The Church of St. John the Evangelist 71 Murray Avenue Goshen, New York 10924 Rev. Leonard Villa, Adminstrator Rev. Msgr. Bayani Valenzuela, Parochial Vicar Fr. Peter Heasley, Parochial Vicar Deacon Vincent Cookingham Deacon Tom Jordan Deacon James Faulkner Weekend Associates Rev. Joseph Komonchak School Principal Michael Thomas O’Kane Religious Education Coordinator Cathy Fife INFORMATION LINE 291-4971 Rel. Education 294-6847 School 294-6434 Rectory Business Office: 73 Murray Ave. Monday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday-Friday: 9:00a.m. to 4p.m. 294-5328 Fax No.: 294-2577 Mass Schedule Saturday 8:00 a.m. Sunday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. Children’s Mass, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon, 1:30 p.m. (Spanish), 5:00pm Last Friday of the month, Spanish Mass at 7:30p.m. Weekdays 6:30 a.m., 5:15 p.m. Adoration - Monday thru Friday: 6-9p.m. First Friday - 7:00a.m. - 7:30a.m. Saturday Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Thursday before every First Friday 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Sacrament of Baptism Saturday Baptism English-4th Saturday of Each Month at 12:00 Noon Spanish-3rd Saturday of Each Month at 12:00 Noon Sunday Baptism English - 1st, 2nd Sunday of Each Month at 3:00p.m. Spanish - 4th Sunday of Each Month at 3:00p.m. ***The above dates are subject to availabililty. Baptism preparation classes are required. Please call the Parish Office to register. Sacrament of the Sick Please call the parish office if you or your loved one in Orange Regional Medical Center, Health Care Facility or Homebound so a priest may come and visit. Please remember St. John’s in your Will. Parish Membership Every family in the parish should be properly registered. If you move to another parish, or change your address, please notify the rectory and give the old as well as the new address. If you are not registered, we cannot serve you by issuing testimonial letters in connection with sponsorship for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Matrimony. We also cannot give recommendations for positions, schools, or character references if we do not know you. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST THE FOURTH SINDAY IN ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 5:00 pm The Intentions of the Warren Family SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 7:30 am Cornelius Hubner 9:00 am Reberta & Thomas McQuillan 10:30 am Sean Coyle 12:00 nn Edward Johnson 1:30 pm People of the Parish 5:00 pm Janet Ratynski MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 6:30 am All Priests 10:30 am Campbell Hall – at Nursing Home 5:15 pm Anton Kresse TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 6:30 am Nel Pittner 10:00 am Valley View –at Nursing Home 5:15 pm Salvatore Albert Brancato WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 – CHRISTMAS EVE 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm, 9:00 pm 12:00 Midnight (Carols @ 11:30 pm) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 – CHRISTMAS DAY 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 9:00 am Carmen LaGrutta ONLY ONE MASS TODAY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 8:00 am Eugene Smith 5:00 pm The Living & Dec’d. Members of the Heinz & Martin Families SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 7:30 am Nancy Osburn 9:00 pm Brigid Apfel 10:30 am Thomas LaGrutta 12:00 nn The Sanges Family 1:30 pm The People of the Parish 5:00 pm Edward & Stella Kulikowski GOSHEN, NEW YORK FR. VILLA, FR. HEASLEY, MSGR. VALENZUELA, THE DEACONS AND STAFF WISH ALL A BLESSED AND PEACEFUL CHRISTMAS. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE FOR 2014 CONFESSIONS MASSES FOR CHRISTMAS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 24TH 4:00 pm (IN CHURCH & MCCAFFREY HALL) 6:00 PM 9:00 PM BILINGUAL (SPANISH –ENGLISH) 12:00 MIDNIGHT (Carols at 11:30 pm) THURSDAY – DECEMBER 25TH 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26TH – Only one Mass @ 9 am SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27TH – 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM ************************************* NEW YEAR’S SCHEDULE CONFESSIONS Saturday, Dec. 27th from 4-4:30 pm ******************************** MASSES FOR THE NEW YEAR SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27TH VIGIL FOR THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH AT 5:00 PM SUNDAY, DEC. 28TH – THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH 7:30 AM, 9:00AM, 10:30 AM. 12NN, 1:30 PM & 5:00PM ON DEC. 29TH, 30TH & 31ST – Only one Mass @ 9 am. The Vigil for the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God – Wednesday, December 31st at 7 pm MASSES FOR THE SOLLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THURSDAY, JANUARY 1ST – 9 AM & 12NN FRIDAY, JANUARY 2ND – Only one amss at 9 am. -1- 0446 St. John’s ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST GOSHEN, NEW YORK Pray for the safe and speedy return of our men and women serving overseas, especially, SGT Shawn Jamieson, LCPL Andrew Santos. PRE BAPTISM CLASS The next pre Baptism classes for parents are: English meeting will be on, Jan. 27th at 7:30 pm. Spanish speaking will be on, Jan 6th at 7 pm. YOU MUST CALL AHEAD TO REGISTER AT THE PARISH OFFICE – 294-5328. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION THERE IS NO SCHEDULED RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES FROM WED., DEC. 24TH TO WED., DEC. 31ST IN OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS. CLASSES RESUME ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 4TH. A HAPPY & HOLY CHRISTMAS SEASON TO ALL! THERE IS NO BINGO ON DECEMBER 25TH ST. JOHN’S SCHOOL CASH CALENDAR FUNDRAISER Purchase a calendar for $10.and your number is entered to win 81 times, every day between Jan. & June 2015. The cash drawing each day is between $10 and $200. Your calendar is entered every day – so you could win more than once. They make great gifts too. Contact Nora Higgins @ 845 741-2806 to get your calendars or stop by the school office. ST. JOHN’S CHRISTMAS PAGEANT The St. John’s Children’s Choir will present a short Pageant at 2 pm, in Church, on December 24th –Christmas Eve – prior to the 4pm Mass which will also be sung by the Children’s Choir. Please join us- all are Welcome. SENIORS THANK KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AND OTHERS The Christmas Dinner for Senior Citizens was a huge success. Ask any senior who attended and they’ll tell you they enjoyed the food, the company, the floral arrangements, and the music. We’d like to acknowledge all who make the night possible. First of all, a great big thank you to the St. John’s Knights for once again sponsoring the event. We’d like to thank Nancy & Tom Larkin for their big role in coordinating the dinner, Rich Calogero, John Dorian, Dan Freeman, Ben Matalucci, & Paul Fiorello, for helping to cook and serve the dinner. Thank you to Sherry Calogero, Cathy Dorian, Lisa Sullivan, Carolyn Freeman, Barbara Fiorello & Renee Matalucci, for the dessert and overseeing the servers. Thank you to Shop Rite for donating the sheet cake and to James Murray Florist for donating the floral centerpieces. Another thanks to the musicians, Nik Vanderhoof & Ellen Dickinson, Ben Matalucci & LydiaVanduynhoven, Casey Vanduynhoven. The seniors especially thank the young servers who were very polite & solicitous of their needs: Sam Farias, Veronica Fiorello, Ciarrah Garofalo, Sofia Saul, Sophy Chen, Cici Xu, Neil & Grant Stevenson, & Carly & Regan Sullivan. -2- EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS FOR DEC. 24 / 25 Dec. 24th Church 4:00 pm J. Kuehner McCaffrey Hall 4:00 pm A. Scanlon Church 12 Midnight M. Rosolowski Dec. 25th 8:30 am ---------10:30 am ---------12:30 pm L. Vinti SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 27TH/28TH EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS LECTORS 5:00 pm B. Warren F. Warren 7:30 am R. Padavano V. Deluca 9:00 am N. Carey J. Iaquinto 10:30 am M. O’Donnell E. Dorian 12:00 nn M. Rosolowski N. Krebs 5:00 pm _________ M. Giglio LOOKING FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR A RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEACHER…..TEACHER? In lieu of giving a traditional Christmas gift this year, please consider making a charitable donation to Good Counsel Homes. Good Counsel Homes is a Catholic, Pro-Life ministry that rescues women in crisis pregnancies from homelessness by providing them with a home and a new beginning. By donating to Good Counsel you’ll give a mother and child a new life through the love, care, and Life Skills Training they will receive while being a part of the Good Counsel family. Your donation can be mailed to: Good Counsel Homes, PO Box 6068, Hoboken, NJ 07030 or on line @ FROM YOUR PARISH OFFICE MERRY CHRISTMAS - If any Organization is in need of use of meeting rooms in the Parish, please contact us in the office to make arrangements for your group. The book for next year is already getting crowded, so please don’t wait too long. Thank You. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRAY DAILY FOR AN INCREASE IN VOCATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE. 0446 St. John’s ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST In your prayers please remember Suzanne Arnowitz, Barbara Jean Brancato, Jon-Paul Brancato, Abby Furco, JoAnne Gale, Charles R. Lucas, Kim Martin, John T. Mayo II, Matt Meehan, Mary O’Brien, Bruce Pedersen, Ted Perry, Gianna Rose, Mary Sczerba, Margaret Smith and “Teens in Need” that they may recover through healing power of Our Lord. and all the souls in Purgatory. BULLETIN SICK LIST: PLEASE NOTE: We will place names in the list for a period of six (6) weeks. If you wish the name repeated you must submit a new form. Requests will be accepted only from the sick person or an immediate family member, also, include the relationship with said person. Detach and return: I would like my name entered in the Bulletin Sick List and give my permission to do so. NAME (Print) ________________________________________ DATE: _________________ SIGNATURE & RELATIONSHIP (MUST BE A FAMILY MEMBER): -3- shhhhh! By Diogenes Each year the Christmas holiday season brings in a fresh new crop of legal cases, in which government officials forbid the display of religious symbols, performance of religious hymns, and so forth. Each year these test cases are a bit more ridiculous, and 2006 promises another bumper crop on absurdity. Credit the city of Chicago with the silliest decision in the beforeDecember-begins category, and this one is going to be tough to beat. Sponsors of a Christmas holiday festival have decided not to allow New Line Cinema to display a trailer from the new film, The Nativity Story, because it might be offensive to nonChristian patrons of the festival. -3- GOSHEN, NEW YORK That festival, by the way, is a traditional German observance known as the Christkindlmarket. (Christuskind means Christ Child)It's OK to say it, apparently, if you use a foreign language. Don't spread it around, but it the people who might get offended must not be very b_r_i_g_h_t. Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord. Of course you would not know it by the stores, TV, radio but we are only beginning the season of Advent. Actually the first two weeks of Advent have to do with the SECOND COMING of Christ. We profess the Faith received from the Apostles that Jesus will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead at a time known only to God the Father. Hence the priest puts on purple vestments and the readings from Scripture tell us: Be on guard. Be ready at all times to meet the Lord. In the Eastern churches and in the history of the Latin Church Advent took on a penitential character a “little Lent” if you will. Of course the root-meaning of penance is a greater conversion, a greater turning to the Lord in our lives. The last two weeks of Advent focus more on the FIRST COMING of Christ in Bethlehem. Practically the Church calls us to more intense prayer, mediation on the Scriptures about the Second Coming and the prophecies about the Messiah in the prophet Isaiah. It calls us to more intense works of mercy, selfsacrifice for the Lord, and the confession of our sins not just generally in the penitential rite of the Mass but also in the Sacrament of Confession. Other ways to prepare for the Lord during Advent are: GET AN ADVENT WREATH. This is a flat wreath into which are inserted four candles each representing a week of Advent. Light the candle at the supper table and pray together as a family. MAKE A JESSE TREE. This is a tree from which you hang ornaments remember Jesus’ roots in the Israel. You could hang an Ark, Jacob’s ladder, David’s harp and so forth. COUNT DOWN TO CHRISTMAS WITH AN ADVENT CALENDAR. You can buy Advent calendars on line or in a religious store and each day you open a door on the calendar which reveals a biblical scene. For example DISCOVER THE REAL SANTA CLAUS. The real Santa Claus is of course St. Nicholas of Myra whose feast day is on December 6. This is a day in many countries on which gifts are shared and candy is distributed. This is to imitate the charity of St. Nicholas who tradition tells us gave to the needy in secret hence you get the legend about St. Nicholas coming down chimneys unseen by those to whom he will give gifts. SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS. Christ is the reason for the season. We ought not to be ashamed of Him and we should proclaim this feast day proudly. SEND A CHRISTMAS CARD TO THE ACLU. Every year the anti-Christian American Civil Liberties Union sends out its anti-Christmas crèche squad to start law suits. Remind them respectfully and with charity of the reason for the season and that the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion not freedom from religion. Mail it to: ACLU, 125 Broad St. 18th floor, New York 10004. 0446 St. John’s Think Orange Orange, Save Green GOSHEN SUNOCO Snow Plowing By: Mark Gargiulo 121 Greenwich Ave.,Goshen Auto Repair A Complete Autobody Repair Facility Certified Nursery Professional NYS Inspections • Towing Free Estimates • Fully Insured Planting Design • Installation & Maintenance 294-6030 MURRAY’S AUTO BODY SHOP, INC. 845-467-1171 FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED COMPLETE BODY & FENDER REPAIRS Roofing • Siding Decks, Seamless Gutters Toll Free 845-469-5340 • 63 Brookside Ave. P.O. Box 196 • Chester NY Computerized Wheel Balancing & Alignment 844-701-ROOF Clowes Avenue, Goshen John Dermigny, DO John McDermott, DO Goshen, NY • 294-8119 Ciro Attardo, MD John McDermott, DO WARWICK Tel: 986-3311 FLORIDA 294-6139 Tel: 651-1777 Your Independent Community Bank “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” MEMBER FDIC 845-341-5000 Worthy of Trust Since 1892 Tim Mills MERICAN PEST CONTROL CO. 1•4•3 $20 OFF INITIAL SERVICE CALL W/ This Ad. Cannot Be Combined W/ Any Other Offers PET SENSITIVE Least Toxic Solution Goshen (845) 294-6069 Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! • Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides • Care Management • Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies Specialty Services include: Cardiac Care • Diabetes Care Maternal Child Services Wound & Ostomy Social Work • Pastoral Care 1-855-488-2149 Specializing In: High Performance Cars • Detailing Tire Supply • Road force Balancing Oil Changes • Tune Ups 845.615.9090 2050 Rt. 17A, Goshen, NY 10924 FREE ESTIMATES IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Repair and Replacement of all types of roofs $14.99 Oil Change w/this ad Winter is Coming 20% OFF Any Service Over #300 w/this ad Tues-Thurs 11-10 Fri-Sat 11-11 • Sun 11-9 Closed Mondays All Of Our Food Is Prepared With The Finest Ingredients, & The Highest Quality Products (845) 294-1880 Insist on quality guaranteed work WWW.PRECISIONROOFINGINC.COM 782-3040 159-167 MAIN STREET • GOSHEN, NY 10924 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! St. John is looking for a few more sponsors. If you would like to adver ise your business, please contact John Pat ick Publishing Company. 800-333-3166 446 St. John ~ Goshen, NY (inside) Rt. U John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • Hambletonian Auto Spa DONOVAN FUNERAL HOME FULL SERVICE FLORIST 2841 Route 17M • Car Wash • Lube • Detailing • Gift Shop Open 7 Days Mark F. Johnston • Joseph R. Donovan 374-4933 1 Bryle Place, Chester (located just off Rt.17, exit 126 on Rt. 17M) Serving the Community and St. John’s Parish Since 1889 TIMBER RIDGE KENNELS The finest in grooming & boarding. Over 15 Yrs Exp. 294-6422 845-294-6662 2375 Rt. 207 Campbell Hall, NY 82 South Church Street • Goshen Rt. 17M, Goshen, NY 10924 845-427-9925 F.A. SCOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Frances A. Scott Principal Prime Care Physical Therapy, PC Orthopedic & Vestibular Rehabilitation 78 Cypress Rd., Suite 4 Goshen, NY 10924 Off Exit 122A (only 5 mins. from St. John’s) Personal & Commercial Business-Life Insurance 18 Scotchtown Ave., Goshen, NY 10924 Office: (845) 294-1450 845-294-3484 • Joint /Muscle Pain • Balance Problem • Post-Surgery Rehab e-mail: Joe and Margaret Giglio Broker ~ Parishioners 15 Matthews St., Suite 201 Insurance Brokers itched saved Those who sw 37% on their of e ag e. an aver me insuranc auto and ho 845-294-1357 Dickover, Donnelly & Donovan, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 28 Bruen Place, Goshen, NY 10924 845-294-9447 MARKET Catering Delicatessen Meat • Fish • Produce 99 Railroad Ave., Goshen, NY 845-294-1884 Attorney Advertising Open 7 Days Chinese • Japanese • Sushi 99 West Main St., Goshen 845-291-1000 Take Out • Eat In DAN-ICK CONTRACTING DON’T Goshen, NY 10924 UNTILBUY INSU YOU C RANC ALL U E S! O’MALLEY ELECTRICAL Residential & Commercial Licensed & Insured 294-5709 Don’t Move!!! Improve Established 1963 Restoration • Renovation Kitchens & Baths 294-9442 Twin Oaks Drive Campbell Hall Member of Parish Patricia Strong Broker Associate Res. 845-294-6392 • V. Mail 845-291-8240 • Thomas E. Griffith Realtors, Inc. 226 Main Street, Goshen, NY 10924 845-294-9333 • FAX 845-294-1426 The Little Red House by the Hall of Fame! Play It Safe PAINTING Residential • Commercial 244 West Main St. Goshen, NY 845-294-3393 Delivery Available All Day! Find us on Facebook! - PAINTING We Do Honey-Do - PLUMBING Handyman - CARPENTRY Lists! - LAWN & TREE WORK Call Fred 845.291.8772 Local References FULLY INSURED• FREE ESTIMATES On & Off Site Catering OPEN 7 DAYS Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 VILLAGE PIZZA 40 Park Place Goshen, NY 10924 $500 Off 2 Large Pies 845.294.8254 Cannot be Combinded w/ any other offers 446 St. John ~ Goshen, NY (back) Rt. UPS Anytime • Exp. 12/31/14 294-7923 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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