A SERVICE OF CHRISTIAN WORSHIP Sunday, December 21, 2014 11:00 AM Prelude Hymn, No. 379 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship Welcome, Announcements, and Prayer FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Jeffery Gunter Rev. Andy Willis Prelude L. Couperin Noel, Allemande Morning Prayer Rev. Andy Willis Hymn No. 77 HYFRYDOL Come, thou Long Expected Jesus Cheryl Boles Lighting of the Candle of Love ST. LOUIS O Little Town of Bethlehem An Offering of Prayer An Offering of Music M. McDonald Darkness Into Light Message Rev. Andy Willis “The Gift That Keeps On Giving” John 1:14-18* Hymn of Invitation, No. 320 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus Benediction Balbastre Noel, Noel Page #909 in the pew Bible LEMMEL Rev. Andy Willis Postlude MUELLER STILLE NACHT NORTH PHONEIX CELEBRATION OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Special Music Message O Holy Night The Wonder of It All Luke 2:1-20 Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne Ben Davenport, soloist Rev. Andy Willis Parting Hymn, No. 121 Benediction Please join us in the Fellowship Hall for “THE TASTE OF CHRISTMAS” MARGARET Rev. Andy Willis Poinsettias Were Given In Memory of Josh and Emily Bellamy Anthem Hymn, No. 103 Away in a Manger Hymn, No. 91 Silent Night An Offering of Prayer and Music Hymn No. 367 As We Gather Around The Table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Children’s Message Hymn, No. 86 HOLY MANNA Rev. Andy Willis WORSHIP THROUGH SONG Sunday School Report Welcome and Announcements WELCOME 6:00 PM Evening Service R. C. and Mary Clay Lewis and Joe and Ethel Mullins by the Larry Mullins family Marion Burchfield by Theda Burchfield Mattie Laster and Anna Davenport by Ben Davenport Mr. & Mrs. William A. Bruchey, Major General John A Goshorn, Barbara A. Bruchey, and Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Vandermause by Bill Bruchey Russell Pack by Phyllis Pack Jean Richardson by Evelyn Carpenter and Phyllis Pack Shirley Price and Buddy Moudy by Brian and Renee Price Clifford J. Peach by Mary Ann Peach and family J. D. and Louise Cross by Donald and Emily Lane James and Jean Richardson by Connie and Max Richardson Bud Testerman by Jack and Glenda Davis Doc and Gin McConnell and infant son of Rosy and Hannah by Hannah Gillenwater Guy Carpenter by Cynthia and Summer Jackson Kyle Kirkpatrick, Gene Hawks, and Guy Carpenter by Craig and Judy Kirkpatrick W. Guy Trent by Imogene Trent Margaret Hall by Ray and Nina Brooks Charlie and Mary Cole by Libby, Mike and Myrna Tony Proffitt by Morgan, Luke, and Lawson Mr. & Mrs. John Cary Price by Larry and Cary Barton In Honor of Jewel Barker by Roger and Anna Beverly Betty Skaggs by Jack and Glenda Davis Margaret Hall by Ray and Nina Brooks Louise Goshorn by Bill Bruchey Eutha Hageman by Morgan, Luke, and Lawson Laura Brooks by Charles, Brian, Jamie, Hunter, and Brylee Poinsettias may be picked up at the close of this morning’s service. The Youth will deliver the remaining poinsettias to the nursing home and hospital. We are happy to have you worship with us. Guest/Member Registration Form December 21, 2014 A.D. ____Morning Worship ____Evening Worship __First Time __Regular Attendance __Second Time __Wednesday Night Mr. Dr. Mrs. Miss (circle one) Name________________________________ Spouse______________________________ Address______________________________ Apt. No.______________________________ City_____________St._______ Zip _______ Phone _______________________________ E-mail________________________________ Adult age group (circle appropriate age) 20’s 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s+ Child__________________ Age_____ Child__________________ Age_____ Student_________________ Age_____ Current Church Membership ____Local Church ____Out-of-town Church How did you hear about us? ____Friends ____Drive by ____TV ____Newspaper ____Yellow Pages ____Other Visit Requested ____ Yes ____ No Prayer Requests ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ PLEASE DETACH AND PLACE IN OFFERING PLATE ******************* For Your Information Restrooms are located through the vestibule, downstairs past the kitchen; and through the doors at the organ and piano. Ushers are available at the back of the sanctuary for assistance. Please refrain from eating or drinking in the sanctuary. THE CHURCH CALENDAR THE CHURCH RECORD Sunday, December 21, 2014 8:30—TV Replay 9:30-9:45—Prayer Group 9:15-10:00—Library Open 9:45—Sunday School *9:45—Sanctuary Sunday School *11:00—Morning Worship *6:00—Evening Worship & Taste of Christmas *Live telecast—Channel 198 Sunday 8:30 a.m.—12:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. Children’s Church Workers Dec 21—Terri Barker & Camille Carpenter Dec 28—Anna Beverly & Amanda Gunter Jan 4—Darla Alvis & Joyce LeRoy Jan 11—Rachel Willis & Judy Kirkpatrick Note: Nursery ages are 0-3 Children’s Church is 4-5 yrs. Children 6 and over are encouraged to remain in the sanctuary. Wednesday, December 24 , 2014 Christmas Eve—NO WED. SERVICE December 9:15 a.m. Greeters Louvenia Russell & Kathy Baker Janice Baker & David Tipton December Offering Counters George Morgan & Jack Davis Deacons on Call George Shanks ……………. 272-7074 Tom Underwood ………….. 272-8464 Dallas Wilder ………………921-7540 Hear ye! Hear ye! FBC Kingdom Kids Kick Off Party East End Bowling Alley Sunday, January 4, 2015 4:00-6:00 p.m. FBC Kingdom Kids is for grades K-6, meeting on Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00. Please join us in fun and learning about God and His Kingdom. December 14, 2014 Sunday School ………………..………… 159 Budget Required …………………..$ 9,134.00 Budget Received …………….…....$ 7,077.00 YTD Budget Required …… $456,700.00 YTD Budget Received ….. $422,379.09 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering FBC Goal—$12,000 Received—$5,996.90 Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary Dec 20—Dena Weston Dec 23—Allison Graham Dec 26—Andy Willis, John Rutledge Dec 27—David Carpenter, Sharon Bradley, Anna Smelser Dec 30—Marley Snapp Jan 1—Dana Elkins Jan 3—Hailey Turnmire Jan 4—Betty Bailey Jan 8—Donna Henderson Jan 9—Ken Dickey Dec 21—James and Carla Sells Dec 21—Jim and Margaret Sells Dec 22—George and Mary Jo Shanks Dec 23—Gene and Nancy Heck Dec 23—Cyndi and Mark Snapp Dec 24—Melvin and Jean Northern Dec 28—David and Katherine Elkins Jan 1—Charles and Laura Brooks Gifts were given … In memory of Mr. Randall (Bud) Price to the TV Ministry by Shirley Leonard and Phyllis (Jackie) Bales; and to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by June McMakin. In memory of Darryl and Derrek McMakin to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by June McMakin. In memory of Mrs. Opal Alvis to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by June McMakin. In memory of Mr. Jack Myers to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by Ed and Nancy Lambert and by June McMakin. In memory of Mr. Gerald Howe to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by June McMakin. In memory of Mr. Ray Wampler to the TV Ministry by Shirley Leonard and Phyllis (Jackie) Bales. In memory of Mr. Fred Davis to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by June McMakin. In honor of Jacob Clark to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by the 4-6 Grade GA’s. In honor of Heiskell Winstead and Bill Trent to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by the Sanctuary Sunday School Class. By Sandy Trent in honor of Bill Trent, their children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. First Baptist Church Taste of Christmas following the evening service TONIGHT. The church office will be closed the week of December 22. The church staff wishes everyone a Merry and Blessed Christmas PO Box 267, 119 West Washington St. Rogersville, Tennessee 37857 423-272-2151 firstbaptistrogersville.com fbcrog@fbcrog.net . Dr. Andy Willis, Pastor USPS 571-600 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BULLETIN Entered as Second Matter at Rogersville, TN Post Office under Act of March 4, 1879, U. S. Postage Paid. Published weekly. POSTMASTER Send address changes to FBC, P. O. Box 267, Rogersville, TN 37857. Volume 60 December 21, 2014 Number 51
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