Sa n R a f a e l Catholic Church 17252 Bernardo Center Drive San Diego, CA 92128 Phone (858)487-4314 Fax (858)487-1498 December 21, 2014 MSGR. DENNIS L. MIKULANIS, PASTOR Deacon Ward Thompson, Pastoral Assistant MASS SCHEDULE: DAILY | Morning Prayer from the Divine Office Monday through Saturday 7:45 a.m. Mass 8:00 a.m. ~ Rosary and Divine Mercy Devotion immediately following the Mass Saturday 5:00 p.m. ~ Sunday 7:30. 9:00. 10:30 a.m. & 12:00 noon HOLY HOUR | Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Blessed Sacrament Chapel FIRST FRIDAY | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after the 8:00 a.m. Mass until 12:00 noon Benediction FIRST SATURDAY | Devotions after the 8:00 a.m. Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION | Saturdays, 3:30 p.m. Also by appointment. BAPTISM | For information call the parish office at (858)487-4314. MARRIAGE | Couple must contact the parish office. Please give nine months notice. Fourth Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 Our Christmas schedule of Masses is as follows: December 24, Christmas Eve 4:00 p.m. in the church with Msgr. Cuddihy and Deacon Ward preaching. and the parish hall with Msgr. Dennis (Children are invited to bring the figure of Baby Jesus from the family Nativity Scene to be blessed). “The child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.” ~ Luke 1:35 From the Desk of Msgr. Dennis e-mail: The circle is complete. All four candles on the Advent Wreath are lit and we wait in eager anticipation for the celebration of Christmas Day when Christ the Light of the World pushes back the loveless cold, dark, night of sin. The lights on the Advent Wreath and the Christmas Trees, both made of evergreen which symbolize constant hope and eternal life, show us the path God sets before us to bring us into the garden of paradise originally prepared for us but which was lost by the disobedience of humanity by rejecting His will. How blessed we are as Christians to have heard and accepted the good news of salvation brought to us by the Word made flesh in the person of Jesus Christ! How blessed we are as Christians to be able to sing “Joy to the world, the Lord is come” and proclaim His presence among us! How blessed we are as Christians to know God’s abiding presence and love as members of His community the Church! So get ready! Anticipate with joy the coming festival of that “Holy Night” where, with a “thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices” that “God and sinners reconciled!” Sing out those Christmas carols and pay attention to the words. Read through all of the verses and silently at first then exuberantly praise God for His loving kindness toward us! How blessed we are as Christians! Remember, Christmas does not end on Christmas Day; it is only beginning. Don’t be too quick to take down the decorations and throw out the tree. Leave them up for a while, at least until New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day. The Nativity scene, though, should be left up until after Epiphany. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! (ADULTS PLEASE: This Mass is primarily for our children and young families. If you come, be expecting 1) chaos, 2) no saving of seats for late arriving family members). 6:00 p.m. with Msgr. Finnerty and Deacon Ward preaching 10:00 p.m. with Msgr. Dennis, Deacon Len and Deacon Ward December 25: Christmas Day 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. There will be no confessions heard at San Rafael this week as ample opportunity has been given for confession both here at the parish and at the Penance Services of our neighboring parishes. YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS are signs of the love and esteem you have for your loved ones. As you are giving gifts please don’t forget to give a small, extra gift to your parish in the Christmas offering. Your donations help us to continue to provide ministry to our parish, especially when the Sunday offering is rather “lean” and we have to pay our bills. CHRISTMAS PARKING: Please try to maintain your Christmas goodwill as you enter and exit the parking lot! We will have security guards on the property during all of the Christmas Eve Masses to help with security and the flow of traffic. Please do NOT park in the Fire Lanes or in unmarked places. Attendance will be higher than usual at Mass, so please plan to arrive early to find parking and seating (last year, the lot was full at 3:30 p.m.). PLEASE NOTE: The parish offices will close at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, December 23, for our parish staff Christmas luncheon. December 24, Christmas Eve, the offices will close at noon and not open again for regular business until Monday, December 29. THANK YOU to all of our parishioners who have blessed our parish staff with gifts of cookies, pastries, chocolates, “adult” beverages and your supporting, loving presence. San Rafael is the best parish in the Diocese of San Diego and it is all because of you the parishioners! God bless you all and Merry Christmas! READINGS FOR THE WEEK 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 Monday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Thursday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Friday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Saturday: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:1221 [12-17] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] Today: This Christmas mend a quarrel… seek out a forgotten friend… dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust…write a letter…share some treasure…give a soft answer…encourage youth…manifest your loyalty in word and deed… keep a promise…find the time…forego a grudge… forgive an enemy…listen…apologize if you were wrong… try to understand…reject envy as unworthy…examine your demands on others…be kind, be gentle…laugh a little…laugh a little more…express your gratitude…go to church… welcome a stranger…gladden the heart of a child…seek out one who might be lonesome…take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth…speak your love… speak it again… speak it once more… speak it forever! Saints & Special Observances Sunday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Fourth Sunday of Advent; Winter begins St. John of Kanty The Vigil of Christmas The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) St. Stephen; First Day of Kwanzaa St. John This Week’s Mass Intentions Sunday, 12/21: Monday, 12/22: 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Joselito Crisostomo Pro Populo Paul Dohna RIP Frank Tocko RIP RIP 8:00 a.m. Joey Enriquez RIP Raymond Robel RIP Tuesday, 12/23: 8:00 a.m. Katherine Ann Gorman RIP Elizabeth Mulvey RIP Wednesday, 12/24: 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Ed Stump RIP Celebrant’s Intentions Celebrant’s Intentions Celebrant’s Intentions Thursday, 12/25: 8:00 a.m. Pro Populo 10:00 a.m. Celebrant’s Intentions Friday, 12/26: 8:00 a.m. J. Ben Thompson RIP . The Roesser Family RIP Saturday, 12/27: 8:00 a.m. Mary Louise Russo RIP 5:00 p.m. Elmer Lee RIP Sunday, 12/28: 7:30 a.m. Jim Roarty RIP 9:00 a.m. Pro Populo 10:30 a.m. Leroy & Geraldine Harris 12:00 p.m. Arsenia Bella RIP PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED RIP FOR: Arthur, Barbara Athans, Stephanie Baker, D. Barnes, Joyce Barnhart, Bill, Midge Born, Bob Bowman, Mary Jo Breen, Jane Ellen Burr, Jim Busby, Philip Cailing, Martin Cervantes, Jim and Saundra Checco, Dot Coffey, Lillian Connole, Aurea Convento, Alma Cushing, Dan, Patricia De la Rosa, Elaine Del Fiore, Penny Dokmo, Dee Dee and Nicole Dufresne, Louisa Dussault, Janice and Venus Edlefsen, Patrick Fallon, Art Feltes, Julie Fish, Jean Fitzpatrick, Frank, Michael & Bunny Galasso, Nancy Jennings, Tony Garczynski and Family, Shirley Graham, Lee Grant, Jessica, Fiona Johnston, Robin Hall, Butch Haltman, Joyce Harvey, Dick Headly, Dave H., John Hofstetter, Julie Horwedel, Mark Kaiser, Margaret Kamensky, Spencer Kerr, Sherwin Kimble, Bill Kleine, Robert Koehn, Peter Koucky, George Kunberger, Vincent LaBerge, Sue Lathroum, David Lee, Lou Luebbert, James Patrick Lydon, Charlie McElhinney, Danielle Michalik, James Michalik, Charles Mitchell, Ricky Mosler, Gloria Noel, Michelle Oakland, Susan O’Donnell, Joan O’Hara, Linda O’Leary, Doug Orvis, Josephine Pogorzala, Yvonne Polich, Ed Pugh, Esther Ramey, Phyllis Reeg, Joey Reyno, Renee Richardson, Carroll Roarty, Liz Ross, Patty Ruttencutter, Ryan, Em Saracino, Mariam Scarpa, Candida Segoria, Cecilia Seid, Sophia, Sue, Gene Thomas, Ernie Trombino, Eric and Fred Vornheder, Jerry Wall, Lloyd and Marie Wilson, Gloria Winship and Mary Zimmerman. We are happy to list parishioners’ names who request our prayers in the bulletin. However, we have had trouble in keeping the list up-to-date. Many people forget to let us know when to take a name off the list and, as a result, our list becomes HUGE and outdated. We will list names for prayer requests for one month. After the last Sunday of the month the names on the list will be taken off and a new prayer request list will be published the first Sunday of the month. If someone wishes to have a name remembered again, the name must be re-submitted to the office. This will assure that we keep an upto-date and more readable list. Religious Education High School Youth Ministry e-mail: Chris O’Donnell (858)487-4314, ext. 1224 e-mail: Maria Yam (858)487-0491 or (858)487-4314, ext. 1202 Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and 1:30-5:30 p.m. Closed on Fridays. e-mail: (858)487-4314, ext. 1217 Youth Ministry Website: CHRISTMAS BREAK: There are no religious education classes for grades 1-5 for the next two weeks (December 22-25 and December 29-January 1) in honor of Christmas and the celebration of the New Year. Classes will resume the week of January 5-8. CONFIRMATION CLASSES: 1st Year Candidates: Dec. 21 – No classes Dec. 28 – No classes Jan. 4 – Entrance Ritual 12:00 p.m. Mass with Sponsor Class with Sponsor 1:00-:200 p.m., Room A-B 2nd Year Candidates: Dec. 21 – No classes Dec. 28 – No classes Jan. 4 – Confirmation Session, 6:00-8:00 PM, Room H YOUTH EVENTS: The practice is TODAY, Sunday, December 21, at 2:00 p.m. Middle School Ministry e-mail: (858)487-4314, ext. 1217 Youth Ministry Website: STILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY? Pick up a registration packet from the main office. Have a schedule conflict this semester? No need to worry, we have open enrollment throughout the year. Fee: $70 one child, $80 two children. UPCOMING CLASSES: December 25 – No classes. Merry Christmas! January 1 – No Classes. Happy New Year! National Catholic Youth Conference - November 1822, 2015 - Join Us! Time to plan ahead! Signup to attend the largest gathering of Catholic youth in the United States: NCYC in Indianapolis. NCYC has been described by youth, priests, and other adults as deeply faith-filled, action-packed, and fun! The participants experience inspiring liturgies and prayer experiences, great speakers and clean entertainment during the conference. Approximate cost of trip: $800 per person. Please contact Lailani to sign-up. Worship Wednesdays: Come connect with other teens as we meet Christ in worship and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Experience God deeply in word and deed and be inspired to love radically. 6:00-7:00 p.m. Worship in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel 7:00-8:00 p.m. Faith Fellowship in the Youth Center December 24 & December 31: No Worship January 7: San Rafael Parish Young Adult Ministry January 8 – Classes are back in session. All classes are held from 6:45-8:00 p.m. 6th Grade: Rm H - 7th Grade: Rm J - 8th Grade: Rm D MIDDLE SCHOOL EVENTS Ultimate Fun Night: Friday, January 16, 7:00-9:00 p.m., in the Youth Center. Come and bring your friends for a night of fun and games! Parents are welcome to chaperone and join in the fun. It’s guaranteed to be ULTIMATE! Theme: A Night at the Theater YOUNG ADULT NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION: Looking for a great way to start the new year and an alternative to the party scene? Then, join other young adults (ages 18-39) on Tuesday, December 31, at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish to be a light to the world and ring in the New Year with Jesus and His peace, love and joy! The evening will start at 9:00 p.m. with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 10:00 p.m. Holy Mass, and a party from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. in the hall. The church is located at 1629 Columbia St, SD 92101. This is a free event. All are welcome! For information contact Nathan at (619)415-3024 or Adult Education e-mail: (858)487-4314, ext. 1224 Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and 1:30-5:30 p.m. Closed on Fridays. LORD, TEACH ME TO PRAY IGNATIAN PRAYER EXPERIENCE: We are excited at San Rafael to begin this wonderful twelve week series on “Praying the Virtues” through the Ignatian method of prayer. This series helps to deepen one’s prayer life and how to handle issues such as dryness in the spiritual life through prayer, meditation, contemplation, and the examen in a small group setting with one or two facilitators. It will begin on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 and will meet every Tuesday consecutively ending on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. One must contact the facilitator in order to take part in this great opportunity to expand your prayer life and draw closer to God. There will be two groups: The Men’s Group which meets on Tuesdays in Meeting Room G upstairs in the Pastoral Center from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Please contact Michael Burke at to register (you must register to participate). The Women’s Group which meets on Tuesdays in Meeting Room C upstairs in the Pastoral Center from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This session is at full capacity and is now closed. Please contact Letitia Sokoll at to be placed on a waiting list. WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY: Our upcoming Bible study beginning January 26-28 will be “The Letter to the Colossians” and we have two meeting options available (same study): Mondays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Meeting Rooms H & I upstairs in the Pastoral Center. Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in Meeting Rooms H & I upstairs in the Pastoral Center. The Wednesday class only has free babysitting available in the church meeting room. There is no cost and you can start at any time you wish. We’d love to have you there: Bring your Bible and a friend! SAVE THIS DATE: Bishop Robert Brom is coming to San Rafael on Saturday, January 31, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon to present on “Missionary Disciples: The New Evangelization.” Be sure to mark your calendar to hear this exciting presentation from our very own retired bishop! Music Ministry Notes E-mail: (858)487-4314, ext. 1225 THANK YOU to all who attended (and sang!) last Sunday’s Christmas Concert. We are grateful to our participating Parish Choirs which include the Handbell Choir (Kathleen Sand and Nick Heye, CoDirectors), the Contemporary Choirs and our Traditional Choir (Therese Bulat, Director). We thank as well our Parish Organist, Jim Thompson, and all our fine singers and instrumentalists who helped make the concert such a great success! Finally, we thank Veronica Coleman and the ladies of the parish for a wonderful reception. Everyone in San Rafael’s Music Ministry wishes you a Blessed and Merry Christmas! Liturgy Ministries THE DIVINE MERCY GROUP gathers every weekday, Monday through Friday, in the Chapel following the 8:00 a.m. daily Mass. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BRING UP THE OFFERTORY ON CHRISTMAS? Are you celebrating an anniversary, birthday or have always wanted to bring up the Gifts of Bread and Wine? Sign-up sheets are available on the lime green clipboard on the ledge behind the cry room. Or, you can e-mail May Pidding at if you forget to sign up at church. Please leave your phone number so we can call to remind you. Please to be sure to wear appropriate church attire. DO YOU HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER THAT IS IN THE HOSPITAL OR HOMEBOUND? Parishioners who have recently been in the hospital and are unable to attend Mass or homebound members who wish to receive Communion may contact the parish office at (858)487-4314. Please leave your contact name, address and phone number to request San Rafael Ministers to the Homebound bring Communion. You need not be on the list indefinitely, only until you are able to return to regular Mass attendance. “MASS TAXI:” If you need a ride to Mass or can provide a ride for someone in your neighborhood, please call Ron or Maryann Lorenz at (858)485-6696, or e-mail If you need a ride, please try to give as much notice as you can. Last Area Advent Reconciliation Service December 22 St. Mary (Escondido), 7:00 p.m. Ministry News GIVING TREE: It’s a baby shower for the unborn at Life Choices Pregnancy Center. This center has been a life source for many women in our community contemplating abortion. They are in desperate need of donations of clothing, formula, diapers, etc. Women’s Fellowship invites all parishioners to select an item from one of the ornaments on the Giving Tree in the church vestibule throughout the month of December. (Please note: It is not necessary to remove the ornaments from the tree, just make a note of what the gift is and leave the ornament in its place for the next person.) Bring back your unwrapped gift or gift card and place in the container next to the tree. Thank you for your generosity toward our endeavor to replenish the baby closet at the center! A BIG “THANK YOU!” goes to the dental office of Valerie Sacknoff, DDS, and to the dental office of Craig Rubinoff, DDS, for their generous donations of tooth brushes and toothpaste for our guests temporarily residing at the San Rafael Winter Homeless Shelter. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Join us for our Food Packaging Project to be held Saturday morning, January 17, 2015. Our donation board is outside the church if you wish to contribute and we will need plenty of volunteers to package the food. Thank you to all who have already donated and or signed up to pack meals. Your generosity is so greatly appreciated! Thank you for your participation! Pro-Life Ministry NEW WORKSHOP COMING: We kick off our much anticipated 14-week Relationship Skills Workshop on Wednesday, January 7, at 7:00 p.m. Drop in for one, several or all sessions. Babysitting will be provided for a nominal fee. Please contact for childcare services. ONE LIFE WALK: We are looking forward to the OneLife Walk in LA on Saturday, January 17, where all people are invited to join us in declaring a commitment to valuing and protecting all human life, particularly the most vulnerable in our community. A bus will be chartered from San Rafael for a round trip fee of $25 per person. Please visit to purchase tickets. For more information please visit You are cordially invited to A Birthday Celebration! Guest of honor: Jesus Christ Date: Every day. Traditionally, December 25, but He’s always around, so the date is flexible… Time: Whenever you’re ready… (Please don’t be late, though, or you’ll miss out on all the fun!) Place: In your heart… He’ll meet you there. (You’ll hear Him knock.) Attire: Come as you are…‘grubbies’ are okay. He’ll be washing our clothes anyway. He said something about new white robes and crowns for everyone who stays ‘till the last. Tickets: Admission is free. He’s already paid for everyone… (He says you wouldn’t have been able to afford it anyway…it cost Him everything He had. But you do need to accept the ticket!) Refreshments: New wine, bread, and a far-out drink He calls “Living water,” followed by a supper that promises to be out of this world! Gift Suggestions: Your life. He’s one of those people who already has everything else. (He’s very generous in return though. Just wait until you see what He has for you!) Entertainment: Joy, Peace, Truth, Light, Love, Real Happiness, Communion with God, Forgiveness, Miracles, Healing, Power, Eternity in Paradise, Contentment, and much more! (All “G” rated, so bring your family and friends.) R.S.V.P. Very important! He must know ahead so He can reserve a spot for you at the table. Also, He’s keeping a list of His friends for future reference. He calls it the “Lamb’s Book of Life.” Party being given by His Kids (that’s us!)! Hope to see you there! For those of you whom I will see at the party, share this with someone today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS! Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb! - Revelation 19:7-9 From the Parish Office E-mail: Phone: (858)487-4314, Fax (858)487-1498 Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12:00 to 12:45 p.m.) Saturday: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Parish Finances e-mail: The net amount needed each week for the maintenance and ministry of the parish (salaries and benefits for our workers, liturgies, sacraments, utilities, religious education subsidy, repairs and ongoing maintenance) $27,250 Amount received in last Sunday’s offering: PARISH OFFICES WILL CLOSE at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, December 23, so our parish staff can have their annual Christmas party. Monday, December 22 Tuesday, December 23 Wednesday, December 24 Thursday, December 25 Friday, December 26 Saturday, December 27 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Monday, December 29 Tuesday, December 30 Wednesday, December 31 Thursday, January 1 Friday, January 2 Saturday, January 3 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CLOSED 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. The deadline for bulletin announcements is Mondays at 9:00 a.m. You may submit them in person, fax them to (858)4871498, “Attention: Cheryl” or e-mail them directly to Please be sure to keep them as brief as possible. The deadline for submitting altar announcements is Thursdays by 3:30 p.m. Submit them in person, fax or e-mail them to Msgr. Dennis at PARISH DEATH & FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Anyone who is interested in receiving e-mail notification of parish death and funeral announcements can be added to our mailing list. Send a request by e-mail to Funeral announcements are also posted on our parish website on the “Liturgy” page. $ TBA IF YOU HAVE MOVED within the last year, please make sure that the parish office has your change of address. If you have an e-mail address and/or cell phone number you would like the parish to have, please notify us of that as well. Our year-end tax statements will be sent out in January and it is important that we get all addresses updated in time for that mailing. December is also a good time to check on the total of your contributions for 2014 prior to the December 31 tax year deadline. You may do so by calling the parish office, (858)487-4314 between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. You may also e-mail your change of address to “San Rafael Catholic Church” We are up to 242 followers! THE GIFT OF GENEROSITY: This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported San Rafael this past year with their time, talent and financial contributions and look forward to support from all of our members in the year ahead. If you need a convenient way to make regular offerings or if you plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to look into our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. Visit and click on the “Online Giving” button or contact the parish office for more information. REMEMBER YOUR PARISH IN YOUR WILL. The work our parish accomplishes continues through the thoughtfulness of our parishioners who remember us in bequests and wills. Please consider remembering the parish in your bequest and will. The bequest should be listed as a beneficiary, “Pastor of San Rafael Parish of San Diego, a Corporation Sole. Federal ID #27-3859305.” Long after a faithful Christian has departed this life, that person’s name and generosity can be continued through the religious education program, outreach to the poor, building fund, youth ministry or any other number of worthy parish causes by remembering San Rafael Parish in the individual’s will or trust. This would truly be a lasting legacy for anyone! INCOME TAXES, ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Are you taking advantage of all the deductions available to you? Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. JULIE R. DHINGRA, CPA (858) 673-0620 LORENZ INTERIORS Maryann Lorenz ASID, CID (858) 673-0453 858-676-6165 • Individual, Partnership, Corporation, & Trust • Tax Preparation • Set Up New Business YOUR ONLY SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR DECORATING NEEDS! Your Rancho Bernardo Specialist! Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al ompanion n o s r Pe rC Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be UNIQUE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN WITH YOUR BUDGET MIND. CARLA MOLINO, SRES®, ABR® REALTOR® CalBRE# 01271186 (858) 487-3333 BUSINESS (858) 676-6193 DIRECT LINE Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 16363 Bernardo Center Drive San Diego, CA 92128 CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, 860.399.1785 Brian or Sally, coordinators PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA We Make Remodeling Easy Over 8,000 Satisfied Customers Certified Bath & Kitchen Designers 2500 Sq. Ft Showroom ................... ................... Five Year Workmanship Warranty Complete price guarantee, no surprises! (858) 413-2305 Finding a Great Plumber Doesn’t Have to be a Draining Experience! (858) 486-4070 License # 938964 Owned by Michael & Rachael De Silva 10% OFF TO MILITARY AND SENIORS $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Owners Joe & Patty Christenson 12147 Kirkham Road. Poway, CA 92064 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Lic. #781576 Alhiser-Comer Mortuary FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1897 Quality, Caring Service for Burial & Cremation 225 S. Broadway, Escondido 92025 FD#297 882740 San Rafael Church (C) (760) 745-2162 ✞ For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 LAW OFFICES OF Handyman Services SUPERIOR CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING PAMELA KLEINKAUF Your One-Stop Shop Hearth & Home Parishioner (858) 675-1105 * Civil Litigation * Wills/Trusts * Business Disputes * Real Property Issues AFFORDABLE RATES Thomas S. Seidel Senior Vice President Financial Advisor Parishioner For Home Repair PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, TILING, SPRINKLERS AND MORE. QUALITY WORK, RELIABLE SERVICE. Berne Mettenleiter (858) 675-7075 Parishioner LIVING TRUST PACKAGE $1495 •TRUST •WILL •POWER OF ATTORNEY •HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE The Law Office of 858-344-5001 Z WATER DAMAGE Michael A. Alfred $20.00 OFF (858) 453-8400 WE ACCEPT HYATT PRE-PAID LEGAL INSURANCE PLANS Following Jesus Every Day: Wealth Management 16644 W. Bernardo Drive Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92127 GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including tel 858 674 3900 direct 858 674 3994 fax 858 674 4844 toll free 800 675 9540 a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! CA Insurance Lic. #OA17341 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 800-566-6150 • *Will donate 10% of first week’s fees to St. Raphael* Patti Anguiano For further information, please call the Parish Office. Caregivers & Companions Affordable in Home Care Available 24/7 Melissa Hinojosa Cell: 760.270.6740 Cell: 760.481.9809 Office: 760.747.7344 P.O. Box 300882 • Escondido, CA 92030 McLean, Rotherham & Co. Gyminny Kids Gymnastics Certified Public Accountants Serving North County Families Since 1987 (858) 451-0204 * Parishioners on Staff 18 mos. - Adults * Tax Preparation • Classes • Camps • B-day Parties & More * Audits/Accounting/Bookkeeping * Free Initial Consultation (858) 487-5751 POWAY ADULT DAY HEALTH CARE 11717 Bernardo Plaza Ct. Ste. 215 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Serving: Poway, MiraMesa, Scripps Ranch, Rancho Bernardo, Rancho Penasquitos, Carmel Mountain and 4S Ranch 12250 Crosthwaite Circle Poway, CA 92064 Phone: 858-748-5044 Visit our New State-of-the-Art Center In the Poway Business Park SPACE AVAILABLE To Advertise Here... Contact BOB HAHN today at (800) 231-0805 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 882740 San Rafael Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Salvatore A. Cafiero Kathleen M. Cafiero 11848 Bernardo Plaza Ct., Suite 210 San Diego, CA 92128 Phone. 858.487.8239 Fax. 858.487.3446 Investments • Insurance • Tax Planning Call John and JoAnne O’Rourke @ 858-735-9117 for all your real estate needs! O’ROURKE REALTY: REFERRED…RESPECTED…RECOMMENDED WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup Professional Real Estate Services …with a personal touch! Now Open 11am-8pm of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. Cal BRE #’s 01314899, 01809999 Everyday 3440 Del Lago Blvd., Escondido, CA 92029 (760) 781-1340 A+ Landscapes 760-522-0760 WHY IS IT? *Landscaping *Pavers *Concrete No job too small, or too LARGE Free Estimates - CA Lic 966746 BBB Member Your ad — Smiles are a gift in any language — Dr. Virginia Padua Mattson 11717 Bernardo Plaza Ct. Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92128 could be in this space! (858) 673-1633 BRE# 01292907 HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC Mama Cella’s CEMETERY & MAUSOLEUM ITALIAN RESTAURANT 45th & Hilltop Drive, San Diego, CA 92102 “Walsh Family” Parishioners Pre-Needed Arrangement is an act of love (858) 613-7770 No Interest Budget Plan / Up to 5 years to pay 16707 Bernardo Center Dr. CATERING AVAILABLE Rev. Msgr. Dennis L. Mikulanis Director of Cemeteries (619) 264-3127 Ask us about hosting your next Breakfast Meeting/Family Gathering Lunch: Mon-Saturday Dinner: 7 days a week Serving San Diego County since 1991 Bath & Kitchen Remodeling Specialists 8454 Commerce Ave • San Diego, CA 92121 Showroom Hours: M-F 10-5, Sat. 10-4 License #657333 (858) 271-8434 Martin & Nicole Donnelly • Parishioners 882740 San Rafael Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Parish Directory Parish Staff Pastor: Msgr. Dennis L. Mikulanis (858)487-4314, ext. 1214 Pastoral Assistant: Deacon Ward Thompson (858)487-4314, ext. 1211 Business Manager: Deacon Ward Thompson (858)487-4314, ext. 1211 Bookkeeper: Maria Calhoun (858)487-4314, ext. 1212 Office Manager: Cheryl Danzl (858)487-4314, ext. 1226 Parish Secretary: Susan Van Winkle (858)487-4314, ext. 1201 Receptionist: Georgia Lyon (858)487-4314, ext. 1201 Wedding Coordinator, Sacristan, & Altar Servers: Jackie Phanco (858)487-4314, ext. 1227 Director of Music: Therese Bulat (858)487-4314, ext. 1225 Organist: Jim Thompson (858)487-4314, ext. 1228 Director of Catechetical Ministries: Chris O’Donnell (858)487-4314, ext. 1224 Religious Education Assistant: Maria Yam (858)487-0491 Youth Ministry Coordinator: Lailani Gachalian (858)487-4314, ext. 1217 Ministries & Organizations: AA (Mixed, Sat., 7:00 p.m.) (360)561-6177 AA (Mixed, Tues., 7:30 a.m.) (760)803-9997 AA (Men Only, Mon., 12:00 noon) (858)472-8988 Bereavement: Deacon Ward Thompson (858)487-4314, ext. 1211 Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County: Agnes Kopacz (858)592-6734 Communion to the Homebound: Mary Ann Russo Scott (858)382-8830 Contemplative Prayer Group: Audrey A. Spindler (858)740-9055 Co-Workers of Blessed Teresa: Robert & Rosa Santos (858)613-1078 Disability Facilitator:Paul Stempel (760)536-3376 Ecumenical/Interreligious: Patty Ann Born (858)451-0135 Engaged Encounter: Chris & Julie Moreau (619)729-5354 Eucharistic Ministers: Kay Agriesti “Evenings for the Engaged:” Bill/Terri Thinnes (858)487-9719 Family Cancer Support Ministry: Mary Comaratta (858)524-6556 Greeter Ministry: Noel Antoff (858)524-6313 Handbell Choir: Kathleen Sand (858)487-3814 Nicholas Heye (760)745-9672 “Heart-to-Heart” Uganda Project: Laurie Salts (858)592-9944 Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery: (619)264-3127 Holy Innocents Childrens’ Hospital, Mbarara, Uganda Lee Haney (858)487-2149 Interfaith Shelter Network: Joe Larkin (858)487-6463 Knights of Columbus #9710: Grand Knight Barry Nally (858) 231-3747 Knights of Columbus Fr. Joseph T O'Callahan Assembly: Faithful Navigator John Agriesti Lector Ministers: Deacon Ward Thompson (858)487-4314, ext. 1211 Marriage Encounter: John & Barbara Bertrand (858)674-4128 Mass Taxi: Ron or Maryann Lorenz (858)485-6696 Men’s Club: John Sumner (619)990-0574 Migrant Ministry: Maria Yam (858)487-0491 Ministry Council: Michael Kaine (858)212-1229 Mother’s Spirituality Group: Bev Rossio (858)487-3070 Parish Health Ministry: Contact parish office (858)487-4314 Preschool Coordinator: Paula Rahall (858)613-0521 May Pidding (858)436-5999 Pro-Life Coordinator: Richard & Aida Estrada (858)888-5162 RCIA Coordinators: Bill & Mary Phillips (858)674-4824 Retrouvaille: Sam & Margie Guerra (951)259-9474 Serra Club: Dave Keeney (858)487-6674 Social Interests Ministry: Lynn Leclercq (858) 592-0527 or (858)922-0874 Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Joanna McClure (858)487-2008 Usher Ministry: Jerry Antoff (858)524-6313 Welcoming Committee: Lea Gomez (858)487-2834 Women’s Fellowship: Ann Sturken (858)487-2677 Yarn Ministry Coordinators: Barbara Birchim (858)487-5376 Susan Van Winkle (858)451-5571
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