From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. Evidence for the Clonal Origin of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia From a Sex Chromosome Mosaic: Clinical, Cytogenetic, and Marrow Culture Studies By M.A.S. Cytogenetic senting studies with tures of vealed chronic marrow on subsequent of (CFCs) initial were and midine presentation that greatly increased the low in the abnormal which tained colonies in growth the buoyant to tritiated distinguishes thy- metaphase and an sex further cell type, whereas occurrence (CML)’ ,2 nature which leukeniias of the coincidentally may with clarify origin chromosome pathogenesis may in mosaicism of further emergence be of both ) in chronic (Ph’ sex chromosome the for that cyto- of the Ph’ chromosome. of multiclonal Philadelphia co- mosa- indicates RELEVANT TO the uniclonal or multiclonal origin cells can be derived from the study of patients with two or more tinguishable by genetic markers. Leukemias of uniclonal origin should The The support and risk with in vitro culture. I NFORMATION other of leukemic implicated increased evolution ob- chromosome of CML instability carry in were analysis provides origin persisted displaying in agar CML in this patient genetic leukemic clusters cytogenetic of transforma- Ph’ clusters uniclonal may acute was lost but small, cell XV, and cytogenetic circulation light 46 characteristics icism in cells During capacity following existence capacity susceptibility killing A Assessment colony-forming Only in and normal. differentiated culture. marrow. predominated transformation. revealed possessed density and line A. Carmichael colony-forming poorly reXVV and from tion fea- (CML) Fitzgerald, CFCs pre- XV/47 colony-forming culture and cell acute granulocytic agar leukemia blood, Ph1 child 46 skin, XV, MG. hematological myeloid in 46 H. Ekert, a 7--yr-oId and constitutional mosaicism the on clinical a third Moore, mosaicism of the cell types. myeloid provides disease of leukemic cell lines disbe of one or leukemia an experiment process. Two such of patients have been described both showing a Ph’ chromosome and a Klinefelter’s mosaicism,3’4 but in only one4 could the findings be readily interpreted as supporting the clonal origin of CML. On the other hand, studies on CML using Xg blood groups have brought into question its clonality.7 Recent advances in tissue culture methodology monocyte stem cells by their capacity to form allow colonies and CML peripheral blood colony-forming From Victoria, The Cancer Australia, Victoria, Australia. Submitted cultures cells April from (CFCs) revised June 23, Supported by (lie (‘arden Fellowship tional Health and Medical Research National Cancer Institute, NIH. M.A.S.Moore, D.Phil.: Institute, Royal rector, Haematology gerald, B.Sc.: Victoria, Parkeville, Blood, Vol. by Clinic, A. Grune 43, No. of Funded Medical revealed June by Royal Children 29, Parkville, Royal Registrar, Melbourne ‘s Hospital. of Contract Ekert, granulocytic disorder,9”#{176} and Hospital, Parkville, 1973. c’oundil Research H. that in this Institute, Royal Cancer Pathology, B.S.: have in number A iiti-Cancer Australia. Hospital, Children’s MB., accepted the Fellow, Victoria, Department Carmichael, of C’ouncil. Research Royal 1973; Fund Hospital, Cvtogeneticist, Victoria, © 1974 Senior Melbourne Australia. with increased Unit, Walter and Eliza Hall Department of Haeinatology, Research and tile 2, 1973; patients are greatly detection of granulocytein agar culture.68 Marrow Victoria NO Unit, M.B., Walter Royal and l’.R.A.C.P.: Victoria, C’hildren and 1-fB-3385 Australia. ‘5 Hospital, Children’s The Na- from the Eliza Hall Di- Deputy MG. 1’itz- Parkeville. Hospital, A ustralia. & Stratton, 1 (January), Inc. 1974 15 From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 16 MOORE that are abnormalities in differentiation, evjdent.”4 herald ity.9”’4 Alterations proliferative of in vitro acute transformation Cytogenetic analysis status, growth and generally of granulocytic and CFC characteristics involve colonies have buoyant been peripheral we blood cytogenetically gether with genetic methods was that and the clinical to resolve the chronic and cells with leukemic of the 46 XY cell line, thus CASE N.P., a Greek hemorrhagic and 3-cm the 80th male variceila aged rash, features, in a child with XYY mosaic. of circulating used in both equivocally the culture a 46 XY/47 characterizations populations positive describe agar if yr. was first fundal hemorrhages, CML cytogenetic with data, a Ph’ coexisting acute normal phase growth and of CML. characteristics supporting have genHowever, colonies in and leukemic The origin studies of who was culture toand cytohemopoietic studies were a uniclonal to capaccultures chromosome A combination of in vitro agar CFCs by physical, functional, AL. density reported loss of colony-forming developing in marrow from patients with CML in relapse, remission, and acute transformation erally confirmed the exclusive proliferation of Ph’ positive 21516 one report described coexisting Ph’ positive and cytogenetically normal CML cultures.’7 In this paper ET showed exclusively unPh’ of CML. HISTORY seen on August generalized 22, 1972. lymphadenopathy, Examination revealed a 3-cm hepatomegaly, splenomegaly. Height was at the 90th percentile, and weight and head circumference at percentiles. I.Q. testing showed a level of 80. The child appeared to be aggressive. He had brachycephaly and clinodactyly of the fifth fingers, but was otherwise a phenotypically normal male with normal dermatoglyphic patterns. A diagnosis of CML was made on the basis of hematological and bone marrow aspirate results (Table 1). Treatment with busulphan, 2 mg daily, was commenced. This was associated with clearing of varicella lesions and decreased hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy. Over the next month, clinical well-being was maintained, but the white cell count increased steadily despite increased dosage of busulphan to 4 mg daily. Five weeks after initial presentation, acute blastic transformation occurred, with recurrence of lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly. Laboratory data are again shown in Table 1. Treatment was changed to cyclophosphamide, vincristine, cytosine arabinoside, and prednisolone; initial improvement occurred until profound neutropenia and recurrence of blasts supervened 10 wk after first presentation. Treatment was again changed to 6-mercaptopurine, cytosine arabinoside, daunorubicin, and L-asparaginase. Good clinical and hematological improvement resulted, and the patient has been maintained well on this regime for 7 mo. MATERIALS Cytogenetic AND METHODS Studies: Peripheral blood leukocytes were cultured with phytohemagglutinin and harvested essentially according to the method of Arakaki and Sparkes,18 while the direct bone marrow preparation followed that of Lam-Po-Tang.’9 A modification of the method of Hsu and Kellog2#{176}was employed for study of skin fibroblasts. Staining for quinacrine mustard fluorescence used the procedure of Caspersson et al.21’22 Agar Culture: Washed leukocytes were cultured at concentrations of 1 X i#{248}to 2 X i05 cells/mi in modified Eagle’s minimal essential medium containing 0.3% agar. The technique of agar culture has been described in detail elsewhere.7 Cultures were stimulated by feeder layers containing 1 X 106 normal human peripheral blood leukocytes in 1 ml of 0.5% agar medium.8 The cultures were incubated at 37#{176}C in 10% CO2 in air for 7-10 days and scored at x 25 for incidence of colonies From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. CLONAL ORIGIN OF CML Table 1. 17 Hematological and Bone Investigation Hemoglobin WCC Marrow Chronic (g/100 Results Phase ml) Acute Phase 6.5 (perI) 8.1 61,800 124,000 Blasts 3% 32% Premyelocytes 13% 4% Myelocytes 22% 9% Metamyelocytes 15% 13% Band 12% 10% forms Neutrophils 2% 4% Eosinophils 0 0 Basophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Platelets Bone 0 0 32% 25% 1% (per I) marrow 133,000 aspirate 7.4% 18.6% 79.2% 3.6% Neutrophil myelocytes 8.0% 2.0% Neutrophil metamyelocytes 8.6% 2.6% Neutrophil band 9.4% 3.0% Neutrophil polymorphs 5.8% 0.6% Total forms eosinophils Basophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Reticulum cells Neutrophil than 8.0% 0% 0 1.0% Decreased alkaline cells) was performed cytocentrifuge 0% 1.0% phosphatase Decreased 0 muramidase 40 0% 1.2% 12.2% Megakaryocytes Serum 0.4% 27.4% 0% Erythroblasts (greater 3% 25,000 Myeloblasts Premyelocytes tion Aspirate 16 60 pg/mI and at X 40 on orcein-stained preparations of cell for incidence individual of 3-40 cells. and clusters of clusters colonies suspensions 62 pg/mI prepared by dispersion Morphological and on investiga- Giemsa-stained of pooled colonies and clusters. Cytogenetic Analysis Cytogenetic during incubation, studies the chronic and of Colonies were performed and acute 3 hr later phase. individual and on Clusters: agar Colcemid colonies cultures (0.2 jsg/ml) and clusters of peripheral was added were removed blood leukocytes to cultures with after obtained 6-10 a micropipette days and approximately 100 colonies pooled and dispersed by repeated pipettings. The cell suspension was processed for metaphases by the technique of Moore and Metcalf.16 insufficient metaphases were obtained from individual colonies for single-colony typing. Extensive proliferation of normal and leukemic marrow cells has been reported in liquid cultures stimulated by sources of colony-stimulating factor.23 Aye et al.24 used this technique for cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood cells from patients in acute transformation and reported that aneuploid cells present in direct marrow preparations were also prevalent in culture after 10 days and that the proliferation in vitro appeared to be specific for the leukemic population. in order to complement the agar culture cytogenetic analysis, 1-10 X 106 peripheral blood leukocytes obtained from our patient in both the chronic and acute phase were suspended in fully supplemented Eagle’s medium and established in Marbrook culture flasks25 in the presence of human leukocyte-conditioned medium as a source of colony-stimulating factor. Cytogenetic analysis was performed on the liquid cultures at 6-10 days incubation. From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 18 MOORE Neutral Density Peripheral ml of leukocytes serum preparation AL. Separation: blood bovine ET of obtained albumin the in both (BSA), albumin pH 5.1, the chronic 269 and details of centrifuged at 3500 and acute phase and density 1.062 been described milliosmolar the conditions of have were dispersed in 3-5 g/cu cm. in The detail elsewhere.26’27 The cell 1.062 (< suspension gm/cu was cm) and the The density distribution of the population less than Tritiated The dense Thymidine protocol high-density colony- cell and 1.062 g for pellet 10 cluster-forming g/cu mm. were The low washed, cells density counted, was supernatant and expressed cells cultured as the in agar. percentage of cm. “Killing” of Iscove et al.28 was used to assess the proportion of CFCs in DNA synthesis. Peripheral blood leukocytes (4 x 106) were incubated for 20 mm at 37#{176}Cin 1 ml of balanced salt solution (Eisen’s BSS) containing either 4OpCi of tritiated thymidine (H3TdR, specific activity 16 Ci/mmole, washes with Reduction Radiochemicai BSS containing in H3TdR colony- exposed Four or Amersham) thymidine, cluster-forming cells and the cold Muramidase Serum Centre, cold or 20 pg of unlabeled thymidine. Following three cells were counted and agar cultures established. capacity thymidine was assessed by comparison of cultures from controls. Assay muramidase dilutions a reference levels were determined of purified egg white by muramidase the agar plate method (Sigma Chemical Co., of Osserman and Lawlor.29 St. Louis, Mo.) were used as standard. RESULTS Cytogenetic analysis during the chronic phase and skin fibroblasts revealed two cell lines 46 XY/47 XYY with the 47 XYY lineage of both indicating peripheral blood a constitutional predominating (Table 2). preparations demonstrated in addition a third 46XY line including which predominated in both the chronic and acute phase. Quinacrine karyotypes 22 while mustard fluorescence since the Ph’ the cells with of the two abnormal chromosome showed the 47 chromosomes contained cell pale lymphocytes mosaic a Ph’ lines state Direct of marrow chromosome, clearly defined the fluorescence of chromosome two Y chromosomes with the characteristic intense fluorescence of the distal portion of the long arm.22’3#{176} Agar culture studies revealed that colonyand cluster-forming cells were greatly increased in incidence in the peripheral blood during the chronic phase, a phenomenon observed in typical Ph’ positive CML (Table 3). Colonies differentiated to mature neutrophils, transition tures. but macrophages was not observed Colonies developing were present at 7 days of culture. in normal marrow cultures but during the 2. Table chronic phase Cytogenetic smaller than macrophage CML culgenerally Analysis Total No. of Metaphases Phase were This early characterized % Distrib 46 XV, Ph’ ution of Karyotypes Chronic Blood’ 100 0 1 Chronic Marrow 38 55 8 37 Chronic Skin 30 0 10 90 Acute Blood’ 30 0 0 100 Acute Marrow 30 83 7 10 mutated cultures. XV XYV Scored ‘PHAsti 46 47 Tissue 99 ob- From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. CLONAL ORIGIN OF Table 3. 19 CML In Vitro Culture Results Acute on Peripheral and Chronic NP. Clusters/2X Colony-forming cell density (% < 1.062 Cluster-forming (% < 1.062 cell 9/cu Phase 0 1800 Blood’ Chronic Phase 386 i05 in the CML Acute Phase x i0 Leukocytes Blood Chronic Colonies/2 Blood Phase Acute Normal Phase Blood’ 20-3000 0-4 50-5000 0-6000 115 0-0.1 1-10 96 - 25-100 26-95 0.1-10 95 92 20-100 26-95 0.1-10 - 0-35 0-35 35-50 0-35 0-35 35-50 cm) density g/cu cm) Colony-forming by H3TdR cells % killed 20 Cluster-forming cells % killed 0 10 by H3TdR Cytogeneticanalysisof agar 46 XV Ph1 (15)t 46XY Ph1 (5) Ph’ Ph’ - 46XY Ph1 (3) 46XY Ph1 (6) - - - culture Cytogenetic analysis of liquid 47 XYY (23) 47 XYY (6) cuIture+CSF ‘Results on other Values represent normal subjects. tNumber ICSF , CML or normal the range subjects observed in parenthesis refers to number colony-stimulating from Moore in 44 patients with et al.13”4 CML of metaphases and unpublished in acute and chronic observations. phase and in 130 scored. factor. served in either normal or CML cultures. Subsequent agar culture of peripheral blood during the acute phase and at a later stage following therapy showed complete loss of colony formation with production of small, poorly differentiated clusters of 3-20 cells (Table 3). Density separation of colonyand cluster-forming cells showed that the great majority were of abnormal light buoyant density both in the chronic and acute phase (Table 3). This low-density CML and peripheral was orders.’3”4 termined The proliferative by the thymidine in DNA phase blood synthesis (Table Cytogenetic agar culture metaphases peripheral stimulate 46 XY, markedly distribution different of normal was from subjects status “killing” significantly was of both technique lower than analysis revealed colonyindicated normal and cluster-forming that the proportion in both the of leukemic colonies and clusters developing solely 46 XY, Ph’ metaphases and neither with chronic or dis- cells deof cells and acute in peripheral blood 46 XY nor 47 XYY were detected in either the acute or chronic phase. Liquid cultures of blood leukocytes in the presence of human leukocyte-conditioned media to granulocytic proliferation showed a mixed population of 47 XYY and Ph’ positive metaphases at 7-10 days transformation HLA antigen responsible. were Liquid cultures peripheral blood leukocytes obtained riched for leukemic cluster-forming metaphases. of all patients 3). system indicated that lymphocyte proliferation and that soluble Cytogenetic characteristic density distribution of CFCs in marrow or patients with nonleukemic hemopoietic the analysis of these cultures established during cells after of culture. Further from a low-density the acute phase. This and greatly depleted 7-9 investigation of this was occurring in addition to myeloid in the human CSF source was probably days revealed only population of population was enof lymphocytes. 46 XY, Ph’ positive From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 20 MOORE ET AL. DISCUSSION There can be no doubt, and examination, CML from at CML and lymphocyte both the morphological differences acute transformation.’6 and bone marrow and fluorescence characteristics. Agar culture and by studies at the time differentia- density. Subsequent culture studies were consistent with prophase with loss of colony-forming capacity and the development cell clusters. The reduced size of colonies seen in the chronic differentiated cultures blood that this patient was suffering interest was the coexistence of from this patient showed all the characteristics ofCML with abnormalities in CFC incidence, proliferation, tion, and buoyant gression to an acute poorly findings, Ph’ chromosome of outstanding for 46 XY/47 XYY as demonstrated in skin fibroblast Identification of the Y and Ph’ chromosomes was facilitated peripheral blood of first investigation phase of the clinical of the A finding presentation. mosaicism cultures. of of on the basis presence of this patient has been observed frequently to precede clinical onset of was found only in the 46 XY cell line during both chronic no further cytogenetic evolution was associated with acute transformation. During the chronic phase Ph’ positive metaphases comprised only 55%, and the majority of Ph’ negative metaphases were of the 47, XYY type. This may indicate that the capacity of the leukeniic population to suppress normal hemopoiesis was exerted more effectively against the 46 XY line. However, the nature The Phtm chromosome and acute phases, and of the mosaicism in the tissues somatic studied. patient The indicated percentage a preponderance of Ph’ positive of 47 cells XYY increased cells in the in the marrow during acute transformation but despite heavy marrow infiltration by leukemic blasts, 17%ofPh’ negative metaphases were still present. The coexistence of three different cell lines in this patient prompted us to undertake further functional tests to unequivocally determine the origin of the Ieukemic cell line. Cytogenetic with analysis ported, sition cultures only of the of the total role functionally colony of the normal constitution cell 46 observation of suggested. leukemic whelmingly cytogenetic Density Our studies in a low-density progenitor of 47, are devoid of 46 XY or 47 XYY and 46, XY, Ph’ to with simultaneous normal lymphoid in the circulation, the myeloid compo- XYY of that cytogenetic enrichment iii liquid cultures suggests that this as Aye et al.24 proliferation of both cells. The latter were overwhich was in accord with the for and of soluble leukemic subsequent proliferation solely in unfractionated presence cells cultures. of lymphocytes, most the sup- analysis provides confirmation process and indicates of colony-stimulating factor for leukemic cell proliferation extensive revealed the transformation due cells consistent and stimulated leukemic population tion of lymphocyte probably of cytogenetic cells were in the circulation. produced region time progenitor This observation in the leukemic XY, Ph’) constitution on PHA populations population. clone observations separation of leukemic were still of the immature dividing closely reflected the cytogenetic proliferation myeloid (46 of 47 XYY proliferation the colonies compartment stimulated by human leukocyte sources system does not appear to be as specific have the acute At the XY Ph’ present not and metaphases. granulocytic were in which chronic 46 XY Ph’ cell types within hence the mitotic unique The agar typical revealed predominant series, and the of characteristics HLA cluster-forming liquid culture cells of this of 46 XY, Ph’ cells. The inducleukocyte liquid cultures was antigen in the crude human From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. CLONAL ORIGIN leukocyte OF source of lymphocyte There group normal CML of colony-stimulating been have debate produced conflicting clonal but the Further Tough possibility antigens origin results is not by factor, by leukemia-specific on the chromosome is incorrect.5’3’ been provided has 21 transformation has X CML of CML which since suggested of autostimulation cannot be excluded. studies using that the Xg blood either the Xg locus of a the single clone theory of subject to inactivation or that evidence et al.,3 which conflicts with the clonal nature of CML who described a patient with CML and clinical and cytogenetic features of a Klinefelter’s mosaicism. In this patient the Ph’ chromosome was detected in both the 46 XY and 47 XXY populations. Since skin fibroblasts were solely 47 XXY it is probable that the mosaicism was restricted to the marand row may have occurred in a stem line subsequent of a 47 XXY, to the emergence clone. Strong evidence for the genetic studies since females of G-6PD expressed evidence the of felter’s mosaic only one uniclonal phenotype origin CML with uniclonal origin with CML and with of CML has heterozygosity in the leukemic of CML was restrictions also of been for population.3 presented the provided by enzyme the A and B subtypes Ph’ Convincing in a report chromosome of a Kline- to the XY 46 cell line.4 In our patient mosaicism for 46 XY/47 XYY was clearly shown, both in skin flbroblast and blood lymphocyte cultures, and the restriction of the leukemic population to the 46 XY, Ph’ line provides further confirmation of the uniclonal origin of CML. The coexistence would suggest that of two such rare disorders as CML and sex chromosome the latter state carries a high risk of further cytogenetic and emergence of the Ph’ chromosome mosaicism evolution abnormality. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors Hospital, assistance, would like to thank Mrs. D. Muckniki, Melbourne for initiating skin fibroblast and Mrs. N. Williams for his guidance Pathology Department, Royal Women’s cultures, Mrs. J. Yeats for her excellent in the density separation procedures. technical REFERENCES 1. Nowell chromosome leukemia. PC, Hungerford DA: A minute in human chronic granulocytic Science 132:1497, 1960 2. Nowell PC, Hungerford DA: Chromosome studies in human leukemia. II. Chronic grant,locytic leukemia. J NatI Cancer Inst 27:1013, 1961 3. Tough IM, Court Brown WM, Bakie AG, Buck ton KE, Hardon DG, Jacobs PA, King MJ, McBride JA: Cytogenetic studies in chronic myeloid leukaemia and acute leukaemia associated with mongolism. 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For personal use only. 1974 43: 15-22 Evidence for the Clonal Origin of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia From a Sex Chromosome Mosaic: Clinical, Cytogenetic, and Marrow Culture Studies M. A.S. Moore, H. Ekert, M. G. Fitzgerald and A. Carmichael Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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