Woodland Middle School Announcements Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Order your copy of the WMS 2014-2015 Yearbook
WCS Successory Nomination Form
2014-2015 WMS Sweatshirt Order Form
Lost and Found at Woodland
Please check and see if anything belongs to you.
Woodland Middle School Announcements
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Ravenwood High School
Centennial High School
Today’s Happenings…
Students don’t forget to sign up for the Geography Bee. See your Social
Studies teacher today! Sign-ups run through today - Wednesday, November
19th. All those who sign up will take a qualifying test on Thursday, November
20th or Friday, November 21st.
The Woodland Band is Selling Cookies!
The sale will end tomorrow - November 20th and cookies will be delivered
the second week of December.
The Woodland Band, Chorus, and Orchestra are selling Southern Cooking Cookies. They
are $16 per 2 ½ pound box or tub. The boxes are pre-cut cookies and the tubs are
“scoop and cook”. None of the cookies are made with egg, so they are safe to eat raw. If
they remain frozen they will be good until February. The profits from this sale will pay
for each band student’s trip to our spring festival in Gatlinburg in April. All checks
should be made out to WMS. Thank you for your support!
Woodland was well represented at the YMCA’s 26th annual Model United
Nations Conference. Hyungtaek Shin, Ishan Sathe, Lany Sharara and Alak
Johnson won Outstanding Resolution for their resolution “Funding Iraqi
Oil Companies.” Performing a hat trick Emily Gwydir won Outstanding
Delegate for the third year in a row. In addition, the following students also
won for Outstanding Delegate: Ishan Sathe, Grace Crossley, Lauren Link
and Julia Thieme. Great job students! Ms. Fane will meet with all of her
students today.
*Parents please do not pick up your students in the Somerset neighborhood
at the end of the day*
We need your help at the intersection of Crockett Road and Volunteer Parkway.
Apparently there have been several close calls while students are crossing the road in the
crosswalk. We are concerned for the safety of all our students so please be aware when
proceeding through this intersection that children are present. Thank you for your help.
Early Dismissal Process
Parents, If your child is going to be dismissed early, please have them bring
a note to the office in the morning so that they can get a blue slip. It is the
student’s responsibility to leave class at the time on their blue slip.
Schedules change and students are not always in the class indicated on the
computer. We understand that sometimes appointments are made after the
student has come to school. In that case, please call the school in advance of
you coming to the school. Students are not permitted to leave their class to
wait for you, without a blue slip. Thanks for your cooperation!
POWER MONDAYS for remainder of the first semester: December 8th
The Book Fair is coming up after Thanksgiving break. Check out all the
information on the library website and be sure to enter one or more of the
contests. There’s the hazardous snowman, historical fiction poem or short
story and comic contest. All entries are due December 1st. See Mrs.
Anderson with any questions.
YEARBOOK SALE! The price of the yearbook is $45.
JOB #: 2516
Order online: www.yearbookordercenter.com
Over the phone: 1.866.287.3096
Via mail: An order form has been mailed to your home, or you can print the one
attached. Fill it out and return it with a check. Do not send cash in the mail.
*All ordering is done directly through Herff Jones Yearbook Company. Do not send any
orders to school.
**Reminder for Dress Code – If you are wearing leggings make sure your top
is fingertip length.**
Woodland Middle School’s Winter Dance Friday, December
5th. 7th and 8th grade Dance sponsored by the Student Council to help
fund holiday projects will be held from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. for WMS
students only, admission $5 at the door.
This is an important announcement for all band students: Remember that
today is a double band day. You will report to the auditorium for both your
band class and your focus/enrichment class.
Here are some very important reminders about the band concert this week.
Please read thoroughly and respond to (jaym@wcs.edu) for the questions
at the bottom.
1:00 –Concert for the 5th graders (attire: blue jeans and black band hoodie)
2:45 – All band students should go home except for band officers
2:45-5:30 – Decorate and set-up for chili dinner
5:00 – All chili entries due in the cafeteria (please sign up on sign-up genius to enter a
pot of chili)
6:00 – All band students should be in the auditorium to warm-up
6:45 – Doors to the auditorium will be unlocked for the public (as you enter please move
to the center for the rows so that we can use all of the seats)
7:00 – Concert begins (student attire: formals – tuxes for boys and black dresses or
skirts for the girls)
8:15 – Concert concludes (no need to help tear down band set-up)
How many from your family will be attending the concert? (not counting band
How many from your family will be attending the chili dinner? (counting band
students) (see list attached to this email, if you do not see your name, please let me
know how many are coming)
Will you be making chili? If so sign up on sign-up
genius. www.SignUpGenius.com/go/60B0E4AAAAF2E5-woodland/8360335
Currently we have 25 pots and need a few more to feed the amount of people
coming. Please consider entering a pot of chili.
The Morning Chorus will rehearse tomorrow morning from 7-7:20 a.m. in the music
room in preparation for the holiday concert. Please plan to attend.
Ultimate Frisbee – No Ultimate Frisbee today.
Dance Team – All Dance Team members met with Mrs. Lamm this morning after the
announcements to pick up team pictures if you ordered them.
Wrestling - Cameron Miles and Jake Rath both scored pins as the Woodland Wrestlers
finished up their regular season against the Page Panthers. The Warriors will participate
in the WMAA County Tournament this Friday and Saturday at Summit High School.
Soccer - The Lady Warrior Soccer Team braved the below freezing weather yesterday to
travel to Freedom to get the win 3-1! Sierra Hetherington got the first goal with an assist
by Avery McMullen, and then Avery got the next 2 goals with assists from Tori Case and
Cassidy Fesmire! The teams play their last game of the regular season tomorrow as we
host Brentwood at Crockett Park!
Basketball – Please see attachments for Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball Tryout information.
Newspaper – The Newspaper will meet today in lab 209 until 3:30 p.m. Please be
ready to work on new article and have your rides here at 3:30 p.m.
Chess Club - Chess club will meet this Thursday in the sunroom until 3:45 p.m.
Creative Writing Club – Creative Writing Club is Thursday after school until 3:45
Art Club – There is NO Art Club on Friday.
Math Team – The Math Team will compete today from 3-3:30 p.m. in the Math
Olympiad. The competition will be in Mrs. Hauck’s room. New members are welcome.
DECEMBER PTO MEETING - Dr. Looney will join us for our December PTO
meeting Friday, December 5th at 10:00.
WMS Sweatshirts
The Woodland PTO will be taking orders for WMS sweatshirts just in time for the
holidays. We are offering 3 types of sweatshirts: (1) black with white lettering featuring a
brushed inner layer and a quick-drying, lightweight outer layer, (2) red and black colorspliced in a 65/35 cotton/poly fleece, and (3) a classic style black with red lettering in a
50/50 cotton/poly fleece. Pictures, prices and sizes are on the attached order
form. Please complete the order form and return it with your check to the WMS office by
Friday, November 21st in order for us to deliver the merchandise before students get
out for the holidays. Merchandise will be delivered to students through their homeroom
teacher, however, if you want to order a sweatshirt as a gift, please mark “GIFT” on your
order form and include an email address or phone number so that we can contact you to
pick up your item directly. Please contact Debra Enderle at debraenderle@comcast.net
with any questions.
Please click on the link below to see if you are missing any items that
remain in our lost and found.
Join Us For The Annual Ravenwood High School Holiday Home Tour on
Sunday, December 7th from 2-5pm!
Tickets to this Ravenwood tradition go on sale November 11th. This year’s tour will
feature something for everyone — including several homes new to the tour. And for the
first time ever, each home will feature special holiday entertainment. Pre-paid tickets
are $13 or $15 at the door. Or, for $20 you can purchase the Holiday Home Tour Package
which includes a ticket, a limited edition Ravenwood ornament, and a complimentary
coffee or cocoa at the tour (quantities are limited on this package so buy yours today!).
Tickets can be purchased at pto4ravenwood.com/teams/team-2018/.
Please join us for our annual Centennial Holiday Craft Show, sponsored by
the CHS PTSO. In addition to being one of the region’s best shows with over 160 artisans
from 12 states, our warm, indoor venue raises thousands of dollars each year for
classroom technology and other teacher grants. Get ahead of Black Friday this year and
join us on campus Nov 22-23rd for all your holiday shopping! Parking is free with
additional parking on Saturday at the McEwen Office Tower with free shuttle service.
Visit us at www.centennialholidayshow.com . ***Print attached flyer and bring to the
show for a door prize drawing***
Advanced Placement Information Night is set for Monday, Jan. 6, from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m
at Ravenwood High School. The evening will begin in the Ravenwood RPAC. This
session will provide information about Advanced Placement courses for all rising 9th
through 12th grade students who are interested in taking an AP course next year
AND/OR who are currently taking an AP course. Parents and students are encouraged to
attend to hear what to expect from the teachers who teach the respective AP courses!
Williamson County Schools is committed in its fight against bullying. Earlier this year
the district unveiled a new anti-bullying hotline. Parents and students are encouraged to
call the hotline if they have witnessed or know of instances of bullying. The toll free
number is 1-855-284-0669. Incidents can also be reported via email at