A Danish-German cooperation project with special emphasis on
logistics in the Fehmarn Belt Region
Invitation for seminar on
“Logistics Infrastructure in the Fehmarnbelt Region –
Challenges & Opportunities”
29th January, 2015
Scandlines ferry “Schleswig-Holstein”
The seminar “Logistics Infrastructure in the Fehmarnbelt Region – Challenges & Opportunities" will
present the current plans of the development of logistics infrastructure in the Fehmarn Belt region.
The Hanseatic City of Lübeck is currently developing the port development plan with a time horizon
of the year 2030, which also deals with the effects and impacts of the Fehmarn Belt fixed Link for the
Region of Lübeck. In this seminar the Lübeck Port Authority and the Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft
mbH will present the current status of planning of the port development 2030 plan and the
upcoming activities in this context.
In advance of the BeltLogistics Fact-Finding-Tour on the 17th February 2015, Mr. Thomas Elm
Kampmann, Managing Director Port of Køge and Scandinavien Transport Center STC, will present the
future developments in the port of Køge and STC.
This seminar aims at sharing knowledge about trends and expectations for future developments in
Logistics Infrastructure in the Fehmarn Belt Region. The speakers’ will primarily base their
presentations on their own experiences from their working life.
The project “BeltLogistics” was initiated by Wirtschaftsförderung Lübeck GmbH and Roskilde
University in connection with the development scheme of the “Fehmarnbelt-Region” 2007-2013
through the EU support program INTERREG IVA. BeltLogistics aims at establishing cross-border
cooperation between associations and public authorities dealing with the transport and logistics
sector including the knowledge and research institutions as well.
The seminar will be held in English.
Participation is free but please sign up for this event no later than January 20th2015 to below
contact persons:
For German participants Mr. Lars Wewstädt –
For Danish participants Ms. Marianne Jakobsen –
Venue and access
The BeltLogistics seminar will take place in the conference room of the Scandlines
ferry “FS Schleswig-Holstein” on its route between Puttgarden (Germany) and
Rødby (Denmark).
German participants will meet at the at the Scandlines ferry terminal in Puttgarden at 09.00 a.m.
on the 29th January 2015.They will enter the ferry on foot at 09:30 a.m..
Danish participants will enter the ferry on foot at 10.15 a.m. at the Scandlines ferry terminal in
Rødby or alternatively through direct access to the ferry if arriving by train. A direct train from
Copenhagen will depart at 7:44 a.m. from Copenhagen Central Station.
January 29thth 2015
Light snack and welcome
Introduction of Participants
Outline of the day
Lars Wewstädt, BeltLogistics Partner Representative, Wirtschaftsförderung Lübeck GmbH
“The new port development plan 2030 of the Hanseatic town of Lübeck” by Michael
Siemensen, Lübeck Port Authority (confirmed)
“Femern Belt Fixed Link – Impact on Baltic turntable function of Lübeck” by Felix Klingbiel,
Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH (confirmed)
Lunch and networking break
“Future developments in the port of Køge and Scandinavian Transport Center” by Thomas Elm
Kampmann, Managing Director Port of Køge and STC (confirmed)
Group discussion on the issue of future challenges and opportunities in the context of logistics
infrastructure in the Fehmarnbelt-Region
Summary of the Day and Outlook to further BeltLogistics activities 2015