From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. Hypermetaphase Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for Quantitative Monitoring of Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive Cells in Patients With Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia During Treatment By David C. Seong, Hagop M. Kantarjian, Jae Y. Ro, Moshe Talpaz, Jingping Xu, Johnnie R. Robinson, Albert B. Deisseroth, Richard E. Champlin, and Michael J. Siciliano Using Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph') chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) as a model, our aim has been t o develop a molecular cytogenetic method of high resolution analysis for monitoring thefrequency of cells with nonrandom chromosome rearrangements in the bone marrow of patients receiving treatment for hematologic malignancies. Long-term exposure (24 hours) of bone marrow cultures t o colcemid (0.1 pg/mL) maximized a high frequency of metaphase collection. Such preparations were subjected t o fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) using a 5 Mb probe that overlapped the region of the translocation at chromosome 9q34. This detected the Ph translocation in the resultant large number of overly contracted chromosome spreads. The procedure was validated and verified by studying 70 double-blindmarrow samples frompatients in different stages of Ph' CML and from patientswith Ph- hematologic malignancies (controls). This hypermetaphase FISH (HMF) method clearly identified Ph' metaphases andallowed the analysis of 500 hypermetaphases per sample in less than 1 hour after FISH. HMF (1) identified statistically significant differences between thefrequencies of Ph' cells in samples that differed by less than 4%; (2) resolved such differences among patient samples that were all judged 100% Ph' by standard G-band cytogenetics (CGI; (3) resulted in the reclassification of response status in 23% of the patients initially classified by CG; (4) recognized Ph' cells in 16% of patients characterized as having a complete cytogenetic response and in one patient with an original diagnosis of Ph- CML; and (5) was informativewhere insufficient metaphases were obtainable for analysis by CG. HMF appears t o be uniquely suitable for monitoring the status of patients with CML receiving treatment. It should also be applicable for patients with any hematologic diseases where chromosomal alterations are known andappropriate FISH probes are available. 0 7995 b y The American Society of Hematology. G meration and analysis of Ph+ cells in marrow preparations would be available to monitor MRD and to observe subtle alterations of the frequency of Ph' cells in patients in various stages of therapy. In this study, we report the results of experiments to determine the effectiveness of HMF. Blinded marrow samples from a large series of patients with CML in different stages of disease and treatment as well as from control patients were studied. We report the power of the procedure to detect MRD and to identify statistically significant alterations in the frequency of Ph+ cells in response to therapy. IEMSA-BAND chromosome analysis (CG) has been the standard for determination of the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph) in the bone marrow of patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML).' While extremely reliable when a good harvest of metaphases is obtained from a marrow culture, more than 20 to 25 metaphases are rarely recovered from patients in therapy. Consequently, in patients with CML receiving treatment, monitoring the effect of therapy by CG is limited with respect to detecting minimal residual disease ( M m ) and identifying significant changes in Ph+ cell frequency. Analyzing greater numbers of metaphases per sample would provide higher resolution and greater efficiency in addressing those issues. If a significant proportion of the cells cycling in the marrow could be arrested at the metaphase stage, hundreds, or even thousands, could be collected onto a slide for analysis. Short-term treatment (30 to 60 minutes) of cultures with a mitotic arresting agent, colcemid, is the procedure presently used to provide metaphases for analysis.* It has been optimized to collect metaphases in which the chromosomes are sufficiently elongated and separated for G-band analysis. Unfortunately, longer colcemid treatment, for greater numbers of collected metaphases, results in chromosomes becoming overly contracted, with a general deterioration in morphology and distribution. Such preparations are inappropriate for CG analysis, which requires well-spread metaphases in which the chromosomes retain good morphology. We have shown that using a probe that will detect the Ph translocation by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), a clear, rapid, and unambiguous signal detected Ph' cells in metaphases that would, in general, be considered unacceptable for CG a n a l ~ s i s . ~ Here, . ~ we have conducted experiments to maximize the frequency of cells arrested in metaphase (hypermetaphases). By performing FISH on these preparations, in a procedure we will refer to as hypemetaphase/FTSH (HMF), we expected that high resolution enuBlood, Vol 86,No 6 (September 15), 1995: pp 2343-2349 MATERIALS AND METHODS Hypermetaphuse studies. Bone marrow cells from fivenormal individuals (prospective donors for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation) and seven patients with CML were studied to optimize conditions for hypermetaphase preparations. All patient samples in this report were obtained as part of a program sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, and appropriate informed consent was obtained from all patients. Cells were cultured in T25 tissue culture From the Departments of Hematology, Pathology, Clinical Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX. Submitted March 14, 1995; accepted May 11, 1995. Supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants No. CA34936 CA49639, and CA55164, and a gift from Kenneth D. Muller. Address reprint requests to Michael J. Siciliano, PhD, Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe, Houston, TX 77030. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/8606-0011$3.#/0 2343 From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 2344 SEONG ET AL Table 1. Patient PoDulation No. of Patients Control group ALL patients AML patients CLL patients Total Ph- CML patients Ph' CML patients Cytogenetic response status None b 9 5 % Ph' cells by CG) Minor (35% to 95% Ph' cells by CG) Partial (1% to 34% Ph' cells by CG) Complete (0% Ph+ cells by CG) Unknown; insufficient metaphases Total 5 4 2 11 1 16 9 6 19 8 58 flasks containing 10 mL of RPMI 1640 medium (GIBCO, Gaithersburg, MD) with 10% serum (GIBCO; newborn bovine serum: fetal bovine serum, 1 :1). Cell densities were adjusted to not exceed 5 X 106/mL, and incubation at 37°C with 5% CO, for 24 hours was conducted. Cultures were then subdivided and exposed to varying concentrations (0.01 to 0.4 pglmL) of colcemid (N-methyl N deacetyl-colchicine in phosphate-buffered saline [PBS]; Boehringer Mannheim) over varying time periods (0.5 to 48 hours). Efficiency of each procedure in collecting metaphases was determined by calculating the mitotic index (total number of mitotic figures seen on a slide onto which a fixed preparation hadbeen dropped per 1,000 for the total number of cells counted) for the preparation. Conditions providing the highest mitotic indices were the conditions applied to the coded samples. Study population. From March 1993 through May 1994, 70 patients with hematologic malignancies were included in this investigation after informed consent was obtained according to institutional guidelines. Bone marrow aspirations were obtained by four investigators (H.M.K., M.T., R.E.C. and J.R.R.), coded, and sent as blinded, coded samples for both CG (to the Clinical Cytogenetics Laboratory, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) and HMF (to D.C.S., J.X., and M.J.S.). HMF preparations were made by J.X. All HMF slides were read by D.C.S. Those making the HMF preparations had no knowledge of the patient's identity, diagnosis, or cytologic response status for any of the samples studied. After all the data were tabulated, the code was broken, and it was then determined what the correlations were between the HMF results and the type of patient sample analyzed. Fifty-eight patients with Ph+ CML in various states of responsiveness to therapy as well as one patient with a diagnosis of Phnegative CML were entered into the study. An additional 11 patients were recruited that had other hematologic malignancies: acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). This latter group comprised the presumed Ph- controls. The acute leukemia patients were in first remission, while the CLL patients had active disease. The number of patients in each group and the status of the cytogenetic response of patients with Ph+ CML are listed in Table 1. G-band cytogenetic analysis (CC). Cytogenetic analysis was performed on freshly aspirated bone marrow samples. Metaphases were analyzed for G-bands using trypsin-Giemsa techniques as previously described.* Consistent with the routine analysis, 20 to 25 metaphases were analyzed. Cytogenetic response was defined relative to the percentage of Ph+ cells identified by CG: complete if 0%, partial if from 1% to 34%, minor if from 35% to 95%, and none if greater than 95% Ph cells? Slide preparation. Marrow cells were transferred from culture flasksto 15-mL Falcon tubes andthen spun at 1,200 rpm for 5 minutes. Ten milliliters of hypotonic KC1 (0.075 mow) was added to the pellet for 20 minutes at 37°C. Then, 1 mL of fixative solution (methano1:acetic acid, 3:l) was added, and cells were spundown for 5 minutes at 1,200 rpm. Supernatant was decanted and the pellet was resuspended in fixative for at least 20 minutes at room temperature and spun as above. This process was repeated two to three times until the pellet was white. Cells were then left in 2 mL fixative. FISH. Probe for FISH was prepared from radiation hybrid E6B, which has been shown to contain only approximately 5 Mb of human DNA from human chromosome band 9q34 as its only human genomic content. Molecular marker analysis has indicated that the human region retained extends from A K l to ABO, which includes ABL, and that approximately one third of the region is translocated to the Ph chromosome in patients withCML.6 The probe, therefore, allows the ready detection of three signals (from the normal chromosome 9, the chromosome 9q+, and the Ph chromosome), while only two signals from the chromosomes 9 are seen in normal metaphases! Methods for preparation of human specific FISH probe from hybrid cells by inter-Ah-polymerase chain reaction (PCR), biotin-labeling of probe, competitive hybridization blocking of repeat sequences, FISH, avidin-fluorescein detection, ultraviolet microscopy, and photography as performed in this laboratory have been described by Liu et E6B probe was visualized in cells as yellow-green fluorescence when viewed through a B2A Nikon filter (excitation, 470 to 490; emission, 515; Nikon Inc, Melville, NY). Photomicrographs were taken on Kodak 160 Ectachrome (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY) directly without image enhancement or processing. RESULTS After 24 hours of culture in RPMI medium and 10%fetal calf serum, bone marrow cultures were exposed to varying concentrations of colcemid (0.01 to 0.4 pg/mL) over varying time periods (0.5 to 48 hours). Maximum metaphase collection was achieved after 24 hours of culture in 0.1 pg/mL. This resulted in a 3% to 6% mitotic index in preparations from normal marrows, and 4% to 15% from patients with CML (with higher levels observed in samples with higher percentages of Ph+ cells). As shown in Fig 1, multiple metaphase figures were present in a single microscope field. The chromosomes in most such figures were highly overcontracted and useless for a karyotype analysis. However, when E6B FISH probe was applied to such metaphases from a CML marrow culture, Ph+ cells could be readily distinguished from cells not carrying the Ph translocation (Fig 2). The presence of only two pairs of FISH signals, as shown in Fig 2A, is interpreted as being typical of a non-Ph+ cell throughout this procedure. As the E6B probe marks the terminal portion of the q-arm of chromosome 9, and as in overly contracted chromosomes (a consequence of the 24 hours in colcemid) chromatids of a chromosome tend to fly apart while being held together at their centromeres, each chromosome is seen as a pair of signals, with each signal of the pair representing a chromatid. Figure 2B shows a similar two-pair of chromosomes with a thirdsmaller pair of signals on what appears to be a smaller chromosomal element. This cell is interpreted as a classic Ph+ cell. A similar such cell is seen in the bottom portion of Fig 2C. The lesser intensity of the signal on the small element is consistent with the fact that in the Ph translocation only one third of the signal is From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. QUANTITATIVE FISH FOR CML 2345 Fig l. Single microscope field demonstrating the yield of metaphases by the hyparmetaphase procedure (original magnification x 200). moved from the 9q- chromosome to the Ph chromosome.6 less ideal yet still interpretable cells were identified and clasRarely, the paired signals became completely separated, re- sified. In the cell at the top of Fig 2C, the two chromosomes sulting infour signals of relatively equal intensity (interpre- 9 are crowded together, and the paired signalis resolved on ted as a normal cell) six or signals (two with lesser intensity; only one of them, while the cell on top in Fig 2D exhibits interpreted as a Ph+ cell). In addition to these ideal situations, a metaphase of very poor quality in which the two signals Fig 2. Four dlfferent photomicrographs(A-D) of FISH usingE6B probe on hyperrnataphase culture preparations from patient bone marrow samples demonstrating the rangeof cell types evaluated[seetext). Arrows identify the Ph chromosome. From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 2346 SEONG ET AL Table 2. HMF Results in Control Samples readings in 500 cells of a blinded control sample allows US to have 99%confidence that when no Ph cells are identified in a 500-cell sample, the maximum frequency of Phi- cells present in the sample is less than 1%. HMF and CG results in patients with CML. Samples of 16 patients classified as having no cytogenetic response (Table 3) anddeterminedto be 100% Ph'by CC hadfrom 91.0% to 99.0% Ph' cells by HMF. Inno case wasthe frequency of Ph' cells determined by HMF statistically significantly different from the frequency determined by CG. In the case with the greatest difference (D372), 20 of 20 Ph' cells by CG compared with 455 of 500 by HMF produced x' of only 1 .0 ( P < .32). The lack of a statistically significant difference is attributable to the small number of cells studied by CG. The inability to identify a small percentage ofPh cells by that method is attributed to sampling error. One might ask if the difference between 100% Ph' observed by CC and the90+% observed by HMF in this patient set might be the result of false-negative readings (scoring a Ph' cell as Ph- because of the inability to observe the third signal due to artifact, eg, loss of the Ph chromosome from the spread, overlap of one of the three signals with another, poor staining rendering the smaller Ph' signal invisible in some cells). It is our experience that false-negative cells are not a problemwiththis procedure. Metaphases analyzed have a recognizable cluster of chromosomal elements mitigating the question of chromosome loss. The dual signals from a chromosome make indistinguishable overlaps unlikely. Even staining and the bright signal seen from the Ph chromosome due to the large size of the probe and hybridization sequences onthe chromosomes suggest that the elements being targeted will be visible when present. This positionwas supported by our observations inthe control material where two chromosomal elements were seen in every cell. Therefore, the non-Ph' cells seen in this category of nonresponders were most likely due to the real presence and detection of cells without the translocation in the population. Determining whetherthey are non-myeloid dividing cells or possible normal myeloid progenitors, and whether there are clinical consequences in patients with different frequencies of them, must await further analyses. Such analyses should be possible now because when samples of 500 cells each from patients differ by as little as 496, the difference is significant at the 99% confidence level. Among the 10 patients with minor cytogenetic response by CC (Table 3), highly statistically significant differences in the frequencies in the levels ofPh' cells as determined by CG as opposed to HMF were observed for samples from two patients (D466 and D662j. The HMF results reclassify the patients into the no-response category. Follow-up CG data were available for one of these patients (D466), and it was determined that the cytogenetic response had been lost. This indicated thattheHMF result gave a more accurate picture of patient D466's clinical status than the lower Ph+ frequency observed by CG. Among the patients that were classified as having a partial cytogenetic response by CG, there were two samples (D4 12 and D685) with statistically significant differences inthe frequencies of Ph' cells as determined by the two different "~ Patient No. ALL patients D035 D047 D052 D056 D136 AML patients D089 D090 D133 D178 CLL patients D072 D098 96 Ph' Cells (no. of cells analyzed) 0 0 76.2 0 0 (500) (500) (505) (500) (500) (500) (500) 0 (500) 0 (500) 0 0 0 0 (500) (500) of one of the pairs (on the right) appears stretched apart. These cells were scored as not being Ph', because the third paired signal regions were not observed. In the cell at the bottom of Fig 2D, the signal from the Ph chromosome does not appeared paired. This was a frequent observation, as that signal is closer to the centromere than the signal at the end of the 9q chromosome, and, therefore, the chromatids often are not sufficiently separated to resolve the signal as paired. However, such cells were scored as Ph', as the unpaired signal was clearly in addition to clear signals from the chromosomes 9 and 9q-. The following rare types of cells were not counted: cells poorly stained because of being under a bubble or in an area of the slide with poor staining and cells in which the nucleus was clearly not intact. These represent the spectrum of types of signals in cells and how they were interpreted in the analysis of patient samples. Scoring 500 or more such cells per sample for presence or absence of the Ph chromosome by the criteria indicated could be performed in less than 1 hour. To determine the quantitative limits of this procedure in detecting the frequency of Ph+ cells in a heterogeneous population, doubleblind experiments were conducted as described in Materials and Methods on samples from patients with CML in different clinical states of disease and control samples from putative non-Ph' patients. The results are reported in Tables 2 through 4 and are described below. Control population. In 10 of the l 1 blinded control samples, no Ph' cells were detected by HMF out of at least 500 metaphases analyzed per sample. All 10 had a diploid karyotype as determined by CG. One of the blind samples provided as a control, D052 (Table Z), turned out to be a Ph' ALL. We scored 505 cells and determined that 76.2% were Ph+. When notified of our result, co-investigators who randomly inserted control samples among the CML samples and who had access to the CG results verified that CG on patient D052 conducted at the same time indicated 15 of 20 cells (75%) to be Ph+. These data clearly verify the effectiveness of the probe on these preparations to specifically identify the presence of the Ph chromosome in such samples. Applying a Clopper-Pearson confidence interval for a binomial proportion,' we conclude that getting no false-positive + From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 2347 QUANTITATIVEFISH FOR CML Table 3. Ph' Cells by CG and HMF in CML Patients Demonstrating Different Levels of Cytogenetic Response (as Determined by CG) % Ph+ Cells (no. of calls analyzed) Patient No. No cytogenetic response D032 D065 D117 D120 ~248 ~289 D308 D372 D400 D406-1 D516 D517 D719 D748 D763 D781 Minor cytogenetic response D031 D034 D041 D070 D290 D466 ~468 D662 D749 Partial cytogenetic response D063 ~083 D412 D495 D535 D685 CG 93.1 (484) 98.1 (515) 98.9 (500) 95.7 (548) 97.2 (500) 96.1 (481) 94.7 (421) 91.O (500) 97.8 (501) 91.5 (5251 99.2 (500) 99.0 (500) 99.2 (400) 93.1 (500) 96.4 (500) 96.5 (500) 70 (20) 95 (19) 38 (20) 70 (20) 92 (25) 55 (20) 89 (9) 80 (30) 45 (20) 67.2 (119) 93.8 (500) 42.0 (400) 68.2 (500) 91.7 (151) 95.3 (400)' 59.0 (563) 97.8 (500)" 49.4 (500) 5 (20) 5 (20) 1.6 (500) 18.2 (500) 31.4 (525)t 65.6 (500) 12.2 (500) 59.8 (500)t 11 (18) (20) Complete cytogenetic response D024 D025 D032 D040 D054 D062 D064 D071 D135 D l 40 D304 D361 D405 D461 D533 D739 D740 ~886 D912 0 (19) 0 (20) 0 (20) 10.2 (507) 0 (20) 0 (25) 0 (25) 0 (20) 0 (20) 0 (20) 0 (8) 0 (12) 0 (20) 0 (20) 0 (20) 0 (20) 0 (20) 0 (20) 0 0 0 11.O Diagnosed as Ph- CML D533 0 (20) 0 (20) 0 (20) % Phi Cells (no. of cells analyzed) HMF 100 (20) 100 (20) 100 (14) 100 (20) 100 (20) 100 (20) 100 (20) 100 (20) 100 (20) 100 (20) 100 (20) 100 (35) 100 (20) 100 (20) 100 (20) 100 (20) (20) Table 4. CG and HMF Results in CML Patients With an Insufficient Number of Scorable Metaphases to Analyze Percentage of Ph+ Cellsby CG 0 (503) 0 (500) 0 (500) 0 (500) (500) (500) (500) (500) 0 (500) 0 (500) 0 0 (500) (500) 0 (500) 6.1(165) 0 (500) 0 (500) 0 (500) 0 (500) 6.1 (165) Boldface indicates samples that were reclassified as to cytogenetic response as a result of HMF result. * Significantly different from CG result at P i ,001. t Significantly different from CG result at P i .05. Patient No. 1 D009 D01 D023 D032 D457 D498 D499 D703 CG NA (2) NA (0) NA (1) NA (5) NA (3) NA (0) NA (1) NA (2) HMF 39.4 (510) 0 (500) 6.5 (428) 9.7 (4211 0 (500) 0 (500) 46.3 (393) 0 (500) Abbreviation: NA, not applicable. methods (Table 3). Patient D685 was reclassified as a minor responder. The verymuch higher frequency of Ph+ cells seen in patient D495 using HMF,which also resulted in the patient's reclassification to minor cytogenetic response, lacked statistical significance because of the small number of cells available for CG analysis. Three (patients D032, D135, and D533), or 16%, of the 20 patients classified as having a complete cytogenetic response as determined by finding no Ph+ cells by CG were shown by HMF to have persistent disease (Table 3). All three patients have been recategorized as partial cytogenetic responders. Follow-up data on these patients are notyet available. Once again, the small number of cells analyzed by CG in each of those three cases did not allow us to attach statistical significance to the different outcome achieved by HMF. However, comparison between the patient with the lowest frequency ofPh' cells (yet still greater than 0) as determined by HMF (patient D533) with any other patient showing 0% Ph+ cells by HMF revealed highly statistically significant differences (all with P < .001). While not central to the study, an interesting observation (Table 3) was made in a patient with a morphologic diagnosis of CML who was diagnosed as Ph-negative by CG (0 Ph+ metaphases of 20 analyzed). Reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) studies indicated the presence of the BCWABL chimeric transcript associated with that disease (data not shown). HMF identified 25 Ph' cells of 475 analyzed (5.3%). HMF results in patients with insuflcient metaphases by CG. A proportion of patients receiving alpha interferon or chemotherapy often have insufficient metaphases for analysis by CG. Among all eight patients investigated with insufficient metaphases for CG analysis in our study, all were analyzable by HMF. Four (50%) had 0% Ph' cells by HMF, two had a partial cytogenetic response (6.5% and 9.7%Ph+, respectively), and two had a minor cytogenetic response (46.3% and 39.4% Ph+, respectively) by HMF (Table 4). We conclude that the HMF procedure is a valid method of determining the frequency of Ph+ cells in the bone marrow of patients with CML undergoing therapy. The procedure identifies the frequency of Phi cells at a much higher level of resolution than standard methodology, is often capable of identifying low frequencies of Ph+ cells not identifiably by From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 2348 Table 5. Numbers of Patients in Cytogenetic Response Categories as Determined by CG and Their Classification as Determined by HMF SEONG ET AL more, in patients shown to be 0% Ph+ by HMF on 500 cells, an argument could be made to reduce or stop a interferon therapy, while continuing close monitoring by HMF. Studies Cytogenetic Cytogenetic Response by HMF on 500 cells have very narrow confidence intervals ( ? O s % ) Response and minor changes (less than 4%) observed at periodic interby CG None Minor Partial Complete Unknown* vals (eg, every 3 to 6 months) can be reliable measurements None, 16 11 5 0 0 0 of the efficiency of a particular therapy. Minor, 9 2 7 0 0 0 The result finding 5.3% Ph' cells by HMF in the sample Partial, 6 0 2 4 0 0 from the Ph- patient foundto have BCWABL chimeric Complete, 19 0 0 3 16 0 transcript by RT-PCR is of particular interest. It offers an Unknown', 8 0 2 2 4 0 alternative to the suggestion that subtle or masked transloca* Insufficient number of metaphases to make determination. tions, undetectable by CG, may be the basis of such observations.'" Our finding suggests that small proportions of Phi cells, which may not get sampled in the 20 or so cells studied CC, andcan generate such data in samples that are not by CG, could provide transcript for such molecular detection. analyzable by CC. Clearly, more patients with this syndrome need to be studied by HMF before such an explanation for the basis of Ph-, DISCUSSION RT-PCR' CML can be generally applied. From the results reported here, HMF is clearly a highly In patients with Ph+ CML, a interferon therapy produces efficient method for quantitating the level of cancer burden, hematologic responses in 70% to 80% and cytogenetic reand possibly also MRD, in hematologic malignancies. While sponses in 30% to 50%. Cytogenetic responses are major RT-PCR may be more sensitive" than HMF in identifying and durable in 15% to 30% of patients who continue therapy and are associated with significant survival pr~longation.'.~ MRD, it is not enumerative or quantitative and cannot provide information on the constitutive level of Ph' cells, as it Thus, monitoring cytogenetic response at frequent intervals depends on the expression of chimeric transcript, levels of is essential for patient care delivery. which may vary in cells carrying the translocation. However, Several problems arise inthe monitoring of patient reit should be realized that, unlike RT-PCR, HMF monitors sponse to alpha interferon therapy. The time-consuming CG only cycling cells. interphase FISH,'2"4 on the other hand, procedures and the antiproliferative effect of alpha interferon looks at the constitutive level of cancer cells and does not reduce the number of metaphases analyzed to 25 or less; depend on the cycling status of cells under study. However. thus, confidence in the measurement is low. For example, substantial levels of false-positive and false-negative readin a patient with a complete cytogenetic response (0% Ph+) ings make quantitative assessment of interphase FISH results based on 20-metaphase analysis, the confidence interval in difficult. Genomic PCR, which also does notdepend on the cytogenetic response is 0% to 11%. Therefore, many expression of the chimeric locus to be identified, has not yet patients may have only a partial cytogenetic response, with been shown to be practical in identifying translocations in the consequent therapeutic and prognostic implications. different patients because of thewiderange of positions More significantly, 10% to20% of samples analyzed on where translocation breakpoint sites may occur within the alpha interferon therapy have no metaphases for analysis, large introns that are interrupted by the event. However, requiring interruption of interferon for short periods (3 to 7 new developments in tailoring genomic PCR for individual days) before CC analysis, repetition of tests, and delays of patients may soon makethattechnology available tothis treatment decisions. field,'','' Further work in which these various technologies With respect to the assessment of minimal residual disease are performed on the same MRD samples for which HMF during therapy, we have shown that complete cytogenetic has been performed may help define the relevance of data response by CC may in fact be only a partial cytogenetic from all these procedures to clinical status and patient outresponse by HMF, or it may be a complete cytogenetic recome. sponse of high quality (0 Ph+ cells in 500 cells analyzed). The major limitation of HMF is the inability of the proceThis should help in decisions regarding continuation of alpha dure to detect cytogenetic clonal evolution, an indicator of interferon therapy andor addition of other agents (eg, lowworse prognosis," as itis focussed on scoring the single dose cytosine arabinoside [ara-C]), dose schedule adjustcytogenetic event of interest (in this case, the Ph chromoment, or even discontinuation of therapy. some). For patients with CML undergoing alpha interferon HMF addresses these concerns. In this analysis, 24% of therapy, this limitation may be without serious clinical conpatients were reclassified into a cytogenetic response catesequences, asof the 51 CML samples for which CC data gory that is more appropriate than the one assigned by CC were available, none displayed clonal evolution. There is (Table 5). It was also successful in providing response data also recent evidence that clonal evolution may not carry the in patients with insufficient metaphases for regular CC studsame poor prognostic impact in such cases as when occumng ies. Of significance was the ability of HMF to detect MRD with other features of accelerated phase CML.I8 in 3 of 19 patients in complete cytogenetic response by While HMF canbe applied to any hematologic maligroutine CC,thus providing insight into their true response nancywherethe particular nonrandom chromosomal restatus, which may influence treatment decisions (dose schedarrangement in a patient is known and for which appropriate ule, additional agents, need to continue therapy). Further- From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. QUANTITATIVE FISH FOR CML FISH probes for its identification have been identified, monitoring for other cytogenetic alterations by CG remains a significant procedure in the management of such disease in patients. CG also has an irreplaceable role in diagnosis where the particular nonrandom chromosomal alteration associated with a patient’s disease needs to be initidly identified before any follow-up with HMF can be considered. We conclude, however, that for observing the course of patients having known chromosomal alterations associated with their disease, HMF appears to be most efficient in monitoring the percentage of cells with that alteration in the management of such malignancies. Application of the procedure to other hematologic malignancies where the nature of the chromosomal event associated with the disease has been identified and for which FISH probes are avaialable is in progress. REFERENCES 1. Rowley JD: Anew consistent chromosomal abnormality in chronic myelogenous leukemia identified by quinacrine fluorescence and Giemsa staining. Nature 243:290, 1973 2. 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For personal use only. 1995 86: 2343-2349 Hypermetaphase fluorescence in situ hybridization for quantitative monitoring of Philadelphia chromosome-positive cells in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia during treatment DC Seong, HM Kantarjian, JY Ro, M Talpaz, J Xu, JR Robinson, AB Deisseroth, RE Champlin and MJ Siciliano Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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