Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sunnybank & Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge Acacia Ridge, Algester, Archerfield, Calamvale, Coopers Plains, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank Our Lady of Fatima Church, 350 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge Parish Office (adjacent to OLOL Church, Sunnybank) Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4pm. Ph: 3345 3766 Fax: 3344 3343, Mass Times: 3345 1831 Priests (After Hours Emergency Only: 3345 3498) Fr Dan Ryan (Parish Priest: Sunnybank) Fr Terence Nueva (Parish Priest: Acacia Ridge - 3277 2252 Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109. email grinkoop@live.com) Web: www.olol.com.au Email: sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Fr Noyichan Mamoottil MCBS (Associate Pastor) Deanery website: http://www.parishes.bne.catholic.net.au/south/ Fr Ladu Yanga (Associate Pastor) Fifth Sunday of Lent: 22nd March 2015 This week’s diary Monday 23rd March 8.15 am 8.30 am Morning Prayer S/bank Mass - Sunnybank Tuesday 24th March 8.15 am 8.30 am 9.00 am 7.00 pm Morning Prayer S/bank Mass- Sunnybank Bible study Silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Sunnybank Wednesday 25th March 8.15 am 8.30 am 9.00 am 7.00pm Morning Prayer -S/bank Mass - Sunnybank Rosary - S/bank Second Rite of Reconciliation A/Ridge Dear Parishioners We celebrate Easter in two weeks time. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. During this week we will be preparing the palms to be distributed at all our Masses next weekend. If you would like to help you can do so after morning Mass on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week at Sunnybank. Ben and Clare Andrews are organising the making of the palms. If you can help you can contact Ben and Clare on 3273 3636. The Little White Books are available on the front tables of the Church to assist in daily prayer and reflection on the days after Easter. The Little White Books cost $4.00. Thursday 26h March This week on Wednesday and Thursday all the Priests of the Archdiocese are meeting in convocation with the Archbishop. We will still celebrate our morning Masses here at Sunnybank (Wednesday at 8.30 a.m. and Thursday 9 am) and Acacia Ridge (Thursday 9am). You will understand that the Priests will be unavailable during these 2 days. 8.45 am 9:00 am 9.00 am 7.30 pm Morning Prayer -S/bank Mass - Sunnybank Mass - Acacia Ridge Meditation S/Bank We will celebrate Second Rite of Reconciliation this week at Acacia Ridge on Wednesday evening at 7pm (25th of March). The Second Rite of Reconciliation will be celebrated at Sunnybank the following week on Tuesday 31st of March at 7pm. Friday 27th March 6 30 am 8.15 am 8.30 am 9.30 am 9.45 am 5.30 pm Mass - Sunnybank Morning Prayer S/bank Mass - Sunnybank Benediction - S/bank Legion of Mary - Media Rm Stations of the Cross Acacia Ridge The Archbishop will celebrate the Chrism Mass this Thursday at the Cathedral of St Stephen at 7.30pm. All our Parishioners are welcome to attend to witness the blessing of all the Holy Oils to be used in all the Sacraments over the next twelve months. Also all the Priests of the Archdiocese will make a recommitment to their Priesthood during this Mass. Saturday 28th March 8.30 am 10.30 am 11.00 am 2.305.30 pm 5.00 pm 6.00 pm 6.00 pm Mass - Acacia Ridge Mary’s Way of the Cross Reconciliation - S/bank Catholic Charismatic Prayer, in Spanish - Media Room -S/bank Reconciliation - S/bank Mass - Sunnybank Mass - Acacia Ridge Sunday 29th March 6.30 am 8.00 am 9.00 am 9.15 am 10.30 am 11.30 am 6.00 pm Mass - Sunnybank Mass - Sunnybank Mass - Acacia Ridge Mass - Sunnybank Mass - Sunnybank Mass - (Spanish)- A/Ridge Mass - Sunnybank: Youth Please note that Reconciliation at Our Lady of Lourdes Church will continue only while there are people waiting. A big thank you to Sister Stella for organising the 122 families who celebrated the First Reconciliation for their children during this week. The preparation for their Confirmation and First Eucharist will begin in July. The Parish Pastoral Council have decided to organise a Parish conference on the first Saturday of August this year. All Parishioners are invited to the conference which will take the form of an opening address by the Archbishop, followed by several choices of workshops to challenge us in our Christian faith and how to spread the message of Jesus. The title of the conference is “Building the Kingdom Now”. I feel this is an exciting innovation of the Pastoral Council and I hope as many Parishioners as possible will be involved. More details later. Please take note of all the Easter Ceremony times for both our Parishes on page two of this newsletter. Have a great week everyone. Fr Dan Next Sunday: 6th Sunday of Lent Year B Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1-15:47 5th Sunday of Lent: Year B Introduction: In these final weeks of Lent we consider even more fully what Jesus really achieved for us by offering his life. Through obedient suffering he brought us eternal salvation. First Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 This is an appropriate text for this week before Palm Sunday and the celebration of the Triduum. All of the Lenten themes are moving to a great crescendo as we hear the prophet Jeremiah speak of things “new” - covenant and heart. Second Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9 Another great text that show us the new covenant in Christ Jesus beyond his limited earthly time. This is a powerful and beautiful reminder of his ongoing intercessory prayer for us, for truth we heard last Sunday of love that invites us to eternal life. Gospel: John 12:20-33 With all the “joy” that is integral to the Lenten journey, this Johannie passage doesn’t let us forget that the ‘joy’ Jesus brings comes only after much suffering leading death. Here is the great paradox, and one to which we are asked to take seriously—that in death is life. In other words, Death doesn’t have the final say. EASTER CEREMONY TIMES Second Rite of Reconciliation : Acacia Ridge Sunnybank Our Lady of Lourdes Church SUNNYBANK Holy Thursday – 2nd April Morning Prayer 8.30am Reconciliation 9.00am Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm Adoration until 10 pm rd Good Friday – 3 April Morning Prayer 9am Reconciliation 9.30am Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 2pm & 4pm Holy Saturday – 4th April Morning Prayer 9am Reconciliation 11am Easter Vigil Mass 7pm th Easter Sunday - 5 April Mass: 6.30am, 8am, 9.15am, 10.30am, 6pm Wednesday 25th March 7pm Tuesday 31st March 7pm Our Lady of Fatima Church ACACIA RIDGE Holy Thursday—April 2nd Mass of the Lord’s Supper 6.00 pm (English) Mass of the Lord’s Supper 9.00pm (Spanish) Good Friday—April 3rd Stations of the Cross 9.30am (English) Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3pm (English) Stations of the Cross 5.30pm (Spanish) Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 6.30pm (Spanish) Holy Saturday—April 4th Easter Vigil Mass 6.30pm (English) Easter Vigil Mass 8.30pm (Spanish) Easter Sunday—April 5th 4.45am Easter Encounter Filipino Chaplaincy 5.15am Dawn Easter Mass Filipino Chaplaincy Mass: 9am (English), 11.00am (Spanish Exposition) 11.30am (Spanish Mass) Living in a remote Andean village in Peru isn’t easy. Until recently, Cristian (a 33 year old farmer) had to travel one kilometre to access running water. Cristian’s community in rural Peru has always lived a traditional life, with simple diets and crops dependent on rainfall. With the help of Caritas Huacho, 33-year-old Cristian and 14 other young farmers have introduced running water and irrigation to the village. They now grow and harvest a wide variety of high-value, sustainable crops, which provide them all with a secure income and a wide variety of food for life.You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting www.caritas.org.au/ projectcompassion or phoning 1800 024 413. Parish Conference Date claimer Saturday 1st August “Building the Kingdom Now” ‘Providing effective tools for joyful Evangelization’ Watch this space for more information. Registrations open June If you have experience in organising conferences and can help out please contact Steven via email youth.sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au or phone 0403 182 617 OR leave a message at the office. If you have a business who you think could help sponsor this event in any way please contact Steven and we can provide you with some free advertising during the conference. Your Prayers Are Asked For: the recently deceased: Shirley Hawkins, Brian Cahill, Pastora Juco, Gerry Alabado, Mara Perkovic, Margaret McAuliffe, Bill Bruback, Alec Hoffman, Ivan Prpic, Drago Bortic, Petar Milos, Jack Gibney, Coral Aileen Biggins, Rae Young, Ben Gow. those with anniversaries & others who have died: Mattia Pirrotta, Baby Owen Astill, Tony Van Der Togt, Mary Allport, Syd Jennings, Helen Jennings, Giuseppe Vicino, Damien Drew, John Greiger, Sydney Caswell, Leonardas Karvelis , Lynn Ruth, Lee Maria, Dominico Tuan-Nguyen, Matthew Chi Phan. those who are unwell: Nicholas Valle, Pauline Pearse, Kath Barber, Carmel Malley, Rachael, Amelita Castino, Claire Moynihan, Carolann Grace, Harry Mohr, Nola Wright, Ronnie McGregor, Cristy Frial, Jesus Cabrera, Gina Conde, Mark Fitzgerald, Sonia Ambrosini, Anthony Toohey, Bohdi Wayne Davis, Michael Grace, Bernard Jensen, Mauricio Guerra, Flavia, Malcolm Ellis, Jordan Keil, Anthony Christmas, Margaret Cavanagh, Anna Chow. the Continuing Sick: Kath Adams, Nita Anthony, Elizabeth Boase, Vaughan Boucher, Maxine Brady, Edna Brischetto, Caitlin, Jeremy Carroll, Marcela Castino, Betty Catchlove, Robyn Clark, Hilary Collins, Noel Combey, Mary Dixon, Gerry, Mary and George Goode, Brian Hammerton, Marianne Kellett, Baby Luka Kello, Blanche Kiel, Vlado Matesa, Bernadette Matesa, Mika Matesa, Bianca Miller, Catherine Miller, Veronica Mossman, Alice O’Grady, Jenny Reed, Jim Neehouse, Robyn Scaysbrook, Julanne Slater, Annaleese Stewart, Maria Surdo. Baby Milla Wilson. Palm Sunday Crosses Once again asking for your help in making the crosses for Palm Sunday. We had a wonderful group of helpers last year and it is a great way to meet your fellow parishioners. Please bring along a pair of scissors. We will be meeting after morning Mass on Wednesday 25, Thursday 26 and Friday 27 March. Any queries, call Ben and Clare Andrews on 3273 3636 Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School Acacia Ridge Enrolling for Prep 2016 Applications are now being taken for Prep enrolments for 2016. Enrolment Applications forms and information about Our Lady of Fatima can be accessed from our webpage www.ourladyoffatima.qld.edu.au we are For further information, please contact the office on (07) 3275 1152 Catholic Kids Club EASTER DAY CAMP (Prep - Grade 6) REMEMBER US IN YOUR WILL After you have cared for your family would you consider assisting the Parish family in your will. Some people have found they are not able to help the Parish financially in a substantial way during their life but the contents of their will can assist the Spiritual works of the Parish in the future. St Vincent de Paul, Sunnybank would like to acknowledge with thanks, the recent receipt of $2,500 from the SUNNYBANK Community and Sports Club which is part of their annual donation of $10,000 to our local conference St Stephen’s School - Algester Prep 2016-Limited places remaining Applications are now being taken for Prep enrolments for 2016. Enrolment Applications forms and information about St Stephen’s School can be accessed from our webpage www.ststephens.qld.edu.au. For further information, please contact Stacey at stacey.sutton@bne.catholic.edu.au MONDAY 13th-WEDNESDAY 15th APRIL $20 per child, per day (family discounts may apply) Morning and Afternoon Tea Included ( BYO Lunch) Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Complex - Avocado Room For more information email catholickidsclub@gmail.com Sunnybank/Acacia Ridge Friendship Group Next Wednesday 25 March, there will be no Morning Tea at the Complex. We are off on our first bus trip of the year to Murwillumbah to visit Margaret Ollie’s Home/Studio. Bus leaves outside Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 8.00 a.m. sharp. Parking will be available at the back grassed area behind the Church for your convenience. Also, don’t forget you are still able to use your Katz Vouchers from the Fashion Parade until the end of March. Enquiries – Maureen 3345 6556/Dawn 3711 9465 Meals on Wheels Open Day Taste our meals - see our kitchen Come along and learn about our home delivery service or how you can order and pick up a meal. Time: When: Where: 9am to 2pm Saturday 28th March 2015 Our Kitchen, 95 Lister St, Sunnybank (Behind Lions Hall) Baptism for Children 7 years to 15 years A Baptism Programme for children 7 years to 15 years will be commencing in May 2015. Any parents wishing to enrol their child will need to call the Parish office on 3345 3766 to organise a time for an interview with Sr Stella. Interview times commence 14th April and go to 14th May 2015. Enrolments close 14 May 2015 PARISH STAFF & CONTACTS Pastoral Associate (P/T) Stella Noskoff rsj pa.sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Parish Office Staff Karrin Halliday Parish Manager sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Secretary sec.sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Tam Nguyen (Accounts) accounts.sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Caring Co-ordinator (P/T) Bernadette Christian Youth and Young Adult Ministry The BOOK SALE of the year is THIS weekend! All money raise goes towards the youth and young adult ministry of our parish. Thank you for your support!! In-service for ALL those on the youth ministry roster (except BBQ cookers and piety store people) Next Sunday the 28th of March straight after the Sunday evening 6pm Mass until 7:30pm at the latest. If you cannot attend this in-service please let us know! carenconcern@hotmail.com Unite Youth/Young Adults Co-ordinators Steven & Eloise Bird 0403 182 617 youth.sunnybank@bne.catholic.net.au Centacare - Sunnybank Aged Care Community Program Manager Jennifer Vanarey 3216 9554 Paloma Reception Centre 3345 6666 www.palomacentre.com.au OLOL School, Sunnybank Principal - Mark Badke 3345 0700 OLOL OSHC Co-ordinator - Sarubh Malviya 3344 3064 sunnybankoshc@bne.centacare.net.au OLOF School, Acacia Ridge Principal - Warren Fields 3275 1152 St Stephen’s School, Algester Principal - Phil Manitta 3711 4911 St Stephen's OSHC Co-ordinator - Victoria Hickling 3711 9291 algesteroshc@bne.centacare.net.au St Thomas More College, Sunnybank Principal - Peter Elmore 3323 4600 Soubirous Place Coordinator Sr Brigid Courtney rsm 3344 3481 Sunnybank Parish Groundsman Bob Davis Housekeepers: Therese Prygiel Louise Weston Latino American Chaplaincy Fr Martin Ignacio Gutierriez (Chaplain) 0481 118 521 Marina Castellanos (Secretary) 0481 168 748 office@hispanoamericancommunity. com.au Office: Tuesday & Wednesday 9.15am - 3.00pm 3277 6367 GOOD FRIDAY DRAMA YOUNG ADULTS AND YOUTH If you are in grade 8 and up to 35 years old and would like to be in the Good Friday Drama please let us know. There is a sign up sheet on the youth notice board. There will be a practice from 3-4pm Sunday 28th March THIS Sunday (22nd March) after the Youth Ministered Mass. It’s going to be a powerful night. We even have a guest speaker! LifeNite is a youth group for those in grade 9-12. It is a place where young people can come together to create lifelong friendships, have fun and learn about how the faith can be relevant in your life! It’s a place where the tough questions can be asked and real answers are given! Please go to www.40dfl.net for more information and to sign up for an hour. You will be required from 10am until 5:30pm on Good Friday, the 3rd of April. The annual young adult Holy Saturday mountain climb! We also need people who are willing to read for the drama. Note: we do both the 2pm and 4pm services Grade 4 and 5 Movie-Pizza Night Saturday 28th March 7-9:30pm Media Room Gold coin donation on entry When: Time: Where: Cost: Who: RSVP: Saturday 4th April 3am Meet at the church and we will car pool to the Glass House Mountains Free Those who are 16-35 years old On the youth notice board or call, text or email us Note: It is quite a big walk, you will need good walking shoes (joggers), a water bottle, a torch. We will share breakfast at the bottom of the mountain YOUTH MINISTERED MASS MINISTRY ROSTER available at the back of the Church! It is a draft roster, any issues please let us know! If you are new to the youth ministry roster please arrive at 5:30pm on the week on which you are rostered. Roster for the Next Youth Ministered Mass Sunday the 28th March MUSICIANS: K. O’Kelly, P. Avinante, C. Ranatunga SINGERS: H. Allison, L. Conde, V. Lupita READERS: B. Halog, Y. Hsieh, W. Madassery OFFERTORY: S. Archchige, J. Randle ALTAR SERVERS: G. King, K. Hall SPECIAL MINISTERS: T. Ranatunga, S. Ranatunga, M. Rodriguez, S. Rodriguez, S. Kadell, M. McKendry, S. Powell BBQ: NO BBQ Piety Store: CLOSED
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