4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT • DECEMBER 21, 2014 As members of St. Dominic Catholic Parish, we commit ourselves “To Seek Christ, Know Christ, and Become Christ, Each One for the Sake of All.” 18255 WEST CAPITOL DRIVE • BROOKFIELD, WI 53045 Message from Our Pastor I hope that our observance of Advent in our weekend liturgies has been helping you experience the gift of inner peace as we face the hectic pace of these days of preparation for the celebration of the Christmas season. May our spiritual preparation for this sacred time of the year help bring all of us renewed hope, a spirit of joyfulness and a desire to appreciate one another more fully as we discover the Risen Jesus present in one another, as we recall and celebrate the anniversary of his birth! We would like to call your attention to the difficulty we have making room for the numbers that wish to participate in the 4:30 pm Christmas Eve Mass. So, it would be very helpful if you and your loved ones could gather together at one of the other beautiful Masses we have scheduled for our celebration of Christmas 2014. Thanks for your prayerful consideration of this request! We have some exciting news about the 2015 parish wall calendars. The parish Marketing Committee has once again undertaken the task of creating our own parish calendar with pictures taken from Liturgical Art used in our worship here at St. Dominic. Through the ongoing, generous sponsorship of Harder Funeral Home, we are able to offer one copy of the parish calendar to our parish families starting this weekend. We hope this calendar will help you and your family mark the days and months of the New Year-2015. ~Father David H. Reith w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 2 St. Dominic Catholic Parish 2014 Advent & Christmas Schedule **Please note the change in Mass times on Christmas Day and January 1, Mary, Mother of God** Daily Mass Schedule Monday, Wednesday & Friday~8:30 am (except Wed., Dec. 24 & 31) Tuesday & Thursday~6:30 am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays~3:30-4:00 pm Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday~4:30 pm Sunday~7:30 am, 9:00 am & 11:00 am Audio/video feed will be in the Marcy Center at all Christmas Masses, for over-flow crowds Christmas Masses There will be incense used at all of our Christmas Masses, with the exception of the 8:30 am Mass on Christmas Day. Wednesday, December 24 4:30 pm & 10:00 pm Music Prelude at 4:10 pm; Festival of Music at 9:15 pm Thursday, December 25 8:30 am & 10:30 am Music Prelude begins 20 minutes before each Mass Mary, Mother of God, January 1— Holy Day of Obligation December 31~4:30 pm (vigil) January 1~8:30 am & 10:30 am The St. Dominic 2015 Wall Calendar Is Here! We are delighted to offer The Art of St. Dominic – 2015 Catholic Wall Calendar. Learn more about the history and use of liturgical objects in our church! Don’t Miss The St. Dominic Christmas Ornament! If you missed the reverse collection a couple of weeks ago, ornaments are still available in the narthexes. Please take 1 per family. The ornament for 2014 is a dove that symbolizes the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came down from heaven as a mighty rushing wind, setting on fire the faith of the apostles. Then, together, with the power of the Holy Spirit, they went out and proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ – that the Word was made flesh on Christmas morning, for our salvation. Please accept the ornament in gratitude for your involvement in the life and mission of our parish community. May God continue to bless you and your families this Christmas Season. Our Campus is Rockin’ Once Again! The Buildings and Grounds Committee have installed boulders at entrances of various drives on campus, in order to preserve the asphalt work that was completed this past Fall, to keep the grass and landscaping in good shape and to prevent traffic from driving on storm drains. So, while you’re attending Mass, dropping your children off at school, or attending our many wonderful worship opportunities, please watch your corners as you’re driving around campus. December 24 & 25—closed December 31—open until 12:00 pm January 1—closed If you drop something in the mail slot, it will be taken care of the next day we are open. Enjoy this blessed time with your family! Due to limited quantities, please take one per family. They are available today in both narthexes. Thank you to the St. Dominic Marketing Committee and, especially, parishioner Dan Herda for offering his photography talent and skills for this calendar. In Gratitude...Smiles For Miles Thank you so much to those who participated in the Smiles for Miles project with St. Michael Parish. We were able to deliver 220 shoeboxes, 55 coats, 61 pairs of boots, 5 backpacks filled with school supplies and mountains of hats, mittens and warm winter gear. The people of St. Michael were so appreciative. I will be sending out pictures as soon as they come to me. Thank you again for your wonderful generosity! ~Stacey Seim, Smiles For Miles Coordinator w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 3 Packers Playoff Party! The St. Dominic That Man Is You group is hosting a Packer playoff game tailgate party and you are invited to attend!! The plan is to meet, greet, and watch the first Packer playoff game (either the weekend of January 3 or 10) at a location to be determined (the PAAC, Marcy Center or other). Beverages and food will be provided. So come one, come all and join in on the fun and root the Pack on to victory! More details to follow when the date/time of the playoff games are announced by the NFL. Contact Jeff Hansen for more info, at 262.784.3664. Men’s Winter Retreat – January 29 to February 1, 2015 In about 5 weeks, men from St. John Vianney and St. Dominic Parishes (plus a few others) will make their annual pilgrimage to the Jesuit Retreat House in Oshkosh, on beautiful Lake Winnebago, for a 3 day retreat. Our retreat director this year will be Fr. Doug Leonhardt, SJ. This will be our first year in the brand new Manresa & LaStorta facilities. Each private retreatant room has its own toilet and shower, and there are elevators in the new buildings. We can help arrange a ride for you if you need transportation. There is also a scholarship fund to assist anyone who may not be able to afford the full cost of the retreat. Ladies, this retreat would make an excellent Christmas gift for your husband, son, father or brother. For more information, please contact John Waymel at 262.790.9070 or jmwaymel@gmail.com. You can also visit the Jesuit Retreat House website, www.jesuitretreathouse.org for more invitation or to register. Please come and pray with us. Rosary For Life Join with members of our Respect Life Committee in praying the Rosary, petitioning for the sanctity of all life, Tuesday, January 6 and 20 at 7:00 pm, in the Chapel. Don’t know the Rosary well? Prayer aids will be available! For more information, please contact Bob Boehler at boehlerrobert@att.net. Parish Center Front Office Help Is Needed We are especially in need of people who can help out on Thursdays, once per month (or more). Duties include: Answering phones and directing calls to the appropriate staff members Answering the door and assisting visitors with their needs – and/or contacting the appropriate staff member to assist Sorting mail, signing for packages and notifying staff members of deliveries Collating bulletin flyers If you’re interested in volunteering for a whole-day or half-day shift, please contact Barb Schenauer in the Parish Center at 262.781.3480 x242. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 4 It’s The 4th Sunday Of Advent! He’s almost here. It is the 4th Sunday of Advent. Thank God it’s a short week. It’s only 4 days. This year the Fourth Week of Advent is four days long. Wednesday evening is Christmas Eve and Thursday, is the birth of Christ. Isn’t the anticipation exciting? It’s so thrilling! O come, O come, Emmanuel! And because we are so blessed to have this wonderful day to be excited about, we are called to praise God! Let him come into your heart to be your Savior. Enter this sacred night and morning of Christmas “joyful and triumphant” as never before. Hark! Sing with the angels. Go ahead, sing and praise out loud for all to hear: "Glory to the newborn King!" In fact, go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; go tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born. Look at the next page with your family and share how you would describe your anticipation and how you’ll show your anticipation through prayer. Year End Charitable Giving Gifts of appreciated stock will afford a charitable income tax deduction and capital gains tax savings. Many corporations will match gifts to a qualified non-profit organization made by their employees and retirees. Endowment Fund which is a separate entity created solely for the furtherance of Catholic education and formation, including both the parish day school and lifelong faith formation programs. The fund requires that the principal remain preserved with only the earnings being used to support the mission of the fund. Previously, the earnings have been used in the area of tuition financial assistance. Stewardship Summary Budget for fiscal year end 6/30/15: $1,725,321 ******** Budget for 7/1/14 through 12/14/14: $749,564 Actual for 7/1/14 through 12/14/14: $743,611 ******** Budget for week ending 12/14/14: $42,220 Actual for week ending 12/14/14: $48,685 Help The Babies Of The Hebron House! At the beginning of each year, St. Dominic Catholic Parish does a drive to assist Hebron House of Hospitality in Waukesha, which houses homeless families. We are amazed, each year by the generosity of our parish families. Did you know that 1/3 to 1/2 of the residents of Hebron House are infants? They are in desperate need of diapers of larger sizes (including Pull-ups) and baby wipes. Throughout the month of January, we will be collecting these items for the homeless families trying to get back on their feet. Please consider purchasing a few when you see sales or have coupons, or adding something extra to your shopping cart. Laundry baskets for collection will be placed by the church doors until the end of January. Thank you! Stewardship Commitment RENEWAL The 2015 St. Dominic Stewardship Renewal offers you an opportunity to be ignited in faith and to answer your call to holiness. Prayerfully consider what God asks of you in relation to the financial resources given to you as His steward, and renew your commitment to God using your skills, interests and talents. Please review, fill out your commitment form and drop it in the regular collection baskets at Mass, return it to the Parish Center, or if you prefer, your commitment can be made online at stdominic.net. Gifts to God through St. Dominic Catholic Parish directly support our mission and ministries. Your increased offering will support the: formation of intentional disciples by expanding adult lifelong faith formation and evangelization efforts; education and formation of our children and youth by providing additional resources for our day school and child and youth ministries; ongoing maintenance of our facilities, campus, and technology capabilities. This year, we are asking all households to discuss, as a family, what percentage of income to give back to God through St. Dominic Catholic Parish: Give your first hour or first 2 hours of income per week (2.5% or 5% of your annual income) back to God, to renew your commitment to Christ; If you already give more than 2.5% - 5% of your income, consider an increase. Trust in God to care for all your needs; Give God what He asks of us and offer a 10% tithe; If you haven’t given in the past, make a commitment to God through St. Dominic Catholic Parish. Thank you and God bless. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are called to ignite our faith and to burn with the fire that can’t be contained. Thank you for answering God’s call. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 5 St. Dominic Catholic Parish—Advent In The Home Brought to you by the LFF Department of the School and Children’s Ministry ~Courtesy of Catechist Magazine and “Advent in the Home” by Ellen C. Becker and Mary T. Barnes. 4th Week of Advent During this fourth week of Advent, the HOPE of salvation is near! The “E” represents “excitement” that Jesus is almost here. Are you ready? Read the Gospel of Luke 1: 26-38. Reflect: In today’s Gospel, the Angel Gabriel appears to Mary to tell her that she has “found favor with God,” that she will “bear a son,” and that she will “name him Jesus.” The child will be “called holy, the Son of God.” This is the Fourth Sunday of Advent; it’s the last Sunday of Advent. That means that Christmas is almost here. You can probably feel the excitement building. You’re probably beginning to look forward to the joyful and fun times that you and your family will have on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and the days that follow. Looking forward to good things to come is a sweet feeling! It’s called anticipation and enjoying anticipation is one of the wonderful things that God created within our human nature. We can take great pleasure in looking forward to things. You know what you can do with that sweet feeling of anticipation for all the celebrating that is to come in the weeks ahead? You can lift it up to Jesus as prayer. Really! No kidding! Your excitement is a form of prayer. Lift up your sweet anticipation to Jesus in the form of a prayer of gratitude to Jesus for his own sweet goodness. Share: Talk about what your anticipation for the days ahead fells like. Would you use the word sweet? What other words would you use to describe your anticipation? Act: Share with a family member how your anticipation for the weeks ahead is a form of prayer. Meal prayer for the fourth week of Advent: Heavenly Father, your Son Jesus’ birthday is only a few days away. May his birthday bring joy and happiness to all humankind. May his peace reign throughout the world. May we be the instruments of his peace for those we meet throughout the remainder of this new liturgical year. Amen. Knight Pride Congratulations to eight of our 6th & 7th graders who will represent us at the Catholic Memorial High School STEM challenge on January 27. They will be competing and working with 6th & 7th graders from around the Archdiocese on solving “real world” problems, involving science, technology, engineering and math. Good luck to Izzy P., Clare B., Ryan R., Nick P., Luke P., Kathryn S., Madeline J., and Will S. “Children, let us love not in word and speech but in deed and truth” ~1 John 4:18 Many service projects have been taking place in the school these weeks of Advent. Our fourth graders went to spend time with the residents of CAREage in Brookfield. The Girl Scouts went to help distribute supplies to the parishioners at St. Michael Parish in Milwaukee. Our seventh graders assisted in wrapping the gift boxes for Smiles for Miles. Our kindergarten students have been collecting supplies for a layette to present to Christ Child Society of Greater Milwaukee. With a kind heart and generous spirit the children are truly embracing the gospel message to go out and serve. School Hours During Christmas Break The school office will be closed from 2:45 pm on December 19 - 7:30 am on January 5. Mrs. Fischer will be available by appointment on December 22 and 23. We apologize for any inconvenience. Playgroup New Year’s Eve Party at Noon! Join the Wed. playgroup in Marcy Center, to play and have fun during our regularly scheduled time of 10:00 am noon on December 31. We will be having a New Year’s celebration at “midnight” (noon). Bring a bag lunch to enjoy with friends! Juice, milk and dessert will be provided. Attention 2nd Grade School & LFF Families! Please mark your calendar for the following dates for First Eucharist preparations. If you have any questions please direct them to Mrs. Irvine in the Parish Center. Wednesday, February 4: Eucharist parent meeting #1 at 6:30 pm in Marcy Center (sign up will occur for 1st Eucharist choices on this date until February 13). Wednesday, March 4: Eucharist parent meeting #2 at 6:30 pm in Marcy Center Saturday, April 18: Eucharist parent and child day of reflection 9:00 am until 2:00 pm (only one parent need attend ) Saturday, April 25: Eucharist rehearsal between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm (specific time dependent upon Eucharist Mass time selected; plan for this to take 1 hour). Saturday, May 2 and Sunday, May 3 during Mass times: reception of 1st Eucharist Blessing of a Christmas Tree The use of the Christmas tree is relatively modern. Its origins are found in the medieval mystery plays that depicted the tree of paradise and the Christmas light or candle that symbolized Christ, the Light of the world. According to custom, the Christmas tree is set up just before Christmas and may remain in place until the Solemnity of Epiphany. The lights of the tree are illuminated after the prayer of blessing. In the home the Christmas tree may be blessed by a parent or another family member, in connection with the evening meal on the Vigil of Christmas or at another suitable time on Christmas Day. When all have gathered, a suitable song may be sung. The leader makes the sign of the cross, and all reply “Amen.” The leader may greet those present in the following words: Let us glorify Christ our light, who brings salvation and peace into our midst, now and forever. R/. Amen. In the following or similar words, the leader prepares those present for the blessing: My brothers and sisters, amidst signs and wonders, Christ Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea: his birth brings joy to our hearts and enlightenment to our minds. With this tree, decorated and adorned, may we welcome Christ among us; may its lights guide us to the perfect light. One of those present or the leader reads a text of sacred Scripture, for example: Listen to the words of the Letter of St. Paul to Titus: 3:4-7 But when the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared, not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy, he saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the holy Spirit, whom he richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our savior, so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life. Reader: The Word of the Lord. R/. Thanks be to God. The intercessions are then said. The leader says: Let us ask God to send his blessing upon us and upon this sign of our faith in the Lord. R/. Lord, give light to our hearts. That this tree of lights may remind us of the tree of glory on which Christ accomplished our salvation, let us pray to the Lord. R/. That the joy of Christmas may always be in our homes, let us pray to the Lord. R/. That the peace of Christ may dwell in our hearts and in the world, let us pray to the Lord. R/. After the intercessions the leader invites all present to say the Lord’s Prayer. The leader says the prayer with hands joined: Lord our God, we praise you for the light of creation: the sun, the moon, and the stars of the night. We praise you for the light of Israel: the Law, the prophets, and the wisdom of the Scriptures. We praise you for Jesus Christ, your Son: he is Emmanuel, God-with-us, the Prince of Peace, who fills us with the wonder of your love. Lord God, let your blessing come upon us as we illumine this tree. May the light and cheer it gives be a sign of the joy that fills our hearts. May all who delight in this tree come to the knowledge and joy of salvation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. R/. Amen. The lights of the tree are then illuminated. The leader concludes the rite by signing himself or herself with the sign of the cross and saying: May the God of glory fill our hearts with peace and joy, now and forever. R/. Amen. The blessing concludes with a verse from “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”: O come, thou dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by thine advent here; disperse the gloomy clouds of night and death’s dark shadow put to flight. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. -From Book of Blessings Excerpts from the New American Bible, copyright 1991, 1986, and 1970 by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All rights reserved. Excerpts from the Book of Blessings, additional blessings for use in the United States of America © 1988 USCCB. All rights reserved. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 7 Christmas Greetings From The Catholic Herald! From our family to yours, the Catholic Herald staff wishes you warm Christmas greetings and a blessed 2015! If you don’t already receive the weekly Catholic Herald, start your new year off with a subscription to the publication that will keep you on top of Catholic news in the archdiocese, inspire you with features about your fellow Catholics and challenge you to live out your faith. To subscribe to the weekly publication, call 414.769.3500, toll free 877.769.7699 or visit www.catholicherald.org. Christmas Mass For Homebound Catholics Archbishop Listecki will be the main celebrant and homilist for Christmas Day Mass on local radio and TV stations, for homebound Catholics unable to attend Mass at their respective parishes. Relevant Radio – 100.1 FM/1640 AM, 6:30 am, 1:30 pm and 8:30 pm WCGV-TV, Channel 24, 7:00 am WISN, Channel 12, 12:00 am (Midnight Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukee, with closed captioning) The Big 920 AM, 8:00 am Fox6 TV, Channel 6, 7:00 am To find Christmas Mass times at parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, please visit www.archmil.org/parishes/Find-Mass.htm. Volunteer EMHC’s Needed The Spiritual Services Department at Froedtert Hospital is seeking additional volunteer Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Being a regular Communion minister requires approximately one to two hours per week. If you would like to become a part of this fulfilling ministry, please contact Sister Helen Harry at 414.805.4663. Thank you! Marriage Retreat This day long retreat, for young adult couples in their first five years of marriage, offers an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of your vocation and how you are being invited to live out your faith. Sat., Jan. 24, 10:00 am—5:00 pm St. Margaret Mary Parish Information and Registration can be found at: charisministries.org/ Marriage_Wisconsin_Jan2015. Single Again A Support Group For The Divorced & Separated Single Again is a quadparish support group for those in the process of divorce and beyond. It is open to men and women from any parish or none, does not require registration, and is free. It offers an opportunity to learn, to find support, and to make new friends, all leading to healing. The group meets every other week from 7:00-8:30 PM at St. John Vianney Parish, in the Parish Center, room P201. The next session will be on Thursday, January 2nd, and the topic will be “Forgiveness: Must I?” All are welcome! Archdiocese of Milwaukee Vocation Office Events St. Andrew Dinner, Hosted by Bishop Donald Hying | Friday, January 2 | St. Francis de Sales Seminary Invite young men (high school age or older) who you think have the qualities needed to be a good priest to Mass and dinner with Bishop Hying, priests, seminarians and other young men in discernment. For more information and to RSVP, please call Carla Dal Santo in the Vocation Office at 414.747.6437 or visit us at www.thinkpriest.org | Events | St. Andrew Dinner. Additional questions? Feel free to contact Fr. Dave or Fr. Brad. High School Discernment Groups Monthly groups meet at St. Mary Elm Grove and St. Monica. For more information on high school discernment groups, please go to www.thinkpriest.org | Events | High School Discernment Groups or call the Vocation Office at 414.747.6437. Thursday, January 15 1:00-8:00 pm Archbishop Cousins Catholic Center Technology is an integral part of the learning landscape today. Join us for a day of workshops and sharing about technology and faith. This is for all who work at passing on the faith in today’s world -- formation ministers, volunteers, teachers, priests, deacons, etc. Visit http://www.archmil.org/G3.htm for details and registration. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 8 St. Dominic Catholic Parish St. Dominic Winter Blood Drive The St. Dominic winter blood drive will be in the Marcy Center, on Monday, January 19, 2015, from 1:30-6:30 pm. When you donate blood or a blood component, you give a second chance at life to all kinds of people, young and old. The Blood Center needs 700 units per day to supply the state’s hospital needs. If you have questions or would like to make an appointment, please call Diann Pergande at 262.781.7975. Please keep in mind that walk-ins are also welcome. Make a difference in someone’s life...please donate blood. Women Grace OF Save the date for our next event on Wednesday, January 28 with Father Dom! Father Domenic J. Roscioli brings an enlightening approach to being a Catholic priest through story telling of his unique experiences in life and relating them to the challenges faced by people in their everyday lives. Along my life journey, I’ve discovered why flamingos are pink, what guns and ice cream have in common, and what God whispers to each of us in our mother’s womb. I’d like to share my stories and relate them to your story, in God’s grand design. ~ Father Dom **Please watch the bulletin in the coming weeks for further details.** Do You Suffer From Celiac Disease? Celiac disease is a digestive condition triggered by consumption of the protein gluten, which is found in bread, pasta, cookies, pizza crust and many other foods containing wheat, barley or rye. Gluten is also present in our communion hosts. As Celiac disease becomes more prevalent, the Catholic Church has taken steps to address the needs of those who cannot consume the consecrated hosts. We have a process in place to address those needs. If Celiac disease or another condition make it impossible to receive the customary host, please contact the Parish Center. Are you a fan of our annual trivia knight? The current trivia committee has decided this will be their last year, and are ready to pass the torch. Please contact Mary Bartolone, mbartolone001@wi.rr.com, to get involved and to shadow them! w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t In Loving Remembrance In your charity, please remember in your prayers the following people who recently died: † Arlene M. Krawczyk, mother of Fr. Brad Krawczyk † Donath Roettgers, husband of Patricia † Phyllis Kendall, mother of Stacey (Jason) Seim, grandmother of Katie, Anna and Matthew Seim † Donald Laske, brother of David (Jackie) Laske Remember In Your Prayers… ...parishioners or family of parishioners who are ill, or recovering from injury or surgery, especially Judy Bickler, Russell Bordeaux, Brian Brouillette, Carol Dati, Kaley Donohue, Kathleen Fischer, Bridget Griepentrog, Larry Hanson, Elaine Kleinhans, Dave Kornacki, Tom Leupold, Janet Lillie, Adam David Maresca, Joe Marincic, Marlene Pribe, Kenneth Schaefer, Jeff Steinhardt, Robert Stormowski, Peggy Tate, Jim Toby, Mary Jane Walsh, Dolores Wechter, Kim Widmann, Katie Wilkenson, Jim Wolak, Pat Wutke and Jim Zielinski Sanctuary Lamps The Church Lamp burns in December in memory of Sally Widmann. The Chapel Lamp burns in December for the health of Fr. Luke Strand. "Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect." -- Oren Arnold 9 Mass Intentions Monday, December 22 8:30 am † Larry Wanserski (Rose Neitzel) Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion Tuesday, December 23-St. John of Kanty 6:30 am † Josephine Menz (Helen Schartner) Wednesday, December 24 4:30 pm For All Of Our Parishioners 10:00 pm For All Of Our Parishioners Thursday, December 25-The Nativity of the Lord 8:30 am For All Of Our Parishioners 10:30 am For All Of Our Parishioners Friday, December 26-St. Stephen, The First Martyr 8:30 am † Elisabeth Gansler (Helga & Aleks Nikolic) Anointing of the Sick Rosary in the Chapel after Mass Saturday, December 27-St. John, Apostle & Evangelist 3:30 pm Individual Reconciliation in the Chapel 4:30 pm † Glenn Bardele (Friends) Sunday, December 28-The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 7:30 am † Randall & Ann O’Brien (Joe & Amy O’Brien) 9:00 am † Ronald Prahl (Lou & Barb Kapfhammer) For All Parishioners 11:00 am For the intention of Sheree Friedman (Peter & Jackie Zoellick) Intentions requested by donors to the Christmas Memorials will be remembered daily, throughout the Christmas season. Please visit www.stdominic.net or call the Parish Center for sacramental information. Maintenance Supervisor, Steve Veres ........................ x282 Parish Center……………………………….….....262.781.3480 Pastor, Father David H. Reith………………………………..x222 Associate Pastor, Father Brad Krawczyk……………...x224 Deacon, Larry LaFond…………………………….262.373.0340 Deacon, Greg Diciaula…………………………….262.547.4216 Teaching Parish Seminarian, Michael Thiel………..x229 Administrative Services, Amy Whittenberger….... x253 Child Ministry, Stacey Irvine……………………………….x251 Liturgy & Music, Paul Burzynski..……………………......x240 Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Debbie Olla………..x252 Finance Administration, Karen Chaffee………...…....x223 Marketing-Communications, Meg Picciolo .............. x248 Parish Membership & Events, Molly Schmidt......... x241 Evangelization Minister, Brian Magliocco…………...x620 Administrative Assistants: Finance, Jeanne Verthein ................................................. x227 Liturgy/Music & Human Concerns, Barb Schenauer . x242 Lifelong Faith Formation, Debbie Caputo………….x250 Administrative Support, Judy Shilka........................ x228 Maintenance Staff, Dan Hughes ...................................... x282 Weekend Maintenance Staff, Tim Buckingham...... x282 School Office…………………………………………...783.7565 School Principal, Jill Fischer ............................................. x271 School Secretary, Mary Kay Reinbold .......................... x280 Parish Trustees Michael Ricci .................................................................. 781.1358 Jerry Buting .................................................................... 783.6555 Pastoral Council Officers E-mail ................................... pastoralcouncil@stdominic.net Chair, Don Drees ................................................ 262.781.2516 Vice Chair, Jim Palzewicz ......................... 262.790.1209 Secretary, Meg Siehr ........................................ 262.691.2139 Additional Contacts Marcy Center ........................................................ 781.3480 x233 Marcy Center Kitchen ....................................... 781.3480 x232 Prayer Network: Kathy Monday............................. 790.0535 St. Vincent de Paul Helpline ................................................ x600 Email addresses for all staff members may be found on our website, www.stdominic.net. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 10 Server Schedule Saturday, December 27 4:30 pm Ryan Toth/Deirdre Lagore/ Kathryn Lagore Sunday, December 28 7:30 am Adult Servers 9:00 am Brigid Hughes/Liam Hughes/ Anna Seim 11:00 am Zachary Diez/Tyler Mark/ Mike Weisse Readings for the Week of Dec. 21 Sun: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 /Rom 16:25-27 lk 1:26-38 Mon: 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56 Tues: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Lk 1:57-66 Wed: 2Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Lk 1:67-79 Thurs: Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 Fri: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22 Sat: 1 Jn 1:1-4/Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Sun: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Col 3:12-21 This Week’s Schedule Sunday, December 21 9:00 am Children's Ministry LFF-School 9:00 am Nursery-MC5/6 9:05 am Children's Liturgy of the Word-MC7 10:10 am RCIA-AFM Room 12:30 pm Baptisms-Church 1:30 pm Art & Environment-Church 9:00 pm Adult Men's Basketball-PAF Monday, December 22 9:30 am Milwaukee Catholic Mamas-MC 5/6 Tuesday, December 23 3:00 pm Hebron House Meal-Offsite 7:00 pm Art & Environment-Church Wednesday, December 24 4:10 pm Music Prelude-Church 4:30 pm Christmas Eve Mass-Church 9:15 pm Festival of Music-Church 10:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass-Church Thursday, December 25 8:10 am Music Prelude 8:30 am Christmas Mass-Church 10:10 am Music Prelude 10:30 am Christmas Mass-Church Friday, December 26 6:00 pm AA Meeting-MC6 9:00 pm Adult Co-ed Volleyball-PAF Saturday, December 27 7:00 am Men's Ministry-MC1-3 8:00 am 40+-MC6 Sunday, December 28 10:10 am RCIA-AFM Room 9:00 pm Adult Men's Basketball-PAF DPNQMJNFOUTPG HARDER 5VFT'SJ 781-5154 4BU Lia’s Tailors & Cleaners FUNERAL SERVICE %FBO,)BSEFSr&SJD$)BSEFS Providing the exceptional service and facilities families have come to expect. 18700 W. Capitol Dr. 781-8350 Family Dentistry Final Alterations for Ladies & Men Leather Cleaning & Repair Rosalia Orlando 1BSJTI.FNCFS 8)BNQUPO"WF /8.BJO4U .FOPNPOFF'BMMT www.thecabinetree.com Parish Members 785-0225 parish member 251-2222 GENE A. WAGNER PLUMBING Garage Doors & Openers (262) 784-4250 Menomonee Falls, Wauwatosa, Sussex Vito Marchese - Parish Member PM 18780 W. Burleigh Rd. 781-3140 3&45"63"/5#",&3:t$0$,5"*--06/(&t#"/26&5300.4 ,FWJO0$POOFMMt KOCONNELL13@GMAIL.COM Insured parish member Charles Hewett DDS MS Joshua Barta DDS MS Daniel Holzhauer DDS MS, Parishioner All Occasions Chicago & O’Hare 10225 W. Capitol Dr., Wauwatosa 414-463-5700 520 Hartbrook Dr., Hartland 262-367-7076 www.hhortho.com Bryant Chaffee, Parish Member (414)541-0121 622 North 79th Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-645-5477 Brennanlandscaping.com Timothy T. Brennan BROOKFIELD 4VOEBZ5IVSTEBZBNQN 'SJEBZ4BUVSEBZBNQN 8$BQJUPM%S t'BY OCONOMOWOC DEPOT .POEBZ4VOEBZBNQN &$PMMJOT4U t'BY Kurt Wahlen Jr., Parish Member LIMOUSINES & SEDANS www.goffsautobody.com www.justdrivewi.com 262-439-8419 www.aceofspray.com -BOETDBQFEFTJHOr*OTUBMMBUJPOr.BOBHFNFOU #SJDL4UPOF1BUJP8BMLXBZTrPlantings /JHIU-JHIUJOHr*SSJHBUJPOr:BSE.BJOUFOBODFr'FODJOH 262-641-7455 Complete Homeowners Services Painting - Carpentry - Odd Jobs - Mowing Aeration - Upkeep - Snow Blowing and More... Chaffee Limousine Waukesha (262) 650-1900 Pewaukee (262) 691-2740 Germantown (262) 255-1900 West Allis (414) 327-7100 Locally Owned & Operated KO13 CONSULTING LLC Commercial Residential C o m p l e t e Au t o m o t i v e R e p a i r s - 6 “Providing Affordable Services at Your Church, Chapel or Any One of Our Locations.” Professional Pressure Washing & Parking Lot Striping Au tomotive Inc. AM Guardalabene & Amato Funeral & Cremation Service (414) 541-9217 24 hr. GRISWOLD Hours 7 Schmidt & Bartelt A Company You Can Trust. www.geisdoors.com 'MFYJCMF4DIFEVMFT 4UBUF$FSUJmFE Teens & Adults RONALD J. SCHMIDT, D.D.S. MIKE CRIVELLO CAMERAS Prints from Digital Media $BOWBT.FUBM-BSHF'PSNBU 18110 W. Bluemound Rd. 1BSJTI.FNCFS Complete Plumbing Solutions AUTO BODY INC. David Strigenz Collision & Auto Body Repairs Master Plumber #224873 Parish Member 9921 W. Carmen Ave. (414) 466-0210 Milwaukee, WI 53225 Fax (414) 466-8337 Owner 262-782-5940 A TREE SERVICE 414-325-8678 Tony Pruski 1SVOJOHt3FNPWBMt4UPSN%BNBHF 2VBMJUZXPSLBUBSFBTPOBCMFQSJDF + FRANTL Industries Inc. ROMAN ELECTRIC “Spray On Insulation” Applications Include, But Not Limited To: Attics, Box Sills & Crawl Spaces - Parish Member 262-246-3866tXXXUIFTQSBZHVZTDPN Residential Work Brian Frantl (414) 771-5400 EYE EXAMS –.–.–.– GLASSES –.–.–.– CONTACTS –.–.–.– 23 Convenient Locations wisconsinvision.com 1-800-705-7011 The Orthopedic Institute of Wisconsin This space available. FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATION SERVICES 414-464-4640 www.krausefuneralhome.com Christopher J. Evanich, M.D. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon with speciality interest in joint replacement, sports medicine, hip resurfacing and minimally invasive surgery. 17000 West North Ave., Ste. 201E 2323 N. Mayfair Rd., Ste. 310 (414) 643-8800 For a price quote call Jeff Tkachuk at 262-207-2513 Email: jtkachuk@4LPi.com www.SeekAndFind.com 21300 W. Capitol Dr. A great place to eat XJUIGSJFOETGBNJMZ Call Jeff Tkachuk at 1-800-950-9952 x2513 or e-mail jtkachuk@4LPi.com FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. DOMINIC, BROOKFIELD B 2C 01-0232 07-21-2014 09:41:12 $8.99 WITH COUPON Service Dept. Open in Brookfield Lorenzo Reina - Parishioner 262-786-8440 (not valid with any other offers) 8$BQJUPM%S#SPPLàFME8* 262-781-3336 8#63-&*()30"%r#300,'*&-%8* Marie Grandelis Sales Associate (414) 813-0036 mgrandelis@shorewest.com Office Relocation/Storage Archives Center/Document Scanning tDIDPBLMFZDPN Italian Sports Car Center Darryl D. Stich, D.D.S., Parish Member 8$BQJUPM%SMPDBUJPOPOMZr$BQJUPM%SJWF!$BMIPVO3E (262) 373-1100 PARISH MEMBER REINA INTERNATIONAL AUTO, INC. '".*-: %&/5*453: WITH CARE & CONCERN Landry’s Brookfield BP Adam’s Garage Doors LLC 3BJTJOHZPVSFYQFDUBUJPOTOPUZPVSDPTUT Free Estimates Adam Schultz - Owner adam adamsgaragedoors1@yahoo.com www.adamsgaragedoors.com Ocon Oconomowoc, WI (877) 627-4113 2005 N. Calhoun Rd. Brookfield, WI 53005 262.782.4300 Bp Gasoline with Invigorate http://shorewest.com Exceptional service since 2003 Full & Self Service Gasoline * Premier Diesel Fuel Touchless CarWash -Auto Repairs & Diagnostics Family owned & operated* RENOVATIONS MAINTENANCE PLANTINGS GoYardvark.com (414) 628-8861 Sherry Wittemann Associate Vice President, ABR, CRS, CSRS, GRI Serving Brookfield and the 4U%PNJOJD$PNNVOJUZ Since 1993 CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES TO ST. DOMINICS, FROM THESE FINE CONTRACTORS /P1SFTTVSF“PAINLESS” 3FBM&TUBUF4FSWJDFT Parish Member Since 1983 Direct: 414-807-5356 Web:TIFSSZTIPSFXFTUDPN Email:TXJUUFNBOO!TIPSFXFTUDPN Jim Swiderski 8PSL r$FMM Capital Insurance Agency of Wisconsin, Inc. Personal and Business Jeff Sladky - Parish Member % 781-8080 KTXJEFSTLJ!NDQFUFMBXDPN r#VTJOFTT-BXr3FBM&TUBUF r&NQMPZNFOU-BXr&TUBUF1MBOOJOH Serving Parishioners, Their Businesses and Their Families KORNACKI & ASSOCIATES Painting/Wallcoverings, Furnishings Parish Member Daniel G. Gundrum, CFP® Financial Advisor - Parish Member -PDBUFEJO #SPPLmFME8* ) Commercial Interior Design, Construction/Remodeling, (262) 784-3323 Residential & Commercial 262-373-3800 414.545.8500 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS NEED A NEW ROOF? -JDFOTFEt*OTVSFE John Norfolk - Parish Family creativebusinessinteriors.com PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGEMENT 800-792-2473 tEHVOESVN!SXCBJSEDPN ROBERT W. BAIRD & CO &BTU8JTDPOTJO"WFOVF.JMXBVLFF8* 1-800-748-3766 www.1800riteroof.com t'BY A Division of Kappl Construction, Inc. Charles W. Steinbach, D.D.S. 1-800-386-1204 Thomas A. Steinbach, D.D.S. 1-866-603-1600 “In a competitive marketplace it pays to have the advantage” PATRICK & ELIZABETH KANE, PARISH MEMBERS Enviromental, Safety and Recycling Services Tobin J. Strupp DDS Family Dentistry Since 1985 PARISH MEMBERS Accepting New Patients 14335 W. Capitol Dr. Brookfield Office: (262) 783-3311 jvilione@enviro-safe.com (262) 790-2500 www.enviro-safe.com www.struppdentistry.com 414-403-6279 (MARY) “If it’s a home you’re seekin’, call Mary Deeken!” Triangle Tool Corporation ROY LUTHER PRESIDENT 8609 W. Port Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53224 5&- t'"9 David Marcello 262-893-8705 dmarcello@shorewest.com 5IF3JHIU1FPQMF5IF3JHIU*EFBT5IF3JHIU5PPMT Frank Fantazzi, PT, ,DPT, OCS Parish Member Mark Snyder, PT, DPT -BOETDBQJOHr%FTJHO 3FOPWBUJPOr(SPVOET$BSF 8BMLXBZTBOE1BUJPT 5SFF4DJFODF4FSWJDFT www.AmerLandscape.com 262-252-4260 (262) 796-2850 Family Founded and Operated for 40 years 700 Pilgrim Parkway, Elm Grove Shea Hughes - Owner / Parish Member Serving real estate needs E-Mail: jmueller@4LPi.com for more information Business Tax and Accounting Individual Tax Preparation r"DDVSBUF r3FTQPOTJWF r0OFUP0OF4FSWJDF"DDPVOUJOH Joseph M. King Vice President - Investments Peter R. Bray, CPA Susan M. Schmidt, CPA 8FTU/PSUI"WFOVFr8BVXBUPTB8* XXXCSBZDPDPNr FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-950-9952 Member FINRA/SIPC Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 20800 Swenson Drive, Suite 200 Waukesha, WI 53186 Tel: 262-798-3732 Fax: 262-798-3595 Toll Free: 800-823-1410 joseph.king@wfadvisors.com WWW.4LPi.COM DAVID S. BOMHACK, Agent dave@davebomhack.com ST. DOMINIC, BROOKFIELD 21150 W. Capitol Dr. Brookfield, WI Phone 781-2700 A 4C 01-0232 07-21-2014 09:41:12
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