St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Elementary School 475 Brownridge Drive, Thornhill, Ontario L4J 5Y6 Phone: 905-738-5703 Fax: 905-738-8121 December 2014 Newsletter SCHOOL WEBSITE: SERVING OUR SCHOOL COMMUNITY Ms. P. Preston - Director Mrs. C. Ferlisi - Trustee Mrs. N. Di Nardo – School Superintendent Area 2 Ms. N. Phipps – School Council Chair Mrs. V. Augustynek - Principal Mrs. C. Pontes - Secretary ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER CATHOLIC PARISH FATHER MARIO SALVADORI 191 Wade Gate, Thornhill (905) 660-1253 WEEKDAY MASSES Monday – Wednesday & Friday – 7 p.m. -Bilingual SATURDAY MASSES 9 a.m. - Bilingual 5 p.m. - English SUNDAY MASSES 9 a.m. - Italian 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. – English PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE: This month we celebrate the virtue of Hope. With God’s Grace, I will never give up hope. I will maintain a positive attitude and look for the brighter side of situations. Hope is strongly associated with the Advent Season. Advent is a time of patient and prayerful waiting for the coming of Jesus at Christmas time. The lighting of the AdventWreath is an important symbol for many Christians. SYMBOLISM OF THE ADVENT WREATH: The word Advent means the coming of promise. . The four candles represent the 4000 years prior to Christ’s coming and the four weeks of Advent. The unlighted candles represent the Dark Ages before Christ’s coming. The lighted candles represent Christ, the Light of the World. Each week we light one more candle and that represents the idea that the coming of Christ is closer. The circular form of the wreath symbolizes that God has no beginning and no end. The green of the boughs indicates hope - just as the green of spring indicates new life. Thank you to the students, staff and parents for your ongoing support. Wishing everyone a Blessed Christmas and a New Year full of hope, love, joy and good health. God Bless! Mrs. V. Augustynek, Principal MESSAGE FROM SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION: STUDENT LEARNING FOR AREA 2 NANCY DI NARDO: In this Advent season let us live by Helen Steiner‘s Christmas lesson: Christmas is more than a day at the end of the year, More than a season of joy and good cheerChristmas is really God’s pattern for living, To be followed all year by unselfish giving, For in giving to others and in being kind Man finds true joy and peace of mindAnd peace on earth will come to stay, When we live Christmas every day. May you and your loved ones live Christmas every day! Sincerest best wishes for a peace filled Christmas Season to you and your loved ones. Message from Trustee Cathy Ferlisi May God keep you and your family safe as we begin the Season of Advent. I look forward to attending as many Christmas concerts and school events as my schedule will allow. Do you have children with special needs you are considering enrolling in JK in September 2015? Two information sessions are scheduled: St. Joan of Arc (Library) on January 14th at 7:15 pm and at the YCDSB Board office (Room 100) on January 21st at 7:15 pm. Would your child benefit from French homework help? The York Catholic District School Board and the Ontario Ministry of Education are pleased to have partnered together to bring free French Homework Help to students. Through the site, Voila’ Learning Homework Help, all French Immersion and Core French students can access live French help from certified French teachers. YCDSB students and their parents have access to this site every: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. during the 2014-15 school year. To begin, you must register at: when the registration is complete, a confirmation will be sent directly to the parent’s email address containing access to the online platform. Parents and their child/children will then have immediate access to the service. January marks the start of Kindergarten Registration Month at the York Catholic District School Board. Beginning on January 5th, 2015, you can register your child either at your local school or at the Catholic Education Centre at 320 Bloomington Road West in Aurora. You will need to bring these original documents: Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (child or parent), proof of age, proof of legal status in Canada, proof of residency, proof of Separate School Support (i.e. your property tax bill), or you can complete a school support form that is included in the registration package. The French Immersion program is offered at St. Joseph the Worker CES. Senior Kindergarten parents are reminded that French Immersion Online applications are available from November 25th, 2014 to February 4th, 2015 at I am in the process of organizing a variety of free workshops for parents or guardians for 2015. I will provide updates as the details are finalized. Feel free to visit my website at: You may contact me by email at or by telephone at 416-565-7087. May you be blessed with the spirit of Christmas and welcome the New Year filled with good health, peace, joy and spiritual fulfillment. Christmas Concert 2014-2015 We are making a change this year in regards to the Christmas concert. SJW will be hosting two Christmas concerts: Dec. 17th – Childcare children, FDK, Grs. 1-3 Dec. 18th – Grs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 The choir and Mr. Tunz’s class will be performing on both nights. The concert will begin at 7 p.m. in the school gym. We are trying to raise money for our school’s C21 learning proposal. We want to buy interactive whiteboards/laptops and projectors. We want to replace all the old computers in our computer lab. We want to buy laptops and a portable cart so that all students have access to technology. We are therefore charging $5.00 per seat for the Christmas concert. All money raised will go towards the above items. The box office will be open each night at 6:15 p.m. to purchase tickets. Please bring the exact amount because we will be limited with change. Catholic School Council As we welcome the Advent season with joy and anticipation, we would like to wish the school community a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe Christmas holiday break. The Catholic School Council held its last meeting on November 4th, 2014. The new members of the Council were sworn in with the opening prayer. We discussed the fundraising goals for this year and came to a strong consensus that the Council will be concentrating fundraising efforts to assist with the costs of upgrading the internet infrastructure and technology in keeping with the School’s objective of moving towards 21st Century Learning. The Council has also agreed to fund a session for each grade/class of Scientists in the Classroom and as well as the graduation meal, cards for the students participating in their Holy First Communion and their Confirmation and a benevolent fund to assist students/families in need. We are currently recruiting for our school committees and welcome any parents wishing to volunteer some time for activities such as fundraising, grant research and writing, the lunch program, event planning and constitution writing. Please contact me at if you are interested in getting on board. The next Catholic School Council meeting will be held on January 8th, 2015 at 7 p.m. All parents are welcome to attend and we look forward to meeting with you in the New Year. 2 Principal for the Day Nicole A., a Grade 6 student, was the lucky winner of the Dance-A-Thon prize of Principal for the Day. Congratulations Nicole for a job well done! Remembrance Day Presentations Thanks to the junior division and all the students and staff who contributed to the success of our Remembrance Day presentation. Mrs. P. Preston our Director of Education and Mrs. C. Ferlisi our school trustee were both present. Mr. Tunzi and students presented a beautiful blacklight presentation. The choir sang under the direction of Dr. L. Davis. The junior students presented a dance of peace choreographed by two St. Elizabeth dance students. Thanks to Alyssa Lue and Kasandra Brancaccio from St. Elizabeth and their teacher Ms. Di Millo for all the hard work and dedication. Dancers Brian K. Denis S. Eric F. Sara T. Isabella D. Jalen E. Annalisa I. Syreena D. Alex W. Eva P. Nataly J. Robert C. Brianna R. Michael G. Alessia F. Treana T. Mary R. Arden M. Leo G. Jamie A. Alexei K. Jenna A. True M. Lauren M. Adriano M. Chloe S. Christopher J. 3 Halloween Dance-A-Thon The Dance-A-Thon Committee would like to again graciously thank all of you for helping to make this year’s fundraiser another great success! New tallies show we have raised over $8,291.25. Parents and Guardians in the SJW school community, thank you for supporting this year’s Dance-A-Thon. Here is how we have spent some of our money raised: Presentations: Bullying Prevention/Awareness Presentations November 17th, 2014 – Grades K – 3 – The Bully in the Purple Pants Play November 17th – 18th, 2014 – Bullying Awareness Workshops – Grades 4 – 8 January 21st, 2015 – La Maleta Play – Grades 4 - 6 Black History Month February 19th, 2015 –Play Curriculum – Pathway for Success Date TBA – Identity Most – Art Workshops – Grades 4 - 6 Other: Outdoor and Indoor Sports Equipment Prizes for Dance-a-thon DJ for Dance –a-thon Shed for FDK yard Sound Equipment Catholic School Council Thanks to the SJW Parent Council for providing funds for the following areas: Scientist in the Classroom – Workshops Grades K-8 Graduation First Communion Confirmation Benevolent Fund Upgrading Internet and Technology Parents of Grade 4 students – PACE (Program for Academic and Creative Extension) As you are aware, all Grade 4 students during the month of September took part in writing the PACE achievement test. The PACE results are placed in the students’ OSRs. Parents do not get a copy of the results. Only students who have scored excellent/very high on their achievement tests are considered for the next step of the screening process. Any parents wishing to discuss their child’s results should make an appointment with Mrs. Augustynek. Luke 4:18 Christmas Toy Drive This Christmas, the St. Joseph the Worker Luke 4:18 Social Justice Committee has decided to participate in the City of Vaughan Toy Drive 2014, which is in support of the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish. We are asking students and staff who would like to participate, to make a donation of a new, unwrapped toy for children aged newborn to eighteen years of age remembering that children of all ages are in need this holiday season. The Toy Drive will begin on November 26th and will end on December 12th. As an incentive, all Primary classes (JK/SK to grade 3) who donate a minimum of 10 toys per class will have their picture taken with Santa Claus. All Junior classes (grade 4 to grade 6) who also donate 10 or more toys per class will be given a "games period" as scheduled by their classroom teacher. For the Intermediate students, donating toys will be their ticket to the "Jingle Bell Ball" held on Friday December 19th. As Mother Teresa said, "We can do no great things – only small things with great love." So this Christmas let's all do a small thing and donate to our Toy Drive. Sprit Week – “Holiday Happenings” 'Tis the season to be jolly and the Spirit Council is ready to get St. Joseph the Worker in the Christmas Spirit with some good old fashion Holiday Fun! We plan on making the last week before the holidays (Monday December 15th to Friday December 19th) full of good will and good times. Monday December 15 Red and Green Day Tuesday December 16 Santa and Elf Hat Day Wednesday December 17 Scarf and Mitten Day Thursday December 18 Pyjama Day Friday December 19 Charity Staffstudent Volleyball game $2 for SharfeLife Holly Jolly Candy Count begins Holly Jolly Candy Count continues Holly Jolly Candy Count continues Story time with Santa Holly Jolly Candy Count winner(s) is announced Christmas Trivia begins Christmas Trivia continues Christmas Trivia continues Holly Jolly Candy Count continues Christmas Trivia continues Letter writing to Santa in the Library Grs. K-3 Evening Concert Childcare – Grs. 3 Christmas Trivia continues Jingle Bell Ball Intermediate Dance Advent Mass Evening Concert Grs. 4-8 So let's "Fa-la-la-la" our way to Christmas as Spirit Council proudly presents Holiday Happenings 2014. 4 Leadership Links Conference Students Experience My favourite part of the leadership program was when we got into groups and had the chance to meet new people. I also liked when we did centers and learned how to be better leaders. Finally, I enjoyed the stories people shared and how everyone cheered for us. By: Andrew Z. What I enjoyed about going to the Leadership Links was that it taught me many important things. It was a fun experience and a life lesson to me. I enjoyed participating in this event. By: Nicole A. My favourite experience from the conference was when I got to play games and Ice Breakers with my group. I also liked how Stewy talked to us in a funny manner. By: Ivana M. My favourite part of the Leadership Links was putting together puzzles and games and taking part in the Ice Breakers. They have Disney-themed groups and I was Winnie the Pooh. We had our own chant and that was one of my favourite parts. By: Jamie A. Kindergarten Registration St. Joseph the Worker will begin accepting Kindergarten registrations as of Monday, January 5th, 2015, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. When you come in to register, you will receive a registration package to be completed. Please bring the necessary documentation at the time of registration: 1. Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (child’s or parent’s). 2. Proof of Age (child’s birth certificate). 3. Proof of Legal Status in Canada Proof of Residency. 4. Proof of English Separate School Support. If you are unable to come during these times, please contact the school office to make arrangements to pick-up a registration package. Please Note: JK children must be 4 years of age by December 31st, 2015. Indoor Outdoor Shoes Please provide your child with a change of shoes for indoor use in class. Running shoes are best since they can also be used for gym. This helps to maintain a clean and comfortable environment for the student’s school day. Most importantly, we have a detailed fire/emergency evacuation policy which will be practiced several times over the course of the school year which means students must wear their shoes in the school building at all times. Whenever the fire alarm goes off, students will not be allowed to put on shoes, coats, hats etc. Their safety is our first priority, so once again please ensure that your child/ren come equipped with the proper indoor and outdoor shoes. Flip flops, clogs or sandals are not appropriate shoes for school. Volleyball News The Intermediate Boys and Girls Volleyball teams had a good run this year and represented Wolverine spirit with true passion and dedication for the sport. SJW was host to the Area Boys' Tournament on Monday November 10th. The boys played hard and showed excellent sportsmanship. Although losing in the semi-finals, the boys played very well as a team. The girls tournament was held at St. Kateri Tekakwitha on Wednesday November 12th. Despite several loses, the girls remained strong and put forth their best effort. A well deserved congratulations goes out to both teams for their efforts and for representing SJW at both tournaments. SJW would also like to thank the coaching staff, Ms. Bucci and Mr. Abraham and to Ms. Gallo for assisting with the Boy's Tournament. Weather Watch and Bus Cancellations Kindly ensure that your children are appropriately dressed for school during cold temperatures as they are expected to be outside for all recesses except during extreme weather conditions. A change of clothes kept at school is recommended especially for the younger grades. Since winter is approaching, with it will come unpredictable or slower driving conditions. Student Transportation Services may determine that the roads and weather conditions make it impossible to operate a bus safely. Unless the situation is so severe as to require closing of the schools, the schools will remain open and parents are asked to use their discretion in sending their child to school. 5 Winter Clothing Students are reminded that proper clothing must be worn. This includes hats, gloves and boots in addition to your winter coats. We suggest that names be placed on all primary students’ winter clothing. Each winter season brings an assorted collection of hats, gloves or even boots that go unclaimed in our Lost and Found box. Students are expected to go outside for recess in order to get some exercise and fresh air. An indoor routine is followed when the temperature or wind chill factor drops to -18C. A pair of indoor shoes must be provided for use inside the school. Your Child’s Not Feeling Well We sometimes receive request from parents(s) guardian(s) for students who are recovering from an illness to stay in for recess. Supervision is difficult to guarantee and at the same time students can spread their colds etc. to other students. If your child is ill, it is best to keep them supervised at home. This will make them more comfortable and prevent others from becoming ill. Fever, diarrhea and vomiting are just some of the reasons for a child to be kept home. It is important to consult with a doctor if symptoms are severe or prolonged in any illness. Please always be sure that the office has an up-todate Emergency Contact Form for your family. Advent Mass St. Joseph the Worker staff and students will be celebrating our Advent Mass on Monday, December 15th 2014 at 9:15 a.m. at St. Joseph the Worker Parish. All are welcomed to attend. Winter Breaks The last day of classes before the Christmas Break is Friday, December 19th, 2014 with dismissal at 3:30 p.m. as usual. Classes will resume on Monday, January 5th, 2015. Non-Edible Treats/Loot Bags We continue to ask for your assistance in providing nonedible treats when celebrating your child’s birthday with classmates. Due to LIFE THREATENING FOOD ALLERGIES we will not allow any sharing of food. Christmas Charity Staff-Student Volleyball Game The teachers are looking forward to some friendly competition on Friday, December 19th, 2014 in the Christmas Charity Staff-Student Volleyball Game, with donations going to ShareLife. We will be collecting toonies for ShareLife and students will have the opportunity to watch an exiting match between the teachers and Intermediate Boys and Girls Volleyball team. Go Wolverines, Go! Extended Vacations Parents are requested to plan vacations outside of school time whenever possible. In the event that this is not possible, it is the responsibility of the parents to notify the school in writing. After 10 consecutive days, the principal must have written documentation from the parent, which indicates the expected date of return. After 30 consecutive days, the attendance counsellor is informed. 2014 Grade 8 Exit Survey Results To support the continued success of all students enrolled in the York Catholic District School Board and as part of the Board’s strategy to ensure that the school system is working effectively to meet the needs of all students, the first Grade 8 exit survey was administered in 2012. The survey was completed anonymously online and was intended to identify student perceptions about their experiences in elementary school and their plans for high school. Highlights of the findings from the Grade 8 2014 exit survey included the following: (97% participation) Most Grade 8 students (87%) indicated that they planned to enrol in a York Catholic secondary school. Most Grade 8 students (83%) reported that their class had been visited by a representative of the nearest York Catholic high school and (89%) of the students had attended an Open House evening at their nearest York Catholic high school. Grade 8 students with special education needs indicated that they perceived that the supports received in elementary school were helpful for their own learning and success. These supports included: Access to accommodations in their classes (91%); Understanding their learning style and how they learn best (90%); Access to technology to support their learning (88%); Access to support from special education teachers (86%). Students indicated that their top 3 reasons for enrolling in a York Catholic high school were as follows: location; friends were going to a York Catholic high school and the Catholic tradition and academic excellence grounded in a common faith. Student feedback collected from the exit survey, along with other information gathered about our school including the school climate survey, will be used at St. Joseph the Worker C.E.S. to further support improvements in student achievement, faith development and well-being. 6 We thank you for supporting our commitment to a Peanut/Nut safe environment at St. Joseph the Worker C.E.S. York Catholic District School Board Inclement Weather Notification School transportation service may be cancelled from time to time due to inclement weather and/or poor road conditions. Unless otherwise stated, schools will remain open when transportation services are cancelled. The safety and well‐being of our students is taken into consideration when making decisions concerning transportation service cancellation. Information regarding the cancellation of school transportation or school closures will be made available by 6:15 a.m. Please exercise discretion in deciding whether to send your child to school when school transportation has been cancelled, and note the following: 9 A decision to cancel school transportation service will be region‐wide meaning all school buses, vans and taxis will not operate. 9 Unless otherwise stated, schools will remain open and parents can make alternate arrangements to transport their children to and from school if school bus service is cancelled. 9 If transportation is cancelled in the morning, it will not operate in the afternoon. 9 In the event school transportation is cancelled, exams, tests, quizzes, excursions, charter trips, school programs, Hot Lunch Programs (in elementary schools), co‐curricular activities, evening presentations, workshops, as well as, Identification, Placement, and Review Committee Meetings (IPRCs) will be cancelled and rescheduled. Inclement Weather Notifications will be posted to: 9 School Website 9 Board Website ( 9 Student Transportation Services of York Region Website ( 9 Twitter ( 9 Designated Radio and Television Stations: RADIO TELEVISION AM 640 CBC CFNY CFRB CHAY CHFI CHIN CHRW CHUM CIQB CJBC CJCL CJEZ CJKX CKDO 640AM 99.1FM 102.1FM 1010AM 93.1FM 98.1FM 1540AM & 100.7FM 94.9FM 1050AM & 104.5 FM 101.1FM 860AM 590AM 97.3FM 95.9FM & 89.9 FM 1580AM CKDX CKFM KISS NEWS Q107 88.5FM 99.9FM 92.5FM 680AM 107.1FM CITY TV CTV BARRIE CTV TORONTO CP24 GLOBAL NEWS Information about school transportation cancellation is also available at 7
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