December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent St. Bernard Church 415 Tower Hill Road, North Kingstown, R. I. 02852 A Stewardship Parish The church is located at 275 Tower Hill Road. Rev. John E. Unsworth, Pastor Pastoral Assistant: Angelo Giacchi Sundays: Rev. Albino Barrera, OP Rev. Charles Maher Administrative Asst.: Jane Allen Mass Schedules Weekends: Saturday Vigil ~ 5:00 PM Sundays 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Weekdays: 8:00 AM Monday through Friday Parish Center: Phone #: Fax #: E-mail: 415 Tower Hill Road 295-0387 295-1713 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM Please visit us on the web: Baptism: Please call the Parish Center for information about scheduling and preparation. Communion to the Sick: Please notify us of those sick and in need of Communion at home. Marriage: Please call 10 months in advance. Holy Orders: Tel: 401-831-8011 Project Rachel: Post abortion counseling Tel: 401-421-7833, ext. 118 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 PM ~ 4:30 PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Following Tuesday’s 8:00 AM Mass until 11:30 AM Music Ministry: Alison Shea, Director Family Faith Formation Program: This family based program provides parishioners of all ages opportunities for learning, growing and living our Faith through common experiences, age-specific learning and interactive sharing and is designed for families with children in grades 1 through 7. Our Confirmation Program accepts students in grades 8 and 9, but any high school student is welcome. For information contact . Dawn Masterson, Director of Faith Formation Deborah Fortin, Faith Formation Office Manager Dear Friends: On behalf of our Parish staff, we extend to you best wishes for a Holy Christmas. We warmly welcome all who will come to celebrate this glorious Feast. We welcome the stranger, the traveler and guest! We welcome our students, home from college for a good Winter’s rest! We welcome parishioners who moved far away but join us this week as old friends and guests! We welcome all who have not been active of late in their Catholic Faith; and hope they will find new hope and inspiration this Christmas to come back again and again! We welcome our faithful parishioners, loyal and true; may the Lord bless you for all that you do! Welcome to all! May our gathering this Christmas gladden our hearts and deepen our bonds. We are, after all, one People of God –redeemed by His Light. May we walk by the Light and live by the Light –together in love. On behalf our entire Parish Staff, we wish you and your families a very Blessed Christmas! Fr. Jack Unsworth, Fr. Albino Barrera, OP, Fr. Charles Maher Jane Allen, Administrative Assistant Angelo Giacchi, Pastoral Assistant Alison Shea, Music Director Dawn Masterson, Director of Faith Formation Deborah Fortin, Program Facilitator Christmas Mass Schedule CHRISTMAS EVE MASSES: (Wednesday, December 24) 5:00 PM - Family Liturgy 7:00 PM - Christmas Eve Mass 11:00 PM - Solemn Liturgy for Christmas Eve CHRISTMAS DAY MASSES: (Thursday, December 25) 8:30 AM 10:30 AM MASSES FOR NEW YEAR’S: New Year’s Eve (Dec. 31): 5:00 PM New Year’s Day (Jan 1) 10:30 AM We welcome new parishioners to St. Bernard Parish. If you are new to the area and would like to register in the parish, please call the Parish office (295-0387). There is a lot to get involved in here and we would love to have you join us. 2 Upcoming Meetings MONDAY, December 22: 8:00 AM – Catherine & Melvin Sherman by their family TUESDAY, December 23: 8:00 AM – Fenwick Gardiner by his family Wed. Thurs. Sat. Parish Center Closed Christmas Day: Parish Center closed Legion of Mary, Parish Center 10:00 am 2:00 PM – South County Nursing & Rehab WEDNESDAY, December 24: 8:00 AM – The deceased of the parish 5:00 PM – The deceased of the parish 7:00 PM – The deceased of the parish 11:00 PM – The deceased of the parish The Parish Center will be closed December 24th and Thursday, December 25th Christmas Day. We will reopen Friday, December 26th at 9:00 am. THURSDAY, December 25: 8:30 AM – The deceased of the parish 10:30 AM – The deceased of the parish FRIDAY, December 26: 8:00 AM – Thomas Dilick Sr., 21st Anniversary by his wife WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, December 27: 5:00 PM – Richard Collier, 1st Anniversary by his family SUNDAY, December 28: 7:00 AM – The Silva family by George & Eva 8:30 AM – Jean Reilly, 7th Anniversary by her husband 10:30 AM – Dee Anne Devine by her parents Knights Corner 1265 Tower Hill Road, North Kingstown, RI Knights of Columbus Hall The Knights of Columbus hall is available to rent at very reasonable rates for various functions such as graduation/birthday parties, weddings, baby showers, anniversaries and funeral collations. Room for up to 130 with plenty of parking. Call 295-0507 for rates and details. FLOWERS FOR THE ALTAR We are once again asking for donations for flowers which may be made in memory of loved ones. The names of those remembered will be published in our Parish Bulletin at Christmas. Donations may be placed in the collection basket any Sunday during Advent. Envelopes are provided with your Budget Packets. PARISH SUPPORT Dec. 13/14 Online Giving Through 6/30/14 Actual Prev. Year Not available $6,682 (Month of Nov.) $547,054 $528,004 St. Bernard offers parishioners the opportunity to make their contributions through Online Giving. Visit Click on “Support your Parish” then click on the link for OSV Online Giving link and follow the prompts. Many companies offer matching funds for donations to non-profit organizations. Your company might match your donation to St. Bernard! Please find out if your company has this policy. 3 Announcements ADVENT GIVING TREE Thanks to your overwhelming generosity , more than 590 gifts were distributed through the St. Bernard Giving Tree. We have received numerous notes and calls from agencies and families expressing their heartfelt gratitude to us for making their Christmas easier in the face of their hardships. God Bless you!. ANNUAL COLLECTION This is the single most important collection of the year because it helps us meet the many needs we have which are not funded by the regular Sunday Collections. Please be as generous as your means allow, and we ask in a special way that those who do not contribute regularly to the support of the parish might consider using this as an opportunity to make at least one annual gift to your parish. Donations will be accepted until December 31st. MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the 5th annual Gala Auction on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 6pm at the Quonset 'O' Club. Please come spend "a night by the bay" filled with a nautical atmosphere, dinner, a silent auction, live auction pieces and great company. Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Weekends: The women’s retreat weekends at Our Lady of Calvary are gentle, welcoming and uniquely designed to meet the needs of women wherever you may find yourself on your spiritual journey. For more information, call 3987433 or 294-9022. ANNUAL COAT DRIVE Please drop off your GOOD, USED COATS at the Parish Center at 415 Tower Hill Road to be distributed to those in need. For more information or to help, contact us at 295-0387 or . 4 The Music Corner Calling All Male Voices" The Adult Choir is seeking out extra male voices. If you enjoy singing come and join our choir . Adult Choir Practice is Thursday Nights from 7:00 8:30/9:00. For more info see Alison Shea after Mass or contact her at Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children between the ages of 4 and 11 are welcome to join us each week for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 10:30 Mass. Children are dismissed to the Gathering Space for the readings and a “child friendly” homily. They return to their families at the collection. DONATIONS NEEDED!! The North Kingstown Food Pantry is in need of tuna, peanut butter, jelly and all nonperishable lunch items and snacks! Drop off your donations in the entry-way of Church or at the Parish Center. Emmanuel House Homeless Shelter is always in need of new socks, bath towels, and backpacks. Now thanks to new beds and laundry facilities they are also in need of twin sized bedding. Please drop larger items at the Parish Center. Contact Jane at or 295-0387 for more information. Sunday Community Dinners The Sunday Community Dinners will be held at the 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH OF WICKFORD, 44 Main Street. Dinners are served at 1 p.m. and are open to all, FREE. St. Bernard’s will be providing the meal on January 25, February 8, March 8 and April 12. If you would like to help, please call Chris Kosak at 294-2885 or the Parish Center at 295-0387. Bulletin Submission E-mail with bulletin materials The deadline for submission is Monday by 5:00 pm. FAITH FORMATION PAGE Have a Blessed Christmas! See you in 2015. FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Theme: SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Peaceful - War & Peace Bee Peaceful " Next session: January 24, 25 & 26 Breadlines Family Service Project: December 26 at St. Francis de Sales @ 12 PM Open to families of students in grades 1-7 We are teaming up with St. Francis de Sales to create 350 lunches for distribution to the homeless in Providence. Please contact the Faith Formation office to register. Weather related Class Cancellations! Important Dates: Confirmation 1 & 2 Students: Next Class : January 4, 2015 Don’t forget to register for the St. Francis de Sales Sleep-Out on December 26th if you plan to attend. Reminder: Confirmation Candidates are required to sign in to record their attendance at weekly Mass in the book located in the gathering space. If you attend Mass at a different church, please return a signed bulletin to the Parish Center on a regular basis. Please log on to First Eucharist 1 & 2: or the local TV/Radio Channels for updates. Next Class : January 4, 2015 Please remember to bring a photo ID for dismissal. Christmas Pageant Please take a moment to reflect on the men and women who are pictured on the board in the meditation area. Please keep them and their families in your prayers. Christmas Eve Children's Mass Live Nativity Pageant December 24, 2014 at 5pm Breakfast with Santa! We would like to Thank Santa for coming and visiting the families of St. Bernard last weekend. It was a huge success and a jolly good time. Santa was very impressed with the delicious breakfast prepared by the Knights of Columbus and the morning's activities that were planned and prepared by a committed and enthusiastic group of Confirmation students. A special thanks to those students: Caitlin Culhane, Avery Daigle, Elizabeth Diano, Madison Dussinger, Tori Ferreira, Kamryn Freischlag, Theresa Gilmartin, Hanna Hoogasian, Tommy Lanowy, Olivia Mazzone, Kaitlyn Murphy, Elizabeth Peters, & Sophie Wilhelm. Thank you to all the families and guests who attended and we hope you have a very Merry Christmas! 5
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