Here's - Iao School

Dear Iao Ohana,
Happy holidays to you and your family. Please be safe, stay healthy, and take care of
one another during this special time of the year.
Just a quick reminder.......
The last day of school before Winter break is this Friday, December 19, 2014, from 7:45
a.m. to 2:45 p.m. All students return to school on Tuesday, January 13, 2015.
On another fine note, please take the time to read your TiGeR UPBEAT emails at the
beginning of a new week for any updates and important information related to your
child's education.
With warmest aloha,
Lorene, PCNC
Menus for the Week of December 15-19, 2014:
December 15
Tuesday, December
December 17
December 18
Friday, December
BREAKFASTCinnamon Waffle,
Sausage Links,
Apple Juice,
BREAKFASTBreakfast Burrito,
WG Toast, Grape
Juice, Pears
or Cold Cereal,
Yogurt, Cranraisins,
BREAKFASTFrench Toast, Grape
Juice, Papaya and
Choice: Cold
Cereal, WG Toast,
Grape Juice, Pears
No Choice Menu
LUNCH - Creole
LUNCH - Chicken
Choice: Cold
Cereal, WG Toast,
Grape Juice,
Papaya and
Sausage, Rice,
Apple Juice, Mixed
Choice: Cold
Cereal, WG Toast,
Apple Juice,
LUNCH - Hot Dog
LUNCH - Tuna on
WG Bun
Choice: Cold
Cereal, WG Toast,
Apple Juice, Mixed
LUNCH - Roast
Special thanks to you for doing wonderful things to make other
people happy. You are appreciated by showing your kindness
and generosity.
>7th & 8th Grade Band Winter Concert on December 9 at Maui
Thank you to the Band Booster, transportation volunteers and the parents who helped
set up and break down for the concert at the mall. Also, many thanks to the families,
Administration, teachers, staff, and people in the community for coming to support the
band program. But, most importantly, a "BIG" applause to the band students for
dedicating many hours of practice time to make the music sound fantastic on concert
>The Hour of Code - Computer Science Week
The Iao Ohana would like to recognize and thank the following families for
coming to our Hour of Code parent nights, December 10th and 11th. They got
to experience first-hand what their students were doing for Hour of Code... and
they had a great time doing it.
The families of: Jazmine Berrios, Kekala Delatori, Natasha Guico, Jake Takaesu,
La`akea Cockett, Alicia Garcia, Jefferson Tan, Evan Reed, Dylan Maeda (came in
both nights)
Mekenzie Schwindler, Jasmine Houghton, Hosia Hosia, Cy Nishimoto, Jolee
Correa, Micah Akahoshi, Arron Sumabat, Alyssa Jones, Jayden Eladnani-Tempo
(came both nights), Mitchell Megla, Shania, Sharisse and Tyler Pinheiro.
>Science Fair Judges - December 4
On behalf of Iao School, we would like to thank the following people for helping
judge our science fair held December 4th. We greatly appreciate your help in making
our science fair a huge success.
2014 Iao School December 4th Science Fair Judges List:
Monsanto(13): Marilyn York, Ajay Jones, Dustin Alderks, Weston Rathje, Nate Dorsey,
Jason Brown, Jamie Davidson, Carol Reimann, David Case, Mario Gaggero, Jenna
Bogen, Tim Stevens, John Anderson
DLNR (3): Russell Sparks, Kristy Stone, Skippy Hau
Maui School Garden Network(1): Lehn Huff
MPD(1): Anthony Earles
Thanks again!
>PCNC Volunteers
Students: David Enomoto, Jordan Soon, Melyssa Anne Mindoro, Joyce Lamille,
and Genrose Sillo
>MyCoke Reward Points
Businesses: Uptown Chevron, Ichiban Okazuya (Wailuku)
My apologies to the those whose name was not mentioned above.
2014-2015 Calendar of Events
8th Grade Iao Band Winter Concert
8th Grade Band Waihe'e & Wailuku Elementary School Concert Tour
Renaissance 1st Quarter Activity
Deadline for Quarter 2 Renaissance Community Service Form
8th Grade Band Pu'u Kukui Elementary School Concert Tour
School Assembly
Last Day for After-School Program
2nd Quarter/1st Semester Ends
Tutti Frutti Fundraiser
Winter Break starts
January 2015
Happy New Year!
Winter Break ends
Teacher Work Day - No Students
Teacher Professional Day #2 - No Students
All students return to school/3rd Quarter begins
Martin Luther King Day - No School
Quarter 2/1st Semester Report Card
District Spelling Bee
6th Grade Semester Outing
Select Band Auditions
Here's What's Going On at Iao School
1. Music Notes..........Parents, Families, Teachers, Staff and the Community
are invited to attend!
8th Grade Iao Band Winter Concert
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Queen Ka'ahumanu Center Stage
6:00 p.m.
Following Iao School's performance is Baldwin High School's Concert Band under the direction of
Mr. Stephen Rodrigues. Please stay and support our complex high school!
More music reminders for the 8th grade band students:
December 17: 8th Grade Band Waihe'e & Wailuku Elementary School Concert Tour
December 19: 8th Grade Band Pu'u Kukui Elementary School Concert Tour
2. Quarter 2 Renaissance Community Service Form(s) due by or on
Thursday, December 18
If your child did community service for Renaissance in Quarter 2, the form(s)
are due to the homeroom teacher by or on Thursday, December 18. No late
form(s) will be accepted after December 18th. Any questions re: Renaissance,
please call Mr. Rodney Villarosa at (808) 984-5610 ext. 249 or email:
3. Renaissance 1st Quarter Activity movie title is
The 1st Quarter Renaissance movie title has been changed to "The Hobbit" instead of
"Big Hero 6". The movie is rated PG-13 and will be playing at the Ka'ahumanu Theatre
on Thursday. December 18.
4. Iao School Science Fair winners will compete in the 56th
Annual Maui Schools' Science & Engineering Fair
Over 200 science projects judged on December 4th, were displayed in the Iao
School library. One six grader and twenty-two 7th grade students will compete
in the 56th Annual Maui Schools' Science and Engineering Fair early next year.
Mahalo to the teachers, parents and mentors who have guided the students
through the inquiry process, research and analysis of data. Congratulations to
everyone who participated in the Science Fair and especially to the following
students who were awarded top honors and a trophy. They are: Liam Caldwell
(6th grade); Kylie Ginoza, Lindsey Kimoto, Lauryn Ige, Tiffany Kawamura,
Kristy Kimura, Declan Levin, Ella Mitnick, Joseph Paci, Shania Lee, Skylar
Masuda, Alex Taber, Julian Arcangel, Kristen Takamiya, Jayda Corpuz, Adam
Yamashita, Marisa Luna, Kazzandra Anton, Kayla Fernandez, Adam Nassar,
Jayden Eladnani-Tempo, Bailey Alueta, Nico Wittenburg, and Cody-John
5. Meals
Iao School ID cards are required for all students to receive school
breakfast/lunch. If a student loses his/her ID card, a replacement must be
purchased (the initial ID is free; replacements are $5.00). ID cards verify a
student's account status (free, reduced or balance of accounts). Paying
students (full or reduced may deposit (cash only) into their accounts before
classes begin and during morning recess in the cafeteria/main office.
Students are asked to use the meal deposit envelopes located in the main
6. Bus Transportation
The bus fare is administered through a pre-paid bus pass system. Bus payments
(cash only) for 3rd quarter is now being accepted at the main office.
*Quarterly One-Way Pass = $36.00
*Quarterly Round Trip = $72.00
*Coupons (per sheet) = $12.50
A Quick Reminder!
>Lost and found items can be picked up at the front office before or after school
and during morning recess.
>For safety reasons, parents/guardians are asked not to drop off
and pick-up your child in front of the school. Please use the lower
campus drive-thru.
>Vision Screening Results Are In
The results of the vision screening were distributed in homeroom last week. Parents/
Guardians are advised to ask your child for the vision screening results.
If you have any questions, please call Health Aide Stella Souki at (808) 984-5610 ext.