Travel Planning in Bristol 1 - Introduction to Travel Plans

Travel Planning in Bristol
1 - Introduction to Travel Plans
A Travel Plan is a strategy aimed at tackling the
travel needs of a site, a business or an
organisation by managing travel demand and
boosting the practical alternatives to single
person car trips.
Building a business case
Common benefits to business operation and
Dealing with parking problems and
avoiding costly additional spaces
Contributes towards the health and wellbeing of employees, by encouraging
walking and cycling, and reducing
commuting stress and absenteeism
Assists in recruitment and retention,
improves accessibility to your workplace
for potential and existing employees and
makes savings on recruitment expenses
Helps to achieve your own organisation's
environmental or corporate social
responsibility policies
Enhances your organisation's
environmental image, and works towards
ISO 14001
Contributes to planning applications, for
which a Travel Plan are often required
Makes your organisation eligible for the
annual West of England travel plan
Helps take advantage of government tax
incentives such as the 'Cycle to Work'
salary sacrifice scheme.
There are two main types of Travel Plan:
'Voluntary Travel Plans' which aim to
lock in the benefits of tackling travel at a
site and;
'Developer Travel Plans' which are a
requirement of planning permissions and
are covered in more detail in sections 2
and 3.
Many larger employers and over 100 other
organisations in Bristol have Travel Plans either
as a response to specific issues or as part of
their wider business plans. Some even employ
full time Travel Plan Co-ordinators to work
across their organisations.
Benefits of a Travel Plan
Travel Plans have proven benefits for the
organisations that produce and support them,
as well as for employees, the local area and
residents, and the wider environment.
Research carried out for the National Business
Travel Network shows that companies with
Travel Plans spend on average £47 per
employee each year, but business savings often
recoup these costs. Typically a good Travel Plan
can reduce single occupancy vehicle traffic by
10-15%, with a relatively small initial outlay and
ongoing support.
Many employers find that they already have in
place many of the facilities or practices which
Travel Plans usually propose and that they can
simply bring together existing policies into a
single plan, helping to identify any outstanding
issues, seek solutions, and provide a strategy for
Writing a Travel Plan
A Travel Plan doesn't need be a large
document, but it should provide employees and
visitors with a clear choice of travel modes to
and from your site. To create a Travel Plan you
will need to:
Establish management support and
project ownership
Run a site audit and survey of
employees' current travel habits and
desired travel choices
Look at realistic changes that can be
made at corporate and individual levels,
and set targets for change
Bristol's Role
Appoint a travel plan co-ordinator;
usually an existing employee
Making sure public transport information More detailed Guidance:
is available to visitors before they arrive
DfT 'The Essential Guide to Travel Plans':
Rationalising car parking or lease
Bristol City Council has recognised in its Local
Transport Plan that Travel Planning is a cost
effective way to encourage modal shift, and
Identify an ongoing budget to support
improve air quality and accessibility for the
the measures
people of Bristol. We have remit to support you
Implement and monitor the changes set
in preparing your travel plan and local business
out in the Travel Plan document.
travel networks such as the Green Commuter
Club can show you how your organisation can
Implementing the Travel Plan
benefit from managing travel.
Measures don't need to be expensive or timeThe annual 'Bristol's Big Commuter Count' can
consuming, and will vary depending on what
function as your annual Travel Survey and is
has been identified during the planning
free. This survey is fully electronic and will
process. They could include:
provide the Travel Plan co-ordinator with
Ensuring employees have access to
snapshot of how people are getting to work.
useful information about travel and
transport, such as on a dedicated notice See for more details.
Car Park management
Promoting car-sharing schemes /
allocating car share spaces
National Business Travel Network: http://
Bristol City Council:
Providing better cycling facilities
Encouraging cycling -- for example by
supporting one-to-one adult cycle
training sessions or running regular 'Dr
Bike' safety checks
Introducing mileage allowances for
cycling and walking
Support and contacts:
Voluntary Travel Plans:
Encouraging rail travel to meetings, or
teleconferencing to reduce wasted travel
and time
Subsidising public transport season
tickets or using the 'City Car Club'
Of course it's your plan! It should be helpful to
you, achieve your objectives and be relevant to
your organisation!
Developer Travel Plans:
Green Commuter Club:
Transport Planning: 0117 903 6701
2 - Developer Travel Plans
If you need to produce a Travel Plan as a
requirement of a Planning Condition or S106
agreement this should help you.
What should be included in Developer
Travel Plans
A Travel Plan is a document that will be
accessible to everyone at the site it has been
prepared for, including visitors. The
The purpose of a developer Travel Plan is to
promote the use of more sustainable modes of methodology in the Introduction to Travel Plans
sheet applies but additionally the Travel Plan
travel, and reduce the number of cars with
drivers on their own to offset the effects of the should:
Identify who the Travel Plan Coordinator is and who it will be after
In all cases refer to the DfT's 'The Essential
occupation (usually the responsibility is
Guide to Travel Planning, March 2008.
passed to a building management
There are three main types of developer travel
company). Please advise the Council of
the Travel Plan Co-ordinator’s contact
details, email:
1. Submitted as part of a planning
This could have been submitted either as a
result of a pre-application enquiry, to support a
planning application, or because you know you
will need one in any case. There may still be a
condition or agreement attached.
2. As part of a planning condition
Conditions will usually be set as part of your
planning permission. You will need to submit a
Travel Plan to discharge the condition with the
planning case officer.
3. As part of a 'Unilateral Undertaking' or
S106 agreement
You should refer to the specific clauses of the
agreement. In most cases a Travel Plan will
need to be submitted and agreed prior to
occupation. There will be ongoing obligations
and the obligation may be a 'land charge' which
means it should be adhered to by subsequent
owners and occupiers.
Provide details of the initial and ongoing
annual budget to be allocated that will be
available to the Travel Plan Co-ordinator
to be spent on direct incentives
associated with promoting and increasing
sustainable travel
Clearly set out measures that will be
implemented to reduce car trips,
especially those made by drivers on their
own. Please consider what work practices
will be encouraged to reduce the need to
travel to work
Provide baseline data or estimates for
travel modes by conducting a staff travel
survey, or using TRICS or similar
Set targets that are SMART; specific,
realistic and measurable and a timeframe
in which these figures will be achieved
Give details of how more sustainable
methods of transport will be promoted to
help achieve these targets, for example;
promotion of walking, cycling, use of
public transport, car sharing and car clubs
on a Travel Notice board, or promotional
What provisions/procedures are in place
to increase facilities to meet increased
demand if necessary, for example
additional cycling parking or more
allocated car share spaces
Set out a mechanism for monitoring,
reviewing and updating the Travel Plan.
Every Travel Plan produced is site specific in
that it is tailored to the needs and
circumstances of an individual site. The Travel
Plan would cover all occupiers and is a means
of monitoring travel modes and the impact of
car use by staff and visitors to the site. It
enables a business to be proactive, and if
problems occur steps can be taken to address
Implementation and monitoring
To monitor its effectiveness, a travel survey
would need to be conducted to provide
baseline figures. Where an existing employer is
moving to new premises, the staff travel survey
can be conducted before moving to the new
location and shortly after occupation. Staff
Travel surveys need to be conducted on a
regular basis after the Travel Plan has been
implemented, which is usually on an annual
basis. Using the ‘Big Commuter Count’ to help
monitor the Travel Plan.
It is acceptable for the tenant/occupier to
undertake a detailed survey after 3 and 5 years
of implementation of the Travel Plan providing
that they take part in Bristol City Council’s
annual Commuter Count, which is an online
snapshot survey that requires Internet access
and comprises of approximately 5 questions.
Staff need to be encouraged to take part in the
annual Commuter Count, and a minimum
response rate would be required.
It is the responsibility of the tenant/occupier to
be included in the Council's Commuter Count.
Should the annual survey reveal an increase in
single occupancy car trips, a more detailed
survey will need to be conducted within 6
months by the tenant/occupier.
In the event that the tenant/occupier does take
part in the Commuter Count but has an
insufficient response rate, or does not take part
in the Commuter Count or if the Count does
not take place for any reason, a detailed survey
needs to be conducted by the tenant/occupier
every 12 months.
After every survey, once results have been
collated the Travel Plan can be reviewed and
where necessary updated to include any new
measures that need to be put in place to
encourage use of more sustainable transport
and reduce the number of single occupancy car
trips made.
3 - Residential Travel Plans
Some residential travel plans provide trial bus
tickets. The FirstTen ticket provides 10 journeys
for a fixed price and is transferable. A recent
local appeal decision supported this a
reasonable measure.
Residential Travel Plans are often required as
part of planning applications, there is a
comprehensive guidance document on
residential TPs here:
sustainable/travelplans/rpt/makingresidentialtra A single information point for travel
information should be provided where
appropriate, for example in large blocks of
Physical Measures
Location, permeability and accessibility are
Implementation and Monitoring
most important, and will influence or be
In cases of stand alone owner occupied
influenced by a travel plan. In a unit of
dwellings, the physical measures; location,
properties cycle parking provision will be
permeability and accessibility are key. In cases
required. The BREEAM (Building Research
where there is a property management
Establishment Environmental Assessment
company they will retain responsibility for the
Method) standards are preferable.
implementation and ongoing work ensuring the
The city's Car Club operates over 80 cars in
TP continues to be implemented, for example
many locations across the city. Planning
upkeep of information and maintenance of
applications may be asked to make a
facilities. In cases where parking is heavily
contribution to the car club if there is a
constrained monitoring and surveys of travel
shortfall of 5 parking spaces or if the
habits down the line will probably be needed,
development is 50 units or over. It can be
especially if a fail safe payment is required.
cheaper and more effective to set aside a car
club in the development and buy a car. This
provision has been used as a marketing tool for
some developments in Bristol in the
Harbourside and Temple Quay areas.
National research suggests that people are
more willing to change travel habits when
changing lifestyle such as where they live. A
measure in most residential TPs is information
dissemination through either a travel 'brochure'
or 'pack' which outlines, site location, bus stops,
routes and times, walking and cycle routes,
railway stations (if applicable), car clubs and
sharing, and websites for getting more info.
Travel information is usually required.
The BCC Visual Technology team can provide
you with a complete Travel Brochure for £700 800 although you are free to create your own.
Bristol City Council can provide you with cycle
maps and bus information for your residents.