information to Elizabeth Williams at elizabeth48@earthlink.net. Include your name, spouse/partner name, children’s names, mailing address, phone number, and email addresses. The Membership Committee will be working on this project with help from others. Please speak with Chip Southgate, Suzanne Butcher, or Elizabeth Williams if you have questions. Thank you so much for your help. 10 December 2014 The Messenger INTERFAITH COMMUNITY ORGANIZING FOLLOW UP MEETING, DEC 7, 2PM What a great turnout we had for the November 16 Month of Sundays Faith-based Community Organizing event. It was wonderful to have folks of varying faiths together. Already, the energy and inspiration that can come with interfaith work was present and evident in the group. Looking to the future, we very much want to meet in other faith congregation locations. For now we will be meeting to follow up on Sunday December 7, 2pm, again at Keene Unitarian Universalist Church. We will debrief the November 16 event and discuss future plans. In the meantime, if you are interested in knowing more about the two existing New Hampshire community organizing groups you can visit their websites: United Valley Interfaith Project: www.unitedvalleyinterfaith.org Granite State Organizing Project: http://granitestateorganizing.org ARTS IN ACTION UPDATE You may have noticed the wire sign stands up near the wayside pulpit. If all goes as planned, by Sunday November 30th, these will be supporting some wooden Chalices which will serve to commemorate those people who had been homeless and who have died in this past year. We hope to have their names at least by the 21st of December and will also perhaps join in with them during the service held by the Hundred Nights Shelter at Central Square on the 21st. Thank you for the manual labor of Mark Meess, Dave Wilbur and Tom Haynes for making the wooden chalices and for the creative energy of Barbara Bryce, Hazel Erdoben-Evans, Eleanore Smart, Carole Mills, Dave Wilbur, Susan Chamberlain, Mark Meess, Carrie and Erin Williams, Bridge Noone, D’Vorah Kelley and Carin Torp for the idea and further creation of them. We have several other longer term project ideas in the works including a large statue of liberty, a temporary transformation of the war memorial on central square and a flash mob. . . we are happy to have more people involved in all of these even if you don’t want to be part of the planning sessions, so just contact one of us. Our next meeting time is December 7, 2014 at 11:30am. Peace, Carin Torp 11 December 2014 The Messenger KUUC FUNDRAISERS: WE NEED YOUR HELP! Last May we approved a budget that included $18,000 in fundraising events. In order to meet that goal we need the entire congregation’s help in leading and staffing these events. Here’s the line-up: Greens Sale and Holiday Fair (December 5-6) One of KUUC’s most significant fundraisers is right around the corner and we need you! The KUUC Greens Sale and Holiday Fair are scheduled for Friday December 5th from 5 - 8 pm, and Saturday December 6th from 9 am - 1 pm. See page 8 for more information on how you can help. Valentine’s Day Concert (on, you guessed, February 14) Valentine’s Day Concert ($300): Zach Benton & Rebecca Souci are interested in hosting a benefit concert at the church on Saturday February 14. They regularly host open mike nights at Fritz’s and Zach sings and plays as well. The event would be a “coffee house” atmosphere. Dinner Theatre: Irish Love & Laughter with Italian Food (March 13 & 14) Reverend Michael will be leading the theatre elements of this evening – now we just need a lead for the food elements and lots of volunteer acting corps, cooks and serving staff. See more information and announcement on p. 13. Pie Day (March 14) We’ll be looking for pies to sell and volunteers to staff the sales table. Online Service Auction (April) We’ll be looking for someone to lead this effort, which will be limited to an online auction of services (how about a ‘Cookies of the Month Club’, a Greek dinner for 8, lakefront cottage rental in August….etc.). As everyone knows – activities like these take a lot of time and energy to lead and staff. We’re depending on the KUUC community coming together to plan, staff and attend these events so we can meet our budget goals for this fiscal year. And if you have an idea for a fundraising event (b/c we’ll need more to reach our $18,000 budget goal) that you would like to lead, contact Michelle Thevenin at mthevenin@ne.rr.com and we can discuss your proposal and take it to the Board for approval. CONGREGATIONAL CONVERSATION: WHO AND WHAT ARE WE? The Congregational Conversation announced last month has been postponed until the new year. Watch the January 2015 Messenger for more information. 12 December 2014 The Messenger KUUC OUTDOORS IN KEENE’S WOODLAND CEMETERY! What beautiful late fall day we had for the Woodland Cemetery Walk! We had another great intergenerational group, even interspecies this time. Here's a photo of us in front of the Sumner Knight Chapel. Check out other snaps at our KUUC Shutterfly site! Click on Pictures and Videos to see a slide show. Enjoy! KUUC OUTDOORS WINTER ACTIVITY IN JANUARY Sunday, January 25 Skating and Sledding Join us at Robin Hood Park for winter fun at 1:00pm. Great excursion for families and winter enthusiasts of all ages! Robin Hood Park is located on 366 Reservoir Street off of Roxbury Street in Keene Anyone with questions or suggestions for KUUC Outdoors, contact: Tom Julius (603) 357-4521 tjulius@antioch.edu 13 December 2014 The Messenger WHAT’S COOKING? In an effort to make it easier to use the kitchen, I have created a photo tutorial on how to use the coffee urns. Not everyone has experience using commercial coffee pots, and not everyone even drinks coffee. The tutorial is 6 pages long and full of pictures to guide you through using these huge pots. It is currently posted on the bulletin board between the deep sink and the refrigerator. If someone has a small 3-ring-binder and/or some plastic sheet protectors to donate, please bring it to church as this will make it last a lot longer. We are also revisiting the labels in the kitchen to make sure they are all accurate before the Community Breakfast starts up in December. Please strive to return items to their ‘proper place’ so others will be able to find them. In order to keep things well stocked in the kitchen, please let me know when something gets used up. If you notice the dish soap is getting low, or the stevia (sugar substitute) is all gone, please tell me so I can order more. Also, to get a good idea of how much it costs to run the kitchen for budgeting purposes, please submit any receipts for things that you purchase for coffee hour or any of the other regular church kitchen functions. There is a drop box on the office door, and if you wish to make it be a donation, please just write that on the receipt, and we thank you very much. If you need to be reimbursed for it, please write your name on the receipt and we also thank you very much. No receipt is too small to go unnoticed. The largest costs overall can often be the repeated little ones. If you have any questions or if there is something I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to call me at 835-2360. -- Judy Saunders, Kitchen Coordinator, segwyne@gmail.com DINNER THEATRE ANYONE? Are you interested in producing a first rate theatre show to help raise money for KUUC? Perhaps you would rather be a stage manager? Maybe you are more interested in figuring out how to creatively cater the event seamlessly with the show? Well, there is a show waiting for you and your talents. We have the director and star Rev. Michael already in hand, the show weekend is “Pi weekend” in March. . . so step right up as it is time to start production meetings and auditions and. . . . this will be a whole lotta fun and hopefully bring in a whole lotta funds! Contact Carin Torp or Rev. Michael for more information. 14 December 2014 The Messenger During this interim time, please check the calendar outside the church office for regularly scheduled events. Calendar items for Worship, RE, and special events are included in the text of this edition of The Messenger. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Beginning Monday, December 8, 2014, the church office hours will be Monday-Friday, 9 A.M. - 1 P.M, except on weeks that the Board of Trustees meet. Please stop by and welcome our new Office Administrator, Susan MacNeil. See p. 3 for more information. EARLY DEADLINE FOR THE JANUARY MESSENGER Due to the extra work prior to the holidays and the late December vacation that many of us take the Deadline for the January Messenger will be moved up to Monday, December 15th at 5 P.M. Please take note and send in your things early. For the time being all articles should be sent directly to Rev. Michael at rev.michaelkuuc1824@gmail.com REV. MICHAEL’S OFFICE HOURS In December Rev. Michael’s Office Hours are as follows: Mondays: (12/1, 12/8, 12/15 & 12/22), 9 A.M.-1 P.M. Tuesdays: (12/2, 12/9 & 12/16), 1 P.M.- 5 P.M. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!
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