PARENTS’ PARAGRAPHS for KOUTS Elementary, Middle & Senior High Schools Volume 49 Number 9 March 6, 2015 Elementary Grades K-5 Visitors Lunch Daily $2.15/Weekly $10.75 Middle/High School Grades 6-12 $3.10 Daily $2.25/Weekly $11.25 (choice not available to elementary) VISITORS: To reserve a lunch you must call the school by 9:00 a.m. MONDAY 3/9 TUESDAY 3/10 WEDNESDAY 3/11 THURSDAY 3/12 FRIDAY 3/13 Pig in the Blanket Baked Beans Peaches Cookie MILK Choice Chimichanga Macaroni & Cheese PB & Jelly Green Beans Fresh Fruit Chicken & Noodles Hot Roll Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Mandarin Oranges Crispy Chicken Tenders Bread & Butter Broccoli Pineapple Cheese Pizza Carrots Fruit Dessert MILK MILK MILK MILK Choice Surprise Choice Salisbury Patty Choice Hot Ham on Pretzel Roll Choice Surprise Calendar Thursday Mar. 5 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:30 PM Saturday Mar. 7 Sunday Monday Mar. 8 Mar. 9 Tuesday Mar. 10 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2:00 AM 4:15 PM 7:00 PM All Day 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 8:25 AM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 5:30 PM Friday Wednesday Mar. 11 Thursday Mar. 12 Friday Saturday Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Girls 7/8 Basketball @ Morgan Twp. Girls 6th Basketball @ Westville Boys 7/8 Volleyball @ Wash. Twp. IHSAA Boys Basketball Sectional @ Kouts 5:30 PM Kouts vs. Washington, 7:00 PM MC Marquette vs. 21st Century Girls 6th Basketball Morgan Twp. H Girls 7th Basketball @ Hebron IHSAA Boys Sectional Championship @ Kouts Daylight Savings Time begins – move clocks ahead one hour Girls 7/8 Basketball @ Hebron School Board Meeting – CAO MS/HS Student Council Assembly in Indy (departure 4:45 AM) Girls 6th Basketball @ Wash. Twp. Boys 7/8 Volleyball @ Boone Groove Late Start Wednesday – School starts at 8:25 AM Girls 6th Basketball Wanatah H Boys 7/8 Volleyball Hebron/Wanatah H Girls 7/8 Basketball @ Boone Grove 4H – Cafeteria Elementary Fun Night – New Gym IHSAA Boys Basketball Regional @ Triton HS – Tentative Senior Trip Departure to Washington, D.C. FAFSA Forms Due March 10, 2015 Parents and students can begin to complete The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is available on the website: . It is recommended to download the form and then complete it on-line. You can also call for a paper copy at: 1-800-433-3243. This is the form used to determine financial aid for students pursuing post-secondary education, whether that be in grants, loans, or work-study. It is recommended that all senior students pursuing post-secondary complete the form, whether you think you qualify for financial aid or not. The form must be post-marked by March 10, 2015 in order to qualify for Indiana financial aid monies. Arts-A-Budding Congratulations to the following middle school art students! Their art work has been selected to be in the Annual Arts-A-Budding Show at the Chapel of the Resurrection on the Valparaiso University campus. Show Dates: February 28-March 11, 2015 Awards reception: Sunday, March 8, 2015 @ 2:00pm Haleigh Wright, Matt Higbie, Leilah Boyd, Malachi Wittmer, Sarah Chavez, Kenna Howard, Kyle Kristoff, Hunter Yager, Lauren Drang, Alyssa Cornett From The Middle School The middle school students, faculty and staff would like to thank all of the local organizations for the generous donations we received for ISTEP. Middle school students were provided with granola bars, apples, and water on the ISTEP days this past week. The students were glad to get a snack before taking the test. A BIG thanks to Family Express, Town and Country, Strack & Van Til, and Save-a-Lot for your donations. A special thanks to Mrs. Wireman for picking up the water for us from Family Express. We are hopeful we will be able to provide snacks for the April tests as well. SHAWN MOYER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP An Endowed Scholarship Fund Shawn Moyer, a 1999 Kouts High School graduate, was the recipient of a Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship. He elected to attend Taylor University where he was studying accounting. In the fall of his sophomore year, the cancer that he had overcome in high school returned. While he fought valiantly against this disease and completed his third semester, he died on January 2, 2001, one day before his 20 th birthday. Thanks to the generous support of Lilly Endowment Inc., the remaining portion of Shawn’s scholarship has been set aside to establish the Shawn Moyer Memorial Scholarship. Shawn thoroughly enjoyed the time he spent at Taylor University and we can think of no better way to remember Shawn than through the gift to future students of a similar opportunity. Scholarship applications are due to Mrs. Robinson in the guidance office Mar.21, 2015. The scholarship guidelines are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The student must be a resident of Porter County. The student must be a graduate of Kouts High School. The student must attend a four year college or university in Indiana. The application process is open to all students with a preference given to students who elect to attend a Christian institution. The student may be an entering freshman or a returning student. The selection shall be made by the Porter County Community Foundation Scholarship Committee after receiving recommendations from the Kouts High School Guidance Department and the Moyer family consisting of Nicholas, Beverly and/or their children. All members of the Selection Committee and the Moyer family shall abide by and make disclosures pursuant to the Conflict of Interest Policy of the Porter County Community Foundation. Children or grandchildren of the selection committee and the Moyer family are not eligible to receive this scholarship. The selection shall be made on the basis of financial need, capacity to succeed, and a demonstration of a personal enthusiasm for life and learning reminiscent of Shawn. The scholarship shall be paid from the annual earnings of the Fund according to the Foundation’s duly adopted Distribution Policy. The first award was made in the spring of 2001. From The Guidance Counselor The Purdue Women in Engineering would like to invite women in their junior year of high school with an interest in engineering to a program called Juniors Exploring Engineering at Purdue. Take advantage of this opportunity on Monday April 13, 2015 to visit, explore, and research all the facets of engineering. If interested, you will need to register early as only 250 students are accepted. Please see Mrs. Robinson for more information. Three C's Memorial Scholarship: On October 24, 2003, three Bremen men were killed on their way home from a high school football game. Casey Miller, Chad Beeson, and Carey Jones were all volunteer statisticians who enjoyed giving their time to help young people. To keep their spirit alive, the 3 C's Memorial Scholarship was established. The hope is that the scholarship recipients will take pride in representing the three special qualities of these great men: Courage, Character, and Committment. Eligibility requirements include: high school senior, active in the school or community, have a minimum GPA equivalent to a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, have competed six athletic seasons during high school as an athlete, trainer, manager, cheerleader, etc... If interested in an application, please see Mrs. Robinson. The deadline is March 31, 2015. From The Desk Of Mr Stoner A couple weeks ago the poms squad issued a challenge to Officer Marshall, Mr Owney, and me. The challenge was if they earned $750 or more for Riley Children’s Hospital they would be allowed to apply the make-up they wear to the games to our faces. Well, they made it, and we did it. Awesome job girls! We are proud of you. KMS KEEP THE DATE! Saturday, March 7 G 6 BB vs. Morgan Twp. - 9:00am G 7 BB @ Hebron - 9:00am Monday, March 9 MS Student Govt Meeting - after school til 3:30pm G 7/8 BB @ Hebron - 4:15pm Tuesday, March 10 MS/HS Student Council Convention in Indianapolis (8th gr members - departure 4:45am SHARP!) G 6 BB @ Washington Twp. - 4:30pm B 7/8 VB @ Boone Grove - 4:30pm Thursday, March 12 G 6 BB vs. Wanatah - 4:30pm B 7/8 VB vs. Hebron/Wanatah - 4:30pm G 7/8 BB @ Boone Grove - 4:30pm INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE-NORTHWEST The Freshman to Physician Experience Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. CDT IU School of Medicine-Northwest Dunes Medical Professional Building Questions Answered! n How can the Freshman to Physician Experience at IU Northwest prepare me for medical school? n How can I get accepted into the IU School of Medicine? n What medical research opportunities are available to me as an undergraduate? n What do current students say about medical education at the Northwest campus? A continental breakfast and lunch will be served. For more information or to RSVP by April 6, visit: or call 219-980-6504. Leading Role: Starring You! Supporting Roles: Starring Your High School Teachers The Concurrent Enrollment office at Purdue North Central invites you to the world premier of : “CEP FIRST LOOK” Before you jump into the world of college, wouldn’t you want to get a sneak peak first? Come join us to learn about the many benefits of earning college credits while still in high school! March 10, 2015 6:30 – 7: 30 pm Purdue University North Central Library-Student-Faculty Building Room 144 Elementary Echoes Kouts Elementary Volume 8, Number 26 Thursday, March 5, 2015 Coming Soon . . . Arts-a-Budding Students Selected Tomorrow..............................................................Spirit Day Each year, local art teachers are asked to select the twelve best pieces of art produced within their art program. This year, Mr. Wright chose the following students to represent Kouts Elementary School: Cora Hamstra 1D, Jessica Lambert 1W, Madeleine Ozahanics 3K, Madisyn Pavlick 3W, Meghan Krueger 4J, Lauren McGriff 4K, Lydia Reasoner 4P, Jesslyn Gudeman 4P, Kaydence Harman 4K, Olivia Kocon 5A, and Kaitlynn Ready 5K. Their artwork will be on display at this weekend’s Arts-a-Budding exhibit at Valparaiso University Chapel of the Resurrection. These honored students, along with their families and friends, are invited to the opening award ceremony from 2:00-3:00 PM on Sunday, March 8th. Doors will open to the public at 1:00 PM. Artwork may be previewed tomorrow from 8:00 AM-6:00 PM and Saturday from 8:00 AM-2:00 PM. March 8...Arts-a-Budding Award Ceremony—VU, 2:00 PM March 9-12................................Scholastic Spring Book Fair March 10......................................Art Club—Gr. 4, 2:45 PM March 10....................Family Night Book Fair, 3:00-6:00 PM March 12-18..................................................IREAD-3—Gr. 3 March 13.............................Family Fun Night, 6:00-8:00 PM Family Fun Night to Be Held Next Week Be sure to mark your calendars now for next Friday, March 13, when PETT will host its free Family Fun Night from 6:00-8:00 PM in the elementary gym. Students and their families are invited to enjoy open gym for basketball, an inflatable obstacle course and bounce house, golf, hula hoops, jump rope, corn hole, Wii Just Dance, and refreshments. We’re very proud of these artistic KES students! Bus Drivers Needed Bus drivers for Corporation needed. the (Kouts, If East Porter Morgan, and interested, please M.A.T.H. Bowl Team Places Fourth County School Washington) contact are Jennifer, Transportation Manager, at 766-2214, ext. 4342. Training We’re extremely proud of our KES team placing fourth out of a field of nine tough teams at last week’s competition. The team, led by Coach Dorshorst and assisted by parent Pete Wood, is pictured below. will be provided at no cost. Spring Book Fair Is Almost Here! Parents and students, mark your calendars now for the Scholastic Spring Book Fair to be held beginning Monday, March 9, through Thursday, March 12. The Family Night Book Fair will be held on Tuesday, March 10, from 3:006:00 PM in the LGI Room. You may preview the available selection by clicking the link below: yschool1. Students will have the opportunity during the week of the Fair to visit with their class and make purchases. support. We sincerely appreciate the community’s Bottom Row: Japheth, Cale, Lucas, Carson, Gabe, Colten, and Gunner Middle Row: Jesslyn, Brielle, Kayla, Lyndsey, Baleigh, and Jessica Top Row: Hunter, Caleb, Cody, Aden, Joe, and Owen (Not pictured, Mark) Elementary Echoes continues on the next page. Elementary Echoes Kouts Elementary Volume 8, Number 26 Thursday, March 5, 2015 High Attendance Winners Announced Lunch with the Principal Held Congratulations to last week’s High Attendance winners: Having Lunch with the Principal this week, including ice Kindergarten—Miss Postma (100%); First Grade—Mrs. cream, were fourth graders Emmy Malone, Anyssa Evans; Second Grade—Mrs. Merrell; Third Grade—Mrs. Heinold, and Aubrey Lundquist; and fifth graders Klunder; Fourth Grade—Mrs. Miller; and Fifth Grade— Michael Taylor, Laney Rosich, and Kaitlynn Ready. Mrs. Dorshorst. Student Birthdays Recognized Congratulations to the February High Attendance winner, Mrs. Markley’s fourth-grade class. They’ll enjoy a donut/juice breakfast tomorrow, courtesy of PETT. Family Science Fair to Be Held April 21st This year’s Family Science Fair will be held on Tuesday, Happy birthday to the following students that celebrated their special day during the week of March 2-8: First Grade—Connor Spagna; Second Grade—Sophia Tikalsky; Third Grade—Henry Alcock and Jeffrey McBride; and Fifth Grade—Kendrah Miller and Hunter Wood. We hope your day was extra special! April 21, from 6:00-7:00 PM in the KES hallways. All KES students will complete a science project within the following formats: Grades K-1—Classroom projects Grades 2-3—Group projects Grades 4-5—Individual/partner projects Pledge Leaders Announced Last year’s Fair had 70+ participants. We look forward to seeing this year’s projects on display! More information will be coming home later this month, so please watch for it. KES Yearbooks Now on Sale Title I Reading Counts Challenge for February The 2014-2015 KES yearbook is now on sale through next Friday, March 13. The full-color yearbook, sure to be a treasured memento by each student, is available for only $13.00 per copy. Ordering information was sent home with students last week, or you may simply send in an envelope with your child’s name, teacher, and payment. (Please make checks payable to Inter-State Studios.) Parents, we typically only order a few extra yearbooks each year, so if you’d like to ensure your child receives one, please order yours today! The following students recited the Pledge of Allegiance and/or read morning announcements: Malyssa Weaver (5D), Lucas Hessling (3S), Lily Keown (2S), Anthony Adcock (3K), and Arianna Bullington (3W). We love to hear the sweet sound of the students’ voices first thing in the morning! Ms. Roccia wishes to congratulate students who were able to complete the 10 books or 100 pages of reading during the cold month of February. Yes, you may also read to your child and that counts! Thank you, parents, for helping with this accomplishment. Grade 1: Kole Juergens, Jaslyne Robledo, Cailee Lemons, Alyssa Loveitt, Gracie Griffey, Sam Maxwell, and Anthony Hoover Grade 2: Drew Kristoff, Aaron Kristoff, Hailee Stewart, Morgan Prieto, Eva Lopez, Sara Myers, Kylee Jorgensen, Zander Oehlman, Aiden Brown, Kayla Hoover, and Star Bartels Grade 3: Kenny Ringler, Alivia Carlson, Sarabelle Semento, Ally Biller, Jeffrey McBride, Joey Cooper, and Holly Baldner, The next challenge ends on Tuesday, March 31. Everyone can use Spring Break to get some recreational reading on their busy agendas. Attention, Parents! What is Junior Achievement? Junior Achievement is a not for profit organization that educates students in grades k-12th grade with real world concepts. JA’s 3 Pillars for success are Financial Literacy, Work Readiness and Entrepreneurship. JA’s programs are taught by volunteers like YOU! More than 170,000 business and community representatives are helping young people develop the competence, confidence and character needed for success in school, work and life. Sign Up For Junior Achievement! Dear Parents, The Junior Achievement Programs will once again be implemented at our school. JA brings the Real World to life in the classroom! If your child had JA last year, I’m sure you heard all about it! In order to give our children this amazing opportunity, we need your help! Volunteers play a key role in bringing JA to life and we need a volunteer who is willing to give a few hours of their time. By presenting JA’s programs and sharing your personal and/or professional experiences with students, you help them make the connection between what they are learning in school and what they will need to succeed in work and life! Students who participate in the JA program are also eligible for JA scholarships when they are seniors in high school. Here is what we need from you: Volunteer your time in your child’s classroom or a classroom that may not have a volunteer! Only a few hours are all it takes. As a volunteer, you meet with a JA staff member from our school to receive a JA kit with ALL of the materials needed, including STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS necessary to present the “hands on” activities. There is no teaching experience required. JA makes it easy to follow and fun! Plus, teachers are in the class for support! You will become a JA Parent Rock Star in the eyes of your child and their peers! Can’t volunteer, then possibly help secure one for the classroom. The following teachers are in need of a volunteer: 1st Grade—Mrs. Evans, 2nd Grade—Mrs. Spagna, and 4th Grade—Mrs. Markley All new JA volunteers will attend a short orientation that is presented by a Jr. Achievement Representative. To volunteer, contact Roz Malouhos, JA Program Manager, or mobile: 219-263-9843 Visit to learn more about Junior Achievement! KOUTS GIRLS SPRING/SUMMER SOFTBALL AGE GROUPS 6-8 9-10 11-12 13-16 AS OF 12/31/2014 The registration fees for 2015 are $75 per girl, $130 for two girls and $160 for a family of three or more girls. The fee charge will cover uniforms, league fees, league insurance and umpires. Registration will be held at the Kouts Library February 28, 2015 from 9 to 11:30. If you cannot make that date you can mail in your registration to 378 E 1200 S Kouts In. 46347. This year there will be a $10 late fee if received after February 28. If mailing in post marked by February 28. There will be fundraisers this year and your coaches will let you know when they will begin. Checks Payable to: KOUTS GIRLS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION NAME:_______________________________________ AGE:_________ D.O.B________________________________ PARENTS:___________________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________________ PHONE:______________________________________ CELL:_______________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT:________________________________ PHONE:_________________________________ UNIFORM INFORMATION (THE SHIRTS RUN VERY SMALL SO GO UP 2 SIZES) SHIRTS: PANTS: SOCKS: YOUTH SMALL MED LARGE WOMEN SMALL MED LARGE YOUTH SMALL MED LARGE WOMEN SMALL MED LARGE YOUTH (5-7) INTER (7-9) X-LARGE (OR LARGER) X-LARGE (OR LARGER) ADULT (10-13) *****This year we will provide softball pants instead of shorts. **IF YOU WILL LIKE TO HELP IN ANY WAY FROM COACHING TO HELPING WITH FIELDS PLEASE CALL DAVE LANDFADT 219-508-6710 OR HEATHER RONEY 219-688-4549. THANK YOU** *The organization responsible for this material is an organization independent from and not sponsored by the EPCSC. The opinions or expressions contained in this material are not necessarily the views of the school or EPCSC. *CONSENT/RELEASE* I give permission for my child______________________________ to participate in the Kouts Girls Spring/Summer Softball League program. I agree to release all coaches, players, league officials and umpires of any liability in the event your child is accidentally injured while practicing, playing games, or attending any event associated with the league. Also by signing below as the parent or guardian of ________________________________I give league permission to medically treat the child for an injury or illness if you are not able to be contacted right away through the emergency number given. *CODE OF CONDUCT* Kouts Girls Spring/Summer Softball Association firmly believes in the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, courage, and respect of authority. With this in mind, we have established the following Code Of Conduct for all age group leagues: *All players, coaches, umpires, scorekeepers and fans shall be treated with respect. *Coaches, players, and fans shall not demean their own players, opposing players or umpires before, during or after the game. *Players will be ejected from the game for throwing balls, helmets, gloves, etc. *Any unreasonable display of emotion will elicit a warning from the umpire. This includes the use of foul language. Upon receiving a warning, the players and coach shall immediately stop arguing and return to his position of the dugout. Failure to do so will result in ejection from the game, as well a flagrant violation at any time in the game (even if a warning was not given). As a parent or guardian, I acknowledge that I am a role model. I must show respect for all players, coaches, spectators and support groups. I understand the spirit of fair play and the sportsmanship expected by our school and school system. If the Code Of Conduct cannot be followed, the umpire reserves the right to dismiss an spectator, coach or player from the field. Signature of Parent or Gaurdian:________________________________________________________________________ March 5, 2015 need your help. Our festival runs on sponsorship alone. Any amount of donation is appreciated. You may chose to sponsor a specific event , area, or the Kouts Festivals and Events organization. Without your help and sponsorship Kouts Festivals and Events will not be able to provide you with the quality festival and events you have come to know and love. In addition to supporting the Pork Fest with your donation you will also be supporting other exciting events. You see, Kouts Festivals and Events wants to do more for the town of Kouts than just put on the Pork Fest. We want to give back to the community and sponsor community activities that bring everyone together. We currently give out a Kouts Festivals Scholarship to a graduating senior. We decorate the Christmas tree and help with the town banners. Kouts Festivals and Events also sponsors the Town Wide Garage Sale and Nelson’s Port-a-Pit Chicken (May 2, 2015) along with the Christmas Open Houses the first weekend in December (December 5 and 6, 2015). In the future we would like to see a kick off to summer party, community movie nights, a bike race, and many other fun activities. Let’s show NW Indiana what small town pride really looks like. In order to see these amazing things happen we need to have financial support. Kouts Festivals and Events is a non- profit group. Our only means of income is donations from the community. So if you would like to see some amazing events come to Kouts then please step up and support Kouts Festivals and Events. By becoming a sponsor you will reap the benefits of having your name associated with promoting the Kouts community. Your name will be featured in advertising material. We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact us with any questions. Sincerely, Kouts Festivals & Events 219.405.1452 “The organization responsible for this material is an organization independent from and not sponsored by the East Porter County School Corporation. The opinions or expressions contained in this material are not necessarily the views of the school or East Porter County School Corporation.” Kouts Festivals & Events Hello! As we are right now smack dab enduring this wonderful winter snow, I know we are all looking forward th to a beautiful summer. In preparation for summer, the planning for this year’s 39 annual Pork Fest has begun. 2015 marks a special year for Kouts. This year during Pork Fest we will also be celebrating the Sesquicentennial th (150 ) year of the town of Kouts. Many special events are being planned to draw in a bigger crowd this year and for a better festival. Kouts Festivals & Events Committee, which is in charge of the Pork Fest, has a vision for growing our festival & bringing more family fun events. This year we will be adding a kids fun run, more local entertainment, a larger kids area, a special ceremony to celebrate the town’s Sesquicentennial and possibly a community dinner. It takes many different resources to put on a quality festival. This is why we P.O BOX 427 KOUTS, IN 46347 219.405.1452 2015 TOWN WIDE GARAGE SALE APPLICATION MAY 2, 2015 Application Due By March 25, 2015 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. $10 ENTRY FEE APPLICANT’SNAME_______________________________________________________________ CO-APPLICANT/ ORGANIZATION_____________________________________________________ ADDRESS OF GARAGE SALE LOCATION _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL (ALL INFO AND # WILL BE SENT VIA EMAIL)_______________________________________ HOME PHONE_______________________ALTERNATE PHONE_____________________________ I AGREE TO NOT HOLD KOUTS FESTIVALS AND EVENTS LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, ACCIDENTS, OR INJURIES THAT MAY OCCUR ON MY PROPERTY DURING THE TOWN WIDE GARGAE SALE. KOUTS FESTIVALS AND EVENTS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OR THEFT OF ITEMS DURING GARAGE SALE. KOUTS FESTIALS AND EVENTS WILL NOT PROVIDE TABLES OR CHAIRS. I UNDERSTAND IT IS MY RESPONSIBILITY TO PICK UP MY GARAGE SALE MARKER TO DISPLAY ON MY PROPERTY. YOUR SIGN MAY BE PICKED UP AFTER APRIL 15TH AT 1ST SOURCE BANK. I AGREE TO RETURN THE SIGN BY MAY 31, 2015 OR I MAY BE CHARGED $25. SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATIONS DUE BY MARCH 25, 2015 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO KOUTS FESTIVALS AND EVENTS PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO KOUTS TOWN HALL WITH EXACT CHANGE OR CHECK OR MAIL TO KOUTS FESTIVALS AND EVENTS P.O. BOX 427 KOUTS, IN 46347 OFFICE USE ONLY AMT PD _______________TYPE OF PYMT_______________DATE_________________RECIEVED BY___________________ For more information please check out or email us at “The organization responsible for this material is an organization independent from and not sponsored by the East Porter County School Corporation. The opinions or expressions contained in this material are not necessarily the views of the school or East Porter County School Corporation.” KOUTS FESTIVALS AND EVENTS SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PLATINUM LEVEL EVENTS/AREAS TO SPONSOR- $2,000 PRINT ADVERTISING RADIO ADVERTISING COMMUNITY DINNER SILVER LEVEL EVENTS/AREAS TO SPONSOR $500 CORN HOLE TOURNAMNET PORKBURGER EATING CONTEST PARADE EATING AREA BRONZE LEVEL SPONSOR OF THE HOUR- $200 PROMOTE YOUR BOOTH/SERVICE/BUSINESS DURING A SPECIFIC HOUR WILL BE ANNOUNCED DURING THE HOUR OVER PA SYSTEM DISPLAY A “SPONSOR OF THE HOUR” BANNER (VENDOR’S ONLY) OFFER A SPECIFIC GIVE AWAY DURING THE HOUR AT HOSPITALITY TENT EACH AREA/EVENT MAY HAVE MULTIPLE SPONSORS NO AMOUNT OF SPONSORSHIP IS TOO SMALL VENDORS, BUSINESSES, FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS ARE ENCOURAGED TO BE SPONSORS. YOU WILL BENEFIT BY HAVING YOUR BOOTH, BUSINESS OR NAME PROMOTED IN ADVERTISING MATERIAL (SILVER LEVEL AND ABOVE) AND DURING THE PORKFEST OVER THE PA SYSTEM. For more information please check out or email us at PLEASE RETURN BY JUNE 1, 2015 TO: KOUTS FESTIVALS AND EVENTS PO BOX 427 KOUTS, IN 46347 NAME _________________________________________ EVENT/AREA TO SPONSOR_______________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________ CONTACT PERSON______________________________________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED _____________________________ CASH OR CHECK OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIVED BY ___________________________________ _ AMOUNT_________________________DATE________________ Kouts Festivals & Events GOLD LEVEL EVENTS/AREAS TO SPONSOR- $1,000 CHIDREN’S AREA ENTERTAINMENT RESTROOM FACILITIES HOSPITALITY TENT EATING AREA
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