The Village Voice is the official publication of the WoodLake Village Homeowner's Association (HOA), Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. It is published monthly to provide the homeowners with an abbreviated, advanced form of the minutes of the HOA Board meetings and to provide information concerning the activities, opportunities and accomplishments of WoodLake Village. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR THE JANUARY 2015 ISSUE OF THE VILLAGE VOICE IS DECEMBER 16, 2014 Please feel free to contact the following individuals with draft submissions, suggestions and comments. The Village Voice Staff is comprised of volunteers, including: Editor, Calendar, Commercial Ad Layout - Donald Jones, 651-7273, Village Trader - Roslyn Keck, 651-1608, Cover - VOLUNTEER NEEDED Commercial Ads - Bob Smith, 651-5846, You Choose the News! - Lee Bollinger, 907-1908, Birthdays, Anniversaries and New Arrivals - Leon LeClerc, 651-5314, Proofing - Gleora Jones, 651-7273, Distribution - Edgar Lavigne 750-0935 and Duane Keck 651-1608, Delivery - Approximately 30 Volunteers Advertising is sold to help support its publication. Ad space per month in the Village Voice Business card (2"H X 3½"W) - $5.00 1/4 page (4¼"H X 3½"W) - $13.50 1/2 page (4½"H X 7½"W) - $27.00 Full page (8½"H X 7½"W) - $54.00 Business card ads must be placed for a three month period. Make checks payable to WoodLake Homeowners Association. Send to: Bob Smith, 139 WoodLake Drive, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 WOODLAKE VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUGUST 20, 2014 - in Clubhouse Library MINUTES Pursuant to call, a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the WoodLake Village Homeowners Association, Inc. was held on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 in the Clubhouse of WoodLake Village, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. A roll call of Directors was taken as follows: Theresa Mold, President (Present), Bill Duncan, Vice President (Present), W. Dan Kibler, Secretary (Present), Betty Law, Treasurer (Present) and Robert Evans, Director (Present). MEETING CALLED TO ORDER The meeting was then formally called to order by the Board President, Theresa Mold at 5:40 PM. POOL RESTROOM REPAIRS: A motion was made by Bill Duncan, Seconded: Betty Law to rescind the approved Compass Designs LLC Estimate/Contract proposal dated July 21,2014, in the amount of high $2,600 for pool bathroom repairs/ADA compliant provisions by mutual consent of the parties involved. All present were in favor. A new proposal was submitted by Compass Designs dated: August 9, 2014 in the amount of $1,285. for consideration by the Board of Directors, for Pool Bathroom repairs. A motion was made by Bill Duncan, Seconded: Betty Law to approve the revised estimate in the amount of $1,285. After much discussion, the motion was approved by all present. SIGN FOR POOL AREA: A motion was made by Bill Duncan and Seconded by Dan Kibler approving the following wording for the new sign to be posted at the pool in accordance with the Anti-discrimination laws: "Non-swimmers must be accompanied by capable swimmers. Swimmers must not be incontinent or must wear swim diapers." All present were in favor. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF ACC APPLICATION: Mr. Mike Rubio, ACC Chairperson, brought before the Board an application for a pergola w/swing constructed on a patio not attached to house. Motion made by: Betty Law, Seconded by Bob Evans. After discussion of this request, the Board approved a pergola with swing may be constructed in backyard only, no concrete patio or pavers permitted. All present were in favor. APPROVAL OF REVISION TO POLICY A-001-3 After discussion of this matter, the Board agreed to add the following wording to the Policy A-001-3. "Pergola with swing - constructed in backyard only, detached from the house. Concrete patio or pavers are not permitted." Motion made: Bob Evans, Second: Betty Law. All present were in favor. ADJOURNMENT No further business permitted to be discussed; motion was made by Betty Law, Second: Bill Duncan to adjourn at 7:00 PM. All present were in favor. WOODLAKE VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOVEMBER 17, 2014 MINUTES Pursuant to call, a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the WoodLake Village Homeowners Association, Inc. was held on November 17, 2014 in the Clubhouse of WoodLake Village, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Village Voice December 2014 Page 1 A roll call of Directors was taken as followed: Theresa Mold, President (Present), Bob Evans, Vice-President (Present), Dan Kibler, Secretary (Not Present), Betty Law, Treasurer (Present) and Edgar Lavigne, Director (Present). Also present was Rich Trisler, Association Manager of Waccamaw Management, LLC, AAMC, Managing Agent for the Association. The Board first convened an Executive Session to discuss the delinquency and violation reports for the month. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER After the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, the regular meeting was then formally called to order at 7:05 PM. The agenda was then unanimously approved by motion of Mr. Lavigne and seconded by Ms. Law. APPROVAL OF M INUTES AND FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Evans made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 20, 2014 Regular Board Meeting. Mr. Lavigne seconded this motion which passed unanimously. and a garage door widening project. Mr. Price then presented the Clubhouse Report. Three windows were recently replaced in the Clubhouse and blinds were readjusted to fit the new window framing. Additionally, Mr. Price completed a minor drain repair on the Clubhouse grounds. Ms. Duncan shared that nothing new was reported regarding the Legal / 55+ Community Report. Ms. Lavigne presented the Library Report. Ms. Lavigne stated that approximately 140 books were processed in the month as well as 50 videos. Mr. Trisler then reviewed the financials for the month of October. Mr. Trisler highlighted the variances for the month, key Reserve expenditures and all balances. The balance for Operating and Reserve accounts is approximately $116,000. Mr. Trisler shared with the membership that the financials would be posted to the Association website beginning in November. He also commented on various year-end expectations as it relates to the financial standing of the Association. Mr. Evans made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as discussed which was seconded by Ms. Law and unanimously accepted. Ms. Reiners presented the Neighborhood Watch Report. Ms. Reiners reported that the County speed machine that was located on Woodthrush was removed by authorities today. The Board is hopeful that the machine brought awareness to the issue of speeding in WoodLake. Mr. Trisler concluded the financial report by stating that the 2015 Budget draft had been unanimously approved by the Board which resulted in a new assessment of $92.00 per quarter. Assessment coupons and correspondence will be sent to all owners in early December. Ms. Jones then presented the Social Committee Report. Ms. Jones highlighted past social events as well as upcoming activities including the Thanksgiving Dinner and New Year’s Eve Dinner. COMMITTEE REPORTS Mr. Schantz presented the Adopt-A-Highway Report. The last event saw eight volunteers pick up four bags of trash. The next scheduled collection is set for December 6th. Mr. Rubio presented the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Report. The ACC continues to remain busy with fifteen approvals for various tree removals, porch improvements, siding replacements Village Voice December 2014 A Phone Directory report was unavailable for the meeting. A Village Voice / Website report was unavailable for the meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Upon an extensive discussion of the issues related to the recently replaced windows in the Clubhouse, Mr. Lavigne made a motion that the Association make a payment of one half the cost of the expenses of the window installation completed by Barnaby & Sons ($475.00) and that this payment would occur in January 2015. Mr. Evans seconded this motion which passed unanimously. At this point, Mr. Evans provided information on the results of the speed hump questionnaire. 339 owners Page 2 responded to the survey with 29 more “YES” votes being received. Therefore, the Board has proceeded to give approval to the County to install speed humps at strategic locations throughout the community. The plan is to install a total of five speed humps (2 on WoodLake; 1 on Snowy Egret; and 2 on Woodthrush) before Thanksgiving, weather and schedule permitting. Additionally, locations for road markings and edging were highlighted. $3.00 per quarter. Total: $92.00 per quarter will begin with the January, 2015 payment. NEW BUSINESS Upon a motion by Ms. Law, seconded by Mr. Evans and unanimously approved, the pool area will be open from April 1, 2015 to October 31, 2015 and the pool for swimming will be open from April 15, 2015 to October 15, 2015. At November’s meeting I mistakenly stated that our next meeting would be held on December 15, 2014. The Board has cancelled their December meeting due to the holiday season. The next Regular Meeting of the WoodLake Village Board of Directors will be held on January 19, 2015. ADJOURNMENT The next Board meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2014. Subsequent to the meeting, the Board agreed that the December meeting would be cancelled and January 19, 2015 would be the next Board meeting. Enjoy the holiday season and we will see you in 2015! At this point, Ms. Mold asked that the meeting be adjourned. Ms. Law made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Mr. Evans. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Upon conclusion of the meeting, homeowner comments were fielded and information was presented regarding the landscaping contractor for the Association and additional input regarding the newsletter. NOTES FROM THE PRESIDENT Theresa A. Mold The past year was filled with much work and many fun activities. A special “thank you” to our Social Committee for all their hard work and fun activities that were held during this past year. Two more activities for 2014: Thanksgiving Day Dinner and a New Year’s Eve Dinner. If any of our residents are interested in attending either or both of these dinners, you can contact our Social Committee Chairperson, Gleora Jones, or another member of the committee. Our Board of Directors have worked long and hard on the 2015 budget. Dues for 2015 will be increasing by Village Voice December 2014 We are very happy with all the projects that have been completed during 2014. Another special “thank you” goes to Horry County for all the work they have done in WoodLake Village. The County’s plan is to install the speed calming humps by Thanksgiving. Hopefully, that has happened. ACTIVITIES LADIES LUNCHEON - GB “O come O Come” to the Ladies Luncheon. It will be at Quigley’s Pint and Plate in Litchfield at 257 Willbrook Blvd., approximately 15 minutes from WoodLake. It will be held on December 9th at 11:30 AM. Sign ups will be Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at the Clubhouse from 10:00 to 11:30 AM. Luncheon choices are: (1) Soup or Salad, and Sandwich (Chili or N.E. Clam Chowder and variety of sandwiches), (2) Meatloaf and French fries or chips, (3) Fish Tacos and French fries or chips or (4) Chicken Caesar Salad. Total cost is $15.00 to include your entrée, tea, coffee, or soda, tax and gratuity. If you have any questions, please call Pat Mann 9470834 or Geani Barton 947-0057. If you need a ride please phone Pat. Maps will be provided at sign up. Hope to see you there to celebrate the Holidays with us. BOWLING BROADCAST - GB The hostile takeover finally happened. First, Phoenix captured first place from the Herons. Then the Herons regained the position the following week then lost to the Woodpeckers who now hold the first place title. It’s anyone’s game at any one time. Showcasing his talent was Mike Rubio with 6 strikes in a row. Way to roll, Mike. Also notable conversions were Pat Mann Page 3 with 5,10; Mike Rubio with 1,4,5,10; Melissa Clark with 5,10; Betsy Cieslinski with 7,6,10; Norm Wood with 5,8,10; Corrine Hogan with 4,5; Jim Hogan with 2,7(2x); Eileen Rauh with 4,5 and Connie Bollard with a 5,10. Outstanding bowling games were Pat Mann with a 182, Joann Lavery with 186, Norm Wiley with a 201 and 207 game, John Fowler with 208, and Mike Rubio with a whopping 222. Let the hits just keep on coming. TRIVIA NIGHT - GB Trivia Night will be Monday, December 8th at 6:30 PM until approximately 8:00 PM. Cost is $2.00 per person and the monies will be used to award the first, second, and third place teams. Get your team together of up to six players or join others at the clubhouse to make up a team of six. No cell phones or electronic devices are permitted-just your brains. Feel free to bring snacks and drinks of your choice for your team to enjoy while playing against your friends and neighbors. Join in for a great night of fun and challenge. It’s great seeing new people coming out to play. This month’s first place winner was Bob’s Babes beating out Foxy Sparrows by one point. LIBRARY NEWS - Louise Lavigne The Committee has decided to temporarily set up a card table in the Library to accommodate the stacks of Christmas books that we keep in the closet. We hope that reading one (or many) Christmas novels will put everyone in the merry “spirit.” So when you bring your Christmas cards for your neighbors to the boxes on the Library table, please check out the display. Don Jones has managed to remove the lock on the ballroom cabinet revealing two scrapbooks from the Garden Club from 1987 to 1997. If some of you ole timers would like to relive memories, the books will be stored on the bottom shelf of the 3rd unit of Large Print books. We are requesting that you do NOT remove the books from the Library, but you are welcomed to look at them at the conference table in the Library. Enjoy! In order to conserve space and money, I will no longer print the titles of newly donated books that already are on our shelves - only the ones that are brand new to the Library. Please do not construe that to mean that I do not appreciate the donation because Village Voice December 2014 we still use the duplicate books, either in the free-toresidents-box or to the Veterans Base Recreation Center in Myrtle Beach. The free box has been a great hit with the reading patrons (thank you, Brenda, for the idea) and the Center looks forward to my deliveries every Wednesday. So keep those books coming in. Thanks to the anonymous donor who added 12 movies to the collection. If you loved Betty Davis and Audrey Hepburn, check them out. I so enjoyed seeing Audrey in War and Peace again. Most of the films did not even have the outer, plastic covering removed. We had another donor this month who donated 38 videos for our little movie shelves. Thank you. In addition to 53 duplicates, the following books were donated from mid October to mid November: LARGE PRINT Berg, Elizabeth Carter, Charlotte Hannah, Sophie Patterson, James Peters, Elizabeth Springer, Kathryn Springer, Kathryn Once Upon A Time Tail of Two Hearts Monogram Murders Beach House Camel Died At Noon A Place to Call Home Hidden Treasures FICTION INCLUDING Baldacci, David Barr, Nevada Beaumont, Maria Bell, Ted Binchy, Maeve Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Child, Lee Child, Lee Clark, Mary H Cornwell, Patricia Cussler, Clive Dale, Lily Dane, Lauren DeMille, Nelson deRosnay, Tatiana Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Flynn, Vince Francis, Dick Frank, Dorothea Frank, Dorothea Frank, Dorothea Godwin, Gail M YSTERIES The Innocent W inter Study 37 W arlord Chestnut Street Deadline Low Pressure Tough Customer Die Trying The Enemy Deck the Halls Southern Cross Night Probe Talk to the Dead Best Kind of Trouble W ild Fire A Secret Kept Full Blast Full Bloom Love In A Nutshell The Husband List Pursuit of Honor Shattered Hurricane Sisters Last Original W ife Porch Lights Flora Page 4 Gorman, Ed Gulley, Philip Higgins, Jack Higgins, Jack Hobbs, Roger Hoffman, Alice Jefferson, Carole Johansen, Iris Johansen, Iris Johnson, Dolores Kellerman, Jonathan King, Stephen King, Stephen Koontz, Dean Koontz, Dean Lanagan, Margo LaZebnek, Claire Lewis, Beverly Lewis, Beverly Macomber, Debbie Macomber, Debbie Macomber, Debbie Miller, Linda Moberg, Julia Mofina, Rick Neggers, Carla Neggers, Carla Neggers, Carla Robb, J D Roberts, Nora Roberts, Nora Sandford, John Simmons, Dan Thor, Brad Thor, Brad W inegardner, Mark W oods, Sherryl W oods, Sheryl W oods, Sheryl Mystery Stories Front Porch Tales President’s Daughter The Eagle Has Landed Ghost Man Local Girls Silver Surprise Blood Game Hunting Eve Buttons & Foes Gone Just After Sunset Rose Madder Odd Apocalypse The Dead Town Brides of Rollrock Isle Knitting Under Influence The Confession The Shunning Romance Rose Harbor in Bloom Starting Now Marriage Pact Skies Over Sweetwater Vengeance Road Bewitching The Rapids Trying Patience Born in Death Blood Magick High Noon The Devil’s Code Black Hills Act of W ar Athena Project Godfather Returns Amazing Gracie Harbor Lights Safe Harbor NON-FICTION filed by Subject Achievement Motivation After Death Best Vacations Book of Angels Grandparenting Jewish Mothers Okinawa Food Plan Past Lives Quilting Stories from the South US Restaurants W ar – Redwing Biographies Jobs, Steve DVD’s 2-Red Skelton 3 Stooges Village Voice December 2014 Blazing Saddles Breakfast at Tiffanys Charlie’s Angels Dark Victory Esther Funny Face Genesis Greys Anatomy (1) Hoosiers Jeremiah Logan’s Run McHales’s Navy Meet the Fockers Mr. Skeffington My Fair Lady Now Voyaher Paris W hen It Sizzles Return of Pink Panther Roman Holiday Sabrina Soloman Stepmom The Letter The Star W ar & Peace Plus 19 Others NOVEMBER ACC APPROVALS - Michael Rubio 1704 Tanager CT Enlarge Patio 148 W oodlake Install W hite Shutters And Door 148 W oodlake Install W hite Gutters & Spouts 218 Sandpiper Ct Remove 2 Trees 105 Robin Ct Remove 1 Tree 402 Snowy Egret Replace W indows W ith Same Look 2001 Bob W hite Install Paver Patio 313 Mourning Dove Patio Awning 2124 Green Heron Remove 3 Pines 110 Purple Martin Remove 4 Pines 406 Snowy Egret Refinish Porch Flooring 2123 Green Heron Paint Front Door 1704 Tanager Ct Replace Glass Doors W ith W indows 112 W oodlake Replace Siding 87 Purple Martin W iden Garage Door BINGO - DP On October 28th our winners were: 50/50 - Edith Valasquez Odd/Even Special - Mary Ann Daly and Dottie Pallini Coverall Special - Helen Carter On November 11th our winners were: 50/50 - Evelyn Myers Odd/Even Special - Edith Valasquez Page 5 Coverall Special - Mary Lu Liotino BUNCO - BM The winners for November 18th were: BUNCO - Irene Young, Lori Weitzel and Evelyn Myers, Hi-game Dolly Wilson, 2nd Hi-game - Betty Palacios, Lo-game - Betty Spivey, Travel - Sandy Schantz and Consolation - Marilyn Whitten. Our next game will be December 2nd so please call Betty at 357-0451 to sign-up to play. Our party will be held on January 6th, call Betty at 357-0451 to sign-up to play and party. DUPLICATE BRIDGE - NC October 23rd winners were Bettie Hayes and Guy Stahr (first) and Pete Bertonis and Don Jones (second). November 13th winners were Don Jones and Pete Bertonis (first) and Bettie Hayes and Guy Stahr (second). Anyone who would like to play on December 11th, please call Norma Cucci at 651-7152. PICKLEBALL - WR Along with the change to the fall and winter season, Pickleball has changed the time and days we play. Pickleball is now on Thursdays at 10:00 AM and Saturdays at 10:00 AM. So come on out and, enjoy the cooler weather, get some exercise and have a lot of fun playing a growing sport. See you on the court. ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY - Bob Schantz Thanks to the following volunteers who helped clean the Garden City Connector Road for November: Lee and Lorraine Orvis, Maureen Scott, Jack Banfield, Edgar Lavigne and Sandy Schantz. We collected four bags of trash. Our next scheduled pick - up is Saturday December 6th. Anyone interested in helping, please meet us at the Clubhouse at 8 AM. Thanks to all. OUTREACH FOR THE NEEDY - Beverly Bishop Yes, its Thanksgiving and Christmas already and our needy are always happy to accept anything you no longer need. Look through your closets, and we will be delighted to accept anything except food. We thank all the folks this year who have donated so much for these needy folks. It gives us a good feeling to be generous to this part of our community. Just call our committee and we will make arrangements for pickup. Thank you so much for your generosity. Village Voice December 2014 AARP SAFE DRIVING COURSE - CM This course is scheduled for January 15th from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM in the Clubhouse. Taking the course helps reduce your automobile insurance and makes you a better driver. Reserve the date now and let Carolyn McComb know that you want to sign up at 651-7787. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH - Jaylene Reiners Tip of the Month: If you have a tendency to sit in your car after shopping to eat, make a list, work on your checkbook, etc., DON'T. A predator can be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him/her to get in your car. Lock the Doors and Leave. If someone puts a gun to your head and tells you to drive off, don’t. Instead, gun the engine and speed into anything - wrecking the car. Bail out and run, if you can. IN MEMORIAM Condolences to the family and friends of Jim Martin and Sandee Patterson. THANKS - Lilly Buggisch To my friends and neighbors a big “Thank You” for all the cards, prayers and concern shown to me. And once again the exercise group donated some beautiful flowers, many thanks, Ladies. You stood by me in my time of need. God bless! THANKS - Marti Anderson Thanks so much to all my friends and neighbors for the cards, gifts, food, and visits during my recent hospital stay. Your support and kindness have truly overwhelmed me. WoodLake Village people are the best! THANKS - Betty Martin Just a heartfelt note of appreciation to all of you for everything that you have done for Jim and I for the last two years. Yes, it was almost two years. We have been blessed beyond words for the prayers, masses, cards and love given to us. It was tough the last week of his life, but again your love pulled me through and made Jim content. May he rest in peace and God Bless all of you. What a wonderful neighborhood. Thanks again. Page 6 You’re invited… New Year's Eve Dinner at Woodlake Village Night Club Cocktail Hour and Hors d’oeuvres 5:30 PM $18.00 Dinner Entrée Choice #1 Beef Wellington Served with Bearnaise Sauce Twice Baked Potato Julienne Glazed Carrots $15.00 Dinner Entrée Choice #2 Chicken Cordon Bleu Creamy Tarragon Wine Sauce Twice Baked Potato Julienne Glazed Carrots Both Entrées include Mixed Greens Salad with a Champagne Vinaigrette Mini Croissants Dessert Coffee/Tea Please bring your own wine/liquor One sign up ONLY December 10th 10:00 – 11:30 AM Cut Off Date December 19th Limited Seating If you care to stay….. An evening of light entertainment and CD’s for your dancing pleasure will follow dinner. Village Voice December 2014 Page 7 Village Coordinators FOR SALE Clothes for the American Girl Dolls 651-6010 FOR SALE Young Child’s Bike, detachable training wheels plus Spiderman Helmet and kneepads, adjustable seat and handlebars $45.00 651-2187 FOR SALE Adult Bike working order $10.00 651-2187 FOR RENT House at 502 Night Heron Court 497-3535 or 655-7691 FOR RENT House on Pelican Court 717-629-2222 HOA BOARD MEETINGS Month Date - Time January 19 th - 7:00 PM February 16 th - 7:00 PM W OODLAKE VILLAGE BOARD OFFICE INDIVIDUAL PHONE President Theresa M old 215-6221 Vice President Bob Evans 947-0198 Secretary Dan Kibler 299-1075 Treasurer Betty Law 651-0651 Dir at Large Edgar Lavigne\ 750-0935 Recording Secretary Rich Trisler, W accamaw M anagement 272-8705 M edical Equipment (W alkers, Canes etc.) Bernie Sanford 651-2193 Ride Needed (Medical Appointment, Shopping) Phyllis Healy 357-8106 Ellen Jennelle 651-7210 Baby Equipment (Cribs, Toys, High Chairs etc.) Cathy Klarmann 650-2051 Free Notary Service Theresa A Mold 215-6221 Email: Michael J. Jeffreys 685-0743 Email: Outreach for the Needy Sarah Kinlaw 651-6747 Karen Hippert 357-9563 Robert Murphy 215-8071 Beverly Bishop 357-1889 October 31, 2014 Financial Report Available Cash & Reserves Operating Cash Petty Cash Savings Total Operating Cash Reserves Total All Funds $16,462 $5,000 $1,883 $23,355 $92,774 $116,129 Operating Balance Sheet Total Operating Cash Receivables Fixed Assets Other Assets Total Assets Current Liabilities Equity Total Liabilities/Equity $23,355 $5,983 $11,901 $6,138 $140,141 $4,995 $109,986 $140,141 Direct Questions To: Treasurer Betty L. Law or Association Manager, Rich Trisler DISCLAIMER The W ood Lake Village Board of D irectors and the Village Voice Staff do not endorse any products or services provided by individuals or companies placing advertisements in the Village Voice. Village Voice December 2014 Page 8
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