0 The TARGET study Aims of the Study

The TARGET study
Aims of the Study
The TARGET study is investigating the clinical and microbiological factors influencing the
prognosis of children presenting to primary care with a cough and respiratory tract infection
(RTI). The study will develop a clinical rule, using children’s symptoms, signs, microbiology
and demographics to help clinicians predict complications of RTI, principally hospitalisation
with pneumonia, but also prolonged illness. This study will use data collection methods
similar to the successful MRC funded DESCARTE study that recruited between 2007 and
Sample size
8000 patients in total from the Bristol, London, Oxford and Southampton study centres. The
Bristol centre will recruit 2300 children from the surrounding areas and across the South
West within two years.
Participating clinicians (GPs and/or practice nurses) will be invited to agree to recruit a set
number of children (minimum 1 per week) during the study for which they will be reimbursed
up to £60 per patient. Recruitment numbers will not be limited so successful clinicians can
sign up for more. We will decide, together with the clinician, how and when to recruit in their
Study start date: August/September 2011 for two full years.
What is involved for the practice?
Recruit children aged ≥3 months to <16 years whose parent/ carer has requested an
appointment for an acute (≤28 days) cough (as the main presenting symptom) and RTI.
Record children’s symptoms, signs and some demographic data on a web-based or
paper based (single side of A4) Case Report Form (CRF).
Record brief details for children/ parents that decline to participate and those eligible but
missed (online or by postcard).
Obtain a throat swab from the child, package in Royal Mail Safebox™ and send to the
study laboratory for processing (results will not be routinely available).
Give the parent/carer/child a symptom diary to record how long the child’s symptoms last
at home (available for parents to use online or on paper, the Bristol study centre will
provide support to help families do this).
Allow a member of the research (or a member of your practice) team to review recruited
children’s medical notes (for evidence of hospital admission in the 28 days post
Children can be managed according to your normal clinical practice.
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Additional information
Prior to the start of recruitment, practices will be asked to:
 Provide some basic information about the patient list (e.g. list size, list size of patients
in ≥3 months to <16 years age range) and recruiting clinicians.
 To nominate an administrative lead and a GP lead, whom the study team can
occasionally contact for data verification or to communicate study updates.
We require recruiting clinicians to be “lower” antibiotics prescribers, which means
GP/nurses who would typically give an immediate prescription less than a third of the
time to children with cough plus RTI (in this context, a delayed prescription is regarded
as not prescribing).
Using the web-based CRF has the added benefit of a cut-and-paste facility where the
recruited child’s study data can be pasted into the child’s medical record.
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Programme Grant.
UKCRN Portfolio adopted and supported by the PCRN.
Service Support Costs
£60 per successfully recruited child (inclusive of a throat swab sent to the lab). An additional
£6 per completed notes review, if practices complete these themselves.
Recruiting areas
R&D approval obtained
NHS Bristol
South Gloucestershire PCT
North Somerset PCT
Somerset PCT
Swindon PCT
BANES (Bath & NE Somerset)
NHS Dorset
NHS Devon
Cornwall & Isles of Scilly PCT
R&D approval in progress
NHS Gloucestershire
If you would like further information about this study please do not hesitate to contact your
local PCRN Research officer or a member of the TARGET team.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this study.
Contact the TARGET team
Dr Niamh Redmond
Programme Manager
Or target-cohort-study@bristol.ac.uk
Tel: 0117 331 4523
Ms Isabel Richards
TARGET Research Programme Assistant
Tel: 0117 928 7237
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