D E N T A L M A R K E T P L A C E O P P O R T U N I T I E S I N T H E D E N T I S T RY P R O F E S S I O N Contact: Karen Shaw • tel: 416-510-6770 • fax: 416-510-5140 • e-mail: kshaw@oralhealthgroup.com Toll free: CDA 1-800-268-7742 ext 6770 • Toll free: USA 1-800-387-0273 ext. 6770 p r o f e s s i o n a l CONSULT | DESIGN | BUILD | CABINETRY/MILLWORK M: (416) 871-0000 E: monty@terrakongroup.com W: terrakongroup.com s e r v i c e s Alglobe • • • • • • “EXPERIENCE MATTERS” Visit our website to view projects Construction Company 20 years construction experience Dental office construction and design + cabinet making. Provide turn key operation to dental office. Reliable construction timing, Good following up service after construction. Call: Stanley New dental location and lease negotiation. Tel: (416) 321-3313 Save time, save money. www.alglobe.com Safety ComplianCe for Dental praCtiCeS Available Canada-wide: Customized Online Learning for the Dental Professional Establishing, buying or selling a practice Partnership, shareholder and cost-sharing arrangements Associate, consultant and employment agreements Professional incorporations • Dental WHMIS • Due Diligence • Fire Safety • Office Ergonomics • Workplace Violence and Harassment • Workplace Inspections • Incident Investigation • Health and Safety Certification • and more…. Dental Practice Advisory Services • Practice Purchase Consulting • Professional Corporation Tax and Investment Strategies • Financial Planning Contact us to receive a copy of Tomorrow’s Successful Dentist Victor Staniewski CA Fedder, Gurau & Staniewski victor@fgsaccountants.com chartered accountants 416-222-3221 FileName:SMBIZ_AD_SPP_OralHealth_3.4x4.9_E_0314 Trim: 3.375” x 4.875” Dental Practice Bleed: 0” Safety: n/a Mech Res: 300dpi 416-283-7233 (Toronto/GTA) SAFETY Colours: CMYK Publication: XX Material Deadline: March 3 Insertion Dates: XX HEALTH AND SAFETY COMPLIANCE MADE EASY dental@actfirstsafety.ca 855-260-7233 (Canada-wide) dentalpracticesafety.com Practice and Transitional Financing Up to 100% financing available to qualified buyers. Contact the Scotia Professional Plan advisor in your area: ® SEDATION ENDODONTICS including on site anesthesiologist British Columbia Patty Scrase pat.scrase@scotiabank.com Alberta Kathy Power kathy.power@scotiabank.com Saskatchewan Connie Larsen connie.larsen@scotiabank.com Manitoba Scott Bollman scott.bollman@scotiabank.com Ontario Brian Holt brian.holt@scotiabank.com GTA Susan Shulist susan.shulist@scotiabank.com GTA Craig Gibson craig.gibson@scotiabank.com Montreal Constantina Ioannou constantina.ioannou@scotiabank.com Atlantic Stephen Shaw stephentb.shaw@scotiabank.com Newfoundland Larry Higdon larryd.higdon@scotiabank.com www.scotiabank.com/professional ® 72 oralhealth December 2014 Registered trademarks of The Bank of Nova Scotia. SMBIZ_AD_SPP_OralHealth_3.4x4.9_E_0314.indd 1 www.oralhealthgroup.com 2014-03-04 10:06 AM p r o f e s s i o n a l s e r v i c e s Create effective marketing in the time it takes to find the cavity. Introducing Snap Admail. TM Snap Admail is a fast and easy online tool for marketing your small business. It gives you a variety of design templates to choose from, precise ways to target your audience and 24/7 expert consultation. Plus printing and mailing of your message is looked after for you. Let Snap Admail take the complexity out of marketing your business. TM TM Enter promo code 50SAVE5 and SAVE $50* on your FIRST ORDER at canadapost.ca/snapadmail *$50 credit is available on your first order only. Promotion will expire December 31, 2014. Offer valid at time of purchase only, no cash value, limit one time discount per qualifying order. TMTrademark of Canada Post Corporation. Social Media Marketing aAchieve Higher Online Visibility aReach New Patients aBoost Your SEO Efforts aBuild Patient Loyalty aWatch Your Patients Promote Your Practice iQuest Media www.iQuestMedia.net WEB PRINT BRANDING MARKETING t Full Service Web Design t Online Marketing Strategy t Full Company Branding Contact Us Today For A Free Consultation t Search Engine Optimization t Custom Web Applications t Social Media Marketing t Content Writing t Online Reputation Management Phone: 905-829-3330 Toll Free: 1-888-502-2526 Email: info@iquestmedia.net c a r e e r s Law Practice focused on Ontario Dentists and Dental Practices We help Dentists in: • Dental Practices Purchases/Sales • Professional Corporation Incorporations MEHTA LAW Dinesh Mehta, llb, mba, be Barrister & Solicitor • Shareholder, Partnership, Costsharing, Associate Agreements Tel.: 905-565-0977 • E-mail: DineshMehta@Mehtalaw.ca • Website: www.mehtalaw.ca H i l l Kindy Ontario’s Strategic Dental Practice Brokerage Practice Sales Trusted Appraisals Private Listing Services Transition Planning Buyer Representation Win/Win Program hillkindy.com Derek Hill, CA., CPA., Broker of Record FT Office manager required for large, busy, well-established family dental practice in wonderful Vancouver, B.C. We are looking for a dynamic, highly motivated individual with at least 5 years experience in the dental field. Must have excellent professional leadership qualities, communication skills and be efficient at administrative duties. We are a progressive fun bunch that believes in keeping up with the latest advancements and utilizing technology allows us to provide the best treatments for our patients. Our talented team of six dentists and 8 hygienists provide care in many disciplines of dentistry including: cosmetic dentistry, facial esthetics, orthodontics, Invisalign, TMJ treatment, oral surgery, implant surgery, IV sedation and much more. Knowledge of Power Practice is an asset. Please send resumes to broadwaystation@telus.net WANTED dhill@hillkindy.com 866-853-5344 Mary Ann Kindy, CMC Cassandra Paolella, Sales Representative cpaolella@hillkindy.com 866-853-5344 VANCOUVER, BC Follow us on International USA sterilizer manufacturer is seeking independent dental market sales representatives for all Canadian Provinces. CPAC Equipment, Inc. (www.sterisure.com), USA leader in the manufacture of high-velocity hot air sterilizers for the dental market, recently received an ISO certification and approval by Health Canada for distribution of their products. Contact: Mr. Frank Tomori at 585-447-4962, email: fetomori@gmail.com c a r e e r s LOCUM DENTIST LOCUM DENTIST With over 25 years in general practice including 15 years providing locum services during illness, maternity leave, vacations etc.Will travel anywhere in Ontario. References available if needed. Please contact Dr. Peter Rockman at tel: 416-564-8303 e-mail: mprockman@rogers.com ENDO IN YOUR OFFICE — GTA GP Dentist will come to your office in GTA to perform root canal treatment for your patients. 30 years experience. Contact deezee@rogers.com Keep your practice open during illness, vacation, maternity leave, etc. Will provide Locum Services from Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara, Kitchener, etc. Call in strictest confidence Dr. Lorne Bando 905-648-5054, e-mail: eljay-management@sympatico.ca. LOCUM DENTIST Excellent skills in all areas of dentistry. Calm, caring practitioner with over 25 years of experience. References available on request. Please contact Dr. Ted Davies at tel: 519-941-9522, e-mail: tvd2121@gmail.com p r a c t i c e s GREATER VANCOUVER, BC Large and very well established general practice for sale in South Surrey, Panorama Ridge — a desirable and growing neighbourhood. Beautiful new hi tech facility in new building, completely digital and paperless, solid lease, 5 modern ops, loyal staff, >2300 ACTIVE patients. High Gross, high net — enough for two FT dentists. Reply to Oral Health Box 25 — e-mail: kshaw@oralhealthgroup.com www.oralhealthgroup.com & KEEP YOUR PATIENTS INHOUSE – ONTARIO Generate more income for your office. Keep your patients in house for implant and wisdom teeth surgery. Over 15 years of experience. General dentist with extensive oral surgery training and experience. Practice limited to OS and Implant dentistry Fellow of International Congress of Implantologists. Awake or Sleep. I do have my permit/staff/equipment for the IV sedation. Contact: imp.surg.sedation@gmail.com o f f i c e s NORTHWEST ONTARIO PRACTICE FOR SALE LONDON, ON Busy 3 chair practice for sale in an outdoorsman’s paradise provides an idyllic relaxed lifestyle. Located in a professional building with other health care professionals in an economically stable community. Excellent roads and nearby airport. For more information please contact: Dr. Peter Doig Manitoba/ Saskatchewan Associate ROI Corp peter@roicorp.com (204) 638-1046. Dental General Practice for sale in London Ontario. Gross for 5 yrs 1.45 mil, appraised 1.86, asking 1.86 mil. near 100% collections. Established high quality practice with long standing patient base. 6 operatories, 2 labs, pano-tomo room, consult room. 2440 sq ft. High traffic north London location on main artery. Monthly billing over 100k. Ideal for I-Dentist or 2 hands on owners. 10-20 yr reasonable lease available. E-mail: practicesale@rogers.com December 2014 oralhealth 75 S& S A SA LE LS www.practice4sale.ca APPRAI Meridian Sales & Appraisals Inc., Brokerage Practice Valuations . Practice Sales Alan Rustom, Broker Email: alan@practice4sale.ca Toll Free 1-855-310-SOLD (7653) KNOW THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF YOUR PRACTICE SELL YOUR PRACTICE FAST FOR TOP $$$ PROFESSIONAL- DEDICATED Visit www.practice4sale.ca to view a list of practices currently available for sale TORONTO, ON For sale or lease 1,023 sq ft office space upgraded for dental office setup. Prime location. 11th floor, Hullmark Centre at corner of Yonge & Sheppard. Direct access from Yonge & Sheppard Subway Stations! Occupancy ready. Call Pat 647-629-8928. 76 oralhealth REGINA, SK Large General Practice. Recently updated Adec equipment, digital x-rays, sterilization equipment. Strong Hygiene Program. Gross 2.2 M, open 4.5 days a week. Loyal patient base, great location with lots of new development in the area. Lots of growth potential. Contact saskpractice@gmail.com December 2014 CALGARY, AB Calgary practice for sale. Located on top floor of professional building. The clinic is long established with a wonderful team of experienced staff. Valuation report prepared by highly reputable Calgary appraiser is available. Please call 403-836-5088 or e-mail: dentrixfielding@yahoo.ca www.oralhealthgroup.com 40 Years of experience and counting Roy & Joan Brown - 1974 (905) 278-4145 1-888-764-4145 roi@roicorp.com roicorp.com 4 Timothy A. Brown, President & CEO, Broker of Record & The ROI Team - 2014 Helping you realize the value of your practice th Brokerage ANNIVERSARY 1974 - 2014 WEST TORONTO/ETOBICOKE, ON. PRACTICE WANTED Experienced dentist looking to purchase an established general practice grossing under $1 million yearly. Confidentiality assured. Willing to share appraisal costs. Reply in confidence to gail@karavosgroup.com NORTHERN PRACTICE WANTED I am looking to buy a general dental office anywhere in northern Ontario. Confidentiality assured. greatnorthdental@gmail.com Stay on as an associate for as long as you like. OTTAWA, ON Office space for lease in a beautiful commercial plaza in Ottawa,on major highway, ~2000 sq ft, ample parking, perfect for dental GP or specialist. Tel: 613-799-5683, or email: c4ottawa@gmail.com EDMONTON, AB Oral and Maxillofacial state of the art Nonhospital Surgical Facility for immediate lease in Edmonton, AB. The facility is staffed by medical anesthetists. Owner retired. Contact R. Kreutz at rkreutz@telus.net www.oralhealthgroup.com FOR SALE — TORONTO, ON Excellent location on St.Clair Ave.W., Toronto. Family dental office 2+1 operatory serving the area more than 35 years. For show appointment please call 416-704-7375 or e-mail: drgb@rogers.com. NORTH YORK DIGITAL 5 OP PRACTICE FOR SALE 99,000 PLUS HST ASSET SALE — NO RECORDS APPRAISED AT 240K! Excellent practice for dental specialist or start up practice with low overhead, superb infrastructure and modern layout. This 5 op practice is located between Yonge and Bayview off Sheppard Ave. NO PATIENT RECORDS ARE INCLUDED. There is both staff and patient parking All hard equipment included ie software, chairs, cabinets, almost new vacuum/compressor, dexis digital sensor. There is 36 months remaining on the lease with a option of 5 year extension. The current all in with hst rent is around $4750.00 which includes all tmi/parking. Viewings Sunday November 23 11am–1pm 5% conditional deposit required after viewing of app. E-mail: andyc@coradixgta.com 206 DECEMBER 2014 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE SALES LTD. BROKERAGE PRINCIPLED PROFICIENT David Lind Colin Ross* david.lind@ ppsales.com 905-334-1794 colin.ross@ ppsales.com 416-999-2607 Broker of Record SAVVY Partner Dr. Deena Lennon Broker Eastern Ontario deena.lennon@ ppsales.com 613-921-4694 Mike Suffield* Director British Columbia mike.suffield@ ppsales.com 604-764-6066 Linda OConnor* British Columbia linda.oconnor@ ppsales.com 778-879-3800 ❖PRACTICE VALUATION❖ ❖PRACTICE BROKERAGE❖ ❖BUYER REPRESENTATION❖ ❖NEGOTIATIONS❖ ONTARIO YONGE AND ST. CLAIR AREA — ASSETS ONLY — NEW! Ref. No. 745 An opportunity to purchase a 2 year old, fully equipped 4 op dental suite on the 3rd floor of a commercial building near the corner of Yonge and St. Clair. High-end fixtures, low rent and a long term lease. The building is above a subway station and has ample patient parking lots in the area. The current tenant is a specialist who is relocating to a larger space. The ideal purchaser may be a specialist or a local GP wishing to relocate their existing patient base. NORTH GTA — NEW! Ref. No. 744 A wall of windows bathes this family practice in natural light. Located on a main street, the patients enjoy loads of free parking and are treated like family. The practice grosses over $400,000 caring for over 650 patients out of 2 bright ops. Dentist is retiring. OAKVILLE MERGER OPPORTUNITY — CONDITIONALLY SOLD! Ref. No. 741 This opportunity is ideal for someone who has an established practice with capacity to grow, or a new location. Should be within 5 km‘s of downtown Oakville. Vendor has 900 loyal patients that are treated fairly, grosses $300K and needs to move. Will stay for smooth goodwill transition. OTTAWA AREA — NEW! Ref. No. 740 Well established three operatory practice located in a popular growing area. Modest billings with 1,500 patients. Four days per week and part time hygiene. Great upside potential. YONGE EGLINTON AREA — NEW! Ref. No. 737 Well-appointed 4 op clinic may result to be a hybrid purchase. Although there is a chance that the practice could continue to operate as a standalone practice, there is significant risk that it could be given notice to relocate within 2–3 years, making this a relocation or merger opportunity. Current owner is willing to remain in the practice for the long term to assist with any integration to the new buyer. ASSOCIATESHIP WANTED — TORONTO AREA — NEW! Ref. No. 736 Experienced, mature dentist with over 35 years experience in his own practice is seeking full time associate position. Excellent clinical and interpersonal skills with strong background in General Dentistry. OTTAWA EAST — CONDITIONALLY SOLD! Ref. No 735 Steady family practice with gross billings in excess of $1M for the past 5 years. Operating 4 days a week with 12 hygiene days per week and no weekends. This is a well-appointed, bilingual, spacious, bright, modern 4 op practice with 2,300 patients. Turn key situation. WEST OF THE GTA — CONDITIONALLY SOLD! Ref. No. 733 2 dentist practice, 5 ops. 1.2M with over 3,500 active patients. NIAGARA REGION — CONDITIONALLY SOLD! Ref. No. 732 4 ops, 1,600 active patients. Standalone building. Dentist is retiring. OTTAWA VALLEY DENTAL BUILDING FOR SALE — NEW! Ref. No. 731 Prime area standalone building ready for a new set up. 2,000 sq/ft. Partial leaseholds in situ. Ample, free parking. CENTRAL TORONTO – PROSTHO-HYBRID — NEW! Ref. No. 729 Very established hybrid Prostho practice located in ground floor suite in high profile location. Grosses $400K, treating elite patient base with high dental IQ. 2 +1 ops. Retiring Dentist will stay for smooth transition. WESTERN GEORGIAN BAY — CONDITIONALLY SOLD! Ref. No. 728 NORTH YORK — CONDITIONALLY SOLD! Ref. No. 726 SCARBOROUGH — SOLD! Ref. 724 BRITISH COLUMBIA BURNABY — NEW! Ref. No. 747 This modern and well-appointed 3+1 operatory practice is poised for growth in a fantastic street-front location. VANCOUVER — NEW! Ref. No. 739 Very attractive 4 day/week practice. Revenue of $1M, over 1,800 active patients and 8 days of hygiene. There is plenty of opportunity for growth as many services are referred out. VICTORIA Ref. No. 734 Very efficient 3 operatory practice with revenues of $850,000 and above average profitability. It is well situated on a busy street and serves over 1,400 patients. VANCOUVER Ref. No. 730 Excellent storefront location in affluent Vancouver neighbourhood. This is a very efficient and profitable practice with 2 ops and one available for expansion. ENDODONTIST ASSOCIATE/BUY IN OPPORTUNITY — VANCOUVER Ref. No. 716 Looking for the “right fit” for a motivated Endodontist with excellent clinical and communication skills. VANCOUVER — CONDITIONALLY SOLD! Ref. No. 715 CENTRAL OKANAGAN — CONDITIONALLY SOLD! Ref. No 710 RECENLTY SOLD! VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, CENTRAL OKANAGAN, VANCOUVER SPECIALIST, COQUITLAM SPECIALIST, WHITEHORSE, COQUITLAM, CHILLIWACK, RICHMOND, COMOX. SASKATCHEWAN/ALBERTA — CO-BROKERED NORTHERN ALBERTA — NEW! Ref. No. 746 Highly profitable 5 op practice averaging 25 new patients/month, production is 2.M with hygiene contributing over 45%. 1400 active patients. A great opportunity for someone looking to own their first practice. ½ HOUR DRIVE FROM REGINA SK! Ref. No. 708 Very profitable family practice. Approx 2500 sq. ft. 3 ops + 2 hygiene ops. Gross approx. $1M with 30% hygiene. Building potentially for sale with sale of practice. RURAL LISTING — WITHIN 90 MINUTES OF CALGARY! — CONDITIONALLY SOLD! Ref. No. 702 Very profitable 5 operatory Practice. Gross Production over $1,000,000 with a hygiene program well over 30%. This is an excellent opportunity for an investment buyer. RURAL ALBERTA — NEW! Ref. No. 693 A very profitable family practice, located near Lloydminster. The practice averages $550,000/year on 28 hours/week. This practice has great potential for growth for a dentist looking for a quiet lifestyle. RURAL SASKATCHEWAN — CONDITIONALLY SOLD! Ref. No. 692 Busy 3 operatory family practice. Production averaging $850,000 4 days/week. Highly profitable and a great opportunity for a dentist looking for a balanced lifestyle. For more information call 905-472-6000 or 1-888-777-8825 or visit www.ppsales.com 295 Main Street North Markham Ontario L3P 1Y9 Tel: 905-472-6000 Fax: 905-472-0521 Suite 200 – 100 Park Royal South, West Vancouver, British Columbia V7T 1A2 Oral Health Classified Ads 78 oralhealth December 2014 *Salesperson PRACTICES & OFFICES SECTION www.oralhealthgroup.com 00601 DECEMBER 2014 TOP RIGHT HAND PAGE Al Heaps & Associates Inc. Practice Sales and Valuation Specialists LOCAL KNOWLEDGE — INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE Henry Doyle 604-724-1964 Ruth Chatel 604-220-4830 henry@heapsanddoyle.com ruth@heapsanddoyle.com Al Heaps 604-644-6297 George Osterbauer 416-312-6166 al@heapsanddoyle.com george@heapsanddoyle.com Palm Springs 2015 Golf and Seminar Event February 20 to 22, 2015. Registration on now! Space is limited Upcoming Conferences/Conventions VDDS Mid Winter Clinic — Pacific Dental Conference Manitoba Dental Association December 12, 2014 — Vancouver, BC March 5–7, 2015 — Vancouver, BC April 17–18, 2015 — Brandon, MB Seminars January 2015 Vernon, BC — date to be announced. Oshawa, ON — date to be announced. Please visit our website: www.HEAPSandDOYLE.com Practices are selling for the highest value in 25 years! Contact us for a complimentary consultation. Toll Free: 1-866-638-6194 Fax: 1-866-545-6759 BC: 300-1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 2E9 | Alberta: 2nd Floor 11210 107th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5H 0Y1 Ontario: 200-1920 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4S 3E2 | Quebec: 24 Floor, 1000 de La Gauchetiere St W, Montreal, QC H3B 4W5 Oral Health Classified Ads www.oralhealthgroup.com PRACTICES & OFFICES SECTION December 2014 oralhealth 79 p r a c t i c e s WINNIPEG, MANITOBA PRACTICE FOR SALE Fully modern, digital practice in a downtown professional building. Good patient base and well established recall program providing 9 hygiene days per week. Office is bright and cheerful with natural light in all operatories. Owner is willing to assist with transition. For more information contact: Dr. Peter Doig Manitoba/Saskatchewan Associate ROI Corp peter@roicorp.com (204) 638-1046 PRACTICE WANTED – ONTARIO Looking for a Dental office grossing over $1.5 million anywhere in Ontario. Will pay for appraisal. Receive full market value. Owner can stay on. Confidentiality assured. Email: DDSOfficeCanada@gmail.com & o f f i c e s RED DEER PERIO 2000 sq ft, 5 ops in own building with parking and basement for storage. 50% overhead with $1.2M production and $600,000 NET PROFIT valued at $853,103. Gord@practiceappraiser.com or 403-269-8882 NEWMARKET, ON EDMONTON PERIO OFFICE Gross $2M, 52% overhead and highly profitable. Great location and referral base. Owner looking to transition out over 12 months for smooth transfer. Contact Gord@practiceappraiser.com or 403-561-0444. VERNON, BC Amazing opportunity! New office for sale. Good patient flow w/minimal marketing. Selling due to change of plans. 6 ops. 2 ops equipped with top of the line Adec, Sirona, Schick, Digital pan. $425,000 Email: GTADDS2012@gmail.com In beautiful Okanagan, they call it California North, 3 lakes, downtown real estate, 5 ops. Must see, contact www.purtzki.com – Shauna Lenius, phone 1-888-668-0629 NORTHERN LAKE SUPERIOR, ON CALGARY AREA, AB Three family practices available in Marathon, Terrace Bay, White River. Extremely low overhead, unlimited work, above average net revenues. Call in confidence 807-228-1234. www.oralhealthgroup.com Opportunity Plus — Multi-dentist office for sale This is a modem, digital, paperless office with very high gross and net earnings. Large patient base and enjoys large new patient volume. Great location. This opportunity won’t last long. Email: practice.solutions@shaw.ca A s s o c i a t e s h i p s MAPLE, MISSISSAUGA, BRAMPTON, MILTON Busy, modern, family practices in prime locations looking for associate dentists. Our practices include general dentists, oral surgeon, periodontist, endodontist, denturist, anesthesiologist and orthodontist. E-mail:dentist@thedentalteam.ca HALIFAX, NS Located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. An experienced Dentist is needed to join a great team of a high volume clinic. As a bonus we offer a profit sharing formula based on overall clinic performance. Be busy the moment you start! Contact info@finetouchatlantic.com or call (902) 835-4222 ext. 223 RICHMOND HILL, ON Associate opportunities for pt/ft GREAT LAKES DENTAL CARE Mississauga, Oakville, Milton. Please fax resume to 905-469-3085 e-mail: jungzilla@hotmail.com 40 MINUTES NORTH OF TORONTO Associate required in a large established office. 16-20 hours/wk, evening hours required. Interview times will only be given to applicants that are available Mon, Thurs, Fri and some Sats. Must have excellent English speaking skills. Call for an Interview time. 905-476-4371 ASSOCIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE Part-Time, Full-Time and Locum EDMONTON AND CALGARY Possibility of earning up to 50% And the privilege of working with a dynamic team. Visit our website at www.altima.ca or email us at dentist@altima.ca 80 oralhealth GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB FULL TIME ASSOCIATE A rare opportunity for a full-time associateship in a well established, busy group practice in Grande Prairie, Alberta. The city of GP is one of the fastest growing cities in Alberta with a strong economic base. Please send CV to: abdentist1@gmail.com KITCHENER/WATERLOO, ON Looking for Full/Part time dental associate, paperless/digital and new equipment dental clinic in Richmond Hill. Please e-mail resume to: yorkcentredental@gmail.com Looking for a dentist to provide services for Root Canals & Extractions only, for a busy practice in the Kitchener/Waterloo area. Please submit your creditials to christina@ksdc.ca LAKE SIMCOE, ON LONDON, ON (and surrounding area) Located on the southern shores of Lake Simcoe, our well established, multi chaired family practice dental offices are looking for an associate to join our team. A great opportunity for a selfmotivated individual to invest themselves long term. Email resume to aabramowicz@liveddm.com GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB Three full time associates needed for our well established family practices, with travel to our satellite clinic in High Prairie, AB. Present associates will be leaving end of July 2014. Very busy practice with above average remuneration. Please email drroy04@telus.net if interested. December 2014 Dove Dental Centres is looking for full time associates for their progressive, modern, multi-location group of dental practices in London, Ontario and surrounding area. Interested candidates should forward resume and cover letter to: dovedental@ody.ca HAMILTON, ON Busy group practice in Hamilton is seeking a self motivated, team player dentist to replace a departing associate of 8 years. Please forward your CV and include your availability as well as your preference for a full-time or a part-time position. Email: hamilton.associate@hotmail.com www.oralhealthgroup.com A s s o c i a t e s h i p s BARRIE, ON FULL TIME ASSOCIATE Unique opportunity for a self-motivated, caring individual who can work unsupervised and perform all aspects of dentistry. E-mail resume to: botony@rogers.com or fax 416-800-6184. BARRIE, ON Part time associate required for our Barrie office. Growing family practice requires a part time associate. Interested candidates please email resume to dentistneeded@live.com Position to start immediately. TORONTO, ON Busy downtown family clinic is looking for a periodontist and implant specialist. Please fax your resumes to 416-538-8422 or email to davidkourosh@hotmail.com BARRIE, ON Looking for an orthodontist in Barrie. Busy neighborhood. Please forward your résumé to dental_manager@ hotmail.com LLOYDMINSTER, AB Associate/Locum, F/T or P/T, for busy practice. State-of-the-art, newly remodelled clinic. Well established, growing practice in a growing city. Paid on PRODUCTION! New grads welcome, mentoring available. Please email: admin@oriondentalgroup.com ORILLIA, ON Exceptional part-time associateship opportunity in a modern multidisciplinary dental centre. Please contact: orilliaassociate@gmail.com EDMONTON, AB Full time dental assoicate required for dental group in Edmonton, Alberta. The desired associate needs to have good patient skills and communication skills. Please email resume to omar@infinitydental.ca BARRIE, ON NW BRAMPTON, ON ASSOCIATE WANTED EAST GTA PART TIME ASSOCIATE NEEDED Part-time associate required for 2 days per week at a busy East GTA family dental practice Starting in January 2015. Evening hours are a must. Looking for a pleasant, caring and friendly practitioner who is a good communicator and proficient in all aspects of general dentistry. Must be a team player to blend in with great staff and a well organized office! E-mail: ubdassociate@gmail.com OTTAWA, ON Family Practice, some evenings and weekends required. E-mail resume: dentalbox32@gmail.com Family practice seeking a trustworthy, motivated, caring and kid friendly female associate for an established, modern, practice. PT position. Need evenings and Saturdays. Need 3 years of experience, send resume: bbashi@yahoo.com Excellent opportunities are available at our busy established practices for an Anaesthetist, Endodotist, Paedodontist, Periodontist and Oral Surgeon Visit our website at www.altima.ca or email us at dentist@altima.ca Full-Time Associate Needed. Outstanding opportunity for a dynamic, dedicated team-oriented individual to join a large, well-established group practice in Kanata, (Ottawa) Ontario. Please submit CV by email: hazeldeandental@gmail.com BRANDON, MB ASSOCIATESHIP AVAILABLE Come join a great team in Brandon, MB. Our growing practice is set for a new dentist who is hoping to be busy in all aspects of general dentistry. This is an excellent opportunity to be booked right from day one! Our veteran associate is looking to transition into a part-time role, leaving lots of space to grow. Our practice is fully digital including intraoral cameras. We offer oral, nitrous oxide, and I.V. sedation. We are very encouraging of gaining new and more advanced skills with a $1,000 annual allowance for continuing education. A cash signing bonus will also be offered to the successful applicant. Email Geoff McIntosh at drgeoff@princessdental.com with any questions. www.oralhealthgroup.com www.DentalChoice.ca Dentists@DentalChoice.ca December 2014 oralhealth 81 NIAGARA REGION, ON Full time associate required immediately for a progressive dental office. Seeking an experienced, self motivated individual; able to work in a busy fast paced environment. Associate has the opportunity to work with the latest technology. Being comfortable with all aspects of dentistry is an asset. Please send your resume and cover letter to: niagaraassociate@gmail.com EAST OF TORONTO, ON Experienced friendly oral surgeon and endodontist required for busy dental practice in east of Toronto. Please forward resume to: glenannadental@rogers.com Fax: 905-831-5975 ASSOCIATES FOR HAMILTON & WATERLOO, ON Associates required, for TWO VERY busy and modern practices with VERY strong new patient flow. E-mail: associatedentist@ymail.com Fax CV: 888-880-4024 ASSOCIATE — BURLINGTON, ON Exciting Opportunity for Experienced Dentist!!! Established and thriving Burlington practice looking for the right ‘fit’ with a part-time to full time associate. If you are DRIVEN, PASSIONATE ABOUT DENTISTRY, interested in growing, we would love to hear from you! We are a VISION based practice committed to CANI (Constant & Never ending Improvement) Email resume and 3 references to 1stdentalteam@gmail.com. KLEINBURG, ON Orthodontist needed as soon as possible for a growing office on a part time basis. E-mail: leoralaichter@gmail.com COBOURG, ON Immediate opening & unique opportunity to be a Principal Dentist in an established practice with 4 ops, billing $70K+ a month located on one of Canada’s best beaches. 1¼ hour East of Toronto. Monday to Thursday, no evenings or weekends. 2 FT hygienists and a full schedule. You concentrate on your dentistry and allow us to take care of the administration. E-mail: Careers@dentalcorp.ca OTTAWA, ON Part time associate wanted two days a week for well established family practice. Located in Ottawa with potential to grow to four days a week. Please email CV to: carlingdental@gmail.com TORONTO, ON New and modern dental offices located at Dufferin/Lawrence and Bathurst/Bloor is looking for an associate with own patient base. Please email Darlene at drocha@hotmail.ca THOMPSON, MANITOBA Full-time, energetic, detail oriented associate needed immediately for established, busy family practice with income potential up to $30,000 per month. Enjoy a fully booked schedule and ability to reach your goals as a dental professional. Experience preferred. Excellent opportunity. New grads welcome. Living and Travel Accommodations provided. E-mail cv: thompsondent@gmail.com Fax (204) 677-4072, Ph: (204) 939-0083. EAST OF GTA Orthodontist required for an established family practice located East of GTA. Orthodontic practice has been built over the last 2 years. Looking to bring in a new orthodontist. Please send resumes to dentalcvz@gmail.com EDMONTON, AB Looking for an associate (part/full time) to join our group of multidisciplinary practices which are focused on the highest quality of patient care and using the latest technology available. We are looking for a self-motivated, high-energy, clinically strong candidate who is interested in learning and continuing education. This is a great opportunity for the right candidate to grow with our expanding group and to work in a great environment. Buy-in opportunities are also available for the long-term associates. If you are interested, please email your CV in confidence to edmontondentalcareer@gmail.com 82 oralhealth December 2014 EAR FALLS, ON Locum dentist needed from January 23/15 to March 5/15 (or a shorter period). Prefer dentist who would consider associate opportunity in the future. Accomodations provided at no charge next to the dental office in Ear Falls, plaza and three restaurants nearby, 400km from Winnipeg, 45% of gross billings. Send resume to Dr. Matthew Walkiewicz at e-mail: mattjw@kmts.ca MISSISSAUGA, SCARBOROUGH, BARRIE, BRANTFORD, ON Exciting associate positions available for full and part time opportunities. E-mail: yourdentaldream@gmail.com SASKATOON, SK Associate required for modern, very busy practice with strong new patient flow. Great opportunity in a University setting. E-mail: associatedentist@ymail.com Fax CV: 888-880-4024. NORTH DELTA, BC An enthusiastic associate dentist wanted for a growing high tech established practice in North Delta. We are a modern paperless practice with digital radiographs, using advanced dental techniques including Cerec and lasers. We are seeking an associate who is motivated and comfortable in all aspects of dentistry including pedo, endo and oral surgery. Must be willing to work Saturdays. Email: nicky@drsjmhk.com BRAMPTON, ON Part-time dental associate needed for busy Brampton dental office. Must be available for evenings and Saturdays. Tel: 905-495-1155 or e-mail: dentalfcdo@gmail.com OTTAWA SOUTH, ON We are currently looking to add a full time associate to our practice located in Ottawa South. The practice is well established and has been operated for 30 years by a single dentist who is looking to transition out. Ideal candidate will be easy going and friendly towards patients and staff, confident but well grounded, good communicator and a team player willing to make a long term commitment to our clinic. Future partnership and other fringe benefits would be considered for the right associate. Please forward a copy of your resume to cheryl@alineadental.com www.oralhealthgroup.com ORANGEVILLE, ON Established Orangeville office seeking an experienced associate (at least 2 yrs). 4-5 days per week (days/evenings/Saturdays). E-mail resumes to: progressivedental16@hotmail.com WEST GTA Oral Surgeon available for a busy Dental or Specialty office in west GTA. Please e-mail hkoralsurgery@gmail.com MISSISSAUGA, ON VICTORIA, B.C. Associate wanted for growing general practice 2 days per week. Min. 1-2 years experience preferred. Modern, paperless office in busy location. Please email resume to: scottkr@telus.net ST. CATHARINES, ON Progressive general dental practice is hiring PT leading to FT associate position. Excellent communication skills and a team player. E-mail resume to dentaldmd1@gmail.com TORONTO, ON Part-time associate wanted for busy growing family practice. Please send resume to: rdicarlo@bellnet.ca Part-time associate for downtown practice. Must be interested in all disciplines of dentistry and have comprehensive continuing education. E-mail resume to: tooth_fixer@yahoo.com GEORGETOWN, ON OTTAWA, ON Associate needed for large family practice in Georgetown, Ontario. We are looking for an experienced, compassionate, friendly Dentist with strong clinical and communication skills who aspires to provide patients with high standards of care. All replies will be kept confidential. Please email your CV to info@dentistryonsinclair.com KINGSTON, ON Full time associate dentist with experience and excellent chair side manner required for large group practice in well-established office in Kingston, Ontario. Candidate would need to be proficient in general dentistry, with special interests in oral surgery and endodontics. Please email CV to nycpkf@gmail.com TORONTO, ON ASSOCIATE NEEDED East GTA practice seeking to compliment our team with a new Associate. Our facility is open 7 days a week providing dentistry to our regular patient base along with the emergency need for some of the community. We need someone for Sundays to handle our many emergencies. It is a very productive day. Other days may be available. Forward to Oral Health Box 35 – kshaw@oralhealthgroup.com Established, 33 year old practice seeking one or two associates for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We are located in a busy mall in Toronto’s east end. The practice is fully digital including x-rays and uses all the latest dental technology. We offer a friendly relaxed environment within our wonderful dental team. We are interested in enthusiastic individuals confident in all aspects of general dentistry with excellent clinical and communication skills. Candidates may send their detailed resume and cover letter to: info@sterlingdental.ca Visit us at sterlingdental.ca www.oralhealthgroup.com RIDGETOWN, ON Part time associate needed for 1-2 days at a busy family practice. We are looking for a caring, qualityfocused dentist, committed to comprehensive patient care. Great staff, loyal patient base. Please email: ridgetowndentalcentre@yahoo.com BELLEVILLE, ON We have a thriving practice in Ottawa and we need an associate’s help. We are creating a great opportunity for someone who wants to treat people in a fun and caring environment. Please send your resume to dynamic.dentist.2014@gmail.com EAST GTA SAULT STE. MARIE, ON Excellent opportunity for Orthodontist, Dental Anesthesiologist, Pediatric Dentist and Associate General Dentist. For more information please send CV to angela@northerndentalcare.com Full time Associate needed in Belleville Small well established practice, looking for a full time associate dentist to take over owners schedule. Candidate should have strong communication skills and be proficient in all aspects of dentistry. Please contact Trish at clinicaldirector157@gmail.com GUELPH, WATERLOO, KITCHENER, ON Modern high tech dental offices are looking for GP dentists as full or part time associates, we have locations in Guelph, Waterloo and Kitchener. We are also looking for specialists such as an endodontist to share a brand new office space in Cambridge. Please email me at Kaylashiru@gmail.com LESS THAN AN HOUR FROM TORONTO, ONTARIO FULL AND PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE Immediate opportunity in beautiful Bay of Quinte area with rapidly expanding family practice. Dental centre has offices in Belleville, Frankford and Cobourg. Full service dental practice (including oral and IV sedation and Invisalign) with great autonomy for the associate while being mentored by knowledgeable practice partners. Attractive compensation and support provided. Contact louise@familydentalcentre.com for more information. December 2014 oralhealth 83 TORONTO, ON HTL Dental seeking a motivated, personable team player as an associate to join our current three modern and progressive practices in Scarborough, Markham and Richmond Hill. New practice soon to open up in North York. Part time leading to Full time position. Candidate must have excellent clinical and communication skills with a friendly personality. If interested in exploring further, please send cover letter and CV to: jobsteeth@gmail.com COURTENAY, BC Full time associate needed. Strong community involvement, working with all ages, and prepared to engage in CE courses: KOIS, Spear, Cadcam. Our clinic provides a one-stop solution for many patients – Endo, Dentures, Perio and all forms of Sedation. Excellent chairside skills and treatment planning with a team approach to dentistry is paramount to your success. Apply to shelleymcgaw@gmail.com TORONTO, ON Full time associate dentist needed for busy, modern established practice in Toronto. Complete range of services provided including orthodontics, periodontics, implants, laser dentistry, digital impressions, oral surgery and conscious sedation. An excellent opportunity for professional development concurrent with competitive income. Call: 416-748-3353 or 1-866-866-8437. ASSOCIATE TORONTO P/T associate for modern, growing practice in south Etobicoke with special interest in Cosmetic Dentistry and Periodontics needed. Must be able to do molar endo. Minimum 2 years of practical experience a must. Fax resume to 416-255-6414. AJAX, ON PART TIME ASSOCIATE FOR A FAMILY PRACTICE We are looking for a personable, compassionate associate who can provide high quality dentistry to our modern, high-tech office. Must have a minimum of 3 years experience in a private dental office setting. Candidate should be available Tuesday evenings, Thursdays and 2 Saturdays a month. Please send resumes in confidence to: Theresa.dentinajax@gmail.com NORTHERN ONTARIO FULL TIME ASSOCIATE WANTED Well established busy practice 30 years, poised for growth!!! Remuneration package $20K-$25K per month range. Long standing, cheerful, professional, staff. Experience northern hospitality and nature at her best. Graduates and Experienced Dentists welcome. To book your interview please e-mail resumes to: nor_dent@hotmail.com WWW.LAURIERDENTALCLINIC.CA OWEN SOUND, ON Mature experienced dentist needed 2-3 days a week for busy, modern, digitalized family practice in prime location. Practice and enjoy outdoor activities the Georgian Bay area offers. E-mail resume to: osdentistry@gmail.com ST. MARY’S, ON EARN 50%!!! Full time dentist required starting January 2015. 2 hours north of Toronto. E-mail: northerndental@yahoo.ca MARKHAM, ON We are looking for a part time or full time associate for a growing practice in St. Mary’s, Ontario. The candidate must have excellent communication skills with staff and patients. Experience is preferred, but new grads are welcome to apply. Please submit your C.V. to sandie@dentalofficeconsulting.com or sandiedocs@gmail.com Associate required for well-established family practice for three days per week (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) for January 2015. Must be a good team leader and be comfortable with all aspects of restorative dentistry. Submit resumé to: Toothydoc@rogers.com or phone (416) 433-1313 for more information. GATINEAU, NEAR OTTAWA, PQ is one of Canada’s largest and fastest growing dental groups. Excellent Associate Opportunities available at BROCKVILLE, MORRISBURG, RUSSELL, CAMBRIDGE, HAMILTON, PORT HOPE, TORONTO For more information visit our website at www.altima.ca or email us at dentist@altima.ca 84 oralhealth Well establish and expanding periodontal practice seeking a full time periodontist with possibility of association. We provide a dynamic team, a large patient base and new patients daily. For all questions or to send your resume: dre.c.landry@gmail.com Parodontiste bilingue recherché pour clinique en pleine croissance avec une possibilité d’association. Clientèle assurée, organisation structurée et une équipe dynamique. Pour toutes questions ou pour envoyer votre curriculum vitae au : dre.c.landry@gmail.com December 2014 20 minutes east of Ottawa. Very busy recently expanded dental clinic seeking dentist for long term, full-time position. Multidisciplinary practice with the latest high tech equipment (2D & 3D x-ray). Mentoring available. Above average remuneration. Tel: (613) 446-3368 Fax: (613) 446-5006 laurierdental@videotron.ca CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI Well-established busy practice looking for a full-time associate to begin in 2015. Opportunity for buy-in. Fully digital practice, located in modern multidentist facility. Strong hygiene program in place. Please contact Dr Kerby Bruce at kerbybruce@eastlink.ca or 902-367-6112 for more information. DRYDEN, ON Looking for a motivated full time associate for January 2015. Earn 50% in a friendly efficient environment with fully trained staff and a well established patient base. Will help associate with accommodation and getting settled in Dryden. Experience desirable but not a must. Associate must be dedicated to patient care and clinical quality. Please email your resume to Dr. Ghada Ibrahim at vivadental@hotmail.com www.oralhealthgroup.com 20 MINS. NORTH OF BARRIE, ON Part Time Associate needed 20 minutes north of Barrie. Busy, progressive, family dental practice. Send resume to dsolly7@hotmail.com Fax: 705-322-3373 LEAMINGTON, ON We are seeking a full time associate to join our established general dentistry practice. No evenings or weekends required. New grads are welcome. Excellent earning potential. Please contact us for more info at: leamingtondhc@gmail.com or 519-322-2866. ENDODONTIST/PERIODONTIST Located 40 minutes north of Toronto, Keswick Dental Centre is looking for an Endodontist and a Periodontist to join our practice Part time. Contact Robin at 905-476-4371. KINGSTON, ON Associate wanted Monday-Thursday & Saturdays for a practice in the city of Kingston. Minimum 3 years experience required. Please send your resume to resumes@dawsondental.ca or fax it to 1-877-482-4320 EDMONTON, AB Well established practice in Edmonton with good patient base and new patient flow; FT Associate position. Above average income. Excellent communication skills and experienced dentist apply in confidence to doffice05@gmail.com KENORA, ON Full-time associate required for enjoyable three dentist practice. No evenings or weekends. Accommodation available. Earn 40 to 45% with buy-in potential. Kenora is cottage country 2 hours from Winnipeg. Email: kenoradent@hotmail.com e q u i p m e n t PAEDODONTIST NEEDED — TORONTO Established paedodontic practice looking for associate pedodontist. Excellent opportunity for a long-term career in a large thriving practice. Enjoy a full schedule from day one! Please reply to: lorne_newton@yahoo.com MIDLAND, ON PART TIME ASSOCIATE We are a busy and modern patient focused practice looking for an associate to work Wednesdays, Thursdays and half day Fridays. Midland is only 30 mintues north of Barrie and is great for outdoor enthusiasts, yet conveniently close to the GTA. Email resume to associate@georgianshoresdental.com KINGSTON, ON Full time associate required for large group practice in well established office in new building. Modern, digital, paperless office in growing part of beautiful Kingston. Please contact: lorrie@cataraquidental.com BRANTFORD, ON Part time associate leading to full time needed in an established, busy dental office in Brantford. Please email resume to: brantdental@outlook.com EAST OTTAWA, ON Full time associate dentist needed for state of the art practice in a growing bedroom community in East Ottawa, ON. New graduates welcome. Opportunities to buy in. E-mail: maisoun@eastborodental.com FOR SALE Sirona CEREC MC XL 2 years old- like brand new. Only 40 restorations milled. 4.0 software, Bluecam. Selling complete set up: Ivoclar furnace, staining and glazing kit 120 emax blocks and 150 Empress blocks in a variety of shades $115,000. Contact nknight@sasktel.net for further information FOR SALE Used 1996 Sirona Orthophos Plus with Lateral Ceph X-Ray machine. Purchased new, has no repairs or upgrades, and works perfectly. Has both scanning digital or film capabilities that come with the machine. Selling because I have upgraded to a cone beam CT machine. Please send an offer or questions to alexb.21@hotmail.com or call 604-837-8001. WATERLOO, ON Dental Equipment For Sale 5 operatories of equipment including chair with accessories, intraoral xray units, custom built operatory cabinetry, instruments and Computer, as well as a Panoramic Xray Unit. Also Server, office computer, printer, fax, etc. Interested parties please contact me at wkamouni@hotmail.com DENTAL EQUIPMENT LIQUIDATION Must sell … will look at any reasonable offer. Dental chairs, carts, xray units … and more. For appt. and info. contact: Bill Nathanson 416-230-3948 billnathanson@hotmail.com s e m i n a r s don’t miss the 35th annual Dental Forum in hawaii! maui january 31-february 7 &/OR kauai february 7-14 Dental Seminars & Symposia, LLC For details & registration, visit For travel information, call Linda or call 952.922.1707 or email linda@travelleaders-cf.com www.dentsem.com 800.826.6644 s e m i n a r s PROFITABLE PRACTICE Presenters: BROKERAGE This is a great time to start planning for 2015. This seminar will be a joint presentation from noted industry leaders to discuss: • How to work the best tax strategies • How practice values are determined in today’s market • Freedom from ownership! How to exit with dignity and profitability • Learning the most effective way to sell your practice • Financing and best practices from both a purchaser and vendor perspective • Macro view of financial markets with a focus on succession planning • Sale structure (asset vs. share vs. hybrid) • Employee severance obligations • A strong recare system positions you to maximize the value and appeal of your practice at the time of sale CITIES/DATES/TIMES ROI Corporation, national dental practice appraisal and sales leader, specializes in dental practice appraisals, transitions, brokerage, buyer education and business management across Canada. Many dentists are planning for the increasing volume of practices coming to market in 2015 and beyond. BMO Bank of Montreal provides customized financing and banking solutions to dentists across Canada. Our dedicated healthcare banking specialists can deliver a comprehensive offering to meet all your financial needs. MNP is one of the largest accounting and business consulting firms in Canada, providing client focused accounting, taxation and consulting advice. Succession planning and thinking about retirement needs to start as early as possible in the lifecycle of your practice. By developing an effective succession strategy now, you can save on tax, invest smartly and decide on the best plan according to your circumstances and personal goals heading into the future. Vancouver Patterson Dental Branch Office Friday, January 23rd, 2015 8:45am - 3:15pm Toronto Delta Meadowvale Hotel Friday, February 6th, 2015 8:45am - 3:15pm Halifax Patterson Dental Branch Office Friday, April 10th, 2015 8:45am - 3:15pm Edmonton Patterson Dental Branch Office Friday, May 1st, 2015 Exclusive to Patterson Dental, Recall System Pro is assisting hundreds of practices to achieve their business goals with the dental industry’s first complete and comprehensive recall solution. 8:45am - 3:15pm Calgary Patterson Dental Branch Office Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 8:45am - 3:15pm Seminar fee is $299 +tax for doctor; non-doctor spouses/partners are highly encouraged to attend at no charge. Continental breakfast and lunch will be served. To register please visit: profitable-practice.com/news-events Or for more information please contact: 1-888-764-4145 or info@profitable-practice.com
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