NOVEMBER 23, 2014
Saturday, November 22
5:30pm Richard Silvernail – Silverrnail family
Sunday, November 23
7:30am Edith Gallo
9:00am People of St Stanislaus Kostka
11:00am George Leutz – Dale Dydo
Monday, November 24
9:00am Bart and Myrtle Oakes
Tuesday, November 25
9:00am Florence Dunn - Family
Wednesday, November 26
9:00am Communion Service
Thursday, November 27
Thanksgiving Mass at 10am
Friday, November 28
9:00am Towers Family – Maryanne Towers
Saturday, November 29
5:30pm Trudy Fedor - John and Johanna Hudak
God’s Plan for Giving
In return for the Lord’s generosity, our people returned
to His Church the following
November 16, 2014 + Parish Pay
Thank you for your continuing generosity that enables us
to continue to serve the people of God
Campaign for Human Development
November 23
Barbara Kurdziel, Elizabeth Boyle, Cyndi West, Lynsey
Senchak, Kristen Schaeffer, Caroline Kiernan, Domenick
Cuccia, John Hicks, Leonard Fanelli, Beatrice Allen, Jake
Sinclair, Maureen Nelson, Mateo Hadderman, Rachel Nazak
November 24
Michael Burke, Jessica Burke, William Diehl, Edith Myers,
Katherine Muir, Kristopher Riley, Anthony Sierra, Michael
Strazza, Allen Diehl, Jay Hiesel
November 25
Hans Klein, Denise Ofca, Danielle Cussick, Leonard
Lacken, Carol diPalo, Linda Ferolito, Michael Olivier
November 26
Matthew Hayes, Vincent Donatelli, Laura Cannella,
Deborah Geraci, Darren Schucker, Brendan Donnelly,
Anthony Moustakas, John Suppa
November 27
Timothy Wolfe, Stephen Olenik, Linda Fasolino, Adam
Hoolihan, Heather Harmuth, Laura Kelly, Dylan Zocchi,
Emilia DeLorenzo, John Cassidy
November 28
Brianna Konyn, Scott Cussick, Karli Leinweaver, Christie
Sablinski, Mary Ann Julia, William Avezzano, Kellen Knittel,
Dylan Jimenez, Sondra Cepeda, Albertina Manzo
November 29
William Baker, Sarah Carbone, Darlene Smith, Kenneth
Wallace, Jr., Austin Dupilka, Michael Gatto, David Neziri,
Nicole Kelly, Sandra Martinez, Marc Daudier, Randy
We wish to thank all the parishioners who volunteered their
time and talents as well as their delicious food contributions
that helped make our pot luck supper a success. We were so
moved by how everyone came together and became part of
the celebration in whatever way they could. The Spirit was
palpable, and we are so grateful to be a part of the St.
Stanislaus “family”!
Beatrice Simoni and Diane McCarron
Rev. Francis Perry Azah
St. John Chrysostom Parish
985 East 167th Street
Bronx, NY 10459
Thanksgiving- a true American holidayhas taken on a very religious dimension
which we would love to see grow. There
are two ways of saying “Thanks” to God
as we get ready to celebrate
Thanksgiving. Consider starting a
tradition in your family of coming to morning Mass before
you sit down for food and football. Find time to join us at the
10am Mass, before you travel or get caught up in the day’s
celebrations. Coming to Mass that day (when it is not
required) is a great way to say “Thank You” to God who is the
source of all our blessings. We really hope you will join us.
Please note that this 10am Mass will be our ONLY on
It is late enough for those who want to sleep in and yet
early enough to travel if you are visiting someone else for
your turkey. Come and give thanks and make Mass on
Thanksgiving a tradition of your own
Bringing the Christmas Spirit to Families in Need
Catholic Charities Community Services of Dutchess County
serves many of the families from throughout the county who are
in need. We are inviting you to “adopt” a family or individual
and provide them with some basic Christmas gifts for their
family that they are not able to afford this year. If you or your
family, friends or co-workers would like to Adopt-a-Family,
please call the Catholic Charities Community Services of
Dutchess County at (845) 452-1400 x4217 to speak with Mary
Marshall or email at: or 452-1400
x4905 for Michelle Metelski.
The teen club will be selling Christmas Wreaths for
the Holidays this weekend and next. The cost for a
beautiful, fresh, decorated 22” Wreath is just
Plan on getting one for each of your doors!
All the proceeds will help our teens with the cost of our
Annual Conference in December. Thank you in advance for your
Millspaugh Furniture sponsors a program wherein they
award $1000 each month to a local non-profit organization.
We have enrolled the St. Stanislaus Nursery School in this
program for the month of November. The organization
that receives the most votes will win the award. We are
hoping for your support and ask you to follow the steps
listed below to cast you vote. We want to assure you that
the monies received, if we were chosen to receive the
award, would be used to purchase some much needed
equipment for the children.
1. Go to
2. Look for the “Strengthening the fabric of our community”
icon and click on it.
3. Hit ENTER. This will take you to a screen where
you will be asked to “Like” Millspaugh Furniture on
Facebook. Hit okay.
4. You will then be brought back to the entry page
where you will be asked to enter the St. Stan’s
Nursery School code : SSNS1023.
5. Click the box to accept terms and conditions and
then click on Finalize. Your vote has been cast!
Just go to lunch or dinner, eat in or take out, at Pizzaria
Uno’s on Wednesday, November 26th. After preparing all
that food for Thanksgiving why not give yourself a break
and let Uno’s do the work….and you will be helping the
children of our Nursery School too. Use the coupon’s
below. Give one to a friend.
This very beautiful time of the year, this time of expectant waiting for the coming of Christmas , is
tragically falling out of the lives of many Christians, including many Catholic Christians, because we
are listening to the worldly voices around us to hurry up and get ready for Christmas. While it is hard
not to be tempted, our Catholic faith celebrates the season of Advent to try to slow us down and to
encourage us to remember that we should forget that there is a whole Christmas season after the 25th
where we could continue to celebrate. Ever since Christmas Eve in 1967 when I was coming home
from Midnight Mass and saw the tree, with tinsel, that someone had thrown out since “Christmas was
over”, I decided I was going to try not to give in to that thinking----and I hope you will try too.
I would ask that you consider these reflections, entitled “Why can’t we sing Christmas carols during
Advent?” and see if it might explain things a bit better, keeping in mind the fact that our Catholic
belief about the season of Advent is not necessarily shared by all Christian churches, but that you are
reading it here because you are Catholic.
It seems like the Catholic Church is so out of step, not singing them (carols) when they are on the
radio, but singing them after Christmas when we don’t hear them anywhere else. But the need to
wait, and the experience of singing them in a new way on the great feast of Christmas, are both good
reasons not to jump the gun. We wait for the carols in the same way we wait for Jesus.
The lofty answer to this question and many like it is that the liturgical year ( of the Catholic Church)
is a counter- cultural force. When the world wants to anticipate Christmas and does not want to wait,
the Church insists that we do just that. When people want to celebrate the Easter Vigil at the usual
time of the Saturday evening Mass or want to celebrate it in the space of one hour, the Church insists
on waiting until night falls and taking as long as it takes. To break it down a little further, liturgy does
not look at time in the same way as we do in the rest of our lives. The liturgy celebrates the basic
reality that all time belongs to God. We are called into existence and born into time, but it is God’s
choice. We live our lives in time, but how long will that be God’s choice. So when we answer God’s
call to come to celebration, it is participation in that basic call that God constantly makes to us. Our
response is to respond to God’s call, to participate in whatever God has called us to do , whether it be
the waiting of Advent, the joy of Christmas, or the challenge of Ordinary Time, and to use every
season or celebration as a springboard to our mission in the world.
----Monsignor William Belford,
Excerpted from Parish Liturgy Basics, Revised Edition (
Some more ideas to keep the spirit of Advent alive in your family and in your home this year
*Begin the season on Sunday, November 30th by coming to the Hall at 3:00PM and watching
the movie Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, a fun afternoon for young and
old alike…
*Having an Advent wreath, and Advent Calendar or Jesse Tree in your home
*Delay your lights and carols until the Fourth Week of Advent when the Church “shifts gears
to a more Christmas-y” theme…
*Get to Confession…
*Wear some purple…
*Read the daily Mass readings…
*Slow down…