PA Office of Consumer Advocate’s Gas Shopping Guide PA Office of Consumer Advocate 5th Floor, Forum Place 555 Walnut Street Harrisburg, PA 17101-1923 (717) 783-5048 email: 800-684-6560 A Residential Consumer’s Natural Gas Shopping Guide Includes: Introduction & How to Shop Price Comparison Charts: Columbia Gas of PA., Inc. National Fuel Gas PECO Gas Peoples Natural Gas Peoples Natural Gas‐ Equitable Division (Formerly Equitable Gas) Peoples TWP Philadelphia Gas Works UGI Utilities UGI Central Penn Gas UGI Penn Natural Gas 179025.docx Columbia Gas of PA, Inc. 1-888-460-4332 Residential Sales Service Rate RSS Monthly supply portion of your bill if you use Price to Compare through December 31, 2014 100 therms 46.31 ¢ per therm $ 46.31 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per therm that you would pay Columbia Gas for the gas supply portion of your bill, if you do not choose a gas supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Columbia Gas regardless of whether or not a competitive gas supplier is chosen. Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per therm Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 therms Cancellation Fee Agway Energy Services 1-888-98-Agway Updated November 2014 Monthly Variable: Introductory Price for First Month Includes home heating repair program V 39.90 ¢ per therm $ 39.90 No V Monthly Variable: Introductory Price for New Customers 66.90 ¢ per therm $ 66.90 No V Monthly Variable Price: Guaranteed Savings Plan 49.60 ¢ per therm $ 49.60 No Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 Updated November 2014 This plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to Columbia's price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. Columbia Gas Page 1 of 5 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per therm Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 therms Cancellation Fee American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 Updated December 1, 2014 V Monthly Variable: Price for First Month 65.00 ¢ per therm $ 65.00 No After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's gas supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. Constellation Energy 1-877-997-9995 Updated December 16, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price 75.90 ¢ per therm $ 75.90 No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 55.80 ¢ per therm $ 55.80 Yes: $150 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 53.97 ¢ per therm $ 53.97 Yes: $150 Columbia Gas Page 2 of 5 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per therm Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 therms Cancellation Fee Direct Energy 1-888-734-0741 Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 54.90 ¢ per therm $ 54.90 No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 52.90 ¢ per therm $ 52.90 No F Fixed Price: 18 Month Term 50.90 ¢ per therm $ 50.90 No F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 58.90 ¢ per therm $ 58.90 Yes: $200 per device recovery fee Offer includes a Nest Learning Thermostat. Sign up online and receive a $50 Visa gift card. F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 58.90 ¢ per therm $ 58.90 Yes: $200 per device recovery fee Offer includes a Nest Learning Thermostat. Sign up online and receive a $50 Visa gift card. Dominion Energy Solutions 1-800-779-0538 Updated December 1, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price through June 30, 2015 47.18 ¢ per therm $ 47.18 No F Fixed Price through December 31, 2015 49.90 ¢ per therm $ 49.90 No Columbia Gas Page 3 of 5 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per therm Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 therms Cancellation Fee IGS Energy 1-877-444-7427 (new enrollments) 1-800-280-4474 (customer service) Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 59.90 ¢ per therm $ 59.90 No F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 59.90 ¢ per therm $ 59.90 No 59.90 ¢ per therm $ 59.90 No 79.90 ¢ per therm $ 79.90 No Just Energy 1-866-587-8674 Updated November 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Major Energy Services 1-888-625-6760 Updated December 1, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price Columbia Gas Page 4 of 5 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per therm Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 therms Cancellation Fee Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 Updated December 1, 2014 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable Price 37.60 ¢ per therm $ 37.60 No Prices are introductory prices for the first 2 months of service, and become variable thereafter. Prices shown are for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Shipley Energy 1-800-839-1849 Updated December 15, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price 58.90 ¢ per therm $ 58.90 No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 52.90 ¢ per therm $ 52.90 Yes: $75 49.00 ¢ per therm $ 49.00 No $ 48.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term Washington Gas Energy Services 1-888-884-9437 Updated December 16, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price: Price for First Month F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 48.00 ¢ per therm Columbia Gas Page 5 of 5 National Fuel Gas 1-800-595-7510 Residential Service Rate RS Monthly supply portion of your bill if you use Price to Compare through January 31, 2015 100 ccf 47.27 ¢ per ccf $ 47.27 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per ccf that you would pay National Fuel Gas for the gas supply portion of your bill, if you do not choose a gas supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to National Fuel Gas regardless of whether or not a competitive gas supplier is chosen. Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 Updated November 2014 V Monthly Variable: Introductory Price for New Customers 76.01 ¢ per ccf $ 76.01 No V Monthly Variable Price: Guaranteed Savings Plan 61.24 ¢ per ccf $ 61.24 No This plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to NFG's price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. IGS Energy 1-877-444-7427 (new enrollments) 1-800-280-4474 (customer service) Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 79.90 ¢ per ccf $ 79.90 No F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 79.90 ¢ per ccf $ 79.90 No National Fuel Gas Page 1 of 2 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Major Energy Services 1-888-625-6760 Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 77.00 ¢ per ccf $ 77.00 Yes: $100 National Fuel Resources, Inc. 1-877-637-8999 Updated December 3, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price 62.03 ¢ per ccf $ 62.03 No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 59.68 ¢ per ccf $ 59.68 Yes: $99 V Guaranteed Savings Program: 12 Month Term 46.70 ¢ per ccf $ 46.70 No Guaranteed lower monthly rate than the NFG price to compare. Please contact National Fuel Resources for more information. National Fuel Gas Page 2 of 2 PECO Gas 1-800-494-4000 General Service - Residential Rate GR Monthly supply portion of your bill if you use Price to Compare through February 28, 2015 100 ccf 57.595 ¢ per ccf $ 57.60 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per ccf that you would pay PECO for the gas supply portion of your bill, if you do not choose a gas supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to PECO regardless of whether or not a competitive gas supplier is chosen. Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 Updated November 2014 V Monthly Variable: Introductory Price for New Customers 94.90 ¢ per ccf $ 94.90 No V Monthly Variable Price: Guaranteed Savings Plan 71.05 ¢ per ccf $ 71.05 No This plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to PECO's price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. Amerigreen Energy 1-888-559-4567 Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 62.90 ¢ per ccf $ 62.90 No PECO Page 1 of 5 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Commerce Energy 1-877-226-5392 Updated November 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 68.90 ¢ per ccf $ 68.90 No 59.80 ¢ per ccf $ 59.80 No 66.90 ¢ per ccf $ 66.90 No Dominion Energy Solutions 1-800-779-0538 Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price through December 31, 2015 Gateway Energy Services Corporation 1-888-601-3141 Updated November 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term IGS Energy 1-877-444-7427 (new enrollments) 1-800-280-4474 (customer service) Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 69.90 ¢ per ccf $ 69.90 No F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 69.90 ¢ per ccf $ 69.90 No PECO Page 2 of 5 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Major Energy Services 1-888-625-6760 Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 67.08 ¢ per ccf $ 67.08 Yes: $100 49.89 ¢ per ccf $ 49.89 No Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 Updated December 1, 2014 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable Price Prices are introductory prices for the first 2 months of service, and become variable thereafter. Prices shown are for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Rhoads Energy 1-877-NATGAS1 Updated December 11, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price* 64.90 ¢ per ccf $ 64.90 No *Plus $1.00 per month customer charge. PECO Page 3 of 5 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Shipley Energy 1-800-839-1849 Updated December 15, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price* 56.90 ¢ per ccf $ 57.90 No 54.60 ¢ per ccf $ 55.60 Yes: $75 68.40 ¢ per ccf $ 68.40 No 59.80 ¢ per ccf $ 59.80 Yes: $100 57.00 ¢ per ccf $ 57.00 Yes: $12 per month for each month remaining in the contract term *Plus $1.00 per month customer charge. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* *Plus $1.00 per month customer charge. Stream Energy Pennsylvania, LLC 1-877-369-8150 Updated November 2014 V Monthly Variable Price* *First month introductory price of 53.8¢ F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term Titan Gas & Power 1-888-251-7006 Updated November 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term PECO Page 4 of 5 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Viridian Energy 1-866-663-2508 Updated December 2, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price* 61.75 ¢ per ccf $ 61.75 No 71.75 ¢ per ccf $ 71.75 No 59.99 ¢ per ccf $ 59.99 Yes: $50 69.99 ¢ per ccf $ 69.99 Yes: $50 59.00 ¢ per ccf $ 59.00 No $ 60.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term *Two month introductory price of 51.91¢ 50% Carbon Offset V Monthly Variable Price* *Two month introductory price of 51.91¢ 100% Carbon Offset F Fixed Price: 36 Month Term 50% Carbon Offset F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 100% Carbon Offset Washington Gas Energy Services 1-888-884-9437 Updated December 16, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price: Price for First Month F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 60.00 ¢ per ccf PECO Page 5 of 5 Peoples Natural Gas 1-800-764-0111 Residential Service Rate RS Monthly supply portion of your bill if you use Price to Compare through December 31, 2014 10 Mcf $ 3.88 per Mcf $ 38.80 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per Mcf that you would pay Peoples for the gas supply portion of your bill, if you do not choose a gas supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Peoples regardless of whether or not a competitive gas supplier is chosen. Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per Mcf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 10 Mcf Cancellation Fee Agway Energy Services 1-888-98AGWAY Updated November 2014 V Monthly Variable: Price for First Month $ 2.99 per Mcf $ 29.90 No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term $ 10.19 per Mcf $ 101.90 No V Monthly Variable: Introductory Price for New Customers $ 6.75 per Mcf $ 67.50 No V Monthly Variable Price: Guaranteed Savings Plan $ 5.01 per Mcf $ 50.10 No Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 Updated November 2014 This plan guarantees an annual savings of 3% compared to Peoples' price for the same period. Please contact Ambit Energy for more information. Peoples Natural Gas Page 1 of 2 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per Mcf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 10 Mcf Cancellation Fee Dominion Energy Solutions 1-800-779-0538 Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price through December 31, 2015 $ 4.49 per Mcf $ 44.90 No $ 5.14 per Mcf $ 51.40 No IGS Energy 1-877-444-7427 (new enrollments) 1-800-280-4474 (customer service) Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Peoples Natural Gas Page 2 of 2 Peoples Natural Gas - Equitable Division (formerly Equitable Gas) 1-800-654-0111 Residential Service Rate RS Monthly supply portion of your bill if you use Price to Compare through December 31, 2014 10 Mcf $ 5.74 per Mcf $ 57.40 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per Mcf that you would pay Peoples-Equitable for the gas supply portion of your bill, if you do not choose a gas supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Peoples-Equitable regardless of whether or not a competitive gas supplier is chosen. Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per Mcf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 10 Mcf Cancellation Fee Dominion Energy Solutions 1-800-779-0538 Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price through September 30, 2015 $ 6.49 per Mcf $ 64.90 No Peoples - Equitable Division Page 1 of 1 Peoples TWP 1-800-222-5101 Residential Sales Rate RS Monthly supply portion of your bill if you use Price to Compare through January 31, 2015 10 Mcf $ 3.78 per Mcf $ 37.80 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per Mcf that you would pay Peoples TWP for the gas supply portion of your bill, if you do not choose a gas supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to Peoples TWP regardless of whether or not a competitive gas supplier is chosen. Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per Mcf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 10 Mcf Cancellation Fee There are no competitive natural gas suppliers currently offering service to residential customers in this service territory. Peoples TWP Page 1 of 1 Philadelphia Gas Works 1-215-787-1277 Residential Service Rate GS Monthly supply portion of your bill if you use Price to Compare through February 28, 2015 100 ccf 63.15 ¢ per ccf $ 63.15 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per ccf that you would pay PGW for the gas supply portion of your bill, if you do not choose a gas supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to PGW regardless of whether or not a competitive gas supplier is chosen. Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee There are no competitive natural gas suppliers currently offering service to residential customers in this service territory. Philadelphia Gas Works Page 1 of 1 UGI Utilities 1-800-276-2722 General Service - Residential Rate R Monthly supply portion of your bill if you use Price to Compare through February 28, 2015 100 ccf 61.095 ¢ per ccf $ 61.10 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per ccf that you would pay UGI for the gas supply portion of your bill, if you do not choose a gas supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to UGI regardless of whether or not a competitive gas supplier is chosen. Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Ambit Energy 1-877-282-6248 Updated November 2014 V Monthly Variable: Introductory Price for New Customers 59.50 ¢ per ccf $ 59.50 No F Fixed Price: 3 Month Term 69.50 ¢ per ccf $ 69.50 No F Fixed Price: 6 Month Term 61.00 ¢ per ccf $ 61.00 No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 89.50 ¢ per ccf $ 89.50 No 61.00 ¢ per ccf $ 61.00 No American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 Updated December 1, 2014 V Monthly Variable: Price for First Month After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's gas supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. Amerigreen Energy 1-888-559-4567 Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 72.90 ¢ per ccf $ 72.90 No UGI Utilities Page 1 of 3 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Dominion Energy Solutions 1-800-779-0538 Updated December 1, 2014 Fixed Price through November 30, 2015 F 65.90 ¢ per ccf $ 65.90 No 79.90 ¢ per ccf $ 79.90 No 85.00 ¢ per ccf $ 85.00 Yes: $100 59.89 ¢ per ccf $ 59.89 No Gateway Energy Services Corporation 1-888-601-3141 Updated November 2014 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term Major Energy Services 1-888-625-6760 Updated December 1, 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Palmco Power PA, LLC 1-877-726-5862 Updated December 1, 2014 V Introductory Price: Monthly Variable Price Prices are introductory prices for the first 2 months of service, and become variable thereafter. Prices shown are for new customers only. Existing customers should contact Palmco for the current rate. Rhoads Energy 1-877-NATGAS1 Updated December 11, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price* 65.70 ¢ per ccf $ 66.70 No 65.70 ¢ per ccf $ 66.70 Yes: $70 *Plus $1.00 per month customer charge. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* *Plus $1.00 per month customer charge. UGI Utilities Page 2 of 3 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Shipley Energy 1-800-839-1849 Updated December 15, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price* 69.90 ¢ per ccf $ 70.90 No 72.90 ¢ per ccf $ 73.90 Yes: $75 60.00 ¢ per ccf $ 60.00 Yes: $12 per month for each month remaining in the contract term *Plus $1.00 per month customer charge. F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term* *Plus $1.00 per month customer charge. Titan Gas & Power 1-888-251-7006 Updated November 2014 F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term Washington Gas Energy Services 1-888-884-9437 Updated December 16, 2014 V Monthly Variable Price: Price for First Month 75.00 ¢ per ccf $ 75.00 No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 73.00 ¢ per ccf $ 73.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term UGI Utilities Page 3 of 3 UGI Central Penn Gas 1-800-652-0550 Residential Service Rate R Monthly supply portion of your bill if you use Price to Compare through February 28, 2015 100 ccf 43.05 ¢ per ccf $ 43.05 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per ccf that you would pay UGI for the gas supply portion of your bill, if you do not choose a gas supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to UGI regardless of whether or not a competitive gas supplier is chosen. Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 Updated December 1, 2014 V Monthly Variable: Price for First Month 50.00 ¢ per ccf $ 50.00 No After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's gas supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. UGI Central Penn Gas Page 1 of 1 UGI Penn Natural Gas 1-800-276-2722 Residential Service Rate RS Monthly supply portion of your bill if you use Price to Compare through February 28, 2015 100 ccf 57.16 ¢ per ccf $ 57.16 ◌ The Price to Compare is the price per ccf that you would pay UGI for the gas supply portion of your bill, if you do not choose a gas supplier. ◌ All other charges will be paid to UGI regardless of whether or not a competitive gas supplier is chosen. Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee American Power & Gas of PA 1-800-205-7491 Updated December 1, 2014 V Monthly Variable: Price for First Month 53.00 ¢ per ccf $ 53.00 No After 12 consecutive months of being an American Power & Gas customer, the company will automatically send a 25% rebate on the customer's average month's gas supply charges. For more details, contact American Power & Gas. Gateway Energy Services Corporation 1-888-601-3141 Updated November 2014 F Fixed Price: 24 Month Term 73.90 ¢ per ccf $ 73.90 No UGI Penn Natural Gas Page 1 of 2 Licensed Natural Gas Supplier Prices: Natural Gas Supply prices are for NEW customers of the Natural Gas Supplier. Existing customers of an Natural Gas Supplier should contact their supplier to obtain the rate they are being charged. Fixed/ Variable Type of Price Price per ccf Supply Portion of Your Bill Using 100 ccf Cancellation Fee Washington Gas Energy Services 1-888-884-9437 Updated December 16, 2014 V Monthly Variable: Price for First Month 65.00 ¢ per ccf $ 65.00 No F Fixed Price: 12 Month Term 58.00 ¢ per ccf $ 58.00 Yes: $10 per month for each month remaining in contract term UGI Penn Natural Gas Page 2 of 2
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