Nano Research Nano Res DOI 10.1007/s12274-014-0698-2 Chinese Brushes: From Controllable Liquid Manipulation to Template-Free Printing Microlines Qianbin Wang1, Qingan Meng1, Huan Liu1 (), and Lei Jiang1,2 Nano Res., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1007/s12274-014-0698-2 on December 16 2014 © Tsinghua University Press 2014 Just Accepted This is a “Just Accepted” manuscript, which has been examined by the peer-review process and has been accepted for publication. A “Just Accepted” manuscript is published online shortly after its acceptance, which is prior to technical editing and formatting and author proofing. Tsinghua University Press (TUP) provides “Just Accepted” as an optional and free service which allows authors to make their results available to the research community as soon as possible after acceptance. After a manuscript has been technically edited and formatted, it will be removed from the “Just Accepted” Web site and published as an ASAP article. 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China. 2 Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences (BNLMS), Key Laboratory of Organic Solids, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, P. R. China. In this mini-review, we discussed that the essence of the Chinese brush in controllable liquid transfer lie in the anisotropic multi-scale Page Numbers. structural feature of the fresh emergent hairs. Drawing inspirations, its applications in controllable liquid pumping, highly efficient liquid transfer and template-free printing microlines were addressed respectively. 1 Nano Res DOI (automatically inserted by the publisher) Review Article Chinese Brushes: From Controllable Liquid Manipulation to Template-Free Printing Microlines Qianbin Wang1, Qingan Meng1, Huan Liu1 (), and Lei Jiang1,2 1 Key Laboratory of Bio-Inspired Smart Interfacial Science and Technology of Ministry of Education, Beijing Key Laboratory of Bio-inspired Energy Materials and Devices, School of Chemistry and Environment, Beihang University, Beijing, 100191, P. R. China. 2 Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences (BNLMS), Key Laboratory of Organic Solids, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, P. R. China. Received: day month year / Revised: day month year / Accepted: day month year (automatically inserted by the publisher) © Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 ABSTRACT As a traditional writing instrument for calligraphy and painting, the Chinese brush enjoys a high reputation over the last 5000 years due to its distinguishable ability in controllable handling ink liquid, which therefore be widely used to deposit ink into certain characters or figures during culture communication. In this mini-review, we firstly discussed that the essence of the Chinese brush in controllable liquid transfer lie in the anisotropic multi-scale structural feature of the fresh emergent hairs. Then, drawing inspirations, its applications in controllable liquid pumping, highly efficient liquid transfer and template-free printing microlines were addressed respectively. We envision that the fundamental of Chinese brushes and its applications in liquid manipulation mentioned in this review may also be extended to other liquid phase functional material systems. KEYWORDS Chinese brushes, dynamic wetting, multi-scale structures, liquid transfer, direct printing 1. Introduction As an important writing tool, the Chinese brush plays a crucial role in the process of the oriental civilization development over the past five thousand years [1]. The distinguishable feature of the Chinese brush over other writing tools is that it enables controllable transfer of low viscosity ink liquid onto papers or other substrates [2-3]. Therefore, understanding the mechanism of liquid transfer of the Chinese brush is not only scientifically important for the deep knowing the fundamental of wetting in open fibrous systems, but also practically meaningful for manipulate liquid in versatile fields, especially those in microscopic scale. So far, attempts on the topic of wetting on fibers have been mostly focused in the area of efficient water collection, the directional water transport, and self-assembly into micro-patterns on both natural and synthetic fibers, as has been reviewed recently [4-5]. However, manipulating liquid in more sophisticated and well-controlled way by structured conical fibers remains challenge, and the Chinese brush offers a solution in this aspect. This mini-review is focused on the fundamental of controllable liquid transfer of the Chinese brush, and its applications in liquid manipulation ranging from the liquid pumping, highly efficient liquid ———————————— Address correspondence to Huan Liu, 2 transfer to template-free printing of microlines. There are four main sections. First, the importancy of the Chinese brush as a writing tool was briefly introduced, as well as its basic physicochemical nature. Then, the representative behavior of the Chinese Brush in controllable liquid manipulation was described, followed by the mechanism analysis. The third section presents the applications of Chinese brushes inspired devices in liquid manipulation and template-free printing. In the last section, we make a conclusion and present our own thoughts about the future development of this area. Figure 1 The fundamental of the controllable liquid transfer of the Chinese brush and its applications in liquid manipulation and template-free printing. (a) The Chinese brush is a traditional writing tool for calligraphy and painting, and often used to deposit ink onto certain substrates as various characters and figures, which then as a carrier to deliver emotions or convey knowledge from one generation to another. Recreation from internet 3 raw materials, and the horse was painted by Xu Beihong. (b) The optical picture of the freshly emergent hair (FE-hair) and its schematic illustration reveal the unique anisotropic microstructures featured by tapered architecture with oriented squamae. (c) When drop was released on the surface of FE-hairs, driving force Fl arising from Laplace pressure difference, gravitational force Fg, and the asymmetric retention force Fa arising from anisotropic arranged squamae would working on it. And the conical feature of FE-hairs can induce a Laplace pressure difference to propel the droplet move to the low curvature area. (d) The oriented squamae may generate a retention force to control the liquid unidirectional spreading or moving along the oriented squamae [2]. Copyright 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (e-g) the applications of the Chinese brush inspired device in various fields: (e) Controllable liquid pumping. Left: Silicon oil droplet would present self-propelled movement behavior and be balanced at the same position for a fixed volume no matter where it was released on the surface of FE-hairs array. Right: The balance position show linearly inversely proportional to Ω1/3 (Ω is the drop volume) [2]; (f) Highly efficient liquid transfer. Left: The design of the bio-inspired highly efficient liquid transfer system. When a drop was hold at the tip region, the bio-inspired multi-scale structured conical fiber exhibit highest efficiency in liquid manipulation. Right: Change the apex angles and tilt angles could significantly alter the maximum liquid capacity of the bio-inspired conical fibers, and the maximum liquid capacity is 428 times greater than its own volume was realized [6]. Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society. (g) Template-free printing of microlines. Left: Schematic illustration of template-free printing device with two parallel FE-hairs and an artificial liquid reservoir. Right: the microlines generated by direct writing ink liquid (surface tension of 45 mN/m) on glass surface by using the model bio-inspired device, exhibiting tunable width range from 10 μm to ca. 130 μm [2]. 2. General knowledge of Chinese brushes Among all the writing tools, the Chinese brush, alias ink brush or writing brush, is a unique writing instrument that is peculiar to China. It is titled the most ancient one among Four Treasures of Chinese traditional Study [1]. As an important writing instrument for calligraphy and painting, the Chinese brush have played a distinctive and irreplaceable role in the culture exchange and heritage for its ability in deposit liquid ink onto papers in various patterns and characters [3]. By using brush in cursive and fast way with varying posture, speed and pressure, eastern artists renders each ink stroke in a continuous and harmonious rhythm to deliver their emotions or convey knowledge [1, 7], as shown in Figure 1a. Thanks to the Chinese brush, Chinese culture have spread to neighboring countries and then to all over the world. Been a traditional tool for calligraphy and painting, the Chinese brush has been existed more than five thousand years. The archaeological discoveries demonstrated that the inscriptions on painted pottery and shell-and-bone writing indicated the use of Chinese brushes in the Neolithic Age [7]. Today’s brushes, as has been documented [8], were developed in Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC) by using the hairs of rabbit, under the inspiration that the tail of an injured rabbit could leave a long and continuous blood trace behind. Since then, Chinese brushes have been used as a main tool to record people’s thinking and feeling by various characters and figures, which facilitate the culture spreading and transmission from one generation to another. Normally, qualified Chinese brushes are made of a bundle of quasi-parallel freshly emergent hairs (FE-hairs) of animals such as hare, goat, horse, rabbit, mouse, wolf, fox, gorilla, swam, pig, badger, or even the virgin hairs of human babies. Each type of hair has a different elasticity or even ink capacity, which in turn results in a different appearance of ink stroke. The most notable feature of the Chinese brush is its ability in large-mass ink loading and the continuous and uniform ink delivery onto the paper with well-controlled manner, despite different brushes are used for different styles of calligraphy and writing. Worth noting is that only the FE-hairs render the Chinese brush the excellent ability in liquid manipulation, which will be addressed in detail in this mini-review. 3. Large-mass ink holding by Chinese brushes 4 The first step of traditional Chinese calligraphy or painting is dipping the Chinese brush into the low-viscosity ink, by which step the ink was transferred into the brush. Upon this ink loading operation, the naturally dispersed FE-hairs in the brush would re-shape into a bundle with a tapered topological architecture under the interaction between the capillary forces and the elasticity of the hairs [9-10], and presents an obvious expanded appearance on a certain position. We quantitatively demonstrated that over 2 times greater than its own weight of ink could be stored within the spaces between FE-hairs in the Chinese brush [2], which renders the brush an adaptable “ink reservoir”. To better visualize the ink loading process, we constructed a two parallel hairs model system to explore the liquid transfer behavior of the Chinese brush. When a silicon oil droplet (surface tension of 20 mN m–1) was released on the surface of two parallel hairs, it could exhibit different self-propelled movement behaviors along the FE-hairs at different regions. And for a fixed volume of droplet, it would always stop and be balanced at the same position despite the place it was released. This behavior was also shared by other particles-based suspensions, for example, ink liquid with surface tension = 45 mN m–1. [2] Why the silicon oil droplet can be dynamically balanced within the two parallel hairs system? The mechanical analysis revealed that the unique anisotropic multi-scale structures of the FE-hairs, featured by tapered architecture with oriented squamae (Figure 1b), is the key [2]. It is well known that for a droplet held at a conical fiber, the curvature gradient of a conical fiber would arouse a Laplace pressure difference (P), driving the drop move from the tip to the top of the conical fiber [2, 11-13], as presented in Figure 1c. The Force arise from the Laplace pressure difference can be obtained by integrating P times the area around the entire liquid surface, express as, 4 tan (1) Fl ~ (rf R0 )2 where is the surface tension of the liquid, is the half apex angle of the conical fiber, rf is the radius of the fiber, R0 is maximum radius of the drop, and is the volume of the liquid. For a droplet on the tip region (high curvature site) of the conical fiber, the Laplace pressure that acts on it is much larger than that acts on the top region (low curvature site), because the local curvature variation at the tip region is much bigger than that at the top region [2, 13]. Thus, the P can generate a large force to propel the drop move upwards apart from the tip, until it was balanced by the anisotropic force that generated from the oriented squamae and the gravity. Another possible force favorable for the liquid transfer of the Chinese brush is assignable to the unique oriented squamae of the FE-hairs [14-15], which could generate anisotropic wetting behavior [16-17]. For a drop on the asymmetric structures of oriented squamae, 2 and 1, the anisotropic retention force arising from the oriented squamae will induce a special retention force differential (Figure 1d) could be express as [18], 1 Fa f d fu 2w sin[ r 0 a 0 ] 2 (2) 1 1 [sin( 2 ) sin( 1 )] 2 2 where is the solid–liquid contact width, θa and θr is the apparent advancing and receding contact angles, and a0 r 0 (θa0 and θr0 are the true advancing and receding contact angles). When 2 > 1, the retention force differential is Fa > 0, which can therefore generate an anisotropic hysteresis, leading to the liquid unidirectional spreading or moving along the oriented squamae [19-20]. The cooperative effect of P that aroused from the conical feature of the FE-hairs, the asymmetrical retention force that generated by the oriented squamae and the gravity make large mass of liquid dynamically balanced within the brush, empowering the Chinese brush the unique liquid controlling and holding capacity, and consequently its versatile applications in controllable manipulating functional liquid phase materials. 4 Applications of the Chinese brush and bio-inspired devices Differ from the other reported fibers systems where the driving force normally was one-directional, the Chinese brush offer a multiple driving forces to make possible the liquid could be continuously stabilized/hold within it. It thus provides solutions in controllable manipulating liquid in various ways. 5 4.1 Controllable liquid pumping Directional driving of liquid droplets on solid surfaces has attracted much attention in many fields, such as microfluidic devices [21-23] and lab-on-chip architectures [24-26]. Until now, great progress has been made to control the motion of a liquid droplet on a solid surface by introducing energy gradients such as chemical [27-28], thermal [29-30], shape [31-32] or wetability gradients on surfaces [33-34] or using external driving forces [35-36] such as gravity, electric or magnetic fields. Besides, surfaces with anisotropic chemical, mechanical, physical, morphological, and topological properties have been engineered for transporting drops [37-39], and may offer new approaches to propel liquid droplets in the demand direction. For example, we recently reported that spider silks with unique periodic knot/joints and cacti with conical spines are capable of collecting tiny water droplets from humid air. [11, 13] We also demonstrated that water droplets could move in a controllable demand direction under the action of surface roughness gradient or stimuli-responsive wettability. [40-42] However, the directional liquid motion via an open fibrous media, especially those with anisotropic arranged microstructures, is rarely reported so far. Chinese brushes here provide one alternative solution. We recently demonstrated that the FE-hair enables liquid pumping, even in a controllable manner. [2], as shown in Figure 1e. It is illustrated that silicon oil droplets would present position-dependent self-propelled movement when released at the surface of parallel FE-hairs. For detail, the drop would spontaneously move from the tip to the region of larger radius when released at the tip of the hairs since the conicity of the tip region is the most remarkable. While when released at the top of the conical structure, the liquid would automatically move downward to the region of higher curvature, because the local conicity is too small to generate enough driven force to overcome the retention force that acted oppositely. Most importantly, all the droplets would stop and be balanced at certain position where the P was balanced by the gravity and anisotropic retention force. We also demonstrated that the balance position of droplets on the surface of the FE-hairs would show significant dependence on the volume of liquid, presenting a well-controlled manner. Although liquid pumping by fibrous media have been recently suggested as a feasible strategy in applications as liquid transport [43], water collection [5, 11, 13, 44-45] and water–oil separation [46], none of them proceed in a controllable manner. The controllable liquid pumping on the FE-hairs give our new insight in transporting liquid with controllable direction, location and even speed. 4.2 Highly Efficient Liquid Transfer Highly efficient liquid transfer is significantly important in chemical reactions [47-48], printing or patterning [49-52] and biological assays [53-54]. So far, many bio-inspired artificial liquid transfer systems were developed, and could be divided into three main categories. The first is the drop on the functional surface. For example, superhydrophobic surfaces with high adhesion could provide particular advantages in lossless liquid droplet transporting. [55]. The second is drop in the enclosed channel system. Such as, a synthetic microfluidic system could realize water transport at large negative pressures, which provide an approach for technological uses of water under tension [56]. The last is the drop on the open fibrous system. For instance, bio-inspired thin fibers with unique spindle knot and the joint structures could hang a large volume of water droplet between spindle knots [45]. Although dynamic wetting in these systems offers benefits in many practical applications, the efficiency of liquid transfer system is far away from the requirements of engineering applications. The great ink loading ability of the Chinese brush allows us to design and fabricate bio-inspired materials that could be applied in highly efficient liquid transfer [2, 6], as presented in Figure 1f. Recently, drawing inspiration from the controllable liquid transfer in ratchet conical hairs, a dynamic electrochemical method was develop to fabricate an anisotropic multiscale structured conical copper wire (SCCW) with controllable conicity and surface morphology that mimic the structural feature of FE-hairs in Chinese brushes. The conicity of the copper wire was controlled by length of the wire immersed into the electrolyte, while the surface morphology could be accurately controlled by 6 reciprocating the working electrode at a small velocity (v < 0.02 mm/s). The SCCW exhibit the similar behavior with that of the Chinese brush: the water droplet with fixed volume could be balanced at certain position dynamically under the cooperative effect of P, the asymmetrical retention force, and the gravity. Here, due to the physical rigidity of the SCCW, the effect of the way it interacts with liquid on the liquid amount could be investigated. It is found that the highly efficient liquid manipulation ability was realized by using the boundary condition of the dynamic liquid balance behavior at the tip region of the SCCW. When cooperatively controlling the tilt angle and apex angle of the SCCW, a large mass of liquid can be manipulated in a well controllable manner, and over 428 times greater than its own volume of liquid could be operated, presenting a highly efficient liquid transfer system. This bio-inspired SCCW could provide new insight in designing novel materials and devices to manipulate liquid in a more controllable way and with high efficiency. 4.3 Template-Free Printing Microlines As a maskless, non-lithographic route, direct-write technologies offer the ability to rapidly fabricate one-dimensional (1D) structured materials for photonic [57-60], electrical [61-62] and biomaterial applications [63]. Different from traditional approaches, such as ink-jet printing, screen printing or micro-contact printing, direct-writing technologies required neither costly and complicated equipment nor complex fabrication processes [64-66], which would therefore be beneficial for direct patterning 1D structured materials with a low cost and high yield. For example, Lewis et al used rollerball pens with conductive silver inks to direct print electrodes on paper, offering a low-cost, portable fabrication route for printed electronic and optoelectronic devices [61]. Mirkin et al fabricated a polymer pen lithography, which could be employed to direct write protein nanoarrays in a low-cost and high-throughput manner [67]. Recently, inspired by the fascinating ability of FE-hairs in manipulating low viscosity liquid, a facile direct printing device with two parallel FE-hairs was designed and fabricated, as presented in Figure 1g [2]. To supply a continual liquid, a man-made liquid reservoir was equipped and connected to the parallel FE-hairs. When such model device was contacted with the high adhesive substrate, such as paper, glass slide and silicon wafer, liquid materials in the reservoir could steadily, uniformly and continuously transferred onto the substrate, leaving a microline on the surface of substrate. This direct printing device enables preparing 1D microlines with well-defined profile on various smooth substrates through direct writing liquid phase materials. To be noticed, the resolution could be down to 10 m. This bio-inspired direct printing device provides a new simple alternative for preparation microlines that could be applied for easy printing micro-patterned optical, electric, as well as sensing devices. We envision this technique is applicable for versatile functional liquid phase material with inherit or better performances. 5. Conclusion and perspectives As one of the most ancient writing tools, the Chinese brush provides a powerful and efficient approach to control liquid transfer. By analyzing the structure-function relationship in the Chinese brushes, we conclude that the cooperative effect of P that aroused from conical architecture, the asymmetrical retention force arising from oriented micro-meter scaled squamae and the gravity is responsible for the controllable liquid manipulation. Understanding the mechanism of the hairs structures in ink holding of the Chinese brush system inspired us to develop novel bio-inspired devices that could manipulate liquid materials, especially in microscale, as liquid pumping for transporting liquid with controllable direction, location and speed; high efficiency liquid transfer for chemical reactions or biological assays; and template-free printing for easy printing micro-patterned optical, electric, as well as sensing devices. 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