December 2014
This newsletter is based on the Council meeting held on 6 December London Newman Lecture 2015 Dr James Le Fanu will give the 2015 London th
Newman Lecture on Thursday 12 March at Heythrop College, Kensington Square, London W8 5HN. (6.00 for 6.30). The title of Dr Le Fanu’s will be Neuroscience and the Soul. Bookings to include a glass of wine, to Dr Chris Quirke 0161 941 1707,
Tickets £10 each (£15 for two). Cheques to be made payable to The Newman Association. (£10 per head on the night) Durham Study Day A joint study day entitled Catholic Perspectives on Poverty will take place at Ushaw College, Durham st
on 21 March 2015 (10.00 -­‐ 5.30). The speakers will be Alison Gelder (Housing Justice) Fighting poverty in an age of austerity-­‐-­‐developing an effective Christian response; Dr Mark Hayes (Durham) The economic dimensions of poverty; Dr Richard Finn, OP (Cambridge) Walking the Tightrope: Poverty in the Christian Tradition; and Sr Helen Alford, OP (Angelicum) What is Enough? The conference fee is £50 including a buffet lunch (£40 without lunch) concessions are available on request. For further details and to book a place please contact Theresa Phillips – or call 0191 334 1656.
This study day will be held in association with the NBCW and the Centre for Catholic Studies in Durham. Manchester Newman Lecture Thanks the generous legacy left to the Association by Mary Brogan Council has established a Manchester Newman Lecture. The inaugural lecture will be given by Dr Anna Rowlands on th
Wednesday 15 April at the Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS (6.00 for 6.30). Dr Rowlands will speak on The Politics of the Common Good: What does Catholic Social Teaching have to contribute to electoral politics? Bookings to Dr Chris Quirke 0161 941 1707, e-­‐mail Please make a donation on the night. 2015 AGM The 2015 AGM will be held in the Gladstone Library, Hawarden, Flintshire near Chester on th
Saturday 13 June 2015. Further details in the January and May Journals. Newman Assembly Council has decided to hold a 24 hour residential session at Hinsley Hall, Leeds for Circle Representatives. The session will commence with th
lunch on Saturday 10 October and end with th
lunch on Sunday 11 . Further details in the May Journal. Circles are invited to raise issues for discussion at this meeting. This Assembly will be funded by generous bequests and grants from the Fattorini Family Trust, Miss M Fitzpatrick and Mrs N Aylward. Pilgrimage Council agreed to organise a pilgrimage to Rome in 2016. Treasurer The Association’s Treasurer, Peter Havard has been diagnosed with cancer of the neck. He will be out of action for some time and a replacement treasurer is needed urgently. The job is not too onerous but requires a basic knowledge of Excel and a numerate background. Volunteers should contact the Secretary Your prayers are requested for Peter’s recovery. Future Conferences Ideas for future conferences were discussed at Council. Topics included Ecumenism, Music in the Church and Human Trafficking. Ecumenism will be the topic of a joint conference with NBCW to be th
held on 7 November 2015 in Coventry. The Music conference will be held in 2016. Pax Romana Pax Romana has introduced a monthly newsletter in English. To request copies go to the website http://www.icmica-­‐ or contact me and I will forward a copy. Council Council discussed a draft letter to the Archbishop of Edinburgh and St Andrews concerning his ban on certain speakers. The next meetings of Council will be held in th
London on 12 March and 25 April and in th
Wrexham on 13 June Forthcoming Events Circle Officers 2015 A reminder to Circle Secretaries to send details of the circle officers for 2014/15 to the Membership Registrar, 274 Well Hall Road, London SE9 6UG 0208 319 3261 12 March London Newman Lecture 15 April Manchester Newman Lecture Newman Journal th
21 March Study Day Durham th
The Editor is always interested in talks given to th
Circles. The deadline for the May Journal is 24 March 2015. Articles should be e-­‐mailed directly to the Editor. 13 June AGM Wrexham Association Website Would Circle Secretaries please send details of any updates to their 2014 -­‐ 2015 circle programmes to E-­‐mail Addresses A reminder of the following e-­‐mail addresses Newman Association News Newman Association News is sent to all Circle Secretaries and to those who have requested a copy. The current version of the Newsletter is normally available on the Newman Website Would any Newman member requiring a regular personal electronic copy please contact Best wishes for Christmas and New Year Kevin Lambert
10 -­‐ 11 October Newman Assembly Leeds th
7 November Newman/NBCW Conference Coventry