MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY December 20, 2014 4:00 PM (A) Mary Trombetta-Pessagno/ Peter Tridente 4:30 PM (SN) Edith Will/ K of C #3500 Council CONTACT INFORMATION MAILING ADDRESS OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP PARISH SUNDAY December 21, 2014 8:30 AM (SN) Peter Sabato/ Wife, Frances Charles & Mary Mancuso/ Phil, Karen & Jonathan Mancuso George Boyd/ Bob, Joyce & Lindsey Petrosh John Grunow/ Gary, Vivian & Gary Haes Beatrice Gazo/ Joan Pinkos 8:30 AM (A) Helen Feeney/ Voices in Praise 10:00 AM (SN) Ernesto Torres/ Family Jesus Lugo/ Carmen Munoz Roberto Ramos/ Carmen Munoz Luz Malave/ Cookie & Mateo 11:00 AM (A) Amy Coster/ Michael & Laurel Kennedy Charles Connor/ Bill & Yvonne Connor Ralph Cairo/ Denise Cairo Judy Tridente/ Dan & Jackie Clark Dorothy Leather/ Family Robert Gerard Coster/ Coster Family 146 S. Pitney Road, Building 1 Galloway, New Jersey 08205 TELEPHONE: FAX: 609-652-0008 609-652-0883 WORSHIP SITES ASSUMPTION CHURCH ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH Email: WEBSITE: HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM ASSUMPTION REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL 146 S. Pitney Rd, Galloway, NJ 08205 Telephone: 609-652-7134, Fax: 609-652-2544 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 652-0008, EXT. 207, FAX: 652-0883 MONDAY December 22, 2014 7:00 AM (SN) Ray Kuehner/ Wife Connie & Family 8:00 AM (A) Mary Louise McLaughlin/ Mom & Dad 12:15 PM (A) Ralph & Cindy Schiavo, Charles & Alice Roesch/ Charles and Rose Roesch CONFESSIONS Saturdays 3:00 pm – Assumption 3:30 pm – St. Nicholas or by appointment with a priest TUESDAY December 23, 2014 7:00 AM (SN) Dec’d members of Leonard Ganiel Family/ Julia Ganiel 9:00 AM (A) Evelyn Martin/ ARCS Student Body MASS SCHEDULE (ASSUMPTION CHURCH) 146 S Pitney Rd Saturday: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am Daily: 8:00 am and 12:15 pm on M-W-F WEDNESDAY December 24, 2014 7:00 AM (SN) William & Josephine Kuntz/ Tom & Donna Meineke 8:00 AM (A) Peter Sabato/ Wife, Frances 4:00 PM (A) People of the Parish, both living and deceased 5:00 PM (SN) People of the Parish, both living and deceased 7:00 PM (A) People of the Parish, both living and deceased (ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH) 525 St Louis Ave, Egg Harbor Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am (English) & 10:00 am (Spanish) Daily: 7:00 am M-F (English) 6:30 pm Tuesdays only (Spanish) THURSDAY December 25, 2014 All Masses for the People of the Parish, both living and deceased FRIDAY December 26, 2014 7:00 AM (SN) Dec’d members Costa Family/Family 8:00 AM (A) Maria Sanchez/ Cichoski Family 12:15 PM (A) Tad DiLorenzo/ Family SERVICIO PASTORAL A LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Misa Dominical a las 10:00 am en la iglesia Ultreya de Cursillo todos los Martes a las 7:30 pm Confesion Martes a las 6:30 pm en la iglesia o con cita previa. SATURDAY December 27, 2014 4:00 PM (A) Anthony Lombardi/ Mom & Dad 4:30 PM (SN) Peter Sabato/ Wife, Frances MSGR. JOE STOERLEIN is currently residing at OUR LADY’S MULTI CARE RESIDENCE, 1100 Clematis Ave, Pleasantville NJ 08232 He sends his warm wishes for a Joyous Christmas and a New Year filled with good health and God’s blessings. He would love to hear from you. The Parish Office will be CLOSED on December 26th We will re open on Monday December 29th. ALTAR LINENS for the month of December at St. Nicholas site Marie Johns 2 SUNDAY December 28, 2014 8:30 AM (SN) Harry Hakar/ Maria & Jay Pierpont Costa Family/ Family George H. Boyd, Sr./Nancy Messinger & family Donald T. Kelly, Sr./ Kristy Torres and family Beatrice Gazo/ Ginnie & Maurice Roesch S.I. of Hires & Valiante Families/ Torres Family 8:30 AM (A) Michelina Romano/ Daughter 10:00 AM (SN) Spanish Mass 11:00 AM (A) Rufina T Delgado/ Daughter Robert Olson/ Frank & Zoe Miller William Gabriel/ Charles & Rose Roesch Charles Eberle/ Terri Doyle and Family Irvin Roesch/ Teresa Romanelli Anthony Mento/ Cheshul Family Our Staff Pastor................................................................................ Rev. Nicholas Dudo Parochial Vicar ……………………………………………………………………..Rev. Jerry Gomez Deacon ................................................................................. Michael Guerrieri Deacon ....................................................................................... Frank Cerullo Director of Youth Faith Formation ............................................... Nancy Riddell Maintenance Supervisor.................................................................... Rich Sooy Bookkeeper.................................................................................. Kristy Torres Secretary/Receptionist ................................................................... Gen Phillips Religious Education Secretary..................................................... Terri Moncrief Sacristan................................................................................. Maria Ingegneri The Pastor’s Corner “Joy to the world” is just lip service if we don’t recognize that we need Christ – personally – to forgive us, heal us, strengthen us, comfort us, and guide us. In celebrating Christmas we rejoice that our heavenly Father gave the gift of His Son to us, and Christ sacrificed the gift of His life for you and me! The exuberance of this season only begins when we accept the gift that God gave by taking on our flesh and then suffering and dying for us; so that we can have the chance for new life – Eternal Life. True Christmas joy is fulfilled when we share that gift! When we give like God gives; we imitate God, and therefore we become like God – which is the goal of our entire life: to be one with God. And whenever we reach a goal, especially our final goal, we are happy. As pastor of our parish I can’t help but focus on the ‘giving’ that you make to our faith community. Just over a year ago we undertook an ‘increased giving’ campaign. To this date, the percentage of increased offering in our weekly collections remains close to 20%, allowing us to meet our financial obligations and continue the good work of the Church. I have also asked for your participation and generosity in the House of Charity Campaign to make our goal, which we are still working toward – only $5,000.00 to go!! And recently, I have been encouraging you to consider taking part in the “Support a Student” program; an ongoing effort that directly and entirely assists families with tuition assistance at our Catholic schools (Assumption Regional and Holy Spirit & St. Joe’s High Schools). Some people, however, could not afford to augment their monetary donations or even give at all. This is perfectly understandable considering the economic situation of many of our people. Remember, however, that as His disciples we are called to imitate Christ and therefore we are obliged to be generous. If our means don’t permit us to give financially, then we find other ways to contribute. Prayer is one of these other ways that we can generously give to our faith community. Setting aside time in our busy lives to pray for the needs of our parish – either individually or especially as a family – greatly ‘contributes’ to the work in the Lord’s vineyard. Another example of giving to the parish is volunteering your time. By participating in one of our Parish ministries or teaching in our Religious Education program or helping at our Live Nativity or Parish Festival you give of yourself generously, beyond what is expected. Since I am your pastor I care about your happiness and that is why I pass on to you the many opportunities that the Church offers us to participate generously with our time, talent and treasure. For the wisdom of the Church flows from God’s plan for our happiness; that we do indeed receive more than we give. I pray that you and your family will have a blessed Christmas; and that the coming of Christ as a child will stir your hearts to join in our Parish mission – the mission of Christ – to transform our society! That would surely bring peace & joy to our world – and make us happy! Peace, Merry Christmas Fr. Nick 3 ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY – From September to May we meet on the second Tuesday each month at 7:00 pm in the St Nicholas rectory. For further information call Donna at 965-2740. Parish Membership A good family works together and supports each other. The members of a family have to constantly work at building relationships by getting to know each other. Our parish family is no different. To be true members of our parish family we need to build relationships, work together and provide support for our mission – which is live out our discipleship in Christ. PERPETUAL NOVENA in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal – If you or a loved one is in need of healing, come and join us each Monday after the 8:00 AM Mass in the Chapel. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS – If you are interested in learning more about the Knights or would like to become a member, please call Bob Luke at 609-652-7992 or for the Egg Harbor chapter call 965-2813 or visit: With this understanding we can focus on the ways we are known to be a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Family. Building relationships require telling people about ourselves. In the parish this is done by filling out a registration form. In such a large parish, registration is a practical and necessary tool for members to be known. Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament Working together means active inter-involvement. Being “active” in a parish family means that the individual or family attends Mass weekly, holy days, and participates in other parish activities according to need, desire, interest and availability. A member of the parish also supports the parish. is held weekly on Tuesdays from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm at our Assumption site. Beginning February 4th, Adoration will be on Wednesday from 8:30 am and close with benediction at 6:00 pm. If you would like to volunteer, please call the parish office. Support is given in the areas of time talent and treasure. As in all families, being present (time), offering your skills (talent) and contributing financially (treasure) are part of sharing the communal responsibilities. If someone asks me or a member of the Parish staff if you are a member of this parish family; for instance, if you are to be a sponsor for baptism or confirmation or are planning a wedding here as your “home parish”, then we need to use the above criteria to determine your membership. Religious Education OFFICE (609) 652-0008, ext 208 MONDAY THRU THURSDAY: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm One of the promises that parents make when having their children baptized is “accepting the responsibility of training [their child] in the practice of the faith” and it is the parents’ duty to “bring [them] up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us.” For Your Information If you are new to our parish and have not registered, there are registration forms in the back of the Church. You can complete and return by way of the collection basket or stop in the parish office. Registration forms can also be found on our website. This training begins in the home and the Church supports parents in this responsibility by offering Religious Education – either through a Catholic school or a Religious Education Program. STAR HERALD NEWSPAPER – If you are receiving the paper and do not wish to, please contact the parish office. If you would like to start receiving the paper, please call the parish office and we will start delivery. The Religious Education program here at OLPH Parish offers a variety of class meeting times and days, all meant to reinforce what your children are learning from you. Please contact our office to find out more about how we can help you nurture the gift of faith that you have accepted from God on behalf of your child. Also, if you feel the call to help support this mission of the Church as a teacher (catechist) or aide, please contact us. SANCTUARY CANDLE OR FLOWERS – If you wish to memorialize or honor someone by having the Sanctuary candle burn for a week, the suggested donation is $10. Flowers by the Blessed Mother are $15. Please contact the parish office to make the arrangements. PARISHIONERS & VISITORS – Temporary envelopes (envelope is labeled “Welcome”) are in the back of the church, which you can use for the collections. Additionally, if you put a check in with no envelope, your donation is recorded. Youth Ministry FIRST SATURDAY MASS - 9:00 am, at our Assumption site. All are welcome to join. Our next Mass is Saturday, January 3, 2015. MONTHLY ROSARY - First Friday of the month in the Chapel at 7:00 pm. All are welcome. Next gathering is Friday, January 2, 2015. HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS – If you know of someone who would like to have communion brought to their home, please call the parish office. 4 Are you a teen looking for an active group that enjoys fun, games, outings, and social service projects that truly impacts other’s lives? If your answer is “yes,” then look no further as OLPH has a group just for you! We believe that coming together in friendship keeps our faith strong while at the same time having fun and serving others. We gather in a safe environment where you can share your thoughts and ideas at your own comfort level. Come and check us out and you will see that you will be warmly welcomed. Our motto is definitely “the more the merrier”! If you would like to be on our email list to learn of upcoming events please email to stay in the loop or to ask any questions you may have about the group and/or upcoming events. We can’t wait to meet you! Important Parish Policies and Information Funerals Baptisms One of life’s unpleasant realities is dealing with death – our own, and that of our loved ones. While our understanding of death continues to grow, our faith concerning its outcome remains consistent: that it is overcome, defeated, destroyed by the power of God in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Baptisms are celebrated on the third and fourth Sunday of each month, (unless otherwise specified) at 12:00 PM. First time parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Session held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Office. To make arrangements for a baptism and register for the Session, please call the Parish Office. How Christians have celebrated the mystery of death has evolved over the years. In our own time, we have seen many changes that have left many confused about what can and should be done, and what should be avoided. The following may clear some confusion: A WORD ABOUT GODPARENTS (BAPTISM) AND SPONSORS (CONFIRMATION): Before you ask someone to be a godparent or sponsor, or before accepting this honor, please consider the following: godparents and sponsors are people of faith who so exemplify what it means to be a member of the Church that they inspire (or hope to inspire) the one they are sponsoring and will support that person in his/her journey of faith. To be considered eligible, certain conditions must be met, which is why the Church insists that a certificate of eligibility, obtained from the prospective godparent/sponsor’s home parish, be provided prior to the celebration of the sacrament. A VIGIL SERVICE of prayers, readings from Scripture and intercessions may be offered during the viewing of the body if this will take place the evening before the funeral Mass/burial. A MASS OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL is celebrated the day the body is to be buried (unless cremated remains will be interred on another day). All baptized Roman Catholics are entitled to a full Mass of Christian Burial, regardless of the level of faithfulness to church practice by the deceased or their families. Only those under an official edict of censure by the local bishop or the Pope may not receive a Funeral Mass. In such an extreme case, a Funeral Service Outside of the Mass may be celebrated with the permission of the local bishop. A RITE OF COMMITTAL is prayers offered at the graveside (or place of internment). A custom growing in popularity is to have a viewing of the body (either at a funeral home or in the church) followed immediately by the funeral Mass and burial. In this case, there is no vigil prayer service. As with weddings, music for funeral liturgies must be approved for church use. Most secular music is not permitted. One of our Comfort Ministers will be contacted to help the bereaved family prepare for the funeral service. The applicant must be formally registered in a parish. If we don’t know you, how can we testify that you are eligible? Furthermore, the applicant should make his/her own request, since their role as a sponsor is to witness to the child their own personal commitment to Christ and His Church. Applicants must be 1. fully initiated (That is, they have received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation), 2. practicing members of the Church (regularly attend Mass and are active in the parish), and 3. at least 16 years of age. The pastor can dispense from the age minimum, provided that the applicant meets these sacramental requirements. Where we run into the most difficulties is if the applicant is married. We cannot issue a certificate of eligibility to a married person if the marriage is not valid in the Catholic Church. For a marriage to be valid, a sanctioned Catholic priest must have performed it or, if celebrated outside the Church, with a formal dispensation granted by the local bishop. Civil marriages or those performed by noncatholic religious officials without a formal dispensation are not valid in the Church. For the applicant in an invalid marriage to receive a certificate of eligibility, the marriage must first be convalidated by a renewal of vows before a sanctioned priest and two witnesses. If either spouse had a prior marriage that ended in a divorce, regardless of where that first marriage took place, the Church must formally annul the prior marriage before a convalidation can be celebrated. A WORD ABOUT CREMATION Cremation of the body is an acceptable practice among Catholic faithful. However, the teaching of the Church still clearly prefers the burial or internment of the body as more in keeping with the dignity of the human body as a temple of the Holy Spirit; a body that was washed and anointed in Baptism and Confirmation, fed with the Body and Blood of Christ, and anointed in Sacrament of the Sick. If possible, cremation should occur sometime after the Funeral Mass and the remains interred at a later time. However, cremated remains may be present at the Funeral Mass and interred afterward. In keeping with respect for the human body, cremated remains are to be buried or interred in a proper cemetery. They are not to be kept in homes or sprinkled over land or water. 5 Sick Calls/Hospital Visitation/Emergencies If you know of any parishioner who is homebound and would like to regularly receive Holy Communion, we are happy to make arrangements for periodic visits by a priest and lay Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Catholic residents of long-term care facilities within our parish boundaries are likewise visited regularly. If a loved one is admitted to any hospital, please contact the hospital’s Pastoral Care office. Each hospital has an assigned, full-time Catholic chaplain who will be certain to administer the sacrament of the sick and arrange for regular reception of Holy Communion. Our parish priests try to visit hospitalized parishioners as well, as their schedules permit. In the event of any emergency, a parish priest can be summoned to the stricken parishioner’s home. Once en route to a hospital, however, please request hospital personnel to immediately contact the chaplain. A WORD ABOUT “THE LAST RITES” Technically speaking there is no such thing. At one time, what we practice now as the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick was offered only when a person was near death. This is why it was called, “Extreme Unction” (anointing in extreme circumstances) and commonly referred to as “last rites.” Today, any seriously ill or infirmed person can be anointed at any time; death need not be imminent. Persons scheduled for surgery likewise may be anointed before entering the hospital. The chaplain normally anoints all persons admitted to the hospital, particularly in an emergency. But when death becomes imminent, summon a priest immediately if you know the dying person has not been anointed (the chaplain, if the person is in a hospital; a parish priest if s/he is at home or a care facility within the parish boundaries). If s/he has been anointed, however, there is no need for “last rites.” The dear one has already been graced with the sacrament and is spiritually disposed to enter the presence of God. Marriage To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. Arrangements must be made with one of the parish priests at least one year in advance to allow time for proper preparation, This includes three meetings with the priest (or deacon) plus attendance at the diocesan-approved preparation sessions (Pre-Cana, Preparing to Live in Love, or Engaged Encounter). Our parish secretaries can check dates for availability but cannot reserve them. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) “...a time to be born…” Chase Linquist, Carmela Bell, Eryk Willis, Julia Reyes, Franco Catalioti, III, Ava Cerrone, Christian Jeffries, Araceli Cisneros, Melisa enorio-Cisneros, Richard Moder & Anahi Flores. If either party has been previously married and divorced an official church annulment of the prior marriage must be obtained before a date can be reserved and preparation sessions begun. “…a time to be married…” Doug Huggard & Shannon Sherwin, Peter Porcella & Brianna Hagar, Michael Chialastri & Courtney Turner The offering for the use of either church (for both the rehearsal and wedding day), required paperwork, materials, use of meeting space, etc is $500.00 (A), $400 (SN) with a $200.00 discount for registered parishioners who regularly support the parish. For non-parishioners, the fee is $800.00 (A), $700.00 (SN). There is a “cooperation” deposit of $100 for either church. Both the “cooperation” deposit and offering must be made to secure the date and time. The offering is deposited into regular parish accounts; it is not a gift for the priest or deacon. The stipend for musicians must be negotiated directly with them. A gift for altar servers and the priest or deacon is customary at your discretion. “…a time to be healed…” George Link, Abel Pencheff, Joseph Banger, Carlos Rivera, Emil Cypra, Mrs. Gibney, Debbie Simons, Clara Caruso, Joanne Gazo, Cleo Presnell, Felicia Mazzola,, Gianna DeRosa, Alice Musterel, Joseph LoPiccolo, Dan Bartolini, Luke Thomas Colluzzi, Dorothy Young, Roy Havelin, Patricia Cushion, Msgr Joe Stoerlein, Kathy Schmookler, Thomas Crowe, Sharon Armhold, Brennan Camp, Martha Rundio, Patricia Cornely, Betty Ann Rundio, Ronald Clarke, Randy Hagar, Anthony Mondelio, Gregory Barrett, Mary Ann Gatto, Joseph Husta, Grace Peele, Mike Carter, Joan Finn, Denise Holzberger, Paul Putt, Jacob Goldsmith, Deacon Jim Teeney, Ann Giesguth, Esther Frontuto, Lee Dooner, James Morales, Pauline Roesch, Rosemary Hollway, Tom Jordan Jr., Dennis Arcaetto, Lyla Pavechak, Bill Lee, Margaret Andrews, Judy Medrano, Charlie Roesch, Susan Ionno, Ronnie Garbutt Jr, Peggy Kelly, Shirley Winterbottom , Gerson Cohen, Rosemary Metzen, Adam Bengis, Norma Cillo & Russ Fitzgerald. There are no restrictions concerning the religious affiliation of members of the wedding party, including the witnesses (best man, maid/matron of honor). However, all music must be approved for the church use. Most secular music is not permitted. “…a time to die…” R.C.I.A. Ida Barbetto, Christine Law, William Johns, III, Beatrice Gazo, Wayne Melnick, Maria Sanchez, Ramon Rivera, Diane McCaughan, Thomas Mooney, Marvin Rothery, Michele Basil, Victor Trabal, Charles Doerr, Vera Restucci, Michael Mirabella, Ann Bruno & Marie Tortello. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Are you thinking about coming back to church? Have you thought about completing the Sacraments you may have missed? Have you wanted to learn more about your faith? Well if so, why not give us a call. Sessions have already started for this year but will begin in September. May They Rest in Peace! 6 Assumption Regional Catholic School The Staff and Faculty at Assumption Regional Catholic School would like to wish all our families, friends and loved ones a happy and healthy Christmas! Thank you to all those who have supported us in the past and continue to do so! May God bring many blessings to you and your families in the New Year! ARCS OPEN HOUSE Create, Inspire, Nurture YOUR STUDENT’S promising future with a High Quality Education at ARCS! ARCS HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Tuition Assistance available Monthly all school masses Licensed certified teaching staff Low Student/Teacher Ratio Full-time Basic Skills Teacher, part-time Speech Therapy and On-site Guidance Counselor Before and After School Program Full-time nurse Security system with video monitoring Jr. High Science and English teachers are former High School AP teachers Jr. High accelerated programs Daily Religion classes with sacramental preparation Championship athletic teams, inspiring fine arts and monthly service projects, Assumption Catholic School provides something for all! Full day PreK4 and Kindergarten programs…half day PreK3 program To learn more about our PreK3 - 8th grades call (609) 652-7134 or email Save the Date JANUARY 8th - Story Hour 10-11am** 24th – 31st - Catholic Schools Week 26th - Science Fair 29th - Talent Show 7pm 31st - Quizzo 7pm-9pm FEBRUARY 2nd – 6th – Coin Drive 7th - Valentines Dance 7pm 12th - Story Hour 10-11am** 18th - Fish Fry 4:40pm - 7:30pm MARCH 12th - Story Hour 10-11am** 27th - Soup & Living Stations 7th grade APRIL 9th - Story Hour 10-11am** 17th -18th – ARCS Drama Club presents “Peter Pan” th 26 – Golf Outing MAY 29th – 4th Annual Relay Recess ** Story Hour is open to children 4 and under and parents/grandparents. If you would like to join a planning committee or learn more information about these events please call (609) 652-7134 or email 7 STEWARDSHIP MINISTRIES LITURGICAL MINISTRIES KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS – VILLA MARIA COUNCIL John DeRitis,Sr, BOY SCOUT TROOP 634 Jon and Terry Bell, CHURCH TECHNOLOGY MINISTRY Michele McMasters, PRO LIFE AND JUSTICE COMMITTEE Peter Regenye, COMMUNITY EVENTS COMMITTEE Tom and June Grentz, LIGHT WEIGH BIBLE STUDY Mary Ann Schussler, SPANISH NEWS BULLETIN MINISTRY Denise Chavez, If you are interested in learning more about any of these ministries, their phone number or email is listed. New volunteers are always needed. LITURGY COMMITTEE Father Nicholas Dudo, MUSIC MINISTRY Donna Marie Berchtold, Music Dir., Mike Feeney, CHURCH ENVIRONMENT MINISTRY Maureen Foley, LECTOR MINISTRY Dan Smith, (Assumption contact) Cathy Bubeck, (St. Nicholas contact) USHERS Jerry Schafer, ALTAR SERVERS Lou Bonelli, EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST MINISTRY Don Shannon, (Assumption contact) Patricia Merlino, (St. Nicholas contact) Ten Monthly Themes Bulletin Reflection DECEMBER 2014: THE MISSION OF LOVE FAITH FORMATION MINISTRIES In order to help prepare for the World Meeting of Families and the anticipated visit from Pope Francis, a catechism on family life entitled, Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive, has been prepared. Each month for the next ten months, our parish will reflect on one chapter from this catechism. You can order a copy of this beautifully illustrated catechism and learn about the World Meeting of Families at: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Tom Kurtz, Chair; RELIGIOUS EDUCATION – YOUTH MINISTRY Nancy Riddell, VOCATIONS AWARENESS MINISTRY Father Jerry Gomez, SCRIPTURE STUDY Deacon Frank Cerullo, SPANISH FAMILY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Cathleen Garcia, DECEMBER 2014: CHAPTER 2: THE MISSION OF LOVE Chapter 1 of the World Meeting of Families preparatory catechism taught that “Love is Our Mission” because love is our origin and destiny. God created us in his own image, which means that loving God and neighbor is the reason for our existence. Chapter 2 explains that the Bible bursts with images describing God’s love –a father welcoming a prodigal son, a shepherd searching for lost sheep, a mother’s comforting her children, and many more (see paragraph #24 for details). But marriage is the dominant Biblical metaphor for God’s covenant with Israel and the Church. The Bible is a love story between God and his people, and this love has all the dimensions of a good marriage: it is erotic and heart-felt, but it is also tough and sacrificial, weathering challenges and even betrayal. Jesus loves the Church like a groom loves his bride–even when we disappoint him, even when we hurt him. In this way, Christianity reveals hope for us all, including married couples and families. God commands forgiveness and service because he loves us; forgiveness and mutual service can transform any marriage into a parable of God’s love. God is love, but there is nothing sentimental about this love. God is love – and when we love like he loves, it will cost us, but it is the only way to live authentically and avoid counterfeit loves. Contemplating Christ on the cross, we gaze on the miracle that created and sustains us. Next month, in chapter 3, we’ll talk about God’s love, the human body, and sex. ~ Dr. Christopher C. Roberts, editor, Love is Our Mission Preparatory Catechism PASTORAL MINISTRIES PASTORAL COUNCIL, COMFORT MINISTRY Norma Cillo, (Assumption Contact) Donna Meineke,, (St. Nicholas contact) HOSPITALITY Sue Decker, EVANGELIZATION COMMITTEE Renee Kurtz, ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Dennis & Meg Connelly Phone: call parish office, Ext. 211 HISPANIC APOSTOLATE (PASTORAL COUNCIL) Kathleen Garcia, FILIPINO APOSTOLATE Jill Padayhag,, 609-334-5432 PRAYER MINISTRIES CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITY Deacon Michael Guerrieri, ST. MARY’S ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY Donna Meineke, EMMAUS MEN’S PRAYER GROUP Steven Barile, WOMEN’S FAITH SHARING BIBLE STUDY Carol McClain, VISITING ROSARY GROUP Joe and Jean Nock, FIRST FRIDAY ROSARY GROUP Joseph Steiner, DID YOU KNOW? Registration for the World Meeting of Families is now open! Philadelphia looks forward to welcoming internationally renowned Catholic speakers in addition to speakers from other religious faiths. In a genuinely international spirit, 30% of the speakers come from outside North America. It is truly an event for everyone! Learn more at 8 MONTHLY SOCIAL SUNDAY - The Hospitality Committee of OLPH Parish will be holding their monthly "SOCIAL SUNDAY" on January 11th immediately after all Sunday Masses at both our worship sites. For those who will be attending our Egg Harbor City location the social will be held in St. Nick’s Rectory and for those attending our Galloway location it will be held in the Narthex (lobby) of the church. Let us participate in Christ's "mission to transform the world" by getting to know our faith community a little better! Stop in and enjoy a cup of coffee, homemade treats, and each other’S' company during this free monthly event! If you would like to volunteer to assist ( ages 12 & up ) or would like to help by donating a baked good or supplies, please contact Sue Decker (Galloway) 609-705-0078/ OR Maureen Wormann, 609-287-3983 . Thank you! March For Life 2015 The Knights of Columbus Rev. Francis P. Araneo Chapter and the Villa Marie Council # 6342 are hosting a Free Bus Trip to the BASILICA OF THE NATIONAL SHRINE, 400 MICHIGAN AVE NE, WASHINGTON DC.20017, for the Right to Life March. DATE: SCHEDULE: PICKUP 1: 7:00 AM - ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CHURCH 591 NEW JERSEY AVE ABSECON NJ 08201 PICKUP 2: 7:20 AM - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 243 ST. LOUIS AVE. EGG HARBOR CITY, NJ 08215 PICKUP 3: 7:45 AM - ST. JOE HIGH SCHOOL 328 VINE ST. HAMMONTON, NJ 08037 BOOKS & CD’S - The Evangelization Committee has ordered new CDs for the kiosk in the narthex. There are CDs on topics related to marriage and the family in preparation for the Synod on the Family coming to Philadelphia next year at which Pope Francis will attend. If you have been enjoying learning about the Mass through the instruction the priests have been giving the last few weeks and would like to know more about the Mass, there are also several new titles about the Eucharist such as "Why go to Mass?" and "The Mass Comes Alive." Please check out our books and CDs and participate in this "faith-raiser." RETURN: Basilica of the National Shrine at 4:00PM The Knights will provide free morning refreshments. It is important that you arrive at least 15 minutes before departures from these sites. For additional information please contact Matt Simons – 609-6522896. Thank You for your support. It is your donations to the Right to Life Roses, which helps to make this possible. PARISH CENSUS - During August of this year, a letter and registration form was sent to all those listed on our parish file. The purpose of completing a new form was to update our files and find out who has left the parish due to the merger or any changes that have occurred since the last census. As of this date, several still have not been returned. If we do not hear from you, we will have to assume you changed parishes or wish to be removed. If you have misplaced the form or wish to complete one, it is in the back of the church, on the website or stop by the parish office. Assumption Regional Catholic School Annual Fund Update COMPASSIONATE OUTREACH - In keeping with our Parish Mission of providing to those in our community who are in need, OLPH Parish is formally beginning a COMPASSIONATE OUTREACH LIST. We are asking for all parishioners to let us know of anyone they are aware of who needs help or companionship other than food assistance or administration of the Eucharist. This could be provision of transportation to Mass, religious events, doctor visits, etc; help in a variety of household tasks they may struggle with, or simply to fellowship with those who are homebound. We will work to encourage ALL Parish ministries to assist in providing this care to all who need it. Please call 652-0008 with information of anyone you feel could benefit….... REMEMBER, as we celebrate the joys and bounties provided for us by the Lord in this Advent Season that He tells us in Scripture, ‘Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more. (Luke 12:48). We are very excited to report that our Annual Fund has received a great start! To date we have raised over $51,000 which is 73% of our overall goal $70,000. Our Annual Fund is fundraising that is a sustainable and dependable source of income that supplements tuition. The annual fund allows our students to continue to experience the benefits of a modern education within an atmosphere of Catholic values. It supports the sustainability and financial stability of our school for the future. Monies raised through the annual fund allows for the updating and upgrading of technology, to help keep our curriculum on the cutting edge and to support programs offered to our students. The annual fund helps to bridge the gap for things that tuition alone does not provide for. If you or your company are looking to make that final tax donation before the end of the year let us know! All donations to the Annual Fund are 100% tax-deductible. Your donation, no matter how large or small, has the potential to create a significant impact here at ARCS. POWER POINT HELP NEEDED FOR MASS - Help needed to run powerpoint program at the Saturday 4pm Mass. Occasionally to as often as you would like. Programs will be already pre-made, just point & click- easy! Basic computer skills are all you need. High school age & up are encouraged to apply. Anyone interested in doing the Sunday Masses also may apply. Please call the parish office and leave your contact information or see Michele at the console before or after Mass. BLOOD DRIVE - Knights of Columbus St. Nicholas Council American Red Cross Blood Drive Fri., Dec 26, 2014 2pm - 7pm 243 St. Louis Ave., Egg Harbor City NJ. For appointment or information please contact: Richard Brown 609-412-4925 or sign up at enter Sponsor Code: K of C St Nicholas all who donate will receive a longsleeve t-shirt while supplies last, Thank You and God Bless. Thursday, January 22, 2015 World Meeting of Families 2015 Philadelphia 9 GET INVOLVED – Many local families and individuals have inquired about they can get involved with the WMF2015 in Philadelphia next September. More information on preparing as a family, volunteering and/or hosting visitors from abroad may be found at the official website for the event. The site also allows you to register to participate in the many conferences offered. Christmas & New Year’s Masses ANUNCIOS PARA LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA SPANISH COMMUNITY NEWS CHRISTMAS EVE 4:00 P.M. – Assumption 5:00 P.M. – St. Nicholas 7:00 P.M. – Assumption BIENVENIDOS a todos de parte del Párroco Nick Dudo, Rev. Jerry Gomez y Rev. Armando Rodríguez Montoya y todos los miembros de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro – OLPH. Iglesia San Nicolás. Gracias por su presencia. CHRISTMAS DAY 12:00 Midnight – Assumption 12:00 Midnight – St. Nicholas 9:00 A.M. – St. Nicholas (English) 10:00 A.M. – Assumption 10:30 A.M. – St. Nicholas (Spanish) 1. ATENCION: Todas las intenciones de misa serán aceptadas por una ofrenda mínima de $15.00 por cada tarjeta. Se pueden echar en la colecta con la información y dinero. Ponerle “Mass Card – Misa Hispana” afuera del sobre. Cheques a nombre de OLPH. Para más información llamen a la rectoría: 652-0008. Recuerden de notar si es para difunto, enfermo, o cumpleaños, NO se permitirán peticiones el mismo día de las misas. Esto lleva todo un proceso DECEMBER 31ST VIGIL SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD 5:00 P.M. – St. Nicholas 6:00 P.M. – Assumption 2. RIFA PARA EL CALENDARIO DIARIO 2015 : Boletos a la venta después de cada Misa. Precio es $30 por 365 chances para ganar diario de $30 a $500. JANUARY 1ST SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD 9:00 A.M. – St. Nicholas (English) 10:00 A.M. – Assumption 10:30 A.M. – St. Nicholas (Spanish) 3. GRUPO DE JOVENES: Hoy, Dec 21 se reunirán a las 6pm para una misa en San Nicolás y después de la misa habrá una pequeña fiesta con “Juegos de los venados”. 4. DECORACIONES DE NAVIDAD: Los invitamos a participar hoy, después de la Santa Misa en el decorado interior de nuestra iglesia de San Nicolás. Necesitamos voluntarios! Por favor quédense quienes nos puedan ayudar! THE SANCTUARY CANDLES THIS WEEK (ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH) In Memory of Ray Kuehner Req by Wife Connie & Family 5. AGENDA DE MISAS HISPANAS: Las misas en español los días 25 de diciembre y el 1 de enero se celebrarán a las 10:30 AM, en la Iglesia de San Nicolás. (ASSUMPTION CHURCH) Req by Cleveland Family (ASSUMPTION CHAPEL) In memory of Judy Tridente Req by her husband, Peter 6. FIESTAS GUADALUPANAS: Fue todo un éxito, las bandas, grupos de danza, drama, comida! Gracias a todos los que organizaron este evento y los que ayudaron. 7. GRUPO DE HOSPITALIDAD: Gracias a todos los que ayudaron y por sus donaciones de comida. El domingo social estuvo de maravillas con la visita de Santa Claus que vino desde el polo norte! ANNIVERSARY WISHES GO OUT TO: Pat & Skip Liebenow Celebrating 55 years of marriage May God continue to bless you with many more Years of health and happiness! BREVE COMENTARIO A LA LITURGIA DE HOY A unos poquititos días de nuestra celebración navideña depositamos en el humilde pesebre lo que tenemos. ¿Y qué tenemos que no hayamos recibido? Nada nos pertenece, no le podemos dar al niño Jesús regalos como los quesos y leche de los pastores, porque del Señor son todas las cosas, pues Él fue quien las hizo. No podemos regalarle una oveja o un animalito, pues Él es el dador de toda vida, humana o no. Abre tu corazón delante del pequeño niño y ábrelo como si fueran tus manos, prestas para ofrecerle lo mejor que hay en él. Regálale tu oración sincera; ofrécele el deseo de trabajar con seriedad para quitar de ti ese defecto que tanto te aparta de él y de las personas. Cuando tú le regalas esto, o lo que sea que le puedas regalar, no te haces más pobre, sino que te enriqueces. Hemos recorrido en este tiempo de adcviento un programa espiritual para prepararnos a la Navidad; disfrútala y goza con tu familia. Pero no olvides reunirte con ellos a recordar que el nacimiento de ese niño te toca a ti, porque él se hizo hombre como tú; sabe lo que es el frío, el hambre, los sentimientos, las preocupaciones; él verdaderamente ha querido estar contigo para que tú también quieras estar con él. Esta Navidad ofrece los mejores regalos espirituales que tengas. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT BECOMING A PRIEST? - We encourage any young man who has thought about the priesthood as a vocation to investigate this calling more. Any man between the ages of 16-39 is welcome to our monthly diocesan discernment meetings at Our Lady of Peace Parish in Williamstown, NJ. The dates and topics for upcoming meetings are: January 4, 2015 Life of a Seminarian February 8th Preaching the Good News March 22nd The Priest as Victim. The Cost of Discipleship April 19th The Priest as Teacher and Intercessor Please keep Fr. Jerry and His mom in your prayers during this season. Pray is mother recovers and that he has a safe journey back. to our parish family. UPCOMING EVENTS - 2015 March 20th – Coach Handbag Bingo Lent – Mystery Players May – Fatima Statue making a visit to our parish August – Next 350 Club September – Parish Festival September 2nd – Fr. Donald Calloway/Marian priest On behalf of the priests, Deacons, Adam and the parish staff, we wish you and your family a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. May 2015 be a healthy and happy one. 10
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