Mt. Zion Lutheran Church

111 E. Church Street
PO Box 86
Richfield, NC 28137
Church - 463-7280
December Disciples in Action
7th – 2nd Sunday in Advent (blue)
Peggy Roseman
14th – 3rd Sunday in Advent (blue)
Kay Cosgrove
Peggy Roseman
Communion Assistant: Michael Misenheimer
Communion Prep:
Carolyn Thompson
21st – 4th Sunday in Advent (blue)
Peggy Roseman
24th – Christmas Eve (white)
Communion Assistant: Michael Misenheimer
Communion Prep:
28 – 1 Sunday of Christmas (white)
Peggy Roseman
Fold Bulletins:
Peggy Roseman
Ruby Poplin, Bonnie Smith
Carolyn Thompson
Mt. Zion Lutheran Church
December 2014 – Glad Tidings
**To submit articles to the newsletter contact Chrissy Chandler at
704-463-7543 or 704-984-1761, or leave
them in the mailbox outside the Pastor’s office. All submissions must be
in by the Friday before the last Sunday of the month.**
SCCM item for DECEMBER: TOLIETRIES (shampoo,
toothpaste, soap, deodorant, person hygiene) or any canned food
Community Inn meal for DECEMBER: Cindy M. & June A.
JANUARY: Linda C., Angie L. & Ruth Ann S.
8 – Travis & Kirby Gordon – 38
9 – Johnny & Becky Smith – 25
10 – Chris & Jennifer Murray – 9
Bill & Elaine Crawley – 4
15 – Carl & Lillian Huneycutt – 54
20 – David & Ruby Poplin – 41
28 – John & Deb Hearne – 13
4 – Jim Barringer
5 – Ricardia Wilson
6 – Treece Barringer
7 – John Lefler
8 – Jean Parker
14 – Mildred Houghton
22 – Anna Smith
29 – Mike Vanderflute
3 – Robert Wilson
24 – Laura Smith
16 – Carrie Barbee
29 – Starla Whitt
Ritchie Deese
Thank You:
to everyone who has generously supported SCCM through your
gifts toward the Caring and Sharing Campaign and/or their
operational expenses!
+ to everyone who donated toward the shipping costs for our
Operation Christmas Child boxes and Lutheran World Relief
+ to everyone who worked on or donated the prayer shawls,
preemie caps, afghan blocks, completed afghans, and mats for the
homeless we recently bless.
+ to everyone who provided refreshments for the reception
following the Community Thanksgiving Service and helped us
welcome our guests!
+ to June Almond, Cindy Misenheimer, the puppet theatre, and
Mark Smith for leading worship on November 30 while Pastor Ruth
Ann was on vacation!
to Tyler Gordon on his new job at Duke Energy.
to Mike Misenheimer on his new job at Pass & Seymour Legrand.
We extend our Christian sympathy:
to Mildred Houghton and her family following the death of her
husband, Gerald Houghton.
to Libby and Joanna Palmer and their family following Joe’s
recent death.
to Mike, Teresa, and Michelle Misenheimer and family
following the death of Mike’s mother, Ruby.
Even though they mourn, may they always trust in the sure and certain
promise of the Resurrection.
Do you know someone we should thank,
congratulate, or offer our sympathy?
Please tell Chrissy Chandler or Pastor Ruth Ann,
because we don’t want to overlook anyone!
Ask the Pastor…
Tell me about the symbols for the four gospels.
(This question came from one of our
Adult Sunday School teachers
following a recent lesson on Ezekiel.)
Have you ever noticed the symbols in our stained glass windows with
the names of the four evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
The symbols are a man, a lion, an ox, and a lion. Each of these is
normally depicted with wings. These have their origins in a vision of
the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:10) or according to other sources, in
Revelation 5:6-8.
While there are many questions about the interpretation of these
visions, they have both been connected traditionally with the four
gospel writers. The descriptions and reasons for these symbols vary
somewhat depending on the source we consult, but here is a quick
description of these symbols and the reason they have been assigned
to each of the gospel writers:
Matthew – a man – this gospel recounts the genealogy of Jesus from
Abraham to King David, from David to the deportation to Babylon,
and from the deportation to the Messiah. Matthew is the gospel
which presents Christ’s humanity.
Mark – a lion – this gospel begins with quotations from the prophet
Isaiah and the message of John the Baptist ‘roaring’ in the wilderness
to proclaim the coming of the Messiah. The winged lion, which
signifies leadership and royalty, is fitting for this gospel.
Luke – an ox – this gospel begins with Zechariah the priest serving in
the Temple, when the angel announces the birth of John the Baptist.
A calf or an ox was the normal sacrifice in the temple, so the winged
ox serves as a reminder of the priestly character of Jesus and his
sacrificial death for the sins of all.
John – an eagle – this gospel is significantly different from the other
three (the synoptic gospels). It begins with a soaring view of Jesus as
the Word of God and includes many lengthy conversations between
Jesus and others.
Please share your questions with Pastor Ruth Ann so they can be
answered here!
December Events:
December Events continued…
Midweek Prayer meets at noon on Wednesdays – except
December 3. Even if you can’t be here, please join us in
prayer at 12:12 p.m., remembering Romans 12:12: Rejoice
in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.
Bring a bag lunch and stay for a time of fellowship!
We have been invited to tour the home of Rev. Clarence “Bud” &
Dot Walck on Wednesday evening December 10 at 7:00 p.m. to
enjoy their special Christmas decorations from the North Pole to
Bethlehem! The tour is suitable for all ages. We will meet at the
church at 6:45 to carpool. Please let Pastor Ruth Ann know if you
plan to attend!
Monk’s Band will be playing at Trinity Oaks in Salisbury on
Saturday afternoon, December 6, at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is invited
to join them as they visit with Rev. Maurice Staley.
The Upper Room Sunday School Class invites
everyone to a Christmas Party Saturday night,
December 6 at 6:00 p.m. Dinner is provided. Please
bring desserts or drinks to share and small, wrapped
bingo prizes.
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be Sunday, December 7
following worship. Please plan to attend as we elect new council
members and trust fund trustees, and adopt a budget for 2015.
Confirmation class meets Sunday afternoon December 7 at 3:30 p.m.
and will normally meet the first and third Sunday afternoons of each
month through the school year. Everyone is invited to join us this year
as we study Luther’s Small Catechism, including the Lord’s Prayer, Ten
Commandments, Apostles’ Creed, and the Sacraments of Holy
Communion and Baptism.
Members of Mt. Zion will provide the evening meal for Community
Inn on December 7.
Women of the ELCA will meet Tuesday
December 9 at 6:30 p.m. at Peg Roseman’s
home for their annual Christmas dinner.
Please bring a dish to share!
Our Advent & Christmas Bible Study, a thrill of HOPE, will meet
Wednesday afternoons December 10 & 17 and January 7 at 1:00 p.m.
following Midweek Prayer and Thursday evenings December 11 & 18
and January 8 at 7:00 p.m. This study in three sessions is based on the
familiar Christmas story in Luke 1 & 2 and Matthew 2 and the artwork
of John August Swanson. Everyone is encouraged to join us for this
special study!
Congregation council meets Sunday morning December 14.
Breakfast begins at 7:00 a.m. and the meeting follows at 7:30 a.m.
Both new and outgoing council members are asked to attend.
The 8th Annual Chicken Dumpling/Noodle Lunch will be held
December 14 following worship. Please bring desserts and/or
drinks to share. The meal is provided by members of the
Misenheimer and Hill families in memory of Michael Lynn
Misenheimer, Jr. All donations received will go to the building
fund, specifically to complete our HVAC and lighting replacement
Handbell practice is at 3:45 p.m. and choir practice
follows at 4:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon December 14.
The Forward Together team will meet Tuesday, December 16 at
7:00 p.m.
Join us Friday night December 19 for a special indoor Movie Nite!
Beginning at 7:00 p.m. we will show both a children’s movie and a
separate movie for the adults to watch and discuss. Soft drinks and
popcorn will be provided. Volunteers are needed to supervise the
children – please talk with Pastor Ruth Ann if you can help. Please
invite your family and friends to join us!
The Children’s Christmas program will be held Sunday
morning, December 21 during worship.
We will gather at the church at 5:00 p.m. on
Sunday, December 21 to go Christmas
Caroling. Anyone who would like to go
along is welcome! And if you know someone
who would enjoy a visit, please talk with
Chrissy Chandler or Pastor Ruth Ann.
We will end at Peggy Roseman’s house for
December Events continued…
The Christmas Eve worship service with Holy Communion and
candlelighting will begin at 7:00 p.m. on December 24. There will be a
fellowship time following the service. Drinks will be provided; please
bring light finger foods (like a plate of cookies or some cheese and
crackers) to share!
Worship on Sunday, December 28 will be a special service of Lessons
and Carols. Volunteers are needed to read scripture texts for this
service. Please talk with Pastor Ruth Ann if you would like to help!
Stitches and Scripture and the Book Discussion group will return in
An Invitation
Everyone is invited to participate in a special Forward Together
conference being planned by the North Carolina Synod for
January 29-31, 2015.
The church is teeming with possibility.
Do you believe it? Are you ready to capture it?
Join us for a Synod conference that will help
you be a Renewed church for a new age.
This event will be hosted at Christ Lutheran Church in Charlotte.
Speakers include the Rev. Dr. Andrew Root, Professor of Youth and
Family Ministry at Luther Seminary and the Rev. Dr. David Lose,
President of the Lutheran Seminary in Philadelphia. The event includes
a concert by Peter Mayer, a Lutheran who is the lead guitarist for Jimmy
Buffet’s Coral Reefer Band.
If you would like to attend, register soon!! Registration for this three day
event is just $50 per person until December 15. Scholarship assistance is
available for registration and housing, with special discounts for the first
200 people to register.
For more information, ask Pastor Ruth Ann for a brochure or visit
Other Updates:
Our 90 Days of Prayer has drawn to a close, but please continue
to pray for the congregation as we look toward the future and
support our team’s work as part of the NC Synod initiative, Forward
Together. In Christ. In Community.
The green Lutheran Book of Worship hymnals are in the archives
room, sorted by the donor’s last name. You are invited to take home
hymnals that you would like to keep.
Our next Food Lion Produce deliveries to SCCM will be December
23 and 27.
Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to our
building fund. If you have not already contributed, please consider
a special gift to the building offering to help pay for the HVAC
project. The Cannon Foundation grant did NOT cover the cost of the
entire project and we have depleted our building fund, with some
work still needing to be completed. We will receive a special Second
Sunday Offering on December 14 for the Building Fund.
Help decorate the sanctuary for Christmas!
Poinsettias are $12.00 each and orders must be placed
with June Almond by December 14. Order forms are
in the narthex.
Advent devotionals, A Grand Miracle, based on the writings of C.S.
Lewis are available in the narthex. Special devotional materials for
children, A Manger on the Mantel, are also available for families
with children.
December calendars for the W3 Walking for Water project are
also available in the narthex. Please give your completed calendars
to Elizabeth Laughlin.
Please give all information for the January Glad Tidings
newsletter to Chrissy Chandler or Pastor Ruth Ann by Friday,
December 19.
Copies of the proposed budget for 2015 are available in the
narthex. Please pick up a copy to review before our Annual
Congregational Meeting.
Volunteer sheets for 2015 are available in the front pew. Please
prayerfully consider how God is calling you to serve our faith
community and sign up to prepare or assist with communion, read the
lessons, provide altar flowers, or fold bulletins during the coming year.
There are plenty of unclaimed opportunities and training is available for
all of these necessary tasks!
Offering envelopes for 2015 are available in the front pew, including
special envelopes for the children.
Handouts from our stewardship campaign, including bookmarks for
Gratitude, Generosity, Abundant Joy, and Commitment, are available in
the front pew, along with commitment cards. If you don’t already have
these, please pick them up and fill out a commitment card to keep for
your own reference during the coming year!
Council Highlights
During the regular November meeting, the congregation council:
+ Approved minutes from the October meeting.
+ Received the treasurer’s report for October.
+ Received the pastor’s report and reviewed the proposed
December calendar.
+ Approved sending funds to SCCM which were donated during
Lent 2013 and originally designated for North Stanly Ministries.
+ Approved sponsorship of a new Daisy & Brownie Girl Scout
troop, which will be meeting on Thursday evenings.
+ Approved building use requests from the Stanly County Amateur
Radio Club for Friday, December 12 and Saturday, December 13.
+ Discussed nominees for council members and trust fund trustees.
+ Tabled the approval of a mowing contract for 2015 until
(Lutheran Youth and Young Adults of Mt. Zion)
LYMZ recently met to assemble sixteen Operation Christmas Child
boxes. Thanks for your generous donations toward this project,
especially to cover the shipping costs!
YAMZ will be helping with the Sunday School Christmas Party on
December 6. You are asked to come to participate and to help with
preparation and/or cleanup!
LYMZ and YAMZ will again be working together to sort and deliver
Christmas cards within the congregation. Everyone is asked to bring
your cards for others in the congregation to church by 9:30 a.m. on
Sunday, December 21, so the cards can be sorted and distributed
following worship that day. There will be a box in the narthex for these
cards. Donations for this project will be given to the Heifer Project in
memory of Patsy Johnson.
Attendance & Offering for Current Expenses
Nov. 2
Nov. 9
Nov. 16
Nov. 23
Eating healthy during the holidays
The holiday season presents so many tasty temptations
that even the most disciplined people have a hard time
saying “no.” For most of us, the holiday season begins
in mid-November and ends in January, giving us at
least 6 weeks to overindulge. What’s more, weight
gained during this season tends to stay with us. But, with knowledge
about good nutrition, it’s possible to eat healthy and still have fun.
Thank you for
your very generous gift
to Bridge to Recovery.
Here are a few tips to help you enjoy the holidays and avoid undesired
weight gain:
Never go to a party hungry. Eat a low-fat snack before you go.
Limit alcohol calories, which are stored as fat.
Choose diet sodas or water so you don’t waste calories on
Exercise before eating. A brisk walk can reduce your appetite
and burn calories.
Use small plates and take small portions.
Use salad dressing sparingly. Avoid soups and breads.
Enjoy your favorite dessert, but watch your portions and don’t go
back for seconds.
When socializing, move away from the buffet table.
Listen to your stomach and stop eating when full.
The most practical tip is to not attempt to lose weight during the
holidays. This is an unrealistic goal that will set you up for failure and
add to the stress of the holiday season. You will do well to maintain
your weight. Limiting high-fat foods, maintaining a healthy diet and
getting regular exercise year round will help to prevent permanent
weight gain from holiday festivities.
Feel free to talk to me about any questions or concerns about health
June Almond, RN, FNP
Parish Nurse
Dear Friends,
Thank you for the Bingo gifts you donated. Our residents
really look forward to playing Bingo every Friday. Your
prizes will help us out so much.
Here’s wishing each of you a blessed holiday. Thanks
Robin Moose
Activities Director
Gaybrielle Morgan
Other Updates:
Weekly E-mail Updates are being sent out each Sunday evening to
everyone on the distribution list. If you or someone you know should be
added to the list, please give your e-mail address to Pastor Ruth Ann!
We continue to update the Prayer List each month. If you have
names to add to or remove from the list, please write them in the
notebook in the narthex or give them to Pastor Ruth Ann.
Pastor’s Office Hours
Pastor Ruth Ann is normally in her office Tuesdays and Wednesdays
from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. Please stop by during those hours with any concerns or just to
chat. You can also reach Pastor Ruth Ann by e-mail at: or on her cell phone: 704/322-0660. If
you would like a visit, or know someone who should be visited, please
let her know.
Look for Mt. Zion Lutheran/Richfield on Facebook for photos and more
information about events here at Mt. Zion! Please talk with Pastor Ruth
Ann if you would be interested in an opportunity to learn more about
using Facebook. ALSO – please invite your family, friends, and
neighbors, to Like our page too!
Check Request Forms…
Please help us to create better accounting documentation by completing one
of these forms if you request a payment or need to be reimbursed for
expenses. Forms are available in the computer room. Talk with Marilyn
Robertson or Pastor Ruth Ann for more information.
Reprinted from Leadership Journal. Used with permission.
God’s Work. Our hands.
God’s Work. Our hands. (continued)
Here is updated information on some of the ministries we have been
supporting through our donations and projects. There are boxes for
donations to these ministries – and others - in the Fellowship Hall.
Thanks for your recent donations of needed items. Many of these
boxes are full again right now after the Give and Take event – please
talk with Pastor Ruth Ann if you can help deliver some of these
We also blessed quite a number of completed afghan blocks for the
Warm Up America project which will be sent to this ministry. We
also have four completed blankets which will be distributed locally.
Two completed preemie caps and several prayer shawls were also
blessed recently. The caps went with Angie Robertson to Forsyth
Hospital, and two of the prayer shawls have already been distributed.
Please join us for Stitches and Scripture in January if you would
like to get involved in any of these projects!
We have received names and information for twelve needy children from
Richfield and New London through SCCM’s Helping Hands program.
If you can help provide Christmas gifts for these children, please pick up
the information from MaryAnn Fisher as soon as possible. Gifts need to
be returned by Sunday, December 14. They should be clearly labeled
and may be wrapped.
Thanks to everyone who recently contributed
unused all-occasion greeting cards for the
Kairos Prison Ministry at Southern
Correctional Institution. They will be
distributed to the Kairos sisters as a Christmas gift. You can continue
to bring these cards and envelopes and place them in the box in the
fellowship hall as we start preparing already for NEXT Christmas!
We are continuing to provide a monthly meal on the first Sunday
of each month at Community Inn. Volunteers are always welcome
to help with this ministry! If you would like to help, please talk with
Cindy Misenheimer.
Esther House has recently been at capacity, and continues to need a
variety of items, including: diapers, sippy cups, baby bottles, and other
baby care items, children’s underwear, pillows, women’s undergarments,
and hare care items. (A complete list of needs is posted on the hallway
bulletin board.)
We recently blessed three more sleeping mats for the homeless, which
will be delivered to a local ministry. Thanks to everyone who has
participated in this ministry, by bringing plastic grocery bags, preparing
‘plarn’ or crocheting the mats! For more information on how to help
with this project, talk with Pastor Ruth Ann, Cynthia Mills, Cindy
Misenheimer, or Bonnie Smith!
Thank you for your recent generous support to Stanly Community
Christian Ministry as the ministry has faced a crisis of increasing
needs and decreasing donations – especially in undesignated funds
to cover operating expenses. Did you know that the food pantry at
the SCCM Assistance center distributes nearly 1200 pounds of
food each week? Please continue to support this ministry
through donations of food and other needed items. Our item of
the month for December is toiletries (including shampoo,
toothpaste, soap, deodorant, and other personal hygiene items).
We do not have the schedule for the spring semester for Backpack
Buddies bags for North Stanly Middle School yet, but we will need
almost all of the needed items when we have a turn again. We are
currently packing fifteen bags and here is a list of the suggested
Ramen noodles
Pudding cups
Fruit or applesauce cups
Nut snacks
100% juice boxes
Individual serving lunch items
(Beanie Weenies or canned spaghetti/ravioli)
Fruit snacks
Granola bars
Cheese or peanut butter crackers
Individual packages of cereal or oatmeal
You can place items for this project in the basket in the narthex.
Coming Events - Mark your calendar now!
Team Update
There is another Give and Take Event planned
for indoors on January 17. Start sorting your
things now and be ready to bring them to church
after January 7! Look for more information
coming soon!
Planning Ahead
After three recent funerals here at Mt. Zion, we are reminded again that
death will come for each of us. We come together as a faith community
at the end of someone’s life both in sorrow for our loss and in joy for
God’s promise of eternal life.
We remember the Resurrection promise best when we worship with
prayer, with God’s word, and with singing. It is possible for each of us
to plan much of that service in advance, selecting favorite hymns and
scripture passages.
Funeral planning worksheets are available from Pastor Ruth Ann. Please
talk with her if you would like to record your wishes for your own
funeral or memorial service. Completed forms can be kept on file in the
church office so that they will be available when the time comes.
Our team members (June Almond, Kay Cosgrove, Rick Gordon,
Cynthia Mills, Mike Misenheimer, and Laura Smith) met for the
second time on November 20.
During this meeting, we
• Reviewed information gathered from interviews with others
in the community. The needs of senior citizens in our
community were often repeated as concerns.
• Heard about some of our dreams for the congregation’s
• Discussed the current mission statement of our congregation
(A church that reaches out to everyone with the love of God
through Christ Jesus), and how it applies to our current
• Considered our vision for the future, by asking what the
congregation wants to be three to five years from now. The
consensus was that we should keep doing God’s work to
change lives.
From that conversation, we began to develop some goals:
• To keep on doing the life-changing ministry that is already
• To get more people involved in those ministries.
• To work with others to start a community center.
At our next meeting, on December 16, we will work toward refining
these goals and then developing plans to meet the goals!
We welcome input from others in the congregation about these goals
and about the discussion from our previous meeting. Please talk
with a team member if you have questions or suggestions!
From the Pastor (continued)
From the Pastor:
God is here! As we your people
meet to offer praise and prayer,
may we find in fuller measure
what it is in Christ we share…
Here are symbols to remind us
of the lifelong need of grace;
here are table, font, and pulpit;
here the cross has central place….
Here our children find a welcome
in the Shepherd’s flock and fold;
here as bread and wine are taken,
Christ sustains us as of old...
God is Here!
Evangelical Lutheran Worship (#526)
As we came to the end of our annual stewardship campaign, we also
came to the end of a full three year lectionary cycle of stewardship
reflections which have been printed in our weekly bulletins. I hope
that these have provided you an additional glimpse into each week’s
gospel text with a focus on what it means to be a steward of God’s
creation and the blessings we have received!
Now, as the new lectionary year begins, I have included the first of
another series I plan to print in our weekly bulletins. This is just the
first of over 50 principles included in an official document of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), The Use of the
Means of Grace, which should take us through this next year. This
statement on the practice of word and sacrament was prepared by the
ELCA in 1997 in the hopes of increasing unity in understanding and
practice among congregations without forcing uniformity of worship
practice on all congregations.
Earlier this fall, the ELCA Council of Bishops issued an invitation for
all congregations and synods to study this document. It seems that
while most pastors have studied the content of this document, many
people in our congregations do not even know it exists!
The sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion are central
to the Christian faith and worship and are two components of
Luther’s Small Catechism. They are certainly worth our time and
study to increase our understanding!
The principles are not rules that we must follow, but they serve to
“guide us and ground us in our Lutheran tradition.” *
My plan is for us to consider this document in two ways:
+ First, to publish a principle each week in our bulletins
throughout the year, so that everyone has access to them; and
+ Second, to spend some time studying these together in a
weekly study session after the first of the year.
My hope is that many of you will attend these study sessions to
discuss these important principles.
My prayer is that it will impact the way we gather together around
the font and table.
Lord of all, of church and kingdom,
in an age of change and doubt,
Keep us faithful to the gospel;
help us work your purpose out.
Here in this day’s dedication,
all we have to give, receive;
We, who cannot live without you,
we adore you! We believe!
God is Here!
Evangelical Lutheran Worship (#526)
In God’s grace,
+ Pastor Ruth Ann
* from “The Use of the Means of Grace and Why It Matters”
by Rev. Jonathon Eilert
~ Mt. Zion Lutheran Church
NO Midweek Prayer
~ ~ Pastor
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service
Annual Meeting
3:30 pm Confirmation Class
6:30 pm Community Inn
Pastor’s Day Off
Ruth Ann on vacation thru
10:00 am Pastor’s
Office Hours
6:30 pm Women of
the ELCA
Pastor’s Day Off
7 2nd Sunday of Advent
December 2014 ~
10:00 am Pastor’s Office
12:00 noon Midweek
1:00 pm Bible Study
7:00 pm Home Tour
6:00 pm SS
6:00 pm Girl Scouts
NO Bible Study
Friday ~ ~
6:00 pm Girl Scouts
7:00 pm Bible Study
10:00 am Pastor’s
Office Hours
Fellowship Hall Reserved
14 3rd Sunday of Advent
7:00 am
7:30 am
9:30 am
10:30 am
Council Breakfast
Council Meeting
Pastor’s Day Off
Sunday School
Worship w/ Holy
Chicken/Dumpling Lunch
3:45 pm Handbells
4:30 pm Choir
10:00 am Pastor’s
Office Hours
7:00 pm Forward
Team Mtg
10:00 am Pastor’s Office
12:00 noon Midweek
1:00 pm Bible Study
6:00 pm Girl Scouts
7:00 pm Bible Study
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service
Children’s Program
5:00 pm Caroling
28 1st Sunday of Christmas
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service
10:00 am Pastor’s
Office Hours
7:00 pm Movie Nite
January Newsletter
Information Due
Second Sunday
Building Fund Offering
21 4th Sunday of Advent
Pastor’s Day Off
Pastor’s Day Off
10:00 am Pastor’s
Office Hours
24 Christmas Eve
25 Christmas Day
10:00 am Pastor’s Office
12:00 noon Midweek
7:00 pm Candlelight
Worship Service
& Fellowship
10:00 am Pastor’s Office
12:00 noon Midweek
Food Lion Produce delivery to SCCM will be
December 23rd and 27th.
Next date for Backpack Buddies at NSMS still TBD.