ANNOUNCEMENTS Prayer Concerns UMYF - Christmas Caroling Please pray for:_________________ The Youth are sponsoring a Christmas caroling event this evening at 4:00. All who would like to join them are invited. _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ If you would like a card sent from the church please include address here: Address______________________ Delivery of this year’s Christmas cookies for community workers and NA / AA participants is tomorrow. If you have baked goods to contribute, please have them in Norman Barnett Hall today. Contact Christi Dunn (593.5899 or for more information. First United Methodist Church 324 Pineville Road Monroeville, Alabama 36460 251-575-2790 December 21, 2014 Christmas Eve services are scheduled for 5:00 and 7:00 Wednesday evening. A handbell concert will be held at 4:30 prior to the 5:00 Communion service. You are invited to Norman Barnett Hall between the two services for a time of fellowship and refreshments. If you would like to help provide pick-up snacks, please do so. The church office will be closed on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for the Christmas holidays. The last bank deposit of the year will be made on Tuesday, December 30th. To receive credit for 2014 giving, all contributions must be turned in to the business office by noon on the 30th. _____________________________ City______________________ ____ Poinsettias may be picked up following the 11:00 worship service today. Any poinsettias not picked up by Tuesday morning will be given to Hospice. State______ Zip_______________ Prayers answered. Please remove from prayer list:_________________ Church Staff _____________________________ Please remember to sign the registration form on the other side. We are unable to publish any prayer request unless accompanied by the name of the person requesting it. Senior Pastor: Rev. Francis Turner III Pastor Emeritus: Dr. Thomas Lane Butts Minister of Education: Rev. Pam Barnhardt Director of Music Ministries/Organist: Nancy Carleton Chancel Choir Director: Terry Galbraith Church Business Administrator: Jessica Hankins Church Secretary: Sarah Countryman Nursery Director: Christi Dunn Morning Worship Response December 21, 2014 ~ 9:00 Fourth Sunday of Advent ____________________________________________________ ENTRANCE Gathering Prelude Opportunities Prayer Offering Nancy Carleton Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Lighting the Flame of Peace Greeting ^ Hymn 240 Rev. Turner Name___________________________ The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal, 895 Address_________________________ Chancel Choir ______________________________ Alleluia Chancel Choir Phone___________________________ SENDING FORTH ^ Opening Prayer ^ Act of Praise ^ Hymn 234 Canticle of Light and Darkness O Come, All Ye Faithful Sing We All Noel Going Forth PROCLAMATION and RESPONSE Candlelight Christmas Canon Prayer for Illumination First time visitor Rev. Turner Visitor Wish to join church Desire pastoral visit Chancel Choir Nancy Carleton _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Chancel Choir ^ Standing as able Please silence or turn off your cell phones. Rev. Barnhardt Luke 1:26-38 Rev. Barnhardt Away in a Manger Congregation Children’s Sermon Sermon Member(s) Dan Wiggins Family ^ Benediction Response ^ Hymn 217 Congregation Hymnal, 205 ^ Benediction Scripture Email____________________________ Congregation Rev. Turner Lighting the Advent Wreath Anthem Hymnal, 95 Rev. Francis Turner Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Rev. Barnhardt Gabriel, Mary and Me First United Methodist Church Please assist us by registering your attendance December 21, 2014 ~ 9:00 Prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer Response Introit Hymnal, 880 Rev. Turner ^ Doxology Nancy Carleton Rev. Pam Barnhardt The Nicene Creed Rev. Turner Special thanks to the Altar Guild for their work throughout the year, but especially during the Advent Season for their work in placing the poinsettias in the Sanctuary. HEAD USHER: CRUCIFER: Sarah Baker Barnhardt ACOLYTE: John Farish Ard ALTAR GUILD: Carole Dean ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Worship - 102 (9:00) / 115 (11:00) Sunday School - 93 Response Morning Worship The Nicene Creed Hymnal, 880 First United Methodist Church December 21, 2014 ~ 11:00 Sunday Fourth of Advent Prayer Rev. Turner Offering Nancy Carleton ____________________________________________________ ^ Doxology ENTRANCE Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Please assist us by registering your attendance. December 21, 2014~ 11:00 Hymnal, 95 Prayer of Thanksgiving Rev. Turner The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal, 895 Name______________________ Address ____________________ Gathering Prelude Opportunities Introit Peace Will Come Greeting Nancy Carleton Rev. Pam Barnhardt Prayer Response O Come to My Heart, Lord Jesus Ensemble ____________________________ Ensemble SENDING FORTH Phone_______________________ Rev. Francis Turner Email_______________________ ^ Hymn 240 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing ^ Opening Prayer Congregation ^ Hymn 234 O Come, All Ye Faithful Member(s) Rev. Turner First time visitor Visitor Ensemble Wish to join church Desire pastoral visit Rev. Turner ^ Benediction ^ Act of Praise Congregation Canticle of Light and Darkness Hymnal, 205 ^ Benediction Response Lighting the Advent Wreath You Are the Light Chris King Family Going Forth Nancy Carleton _________________________________________________________________ PROCLAMATION and RESPONSE ^ Standing as able Please silence or turn off your cell phones. Anthem He Comes to Us in Simple Things Prayer for Illumination Scripture ^ Hymn 217 Rev. Barnhardt Luke 1:26-38 Away in a Manger Children’s Sermon Sermon Ensemble Rev. Barnhardt Congregation Rev. Barnhardt Gabriel, Mary and Me Rev. Turner Special thanks to the Altar Guild for their work throughout the year, but especially during the Advent Season for their work in placing the poinsettias in the Sanctuary. ________________ HEAD USHERS: Scott Daniels John Estes CRUCIFER: Jim Hines ACOLYTE: Reid Hines ALTAR GUILD: Carole Dean ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Worship - 102 (9:00) / 115 (11:00) Sunday School - 93 PRAYER CONCERNS Pray for one another that you may be healed... James 5:16 Opportunities for the Week FROM OUR CHURCH: Joellyn Ward Anne Clark Marianne Lee Griffin McKenzie Suzanne Nicholas Neel Lavender Anna Ruth Melton A.T. & Virginia McQueen Jon Wright Lazenby FRIENDS & FAMILY MEMBERS: Jimmy Kane Jan Thompson Jan Curtis Ed Rainey (Bill Rainey’s father) Charles Butler (Michelle Rainey’s father) Rita Edwards Charles Salter Sue Faulk Beverly Morrison (Suzanne Davis’ mother) Robert Hill Danny Wilson (Jessica Hankins’ father) Dana Hayes Rayford & Beverly Smith Janice Kane Tony Padgett John Loyd Bailey Byrd Woody West & Family Bo Haslbauer Alan Holland (Wounded Warrior) Shannon Ward Tucker Lowe Kimberly Brennan (Kathy Ellis’ sister) Kathy Dyess (Diane Watson’s sister) Luke Kelly & Family Cameron & Leigh Hybart Melba Melton (Ree Smith’s mother) Buddy Jaye Leslie Watson Jordan (Conrad Watson’s niece) Peggy Baggett Abigail Pierson Suzanne Williams Martha Walker Denver Shuttlesworth Caroline Clark (Christie Prout’s niece in China) Bobbie Lyman Katelyn Tillman (Diane Watson’s niece) Lisa Ehlers Eric Hunter (Wounded Warrior) John Buchanan Paula Allman & family Brenda Benton (Scott Daniels’ mother) Brian Crandall Bonnie Chandler Megan Mendevilla (Christie Prout’s niece) Dawn Hanks Chappel Stewart Coaker (Cele Coaker’s son) Connor Hall & Family Leigh Ann Parmer (Ann Walker’s daughter) Nelson Crandall Sherry Gregson (Margaret Murphy’s daughter) Bettye Anderson (Richard Anderson’s mother) Clanton N. Lavender III (Neel & Sylvia Lavender’s grandson) Please note our prayer request policy: We cannot publish a prayer request unless the Prayer Concerns form includes the name of the person making the request. Prayer requests will be published for 6 months unless requested otherwise. Names in italics indicate long term needs. It is not the intention of the staff to remove any who remain in particular need of prayer. If this occurs, please let us know so that it can be corrected. You may add or remove names from the prayer list at any time by using the Prayer Concerns tear-off sheet in the bulletin and placing it in the collection plate or by calling the church office. Sunday, December 21 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 4:00 pm Worship Service Brunch for College-age (Norman Barnett Hall) Sunday School Worship Service Christmas Caroling Monday, December 22 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 8:00 pm AA Nooners (Room 404 upstairs) Sewing Ladies’ Group (Wesley Hall) NA (Room 404 upstairs) Tuesday, December 23 Wednesday, December 24 ~ Church Office closed 12:00 pm AA Nooners (Room 404 upstairs) 4:30 pm Handbell Concert 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Communion Following Refreshments & fellowship (Barnett Hall) 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Communion Thursday, December 25 ~ Church Office closed Friday, December 26 ~ Church Office closed Saturday, December 27 Sunday, December 28 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am Worship Service Sunday School Worship Service
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