NEWMAN CENTER Catholic Community at UCSD Lord, I do believe; help my unbelief! (Mark 9:24) November 2014 Newsletter UPCOMING EVENTS Monthly Sunday Healing Circle Director Fr. John Paul Forte, O.P. Communications Coordinator Our Care Ministry holds its healing circle on the second Vincent Fung Sundays of the month, November 9 and December 14, after the 12:30 Mass in the Chapel. Everyone is welcome, especially those who would like to join together in praying for healing in any Co-Advisors to Associate Director aspect of their lives or those of their loved ones. Student Ministry Fr. Dominic DeLay, O.P. Newman Networking Night Maria Florendo All undergraduate and graduate students are invited to come out and meet professionals from our church community and Pastoral Associate for Faith David Woo talk with them about their careers on Monday, November 10 from Formation and Administration 6:30pm to 8:30pm in Roetter Hall. Get the real scoop on what it Patty Stewart Josh Sykes takes to work in various fields, what their work really involves, and maybe even how it meshes with their Catholic faith. Who knows, you may have been sitting next to the perfect job Music Director Student Ministers contact for three years without even knowing it! If you have Julie Marner questions, or if you are in the faculty or resident community student-ministers and want to participate, please contact Lee Trahan, Resident Community Representative on the Pastoral Council, at Evening Music Coordinator Pastoral Council Chris Chan newmancenterpastoralcouncil Burke Lecture The Eugene Burke CSP Lectureship on Religion and Society is sponsoring a free public lecture ONGOING EVENTS at UCSD on Thursday, November 20, at 6:00pm by Richard Gaillardetz, Joseph Professor of Thursday Night Dinner Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College. Entitled Our remaining Thursday Night Dinners for the Fall Quarter “Vatican II: An Unfinished Building Site”, the lecture will take are on November 13 and December 6 at 6:30pm inside the UCSD place in the Multi-Purpose Room at the UCSD Student Services International Center (next to Library Walk). All you need is $1 to Center. Free coffee and refreshments will be available enjoy delicious food with our brothers and sisters in Christ. beginning at 5:30pm. Gaillardetz, President of the Catholic Theological Society of America, is a frequent speaker on the Children’s Liturgy of the Word Second Vatican Council and its relation to church authority We will begin again on November 16 at the 12:30 Mass. and renewal. The Burke Lectureship, founded in 1984 by the Students, contact Patty if you would like to spend Catholic Community at UCSD, sponsors lectures annually. For time with some adorable 3 to 6 year olds. more information, please visit MASS SUNDAY: 12:30PM & 6:30PM; 9:00PM (MONTHLY ON CAMPUS) Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 12:10pm (in the Chapel) Wednesday: 8:00pm (Cross-Cultural Center Library) RECONCILIATION Sunday: 5:50pm (or by appointment) Weekly Updates Subscribe to our weekly e-mails by texting “newmanucsd” to 22828 or visit Parish Pay At you may easily set up electronic payment for your church offering. 4321 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121 | (858) 452-1957 | | Advent Reconciliation Service Even Sundays for Young Adults and Graduate All are invited to come and prepare for the coming of Jesus at Students our Advent Reconciliation Service on Wednesday, December 3, at All young adults and graduate students are invited to meet on 7:00pm. Following a brief Liturgy of the Word, several priests the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 2:00pm in will be available for individual confessions. Roetter Hall for food, faith sharing, and fellowship. Advent Choral Celebration Come and listen to the combined choirs of Good Samaritan Episcopal Church and the Newman Center, handbell choir, and small orchestra as through Bible readings and music we celebrate the foretelling and birth of Jesus Christ. The Advent Choral Celebration is at 7:00 pm on Saturday, December 6. A reception of cider and cookies follows. Best of all, it’s free! SACRAMENTS JOINT EVENTS WITH GOOD SAM Granola Snack Bars Our Community Christian Service Agency food item is Granola Snack Bars for the month of November, collected for the food pantry of the Clairemont Service Center. Please place any of your donations in the basket located in the vestibule. Outreach with Good Sam Stay tuned for updates on the Newman Catholic Community/ Good Samaritan joint, long-term outreach project to Burundi, The Newman Center Catholic Community at UCSD will offer a the border, and local neighborhoods. We launched the program of preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Burundi portion on November 2 and will have an exploratory Confirmation during Winter Quarter on Sunday evenings. This trip to Mexicali coming up soon. program is for persons baptized Catholic who have received Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark First Communion. Sign up with Patty Stewart now. The program will begin Sunday, January 11, 2015, with an Join the conversation on the orientation and run January 25 through April 19. Sessions meet Gospel of Mark. We will meet on Sunday evenings from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. The Winter Retreat on November 18, December 2, from 7:00pm Friday, January 23 through Monday, January 26, 2015 December 9, and December 16 will be part of the process for all undergraduates. Young from 10:30am to 12:00pm in Roetter Hall, Room 4. The Gospel Adults will be required to attend a one-day retreat. of Mark was the first to be RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults written. It is really the one that establishes the life of Jesus as a The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is story. It develops a narrative from his early career through the the process given by the Church for the main points of his life and culminates in his death. And, as formation of adults in the faith. This is an such, it sets the pattern for all the later gospel traditions. opportunity for you to share your faith Confirmation journey with others, to learn about the Catholic faith, and to experience the life of the Church community. Entering the inquiry sessions is not a commitment to join the Roman Catholic Church, although it is the process through which persons may be initiated into the Catholic faith. Jesus gently invites each of us, saying to those who are searching, “Come, and you will see.” We want to welcome you to journey with us and encourage you to bring us your questions and hopes. Contact Patty Stewart whenever you wish to begin the process. Marriage Preparation Because Christian marriage is a sacrament, the Catholic Church wants couples to be well-prepared. Dioceses and parishes offer couples marriage preparation to help them develop a better understanding of the sacrament; to evaluate and deepen their readiness to live married life; and to gain insights into themselves as individuals and as a couple. Couples who are currently part of the Catholic Community at UC San Diego and are planning to marry, contact Patty Stewart at least nine months prior to your desired date to begin the process. Resident Lunch with Good Sam's Prime Time Resident Community members ages 55+ are invited by Good Sam's “Prime Time” to food and fellowship on Friday, November 21 at 12:00pm. This friendly group meets for lunch monthly on the third Friday and all are free to join. So if you are in your "prime", like to eat out but don't have family or friends nearby, you are most welcome. RSVP with Jinny Dunn at and discover November's location. Women’s Retreat The Women’s Group of Good Samaritan and the Newman Center invite you to a weekend that will explore your personal spiritual journey through a variety of practices and activities. Participants will emerge from this weekend (or day) away enlightened by a new spiritual energy. The retreat will be held in the Calvary Chapel Conference Center at the Murrieta Hot Springs in Murrieta, CA, from February 6 to 8, 2015. The fee is $165 for the weekend and a Saturday-only fee will soon be announced. Please RSVP by January 25, 2015. Look for our sign-up tables on Sundays starting in December. Registration includes five meals in their full service dining room, lodging, linens, mineral and regular swimming pools. 4321 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121 | (858) 452-1957 | |
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