The Acorn December 2014/January 2015 Newsletter of Church of Our Saviour (Episcopal) Charlottesville, VA Growing a community in Christ . . . Sharing Christ’s love with the world Dear Friends, Among the beauties this season affords are the gorgeous blue altar hangings and vestments that adorn the church. The use of blue in Advent has uncertain origins. Some have said that it maintains the penitential tone associated with purple while also setting it apart from the season of Lent. Others have pointed out that blue, the color of the pre-dawn sky, represents hope and thus underlines the Advent theme of waiting for Christ. However we interpret it, the appearance of blue in the church stands out vividly after the green of “ordinary time,” the long season after Pentecost. WHAT’S INSIDE IN ALL ISSUES Adult Education 3, 5, 8 Children’s Ministries 4, 5 Curious Episcopalian 13 Fellowship 13 Outreach News 7, 8, 11, 12 OWLS 15 Parish Registry 12 I like that. Advent, after all, ushers in a new church year: the colors and rituals of this season should waken us to a sense of expectation, a desire for new beginnings. Historically, this is a penitential season, a time to turn aside from superficial or hurtful things and renew our commitment to the God revealed in Jesus. It is also a time to watch: Christ came unexpectedly before, will come unexpectedly at the end, and often surprises us in the present. Discerning the divine presence in our midst demands desire and dedication. Advent provides us with the opportunity to renew both. Vestry News 2, 8, 9 Youth (EYC) 6 Birthdays/Anniversaries 17 and 18 SPECIAL ARTICLES Annual Council 14 Annual Report 9 Christmas Decorating 16 Of course, we all know how easy it is to succumb to the stress and craziness of the “holiday season,” which can feel depressingly materialistic and godless. Maybe one way to repent this season, one way to watch for Jesus, is to approach the next month in a different spirit. The 14th century saint Julian of Norwich once wrote: “For the greatest honor we can pay him of anything that we can do is to live gladly and merrily for his love, in our penance.” Now that is an act of repentance: to live joyfully remembering that God comes among us in Jesus because he loves us and delights in us. I can’t think of a better witness to offer during this holy season. Yes, the coming weeks will be very busy. Yes, at times we will stagger frazzled from one event/errand/obligation to the next. But please join me in this act of penance: no matter what, I am going to live gladly for the love of Christ. If I don’t get everything done perfectly, so be it. I am going to rejoice in God’s love and the blessings of love which surround me. Our goal should not be to survive the season, but to rejoice in it. When December 25th rolls around, I want to say, “Merry Christmas!” ― and mean it. In Christ’s love, Christmas Flowers 14 Christmas Services 10 Stewardship 9 Thrift Shop 11 Year-End Donations 9 1165 Rio Rd., E. Charlottesville, VA 22901 (434) 973-6512 (434) 974-6687 (fax) 2 Vestry Highlights Vestry Highlights The following highlights are from the vestry meeting held on November 18: Buildings & Grounds Junior Warden Gregg Carswell reminded everyone of the Grounds Clean-Up on November 22. There is a group of Covenant School students coming the day before to rake leaves – they have come every year for several years and are a big help. The Lucia House porch will be finished next spring when it is warmer. Finances Treasurer Steve Weinhardt went over finances as of the end of October. Pledge payments are $36K in arrears and there is much concern. Giving statements went out in early October which should have given everyone an opportunity to see where they are. He is not sure if this will be made up before the end of the year. Church expenses have been held in check. Capital Campaign expenses are still being taken from what is in the bank and we probably won’t need to pull from the borrowed amount until next year. Parish Administrator Carolyn Voldrich gave the first pledge report from the 2015 Annual Giving Campaign. Pledged amounts are down significantly, and follow-up letters from the Senior Warden will go out to last year’s pledgers from whom we haven’t heard. Next year’s budget is based on pledge amounts, which is the largest income source. Renovations Committee Report Caroline Planting shared that the committee went through a thorough process in choosing a name for the new annex to present to the Vestry for final approval. There were 20 names suggested from the parish, and the committee settled on only one name for the building and one for the social hall (in order to distinguish it from the Parish Hall). Since there was not overwhelming enthusiasm for these names, Fr. David opened for discussion. Rev. Jennifer suggested two other names. After discussion, it was determined that the decision be put off until next month so members could further think about it. Rector’s Report Fr. David encouraged members to share their thoughts and ideas about finding a chair for the Congregation Development & Evangelism Commission. This is an important ministry that is in need of leadership. He also said that clergy don’t always find out when parishioners are in the hospital, and they would certainly visit if they knew. He encouraged vestry members to mention this if they find out about someone who is going in for surgery or another procedure. Annual Meeting Fr. David will acknowledge outgoing vestry members at the meeting—Cathrine Cashwell, Keith Crawford, Matt Savinsky, and Katherine Talley, as well as Abbie Bishop who left the Vestry earlier in the year. He will also recognize ministry leaders. Carolyn thanked those who contributed to the Annual Report, which will be available at the meeting. The next meeting will be held on December 16 at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall. Full meeting minutes are available during the work week in the church office. 3 O Come, O Come Emmanuel: Program of Advent Reflections ~ December 6 Mark your calendar! On Saturday, December 6, the Adult Spiritual Formation Commission will offer a program of reflections on “God with us.” The program will be in the Parish Hall from 10:00am to 1:00pm—with child care available. It will be followed by lunch. The program will be a contemplative prayer journey to explore who we are in Christ— a unique opportunity to pray through meditation questions, art projects, music, and personalized scripture. We will need to know what kind of childcare to provide, so about half-way through November, we will have a sign-up sheet in the Gathering Area to identify who is coming and who needs childcare. In the meantime, if you have questions, please contact Elizabeth Collins. An Advent Favorite: Martin the Cobbler On December 14, 2014, Adult Forum attendees will have the joy of seeing (or seeing again!) the brief claymation film of Tolstoy’s short story Martin the Cobbler. The story, which Tolstoy wrote as a folk tale, is narrated in English by Tolstoy’s daughter Alexandra. Martin the Cobbler is a work that Tolstoy, the great author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina, regarded late in life as one of his best because it gives you “something for your soul, for your mind.” The technique of claymation allows the magic of the story to work particularly well. After watching the film, the group will have some time to talk about it in relation to Christmas coming into our hearts. Elizabeth Collins Adult Spiritual Formation Chair 4 Church School News Young Lambs In December we begin Advent by changing the prayer tablecloth to blue because this is a time for preparation and waiting for the coming of the baby Jesus. Materials of our Nativity, piece by piece, are slowly introduced during Advent and the Christmas season. We begin with the stable and manger, a place for animals to eat and sleep. The next week Mary and Joseph are presented to the children, and we discuss the long journey they must travel to Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph begin this journey in Young Lambs on the opposite side of the room, making their way around the room to arrive at the stable the Sunday before Christmas. In January, the children return to discover the baby Jesus is present in the manger. The shepherds and the sheep will be introduced to the Nativity scene as the Baby Jesus’ first visitors. The children will create a Nativity scene by pasting Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the stable. Nancy Gillespie, catechist Atrium I As we look forward to the Christmas Celebration, we are learning about the birth of Jesus, recalling the prophecies of the coming Messiah – revealing the signs, symbols, and names of the Jesus. Five separate presentations focus on scriptural accounts of the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds, the Magi and Jesus’ Presentation in the Temple with Simon and Anna. These works are presented to the children individually over the 3year timespan in the atrium, with a focus on these works during Advent and the Christmas season. The materials are available for the children throughout the year and we observe lots of work with them. Following the Christmas season, we will begin working with Jesus’ Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven. Please come inside to visit the atrium when you pick up your children—they enjoy sharing their work with you! Robin Kaczka, catechist Atrium II Our main areas of focus for our small group presentations are Expansions and then a Synthesis of the Infancy Narratives introduced in Atrium I. In January we introduce the Flight into Egypt. We continue to close our atrium time weekly with a prayer gathering with readings of the Messianic Prophecies during Advent as we await the birth of our Saviour. The presentations given prepare us for the main work of the Atrium: our own freely chosen work with the materials which helps us think more about the scriptures. The children are growing in their use of the Bible as they work, and lately have been working with materials for Baptism, the Holy Eucharist and the History of the Kingdom of God. In their artwork we see their understanding and the connections they are making of Bible and Liturgy. Carol Harrell, catechist The 4th and 5th grade kids are having a blast this fall! We have been discussing the gospel lessons each week and are enjoying reading the stories as told by the different authors. The Bibles that we use in class have easily accessible cross-references so that when a story is told in Matthew, we can easily see where it was also told in Luke or Mark, for instance. We like to discuss the differences. And boy! They can be really different! We've had some fun activities and have even taken a tour of the chapel. Mary Morris, 4/5 Grade Teacher 5 Ruthwell Cross, 8th Century, Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Northumbria Early English Christian Poetry at Adult Forum Attendees at Adult Forum on December 21, 2014, will have the good fortune to hear parishioner Caroline Beisswanger speak on Anglo-Saxon Christian poetry, with an emphasis on Christmas themes. This forum was scheduled for last spring, but Caroline got sick. We are so pleased that we could reschedule it. Caroline, who majored in Medieval Studies at the University of Virginia, notes that the story of Christianity in England is part of our faith history as Episcopalians, and she hopes folks will find interesting how that history develops through some of the earliest writings in our language. Caroline will give a brief historical and linguistic background on Britain in the Dark Ages (roughly 400–1066 AD) and the coming of Christianity to what we now call England. Of particular interest in this discussion will be how Christianity wed itself to preexisting culture. The poems show how the Anglo-Saxons were able to explore the themes of their new faith within the structure and familiarity of their ancient poetic traditions. Elizabeth Collins Adult Spiritual Formation Chair Children’s Ministries Kids Night Out! Children ages 4-11 are invited to enjoy a night out at COOS on Friday, December 5th from 5:30pm – 8:00pm. Come enjoy an evening of Christmas fun! We will make gingerbread houses, watch a Christmas movie, work together on a Christmas card service project and have tons of fun. Dinner is provided. Please let Jodi Darring know if you plan to bring your child(ren) so we can plan for materials and dinner. Christmas Pageant The annual Christmas Pageant will take place during the 5:30pm service on Christmas Eve. There are parts for everyone aged toddler—5th grade. If your child would like to participate, please let Jennifer Henkel know. Christmas Pageant Co-Director Needed! If you are able to help Jennifer organize the Christmas Pageant this year, please let us know! Please contact Jodi Darring for more details. 6 Episcopal Youth Community For God sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 Upcoming Events in the EYC December 2: Final 2014 Confirmation Class December 21: Christmas Caroling & Party December 24 & 31: NO THIRST College Care Packages We miss our amazing parish members when they're away at college! Do you have a college student who would love to see a final exam care package from Church of Our Saviour? If so, please make sure we have their name and shipping address. We are also looking for donations, creative ideas and suggestions. Please contact Tara Mincer by November 30th. Did you know… Besides all of the wickedly talented Church of Our Saviour adults who sing in the Virginia Consort we also have four students in Consort: Michael Chisholm, Ailish Hall, Aidan Stoddart, and Joey Wharton. Look for them if you will be attending this year’s Consort Winter Concert! 7 OUTREACH OUTLOOK Thank You …..for all the things that you have done recently to share your blessings with those who are less fortunate. These include: 200 Christmas gifts for children in our twenty holiday families $925 in gift certificates for these families Thanksgiving holiday food for these families we have “adopted” Drivers who delivered Thanksgiving food to the family’s homes Numerous gently worn sweater donations for the cool weather Cards/stamps for the women at the Fluvanna Correctional Center Christmas Food Donation Sign Ups Sign up sheets will be in the entry area from November 30 through December 14 to provide Christmas food for our twenty families. Please bring perishable food to the church on December 21. Non-perishables and frozen items can be brought anytime. LOOKING AHEAD In February we will be having our annual Book Drive to benefit the Book Basket, a local children’s literacy program. Diane & Bruce Dotson Outreach Commission Co-Chairs Membership at Church of Our Saviour We welcome all those who seek God to share in our parish life, and we recognize all baptized Christians as members of the universal Church. For those who would like to join this parish officially or become members of the Episcopal Church, please contact one of the clergy. 8 To Our Friends at Church of Our Saviour Thank you for once again hosting PACEM’s women’s shelter in our 11th winter of helping people who are homeless in our area. We want you to know how truly blessed this community is to have congregations like yours to help in our mission to provide shelter for our neighbors in need. We greatly appreciate your willingness to prepare and serve dinner, to work with partner congregations, and for all the movies and hospitality you provided for the guests in a warm, welcoming, and compassionate environment each night. In addition to shelter, COOS also provides generous financial support for PACEM. Your financial help supports the cost of PACEM’s shelter staff in your church. The graciousness of the entire PACEM Family makes it possible for us to remain open throughout the winter. Thank you for hosting PACEM’s women’s shelter again this year, for the hands of all your volunteers, the graciousness of opening your doors, and your willingness to work with other congregations in our community to address the immediate needs of our neighbors. Sincerely, Jesse Boeckermanm PACEM Program Director The COOS Vestry Retreats Please hold vestry members in your prayers during the weekend of January 30 - February 1 as they retreat to work on church business for the upcoming year at the Roslyn Retreat Center in Richmond Books for Advent Reading November 30 is the first day of Advent! Daily meditations and readings are an excellent way to prepare for the coming of the Christ Child. The COOS Library has many titles which can enhance our spiritual lives during the Advent and Christmas seasons. A selection of these books is available in the gathering area, including titles such as A Family Advent, The Origins of Christmas, Advent of the Savior, and Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus. Just sign your name and the date on the card, and take pleasure in your reading! Mary Barber COOS Librarian 9 COOS Space—It’s at a Premium! Year End Donations All 2014 pledges and donations must be either physically received by December 31st or be post-marked by that date in order to receive 2014 tax credit. We are held to these IRS rules, so if a check dated December 31st is sent on January 2nd, it will be credited to 2015, not 2014. Please call the church office if you have any questions Every day COOS space is in use by church groups and outside non-profit organizations. In the past, many small groups have just planned to meet here because they have known the church is open. As a ministry coordinator or group leader here in the church, please make sure your meeting/gathering/event is cleared on the main church calendar before you make plans with others. Also reserve space for setup and take down of your event. We have had multiple groups show up to use the same space and have had to turn the group that ‘assumed’ the space was theirs away. Call the church office at (434) 973-6512 if you are not sure and church staff will check for you! Stewardship 2015 Vestry Members We are grateful to outgoing vestry members Cathrine Cashwell, Keith Crawford, Matt Savinsky, and Katherine Talley for their three years of service to the church. Congratulations to new vestry members Tom Boyd, David Harrell, Jennifer Henkel, and Rochelle Walther. Look for a group photo of all vestry members at the end of January on the hallway bulletin board. Everyone’s pledge counts! Thank you for your pledge, and if you haven’t done so, it’s not too late! Pledge cards are available in the back of the chapel and in the gathering area of the main church. You can also pledge online on our site Thank you! 2014 Annual Report If you were not able to attend the Annual Meeting on November 23, please pick up a 2014 Annual Report. Copies are in the back of the chapel and in the gathering area. Find out what has been going on at Church of Our Saviour! 10 Christmas at Church of Our Saviour Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th 3:00pm Holy Eucharist—Church This service is held especially for those who do not drive after dark. Bells and carols! 5:30pm Holy Eucharist—Church This service is devoted to families. A Christmas Pageant will be the Liturgy of the Word. (childcare will be offered) 10:30pm Holy Eucharist—Church We are so blessed with the offerings of our Adult Choir and a brass ensemble. We are especially reminded of this at this Christmas Eve service. The music beginning at 10:30pm is exquisite, the candlelight is wondrous, and the worship is worthy of the birth of our Saviour! Please join us. Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25th 10:00am Holy Eucharist—Rock Chapel The presents have been opened and we are feeling grateful and blessed. What better time to come to church? We will sing carols as part of the service. First Sunday after Christmas, December 28th 10:00am Lessons and Carols—Church Note that this is the only service this Sunday. (childcare will be offered) Epiphany Sunday, January 11th 8:00am Holy Eucharist-Rock Chapel 9:00am Holy Eucharist-Church 10:15am Epiphany Celebration-Parish Hall 11:00am Holy Eucharist-Church PLANNING AHEAD…. Pancake Supper: February 18 Ash Wednesday: February 19 Bishop Gulick Visits: March 22 11 Grab A Bag Update The Grab A Bag program continues to provide 6 weekend meals to 30 students in need at Agnor Hurt Elementary School. As the cold winter months come upon us, please keep them in your prayers for their health and safety. Do you want to get involved? Contact Rev. J.D. at Schoolhouse Thrift Shop 23rd Annual St. Nicholas Toy Sale Saturday, December 6 ~ 9:00am to 2:00pm We need your help! Please donate NEW or LIKE-NEW toys, books, games, dolls, or anything that might be on a child’s wish-list. Your gift of a toy will be available to families at well below retail and will benefit the community twice. First, your generosity will help to make Christmas more affordable for families in our community; second, all of the proceeds from the toy sale are donated back into the community through outreach programs of Region XV ministries. If items are NEW, please leave price tags attached; this assists us in pricing. If they are LIKE NEW, we ask that they be in good working condition and contain all parts or pieces. Donations may be dropped off at the Thrift Shop at 1147 E. Rio Rd., Tuesday – Friday, 10:00am-4:00pm or Saturday, 10:00am-2:00pm, or in the COOS gathering area. Thank you for your support! Leah Wise General Manager, Schoolhouse Thrift Shop 12 FROM THE PARISH REGISTER Transferred in: Judy K. Cutright (If you are interested in transferring your church membership to Church Of Our Saviour, or being entered as a baptized member, please contact the church office at 434-973-6512 or email at Pastoral Notes We welcomed into the Body of Christ with their baptisms: Nathaniel David Chittim, on November 9, son of Veronica & Jeffrey Chittim and grandson of Jim Hart; and Eleanor Jane Walter on November 23, daughter of Margaret & Ben Walter and granddaughter of Mary Jane & David Garrison. “But we were gentle among you, like a nurse tenderly caring for her own children.” Thessalonians 2: 1-8 The next two visits to the inmates in the Discipleship Community at the AlbemarleCharlottesville Regional Jail, led by Chaplain Alonzo Minor, will take place on Wednesday, December 17, 2014, and Wednesday, January 21, 2015, both starting at 1:15pm. St. Paul writes to his brothers and sisters: “So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us.” Our baptismal convenant calls upon each of us “to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.” I encourage you to reserve a time to take a “Look Behind the Walls” by calling Chaplain Minor at (434) 9776981, ext. 221. Our web site is James G. Hart Chaplain’s Support Team, GNJ&PM 13 December Fellowship Opportunities December 3: (Every Wednesday) Thirst, an Episcopal Youth Community event, 6:00pm, Parish Hall December 4: (Every Thursday) Men's Breakfast & Bible Study, 7:00am, Parish Hall December 6: Advent Reflections, “O Come, O Come”, 10:00am-1:00pm, Parish Hall December 7: Sunday Fellowship, 10:15-11:15am, Parish Hall December 21: EYC Caroling & Party, 3:00pm January Fellowship Opportunities January 7: (Every Wednesday) Thirst, an Episcopal Youth Community event, 6:00pm, Parish Hall January 8: (Every Thursday) Men's Breakfast & Bible Study, 7:00am, Parish Hall January 11: Epiphany Celebration ,10:15am, Parish Hall The Curious Episcopalian Q. Why do we call the December 24 service at 10:30pm a ‘midnight mass’? Good question! First, a little history…. Services celebrating the birth of Christ – a major Feast Day in the Church – did not establish themselves on the same day (December 25) in the Western Christian Church until the end of the 4th century. It was common to have a ‘vigil’ before each Feast Day in order to prepare, which consisted of services, prayer and meditation. Since Luke implies that Jesus was born at night, the vigil started the evening before the 25th and time-wise morphed to a midnight mass in the Catholic Church (note that the term ‘mass’ is frequently used with other denominational services and usually means the Eucharist is included). In 2009, the Vatican moved the tradition of a midnight mass to 10:00pm in order to accommodate Pope Benedict, and in respect for the fact that he was quite elderly. Churches began to adjust the times of their midnight mass service either to coincide with the service held in the Vatican (which might be in another time zone!) or simply for the ease of those attending. Church of Our Saviour’s mass begins at 10:30pm and we find ourselves coming out of the church around midnight. Into a starry and cold night, rejoicing in the birth of our Saviour. Carolyn Voldrich Parish Administrator 14 Help Us Help You! Due to the HIPAA Privacy Rule, hospital staff is not allowed to contact clergy for those admitted to the hospital. Please call the church if you are going in for surgery or a procedure so clergy can visit and pray with you for healing. Call and ask to be put on the prayer list, too – the more people praying for you, the better! If you do not want to be on the Sunday written prayer list, we can put your name on the chapel list where you will be prayed for during the week at Morning Prayer. If you find yourself in an emergency hospital admittance, you or a family member can always call the clergy at home: David Stoddart or Jennifer Durant. COOS Photo Policy Church Receptionists Needed! Photos of COOS parishioners may appear on our website and in other church publications. It is our policy never to identify persons in these photos. If you have objection to your photo being used, please contact Carolyn Voldrich in the church office. Also, if that website photo doesn’t show you at your best, we’ll take it off. Do you have a Wednesday morning free that you could come to the church to answer the phone and greet people as they walk in? We need coverage for the first, second, and fourth Wednesdays of the month—if one of these fits your schedule and you would like to help out, please contact Carolyn in the church office. Thank you so much! Christmas Flowers Every Christmas the COOS altar is filled with red and white poinsettias – truly a lovely sight to behold! You can contribute to the altar flowers and dedicate them to a loved one by filling out an envelope located in the gathering area. Clearly write all the requested information on the envelope and insert your check to cover expenses (a minimum of $40). The envelope can go on Diane Hartling’s desk in the office or be given to church staff during the week or be put in the Sunday offering plate. All flower dedications must be prepaid. If you have any questions please call the church office at (434) 973-6512. 220th Annual Council Please keep the clergy and COOS delegate, Stephen Werner, in your prayers as they come together on January 23-25 in Richmond for the Annual Council of the Diocese of Virginia. Look for their report in the March ACORN. 15 Glorify the Lord, O chill and cold, Drops of dew and flakes of snow. Frost and cold, ice and sleet, glorify the Lord, Praise him and highly exalt him for ever. Book of Common Prayer, p. 88 When Snow/Sleet/Ice Arrives And you know it’s coming! If you wake up on a Sunday morning and there is ice or snow, there are two ways to find out if church services are cancelled: go to our website – or Face Book page – and information will be listed. Or, tune to NBC 29 for a notification. Remember...Fr. David came here from Massachusetts! OWLS SOUP and STEW COOKOFF Everyone's invited! Eat and compete! Sunday, January 11, 2015 12:30pm Parish Hall Don't get cold feet! Prizes for the best soup AND the best stew. *Chili isn't cool and will be disqualified. ?Questions? Email Rev. Jennifer 16 Deck the Halls Christmas is just around the corner…where did the year go? Once again, I’m looking for volunteers to help with decorating the church. This year’s schedule is as follows: SATURDAY, DEC. 13th - 9:00am - Set up the Christmas tree in the gathering area. I am hoping that the members of “The Christmas Tree Ministry” from last year, (Frank Allevato, Kenny Moss and Eric Henkel) will be available. Gentlemen, please let me know if you can help. TUESDAY, DEC. 16th - 1:00pm - Decorate the Christmas tree and prepare the wreaths for hanging. MONDAY, DEC. 22nd - 9:00am - Decorate the church and chapel. It’s helpful to have some men for this event as we need people to climb ladders to hang wreaths and put up the pine roping at the entry to the church. I’m so grateful to everyone who volunteers to help make our church and chapel beautiful spaces for celebrating the birth of Our Lord. Once again, if you have boxwood, holly with berries or acuba that you can donate for decorating, please bring it to the breezeway between the parish hall and sanctuary on Sunday, Dec. 21st or Monday, Dec. 22nd. Ann Marie Vinson Church of Our Saviour Episcopal 1165 East Rio Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22901 434 973 6512 (tel) 434 974 6687 (fax) The Rev. David M. Stoddart, Rector The Rev. Jennifer R. Durant, Associate Rector 17 December 2014 ALTAR GUILD Catherine Allen, Linda Broadbent, Jane Clark, Eleanor Droney, Molly Hill, Marolyn Jensen, Nan Massie, Nancy McDaniel, Sandi Merrick, Mary Leachtenauer, Ann Marie Vinson, Emaline Winter USHERS Bill Griffith, Jim Hall, George Hurchalla, Bob Jensen, David Murphy, Andy Wist DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER 12/7 Piedmont, Madison; St. Andrew’s, Burke; St. John’s, Columbia; Emmanuel, Rapidan; Grace Church, Bremo Bluff; Meade Memorial, Alexandria; 12/14 Santa Maria, Falls Church; St. Timothy’s, Herndon; Trinity, Charlottesville; St. Luke’s, Simeon; 12/21 Immanuel – Old Church, Mechanicsville; Calvary, Hanover; St. James’, Mt. Vernon; Creator, Mechanicsville; St. Paul’s, Hanover; 12/28 All baptized persons in their daily life and work PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER 12/7 Kathlene, Bob & Tyler DeGregory; Michelle, Brennan & Casey Devine-Rosser; Lorry Dicecco & Zachary & Matthew Crawford; David Diggs; Winnie DiSandro; 12/14 Tom Dixon & Matt Hepler; Jan & Ernie Dodrill & Liberty Chambers; Diane & Bruce Dotson; Eleanor Droney; Jennifer, Matt, Chris & Kate Durant; 12/21 Angela Durrer & Jerry; Alexes Echols; Donna Ecochard; Johanna Ecochard & Natalie; 12/28 Margaret Berry & Greg Edwards; Maggie Edwards; Christina, Dana, Claudia & Ethan Elzey BIRTHDAYS 12/1 Michelle Devine-Rosser, Peter Gray, Zenya Marroquin; 12/2 Helen Click, Carol Harrell; 12/3 Marilyn Haney, Jessica Knight; 12/4 Meg Grebe, James McClung; 12/6 Dave Kaczka; 12/7 Christina Elzey; 12/8 Linda Broadbent; 12/9 Sophia Knight; Eileen Spenceley; 12/11 Carl Grebe, Michael Maxwell, Marianne Rumsey, Lori Ann Stoddart; 12/12 Arlyn Burgess, David Coppi, Lisa Huffman, Stephen Swain; 12/13 Carolyn Voldrich, Mabel Holt; 12/14 Joe Krohn; 12/15 Catherine Allen, Angela Durrer, Robin Kaczka, Orv Keihn, Jean Malo; 12/16 Kristine Vey; 12/17 Malcolm Andrews, Gene Carpenter; 12/19 Ruben Guerra; 12/20 Kristiann Santa Maria, Torsten Wegner; 12/21 Dean Barber, Kirsten Rogers; 12/22 George Eudailey, Judy Gary, Joan Jones; 12/23 Maria Wayne; 12/24 Bob Jensen; 12/25 Peyton Sheridan; 12/27 Janet Birckhead; 12/28 Sophie Bels, Philip Cashwell; 12/29 David Diggs, Rob Knight, Katherine Talley; 12/30 Judy Neumeyer, Doug Phillips ANNIVERSARIES 12/1 Lisa & Randy Huffman; 12/16 Pam & Doug Hawkins; 12/22 Mary Ann Thompson & Doug Phillips; 12/23 Janelle & Al Catlett; 12/27 Carolyn & John Gilliom; 12/28 Martha & Joe Sheridan; Sara & Robert Templeman; 12/29 Ginny & William Adams 18 January 2015 ALTAR GUILD Stephanie Baker, Charlotte Brock, Denise Buddendeck, Dottie Burkhart, Cathrine Cashwell, Laurie Closter, Donna Ecochard, Alexes Echols, Nancy Gillespie, Carol Harrell, Jennifer Henkel, Jean Hurchalla, Cynthia Kinnier, Kahtra Kayton, Betty Phelan, Bobbie Rolston, Sandy Santa Maria, Lorelei Swain, Rita Young USHERS Tom Boyd, Al Catlett, Bill Coburn, Linda Crank, Mike Knight, Quinton Nottingham, Mackey Tilman DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER 1/4 Varina, Richmond; Christ Ascension, Richmond; Epiphany Herndon; Holy Comforter, Richmond; Epiphany, Richmond; 1/11 Trinity, Arlington; St. George’s, Arlington; St. Christopher’s, Springfield; Olivet, Franconia; Grace, Millers Tavern; St. Paul’s, Miller Tavern; 1/18 Resurrection, Alexandria; Vauter’s, Loretto; St. Asaph’s, Bowling Green; St. Anne’s, Reston; 1/25 All congregations of the Diocese of Virginia PARISH CYCLE OF PRAYER 1/4 Mike Etchemendy & Kristine Vey; Kitty & George Eudailey; Liz & Jim Fergus; Carol & Jeff Fishwick; Marilyn & Jim Flinn; 1/11 Carolyn Fowler; Beth & Andy Frame; Jean Francolini; 1/18 Terry Fry; Mary Jane & David Garrison; Judy Gary; Nancy Gillespie; Carolyn & John Gilliom; 1/25 Mary Anne Grant & Alex; Jane & Frank Grau; Enid & John Gray; Julaine, Peter, Melanie & Alan Gray BIRTHDAYS 1/1 Madeleine Pace; 1/2 Anita Lollis; 1/4 Enid Gray; 1/6 Aimee Kilmer; 1/7 Cathrine Cashwell; 1/8 David Stoddart; 1/9 Dee Bedell, Matt Savinsky, Robert Templeman; 1/10 Mike Knight; 1/11 Sydney Walther; 1/14 Caroline Chisholm; 1/15 Pam Hindman; 1/18 Mary Louise Maroney, Anne Shattuck, Marcy Springett; 1/19 John Coppi, Joey Wharton; 1/20 Jane Clark; Amy Cox; 1/21 Chris Durant, Jim Hale, Steven Krohn, Gloria Rennolds; 1/22 Anne Chesnut; Linda Crank, Claudia Elzey, Sara Templeman, Joan Werner; 1/24 Julaine Gray; 1/26 Diane Dotson; 1/27 Marie Stollings; 1/29 Anna Sturges, Nancy Tilman ANNIVERSARIES 1/6 Mary Louise & Sam Maroney; 1/7 Katie & John Coppi; 1/10 Kirsten & Michael Rogers; Linda & Tom Scott; 1/23 Sandi & Gordon Merrick
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