Sauble Signpost THE VOICE OF SAUBLE BEACH tNOV-DEC 2014tISSUE 8tPUBLISHED BY SAUBLE BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCEt INSIDE: EVENTS SCHEDULE, NEW HEALTH TEAM BIOS, CLASSIFIEDS, KID ZONE & MORE... WINTER IS ALMOST HERE! SEASONAL BUSINESSES IN SAUBLE ADD SOME COLOUR FOR WINTER BY SARAH ASHLEY-HEWITSON FOR THE SAUBLE SIGNPOST It is typical at this time of the year in Sauble, that the seasonal businesses are boarded up for winter. Take a drive along Main Street these days and you will notice that some of those boarded up businesses have lightened up, all thanks to the Benjamin Moore Main Street Matters Paint Campaign. Benjamin Moore brought their campaign to areas all over North America successfully in 2013, and again in 2014. The focus of the campaign was to highlight how downtowns are an extension of communities. Spruce the Bruce worked with Benjamin Moore for their own version of the contest. Several communities within Bruce County entered, all looking to update their downtowns with fresh paint. Lucky for us, Sauble Beach was the winner! The Sauble Beach Chamber of Commerce assisted on the completion of this project. Once the materials were gathered and participants enlisted, the boards went up. Not without a lot of hard work of course! Participating businesses include Beach Burger, The Pavillon, K’s Take Out, and the former Island Beach Company building at 11 Lakeshore Boulevard North. These boards have been a big hit so far, many commenting on the photos posted to the Sauble Beach Facebook page that they can not wait to see the boards in person. Newly appointed Chamber president Jamie Hill is thrilled with these downtown additions, saying “thank you to everyone who made this possible, our downtown will be a little brighter over the winter!” Foll ow u s Insta READ FULL SAUBLE SIGNPOSTS ONLINE WWW. SAUBLEBEACH.COM I would like to thank Past President, Dale Robinson, for her dedication and commitment to the board and to Sauble Beach. Without her vision and drive, groups such as the Downtown Revitalization Committee wouldn’t have been so successful in their accomplishments. Thank you, Dale, for working so hard to beautify our town! year-round business in Sauble Beach. My vision for this board is to dramatically improve communication to members; communication is the foundation of good business. 6 FRI 7 26 OPEN JAM Sauble Dunes, SP 27 28 GLEN HOFSTETTER, Water Consultant R.R. #5, Wiarton, ON Specializing in Water Softeners - Iron Filter - Ultra Violet Lights Reverse Osmosis - Chlorination & Metering Systems RESIDENTIA/FAR0COMMERCIAL Sales Representative Jason Shaw Readers should note that any statements or opinions in any advertisement or article in the Sauble Signpost are those of the writer RUDGYHUWLVHUDQGGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFW the views of the staff of the Sauble Signpost or the Sauble Beach Chamber of Commerce e Notic Please Note: The Sauble Signpost does its best to include articles, submissions and photos. However due to limited space, submissions may be held until further printing. Broker of Reord TEL 519-534-4825 FAX 519-534-5133 CHECK OUT OUR LISTINGS AT: SIGNPOST@SAUBLEBEACH.COM EMAIL YOUR SUBMISSIONS FOR THE NEXT SAUBLE SIGNPOST BY THE 9TH OF JANUARY TO Allan Shaw se Plea TUESDAY June 16, 2015 TUESDAY May 19, 2015 TUESDAY April 21, 2015 TUESDAY March 17, 2015 Julie Zeleny, Sarah Ashley-Hewitson, Glen Husak, Krystin Murphy, Jane Lemon Bottom row, left to right: Jamie Hill, Jason Jenings, Dale Robinson, Dave Fretz, Karen Koos Top row, left to right: Before the evening was over, a new board of directors was voted in. Members were able to network and socialize amongst each other, and Kim Clarke from Explore the Bruce gave an excellent presentation on the Sandfest Survey. The Fall AGM dinner was held on October 2nd at the Sauble Beach Community Centre. BY SARAH ASHLEY-HEWITSON FOR THE SAUBLE SIGNPOST Adam Mahy & Trevor Dykstra Absent: 8 22 SAT 29 7 28 Sauble Dunes, 4pm – 7pm CUSTOMER APPRECIATION EVENT/TOY DRIVE LIVING NATIVITY Production – Hepworth Baptist Church SUN Insta SOUPS ON Sauble Dunes, SP OPEN JAM Sauble Dunes, SP OPEN JAM THURS 23 Sauble Dunes NEW YEARS PARTY! New Years Day . Jan Christmas Day 25 26 5 2 Boxing Day SAUBLE DUNES: Live Music – Ned Wreck and the Crops FRI 6 3 27 SBP FIREFIGHTERS ANNUAL TOY DRIVE Tim Horton’s, Hepworth 10am – 1pm SBP FIREFIGHTERS ANNUAL TOY DRIVE Tim Horton’s, Hepworth 10am – 1pm FIREFIGHTERS TOY DRIVE Tim Horton’s, Hepworth 10am – 1pm LIVING NATIVITY Production – Hepworth Baptist Church SAT D ECEM B ER 3 WED GOOD Presented FOOD BOX by Sauble OPEN JAM PICKUP Sandpipers, Sauble Sauble Sauble Beach Family Health Community Dunes, Team, Centre 12pm-3pm SP 11:30am 9 2 TUES WWW. SAUBLEBEACH.COM 29 22 8 MON NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTED FOR 2014-2015 to get included in this calendar for the upcoming months TUESDAY February 17, 2015 WATER TREATMENT Phone/Fax (519) 534-1839 25 5 THURS SANTA’S SOUPS ON GOOD BREAKFAST Presented FOOD BOX by Sauble by AmabelOPEN JAM FLU SHOT Sauble PICKUP Daycare Sandpipers, Sauble Sauble CLINIC Sauble Beach CHRISTMAS Family Health Community Dunes, Sauble Family BAZAAR Team, Centre SP Health Team by Zion Amabel 12pm-3pm 11:30am &KXUFKDP Remembrance Day WED REMIND US OF COMMUNITY EVENTS 3 TUES email NYJ vs. BUF SAUBLE DUNES NFL BUS TRIP 23 9 2 MON 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 E VEN T CALEN D AR TUESDAY January 20, 2015 The Sauble Beach Chamber of Commerce donated all proceeds from the Shore 8KM Walk/Run Event held in August. Jane Lemon, right, presented the cheque to AmabelSauble Daycare Board of Directors President Kim Clarke at the Fall AGM Dinner. S H O R E 8 K M WA L K / R U N P R O C E E D S D O N AT E D T O D AY C A R E The Sauble Signpost is published by the Sauble Beach Chamber of Commerce 8 times a year. 4,500 copies are printed by the Sun Media and distributed via Canada Post to RR3 Wiarton, RR1, RR2, and RR3 Hepworth, RR1 Sauble Beach and General Delivery mail boxes in Sauble Beach, Hepworth, Allenford and Shallow Lake. Copies available for pick up at various businesses in Sauble Beach and Hepworth, as well as the Wiarton Echo. SUN NOVEMBER TUESDAY December 16, 2014 TUESDAY November 18, 2014 GOOD FOOD BOX PICKUP DATES PENINSULA Organized by the Sauble Family Health Team, the Good Food Box Programme is an excellent way to ensure healthy eating continues through the winter months. Everyone is eligible to participate in this wonderful service to the community. You will get fresh fruit and vegetables each month along with some recipes and nutritional information. Bring in your money ($15) to the Medical Centre prior to the second Tuesday of the month to place your order. The food is delivered for your pick up between 12 - 3:00 p.m.on the third Tuesday at the north wing of the clinic. Remember to bring bags for your food. If you have DQ\TXHVWLRQVSOHDVHFDOOWKHRI¿FHDW 422-1321. Below is a schedule for the year. Please feel free to cut it out and keep it for future reference about this excellent nutritional programme GOOD FOOD B O X U P D AT E My goals as President are to increase membership, increase I wish all of you a safe and happy holiday season, and all the best EHQH¿WV WR PHPEHUV LQWURGXFH QHWZRUNLQJ HYHQWV DQG SURPRWH for 2015! Owning several year-round businesses DQGLQYROYHPHQWDVDYROXQWHHU¿UH¿JKWHU has kept me greatly involved in this community for the past eight I would also like to thank the members for being a part of the Chamber and the board of directors and committee members for years;. My family and I enjoy calling this area our home. their countless volunteer hours. Your hard work and dedication do The Chamber has been, and will continue to be, a diverse not go unnoticed! organization carrying wide-ranging priorities. Through this time of transition, the level of effort and commitment by all involved will Please know that my door is always open. If you have concerns remain strong. I am acutely aware of both the responsibilities about the Chamber, I want to hear about it. I am here to listen and and challenges facing the new Chamber board of directors, the to offer support, and look forward to this new chapter. I can be contacted anytime at Chamber membership, and the Sauble community at large. Dear Chamber Members and Residents of the Sauble Beach Community, It’s my privilege of writing to you as the new President of the Sauble Beach Chamber of Commerce. WRITTEN BY JAMIE HILL, SAUBLE BEACH CHAMBER PRESIDENT A NOTE FROM THE PRESIDENT 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 about weather emergencies, hazardous conditions, missing persons, road closures and other public safety updates. Through Twitter, the public can expect Timely, accurate and consistent messaging that will keep the citizens of Ontario well informed on what they need to know to remain safe in our communities. This launch coincides with the Thanksgiving Day long weekend and Operation Impact and is expected to help raise awareness about safety on our roads, waterways, trails and in our communities. For more information log on to The OPP encourages motorists to have their full concentration on driving, and to avoid all distractions. “Providing 24 hour a day public safety messaging on Twitter will have great value for both police and the citizens we serve to protect. The OPP will continue to move forward with social media and other technologies that support our commitment to safety.” “In Ontario, more than 80% of injuries and deaths from CO occur in the home,” said Chief Robinson. “We want to make sure everyone is safe from CO. Install CO alarms, and do everything you can to SUHYHQW&2LQ\RXUKRPHLQWKH¿UVWSODFH´ The Ontario Fire Code also requires that in condo and apartment buildings with a service room, CO alarms must be installed in the service room and outside all sleeping areas of all homes above, below and beside the service room. In condo or apartment buildings that have a garage, CO alarms must be installed outside all sleeping areas of all homes above, below and beside the garage. October 15, 2014 to require CO alarms after the provincial government passed Bill 77 – the Hawkins Gignac Act, in December 2013. Bill 77 is named after OPP Constable Laurie Hawkins, who died, along with her husband and two children, in her Woodstock, ON home from CO poisoning in 2008. The law will be enforced by the Town of South Bruce Peninsula. Failure to comply What is CO? with the CO alarm requirements could result CO is known as the silent killer LQD¿QHRIXSWRIRULQGLYLGXDOVRU because it is an invisible, tasteless and $100,000 for corporations. odourless gas that can be deadly. The Ontario Fire Code was amended Single-family homeowners and owners of residential buildings that contain no more than six suites have until April 15, 2015 to comply with the law. Owners of residential buildings with more than six suites have until October 15, 2015 to comply. “If your home has a fuel-burning appliance or an attached garage, you must have a working CO alarm outside all sleeping areas of the home,” said South Bruce Peninsula Fire Chief Robinson. “For added protection, install a carbon monoxide alarm on every storey of the home according to manufacturer’s instructions.” Fuel-burning appliances can include furnaces, hot water KHDWHUV JDV RU ZRRG ¿UHSODFHV SRUWDEOH fuel-burning heaters and generators, barbeques, stoves and vehicles. The Town of South Bruce Peninsula – November, 2014. It’s now the law in Ontario to install carbon monoxide (CO) alarms in your home if you have a fuel-burning appliance or an attached garage. CO is produced when fuels such as propane, gasoline, natural gas, heating oil or wood do not burn completely in fuel-burning appliances and devices such as furnaces, gas or wood ¿UHSODFHV KRW ZDWHU KHDWHUV VWRYHV barbeques, portable fuel-burning heaters and generators and vehicles. If your CO alarm sounds and no one is suffering from symptoms of CO poisoning, check to see if the battery needs replacing, or the alarm has reached its “end-of-life” before calling 1 or your local emer-gency services number from outside the building. Never use a portable fuel-burning appliance inside (i.e. barbeques, portable heaters and generators). of CO poi-soning, get everyone out of WKH KRPH LPPHGLDWHO\ 7KHQ FDOO Readers should note that any statements or opinions in any advertisement or article in the Sauble Signpost are those of the writer or advertiser and GRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFWWKHYLHZVRIWKHVWDIIRIWKH6DXEOH Signpost or the Sauble Beach Chamber of Commerce. e Notic ([SRVXUH WR &2 FDQ FDXVH ÀXOLNH symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, as well as confusion, drowsiness, loss of consciousness and For more CO safety tips, visit ¿UHPDUVKDODQG&2VDIHW\FD death. If your CO alarm sounds, and you or Keeping your family safe from Carbon other occupants suffer from symptoms Monoxide Poisoning. your CO alarm’s low-battery warning. Follow your CO alarm manufacturer’s instructions so you know the difference between the low-battery warning, the “end-of-life” warning, and the alarm alerting you to the presence of CO in your home. Know the sound of your CO alarm: Ensure all fuel-burning appliances in Your CO alarm sounds different than your home are inspected annually. your smoke alarm. Test both alarms 9LVLW &26DIHW\FD WR ¿QG D UHJLVWHUHG monthly and make sure everyone contractor near you. in your home knows the difference between the two alarm sounds. Check that all outside appliance vents are not blocked. Don’t be confused by the sound of Know the symptoms of CO: Prevent CO in your home: CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS NOW REQUIRED IN HOMES Designated staff in provincial communications centres will now be sending time-sensitive information via Twitter to the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As events are unfolding across the province, the public will be provided with tweets The OPP is increasing their use of social media to get information out to the citizens of Ontario. OPP NEWS PORTAL CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS OPP LAUNCHES TWITTER FROM PROVINCIAL CENTRES 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 Increasing the dollar limits on claims under this deduction by $1,000. This will be effective for the 2015 tax year. The maximum amounts that can be claimed will increase to $8,000 from $7,000 for children under the age of seven, to $5,000 from $4,000 IRU FKLOGUHQ DJHG VHYHQ WKURXJK DQG WR $11,000 from $10,000 for children who are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit. INCREASING THE CHILD CARE EXPENSE DEDUCTION Beginning on January 1st, 2015, parents ZLOO UHFHLYH D EHQH¿W RI SHU PRQWK IRU children aged six through seventeen. This will be received through the Universal Child &DUH%HQH¿W3DUHQWVZLOOUHFHLYHXSWR per child over the course of one year. EXPANDING THE UNIVERSAL CHILD CARE BENEFIT 7KH &)7& ZDV LQWURGXFHG LQ WKH Federal Budget to help promote physical ¿WQHVV DPRQJ FKLOGUHQ E\ PDNLQJ LW PRUH affordable for Canadian families to register WKHLUNLGVLQ¿WQHVVDFWLYLWLHV7KHSURSRVHG HQKDQFHPHQWV ZLOO IXO¿OO D FRPPLWPHQW made by the Government in 2011. Recently, the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, announced the Federal Government’s intentions to double the Children’s Fitness Tax Credit (CFTC) and make it refundable. SUBMITTED BY LARRY MILLER BRUCE-GREY-OWEN SOUND A federal tax credit that will allow a higherincome spouse to transfer up to $50,000 of taxable income to a spouse in a lower tax bracket. The credit will provide tax relief of up to $2,000 for couples with children under the age of 18. This credit will be effective for the 2014 tax year. THE FAMILY TAX CUT The Government has tabled a Ways and Means Motion in the House of Commons which will provide additional information on the proposed amendments. “Having spent many years coaching minor sports, ensuring that all children have an opportunity to play sports and be active has always been a priority for me,” said Larry Miller, MP for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound. “I am pleased to see that the Government will be doubling this important tax credit that many parents take advantage of to help support the costs around enrolling children LQVSRUWVDQG¿WQHVVDFWLYLWLHV´ WKHVSULQJRIZKHQWKH\¿OHWKHLUWD[ returns for 2014. These enhancements will deliver additional tax relief to 850,000 families who enrol their children in eligible ¿WQHVVDFWLYLWLHV CHILD’S FITNESS TAX CREDIT The maximum amount of expenses that may be claimed under the credit will doubled from $500 to $1,000 for the 2014 tax year and subsequent tax years, and the credit will be made “I am very pleased to see that the Government refundable effective has announced new tax measures as well as for the 2015 and tax LQFUHDVHV IRU LPSRUWDQW EHQH¿WV WKDW PDQ\ subsequent families in Bruce and Grey counties take years. This means INCREASING THE UNIVERSAL CHILD advantage of,” said Miller. “This will certainly that parents will CARE BENEFIT be welcome news for many families when it be able to take of Beginning on January 1st, 2015, parents will FRPHVWLPHWR¿OHWKHLUWD[HVIRUWKLV\HDU, advantage the new $1,000 UHFHLYHDEHQH¿WRISHUPRQWKIRUHDFK was also pleased to see that the maximum limit in child under the age of six. This is up from the Government has announced these measures SUHYLRXV EHQH¿W RI SHU PRQWK 3DUHQWV while remaining committed to balancing the ZLOO UHFHLYH XS WR SHU FKLOG RYHU WKH budget for 2015.” course of one year. The measures announced relate to a new Family Tax Cut, increases to and expansion of WKH8QLYHUVDO&KLOG&DUH%HQH¿WDQGLQFUHDVHV to the Child Care Expense Deduction. The following measures were announced: The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, announced several new measures to support Canadian families through tax cuts and increases LQ LPSRUWDQW EHQH¿WV /DUU\ 0LOOHU 03 IRU Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, supports the announcement of these measures. SUBMITTED BY LARRY MILLER BRUCE-GREY-OWEN SOUND FAMILIES: TAX CUTS AND BENEFITS 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 showcase their crafts to help you with your Christmas shopping. Santa will visit from 11—noon to hear your Christmas wishes. %XFNHW GUDZV DQG UDIÀHV ZLOO EH WKHUH IRU your participation. The theme “DEER” will highlight many interesting crafts and design ideas. 519-422-1641 Pizza Pizza Hours: Sun. till Thurs. 11-8 Fri. & Sat. 11-10 519-422-1111 delivery now available! Hours: Sun. till Thurs. 8-8 Fri. & Sat. 8-9 On Sunday, December 7 there will be a “Harp & Holly” Concert at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 at the door; students 14 and under $5. Mabel Williamson (celtic harp), Sandra Swannell (violin, viola), Terry Young (guitar) have joined together to create original On Saturday, November 22, Zion-Amabel arrangements of traditional Christmas will host their Annual Christmas Bazaar. tunes. Sandra and Terry have just returned 'RRUV ZLOO RSHQ DW DP DQG WKHUH ZLOO from an extensive tour in England/Scotland. be an early morning snack as well as a Now back in their Woodford home, it gives lunch for a small fee. Several Artisans will a chance for the three friends to perform Thanksgiving and a brilliant autumn landscape enhanced the “Cook’s Night Out” Turkey feast which was a great success. Now, the muted November days provide D UHÀHFWLYH WLPH RI 5HPHPEUDQFH 7KH VFDUOHW RI WKH SRSS\ VLJQL¿HV WKH VDFUL¿FH of so many who served to secure our future. Nowarmth, Noshade, 1RIUXLW1RÀRZHUV Nobees, November SUBMITTED BY JOY PATY, FOR ZION-AMABEL, SAUBLE The back parking lot of our little church on the main street in Hepworth will be the desire to spread the true meaning of Christmas to our community around us and spread the good news that waits for those who call on the name of Jesus Christ. We invite everyone to join us and re-live in your hearts this amazing event that took place in history, and experience the joy that Christmas is truly about. Our production will be on Saturday transformed into the bustling town of Bethlehem where Mary and Joseph make their journey to a stable to give birth to the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Live actors will take you on a journey along with Christmas carols, live animals and angels high above the trees that will surely ignite your desire to celebrate Christmas for what it truly is. O U T D O O R L I V I N G N AT I V I T Y Merry Christmas and May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you throughout the year. 'HFHPEHU DQG 6XQGD\ 'HFHPEHU 2014 at 7:00 pm. Bring a warm blanket to wrap yourself in and just sit back and enjoy this free community event. After the production join our Hepworth Church family inside for hot chocolate and hot homemade donuts. December 28 – “Moving On” Sign up at The Sauble Signpost can be delivered to your email inbox. Did you know? December 21 – “Overlooked” December 14 – “We Interrupt This Worship” December 7 – “Mucking Out” November 30 – Advent begins – “A Clean Sweep” (Holy communion will be celebrated and we will receive food and toiletry donations for the less fortunate.) (what constitutes “sheep” and “goats” in God’s eyes?) Regular Sunday services and Sunday 6FKRRODUHDWDP Sauble Christian Fellowship 27 Southampton Parkway, Sauble Beach &RQWHPSRUDU\VHUYLFHDP Traditional service 10:45 am Zion-Amabel United Church 0DLQ6WUHHW6DXEOH%HDFK Rev. Gerry Hofstetter 6HUYLFHDP St. Andrew’s United Church Hepworth Service, 11:15 am Hepworth Baptist Church 4XHHQ6W:+HSZRUWK Service: 10:30am & 7pm CHURCH DIRECTORY May your holiday season be blessed with Hope, Love, Joy and Peace. HOPE for the future LOVE for family and friends JOY in happy memories PEACE for the world. Rev Hofstetter will provide opportunity and leadership as we follow the Advent road to Christmas through December. The “Bells of 1RYHPEHU±5HY%RE-RKQVWRQZLOOEH the Bruce” will share their gift of music at our special Christmas Eve service at 7 p.m. the guest speaker. November 23 – “The Day Will Come” – Our prayer for the Sacred Season is: together. Bring your friends and enjoy the variety of Christmas. ZION-AMABEL UNITED CHURCH The Hepworth Baptist Church family has been busy once again preparing for our, “Living Nativity” production. For several years our church family has pulled together to put on a live outdoor production with over 40 actors and live animals to tell a story that has changed lives for over two thousand years. It is not just a passion, but our God given mission at Hepworth to share the true story of why we celebrate Christmas. God has placed on our hearts 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 Spring and Fall Cleanup & Odd Jobs 519-934-2080 Phone/Fax MOE # 1338-4WYPEW MOE # 1976-8U4K8K TSSA # 0040689001 Member of OPCA Call or email for equipment & aggregate price lists Driveway Installation Shoreline Erosion Work Excavation / Lot Preparation Ditching / Trenching / Drainage Sweeping - Hard & Soft Surface Line Painting / Cold Patch Repair Septic Pumpking / Installation / Repairs Sewer & Water Hookups / Sand Points Landscaping / Ponds / Retaining Walls Aggregates On-site for Pick-up or Delivery Screened Topsoil / Mulch / Sand / Stone, etc. Fuel & Oil Tank Removal / Remediation 24 Hr Emergency Response Petroleum Clean-ups and more..... B P H S F O U N D AT I O N U P D AT E Lion’s Head, Sauble, Tobermory and Wiarton KHOG&KDULW\%%4VEDNHVDOHVGRQQHG³:DON´ t-shirts for ‘dress down’ days, supplied goodies Did you hear about the “Walk to Create for our registration bags and decorated with Possibilities” in support of local and regional our bows to promote the event and generate cancer and cardiac care? On August 23rd, excitement! All of this added to the success of VL[W\¿YH SHRSOH VWDUWHG DW *%+6 ± the Walk. Lion’s Head Hospital and walked, yes walked, to GBHS – Wiarton Hospital (over 30 km). Four of the above mentioned RBC employees 7KLV HYHQW LQYROYHG YROXQWHHUV DQG ZDV D dedicated a total of 40 volunteer hours each huge success raising $53,800.00! The day for our walk. RBC offers an annual Employee of, we had successfully raised $50,000 but the Volunteer Grant of $500 per employee for amount continued to grow, thus the total above. accomplishing this task. That’s right…another Several local businesses supported the “Walk” $2,000 to the “Walk”! Pictured here (L-R) are hosted by Bruce Peninsula Health Services Sue Lessard, RBC Manager Operation Support Foundation and we are so very thankful for this. South Western Ontario, Angie McDougall, RBC Branch Manager Lion’s Head & Tobermory, What we’d like to share with you today is the and Glenda Jamieson, RBC Branch Manager wonderful partnership formed with RBC. The Wiarton. Unfortunately, Shelia Johns, RBC Royal Bank was a major sponsor of the “Walk” Mobile Mortgage Specialist serving the Bruce but it went further than that. RBC believes in Peninsula, could not be present for the photo. ‘giving back to its community’ and certainly lived up to this. An Employee Involvement We would like to thank the Royal Bank and its Grant of $2,500 was realized with the “Walk”… employees for “giving back to their community” WKLV PHDQV WKDW WZHQW\¿YH 5%& HPSOR\HHV IRU ORFDO DQG UHJLRQDO FDQFHU were involved, some as volunteers, some as and cardiac care. Thank you so much for ZDONHUV 7HQ RI WKH WZHQW\¿YH ZDONHG ZLWK SDUWQHULQJZLWKXVIRURXU¿UVW³:DONWR&UHDWH XV EULQJLQJ LQ SOHGJHV RI RYHU 5%& Possibilities”. Bruce Peninsula Health Services Dominion Securities sponsored one of our Foundation looks forward to working with you ‘sweep’ vehicles! Our local RBC branches - in 2015. WRITTEN BY BEVERLEY BOSWELL, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, BPHS FOUNDATION Mental Illness Awareness Week is an annual national public education campaign designed to help open the eyes of Canadians to the reality of mental illness. 2Q 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU WK PHPEHUV and volunteers of the Candaian Mental Health Association recognized Mental Health Awareness Week with a 32 km cycle from Sauble Beach to Owen Sound. This was meant to bring Mental Illness out of the Shadows and into the Light. Pictured are the participants for this year’s ride. SUBMITTED BY J. MANEWELL 9TH ANNUAL GREY BRUCE RIDE INTO LIGHT 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 THING SHORE Adam’s latest venture is Pett’s Pinstriping and Custom Signs. He has finally been able to turn his lifelong To say Adam is passionate about everything he pursues would be mild. He is ambitious, and his drive for success is not to be measured in one single role or profession, but in many and all. His vision, no doubt, is endless. Now you can say you have had a glimpse into the persona that makes up the one and only Adam Pettengill. Family owned for almost 40 years. Adam highlights his other influencers - world-renowned custom paint and airbrush artist Vince Goodeve, owner of Goodeve’s Studio in Owen Sound and Port Elgin’s Chad Clayton, tattoo artist and owner of Inkternal. Both have played vital roles for Pettengill – lending advice and support to his work, as well as being true genuine friends and knowing when to stop talking shop and just hang out. It is all of these ³:KHQ , ZDV , VWDUWHG JHWWLQJ UHDOO\ LQWHUHVWHG LQ WKH ZKROH V µ.XVWRP Kulture’ lifestyle of building hot rods, rockabilly and surf music, custom paint and pin-striping. This was something I had never seen before – I was instantly hooked.” Adam’s love for his artistic style is evident; it also overlaps his other major interest – cars. ago, thousands of people were employed as sign painters. They had to actually go through apprenticeships to become certified. Many were quick to jump ship in the early ‘80s with the introduction of the vinyl plotter, a machine that could digitally cut out any letter of any font in any colour or pattern. The quality wasn’t nearly as good but the cost was much less.” Sauble Beach 519-422-1220 “Don’t worry - we’ll hurry” OPERATED YEAR ROUND RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL M.O.E Approved GREY-BRUCE SEPTIC & HOLDING TANKS PUMPED GREY-BRUCE SEPTIC SERVICES Pettengill is quick to point out the obvious: traditional hand painting is a lost profession. “Everywhere we look these days there are signs and images telling us to ‘look here’, ‘buy this’, or ‘big sale’ and at one time all of these were hand painted. Forty years “My new company is all about custom paint and sign work. Everything from signs for your business, family home, cottage, or farm to pin-striping on your hot rod, classic car, or bike. All my work is hand painted – like the traditional sign painters from years ago. It has more feeling to it and doesn’t look as flat or boring as vinyl does.” art hobby into a business, and he couldn’t be more excited. * Susan says ... Nothing has changed except the name ... 519-422-0104 311 Main St. (Beside DQ) Sauble Beach Sat & Sun - 10AM - 5PM Open Weekends till Christmas Add Entrepreneur to that list of roles and accomplishments. Gas Technician. AZ Licensed Driver. Steelheader. Surfer. Kiteboarder. Artist. Ordained Minister. Classic Car Fanatic. Modern Art Historian. WRITTEN BY SARAH ASHLEY-HEWITSON FOR THE SAUBLE SIGNPOST T 519-422-2424 Toll Free 888-394-2626 Email: Sauble Beach Home Building Centre I Can Help You! Building A Home? HOME & COTTAGE DESIGN CONSULTANT Bruce Parsons “This past spring, I completely redesigned DQGSDLQWHGP\GDG¶V0HUFXU\)RXU Door Sport Sedan. I am most proud of this project because it was as much a huge undertaking for me as it was for my dad. I have almost 175 hours into the car from laying the first basecoat, to all the coats of clear in between, laying out the flames all by hand, then pin-striping around them, pin-striping the hood, around the tail lights, headlights, and finishing off the trunk with a huge scroll Pettengill’s most recognized work is the new paint job on his father’s car. Adam thanks his family for supporting his decisions. “I have to say without my mother and father being behind me 100% while I kept chasing this dream – a dream that didn’t seem possible at times – I wouldn’t have pushed so hard to make it work. Without my dad starting me off in the classic car scene when I was so young and helping me with every project since, none of this would have come to fruition. I owe that man everything for teaching me so much and having the patience to do it.” Adam is quick to add another special someone to that list: “and of course Melissa who puts up with all my crazy ideas!” qualities in those he looks up to, as well as himself, that bring Adam’s personality to the forefront in his work - he is his work, and his work is him. Rentals Available 0R TOLL FREE 1-888-394-2626 519-422-2424 Hours of Business: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. Protecting your lifestyle INSURANCE & INVESTMENTS INC. Phone: 534-2311 Phone: 1-800-376-5350 Fax: Fax: 1-888-376-5350 1-888-376-5350 Fax: 1-888-376-5350 Email: Email: Email: Web: Web: Pam Davis 329 Main St., Sauble Beach 519-373-1734 DIRECT or 519-422-1555 OFFICE BROKER Becky Knight **For more information on Pett’s Pinstriping and Custom Signs, email, find him on Facebook under “Adam Pettengill”, and on Instagram as GLSurfer *UHDW5RRPƍƎ[ƍƎ .LWFKHQƍƎ[ƍƎ 0DVWHU%HGURRPƍƎƍƎ [ƍƎ %HGURRPƍƎ[ƍƎ Pam Davis %HGURRPƍƎ[ƍƎ Phone: Phone: 1-800-376-5350 1-800-376-5350 /RIWƍƎ[ƍƎ No doubt you have seen this tremendous achievement cruising around the area, at the Tuesday night car shows in the summer, or parked along Main Street in Sauble Beach. constructed back then.” 702 MAIN STREET SAUBLE BEACH VTIWƍƎZ[ƍƎG%HGVEDWK Beauport II pin-striping piece – all done freehand. The car is midnight black with polar white flames over the entire body with a slime green pearl for the tips of the flames. We wanted to build a traditional ‘50s hot rod that would have been L AY I N G L I N E S A N D P A I N T I N G S I G N S … T H E O R I G I N A L W AY S A U B L E B E A C H H O M E B O Y A D D S C U S T O M PA I N T S H O P T O H I S R E S U M E 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 & happy new year from G & M Electrical & Mechanical (and Keri) Each Monday and Friday we have group skiing or snowshoeing – a great time to meet others and not be out in the bush alone – consider coming out at 10:30 am. Night time skiing or snowshoeing is something to experience – both on the trails and in the Chalet – we usually do this event as close to the full moon as possible – on a Saturday night. Day pass fees remain unchanged and available at all the locations above as well as at the Chalet and lock box when not open. WINTERFEST weekend – Saturday Jan. 24th is a FREE day on the trails as well DV)$0,/<'$<±)(%7+±FRPHYLVLW Sauble Ski Club. Yearly membership application early bird rate continues to be Dec. 1st. For your convenience we have several ways you can return, mail – MacBeths Bakery & &DIp LQ 6DXEOH %HDFK 6XQWUDLO 2XW¿WWHUV in Hepworth and NEW this year is an DGGLWLRQDO ORFDWLRQ ± 7KRUQFUHVW 2XW¿WWHUV in Southampton. Anyone can get additional info by checking out our website (skisauble. or by emailing (skisauble@ The Ski Club gears up for another great season – will we be as lucky to get so much snow again this year– sure hope so, but less severe temperatures would be nice. As I write this trails are being prepared/groomed and cut back for better passage on both ski and snowshoe trails. Volunteers are a great help and we couldn’t do it without you – thanks is extended to each one of you. SAUBLE BEACH CROSS COUNTRY SKI CLUB The Men’s Club is a very diverse group with varied activities. For those interested in fast cars and excitement, a car rally & poker run was held in September. For those more inclined to the theatre and arts, a trip to the Stratford Festival was offered. Both events were well During December the men help to raise money to assist the Salvation Army in its work at Christmas. Accepting the kind offer from Fretz’s Valu-Mart to place the Salvation Army’s kettle inside the store and away from the cold and wind, club volunteers with the help of a generous public, expect to collect in excess of $4,000 this year. So when you pass by please give generously. With the cold winds of winter once again upon us the Sauble & Area Men’s Club activities KDYHPRYHGLQGRRUV6KXIÀHERDUGFRQWLQXHV to be a popular seasonal event with many of our club members gathering together at the Sauble Beach Community Centre for friendly but spirited competition every Monday morning DWDP$WRXUQDPHQWZLOODOVRWDNHSODFHRQ December 1st. All men are welcome so come and meet some of our members. You may be enticed to join the club. WRITTEN BY JACK FEARNALL , FOR THE SAUBLE & AREA MEN’S CLUB During our meeting three men, all in their nineties, were honoured with lifetime memberships: Walter Patyk, Harvey Brush and Ross Leigh. Two new members were also welcomed into the club. In October we held a dinner meeting with ninety-two in attendance. Our guest was Nancy Hopcraft representing the Canadian Snowbird Association. With humour and familiarity of her subject she explained the work of the CAS and gave many helpful suggestions for all travellers. https://sites. will provide you with much information. attended and thoroughly enjoyed. SAUBLE & AREA MEN’S CLUB Jennifer joined the Sauble Family Health Team in July. She brings to the Sauble Team a sound background in health care in the hospital and the primary care sector. After completing her post secondary education in business Jennifer joined Grey Bruce Health Services working in various departments of administration including physician recruitment. After several years at the Owen Sound site she moved to the Grey Bruce Health Services Southampton assuming an administrative role. Jennifer has always been very passionate about the role of primary care and the team approach to the provision of patient services, when a position became available she joined the Owen Sound Family Health Team in administration and assumed a major role in the development and implementation of their new building. Jennifer believes in a team approach, and is dedicated to the further development of the Sauble team to continue to provide excellent patient care. Jennifer and her family are residents of Sauble Beach. She looks forward to meeting you! Sue started working for the SFHT in September, bringing with her over 24 years of H[SHULHQFHLQWKHPHGLFDO¿HOG6XHKDVOLYHG in Owen Sound all of her life, and knows how fortunate Sue and her family are to be living in this area. Sue and her family are huge Attack fans, and enjoy going to games both in Owen Sound and on the road whenever possible. Sue states that coming to the Sauble Family Health Team has been a very positive experience for her. She feels very fortunate to be working with such caring and compassionate staff and feels very lucky to be a part of such a wonderful team. The patients she has met to date have made her feel very welcome to the community, and she is looking forward to meeting all of you in the near future! Keri started with the Sauble Family Health Team in June. Keri has thoroughly enjoyed working with a great team of medical professionals who bring a smile with them to work every day. She graduated from the Registered Practical Nursing program in 2012, and currently works at the Wiarton Hospital and Chesley Medical Clinic. Keri enjoys working with individuals and families, and hopes at the end of the day, she has made a positive difference in our patients’ health goals. Keri is married to Rob, and mother to 3 amazing children! Meeting the patients of SFHT, has allowed her to look forward to coming to work every day, and she looks forward to visits in the future! Mer ry Chr istmas JENNIFER DAULT SUE BYERS KERI MACDONNELL S A U B L E FA M I LY H E A LT H TEAM NEW ADDITIONS 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 T Thank you from the Sauble & District Lions Club for enabling us to help OUR Community! Lions Camp Kirk, Ontario (Children with Emotional Problems) 200.00 McLaren Pipe Band, Wiarton, Ontario 200.00 CNIB (Lake Joseph, Ontario) Lions Camp Dorset (Dorset, Ontario) Dialysis Camp Childhood Cancer Research Alzheimer’s Society of Grey/Bruce Heart and Stroke Foundation Participation Lodge Amabel Sauble School (Graduation and Service Award) 35.00 Sauble Family Health Team (Dermascope) Wiarton Hospital This season, as in previous years, the members of the Sauble Beach & District Lions Club attended the weekly races at Sauble Speedway to conduct a 50/50 lottery. Proceeds from the 50/50 in the amount of $1,598.89 were recently presented to the Peninsula Hospital Campaign for local and regional Cancer and Cardiac Care. The Sauble Lions Club’s have contributed $5,314.89 to the campaign to date. They also GHVLJQDWHGDQDGGLWLRQDOIURPORWWHU\SURFHHGVVSHFL¿FDOO\WR*%+6:LDUWRQ +RVSLWDO7KLVLVDWHUUL¿FVHUYLFHFOXEZRUNLQJKDUGIRUKHDOWKFDUHRQWKH3HQLQVXOD and BPHS Foundation truly appreciates their continued support. Thank you Sauble Lions. Pictured by the Lions’ International archway at Sauble are some of the Lions, back row (L-R): Jim & Moira Kempster, Mary Lou Mailloux, Lesley & Gary Wood, front row: Bev Boswell, Executive Director of BPHSF, Helen Thomson, Peninsula Campaign Cabinet Member, and Johan Lewis LIONS 50/50 LOTTERY Qual ity, Frien dly Serv ice ‘Jim’ winners were fourth place Mike & Debbie Fortney, third place Lil Grahlman & Lee Ekstrom, second place Barb Monkman & Joyce Porter with first place going to Fran Bramston & Mac Carson. Congratulations to the winners and all who participated. The next tournament will be held during Sauble’s Winterfest 2015. 519 935-2556 ECRA/ESA License # 7003132 Hepworth, ON Sauble Community Centre was the setting for the Annual Fall Tournament hosted by the Sandpipers. Players from around Sauble and area enjoyed an evening of bid euchre reports organizers Bud Neely and Dave Jackson. The WRITTEN BY J. MANEWELL, FOR SAUBLE SANDPIPERS SAUBLE BEACH, ON (519)935-2433 or (519)270-3673 cell TED TENBERGEN Gas & Propane Furnaces & Fireplaces Water Heaters, In Floor Radiant Heat Sales , Installation and Service Tenbergen Mechanical S A U B L E S A N D P I P E R S ’ FA L L A N N U A L B I D E U C H R E TOURNAMENT Lions Foundation of Canada (Guide Dogs for Visually Impaired, Audio Impaired, Autism, Hospital Campaign 5300.00 Salvation Army Food Bank Construction 4000.00 IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS SAUBLE BEACH LIONS HAVE RAISED FUNDS AND DONATED THEM TO: We recently held an OPEN House at the Community Centre and had may visitors drop by! If you are interested in SERVING the &RPPXQLW\FDOO/LRQ0DU\/RXDW The WALK for DOG GUIDES took place on September 27th from Kirkland’s parking lot. 7KLVVSHFLDOHYHQWUDLVHGRYHUIRUWKH breeding and training of SERVICE DOGS in Canada. Chairperson Lesley Wood told the DEN that without the support of the community, the event would not be possible! Our immediate goal is to ensure that the Pancake Breakfast at Winterfest will be a success. This project is an Annual Event and has been a winter event for over 20 years. Last year we were snowed out so we are HUNGRY to make it a success. Seasons Greetings from all of us in the Lions Den. We hope the New Year will be a positive one for all of us. Physically Challenged, and DiabeticsAsk us about these amazing animals) 1500.00 FROM THE LIONS DEN WRITTEN BY GARY WOOD, FOR SAUBLE LIONS CLUB 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 660 Main Street, Sauble Beach, Ontario Tel: 519-422-0029 Email: Helen Thomson,CFP®, EPC I would like to thank you for your business over the past year and extend my very best wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS! By far, the most rewarding aspect of our job is helping people reach their financial goals. Our team looks forward to assisting you and your family in achieving your goals and dreams in the years to come. A Sincere Thank You! call 519-422-2457 for more information or email Items for sale? Garage Sale? Help Wanted? PURCHASE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD MEYER, Jim - of Sauble Beach, peacefully at Grey Bruce Health Services Owen Sound on Thursday October 30, 2014. James “Jim” Robert Meyer at the age of 82 years. Loving husband and best friend of Helen (nee Sadlo)for over 55 years. Cherished father of Wayne and his wife Wanda, of Tiverton, and Allan and his wife Laurie, of Elmira. Devoted grandfather of Jessica, Jaymie, and Allison; and great-grandfather of Chase. Beloved brother Yvonne Pomeroy (late Marty), of Kitchener; and brother-in-law of Elaine Meyer, Nick Giesler, Anna Marie Lamb (late John), of Durham, Rita (John Black), of RR#1 Markdale, Jean (Ken Batte), of Waterloo, and Jim Sadlo (Freda), of Abbotsford, BC. Predeceased by sisters Virginia Giesler, and Betty Lutz; brother Herb Meyer Jr.; and brothers-in-law John Lamb, and John Sadlo (late Pat). Family invite you to gather with them for a service to celebrate Jim’s life at the THOMAS C. WHITCROFT FUNERAL HOME &KDSHO%UXFH5G6DXEOH%HDFKRQ6DWXUGD\1RYHPEHUDW o’clock, with visiting for 2 hours prior to service. Cremation has taken place. Donations to GBHS Wiarton, GBHS Owen Sound, or The Sauble Sandpipers would be appreciated. Condolences may expressed online at WWW.WHITCROFTFUNERALHOME.COM OBITUARIES 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 ERE ROCKWOOD, LIVED HERE FOR 9.5 YEARS From: TO U R I S M M A N A G E R F O R B R U C E A N D M O M TO 2 B O Y S Occupation: I’M HALF DONE THE ORENDA Last Book Read: L E AVING TOOTHPASTE IN SINK Pet Peeve: M Y M OM . BAT M AN I S KI NDA CUT E TOO… Superhero: Contact or to get more information and reserve your ad Put your money back in your community and where it works! Get the word out about your business H D A R U O Y W H I T E WA L L S , M A C K L E M O R E Song of the week: BROUGHT MY KIDS TO THE BEACH WITH ANOTHER FAMILY TO PLAY MINI-GOLF AND EXPLORE DOWNTOWN. THE ONE TIME THAT I DIDN’T PACK BEACH STUFF. ALL 5 KIDS JUMPED IN THE WATER AND ROLLED IN SAND WITH ALL THEIR CLOTHES ON. WE STRIPPED EVERYONE DOWN TO THEIR UNDIES AND SENT DAD BUY SOME TOWELS. Favourite Beach Memory: KIM CLARKE Name: st Signpsohot Snap ƌLJŽŶŽǁŶƐ͕ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌ 4XHHQ6WUHHW:HVW +HSZRUWK :ZZGRZQVDQGVRQIXQHUDOKRPHFRP 'RZQV6RQ)XQHUDO+RPH/WG ANNOUNCEMENT 57 .com 22-24 beach 519-4 st@sauble o signp Reserve a spot for your announcement of a new baby, engagement, marriage or open parties today! +$33<*5((1+2/,'$<6 WůĞĂƐĞǀŝƐŝƚǁǁǁ͘ďƌƵĐĞĐŽŽƵŶƚLJ͘ŽŶ͘ĐĂͬǁĂƐƚĞͲŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ͘ƉŚƉĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͘ ƉƉƌŽdžŝŵĂƚĞůLJϰϬйŽŽĨĂůůďĂƚƚĞƌLJƐĂůĞƐŽĐĐƵƌĚƵƌŝŶŐƚŚĞŚŽůŝĚĂĂLJƐĞĂƐŽŶ͘ ŚĂŵƵŶŝĐŝƉĂů ^ǁŝƚĐŚƚŽƌĞĐŚĂƌŐĞĂďůĞďďĂƚƚĞƌŝĞƐĂŶĚͬŽƌƌĞĐLJĐůĞďĂƚƚĞƌŝĞƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ ĐŽůůĞĐƚŝŽŶůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶ͘ ĂƌƌLJĂƌĞƵƐƐĂďůĞďĂŐǁŚĞŶƐŚŽƉƉŝŶŐ 'ŝǀĞŐŝĨƚƐƚŚŚĂƚĚŽŶŽƚƌĞƋƵŝƌĞǁƌĂƉƉŝŶŐ ZĞƵƐĞǁŚĂƚLJŽƵĐĂŶʹďŽǁƐ͕ďŽdžĞƐ͕ŐŝĨƚďĂŐƐ ŵƐŶŽůŽŶŐĞƌŝŶƵƐĞďƵƚƐƚŝůůŝŶŐŽŽĚĐŽŶĚŝƚŝŽŶ ŽŶĂƚĞŝƚĞŵ ZĞĐLJĐůĞʹŵƵŶŝĐŝƉĂůŝƚŝĞƐŽĨĨĞƌĂǁŝĚĞǀĂƌŝĞƚLJŽĨƌĞĐLJĐĐůŝŶŐŽƉƚŝŽŶƐ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐŚŽŽƵƐĞŚŽůĚƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ͕ĞůĞĐƚƌŽŶŝĐƐ͕ƚŝƌĞƐĂŶĚďĂƚƚĞƌŝĞƐ͘ • hƐĞKŶƚĂƌŝŽŽ͛ƐĞƉŽƐŝƚZĞƚƵƌŶWƌŽŐƌĂŵʹǀŝƐŝƚǁǁǁ͘ď ďĂŐŝƚďĂĐŬ͘ĐĂ • • • • • dŚĞŚŽůŝĚĂLJƐĞĂƐŽŶŵĂLJďďĞĨŝůůĞĚǁŝƚŚƉƌĞƐĞŶƚƐĂŶĚƉĂƌƚŝĞƐďƵƚƚŚ ŚĂƚĚŽĞƐŶŽƚ ŵĞĂŶŝƚŵƵƐƚďĞƐLJŶŽŶLJŵ ŵŽƵƐǁŝƚŚǁĂƐƚĞ͘,ĞƌĞĂƌĞƐŽŵĞƚŝƉƐŽŶŚ ŚŽǁLJŽƵĐĂŶ ƌĞĚƵĐĞ͕ƌĞƵƐĞĂŶĚƌĞĐLJĐůĞLJŽƵƌǁĂLJŝŶƚŽƚŚĞEĞǁzĞĂƌ͘ ¶7,67+(6($62 21725('8&(5(86(5( (&<&/( Family Owned and Operated Business for Over a Decade ZZZJHRUJHIXQHUDOKRPHFRP *HRUJH)XQHUDO+RPH/WG 0DLQ6WUHHW 0DU\6WUHHW /LRQ·V+HDG :LDUWRQ 519 534 2809 (OFFICE) 519 379 2809 (CELL) Septic System Design & Installation Topsoil, Sand, Gravel Excavator Backhoe Dozer Loader Rubber Track Mini Hoe Trucking Physiotherapy III has been selected to provide PUBLICLY FUNDED PHYSIOTHERAPY in Port Elgin and Owen Sound. OHIP Eligibility criteria: • Under 19 years of age • Overnight in hospital for condition requiring physiotherapy • Over 65 years of age • ODSP or Ontario Works ^ƚĞǀĞZŽŐĞƌƐ͕ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌ Keep up-to-date on events by liking the Sauble Beach Facebook page, inquiries can be emailed to JANUARY 23RD AND 24TH 2015 soon Winterfest coming 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 Lumbering continued on at Sauble Falls until WKHODWHVZKHQWKHOXPEHUVXSSO\ZDV ¿QDOO\ GHSOHWHG ,Q WKH SRZHU SODQW was taken over by Ontario Hydro. The mill VXUYLYHGXQWLOZKHQLWZDVFRQVXPHGE\ ¿UH7KHVFKRROODVWHGVRPHZKDWORQJHU,Q LWWRRNWKHWRSDZDUGLQWKHSURYLQFHIURP a total of 232 entries for the “most improved school.” Later on it sowed the seeds for the School Forestry Club Movement, a program that spread across Canada. ,Q -&7KHGH EHJDQ FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI a new power generator at Sauble Falls. The new plant that was constructed by the Sauble Falls Light and Power Company harnessed water from the sawmill into a generator. The QHZSODQWZDVUHDG\LQ$XJXVWDQGWKH citizens of Wiarton received their hydropower from Sauble Falls. Christmas is a busy time to welcome a new pet into the family. Create your own gift FDUGDQGDORQJZLWKWKHFHUWL¿FDWHZUDS the accessories - a collar, leash, toys, or a pet care book. That way, after the holidays when everything has calmed down, the new pet can be selected carefully and given the attention he or she needs and deserves. INSTEAD OF G IV I N G A P E T AT T H E H O L I D AY S . . . However, the brothers experienced one )LUVW VHWWOHG LQ E\ WKH PLG V LWV population was about 80 and the McLean brothers owned and ran the sawmill at the falls that included a large saw and shingle mill that produced lumber, lath, shingles and telegraph poles. At the time, it was the largest mill on the peninsula. Using a VWHDPGULYHQWXJFDOOHGWKH³6DXEOH4XHHQ logs were hauled and timber rafted over to Southampton and Port Elgin. To bring logs upstream, a small paddleboat named the “Water Witch” was the vessel used. The gentle, cascading falls offered an excellent source of power and logs could be readily transported to Lake Huron for onward sale to large Canadian and U.S. markets. Three furniture factories in Wiarton thrived as a result of their close proximity to these mills. When my husband, Douglas, and I moved to Sauble Beach from Montreal in April of 2011, I had no idea of the rich history of Sauble Falls. Below is a summary of what I’ve learned. disaster after another in their lumber EXVLQHVV)LUVWWKH\ORVWWKH³6DXEOH4XHHQ´ which burned in the middle of the night. Then IROORZHGDVHULHVRIVPDOOPLOO¿UHVDQG¿QDOO\ WKH PLOO ZDV FRQVXPHG E\ D ODUJH ¿UH WKDW ,Q WKH ODWH V 6DXEOH )DOOV ZDV D destroyed it as well as some 43,000 metres bustling, lumber-producing village with a mill, of sawed lumber. Although the mill was a large boarding house, a general store, a rebuilt and continued to employ 30 workers, blacksmith, a school, two churches and its E\WKHVLWKDGEHHQSXUFKDVHGDQGUXQ by new owners, Lowery and Sylvestor. RZQSRVWRI¿FH Remnants of the dam and power plant can be found in abundance near the falls. Today, the school is Christ the King Lutheran Church that celebrated its 50th Anniversary this past summer. Send us a photo and tell us in less than 50 words about your pet. OPEN CALL FOR YOUR PETS Owners Doug and Joan Wilson of Sauble are pretty proud of their girl! Her gentle, eager-to-please personality makes her a joy to have around. She loves retrieving a ball and playing with the grandchildren. She is a “velcro” poodle, happiest when her owners are in sight. Dixie is a one-year-old standard poodle about 22 inches tall and weighing in at about 40 pounds. DIXIE PET CORNER Over time the town site was gradually GLVPDQWOHG%\WKHSURYLQFHKDGWDNHQ ownership of the area and opened the Sauble Falls Provincial Park. Today the former town site lies within the park boundaries. A S H O R T H I S TO RY O F S A U B L E FA L L S 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 Christmas KID ZONE Saublaech Be 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 1"(&r/07&.#&3%&$&.#&3r4"6#-&4*(/1045 Together we can make this a joyful and memorable holiday season for all. Residents are encouraged to drop off new unwrapped toys, gifts and gift cards to any of the toy drive locations. TIM HORTON’S, HEPWORTH , 10am to 1pm Saturdays, December 6th, 13th, and 20th SAUBLE DUNES RESTAURANT , 4pm to 7pm Sunday, December 21st Drop off boxes at FRETZ’S VALU MART and MILLER’S HOME HARDWARE (regular business hours) The toys, gifts, and gift cards collected will be distributed throughout the area. Donations will help provide a festive Christmas for South Bruce Peninsula children and families who might not otherwise have one. All toy and gift donations are appreciated. Please note that there is typically a shortage of gifts for infants and teenagers. SOUTH BRUCE PENINSULA FIREFIGHTERS Annual Toy Drive SHORE THING Queen size quilt and 2 shams 311 Main St. Regular . . . . . . . . . . $165.00 NOW . . . . . . . . . . $82.50 Sauble Beach (Beside DQ) 519-422-0104 Editor Sarah Ashley-Hewitson Designer & Ad Editor Crystal Gunson Bulletin Photographer June Manewell, Beach Photography “One with Nature” 519-422-2188 President Jamie Hill Manager Steve Holler How are we doing? Dr. Kevin Belbeck We count on your feedback Accounting Inquiries Sauble Beach Chamber of Commerce 519-422-2457 COMPANION ANIMAL PRACTICE 516 Sauble Falls Parkway 519-422-3164 3HW)RRG6XSSOLHV3XSS\&ODVVHV/DVHU7KHUDS\/DVHU6XUJHU\
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