Kansas Timber Buyers Selling Timber in Kansas The following is a list of timber buyers that purchase timber in Kansas. The list only includes buyers that have asked to be listed. Therefore, it is not a complete list of timber buyers in Kansas. You may know of other buyers to add to the list. It is suggested that you send a Solicitation of Bid Form to buyers on this list who indicate they will purchase the tree species you have for sale. The number of Solicitation of Bid Forms that you send is your decision. You probably will want to send bid forms to all buyers who have indicated they will purchase timber in your buying area. County abbreviations are sometimes listed in the buying area column of the list. An index of county abbreviations is located on page 7. Timber buyers should also be provided the following information. Number of trees for sale. Location from the nearest town. Name, address and telephone number of contact person. Time and location of bid opening (allow 30 days after notification). Terms of sale (recommended lump sum payment before cutting begins). Bids should be opened only at the specified time and location. Some buyers may want to be present at the bid opening. If a bid is accepted, that bidder should be notified immediately to make arrangements to negotiate a timber sale agreement. Unsuccessful bidders should be notified. Remember you have the right to accept or reject any or all bids. A timber sale agreement or contract should include: Terms of payment (lump sum prior to cutting is recommended). Time allowed for completion of harvest (6-9 months minimum). Liability for damage to persons or property. Guarantees of entrance, right-of-way and title of property. You should periodically check the progress of the harvest to make certain the agreement is being followed. Sample Solicitation of Bid and Timber Sale Agreement Forms are available from the District Forester who services your area. District Forester’s addresses, phone numbers and areas of service are located at the end of the Timber Buyer’s List. Additional information related to marketing timber can be found in the publication “Marketing Kansas Timber” (publication number C-542). This publication, along with numerous others designed to help landowners with forest related issues, can be obtained from your District Forester or by visiting the Kansas Forester Service’s web site at: www.kansasforests.org Reference to timber buyers on this list is not intended as an endorsement. Buyers on the list have asked that their name be included. No timber buyer has been excluded on purpose. Anyone wishing to be added to the list should contact David Bruton, Utilization and Marketing Forester, Kansas Forest Service, 7760 174th Street, Valley Falls, KS 66088; 785-945-6147; email: dbruton@ksu.edu 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 1 of 20 Allen George Hawley Hawley Logging & Lumber Co. 2770 Florida Rd. Email : hawleylumber@gmail.com Business: (620) 473-3468 Ext: Mobile: (620)365-9744 Web Page: Timber stand improvement,Species: All Species, Buying Area: 100 Mile Radius of Elsmore, KS; Mill type: Stationary, Kiln: No Email : Business: (785) 448-6430 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Eastern KS Elsmore KS,667329744 Anderson Don Watson 336 E. 1st Ave. Ext: Garnett KS,66032 Randy Stinnett Stinnett Timbers 30216 SE 31 Hwy Email : stinnettimbers@yahoo.com Business: (620) 439-5550 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Statewide Email : Business: (913) 370-3690 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Kincaid KS,66039-9804 Atchison Dean Weber 809 William Ext: Effingham KS,66023 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 2 of 20 Bob Fuemmeler Fuemmeler Lumber 4457 254th Rd. Email : Business: (913) 833-4903 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Northeast KS; Mill type: Stationary, Kiln: No Effingham KS,66023 Eugene Kimmi Kimmi Lumber & Sawmill, Inc. 12006 Elk Rd. Email : Business: (785) 548-7546 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Eastern 1/2 of KS; Mill Type: Stationary, Kiln: Yes, Commercial Drying Only Everest KS,66424-9005 David Weber Weber Logging 615 William St. P.O. Box 202 Effingham KS,66023 Email : Business: (913) 370-0649 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Cherokee Gary Dunnic GD Logging PO Box 693 Email : Business: (620) 674-1414 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Riverton KS,66770 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 3 of 20 Cloud Jerry Goddard Goddard Sawmill & Lumber 308 East Potts PO Box 127 Glasco KS,67445 Email : jgoddard@twinvalley.net Business: (785) 568-2587 Ext: Mobile: (785) 427-7196 Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide; Mill type: Stationary, Kiln: Yes, Custom Drying: Yes Email : sb@valnet.net Business: (620) 256-6744 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Eastern 1/2 of KS Ext: Species: Walnut, Maple, Oak, Ash, Buying Area: Eastern; KS Mill type: Stationary, Kiln: No Coffey Gerald Burris 1098 19th Rd. NW Burlington KS,66839-9030 Delbert & Jeff Elbrader E & D Hardwood Lumber Co. 1423 Kennebec St. Email : Business: (620) 364-2718 Mobile: Web Page: Burlington KS,66839 Cowley Neil Kadau Kadau Logging 17972 212th Rd. Email : mkkadau.06@yahoo.com Business: (620) 222-5081 Ext: Mobile: 620-221-6815 Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: 250 Mile Radius of Winfield Winfield KS,67156 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 4 of 20 Crawford Chris Shouse 1041 E. 600th Ave. Email : Business: (620) 232-5854 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Pittsburg KS,66762 Doniphan Charles L. Harness Email : jarnut@hotmail.com Business: (816) 273-7404 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Timber Buyers List Highland KS,66035 Marty Hewins Box 64 Email : Business: (785) 989-3429 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Wathena KS,66090 Charles Hewins CMH Logging LLC PO Box 206, 310 1St Email : mikehewins62@hotmail.com Business: (816) 261-4119 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Wathena KS,66090 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 5 of 20 Marty, Chris & Mike Hewins Marty Hewins Logging P.O. Box 64 Email : Business: (785) 989-3429 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: http://www.hewinssawmill.com/ Species: All Species, Buying Area: Northeast KS Email : Business: (785) 985-2791 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Wathena KS,66090-0064 Roger Whetstine Whetstine Logging, Inc. 1488 Mesquito Creek Rd. Ext: Troy KS,66087 Franklin Ken Smith 1716 Reno Rd. Email : Business: (785) 242-1072 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Eastern KS Ext: Ottawa KS,66067 Tom Stottlemire 3931 Rock Creek Rd. Email : tomstottlemire@hotmail.com Business: (785) 878-3723 Ext: Mobile: (785)418-1367 Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide; Mill type: Portable (Woodmizer) kiln :Yes,Solar, Custom Drying :Yes Rantoul KS,66079 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 6 of 20 Dan & Charlie Barrow Barrow Logging Co. 2456 Old Highway 50 Email : danbarrowtradingco@gmail.com Business: (785) 364-7898 Ext: Mobile: 785-935-2526 Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ottawa KS,66067 Wade Hammond Hammond Logging and Timber 1985 Vermont Road Email : hammondlogging@yahoo.com Business: (785) 898-4778 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Rantoul KS,66079 Jackson Andy Cook 16467 T Rd. Email : Business: (785) 966-0188 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Mayetta KS,66509 Gary D. New 11940 262 Rd. Email : Business: (785) 851-7018 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Eastern 1/3 of KS Holton KS,66436 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 7 of 20 Dan & Charlie Barrow Barrow Logging Co. Box 93 Email : danbarrowtradingco@gmail.com Business: (785) 364-7898 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Email : midwestcypress@yahoo.com Business: (785) 597-5618 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: 50 Mile Radius Email : greta@nckcn.com Business: (785) 428-3327 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: North Central Kansas, Mill type: Stationary, Kiln: No Email : Business: Mobile: (785)545-5245 Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Denison KS,66419 Jefferson Jim Guffey Wood Haven, Inc. 401 Bridge St. Perry KS,66073 Jewell Ron Howland Buffalo Creek Wood Products 619 Delaware Jewell KS,66949 Nick Cole Cole Hardwoods 305 N. Depot Ave Ext: Esbon KS,66941 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 8 of 20 Linn Henry Ferguson 23457 Ullery Email : Business: (913) 406-5146 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Area of Coverage:Linn County and surrounding areas, Services provided :salavage, harvest and timber stand improvement services LaCygne KS,66060 Zachary Reagan 310 W. Elm St. Email : Business: (913) 756-2695 Mobile: (785) 448-8599 Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Blue Mound KS,66010-9802 Marion Leonard Ellis Independent Forestry Service 528 N Barker Email : independentforestry@ymail.com Business: (620) 878-4357 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut & Bur Oak, Buying Area: Statewide Email : Business: (620) 627-2290 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: East of Hwy 81 Florence KS,66851-1120 Montgomery Bruce Kimberlin P.O. Box 62 Ext: Elk City KS,67344 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 9 of 20 Kent Keller Barton-Keller Sawmill LLC 2667 West Oak St. Email : bkmill@cableone.net Business: (620) 331-8206 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: Oak, Walnut, Ash, Pecan & Hickory, Buying Area: Part of Missouri and Oklahoma; Mill type: Stationary, Kiln: No Products: Lumber Processing Email : Business: (918) 637-9374 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide; Mill type: Stationary, Kiln: No Ext: Species: All Species, Buying Area: 50 Mile Radius of Council Grove Independence KS,67301-9119 Drew Hough Hardwood Pallets P.O. Box 374 Caney KS,67333 Morris J.C. Sarratt Box 184 Email : Business: (785) 497-2914 Mobile: (785)466-0066 Web Page: Council Grove KS,66873 Neosho Joe & Tony Bulter 14945 Victory Rd. Email : jlbutler59@yahoo.com Business: (620) 354-6568 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Walnut KS,66780 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 10 of 20 Charles Ludlum 16245 Trego Rd. Email : Business: (620) 244-5142 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Erie KS,66733-4171 Jeff Perry Tie Timber 1106 Lincoln Email : jperry@tietimber.com Business: (620) 449-2233 Ext: Mobile: 913-269-5286 Web Page: We buy timber from Easter Kansas area. Specifically Red/White/Burr Oak, Maple, Hackberry, Cottonwood, Sycamore, Elm, Pecan, Hickory and Black Walnut Email : Business: (785) 654-3893 Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut, Oak & Maple, Buying Area: Statewide St. Paul KS,66771 Osage Willis E. DeWitt 8341 W. 189th St. Ext: Burlingame KS,66413-8655 Osborne Jim Martin Martin & Son Logging 354 W. 290th Drive Email : Business: (785) 525-7761 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Species: Walnut, Oak, Hickory, Apple, Pecan, &Cherry. Including Smoke Wood, Buying Area: Statewide Lucas KS,67648 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 11 of 20 Ottawa Kurbe Winslow Kansas General Milling/C&L Milling 1059 N. 135th Rd. Email : Business: (785) 822-7720 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Mill type: Stationary (Woodmizer), Kiln: Yes, Solar & Dehumidification, Custom Drying: Yes Minneapolis KS,67467 Pottawatomie Jim Rutschmann Kansas Hardwoods, Inc. 22620 Hwy 24 PO Box 118 Belvue KS,66407 Email : kshwoods@wamego.net Business: (785) 456-8141 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Mill type: Stationary (Woodmizer), Buying Area : Native in Kansas ,Kiln: Yes, Solar and Dehu., Custom Drying: Yes Owner KS Hardwood Lumber KS Hardwood Lumber 22855 Hwy 24 Email : floersch@wamego.net Business: (785) 456-8141 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: Native in Kansas, Buying Area: East of Hwy 81 Email : quealenterpriseinc@sctelcom.net Business: (620) 672-9325 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut & Redcedar, Buying Area: South Central KS; Mill type: Portable (Lucas), Kiln: No Belvue KS,66407 Pratt Don Queal Queal Enterprises, Inc. 20501 S. Hwy 281 Pratt KS,671248162 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 12 of 20 Wabaunsee Stanson & Sharri Metzger Rebel Logging Co. 13405 Eight Mile Rd. Email : Business: (785) 380-1284 Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut & Oak, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Eskridge KS,66423 Wilson Lonnie Morrow 17456 1800 Rd. Email : Business: (620) 433-4622 Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Altoona KS,66710 Travis & Wendell Kimberlin Kimberlin Logging 11819 Udall rd. Email : Business: (620) 433-3074 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Altoona KS,66710 Jerrad Taylor Taylor Brothers Logging & Sawmill 310 Whitaker St. Email : Business: (620) 432-3758 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Buffalo KS,66717 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 13 of 20 Out of State David & Jordan Fletcher 1102 E. Olive Email : Business: (816) 679-4487 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Eastern 1/2 of KS Ext: Species: Bur Oak & Walnut, Buying Area: Statewide Rich Hill MO,64779 Jeremy Garrison P.O. Box 33 Email : Business: (417) 548-7383 Mobile: (417)540-5413 Web Page: La Russell MO,64848 Brandon Kieffer 19471 Lawrence 1027 Email : bklogs76@hotmail.com Business: (816) 383-0979 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Eastern 2/3 of KS Email : nlwalnut@yahoo.com Business: (660) 937-2716 Ext: Mobile: (660)254-1862 Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Pierce City MO,65723 Jason Nelson 25224 Pebble Rd. Ravenwood MO,64479 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 14 of 20 Jim Rowland 1110 2nd St. Email : rowlandfamily1@msn.com Business: (402) 352-5698 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut & Oak, Buying Area: Eastern 1/2 of KS Email : Business: (513) 378-3749 Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut & Oak, Buying Area: Statewide Rogers NE,68659 Richard O. Simpson 20688 Old Hwy 40 Ext: Higginsville MO,64037-9550 Donald Thalheim 80115 Grist Mill Ave. Email : Business: (308) 245-3260 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Species: Walnut, Bur oak, Green ask, hackberry, cottonwood & cedar, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Species: Cottonwood, Walnut & Maple, Buying Area: Statewide Scotia NE,68875 Franky Thomas 360 NE Hedge P.O. Box 496 Maysville MO,64469 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Email : Business: (816) 449-2727 Mobile: (402)984-2784 Web Page: Page 15 of 20 Jeff Wilkinson P.O. Box 147 Email : jwilknson@smithville.net Business: (812) 936-9004 Ext: Mobile: (812)936-0994 Web Page: Species: Walnut, Buying Area: Statewide Email : Business: (816) 232-6781 Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut, Buying Area: Statewide West Baden Springs IN,47469 Mark Schmidtlein American Walnut Co. 2801 South 2nd St. Ext: St. Joseph MO,64501 Mike Bottorff Bottorff Logging 1306 North Pine Street Email : M-Bottorff@hotmail.com Business: (816) 248-3091 Ext: Mobile: (816)632-3091 Web Page: Species: Walnut, Buying Area: Eastern 1/2 of KS Email : bradjacobslogging@hotmail.com Business: Ext: Mobile: (816)739-6574 Web Page: Species: All Species Cameron MO,64429 Brad Jacobs Brad Jacobs Logging 9628 NW 14002 County Road Drexel MO,64742 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 16 of 20 Ed Allen Central MN Hardwood Sales LLC 1402 Wilkinson Ct. Email : edwardwallen@msn.com Business: (507) 931-5724 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: www.edallenexporting.com Species: Walnut, Oak, Maple, & Ash, Buying Area: Statewide Email : claytonlogging.com Business: (417) 476-2260 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut & Bur Oak, Buying Area: Statewide Email : Business: (816) 752-3222 Mobile: Web Page: Ext: Species: All Species, Buying Area: 100 Mile Radius of Wathena KS Ext: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide and Northern Oklahoma St. Peter MN,56082 Darren Clayton Clayton Logging 22139 Lawrence 1036 Pierce City MO,65723 Joe & Tony Fuemmeler Fuemmeler Logging, LLC 609 Main St. Lot #2 Rushville MO,64484 Jermay Collins Timber Jermay Collins Timber 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Email : Business: (620) 218-0341 Mobile: Web Page: Page 17 of 20 Greg Littleton Littleton Storm & Timber Service 1615 Sugar Hollow Rd. Email : Business: (800) 836-7141 Mobile: (217)245-7909 Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Jacksonville IL,62650 John R. Clemons Needmore Enterprises, LLC 24010 E. 2000 Rd. Email : Business: (417) 276-3768 Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut & Oak, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Fair Play MO,65649 Doug Nixon Nixon Exports, LLC 1102 State Rd K Email : Business: (417) 345-2711 Mobile: (417)733-0074 Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: WindyVille MO,65783 Robert Silvers Silvers Veneer & Lumber Co. PO Box 484 Email : svlc4logs@yahoo.com Business: (816) 262-0035 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Sawmill and export operation buying all species of standing timber and logs Cameron MO,64429-1171 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 18 of 20 Steve Simpson Simpson & Sons, Inc. 10898 SW J.J Hwy Email : simpsonssawmill@stjoewireless.net Business: (816) 238-1610 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: www.simpsonandsonsharedwoods.com Species: All Species, Buying Area: 150 Mile Radius of St. Joseph, MO Email : southsidelumber@gmail.com Business: (660) 679-4961 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut, Oak, Ash, & Pecan, Buying Area: Eastern Central KS St. Joseph MO,64504 Ron Jones South Side Lumber Co 805 Rice Rd. Butler MO,64730 Mark Humphrey Third Fork Land Management 8671 NW Bowen Rd Email : mhumphrey57@centurylink.net Business: (660) 535-4940 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: King City MO,64463 Brian Tracy Timberline International Forest Products 689 Highland Drive P.O. Box 1028 Cape Girardeau MO,63702-1028 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Email : timberline.fp@yahoo.com Business: (573) 270-6789 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: Walnut, Buying Area: Midwest KS Page 19 of 20 Michael Dotson Timberline Trading, Inc. 8080 E. Hwy 116 Email : logginking@hotmail.com Business: (816) 564-1761 Ext: Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Mark Dotson TR Rivers Logging 9577 NE Witt Rd P.O. Box 553 Cameron MO,64429 Email : Business: (816) 632-6283 Mobile: Web Page: Species: All Species, Buying Area: Statewide Mike McDaniel Worldwide Walnut LLC 1100 S. 9th St. Email : tomik@cox.net Business: (479) 636-3597 Mobile: (479)640-3720 Web Page: Lathrop MO,64465 Ext: Species: Walnut, Buying Area: Statewide Ext: Rogers AR,72756 12/16/2014 1:32:50 PM Page 20 of 20
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