for KOUTS Elementary, Middle & Senior High Schools
Volume 48 Number 38
December 11, 2014
Elementary Grades K-5
Daily $2.15/Weekly $10.75
Visitors Lunch
Middle/High School Grades 6-12
Daily $2.25/Weekly $11.25
(choice not available to elementary)
VISITORS: To reserve a lunch you must call the school by 9:00 a.m.
Corn Dog
Mandarin Oranges
BBQ Chicken
Garlic Toast
Bosco Cheese Stick
Marinara Sauce
Green Beans
Fresh Fruit
Potato Smiles
Popcorn Chicken
Dinner Roll
Potatoes & Gravy
Fresh Fruit
Chicken Ranch
Spicy Chicken
Glazed Chicken
Pizza Bosco
Dec. 11
Dec. 12
Dec. 13
Dec. 14
Dec. 15
Dec. 16
Wednesday Dec. 17
Dec. 18
Dec. 20
Before School Class Rings Delivered – PAR Gym Lobby
5:30 PM
Boys C-Team Basketball @ MC Marquette
6:30 PM
Elementary Winter Concert – Elem. Gym
5:30 PM
Boys Varsity/JV Basketball SC H – Homecoming
11:00 AM
Girls Varsity/JB Basketball @ Morgan Twp.
7:00 PM
Homecoming Dance until 10:00 PM
2:00 PM
High School Band/Choir Winter Concert – Auditorium
5:00 PM
HS Play Auditions – Auditorium
5:00 PM
7th Boys Basketball Hanover H
4:30 PM
8th Boys Basketball @ Hanover
6:00 PM
Boys C-Team Basketball @ LaCrosse
5:30 PM
Girls Varsity/JV Basketball Boone Grove H
8:25 AM
Late Start Wednesday – School starts at 8:25 AM
3:00 PM
Middle School Winter Dance – New Gym until 5:00
4:30 PM
MS Boys Basketball @ North Judson
5:00 PM
Boys C-Team Basketball Knox H
Dec. 19
School Will Be In Session
5:30 PM
Boys Varsity/JV Basketball Westville H
6:00 PM
Girls Varsity/JV Basketball @ Hebron
6:00 PM
Christmas Coffee House – HS Cafeteria
School Will Be In Session December 19
School will be in session on Friday, December 19th. The calendar in the front of the student handbook which
says school is not in session is incorrect. School will be in session Dec. 19th.
German Classes Visit Christkindlmarkt
On December 2, the second-, third- and fourth-year German
classes traveled to Chicago for the annual German
Christkindlmarkt in Nuremberg, Germany. The market offers
students a wonderful opportunity to directly connect with the
German culture through language skills with vendors, to taste authentic German food specialties including
wiener schnitzel, potato pancakes, gingerbread, candied nuts, mulled cider, marzipan candies and
chocolate. Students learned about handcrafted German toys and ornaments from nutcrackers, incense
smokers, cuckoo clocks, and music boxes to hand-blown ornaments and carved village scenes. It is
wonderful that our students were able to enjoy this type of authentic German experience so close to home.
Need A Tax Deduction?
In the event you are looking for a tax deduction, we encourage you to seriously
consider making a contribution to the KHS Memorial Scholarship Fund. The Fund is
a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity and contributions are a legitimate tax deduction which
also benefits members of the senior class who qualify. Normally each year
approximately one-third of the graduating class receive some financial assistance to
pursue advanced education. Members of the Class of 2014 received a combined
total of $30,000 which was funded by the Fund's interest and dividends.
Contribution checks should be made payable to KHS Memorial Scholarship Fund and mailed (or dropped
off) to Principal Tom Stoner, Kouts High School, P.O. Box 699, Kouts, IN 46347. In the event you wish your
contribution credited to one of the fifty-plus named scholarships, make a notation on the check's memo line.
A complete list of all current named scholarships is available in the school office. The Scholarship
Committee thanks you for your consideration.
Cheer News
The Throwback Classic game was one which was especially enjoyable for the cheerleaders. Never ones to
be left out of a moment of fun, the girls decided to dress in 50’s style. However, without some assistance,
the girls would never have been able to do this. First, the girls developed the idea but had no idea how to
get started, so Linda Clinton bought fabric and helped develop a prototype. Next, Gloria Neary became the
girls’ personal shopper as she went from store to store to make sure all the shirts were alike. Then it was
Kathy Schneider who not only designed the girls’ shirts but made them, too. Finally, Kristle Crider made
most of the poodle skirts, a tremendous undertaking. Without the help of these ladies, the cheerleaders
would never have been able to participate in this activity. A cheer for you, ladies!
The Kouts Music Boosters
Proudly Presents
The 1st Annual
Kouts Community Family
Movie Night
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Doors Open at 5:30 pm
PAR Gym – Door 10
Movie Starts at 6:00 pm
Cost is $2.50 each
(Includes 1 water & 1 popcorn)
Wear your pajamas and bring your pillows and blankets and enjoy a wonderful,
fun-filled evening with your entire family.
Feel free to bring your own snacks and bottled pop
(No cans or 2 liters)
** Elementary students and younger must be accompanied by an adult **
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.”
– Buddy the Elf
KHS Christmas Coffee House
Join us for a relaxing evening of live music, food, and holiday charm at the first ever
KHS Christmas Coffee House. This event will happen in the MS/HS Cafeteria at 6:00
p.m. on December 20. Tickets are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for MS/HS Students.
(KES students attend free.) All ticket proceeds will go to HS Student Council, with the
hopes of purchasing a more user-friendly, easily-portable sound system for
assemblies and dances. If you or your student wishes to perform in the Coffee
House, please contact Ms. Calvert! (
From The Guidance Counselor
The First Trust Credit Union is offering the Virginia Stevens Memorial Career Scholarship to a senior
pursuing an associate's degree, certification, or licensing in a specialized field. The qualifications include:
being a member or child of a member of the First Trust Credit Union, enrolling in a non-four year program,
an essay, application and a letter of recommendation. Please see Mrs. Robinson for more information. The
deadline for the application is February 20, 2015.
The First Trust Credit Union is also offering a scholarship in honor of Del Lonzo, a long term member,
officer, and director of First Trust Credit Union. The criteria includes: member or child of a member of the
First Trust Credit Union, enrollment in an accredited institution for post high school education or training,
pursuing a four-year degree, scholastic achievement, involvement in school and community activities, an
essay and a letter of recommendation. Please see Mrs. Robinson for more information. The deadline for
the application is February 20, 2015.
Saturday, December 13
MS Choir Field Trip to Chicago Street Theatre
Departure - 1:40pm; Return - 5:30-6pm
Monday, December 15
B 7 BB vs. Hanover H - 5:00pm
B 8 BB @ Hanover - 4:30pm
Wednesday, December 17 MS Christmas Dance - 3:00-5:00pm (New Gym)
Admission: $3 w/no food pantry donation
$1 w/2 food pantry items
Thursday, December 18
B 7/8BB @ North Judson - 4:30pm
Friday, December 19
Class Competition - “Crazy Christmas Clothing Day”
Angel Tree Is Ready for Gift-givers!
Student Council members decorated the elementary office
Christmas tree this week, and besides the beautiful
ornaments, tags with gift requests were also hung. You are
invited to retrieve a tag and purchase a gift for a KES
student. All recipients and donors are kept confidential.
This year, there are additional tags requesting gas, grocery,
and general gift cards (in any denomination) for use
throughout the school year.
Mrs. Gutierrez, Student
Service Specialist, will ensure the gift cards are distributed
to those in need.
Thank you in advance for your generosity during this season
of giving.
Elementary Echoes
Kouts Elementary
Volume 8, Number 16
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Coming Soon...
Student Birthdays Recognized
Tonight..…..Music Program—Gr. K-2 (Elem. Gym), 6:30 PM
Happy birthday to the following students that celebrated
Dec. 15………………………….Followers Bible Club, 2:45 PM
their special day during the weeks of December 8-14:
Dec. 16………………………………..Art Club—Gr. 5, 2:45 PM
Market Day Pick-up, 4:20-5:00 PM
Dec. 19…………………………………Last Day of School 2014
Classroom Parties 1:30 PM
Dec. 22-Jan. 2……………...No School—Christmas Vacation
Jan. 5…………………………………………......School Resumes
Student Council Candy Cane Sale to Benefit
Kaitlyn Reasoner
For the past several years, the KES Student Council has
sold candy canes during the Christmas season, with all
proceeds benefitting Riley Children’s Hospital. This year,
they chose to help one of our own. Sixth grader Kaitlyn
Reasoner has been hospitalized since late October.
Kaitlyn’s speed in healing has been nothing short of
miraculous, and we look forward to the day when she will
return to Kouts Middle School.
(Check out for current updates.)
The Kouts
community has been amazing with support of Kaitlyn and
her family, and KES would like to help, as well. Thank you
in advance for your donation.
Grade—Brielle Lobody.
We hope your day was extra
“Super Strides Student” Selected
We are excited to announce that first grader Lucas
Kleckner has been chosen as a Super Strides Student.
His teacher, Mrs. Evans, states that Lucas has made
significant growth in all subjects, is a hard worker, is
dedicated, and has a great attitude.
Lucas; we’re very proud of you!
Lucas received a personalized badge as a memento, a
signed certificate, and will host the traveling trophy until
the next SSS is selected. He is pictured below.
Candy canes will be sold for $0.25 each and will be
delivered next week. The last day to order will be
tomorrow, December 12th.
Read to Succeed Program
Will Begin Next Week
As we have done in the past, we plan to participate in the
Six Flags Six-Hour Reading Program this year. Students
who complete six hours of recreational reading by
February 18, 2015, will earn a free admission ticket to the
Six Flags theme park. A letter and log sheet will be sent
home with all students next week so students can begin
reading and logging those minutes. We hope that parents
will encourage their children to read, not only to earn the
admission ticket, but also to improve their reading skills
and expand their knowledge.
Media Center Access Is Available
Parents and students, did you know that you’re able to
see what’s available in our Media Center?
It’s now an
easy process. Simply log on to the corporation website,, and choose “Follett Destiny” from
the left column.
If you click on “Kouts Elementary
School,” you will be directed to the library site and can
view our inventory and current availability. Check it out!
Pledge Leaders Announced
Leading the Pledge and/or read morning announcements
this week were the following students:
Natalie Kozub
(3K), Alivia Carlson (3W), Cole Brown (4K), Lucas Nicolei
(4J), and Jaycob Dooley (4P). We love to hear the sweet
sound of the students’ voices first thing in the morning!
High Attendance Winners Recognized
Congratulations to last week’s High Attendance winners:
Kindergarten—Kindergarten—Miss Postma (100%); First
Grade—Mrs. Evans (100%); Second Grade—Mrs. Gant;
Third Grade—Mrs. Klunder (100%); Fourth Grade—Mrs.
Markley (100%); and Fifth Grade—Mrs. Dorshorst.
Elementary Echoes continues on the next page.
Elementary Echoes
Kouts Elementary
Volume 8, Number 16
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Part-time Lunch/Recess Aide Needed
Kindergartners Enjoy Kouts Police Visit
An opening has become available for a lunch/recess aide
To reinforce occupations in the neighborhood and the
on Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30-1:15. We are looking
tools used within those occupations, Officer Marshall
for an individual that is firm, fair, and consistent and
visited the school playground with a town squad car and
loves to work with children.
his unmarked police car. He did a talk with the students
If interested, please
complete an application and forward to Mrs. Eich. The
about the kinds of tools used on his job.
application can be found on the corporation website,
kindergarten would like to thank Officer Marshall for,
taking time out of his busy schedule to capitalize on this
“Applications/Forms.” (Choose “Classified.)
Lunch with the Principal Held
The following students had Lunch with the Principal,
including ice cream, this week:
Deehan, Mia Brown, Tyler Gant, and Gavin DeYoung;
learning experience.
Following are some of the things
children learned about the tools a police officer uses:
“Officer Marshall uses handcuffs for people who do
something wrong.” Bella Birky
First Grade—Cora Hamstra, Aiden Furman, and Owen
“Police officers have computers in their cars.”
Griffin; Second Grade—Allie Daugherty, Cassie Breitzke,
Kaylah Jacobs, and Addison Enright; Third Grade—Sam
Deardorff, Caleb Bullington, and Arianna Bullington;
Fourth Grade—Owen Chatwell, Matthew Baker, and
Damion Castator; and Fifth Grade—Olivia Kocon, Keegan
Cochran, and Stephanie Boone.
All of
“Police officers use guns to settle the bad guys down.”
Audrey Tharp
“Officer Marshall uses a vest for protection.”
Student Half-birthdays Recognized
Happy half-birthday to the following students that will
celebrate their special day during the week of June 8-14:
Kindergarten—Caitlyn Allen; First Grade—Cole Snyder;
Second Grade—Olivia Hessling and Timmy Jones; Third
Grade—Chloe Hussung and Annalea Nicolei; Fourth
Grade—Amelia Ash; and Fifth Grade—Olivia Hanlon. We
hope your summer birthdays will be extra special!
Visit us @
VU Students Share Science Stations with Fourth Graders
Our fourth-grade students had the exciting opportunity to cycle through twelve different science stations yesterday,
each designed and presented by a Valparaiso University junior undergrad.
Topics such as earthquakes, the solar
system, paper chromatography, the water cycle, recycling, energy, and the causes of weather were explored hands-on.
The students were completely enthralled, and their busy hum of excitement could be heard down the hallways. We
thank the VU students and professor for including KES students in their coursework and increasing their excitement
about science.