Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sunnybank & Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge Acacia Ridge, Algester, Archerfield, Calamvale, Coopers Plains, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank Our Lady of Fatima Church, 350 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge Priests (After Hours Emergency Only: 3345 3498) Parish Office (adjacent to OLOL Church, Sunnybank) Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4pm. Ph: 3345 3766 Fax: 3344 3343, Mass Times: 3345 1831 Fr Dan Ryan (Parish Priest: Sunnybank; Administrator: Acacia Ridge) Fr Noyichan Mamoottil MCBS (Associate Pastor) Fr Peter Kavumpuram MST (part time Associate Pastor, part time chaplain to Syro-Malabar Community). Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109. Web: www.olol.com.au Email: sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Deanery website: http://www.parishes.bne.catholic.net.au/south/ Fourth Sunday of Advent: Year B 21st December 2014 This week’s diary Monday 22nd December 8:15 am 8:30 am Morning Prayer - S/bank Mass - Sunnybank Tuesday 23rd December 8.15 am 8.30 am 7.00 pm Morning Prayer - S/bank Mass - Sunnybank Silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - S/bank Wednesday 24th December 8.15 am Morning Prayer - S/bank 8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank 9.00 am Rosary - Sunnybank Dear Parishioners, Christmas is fast approaching. I hope you can remain calm and peaceful as we prepare for Christmas. Remember to “Keep Christ in Christmas”. I pray you and your family will have an enjoyable and holy Christmas. We will have lots of people attending Mass at Christmas. This is a good opportunity to be welcoming to those who don't come all that often. Please say hello and make the person sitting beside you feel welcome in Church at Christmas – it could encourage them to come more often. We are still looking for some Ministers for the different Christmas Masses. The “sign-on sheets” are available on the back table of the Church. Next year on January 4th we will welcome a new Priest to our Parishes. Fr Ladu Yanga is presently the assistant Priest at Woodridge and will live in the Sunnybank presbytery. Fr Ladu grew up in Sudan and was ordained for the Archdiocese of Brisbane early last year. Fr Ladu will replace Fr Peter Kavumpuram who will finish in our Parishes on Ash Wednesday. Fr Noy will Friday 26th December begin his annual leave in the middle of January and return to us on the day St Stephen: Public Holiday before Ash Wednesday. (The Acacia Ridge Parish is looking forward to their 8:15 am Morning Prayer - Sunnybank new Parish Priest Fr Terry Nueva who is presently in the Philippines visiting 9.00 am Mass - Sunnybank his sick mother). Thursday 25th December See box at bottom of page for Mass times 9.45 am Legion of Mary - Media Rm Have a good week everyone. Saturday 27th December 11.00 am Reconciliation - Sunnybank 2.30-5 pm Catholic Charismatic Prayer (Our Lady of Guadalupe) in Spanish Media room - Sunnybank 5.00 pm Reconciliation 6.00 pm Mass - Sunnybank Sunday 28th December The Holy Family: Year B 6.30 am 8.00 am 9.00 am 9.15 am 10.30 am 11.30 am 6.00 pm Mass - Sunnybank Mass - Sunnybank Mass - Acacia Ridge Mass - Sunnybank Mass - Sunnybank Mass - (Spanish) - A/Ridge Mass - Sunnybank: Youth Fr Dan. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Parish Office will be closed from 2 pm Wednesday 24th December, 2014 until 8:30 am Monday 5th January, 2015. The Office staff wish all parishioners an abundance of Christmas blessings and a year of true peace and happiness in 2015. CHRISTMAS MASSES Wednesday 24th December, Christmas Eve Sunnybank 4pm and 6pm (Children), 8pm (Youth), 10pm and Midnight Acacia Ridge 2:30pm (Spanish) 7pm (English) Chinese Centre - Runcorn 8pm Thursday 25th December, Christmas Day Sunnybank 6:30am, 8am, 9:30 am Acacia Ridge 9am (English) 11.30am (Spanish) Chinese Centre - Runcorn 10:30am Next Sunday: The Holy Family: Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Luke 2:22-40 * Third Sunday in Advent: Year B Introduction: Note the repetition of the word “forever” five times in today’s readings, first at the end of the reading from Samuel and then four times in the Responsorial Psalm. That “forever” ultimately comes to its incarnation through Mary’s “Yes” to God. First Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 This is a reminder of the priority of grace—the Lord says to King David…I took you...I have been with you …I have destroyed your enemies...I will make you famous...I will fix a place...l will plant them...I will give you rest...I will raise up an heir...I will be a father to him. Second Reading: Romans 16:25-27 A prayer of praise to “the only wise God”. Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 Mary’s “Yes” summons us to our own positive response to God’s saving word. Practices for the 4 pm & 6pm Children’s Christmas Eve Mass St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal Parents, if your children want to be involved in the 4 pm or 6pm Mass on Christmas Eve, they need to attend all practice sessions: SVDP will begin their annual appeal for nonperishable food to be included in Hampers that will be distributed to the less fortunate in the days before Christmas. There are baskets at the back of the Church for the donations. If you wish to make up a complete hamper there are lists on the table at the back of the Churches. 4 pm MASS Thursday 18th December 3-5pm, Saturday 20th December at 12pm –1pm and Tuesday 23rd December 3pm-5pm. 6 pm MASS Thursday 18th December at 1pm -2:30PM and Tuesday 23rd December at 10am-12pm For further information please contact Kristen Roe 3345 3766 or email the parish office. We are not collecting toys this year. If you wish to give a gift to a disadvantaged child, please place a gift voucher or some money in an envelope marked "SVDP gift vouchers". Cash will be converted into gift vouchers and given to parents so that they can select a toy or clothes appropriate for their child's age. Thank You SUNNYBANK SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMUNITY Human Rights Day: Time for Australia to Take Stock On the recent Human Rights Day, the Chairman of the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council, Bishop Christopher Saunders called on Government to take stock of its human rights performance. ‘Recent developments in Indigenous affairs and immigration policy give cause for anyone concerned about human rights to ask, ‘What’s happening to our nation?’ What’s happening in a nation willing to outlay billions of dollars in on- and off-shore immigration detention that undermines human dignity and causes irreparable harm? The cost of running the Manus Island and Nauru facilities alone is over $1 billion annually.’ ‘At the same time, Commonwealth and State governments seem unwilling to scrape together a small fraction of that amount to provide basic services to remote Indigenous communities. Anywhere up to 150 remote towns in Western Australia face closure because the State Government says it can’t find a meagre $90 million to fund municipal and essential services that were recently offloaded to the states by the Commonwealth Government,’ Bishop Saunders said. ‘Last week’s changes in Australia’s asylum legislation strike out most references to the Refugee Convention – the international human rights standard for the treatment of asylum seekers, including our basic obligation to ensure no one is deported to danger.’ ‘As always, the benchmark of a country’s human rights performance is seen in how it treats the most vulnerable. Australia is failing the test for First Australians seeking to maintain connection with their traditional, ancestral homelands and for refugees and asylum seekers fleeing violence and persecution in their homelands,’ Bishop Saunders concluded. Website: www.socialjustice.catholic.org.au OUR PARISH AND LOCAL NEWS Your Prayers Are Asked For: the recently deceased: Norm Bobberman, Mario Cisneros, Melvin La’Porte, Elizabeth Sach Thi Le, Maria De Jesus Rodriguez, Jim Walsh. those with anniversaries & others who have died: Edna Cartmill, George Coastino, David Despotovic, Harrison Kaddell, Josip Matesa, Ben Raunik, John Seeto, Mark James Woods. those who are unwell: Mauricio Guerra, Flavia, Malcolm Ellis, Jordan Keil, Catherine Miller, Anthony Christmas, Edna Daley, Margaret Cavanagh, Anna Chow, Baby Milla Wilson, Chris Carr, Paul Hennessy, Anthony Co, Eva Cruz, Maria Alvarado, Melissa, Natalie and Stephanie Perkovic, Lola Kelly, Mag Complex, Daphane Maccampley, Desmond O’Reilly, Janie Booth, Jessica Vasen, Ljerka Doslovic. the Continuing Sick: Kath Adams, Nita Anthony, Elizabeth Boase, Vaughan Boucher, Maxine Brady, Jeremy Carroll, Betty Catchlove, Robyn Clark, Hilary Collins, Noel Combey, Mary Dixon, Yvonne Fletcher, Brian Hammerton, Mariann Kellett, Baby Luka Kello, Mika Matesa, Bianca Miller, Catherine Miller, Jenny Reed, Jim Neehouse, Julanne Slater, Maria Surdo, Emma Weatherley. Prayer and Faith Development Groups Many of the groups are in recess over the Christmas break. Watch the newsletter for information about when the groups will resume in the new year. The Rosary will continue to be said before Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes on Wednesday morning. Silent Adoration will continue all through the break—everyone is welcome to come to Our Lady of Lourdes on Tuesday from 7 pm until 8 pm. You could take time away from the ‘busyness’ of preparing to celebrate Christmas and spend some time reflecting on the ’reason for the season’. Spend some quiet time giving thanks for all the blessings of the year, especially the gift of Jesus. The Legion of Mary will not meet on December 26th and will resume on January 2nd. Children's Liturgy of the Word In 2015 we plan to introduce CLOW to the 10.30am Mass as well as the 9.15am Mass. We will need more people to make this possible. If you are interested please contact the Parish Office on 3345 3766. On Sunday 1st February 2015 at 4pm—5.30pm we are holding a workshop for all people involved in CLOW and those who are considering involvement in this ministry. Please contact the office if you are able to attend. Sacramental Programme 2015 Important Notice for Parents Interviews for the 2015 Sacramental Program are continuing until the end of January. If you have not contacted the Parish office for an interview time, please do so on 3345 3766. Please access the website olol.com.au, Sacramental Program/Sacraments. The programme starts in early February, 2015. All those wishing to participate in the Sacramental Programme of 2015 will need to have completed the interview by the end of January. Sunnybank/Acacia Ridge Friendship Group The committee of the Sunnybank/Acacia Ridge Friendship Group would like to wish each one of you a very joyful and peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. We look forward to another successful year ahead, which of course is only possible with your continued support and encouragement. Hope Santa is good to you! See you next year! Maureen, Dawn, Frances, Teresa, Esther, Haji, Mary, Elizabeth, Danuta, Kerry, Pauline and Kay. Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Prep to Year 6 Enrolments for Round 1 interviews for Prep 2016 close on 2nd March 2015. We are committed to providing a quality Catholic education in both academic and social fields. Our facilities include refurbished and well-equipped, air conditioned classrooms, swimming pool, modern library, performing arts centre with auditorium. Enrolment forms can be obtained from our website or for more information, please contact the Enrolments Officer Debbie on 3345 0700 or email dpjohnn@bne.catholic.edu.au Brisbane Catholic Bushwalking Club The club provides people with an opportunity to develop friendships and to get fit and healthy while exploring the wonderful country in which we live. The Club’s current age range is 40 to 70 and we are very keen to get younger members involved. See the notice boards for the flyer and the programme of walks for 2015. PARISH STAFF & CONTACTS Pastoral Associate Stella Noskoff rsj pa.sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Parish Office Staff Karrin Halliday Parish Manager sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Gabby Nelson (Assistant) Kristen Roe (Assistant) Tam Nguyen (Accounts) accounts.sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Caring Co-ordinator Carol Micale carenconcern@hotmail.com Unite Youth/Young Adults Co-ordinators Steven & Eloise Bird 0403 182 617 youth.sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Centacare - Sunnybank Aged Care Community Program Manager Jennifer Vanarey 3216 9554 Paloma Reception Centre 3345 6666 www.palomacentre.com.au OLOL School, Sunnybank Principal - Mark Badke 3345 0700 OLOL OSHC Co-ordinator - Sarubh Malviya 3344 3064 sunnybankoshc@bne.centacare.net.au OLOF School, Acacia Ridge Principal - Warren Fields 3275 1152 St Stephen’s School, Algester Principal - Phil Manitta 3711 4911 St Stephen's OSHC Co-ordinator - Victoria Hickling 3711 9291 algesteroshc@bne.centacare.net.au St Thomas More College, Sunnybank Principal - Peter Elmore 3323 4600 Soubirous Place Coordinator Sr Brigid Courtney rsm 3344 3481 Sunnybank Parish Groundsman Bob Davis Housekeepers: Therese Prygiel Louise Weston Latino American Chaplaincy Fr Martin Ignacio Gutierriez (Chaplain) 0481 118 521 Marina Castellanos (Secretary) 0481 168 748 office@hispanoamericancommunity. com.au Office: Tuesday & Wednesday 9.15am - 3.00pm 3277 6367 Youth and Young Adult Ministry Christmas Eve Youth Ministered Mass will be at 8pm! Hope to see you there! “What if Christmas, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas... perhaps .. means a little bit more!” (The Grinch, by Dr. Seuss) Christmas is THIS Thursday!! Are you ready for it? For the last four weeks we have been journeying through the advent season. The Advent season is a time for us to prepare our hearts for Jesus, a time to recommit our lives to Christ and to stop and remember the greatest gift that God gave us over 2000 years ago!! Every moment during advent is a time for us to prepare our hearts for Christ... In these last few days before Christmas try to remember why what we are really celebrating at this time of year! If you are hanging lights—remember that Jesus is the light of the world. When you bake biscuits — remember that Jesus is the Bread of Life. When you do your last minute shopping— remember that every good and perfect gift comes from God. When you look at your Christmas tree— remember the tree that Jesus gave his life upon for us. When you think about what you want for Christmas—remember it is in giving that we receive. We challenge you to offer every day to Jesus for the rest of Advent. Here is a little prayer that you can pray each day: Jesus, I thank you for the gifts of this day. I offer you the ups and downs—the joys and the frustrations. Teach me more about myself today. Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see how Scripture is my story as much as it’s the story of Christ and His apostles. Father, open my eyes to your love today, and teach me how to say “yes”, as Mary said “yes” to your Son. May your will be done, now and forever. Amen” Children's Liturgy CLOWN 2015 Is there anyone who attends the Sunday evening youth ministered Mass who would be interested in helping out with running children's Liturgy at the Sunday night youth mass? Please come and see Eloise or Steven ASAP so we can discuss starting this program in 2015. . . Thank you. 2015 is just around the corner and it’s going to be a GREAT year!! A lot of people contact us and ask “what do I have to do to get involved in the youth group?” our answer... Come along to one of our events and check it out!! We have events for those from grade 6 up to 35 years old and we would love YOU to come along!! We also need young adults and adults that are young at heart to help as leaders and supervisors... If you have a passion for Jesus and young people we would love to hear from you and find a way for you to help out!! Early in 2015 we will be sharing with you all our exciting plans for the year. Adapted from Life Teen’s Advent Companion 2014 Stay in touch by liking the ‘Unite Sunnybank’ page. All events are posted on facebook and extra things to make you think or just smile =) It’s the easiest way to be in the know! MUSICIANS & SINGERS FOR THE YMM Sunday 28th December MUSICIANS: S. Field, S. Luate-Wani, C. Ranatunga SINGERS: F. Lee, J. Conde READERS: Y. Hsieh, C. Donovan, L. Donovan OFFERTORY:P. Lambert, L. Sharrock ALTAR SERVERS: N. Tran, C. Tran SPECIAL MINISTERS: S. Robb, H. Richardson, V. Wasiack, S. Ranatunga, K.Koorbanally, C. Micale, K. Mann
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