American Reformed Church Orange City, Iowa What’s Happening Sunday at ARC? American Reformed Church 407 Albany Avenue SE Orange City, IA 51041-1627 712.737.4430 8:15 AM Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 9:30 AM Worship (Sanctuary) Scripture: Luke 1:47-55 Preaching: Rev. Shirley Folkerts Liturgist: Paul Karssen RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 10:30 AM Coffee Fellowship (Narthex Area) Providing cookies/bars April Buysman, Margaret Fernow Lori Hayungs, Phyllis Vander Werff Serving Refreshments Ron & Peg Juffer, Kevin & Lynne McMahan, Jo Van Es Volunteers for Sunday, December 28, 2014 and January 4, 2015 Thank you for serving! Each job is important to us. If you have a conflict the date you are to serve, it is your responsibility to find your own replacement and notify the church office (737-4430) of any change. Preaching (28) Lynne McMahan ( 4) Harold Heie Liturgist (28) Jo Tolsma ( 4) Adrienne Forgette Bulletin Delivery to Shut-ins (28) E. Elder, J. Wilbeck, B. Ferrell ( 4) Beltman, B. Fernow, R. Juffer Nursery (28) Vazquez Family ( 4) Mark & Nicole Beltman Heather & Jacob Gabel Exterior Doors Greeters (28) Marilyn Jiskoot (U/W) Jerry & Kim Van Es (D/E) Joel & Junia Punt (D/SE) ( 4) Russ & Sharon Vande Steeg(U/W) Jim & Judy Smits (D/E) Lynn & Denise Sneller (D/SE) Sanctuary Doors Greeters (28) Smith Family ( 4) Darryl & Barbara Turnwall Don & Mary Lou Vander Wel Sound Technicians (28) Tony Altena ( 4) Norm Nieuwenhuis Brent Sampson Staff Mary Abels, Administrative Assistant Rosalyn De Koster, Director of Youth Ministries Providing cookies/bars (28) Pam Boonstra, Ellene Deets, Betty Jasper, Jo Van Es ( 4) Cake — in Appreciation of Pastor Gary Hegstad Serving Refreshments (28) Gabels, Marilyn Jiskoot ( 4) Van Oorts, Vande Weerds Children’s Message Benjamin Langton Children & Worship (28) No C & W ( 4) Story: “Baby Jesus Presented” Leader: Jo Tolsma Greeters: Julie Elliott, Tessa Burg Laura Jonker, Coord. of Children’s Ministries Julie Powell, Facility Manager ARC News, published weekly, is delivered to your home. Its mission: to celebrate and communicate the life and ministry of American Reformed Church. Extra copies will be available for visitors by the mailboxes. If you do not receive this newsletter by Saturday, please let the church office know. Your stories and news items are welcome! Staff reserves the right to edit. 7:00 PM Longest Night Service (Sanctuary) Christmas can be a painful time for some. It may be the first Christmas without a loved family member who has recently died; it may be a time that has always been difficult. Our spirits sink, as the days grow shorter. We feel the darkness growing deeper around us. We need encouragement to live the days ahead of us. Come out, and join with us in sharing and hearing prayers, scripture, and music that acknowledge that God’s presence is for those who mourn, for those who struggle - and that God’s Word comes to shine light into our darkness. A time of fellowship will follow the service. Everyone is welcome. VOLUNTEERING FOR TODAY Bulletin Delivery to Shut-ins Allen Fernow, Jeff Tolsma, Junia Punt Exterior Doors Greeters Jan Vandermeulen (U/W) Todd & Erin Nelson (D/E) Paul & Vic Karssen (D/SE) Sanctuary Doors Greeters Kensak Family Nursery Todd & Erin Nelson, Maggie Kensak Sound Technicians Norm Nieuwenhuis, Doug De Zeeuw December 21, 2014 Carols and Candlelight Service Christmas Eve Wednesday, December 24 5:00 PM (ARC Sanctuary) All are welcome! This year’s CHRISTMAS EVE offering will be for Rock Valley Recovery, a project of Justice For All, helping the Rock Valley area recover from the 2014 summer flooding. Much has been done but many homes still need to be repaired. Also, if you have some down time this winter/spring, JFA would love to have you commit 2-3 days to helping getting these homes repaired before spring. Why not get a group together and give them a hand? Call 712-476-2804 to explore where you can be used. American Reformed Church gathers together to be transformed by Jesus to transform the world. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have been called by the Holy Spirit to worship God, know God in community with others, and serve God by serving others. Announcing the Events for the Week Monday, December 22 10:00 AM Women’s Prayer Group (Library) Questions? Please contact Arlene Punt at 707-4600. 1:30 PM Women’s Faith Sharing (Library) For more information or questions, please contact Lynne Grossmann (737-4202). Wednesday, December 24 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Carols & Candlelight Service (Sanctuary) The traditional service of eight lessons and carols traces the story of our salvation from the disobedience of Adam and Eve to the birth of Christ. In the service this year, following each carol, a symbol is brought forward. Each recalls the lesson just read and also points to our redemption in Christ. The symbols serve to remind participants that the meaning of Christ’s incarnation is not understood apart from his passion and resurrection. The infant in the manger is none other than the one who died on the cross and rose from the grave, bringing light and life to all. Thursday & Friday, December 25 & 26 MERRY CHRISTMAS! (Church office and building closed.) Sunday, December 28 9:30 AM Worship (Sanctuary) Monday, December 29 10:00 AM Women’s Prayer Group (Library) Questions? Please contact Arlene Punt at 707-4600. 1:30 PM Women’s Faith Sharing (Library) For more information or questions, please contact Lynne Grossmann (737-4202). Thursday & Friday, January 1 & 2, 2015 HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Church Office and Building Closed.) Sunday, January 4 9:30 AM Worship (Sanctuary) (C & W Resumes) 10:45 AM Sunday School Resumes The ARC News will not be published next week. The next issue will be published January 11, 2015. Team Prayer Requests for Nicaragua Service Trip On December 26, 2014-January 3, 2015, a team of 10 individuals from ARC (Doug & Marlene De Zeeuw, Kathy & Heather Gabel, Lori & Jenna Hayungs, Dennis & Wanda Korthals, Edan Lambert, and Abebja Bobb-Kelly), will travel to Bluefields, Nicaragua to lead a VBS for children from “the dump”. They will be working alongside RCA missionaries, Dr. Bernardeth and Pastor Adrian BobbKelly. The team earnestly asks for your prayers that: *God will send a mighty Spirit to guide the team during their visit in Bluefields; *the people the team spends time with will be so blessed and be able to see God at work through the team; *the team will have a safe journey and safe visit; *the family members back home will be at peace and blessed as well; *all fears and concerns that team members have will be calmed and stilled by our Heavenly Father who can do anything; *the VBS program will be a mighty blessing to all the children attending and bring joy to their lives; *the VBS Christmas story spring alive in the hearts of the receivers and the ones bringing the story in a new and mighty way; *the team will be able to see and hear what God has to show them in Bluefields; *God will provide Pastor Adrian and Dr. Bernardeth the time and energy needed to direct the team during the visit and that the team will bless them in their ministry and not drain them; *God provide energy and good health to each member so that the team can work at full capacity and beyond; *the bonds the team builds with each other will be a strong foundation looking forward to ARC future mission projects. Remembering God’s People in Prayer Home from the hospital: *Don Hop, *Betty Jasper , *Sherri Langton , *Julie Powell Prayers have been requested for: *Peter (Dorothy) Karssen, father of Paul Karssen, who is hospitalized in Orange City. Expresses Thanks “Many thanks to all who donated, helped, and attended the high school youth group brunch on Sunday. We served 162 people and raised $662ARC youth appreciate your support so very much! Merry Christmas!” ...Sara Tolsma and Rosalyn De Koster “Warm, cozy, inviting, homey, and exciting are a few words I have heard from church and community members when walking through our coffee fellowship area and other newly painted areas of church. I have been wanting to paint the white walls for a couple of years now and we finally got that accomplished. I have several people to thank. I first want to thank the deacons for giving me the go ahead to get this painting done. Next, thanks to Kristy Kepp for coming in a couple of different times to help select colors. She did an amazing job finding the right colors to match existing carpets and furnishings. Finally, I would like to thank three amazing men - Carl Reinking, Al Nibbelink, and Lynn Sneller. These guys put up with my demands and delivered more than I could ever imagine. Thanks for your jokes, laughs, smiles, and willingness to give back to the church with your time and energy. The church looks awesome!! We owe the fresh look and excitement to the hard work you three did this past month. Thanks again to everyone involved for making our church look warmer and more inviting.” Daily Bible Readings for Your Devotions and Worship Preparation December 22-28 22 Monday Isaiah 61:10-62:3 23 Tuesday Psalm 148 24 Wednesday Christmas Eve: Psalm 96 25 Thursday Christmas Day: John 1:1-14 26 Friday Galatians 4:4-7 27 Saturday Luke 2:22-40 28 Sunday 1 Corinthians 13:12 Matthew 2:13-23 December 29-January 4 29 Monday Jeremiah 31:7-14 30 Tuesday Psalm 147:12-20 31 Wednesday Ephesians 1:3-14 1 Thursday New Year’s Day: Psalm 8 2 Friday John 1:1-9 3 Saturday John 1:10-18 4 Sunday John 17:20-22 PLEASE NOTE: If a pastoral concern or need arises, it is the responsibility of a family member to contact the Church Office (737-4430), or an on-call Elder: December 18-20: Wanda Korthals 756-4306 / 395-1761 December 21: Paul Bartlett 737-8541/707-7286/441-7218 December 22-27: Marilyn Jiskoot 737-4041/540-4559 December 28-January 3: Eric Elder 737-3498/707-7012 ...Julie Powell, Facility Manager Support Local Mission The December local Mission of the Month offering is for Justice for All. Justice for All is based in Rock Valley, IA. Their mission statement states: JFA seeks to promote Biblical justice and reconciliation, by encouraging and equipping volunteers, empowering the poor, and partnering with other ministries that share a commitment to Christian community development. Use this opportunity to “act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8) ARC Deacons Financial Report as of December 14, 2014 Total Giving to Date: $359,271.86 2014 Annual Budget: $394,332.67 Average Weekly Giving (Actual): $7,185.44 Average Weekly Giving (Budget): $7,583.32 Average Weekly Giving (Deficit) ($397.88) Noisy Offering Totals (Health Kits for Nicaragua) - $581.39
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