The Bristol Baay Borou ugh Locaal Emerggency Pllanning Committtee (LEPC)) would likke to recoognize the following businesses for theirr filing of ““Tier Two” information in acco ordance with w U.S.EPPA and A Alaska State Emergeency Response Commission requirementss. These ffilings, which are reequired to o be st submittted by March 1 . of each year, y docuument thee storage of hazard dous substan nces and exxtremely h hazardous substancees within the Bristol Bay Borou ugh’s three communitie es, Naknekk, King Sallmon and South Naknek. The community is ere these hazards arre located and the q quantity, in n the made safer by knowing whe o a fire, disaster d orr accidentaal release.. This info ormation iss availablee for event of public inspection i at the Bristol Bay Borough Planning Office, #1 1 Main Strreet, Naknekk, AK, durin ng regular b business hours Mondday througgh Friday 8 8‐4:30pm 2014 Tier 2 II Reportts Bristol Bay Boro ough Alaska Gener A ral Seafoods Delta Wester D rn Inc. Le eader Creekk Fisheries Ocean Beaut O y Seafoods, LLC North Pacific N c Processors‐‐ Pederson P Point Red Salmon C R Cannery Silver Bay Seafoods Trident Seafo oods US DOT FAA U Station Kingg Salmon This ad was w funded by a grant froom the State of Alaska Diivision of Hoomeland Secu urity and Emergenccy Managem ment. http://w
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