Chapter 11: Children's Director

Chapter 11: Children's Director
The mission of Community Bible Study is
to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities
through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all.
The Children’s Director is the leader of the Children’s Ministry and oversees all aspects of the program including nursery,
Baby CBS, Preschool, Young CBS, Primary CBS, and Junior CBS. The Children’s Director should have a loving servant’s
heart and a teachable spirit. The overriding goal for the Children’s Director is to be Christ’s person in every situation and
to focus on God’s love and leading in administering the Children’s Ministry for Christ’s sake. The Children’s Director will
learn from Jesus Christ to serve, support, and encourage teachers personally and practically in their individual lives and in
their ministry to children, to love and build relationships with them, and to administer the practical aspects of the
Children’s Ministry.
Key responsibilities and resources are:
Shepherd Children’s Teachers
Prepare for Leaders Council
Lead Leadership Development Group Time
Complete Administrative Details
Train Children’s Teachers
Children’s Enrollment Process
Children's Ministry Resources
Long-Range Planning Suggestions for Getting Started Each Year
Children's Ministry Forms and Letters
List of Resources for Baby CBS and Preschool
List of Resources for Young CBS
List of Resources for Primary and Junior CBS
Getting Started with Unit Planning
Sample Training Topics
Sources for Craft Supplies, Toys, Materials & Equipment
Music Resource Samples
Flannel Board Resources
Suggested Topics for Children's Leadership Development
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A. Shepherd Children's Teacher
The Children’s Director shepherds the Children’s Teachers, the Associate Children’s Director, Nursery Coordinator,
Primary & Junior CBS Supervisor, and any Senior Leaders for the Children’s Ministry. The shepherding should be
consistent, relational, and done on a weekly basis. Shepherding facilitates team building within the Children’s
Ministry. Ways to shepherd include but are not limited to the following:
Be a spiritual leader and example.
Pray for the needs of children and teachers.
Personally contact teachers weekly through email, telephone calls, written notes.
Oversee all administrative details.
Equip, train, share ideas, encourage.
Provide ongoing training in Leadership Development Group time.
Help, pray, observe, and praise during class session.
For classes with 10 or more Children’s Teachers on Leaders Council, the Children’s Director may choose a Senior
Leader to assist in shepherding Children’s Teachers. This is an optional position. With the Servants Team approval,
the Children’s Senior Leader may be invited by the Teaching Director to join the Servants Team.
B. Prepare for Leaders Council
Arrive early and set up the room or work space for Leadership Development Group time. Greet leaders and teachers
as they arrive. Give the Teaching Director and the Prayer Chairman the weekly aim for the Preschool Program
(Optional: the aims could be printed for the year and given to the TD and the Prayer Chairman at the beginning of
the year). Encourage all leaders to pray for this aim to be met over and above expectations. Give enthusiastic reports
and praises of how the Lord has met needs and blessed the Children’s Ministry. Distribute Parents Home Paper to all
leadership, calling attention to a special thought or idea and encouraging them to read on their own. Show craft and
share Lesson title, Bible verse, aim, and any special learning activity for class. (CTs may also do this at the CDs
direction.) Have Adult Lesson completed and share in the discussion. Make note of Children’s Teachers' absences.
C. Lead Leadership Development Group Time
1. Purpose of Leadership Development Group
All leaders are divided into Leadership Development Groups. The Children’s Director is the Leadership
Development Group Leader for the Children’s Ministry. The purpose of Leadership Development Group time
(approximately 30 minutes) is to provide extra support and care, to pray for each other and specific needs of
the program, to encourage personal growth, to equip, and to provide continuing training.
2. Procedure for Leadership Development Group
All Children’s Teachers move quickly from Leaders Council to Leadership Development Group meeting room.
Spend the first 10 to 15 minutes in prayer and sharing of personal needs, needs of individual children and all
aspects of the Children’s Ministry. (May need to have a timekeeper.) Confidentiality is stressed. Share
answered prayer as the Lord has provided for needs, both personal and CBS ministry. The Primary and Junior
teachers then separate to prepare for their class.
Preschool Children’s Teachers briefly discuss the program and prepare in all areas for the next class. This may
involve practicing songs and finger plays. Offer ideas, give encouragement, and locate appropriate books and
Use five to 10 minutes weekly or twice monthly providing additional ongoing training (see also Getting
Started with Unit Planning located in the Resources section at the end of this chapter).
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D. Complete Administrative Details
1. Weekly
In classes with an Associate Children’s Director, administrative duties should be divided between the CD and
the ACD. Weekly details include the following:
File and store each week’s sample craft, craft supplies, teaching resources, etc.
Purchase and replenish supplies.
Purchase children’s snacks (crackers and water are suggested for preschool children; coffee and/or tea
for adults, with an occasional treat). The Children’s Ministry provides these snacks. It is recommended
that parents not provide snacks for a class.
Check enrollment; work with Coordinator if there is a waiting list.
In conjunction with Coordinator, record attendance using the Membership System.
Prepare and distribute crafts, or give appropriate supplies to “craft person.”
Oversee Core Group Volunteers.
2. Class Session
In classes with an Associate Children’s Director, administrative duties should be divided between the CD and
the ACD. Class session details include the following:
Arrive early to unlock doors, begin coffee and tea.
If rooms need to be set up, help teachers where possible. Check to see if any resources or supplies are
Set up central desk (if appropriate) with Bringing It Home (including back issues) and attendance
sheets. For a small class, arrange nametags in alphabetical order.
Prepare and deliver snacks to each room.
Arrange for teachers to pray together before class (5 to 10 minutes). Invite the Teaching Director, Prayer
Chairman, Music Leader, and Core Group helpers to join.
Greet children and parents. Be alert for signs of illness or extreme fatigue in a child. Children with communicable diseases are not to be brought to class.
Welcome Core Group volunteers. Thank them for their service to the Children’s Ministry. Accompany
them to their pre-assigned classrooms, introducing them to teachers. Remind them to wear nametags, or
provide temporary nametags.
Visit ALL classrooms, ascertaining that rooms are fully staffed and supplies are provided.
Remind teachers to wear nametags, and help post the aim for the day, schedule, and Bible verse in each
Visit classrooms and take attendance on the master attendance list.
Visit classrooms and personally thank each Core Group helper. Be aware of possible future children’s
Teachers. The “Thank You” flyer may be given with the helper’s name written at the top.
For Day classes—Set up the area for video/audio or live teaching. Arrange tables and chairs,
video/audio equipment and an area for coffee or tea.
Encourage teachers and helpers to come quickly to after-class teaching time. This time should immediately follow classroom time. This is a great time to unwind from the class activities and have a nice
closure to the CBS class day. In addition, it provides a special time with the Teaching Director. The
short time following the teaching provides a time of fun and fellowship, a time of sharing concerns,
needs, answered prayers, and a brief time of problem-solving.
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Pass the Children’s Ministry envelope, allowing teachers and Core helpers to contribute to the Children’s Ministry.
Clean up and put away Children’s materials, equipment, etc. Check all rooms to make certain lights are
off, trash emptied, chairs stacked, doors locked (if required), CBS signs removed.
For Evening Classes—Obtain teaching CDs and distribute them to teachers and Core Group helpers.
Praise the Lord for another opportunity to serve Him.
E. Train Children's Teachers
Two separate training events are held at the beginning of a new class and prior to the beginning of each year of an
established class:
1. Training for all leaders in Leaders Council (including the Children’s Ministry Leaders) arranged for by the
Servants Team. Time is available at this session for the Children’s leaders to meet separately for planning and
2. Training for Children’s Leaders only. The Children’s Director will train all Children’s Teachers at the beginning of a new class year. One all-day training meeting (two sessions in one day) or two half-day training sessions are to be held approximately two weeks prior to the beginning of the class. A suggested schedule is
included in Chapter 5.
Childcare for all leaders’ children should be provided for all training sessions.
For two-day training sessions, it works well to hold Session I in a private home (a choice made by the CD) and to
hold Session II in the host church (be sure to obtain permission first) to acquaint the teachers with the facilities to be
used. For Session II of the training of Children’s Leaders, the Primary & Junior CBS Supervisor will meet separately
with the Primary and Junior CBS teachers for training needs to be specific to these areas.
During the training sessions each teacher receives:
Children's Teachers Manual
Children’s Lessons—Baby, Preschool, Young, Primary, or Junior
Teacher Guides—Primary, Junior
Bringing It Home—Baby, Preschool, Young
Children’s Home Papers—Baby, Preschool, Young
Scripture Songs
Child Protection Policy
At the conclusion of the class year, the Children’s Director will collect the notebooks from the teachers. This
prevents materials from being distributed to other groups or organizations and safeguards the copyright laws. The
spiral-bound children's material should be transferred using the Transfer Site on the Membership System. Notebooks
are to be retained for next year’s use. Preschool Teachers may retain the colored Children’s Home Papers.
Before the beginning of the class year, each classroom (each team of teachers) receives:
1 set of Curriculum Aims—Preschool Teachers
1 set of Bible verse shapes—Preschool Teachers
Nametags (printed through the Membership System)
Door sign
Class list printed from the Membership System
Attendance sheet (printed from the Membership System)
1 Portfolio folder per child
1 Logo (for folder) per child
Student notebooks and journals—Primary/Junior teachers as appropriate
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Preschool Pupil Information Sheets (optional)
Child Contact Sheets (optional)
Helper Suggestions sheets (optional)
Use five to 10 minutes weekly or twice monthly during Leadership Development Group (C. above) time for ongoing
training. Additionally, a time of review and encouragement is to be held in January or February. The Children’s
Director is to be sensitive to the needs of the teachers in the Children’s Ministry in order to plan the topics of
Some topics might include:
Prayer—brainstorm prayer activities with the children.
Devotional talk on commitment to Jesus Christ and to each other; ways in which to promote love and unity
within the group; what it is to be a servant of Jesus Christ; what Jesus meant when He said, "Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me" (Luke 9:48a).
Review of the responsibilities of the Children’s Teacher and the facilitating of the Children’s Ministry.
F. Children's Registration Process
1. Registration by Parents
A parent must be registered in CBS for a child to be registered, and a parent must be present at CBS for a child
to attend class. In hardship situations, the Servants Team has the discretion to make exceptions.
It is permissible for a grandparent, another family member, a foster parent or a childcare provider who is
registered in CBS to bring a child under their care to CBS. The responsible adult must be present at CBS for
the child to attend class and must have full authorization from the child’s parents by providing a Release From
Liability, Form #512. Each year, the Children’s Director, together with the Servants Team, will decide if it is
feasible to accommodate these additional children, given the availability of the number of Children’s Teachers
and space. These children will be placed only after enrolled parents’ children are placed.
When a parent registers for Community Bible Study, she/he also registers child(ren) by filling out a Children's
Ministry Registration, Form #205, for each child who will be attending. These forms are given promptly to the
Children’s Director. If space is limited, continuing class members who have registered in the spring have first
priority for enrollment and new class members’ children are taken according to the order in which they
Note: If a nursing mother wishes to reserve a place for her baby in the nursery for later in the year, she
fills out a Children’s Ministry Registration Form and pays the registration fee.
The Children’s Director needs to know the enrollment as soon as possible to determine the needed number of
teachers, rooms, and materials. Throughout the summer, prior to the start of class, the Children’s Director
continues to check registrations. A waiting list may be necessary if the number of children exceeds the number
of teachers God has provided. When a waiting list is necessary, the registration form is filled out and the fee is
collected. If the child is not placed by the end of the sixth week (or earlier if decided by the Children’s
Director), the fee will be refunded.
In late August or early September, when the Core Leaders are calling the members in their group, have them
confirm the names and ages of the children who will be attending CBS. Any change in status should promptly
be reported to the Coordinator, who will communicate with the Children’s Director.
Approximately one or two weeks prior to the start of the class, the Children’s Director will provide the
Children’s Teachers with the names of children who will be in their classes. The teachers will then make
phone calls to the parents to introduce themselves and to give specific information about the first day of class,
e.g., the location of their class, the time the class will meet, and what the class schedule will be like.
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2. Conditions for Child Registration
Community Bible Study endeavors to be a place where parents can feel comfortable attending the CBS class
while their children are being loved and taught biblical lessons and principles.
However, we want all our parents to understand that CBS does not have trained staff or facilities to properly
care for children who, in our judgment, have physical, medical, social, behavioral, or psychological issues.
With regard to special-needs children, our policy is:
Our primary concern is for the health and safety of all the children and teachers.
Thus, we cannot allow any child who might be a safety concern to the other children, or himself.
We are volunteer childcare providers/teachers; most are not trained for special-needs children.
For the most part, our facilities are not equipped for special-needs children.
It is the parent’s responsibility to provide for the needs of the special-needs child.
If the parent does not send a trained helper along with a special-needs child, the local Servants Team
makes the decision as to whether the child may attend.
Accordingly, the local Servants Team reserves the right to refuse registration to any child (1) whose condition
is, in our judgment, beyond our capability to provide proper care, or (2) who, in our judgment, poses a concern
for the health or safety of other children or childcare volunteers. We trust that you understand our position.
3. Composition of Classes
Do not crowd! Have a waiting list.
2-year-olds: 1 teacher and 1 helper for each 5-7 children
3-year-olds: 1 teacher and 1 helper for each 5-7 children
4–5-year-olds: 1 teacher and 1 helper for each 5-7 children
Children’s Director may wish to name Preschool classes using some criteria other than chronological age, e.g.,
Pink Lambs, Blue Lambs, etc. The lamb symbol serves as an immediate identification to CBS. Also the lamb
helps children to form their spiritual connection with Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
4. Teacher Assignments
a. Baby CBS through Junior CBS
The Children’s Director generally does not serve as a teacher. Occasionally the Associate Children’s
Director will teach (in a small class).
Teachers work closely in a team ministry. Team teaching is recommended for all classes (team teaching is
defined as two or more teachers assuming equal teaching responsibilities of a group of children). It is
important that there be much prayer in seeking the Lord’s guidance when forming teams. Some matters to
consider are a teacher’s own personal preferences for particular age groups, and personalities and
temperaments that complement each other. Experienced teachers may be placed with inexperienced
teachers, or two new teachers may be placed together—to learn and grow together.
Permanent Substitute Teachers participate fully in the Children’s Ministry, attending Leaders Council
and Children’s Leadership Development Group. They are regular and valuable members of the Children’s
b. Nursery-Toddler Classes
Options for Childcare Providers:
1. Called, volunteer Nursery Teachers become members of Leaders Council so they can provide
childcare for the children as their ministry during class. Core Group helpers would assist during
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class time. They would be shepherded by the Associate Children’s Director. Baby CBS classes are
for 12 to 24 months.
2. Paid Caregivers are employees of host church(es). The church(es) are reimbursed by the class for
their costs, including Medicare, FICA, State Unemployment, Workman’s Compensation and any
administrative expenses incurred by the church staff for CBS childcare workers. The amount of the
reimbursement is worked out between the class and the church. In some cases, third-party churches
have stepped forward and offered to become the employers of class caregivers. The church would
provide appropriate invoicing for CBS records, a copy of which is attached to Treasurer’s Work
Sheet Form #123, #223 or #323. Caregiver reimbursement is taken from the local Children’s Fund.
3. Childcare services are procured from a licensed staffing agency. This is usually a contractual
arrangement. CBS pays the agency by check from the agency invoice, which should include proper
accounting for Medicare, FICA, State Unemployment, and Workman’s Compensation. The funds
are disbursed from the local Children’s Fund, and a copy of the invoice is attached to Treasurer’s
Work Sheet Form #123, #223 or #323.
Note: CLASSES MUST NOT USE A PAYROLL SERVICE, because CBS would continue to be
the employer in such a circumstance.
4. Parents of children two years old and younger may opt for a co-op in which they rotate the
responsibility for providing childcare, under the supervision of a CBS leader. This CBS leader
might be designated as Nursery Coordinator. During times when parents are caring for the children,
parents continue working through their spiral notebook Lessons, and should be provided with
tapes/CDs of the missed teachings.
5. Young babies may be kept with their parents in a Core Group designed for this (often called a
New Mothers’ Group or a Young Parent Group).
6. Use a Mother’s Day Out program in your area. Each parent makes their own arrangements to
hire sitters on their own, apart from CBS, for the care of their own children.
Note: If a class has all volunteer caregivers, the Children's Ministry Contribution envelope will
continue to be passed in Core Groups. The money will be used to pay for supplies and teaching
resources. If a class accumulates more than they need in their Children's Fund, they may send the
excess to the MSC to be put into the National Children's Fund to assist classes that are unable
to meet their Children's Ministry expenses.
G. Other Information
1. Core Group Helpers
To assist the teacher
To provide love and care for the children
To give volunteers a better understanding of the Children’s Ministry (potential leadership is found as
Core Group members assist.)
The Children’s Director and entire leadership team need to help all members realize the importance and
privilege of helping in the Children’s Ministry. Volunteer help is an integral part of the program.
Before the year begins, the Servants Team will prayerfully decide how to administer the Core Group
assistance, based on the specific needs of the class. Options sometimes used by classes include, but are not
limited to:
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1. Using an entire Core Group for one class day. Bring to first Leaders Council a sheet listing all class
dates and assign each Core Leader one or more dates, or ask the Core Leaders to choose their preferred
dates. Adapt the Core Group Helpers, Form #508, and make copies to give to Core Leaders each week to
fill out and return well before the Core Group is scheduled to serve. The Core Leader is expected to
serve in the Children’s Ministry to set the example for the Group. The Core Leader is responsible for
reminding the Core Group of the scheduled helping date and to strongly encourage Day Class members
to stay for the teaching (live, video, or audio). For Evening class members, the teaching will be available
via cd and/or online streaming from the class website.
If the Servants Team decides to use an entire Core Group each week, the Children’s Director visits that
Group one week prior to its serving, giving information about the Children’s Ministry and inviting and
encouraging the Group to stay for the teaching.
2. Use one or two people from each Core Group every week, or as needed. Provide each Core Leader
with an adapted version of the Sign-Up Sheet for Volunteers to use in the Core Group for assigning
members to specific date(s) or allowing them to choose their preferred date(s). Core Leaders need to make
a duplicate copy of the signup sheet for their own record and then return the original sheet to the
Children’s Director. The Core Leader is responsible for reminding the Core Group member of their date
to help. If a person cannot help on the date, it is the Core Leader’s responsibility to obtain a substitute.
Encourage each teacher to communicate to the helpers exactly how they are to help in that classroom. A
list of Tips for Helping in Children's Ministry, Form #511, may be placed in each room for volunteers to
read upon arrival.
2. Crafts
Two craft Manuals are available for use in the Children's Ministry: the Two-Year-Old Craft Manual and the
Preschool Craft Manual.
The Children’s Director determines the most appropriate crafts and/or may select an alternate craft. Ideally, the
craft should be in keeping with the lesson’s aim.
Reasons for crafts:
1. For the child to review and retell the Bible story.
2. For the child to grow socially, intellectually, and physically.
3. For the child to enjoy the process and the product.
Preparation options:
1. A “craft person(s)” is responsible for purchasing all necessary supplies and preparing samples and
packets for each class. This person may or may not be a part of the Children’s team and attend Leaders Council.
2. Craft packets are made up for each lesson and given to Core Leaders and Children’s Teachers who,
then, prepare all items for that given lesson’s craft (cutting, fringing, etc.—whatever is needed prior
to child’s completion of the craft) and return packets to Children’s Director.
3. For Day Classes—All leaders are invited to a simple lunch (provided by the Children’s Team) after
Leaders Council or class, and crafts are prepared for each craft for a specified number of Lessons.
4. For Evening Classes—All leaders are invited to a simple meal (provided by the Children’s Team) at
a set date, and crafts are prepared for each class for a specified number of Lessons.
5. All leaders, or Children’s Teachers only, gather two or three times a year to prepare crafts. If the first
meeting is held before class begins, it serves as a great “get acquainted” time.
6. The Children’s Director and Associate Children’s Director work together to prepare crafts.
For craft supply sources see the Resource Section at the end of this chapter.
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3. Permissible Videos
CBS has obtained permission to use the following videos:
1. Word Entertainment (creators of “VeggieTales” and “Psalty” series)
2. Sony Wonder (“Beginner's Bible Series”)
3. Moody Bible Institute (“Creation”)
4. Integrity Music (“The Donut Man”)
These videos are appropriate to use during Leaders Council time. Use of videos at class time is discouraged;
however, segments that relate specifically to the lesson may be used occasionally. If there are any questions
regarding the use of videos not listed, please contact the individual company for permission to use.
4. Optional Materials
The Children’s Director will determine needs for class, and based on money available, purchase teaching
resources: tapes, CDs, books, toys, etc.—best suited for that class. The Children’s Director inventories all
materials at beginning of class year and end of class year, ascertaining that all supplies have been returned.
Marking with a “Sharpie” facilitates easy identification. Many excellent resources are available for purchase
from Christian bookstores or through the Internet.
5. Facilities Required
Check for an adequate number of classrooms and restrooms. Also look for nursery and toddler accommodations
(preferably on the ground floor and well away from the sanctuary).
Optional: Have a central desk or table area for the Children’s Director and Associate Children’s Director where
a child can go with a parent to have attendance taken and get a nametag before going to classroom. (This is
usually for a small class.)
Outside area: The minimum requirement would be a safe, semi-enclosed, large outside play area, easily
accessible from the classroom(s). Be sure to receive permission and time schedule for use (if shared with other
church activities).
6. Relationship With Host Church
Ideally, the Children’s Director is a member of the host church. Before a class begins she/he, along with the
Coordinator, spends time with those responsible for the Children’s ministry of the host church. The CD must
know specifically which facilities, materials, toys, etc., may be used. Consider getting in writing what can be
used so there will be no misunderstanding. Strive for a storage closet where all baskets, toys, materials and
supplies can be placed and locked. After this initial meeting, the Coordinator generally deals with the office
This is a potentially sensitive area. Great care must be exercised in dealing positively and sensitively with staff
and members of the host church. “Love gifts” such as cookies or flowers are given occasionally by the
Servants Team to show appreciation.
When leaving the church facility after each class, clean and tidy up the rooms with the goal of leaving them in
better condition than the way they were found.
7. Fire Drill Procedure
The Children’s Director must be fully aware of the procedure at the host church and must make certain all
teachers know the procedure. (Church office may have suggestions and recommendations available.) Practice
fire drills are suggested (before the fire department conducts a drill). Children’s Director and Teachers should
remain calm and give children specific, easy-to-follow directions. Attendance charts should be taken outside
by teachers to verify all children are present. Some classes choose to have firemen come and talk to the
children and teachers.
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8. Insurance
See Insurance, in Chapter 6, to learn about Community Bible Study policy guidelines for insurance coverage.
The following specifics are highlighted for the Children’s Ministry.
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Volunteer caregivers who are not officially enrolled in CBS should fill out a registration card with the
fees waived. They may receive lessons to study on their own and are fully covered by our insurance.
Children of caregivers should be registered to be covered by our insurance.
Visitors are covered under the policy as if they are normal participants.
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9. CBS Child Protection Policy
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10. CBS Child Protection Policy Training
Child Protection Policy Training is conducted during annual training before class begins each year and with
each new Children’s Teacher or caregiver before they begin working with the children. The Children’s
Director and the Teaching Director collaborate on the training.
The Child Protection Policy applies to all Children’s Leaders and regular Childcare Providers (church paid and
volunteer) of CBS. All Children’s Teachers and regular Childcare Providers must read and sign the policy each
CBS places a high priority on maintaining a safe, secure environment for children and Children’s Teachers.
Please review the Policy with all Children’s leaders, Teachers, and Childcare Providers. A question has been
added to the Child Protection Policy regarding lawsuits to determine whether a prospective leader has a
history of litigation. Another question has been added concerning communicable diseases such as HIV,
Hepatitis, or TB.
The Child Protection Policy prohibits physical, mental, or emotional misconduct by staff and volunteers and
forbids the placement of known offenders in leadership positions in the Children’s Ministry. CBS must
maintain the security of all our children and adults: “Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves”
(Matthew 10:16, KJV).
Background checks and calling of at least two references (whenever possible) should be done at the Servants
Team’s discretion. Any questions concerning a potential Childcare Provider should warrant a call to check on
references and/or public information. Any persons who may pose a threat to minors (based on applications
response, reference feedback, or other information) will be prohibited from working with them. The
Coordinator may facilitate these checks through many sources (Internet, police records, etc.) Public records may
be freely accessed. Should there be any expense, it would be paid through the Children’s Fund (either locally
or nationally).
Instructions for TDs and CDs
The TD and/or the CD lead the Child Protection Policy training for each new class year. They must provide
additional training as new workers come into the program.
Implementing the Policy
Read the Policy to all Children’s Teachers and regular Childcare Providers each year and have them
sign it.
Save all signed policies each year. Do not destroy any signed policies from previous years. The complete policies are to be retained by the CD or the Coordinator for a minimum of 20, years because a
child has until age 18 to report and file child abuse claims. Twenty years ensures we are covered for
that duration. Keep these forms alphabetically, even if the teacher/Childcare Provider is no longer in
the program. When a class closes and has CPP on hand, they should all be sent to the Ministry Service
Center. They are filed with the Servant/Shepherd ministry forms.
Put the Policy in the notebook of all class members (Day and Evening) for their information. These do
not require a signature.
Appropriate Conduct
These guidelines are to protect adults and children:
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Two adults (non-relatives) per classroom are required in all preschool and nursery situations. Two
adults are not mandatory (but highly recommended whenever possible) in the Primary CBS, Junior
CBS, and teen programs. Whenever possible, team teaching is the ideal situation for classes at all levels
of the CBS Children’s Ministry.
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CBS policy is that no one under the age of 18 may care for or assist children in the CBS nursery or preschool programs. This includes paid or volunteer Childcare Providers and applies to all CBS functions,
including Class Time, Leaders Council, Fellowship Times, Training, etc.
However, those under the age of 18 are conditionally permitted to help in the Primary and Junior CBS
programs. They must always serve under the careful supervision of an adult teacher.
CBS recommends that only Preschool/Nursery Teachers take children to the restroom and that the restroom door be ajar. It is advisable for the teacher to be within eyesight of another adult. Preschool,
Young CBS, and Primary Teachers may take all the children in their specific class to the restroom at
one time, with a teacher standing in the hallway and the restroom door ajar. Under no circumstances
should a child be taken out of the classroom or to a restroom by anyone under the age of 18. Teenagers,
Primary/Junior age, and preschool age children should use restrooms at separate times.
Classes must comply with local church and state laws for specific teacher/children ratios. Keep ratios
low to protect children and Childcare Providers. The maximum number of children in each class
depends upon the size of facilities and number of teachers in the program. Children usually remain in
their original grouping for the entire year and do not move up at birthday time. If an unusually large
number of children is registered for one age group, a second class may be formed (providing there is
adequate staffing). Some state laws mandate specific teacher/children ratios (also applicable to paid
Childcare Providers). Check first with host church for these numbers and for general policy. If this information is unknown by church staff, check with the appropriate state agency, such as the state Attorney
General’s office or the Education office.
CBS teachers/Childcare Providers may not administer medication, either oral or topical.
Childcare Providers should use disposable latex gloves (provided by CBS) while changing babies.
Childcare Providers must stay close and give undivided attention to the baby and follow the procedures
of the host church related to diaper changing.
Release From Liability, Form #512 (two copies: one for the CD, one for the teacher) is to be used if
anyone other than the approved parent, is to pick up a child from class. The teacher is responsible for
the child’s release.
CDs or Coordinators should check local fire codes, state laws and church policies regarding where children’s classes may be located—for example, 1st floor, 2nd floor.
Local Servants Teams must keep informed about any lock-down or safety procedures for your community in case of terrorism, etc. (see Crisis Action Plan found at the end of Chapter 10) CDs should
have the phone numbers of Emergency Medical Services readily accessible. (Generally, that is 911;
however, many areas do not have 911, so a specific phone number must be called—ambulance, police,
hospital, etc.)
This is mandatory because of our insurance coverage. No one is allowed to be a Children’s Teacher or
regular Childcare Provider without completing the Child Protection Policy.
11. Health Issues
CBS teachers may not administer medication, either oral or topical, to any child. The only action the teacher
should take is to clean wounds with water. A parent should be notified immediately.
Should health issues arise in a class, the local Public Health Department may be consulted. Then the Servants
Team can make a more knowledgeable decision concerning the issue.
Childcare Providers should use disposable latex gloves (provided by CBS) while changing babies. Childcare
Providers must stay close to baby, giving undivided attention. Procedures of the host church (related to diaper
changing) must be followed.
CDs and teachers need to use some method of quickly and easily identifying children with allergies.
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Chapter 11
Thorough hand washing is the best way to prevent infection. The three ingredients for hand washing are:
running water, soap, and friction.
See Chapter 6: Policy Guidelines for HIV policy.
12. Safety Issues
Classes must comply with local and state laws for specific teacher-children ratios (ask church for information).
Keep ratios low to protect children and Childcare Providers.
Prior to class, the CD locates a church phone, knows the church address and phone number, and an EMS
number. (Generally, this is 911, however, many areas do not have 911, so a specific phone number must be
called—ambulance, police, hospital, etc.).
CDs or Coordinators check local fire codes, state laws and church policies regarding where children’s classes
may be located (for example, first floor, second floor).
Playground equipment, toys, craft supplies, etc. must be checked for age appropriateness and safety.
Local Servants Teams must keep informed about any lockdown or safety procedures for your community in
case of terrorism, etc.
A written Release From Liability, Form #512, (two copies; one for the CD, one for the teacher) is to be used if
anyone other than the approved parent is to bring or pick up a child from class. The teacher is responsible for
the child’s release.
13. Finances
The Children’s Director works with the Coordinator to manage the Children’s Ministry funds and is charged
with administering the funds. All receipts should be sent to MSC with monthly transmittal reports.
Every class will charge a registration fee. See Section 17: Treasurer/A. Financial Policy.
It is recommended that a Children’s Ministry contribution envelope be passed at Leaders Council and in Core
Groups each week. The same is true even in a class with all volunteer caregivers. The money will be used to
pay for supplies and teaching resources in the Children’s Ministry. Class members should have a clear
understanding of the funds that are required to operate a quality Children’s Ministry, including money to buy
craft supplies, purchase crackers for snacks, provide excellent teaching resources, and invest in durable toys.
The Treasurer will provide the Children’s Director with a monthly statement indicating the balance in the
Children’s Ministry Fund. The Children’s Director seeks approval from and is accountable to the Servants
Team for expenditures from the fund.
The Children’s Director and the Servants Team should periodically review the account balance on or before
June 30 of each year. All local Children’s Ministry money in excess of $1000 is to be sent to MSC for the
National Children's Fund. Children's Directors should purchase any needed craft supplies and additional
teaching materials for the next teaching year before the Treasurer sends the excess funds to MSC. These funds
are made available to classes needing additional financial support in their Children's Ministry. All taxreceipted funds given to the Children’s Ministry must be used for CBS's Children's Ministry.
14. Gift Giving
Although CBS guidelines suggest “no gifts,” children are permitted to bring small love gifts to teachers.
Individual classes may respond to this decision as appropriate.
Small gifts from teachers (provided by Children’s Ministry if funds are available) may be given at Christmas
and at the end of class year.
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Chapter 11
15. Pledges of Allegiance
The pledge to the American flag is to be said weekly. The other two pledges are optional.
To the American Flag: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the
Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
To the Christian Flag: I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose kingdom it
stands. One Savior, crucified, buried, risen, and coming again with life everlasting for all who believe.
To the Bible: I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and will make it a lamp unto my feet,
a light unto my path and hide its words in my heart, that I might not sin against the Lord.
16. Sharing-Retreats-Workshops
Children’s Teachers participate in and enjoy class Sharing with class members and leadership. Usually no
childcare is provided for this time. (Teachers do NOT provide childcare).
Leadership Conferences will be offered for all CBS leaders. The purposes are to refresh and inspire leaders, as
well as to build and further relationships among the leaders of CBS so that they might encourage and support
one another in their roles. Local classes plan and lead their own retreats/workshops in the years when there is
no Leadership Conference.
Attendance at the Leadership Conferences and class retreats is part of the commitment to CBS.
17. Transition After Resignation of a CD
Resigning Children’s Directors should remove themselves from positions where they will be looked to for
leadership in the role previously filled.
It should not be assumed that the Associate Children’s Director will move into the Children’s Director role, or
that the current Associate Children’s Director will remain in that position.
The Children’s Director selects his/her own Associate Children’s Director. Though a gradual transition may be
desirable, ultimately the new Children’s Director should choose his/her own team.
H. Concluding Thoughts
It is your privilege and responsibility to help children learn to find the truth in Scripture for themselves and to learn
to apply it in their own lives. It is quite likely that you will be instrumental in pointing some children to faith in
Jesus Christ as personal Savior. You have undertaken a job with eternal significance. God has called you. Depend
upon His guidance and strength and you will succeed.
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that He considered me faithful, appointing me to His
service" (1 Timothy 1:12).
"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13).
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Chapter 11
Children's Ministry Resources
The following resources are included:
Long-Range Planning
Children’s Ministry Forms and Letters
List of Resources for Young CBS
List of Resources for Primary and Junior CBS
Getting Started With Unit Planning
Sample Training Topics
Sources for Craft Supplies Toys Materials Equipment
Music Resource Samples
Flannel Board Resources
Suggested Topics for Children’s Leadership Development
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Chapter 11
Long-Range Planning
Suggestions for Getting Started Each Year
1. Pray for teachers, children, host church, Servants Team.
2. Inventory supplies remaining at end of class year.
3. Clean out storage closet, baskets.
4. Wash and clean toys. Suggested procedures for cleaning toys: Add ¼ cup bleach per gallon of warm water. Mix.
Dip toys into the solution, air dry. (Disinfecting works only when surface is allowed to AIR DRY. This kills germs
by oxidation. Wipe-dry negates effectiveness).
5. Finish the year with JOY!
6. Meet with the Servants Team and complete next year’s calendar.
7. Adjust the coming year’s Lesson sequence to fit the class’s calendar year, i.e., some Lessons may need to be pulled
or combined. The sequence of Lessons is as follows:
a. Patriarchs Lessons taught before Christmas
b. Christmas Lessons
c. After Christmas: Jesus Lessons until Easter
d. Easter Lessons
e. Disciple and Apostle Lessons
The following Lessons are always included: Christmas, Jesus and the Children (closest to Valentine’s Day), and
June, July:
1. Relax and enjoy family, friends, and vacation.
2. Collect ideas for Lessons.
3. Organize Resources Files for Teachers (prepare as best suits your needs.) Possible divisions might be:
Craft Ideas
Finger plays
Opening Activities
Puppet Shows
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Chapter 11
Transition Activities
4. Prepare Children’s Director’s Personal File System such as:
Beginning of Year Handouts
Bible Verses (large)
Core Leader Letter
Registration Forms
Information Sheets
“Jewels” sheets
Medical/Accident Reports
Parents Letters
New Class Year Setup
Recommendation Forms
Room Settings
Volunteer Sheets
“We Missed You” Postcards/Stamps
Welcome Letters
1. Get to know your teachers (informal get-together, phone).
2. Purchase supplies for teachers’ baskets (1 basket per class). Buy as best suits your needs:
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Tissues and paper towels
Disposable diapers
Latex disposable gloves
Baby wipes
Stamps and stamp pads
Stapler and staples
Hole punches
Paper clips
Lunch bags
Trash bags
Play dough
Glue and glue sticks
Crayons, colored marking pens
Scissors (for children, adults, right- and left-handed)
Ballpoint pens, pencils, permanent pens (Sharpie)
Flags (American and Christian)
Chapter 11
Large Attendance charts with stickers (if desired)
Scotch tape and masking tape
3. Purchase on-hand supplies:
Craft items: construction paper, drawing paper, finger-paint, tempera, brushes, sponges for sponge painting
First-aid kit (for children’s leaders only)
4. Purchase supplies for coffee time and children’s snacks:
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, instant soup
Coffee filters
Sugar, sugar substitute, coffee creamer
Plastic ware
Cups for children’s water and for coffee
5. Purchase supplies for nametags.
6. If crafts have not been prepared in the spring, purchase craft supplies.
7. Prepare for the beginning of class (Children’s Director and Associate Children’s Director working together).
Assign teachers to classes using the Membership System.
Assign children to their classes using the Membership System.
Print name tags from the Membership System and laminate them.
Prepare classroom door signs and write in teacher’s names.
Prepare and laminate Scripture/Unit Memory verses for each classroom.
Make copies of needed forms.
Copy a set of AIMs for each classroom.
Decide on helper schedule.
Coordinate with music teacher for Children’s Music Program dates.
Assemble teachers’ notebooks.
Plan training days: one with entire leadership, one with Children’s Teachers only.
Finalize craft plans for the year.
Plan for and organize weekly distribution of CHPs and PHPs
September: (before first class)
1. Finalize enrollment.
2. Print class lists for all teachers.
3. Print attendance list for all classes.
4. Fill supply baskets for each classroom.
5. Purchase snack crackers.
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Chapter 11
Children's Ministry Forms and Letters
Those with an * are also used in the Primary & Junior CBS programs.
Check the Membership System under "CM Resources" for the most current version of these forms.
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501 Children's Ministry Programs
502 Dear CBS Member Letter*
503 Dear Parent Bringing It Home Letter
504 Dear Baby Parent Letter
505 Letter to Preschool and Young Parents
506 Letter to Primary, Junior and Teen Parents
507 Permission to Copy and Print
508 Core Group Helpers
509 Should I Bring My Child to CBS*
510 Children's Teacher Information Sheet
511 Tips for Helping for Core Group Members*
512 Release From Liability*
513 Medical Authorization Form*
516 Child Contact Sheet*
517 Preschool Child Info Sheet
518 Primary Junior Teen Student Information
519 Special Instructions for Babies
520 Baby Care Information
521 Childrens Ministry Logo in Color*
522 Jewels for Building Blocks
523 Thank You For Serving Flyer*
528-152 Permission to be Photographed
529 CBS Children's Ministry Evaluation
551 Door Sign-Baby CBS
552 Door Sign-Preschool
553 Door Sign-Young CBS
554 Door Sign-Primary CBS
555 Door Sign-Junior CBS
561 Nametag-Baby CBS
562 Nametag-Preschool
563 Nametag-Young CBS
564 Nametag-Primary CBS
565 Nametag-Junior CBS
138 Servant/Shepherd Ministry Application
150-A Insurance Information
150-B Incident Report Form
3500 Child Protection Policy
Chapter 11
List of Resources for Baby CBS and Preschool
Preschool Children’s Home Papers
Bringing It Home
Children’s Teacher’s Manual
White CM Notebook for each teacher
Baby CBS and Preschool Teacher’s Lessons
Training videos*: “It’s All About the Story” and “Learning Through Play”
“Bible Verse Songs” CD
Music CDs*: “Let’s All Sing!” Vol 1 & 2, “Bible By The Numbers” Vol 1 & 2
Overview: Baby CBS, Preschool
Curriculum Aims: Baby CBS, Preschool
Craft Manual: Two-Year-Olds
Craft Manual: Preschool Craft Manual
“We Missed You” Postcards*
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Chapter 11
List of Resources for Young CBS
Young CBS Children’s Home Paper
Bringing It Home Paper/Notebook Tabs
Overview of Year’s Lessons
Young CBS Lessons
Unit Bible Verses
Puzzles and Patterns and Answer Key
White CM Notebook for each Teacher
Children's Teacher Manual
Craft Manual (Preschool)
Training videos: “It’s All About the Story” and “Learning Through Play”
"Bible Verse Songs" CD
Music CDs: “Let’s All Sing!” Vol 1 & 2, “Bible By The Numbers” Vol 1 & 2
“We Missed You” Postcards
553 Door Sign-Young CBS
563 Nametag-Young CBS
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Chapter 11
List of Resources for Primary and Junior CBS
Children’s Teacher Manual
Primary and Junior Weekly Lessons, including:
Title Page
Home Study Questions
Primary and Junior Course Dictionary
Memory Verses
Teacher Guides
Primary and Junior Master Dictionary
Training videos: “It’s All About the Story” and “Learning Through Play”
Music CDs: “Let’s All Sing!” Vol 1 & 2, “Bible By The Numbers” Vol 1 & 2
“We Missed You” Postcards
554 Door Sign - Primary CBS
555 Door Sign - Junior CBS
564 Nametag - Primary CBS
565 Nametag - Junior CBS
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Chapter 11
Getting Started With Unit Planning
What Is Unit Planning?
Children’s Director, Associate Children's Director, Children’s Teachers, Primary & Junior CBS Supervisor, and Children’s
Senior Leader(s) meet together to overview, plan, and brainstorm ideas for a unit of curriculum.
The Purpose of Unit Planning:
1. Provide an opportunity for teachers to look ahead at the printed Lessons and begin thinking about those Lessons.
2. Encourage group involvement.
3. Create excitement and enthusiasm for Lessons.
4. Provide a variety of ideas.
5. Give unity of purpose.
6. Allow the teachers time to gather teaching materials and resources.
How to Plan:
Children Director, together with the Children’s Leaders, sets a date (usually extended time after Leaders Council or
after class) when the group gathers to discuss upcoming Lessons. If time permits, all Lessons in the unit will be discussed. Teachers come prepared by having reviewed the Lessons.
A teacher (or team teachers working together) comes ready to present ideas for assigned Lessons.
Open with prayer, asking God to guide and direct the planning time, to give creative ideas, and to foster a spirit of
learning and sharing.
The teacher sharing ideas will give the title of the Lesson, the aim, and the story overview. Teacher will note
Teaching Ideas from the printed Lesson and then share additional ideas for opening and closing activities and suggestions about how the story might be presented. Other Teachers will record ideas.
CD may add additional ideas and/or share appropriate resources, books, and games. (If a file from past years has
been kept, CD would check for resources there. If a file has not been kept, CD would begin a file for future reference).
All teachers are asked to share additional ideas.
Thank the Lord for this special time of planning and sharing.
At the conclusion of this unit-planning time, teachers will have many ideas and suggestions. Each teacher will then
choose to implement ideas from the suggested learning activities, storytelling techniques, and resources that are most
appropriate for the age level she/he is teaching. Remember—simplicity is a key ingredient. The teacher will prayerfully
ask God to reveal the very best for the children.
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Chapter 11
Sample Training Topics
Training topics may be chosen by the Children’s Director or requested by teachers. When choosing a topic, give
consideration to the class’s particular needs. Some of the topics may include:
Team Teaching
Characteristics of Preschool Children
Emotional and Spiritual Growth/Needs of Children
Building Children’s Self-Esteem
Storytelling (refer to Children’s Teacher Manual)
Use variety: flannel graph, puppets, flip chart, toilet tissue roll figure, dolls, clip art from computer for
figures, story board, stick figures, etc. Encourage creativity!
Preparation of Storytelling Props
Use of Puppets in the classroom
Bible Verse Memorization
Finger plays, Action Rhymes
Learning Games
Appropriate Toys
Transition Activities
Interest Centers
Creative Art Activities
Discipline in the classroom
Essentials for an Inviting classroom
Organization of the classroom
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Chapter 11
Sources for Craft Supplies, Toys, Materials & Equipment
(Suggestions Only)
CURRENT, Colorado Springs, CO 80941-0001
Phone: 1-800-848-2848
Web site:
2695 E. Dominguez St., P.O. Box 6261, Carson, CA 90749
Phone: 1-800-421-5354
Web site:
Box 5077, Englewood, CO 80155-5077
Phone: 1-303-790-1188 (puppets)
Web site:
P.O. Box 3407, Omaha, NE 68103-0407
Phone: 1-800-875-8480
Web site:
P.O. Box 513, Colchester, CT 06415-0513
Phone: 1-800-288-9941
Web site:
8805 Governor's Hill Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45249 (stickers)
Phone: 1-800-543-1353
Web site:
P.O. Box 830677, Birmingham, AL 35283
Phone: 1-877-698-1988
Web site:
eToys, Blairs, VA 24527
Web site:
P.O. Box 1348, Beaufort, SC 29901-1348
Phone: 1-800-EI-CHILD
Web site:
P.O. Box 26639, San Diego, CA 92196
Phone: 1-800-854-1531
Web site:
Phone: 1-800-627-2829
Web site:
Phone: 1-800-875-8480
Web site:
Your local Dollar Store (crayons, glue, Bible puzzles, etc.), Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Walgreens, etc.
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Chapter 11
Music Resource Samples
WEE SING CDs, songbooks
INTEGRITY MUSIC (songs that teach, songs that praise)
KIDS SING PRAISE, Volumes 1, 2, and 3, Brentwood Music
TINY TOT PRAISE, Volumes 1–6, Maranatha Music
LET'S ALL SING! Vol. 1 & 2, 713 Lanham Place, Raleigh, N .C. 27615
Web site:
WELCOME TO KAREN AND KIDS, P.O. Box 168 Timonium, MD 21094
Web site:
Web site:
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Chapter 11
Flannel Board Resources
BETTY LUKENS, P.O. Box 2407, Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Phone: 1-800-541-9279
Web site:
SUTTON FAMILY FELT (sells 10-30% off, Betty Lukens and Little Folk Visuals) 682 County
Square Court, Columbia, MO 65202
Phone: 1-573-441-0430
Fax and Voice Mail Orders: 1-413-618-7337
Email:, (a wide variety)
Scripture Truth Book Company (reduced prices, limited sets)
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Chapter 11
Suggested Topics for Children's Leadership Development
Listed below are suggested topics and suggestions for ongoing training during Leadership Development time. Prayer
always begins each Leadership Development time (see Children’s Director Manual). Topics should be chosen to fit the
particular needs of your class. References to Building Blocks can be found on the Membership System under Children’s
Ministry > CM Resources. Teacher’s Guide Resource File is also on the Membership System under Children’s Ministry >
Primary/Junior CBS > Teacher Guides.
First-Class Day Procedures
All Children’s Leaders:
Arrive early
Importance of Children’s Leaders gathering for Prayer Time
Give guidelines for room preparation
Remind Teachers to:
Greet children at the door and lead them to a center/activity
Give handouts to parents
Give instructions regarding nametags
Review attendance procedures
Review Building Blocks, Spring 2009 “ABC Tips for CBS CTs”
Make certain all Children’s Leaders and regular caregivers have signed the Child Protection Policy (CPP)
and/or Servant Shepherd Ministry Application (SSMA)
Primary & Junior CBS Teachers:
Distribute Teacher binders and review Core Group Procedures
Discuss way to encourage Primary & Junior CBS students to complete lessons
Essentials for an Inviting Classroom
Preschool and Young CBS:
Opening Activities – discuss ideas in addition to those suggested in lessons
Discuss different types of interest centers
Display: Aim, Children’s Home Paper, Class Schedule and Bible Verse
Building Blocks, Fall 1998 “Interest Centers and Opening Activities”
Building Blocks, Summer 2011 “Opening and Closing Activities Make an Impact”
Primary & Junior:
Preparation for Early Arrival and Opening Activities as suggested in Teacher Guides
Storytelling for Preschool
Use of different segments in the Teacher Lesson
How to work the Aim into all aspects of the class day
Show and demonstrate use of flannels, puppets, rice box figures, dress-up, toilet tissue roll figures, dolls, clip
art, stick figures, and other fun ways to tell the story
Building Blocks, Fall 1996 “Sharpening Storytelling Skills”
Building Blocks, Fall 2008 “Bringing the Bible to Life” Visual Aids
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Chapter 11
Illustrations of Wrap-Up for Primary & Junior CBS
Give teachers suggestions for using illustrations
Encourage teachers to make Wrap-Up interactive (refer to Teacher Guide)
Review “Eight Steps for Preparing a Wrap-Up,” Building Blocks, Winter 2010
Primary & Junior Beginning Year Activities
Getting to know your students
“All about me” questionnaire
“Show & Tell” from all students – one student per week
Have each student make a scrapbook page
Separation Issues and Discipline in the Classroom
Discuss any issues happening in the classroom
Discuss separation issues and the best way to handle incidents
Explain how discipline should be handled in the classroom (difficult children need extra prayer and love; discuss ways to affirm them)
Encourage praying for them and with them
Review “Teaching Supplements” in the Children’s Teacher Manual
Finger Plays/Action Rhymes
Demonstrate and practice finger plays from the Teacher Lessons
Why use finger plays?
Children love rhyme and repetition
Finger plays encourage a sense of belonging in the group
Finger plays get the children actively involved
Finger plays stretch the child’s mind, widen their experiences and understandings, and give them opportunities to express thoughts and feelings
When to use finger plays?
Transitions before the Bible story to get the wiggles out
Waiting for their turn to use the bathroom
After some of the children have completed an activity (snack, craft, etc.) Beginning an active rhyme/
finger play will encourage the slow ones to finish
Transition Activities
Share different transition ideas and those that have been tried and proved successful.
Avoid activities that may generate behavior problems
Building Blocks, Fall 1996
Core Group Helpers
How to greet and welcome them
Share ideas that will help them feel useful in the classroom
Brainstorm ideas for thanking them for their sacrifice to be a helper
Prayer in the Classroom for All Ages
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Chapter 11
Building Blocks, Spring 2003
Sing one of the Prayer Songs together on page 3
Give a Prayer Rock to each teacher on page. 2
Review Five Finger Prayer exercise with Teachers on page 3
Building Blocks, Fall 2005 “Building Faith Through Prayer,” “Hand Prayer” and “How God Answers Prayer”
Scripture Memorization for All Ages
Use Proverbs 4:20-22 as reference: For spiritual strength and guidance, Scripture Memorization is vital. In
addition to CBS Bible verse songs, share ideas on what ideas, games, and songs teachers can use to help students
Building Blocks, Spring 2006 “Ten Reasons To Memorize Scripture”
Building Blocks, Summer 2010 “Age Appropriate Bible Skills,” “Fun Memory Verse Activities”
See Teacher Guide Resource File for additional ideas
Have a Children’s Teacher with strong Scripture memorization skills can lead a “How To” session
See Children’ Teacher Manual: Purpose and preparation
Allow “unhurried” time for completion
Let the child enjoy the process as well as the product
Primary & Junior:
Discuss students’ weekly projects and long term projects
Long term project benefits:
Engages the students over multiple weeks
Increases attendance
Gives a sense of accomplishment
Includes all students
CBSI Service Projects (See the list on the Membership System under Children’s Ministry > Children’s Ministry Resources)
Encouraging Children and Fellow Teachers
Work together to come up with a list of terms and phrases that would encourage (for example, “special”,
“marvelous”, “wow!”, “terrific”)
Copy the list and give to teachers the following week
Building Blocks, Winter 2011 “Your G.I.F.T.S. are Appreciated”
Building Blocks, Spring 2009 “ABC’s Tips for CBS CTs”
Discuss ways Teachers can shepherd their children: Birthday cards, “Missed You” cards, phone calls, email,
words of encouragement, etc. Shepherding children is also a way of ministering to their parents.
Building Blocks, Spring 2007 “Feed My Sheep” and “What Children Need”
Primary/ Junior/ Teen CBS Teachers:
Building Blocks, Summer 2011 “Communicating with Teens”
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Chapter 11
Importance of Personal Quiet Time for Teachers
Ask several teachers, prior to this day, to share guidelines for their own personal quiet time
Why spend time with the Lord each day? (See Mark 1:3)
Where and how can we find a place of quiet?
How can we make this time meaningful?
How to journal?
Review Principles of Relationships
Refer to ST Manual – ST Section
Sharing the Gospel with a Non-Christian
Discuss how to involve the parent if a child asks how to become a Christian
Refer to Children’s Teacher Manual – The CHILD
Three-Minute Testimony
Hand out the Testimony Workshop material one week prior to sharing: Refer to “Testimony Workshop” –
ATD/Senior Leader Section of the Servants Team Manual (This training segment may be combined with all
LD Groups to encourage spiritual growth.)
Have one person give an example of a three-minute testimony
Pair teachers and allow time for the sharing of their personal three-minute testimony
Encourage Spiritual Growth of Children’s Leaders
Select a book from the CBS reading list or Leadership Development link on the CBS website and work
through select chapters, e.g., Calvary Road, Handbook for Leadership, etc. (This can be accomplished with all
LD groups together.)
Review Child Protection Policy (CPP) and Servant Shepherd Ministry Application (SSMA)
Make certain all new Children’s Leaders have been trained on the CPP and/or SSMA with appropriate form is
Review points from the CPP
Importance of Review
Brainstorm various ways to review stories, Scripture, and Bible Verses (End of each unit is a great time for
Discuss different ways to review the Bible story throughout the class time
Characteristics of Children in Different Age Groups
Refer to “Teaching Supplements” section of the Children’s Teacher Manual
Building Blocks, Fall 1996 “Literature and Children’s Interests”
Faith Builders
Building Blocks, Fall 2006 “Children’s Perception of God”
Demonstrate visual illustrations of believing in something you cannot see
Mid-year Encouragement for Teachers
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Chapter 11
Review self-check list for Teachers mid-year (Building Blocks, Fall 1996 “Self Check for Teachers”)
Review times of arrival, Children’s Teacher responsibilities, classroom preparation, and shepherding
Discuss issues in classrooms and relationships and ways to resolve them
Discuss benefits of Unit Planning and sharing ideas
Learning Styles
Building Blocks, Fall 1998 “Learning Styles” & “Elements that Affect Learning”
Primary and Junior “Getting Elementary Kids Talking in Core Group”
Building Children’s Self-Esteem
Building Blocks, Spring 2005 “Self-Esteem/ Self Image” “Love Letter from Jesus”
Learning Games and the Importance of Play
Building Blocks, Fall 2004 “What Does Play have to do with CBS?” “Types of Play”
Review Recreational Guide for Children’s Ministry – “Learning Through Play” on the Membership System
Creative Art Activities for All Ages
Building Blocks, Fall 1998
Building Blocks, Winter 2012 “Having Fun in CBS Children’s Ministry”
Music and Children
Building Blocks, Spring 1995 “Singing Scripture,” “How to Teach a Song”
Building Blocks, Spring 2004 “How Does Music Enhance Your Classroom?”
Building Blocks, Spring 2008 “Instruments to Use and Make”
Experience the Joy of Children’s Ministry
Have Children’s Leaders give the rest of the LD groups a sample of what a morning as a child in Children’s
Ministry is like! Set up a room where the other leaders can come in and hear one of the Teachers tell the
Bible story for the day, make the corresponding craft, have a snack, and be prayed for individually by a Children’s Leader. (This is a wonderful way for every leader to experience the joy of the Children’s Ministry firsthand.)
Potential Leadership
Ask Children’s Teachers for names of those who worked well with children while helping in the classroom
Review qualities of a Children’s Teacher – Refer to Children’s Teacher Manual
End of the Year Celebration
Building Blocks, Winter 2010 “Graduation Celebration”
Discuss ideas for the end of the year crafts
Materials to be Collected and Stored
Materials to be turned in to the Children’s Director:
Children’s Teachers Binders with: Tabs/ Teacher Manual/Children’s Lessons
Children’s Director will save:
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Chapter 11
Laminated Scripture Memory Verses
Full sets of Teacher Lessons with the new collection of teaching ideas
Copy of Craft Manual and one sample craft
All Spiral Bound Primary and Junior lessons (Log on to the Membership System and record the inventory.)
Child Protection Policy: Kept for 20 years
Photo Release Form: Kept for 7 years
Please paper recycle/shred all other children’s materials to protect copyright.
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