Bristol Town Crier Putting Our Community into Communication Volume 6, Issue 43 November 7, 2014 Bristol Downtown Decorating Committee The Select Board has approved the creation of a downtown decorating committee. The purpose of this committee will be to enhance the downtown area by decorating for holidays and assisting the garden club. If you would like to join this committee please contact the Select Board office at 744-3354. Kids for Kenny Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser When: Saturday November 15th, 5:00 pm Where: Bristol United Church of Christ 15 Church Street, Bristol What for: Related Expenses 13 and over $10, 12 & Under $5 ADVANCE TICKETS: TTCC, BES, Moms Donations accepted Kenny, an 8 year old Bristol boy, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in April, 2014. Help his friends, their moms and the community raise funds for Kenny! Minot-Sleeper Library Stephanie Harzewski, UNH Professor November 13th from 6:30-8:00pm If you love the writing of Jane Austen, then you will love Professor Harzewski's fun lecture called "Austenmania." This talk and PowerPoint presentation survey the ways in which Jane Austen has been commodified over the past fifteen years, filtering into national currency, video games, housewares, and jewelry. Harzewski explores the 'why' behind the popularity of this Regency era novelist and how examining the fetishization of Austen approximately two hundred years after her death offers clues not only into reading choices, but also larger aspects of contemporary society. The New Hampshire Marathon Presents Event Proceeds! Pictured above from left to right: Kathleen Kearns of the Circle Program accepts donation from Marathon Sponsor Sharon Beaty of Mid-State Health; Roger Lafontaine of the Mayhew Program accepts donation from Marathon Sponsor Mary-Kay Haines of Franklin Savings Bank; Leslie Dion of the Tapply-Thompson Community Center accepts donation from Marathon Sponsor Scott Haines of First Student Bus Company; to the far right is Dan MacLean, New Hampshire Marathon Race Director The 22nd season of the NH Marathon concluded with a special reception on Sunday, November 2nd. Volunteers and sponsors gathered to celebrate another successful Marathon year. The race this year saw a record 756 participants finish in the Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, Health Walk & Kids Race combined. Race Director Dan MacLean welcomed the group by thanking everyone for helping with the event. Thanks were given to the many volunteers, sponsors, and hospitality sites for this year’s Marathon. And special thanks and recognition was given to Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield who was the title sponsor of the race again this year. Thanks to The Inn on Newfound Lake as well as they have been a continuing sponsor of the Marathon and hosted the celebration. The reception opened with recognition given to a few key organizations that helped with the race, each receiving small donations for their efforts: NACA (Newfound Area Chiefs Assoc.) for the police officers and EMTs from the area towns – Chief Travis Austin of Hebron PD was on hand to accept the donation; CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) for their assistance with parking and road safety – Wendell Beaty was on hand to accept this donation. A donation will also be made to the NRHS (Newfound Regional High School) Band program for playing music at the start including the National Anthem. The second part of the reception was the much-anticipated presentation of proceeds to local youth programs. When the present Marathon Committee took over in 2000, a total of $1000 went to three area youth programs: The Mathew Program, Circle Program, and Tapply Thompson Community Center. This total has continued to grow over the years and this year the NH Marathon was proud to present $11,000 to each program, for a total of $33,000!! Over the past 22 years, the NH Marathon has proudly awarded $197,250 to community organizations. For more information, please check the website If you would like to volunteer, or have any questions, please call Dan MacLean at 744-2713, or e-mail at SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2014 “5-K Jingle Mingle” 9:00 am Registration - 10:00 am Race Start Race will begin and end at Tapply-Thompson Community Center 155 North Main Street Bristol, NH Pre Registration Fee: $20 Received by 12/04/14 OR Register Day of Event: $25 Proceeds to benefit the Tapply Thompson Community Center After School Program Scholarships. Complete form and mail with fee to: TTCC, 30 North Main Street Bristol, NH 03222. Make Checks Payable to TTCC. For more information call (603)744-2713 or email: First 50 pre-registered will receive a free long sleeve TShirt. This is a fun run and will not be officially timed. Refreshments will be provided post-race. Raffle prizes!! Collecting canned goods for the Bristol Community Services Food Pantry. Proper Disposal of Batteries To safely dispose of batteries with lithium or batteries of greater than 9 volts, put clear packing, masking or electrical tape on the batteries’ terminals or sandwich the batteries between two layers of tape (e.g. flat button cells). These batteries should be placed in a container separate from other batteries that don’t require being taped. Residents are asked to tape lithium-based batteries as well as batteries of greater than 9 volts so they don’t cause a fire while being transported to a recycling center. Most commonly used batteries – A, AAA, C, D, 6-volt and 9-volt – don’t need to be taped unless their packaging identifies them as lithium-based. Lithium-based batteries are most commonly found in cell phones, digital cameras and laptops. Also, hearing aids, watches and keyless remotes typically involve button cells, containing lithium. Similarly, cordless power tools use battery packs that are greater than 9 volts and/or lithium-based. How You Can Help Register online at: Tapply-Thompson Community Center - Rec1 or pick up a form at the TTCC. Please spread the word to your running/walking friends and family! TV 24 SUN – Nov 9 Specials for Seniors 6AM 7AM Children’s Corner 8AM Service 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM MON – Nov 10 Children’s Corner Learning Piano Sports Granite State Outdoors WED – Nov 12 Local Special On Your Computer Granite State Outdoors Local Special Bristol Select Board Cooking Granite State Outdoors Newfound School Board Meeting Bristol Budget Committee Bristol Select Board Service Bristol Summer Town Meeting Communities & Consequences Special Communities & Consequences Alexandria Selectmen 2PM 3PM TUES - Nov 11 Kids Cooking Service Newfound School Board Meeting 7PM 11PM 12PM Alexandria Selectmen Children’s Corner Cooking Granite State Outdoors Bristol Select Board Seniors Specials Bristol Budget Committee Children’s Corner SAT – Nov 15 Children’s Corner On Your Computer Kids Cooking Bristol Select Board Bristol Budget Committee Bristol Budget Committee Kids Cooking Granite State Outdoors On Your Computer Seniors Specials Bristol Select Board Local Special On Your Computer Newfound School Board Meeting Special Bristol Concert Series Special Bristol Select Board Bristol Concert Series Alexandria Selectmen Bristol Concert Series 9PM 10PM FRI – Nov 14 Bristol Select Board Special 6PM 8PM THU – Nov 13 Learning Piano 4PM 5PM Do not put batteries into your regular or bulk trash collection. Take these batteries to the Ft. Totten Transfer Station on the Thursday/Saturday schedule on the HHW page. Save your batteries for special Household Hazardous Waste drop-off events. Special Granite State Outdoors 12pm to 5pm Replayed Bristol Concert Series 12pm to 5pm Replayed 12pm to 5pm Replayed QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? GOT INFO? Crier Online in Color at Bristol Concert Series Special Granite State Outdoors 12pm to 5pm Replayed On Your Computer 12pm to 5pm Replayed Local Special 12pm to 5pm Replayed Bristol Concert Series 12pm to 5pm Replayed The Bristol Town Crier 230 Lake Street, Bristol, NH 03222 Phone: 238-2552 or Email:
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